Cocoa is. Cocoa powder - what it is made from, beneficial properties and harm, use in cooking and folk medicine

Chocolate is loved by everyone, and everyone knows that it is made from cocoa beans that grow on the evergreen chocolate tree.

Where do beans grow?

Cocoa beans grow in subequatorial countries with a warm and highly humid climate. Most of these are South American countries.

The centers of production have long been Ecuador and Venezuela. As popularity grew in European countries, plantations of chocolate trees began to increase. This is how the cultivation of cocoa beans began in Indonesia and throughout the African continent.

Today, African countries account for 69% of the world's cocoa bean crop. Second place goes to d’Ivoire – 30%

The largest producers of cocoa beans are the following countries:

  • Indonesia;
  • ganna;
  • Brazil;
  • Ecuador;
  • Cameroon;
  • Nigeria;
  • Malaysia;
  • Colombia.

Growing conditions and harvesting of cocoa

The chocolate tree is quite capricious about weather conditions. He needs a temperature no higher than plus twenty-eight and no lower than plus twenty-one degrees. It is adversely affected by high humidity and exposure to sunlight. The chocolate tree produces fruit all year round. Two crops are harvested a year - before the arrival of the rainy season and at the end of it.

Harvesting cocoa is a labor-intensive and exhausting process. It is done manually using machetes and special knives attached to poles. The fruits are not attached to the branches, but to the trunk of the chocolate tree. They are berry-shaped in shape, with longitudinal grooves, with ridges between them. The fruits are cut and the seeds are removed. They are dried on special trays for two to nine days.

The technology of growing and producing cocoa beans in each country occurs differently. Africa is dominated by small enterprises, while America is dominated by large plantations.

Taste, aroma and color depend on the place of growth, harvesting characteristics, and bean processing technology. Cocoa varieties are named by country of origin. For example: “Cameroon”, “Ganna”, “Brazil”, etc. Cocoa production is increasing every year. Let's look at the statistics of this growth.

Production of cocoa beans in the world

Year Tons
1980 1671
1900 2532
2010 4231

In order to expand the palette of taste and aroma, in recent years production has used blends that combine the most noble, expensive varieties and more affordable ones. Cocoa is not only tasty, but also a healthy product, loved by both children and adults.

Hi all!

And again I can’t pass up superfoods)

I am coming across more and more information about these “super” foods, numerous studies of which have determined their extraordinary benefits for the body and the ability to heal all diseases.

And today we will talk about the cocoa that is familiar and familiar from childhood.

It turns out that now it is called “the food of all times and peoples”)))

So what are the benefits of cocoa, why is it a superfood and how often should you consume it?

From this article you will learn:

How is cocoa good for our health?

What is cocoa?

Cocoa is an evergreen tropical tree of the Malvaceae genus, which is cultivated to produce seeds - beans used in the confectionery industry, medicine and cosmetology.

The same word refers to both the fruits themselves and the powder made from them.

The plant is also called the “chocolate tree”.

The homeland of cocoa is Central America, but now it is grown in all subequatorial countries; the tree bears fruit twice a year.

The collected beans are ground, pressed and cocoa butter is obtained, the main ingredient in chocolate and some cosmetic and pharmaceutical products.

Cocoa powder is what remains after the press; bean husks are also used and turned into agricultural feed.

Composition and beneficial properties of cocoa

Most often, we can buy cocoa in powder form, from which an amazing tonic drink is prepared and used in the confectionery industry, in home and salon cosmetology.

The popularity of this product is based on its accessibility, delicious taste and smell, and, of course, beneficial properties, which have given various researchers the reason to call cocoa a “super food.”

  • Very rich in antioxidants

Of particular interest are the large number of powerful antioxidants it contains. These are compounds that plants produce to protect their cells from the negative effects of heat, air, light, and humidity.

In the human body, these compounds prevent the formation of reactive oxygen species that cause cell destruction and thus protect them from aging and various diseases.

There are more of them in cocoa than in real red wine!!! They also provide the detoxifying properties of the powder.

  • Contains polyphenols
  • Rich in vitamins and minerals

Cocoa contains a lot of various vitamins, micro and macroelements. I would especially like to mention folic acid, potassium, magnesium and calcium.

The work of internal organs, muscles, and nervous activity of cells depends on the last three elements; magnesium especially affects the ability of the body and nervous system to cope with stress.

The effect of cocoa on mood

Have you noticed more than once that as soon as you eat good chocolate, your mood lifts?

This is connected not only with psychology, it is cocoa that contains various compounds that promote the production of serotonin and endorphins, thanks to which we experience extraordinary inspiration, increased strength, a surge of energy and good mood.

These chemicals tell the brain to “happy,” so even the smell of chocolate makes us smile happily.

And the taste and smell of confectionery chocolate products is a universal aphrozodiac, it’s not for nothing that lovers love it so much.

In this sense, cocoa affects women more than men; this is due to the characteristics of female physiology.

So there is nothing prejudiced about relieving stress with a cup of aromatic drink, and during periods of stress, PMS, physical exhaustion, and increased colds, it is simply a must))

Cocoa also helps reduce pain of a wide variety of types and tones the body, increasing performance.

And it stimulates the central nervous system much more gently than coffee.

What are the benefits of cocoa - video

Application options for cocoa powder

Cocoa drink

The best way to cook cocoa is with milk.

We heat the volume of milk you need and gradually pour cocoa into the hot milk: it all depends on your taste, for me one tablespoon is enough for a large 300 ml mug.

Stir constantly to prevent lumps from forming and then bring to a boil.

Sugar or to taste.

And of course, cocoa can be added to baked goods, cereals and your morning smoothie.

Face masks

Since I believe that the most useful cosmetics are what we eat, I often make various “edible” masks, including for the face and hair.

I gave one of the recipes in this, and also described in great detail how to use cocoa on the face

Cocoa has not been ignored either; popular rumor promises that it will help strengthen hair follicles and therefore solve the problem of hair loss.

I don’t know about the long-term effect, but the sensation is pleasant and the smell is extraordinary.

I mix olive oil, cocoa, kefir (one tablespoon each) and one yolk, rub thoroughly into the scalp and leave for 15 minutes. It doesn't wash off very quickly, of course)

Chocolate wrap

Well, my favorite is chocolate wrap.

Its properties provide the effect of moisturizing and nourishing the skin, in addition, excess water and toxins are removed. Due to this, if you do such wraps constantly, you can improve the condition of problem areas.

Please note the contraindications: pregnancy and high blood pressure, varicose veins, colds, fever, skin wounds.

Take a glass of hot water with pharmaceutical herbs (I prefer chamomile), or milk, mix cocoa into it until it reaches the consistency of sour cream and you can add another 3-4 drops of essential oil, such as orange.

We apply all this to problem areas and wrap in cling film for half an hour. Ready!

Cacao butter

Surely you have long known that oil is obtained from cocoa fruits, famous for its wonderful cosmetic and health properties.

Harm and contraindications to the use of cocoa

I will surprise you, but cocoa itself is not harmful.

Yes, it is high in calories, so frequent consumption of hot drinks and chocolates can significantly increase weight, but there is nothing harmful in it.

The whole problem lies in the additional ingredients that are added during the production of chocolate and other sweet products using cocoa.

In the unsanitary conditions in which this powder is sometimes made, in the pesticides that are used to treat cocoa trees.

Therefore, the key to the usefulness of this product will be its quality: buy the most expensive and proven powder without impurities and make dishes from it yourself!

I choose this organic cocoa powder and recommend it to everyone!

Have a great mood everyone and meet us for a cup of cocoa.

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!

There is not a single person who would not try chocolate. As you know, chocolate is made from the seeds of the cocoa tree - cocoa beans. That's why it is called the "Chocolate Tree".

The cocoa tree is ever green and belongs to the Malvaceae family, a class of dicotyledons. Its name comes from the ancient Greek Theobroma, which means “Food of the Gods”.

This tree probably really lives up to its name, because chocolate has become popular in Europe since the 17th century, and in its homeland it has been consumed for more than 3,500 years.

Primitive with... Amazing...

Chocolates, bars, hot drinks, shavings, truffles and nutritious cocoa spread are top sellers these days. You can find chocolate bars with the taste of malt, vanilla, caramel, with various additives in the form of nuts and raisins. Cocoa butter is used in cosmetics, confectionery and medicine. The word cocoa itself is of Aztec origin kakahuatl, with roots in Olmec and Mayan words.

Today, the cultivated cocoa tree grows in tropical regions of Africa, America and Oceania. There are practically no cocoa trees left in the wild. Africa now supplies 69% of the world's cocoa production. Ghana is one of the largest cocoa suppliers on the world market. Accra, the capital of Ghana, has the largest cocoa market in Africa.

The cocoa tree is quite tall, there are specimens up to 15 meters, but on average the height of fruit-bearing trees is 6 meters, this makes harvesting easier. The trunk is straight, up to 30 cm in diameter, with yellowish wood and brown bark. The crown is wide and dense. The leaves are oblong-elliptical, thin, entire, alternate, evergreen, up to 40 cm long and up to 15 cm wide with short petioles.

Branches and leaves grow best in the sunny side, but cocoa does not like direct sunlight. Therefore, trees grow better in mixed plantings with bananas, mangoes, coconuts, and rubber trees. The tree is quite capricious and requires careful care, is afraid of many diseases and needs to be harvested manually.

The tree bears fruit all year round. The first flowers and fruits appear at 5-6 years old, and continue to bear fruit for 30-80 years. Small pinkish-white flowers in clusters grow directly from the large branches and bark of the tree. Pollination of flowers occurs not by bees, but by woodlice midges. Fruits hang on tree trunks. The fruit resembles an elongated melon, pumpkin or large cucumber. Fully matures within 4 months. The fruits are 30 cm long, 5-20 cm in diameter with 10 grooves and weigh 300-600 g each, which gives 30-50 beans. The bean shell is leathery, dense, yellow, red or orange. The bean itself is 2-2.5 cm long and 1.5 cm in diameter. The harvest is harvested 2 times a year. Trees produce the most beans after 12 years of life. But the first harvest is considered the highest quality.

Ripe fruits are collected using machetes or knives on long poles. The fruits are cut into 2 or 4 parts. The seeds are removed from the pulp by hand. Dry on banana leaves, special trays or closed boxes for 2-9 days to ferment the fruit. If the beans are dried in the sun, the cocoa will have a bittersweet and tart taste, which is valued less than that obtained from drying it covered.

The seeds have an oily taste, brownish-purple color and a pleasant smell. The sorted seeds are cleaned, fried and separated from the parchment shell, crushed and passed through several sieves to obtain a high-quality powder. The fried crumbs are ground to a thick, stretchy mass, which, when cooled, produces dark chocolate. By adding vanilla, sugar, milk powder and various additives to this mixture, chocolate is obtained, which is sold for sale. The parchment shell from the beans is used as fertilizer.

The benefits of cocoa for people are invaluable; in addition to being a tasty product, it also has medicinal properties. It contains proteins, fiber, gum, alkaloids, theobromine, fat, starch, and coloring matter. Theobromine has a tonic property, so it is successfully used in medicine. It has been scientifically proven that theobromine can successfully treat diseases of the throat and larynx, upper respiratory tract, and fever. Cocoa restores and refreshes strength and has a calming effect on people. It normalizes heart function and is used to prevent diseases such as myocardial infarction and stroke. Cocoa butter is used to treat hemorrhoids.

But keep in mind that cocoa also has contraindications; it can be harmful. Since cocoa is harmful to use in case of increased stomach acidity, constipation, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, liver and kidney diseases. Cocoa should not be given to children under 3 years of age. It is also not advisable to drink cocoa at night. But, nevertheless, chocolate is the most favorite delicacy of people in all countries. This is the “record” chocolate bar made in Armenia in 2010. It is made from cocoa beans imported from Ghana. Its length is 5.6 m, width - 2.75 m, height 25 cm, and weight is almost 4.5 tons. This chocolate bar took 4 days to make.

In Russia, cocoa trees can only grow in greenhouses and winter gardens at a temperature of 21-28°C. It is propagated by cuttings and seeds. There are mainly 2 types of beans: “Criollo” and “Forastero.” “Criollo” has a special aroma and high quality beans. "Forastero" has a strawberry flavor. From these two varieties, the “Trinitario” variety was selectively created, which is now also quite common among lovers of exotic plants.

Video: Cocoa tree. How...

For many people, cocoa is a childhood drink that brings back nostalgic memories. The most valuable thing about this drink is its extraordinary taste, as well as its delicate foam. Let's turn to history. Cocoa became famous in Europe only in the Middle Ages, despite the fact that cocoa beans were popular much earlier. The fact is that cocoa beans themselves acquire a characteristic aroma only after technological processing. Cocoa is a specific product. You need to buy it only from trusted suppliers and understand the varieties.

How to choose the right cocoa?

Cocoa is assessed by the condition of the packaging, appearance, aroma, and taste. Traces of caking and lumps in the pack are completely unacceptable. When rubbed with your fingers, the powder should not crumble, there should be no grains, the color should be rich. When purchasing this product, you must ensure that the manufacturer is the country in which the chocolate tree grows, because resellers may violate the processing technology of cocoa beans, thereby depriving them of their beneficial properties. Sometimes they even add prohibited synthetic additives to the finished product, which will not bring any benefit to our body.

What types of cocoa are there?

There are three main types of cocoa commercially available.

The first is industrial cocoa, which is grown using numerous fertilizers.

The second is organic industrial cocoa, it is grown without the use of any fertilizers. This type of cocoa is considered much more valuable than the first type.

The third is live cocoa of high quality and value. This species is collected from wild trees by hand. The properties of living cocoa are unique. But it is difficult for a simple unprepared buyer to understand what quality product he is purchasing.

Let's figure out whether cocoa drink is as safe as it seems at first glance? There are some things that all lovers of this drink need to know.

Cocoa is a fairly nutritious and high-calorie product: 100 grams of cocoa beans account for 400 kcal. A small cup of drink already causes a feeling of satiety, and it is difficult to drink more than two cups of cocoa. The best thing to do is drink 1 cup in the morning.

There are quite often conflicting rumors about cocoa on the Russian market. Many traders claim that low-quality powder is sold to Russians. We cannot judge this because we do not have any evidence. Let's just say that allergies to cocoa products are quite common, and it is no coincidence that this product is excluded from the diet of nursing mothers. This is due to the presence of chitin (a highly allergenic substance) in the composition.

But, despite the disadvantages, the drink contains a large number of advantages.

The first one is obvious: after drinking a cup, we notice that our mood improves. The fact is that cocoa contains phenylephylamine, a natural antidepressant. Cocoa can charge us with energy in the morning, even though it contains less caffeine than coffee. Since cocoa is a high-calorie product, it provides great energy for the whole day.

Cocoa contains vitamins, protein, and vitamins, which are necessary during pregnancy.

The benefit of cocoa also lies in the ability to produce endorphin in our body - the “hormone of joy”. Cocoa also contains a pigment - melanin, which protects our skin from harmful ultraviolet rays.

Cocoa contains a lot of procyanidins, which are responsible for healthy, elastic skin. Cocoa is beneficial for hypertensive patients: the drink helps lower blood pressure.

The nutritional benefits of cocoa are appreciated by cosmetologists and cosmetic companies. The properties of cocoa are used in shampoos: they give shine and a healthy look to hair. Creams contain cocoa. SPA salons also offer massages and body wraps.

When discussing the issue of the benefits and harms of cocoa, we can only rely on our taste, as well as the integrity of the producers. If you are a cocoa lover, continue to enjoy the drink and have fun.

Cocoa- the same overseas guest in Russia as potatoes, corn, tomatoes, sunflowers and many other plants. However, this plant and its beneficial properties were known to the indigenous inhabitants of the American continent thousands of years ago. The Indians knew how to prepare an aromatic, bitter drink from the seeds of the cocoa tree, which gave them strength and improved their mood. They called this drink “bitter water”, which in their language is similar to the word “chocolate”.

Now let's talk a little about the cocoa tree itself. Cocoa is native to the tropical rainforests of Central and South America. It is a short evergreen tree, but its wild species grow up to twelve meters in height and live for a hundred years. Cultivated varieties of cocoa, developed over time, are much lower than their counterparts from the tropics.

Already in the seventeenth century, the chocolate tree began to be specially grown on plantations, as it was very popular.

The tree blooms and bears fruit all year round, but the main harvest is harvested only twice a year - in autumn and spring. When flowering, a small flower is formed, with a diameter of only one centimeter, very similar to an orchid. The cocoa fruit grows directly on the trunk and weighs 500 grams, and ripens within five months. As the fruit ripens, the color changes from green to yellow to orange-red tones. The inside of the fruit is no less interesting. In its five chambers 50-60 seeds ripen.

Cocoa fruits are harvested by hand using long machete knives. After harvesting, the fruits are left for five days to ferment. After this period, the seeds become less bitter and acquire a specific cocoa aroma. Next, the seeds are dried, packed in bags and sent for further processing, production of chocolate products and cocoa powder.

What is cocoa?

Cocoa is a powder or bars made from roasted beans extracted from the fruit of the Theobroma Cacao tree. 1,500 BC, the Indians of Central America - the Olmecs - first prepared a thick, spicy, dark brown drink from these fruits. It was they who “domesticated” the cocoa tree and gave the drink the name “kakawa”. Later, in Europe, cocoa was dubbed the “food of the gods.”

Today, cocoa trees grow in 12 countries around the world in the equatorial part of the Earth. It is used to make not only cocoa drink, one of children’s favorite delicacies, but also hot chocolate, an exquisite gourmet dessert, as well as chocolate bars, the most famous confectionery product in the world.

Cocoa or hot chocolate?

Those who have ever tried real cocoa inevitably wonder: how is it different from hot chocolate? We are talking here not about the cocoa that we are used to buying in the store, but about natural cocoa, made from cocoa paste or cocoa powder without any impurities or treatments. After all, as you know, chocolate is also made from cocoa, so is there any difference between them?

It turns out that there really is no difference between these drinks. If you follow the tradition of cocoa drinking, which originated in ancient Mexico, then “chocolate” and “cocoavo” are different names for the same drink made from cocoa beans. Want to see this for yourself? Make cocoa from real cocoa paste!

Useful properties of cocoa butter

Some properties of chocolate were described back in the 17th century. It was then determined that one ounce (30 grams) of chocolate can replace one pound of meat (453.6 grams) in nutritional value. In addition, the attention of scientists was attracted by the properties of chocolate as an aphrodisiac.

Many of the beneficial properties of cocoa are due to the special oil contained in the beans. Thanks to him:

  1. Cocoa helps increase the level of antioxidants in the blood - substances that regulate glucose metabolism in the body and prolong human life;
  2. There are much more antioxidants in cocoa than in Chinese green tea and red wine, so cocoa can rightfully be called a drink of youth and strength!
  3. Cocoa stabilizes blood pressure and improves the functioning of blood vessels, reducing the risk of heart disease. The alkaloid theobromine contained in the drink (similar in composition to caffeine) stimulates cardiac activity and dilates the blood vessels of the heart and bronchi. Theobromine can also suppress long-standing painful coughs after viral infections and pulmonary diseases.
  4. Japanese researchers have isolated antibacterial substances in this drink that prevent the development of caries!
  5. Studies have shown that the substances contained in cocoa butter act as an antitumor agent, reducing the risk of developing cancer with regular use. They also reduce the likelihood of developing a disease such as osteoporosis, which occurs against the background of a decrease in estrogen levels during menopause in women.
  6. By stimulating collagen synthesis, cocoa butter has a beneficial effect on human skin. This therapeutic effect is due to the combined effects (estrogenic and antioxidant) of cocoa butter flavanols.

Which cocoa should I buy?

You can prepare real cocoa yourself and at home. The most important thing is to buy natural ingredients, because both the taste and healthfulness of the finished drink will largely depend on them.

Cocoa paste

If you want to try real cocoa, then experts recommend buying cocoa paste. Cocoa paste resembles the chocolate we are used to in appearance and smell. A drink made from cocoa paste is most saturated with cocoa butter, which means it has the greatest number of beneficial properties and vitamins.

You can also use cocoa powder to make cocoa. But it can also be different. As a rule, you can buy instant cocoa powder in packs in stores. It is more popular for making cocoa at home, as it easily dissolves in water.
For comparison, you can try cocoa made from natural cocoa powder. It is of high quality, it contains much more cocoa butter than regular cocoa powder, which can be bought in any store, which means more useful substances. But natural cocoa powder is insoluble - it must be boiled, just like cocoa paste.

It is very easy to distinguish high-quality cocoa powder: when rubbed between your fingers, it does not completely fall off like dust, but remains on your fingers. In this case, the grinding should be very fine, without grains. The structure of cocoa is somewhat reminiscent of powder.

How to drink cocoa?

The Indians of Central America brewed cocoa very thick. First, the grains were ground and mixed with water and spices: cinnamon, cloves, cayenne pepper. Cornmeal was added for nutrition and thickness. They drank the drink cold and whipped until foamy. For the Emperor, agave juice was a mandatory component; Europeans replaced it with sugar. Cocoa was cooked exclusively in copper vessels - only in copper does cocoa not burn and acquires its refined taste.

Europeans experimented with cocoa, adding sugar, milk, eggs, cherries, coffee, etc. Either they diluted it with additional water, or vice versa - they cooked it with a double portion of cocoa powder. Thanks to all these searches, we now have milk chocolate, candies with fillings, all kinds of hot cocoa drinks and chocolate shakes.

Today, cocoa is prepared in much the same way as it was hundreds of years ago. Cocoa paste is also melted in a copper bowl and lightly whipped. But, unlike the Indians, we drink the drink hot. To do this, melted cocoa paste is poured with milk heated to room temperature. This cocoa is the real hot chocolate!

You can add sugar to taste, spices or other ingredients (for example, bananas), because to this day cocoa remains a fertile product for culinary fantasies and extraordinary gourmet recipes.

Cocoa with milk

One tablespoon of cocoa is added to a glass of cold milk (2.5% or 3.5% fat). Sugar is added to taste, but on average 1 teaspoon. From spices, you can choose vanilla or cinnamon, whatever you like. Bring the milk very slowly to a boil and immediately remove from the heat. The drink is drunk hot.

Cocoa mocha

Mix one tablespoon of cocoa with a teaspoon of coffee, a teaspoon of sugar and nutmeg. Pour a glass of cold water and slowly bring to a boil. Add cream to taste. Alternatively, you can cook it in milk.

So, cocoa is a drink that will cheer you up in bad weather and make you forget about problems and worries. It is believed to bestow wisdom and tranquility, and is also a source of inner strength. With it, your words and ideas turn into actions, your mind becomes clear, and your emotions take on new shades. And this is not all that cocoa, the real drink of the gods, is capable of.

Experience all the magical properties of cocoa for yourself! You won’t even notice how you will be charged with strength and energy, your feelings will flare up, and the world will sparkle with bright colors. After all, the gods who gave us cocoa know how to return the joy of life to mere mortals...

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