How to make hard-boiled eggs. How to properly boil eggs so that they are easy to peel and tasty. Three ways to cook scrambled eggs in the microwave

Methods for hard-boiling eggs so they don't burst and are easy to peel.

Eggs are the most popular and sought-after product on our table. We fry them, boil them, and use them to make baked goods, sauces and soups. As Easter approaches, everyone is stocking up on eggs to turn them into Easter eggs or krashankas.

How to boil eggs with salt so that they don’t burst and are easy to peel: recipe

There are many ways to cook the product. Hard-boiled eggs are extremely popular. But many people like it soft-boiled or in a bag. Very often the shell breaks and the contents leak out. It is very disappointing when an egg bursts during coloring. In this case, the dye gets inside and colors the edible part.

Ways to boil eggs so they don't burst:

  • Most often, the product that is very fresh bursts. To determine freshness, you need to lower the egg into a jar of water. If it sinks to the bottom, it means it's fresh. If it comes up, then no.
  • Therefore, you need to be careful with fresh eggs. Do not put them in boiling water after immediately taking them out of the refrigerator. The temperature difference will cause the shell to burst.
  • Pour cold water into a container and add salt. A tablespoon per 1000 ml of liquid is required. Immerse the product in this solution and cook over low heat.
  • Once the water approaches boiling, turn the heat to medium and simmer for about 12 minutes after boiling.
  • After cooking, do not rush to pour ice water into the container. Pour in liquid at room temperature. This will make it easier for the shell to separate from the egg.
  • After 10 minutes, you can lower the temperature of the water by replacing it in the pan with the eggs with cold water.
  • In this case, the yolk will most likely have a green tint. But if you care not about the taste of the egg, but about the integrity of the shell, then cook according to this principle.

At what temperature should eggs be cooked so that they do not burst and are easy to peel?

In general, many recommend putting the product directly into boiling water. In this case they will taste better. The yolk will not turn green. But there is also another side to the coin. When the temperature changes, the shell bursts, that is, there can be no talk of coloring. But if you need a whole and tasty egg, then you should adhere to certain cooking rules:

  • Before preparing the product, keep it at room temperature for an hour.
  • Put the water on the fire and add a spoonful of salt and baking soda. As soon as the liquid boils, immerse the product in it and as soon as the water begins to boil again, reduce the heat.
  • Cook for 10 minutes over very low heat. After this, place the container under cold running water.

How to boil hard-boiled eggs in a slow cooker?

Many housewives use a multicooker for cooking. You can place the eggs in a sieve or colander and place them over a container of boiling water. Steamed eggs do not knock against each other and do not burst. And the temperature of the steam is not high at first.

  • In a multicooker, the product must be cooked for 10 minutes using the steaming attachment.

How to cool eggs after boiling so they are easy to peel?

Eggs that are not very fresh are easy to peel. Therefore, for cooking, it is recommended to take a product that has been stored for about 5-7 days. If you cook a product fresh from a chicken, you will not be able to remove the shell easily. When purchasing eggs in a supermarket, you can safely boil them. Since from the moment the chicken laid them until they hit the store shelves, an average of 7-10 days pass. If you have your own chickens, then it is better not to boil fresh eggs. Keep them in the refrigerator for about a week.

Rules for cooling eggs:

  • Do not rush to pour ice water over the eggs, pour out the boiling water and add water at room temperature.
  • After heating this liquid, pour in colder water. Wait 2 minutes again.
  • Drain and add ice water. This way you can easily remove the shell.
  • There is a rather unusual way of boiling eggs. In this case, they do not crack, and the skin is removed quite easily.
  • Using a needle or awl, make a small hole on the side where the air cushion is located.
  • Do not immerse the needle or awl deeply, as this will pierce the chamber and the egg will leak out during cooking.

With Easter approaching, many housewives are going to boil eggs for salads, snacks and, of course, coloring. In order not to ruin your mood and not throw a lot of protein product into the trash along with the shell, listen to our advice.


  • Buy fresh and homemade eggs for baking. They are not the same size and look different from each other.
  • For coloring and snacking, buy eggs labeled "C" from the supermarket. This means a table egg. It can be stored for up to 25 days in the cold.
  • Check the freshness of the egg before cooking. To do this, immerse the product in cold salted water. If it doesn’t float, the egg is not the freshest. Ideally, for cooking you need to take eggs that are in the middle. That is, they do not sink and do not float.
  • Before pouring water into the pan, place the eggs in it. It is necessary that they are tightly located to each other. In this case, they will not hang around the pan and the risk of cracks is reduced.
  • Try boiling eggs in a slow cooker or steaming them. This way they don’t burst and the taste of the product is very delicate. It is quite difficult to digest eggs in a double boiler; the yolk does not turn blue within 15 minutes of cooking.

  • You should not cook the product for a very long time. After 30 minutes of cooking, these eggs are not suitable for consumption.
  • If you want to poach eggs, cook them for 5 minutes over medium heat. The white will cook and the yolk will thicken and become creamy.
  • After about 7 minutes of cooking, the egg turns hard, but the yolk is quite soft.
  • In order to get a hard-boiled egg, you need to cook it for 9-11 minutes after boiling over low heat.
  • You can use an egg cooker or cook eggs in a slow cooker by setting a timer.
  • If you don't have the time or ability to monitor the cooking process, immerse the eggs in cold water and bring to a boil. Turn off the heat and cover the pan with a lid. Leave for 25 minutes. This time is enough for the eggs to be hard-boiled.

You can experiment and determine the ideal cooking time yourself. Usually it takes 10-12 minutes to cook eggs for salad.

Even the simplest culinary manipulations require a certain degree of care and attention. But once we learn the rational way, we will boil eggs for the rest of our lives without thinking about how we do it.

How to properly boil an egg?

By the way, I always thought that I knew how to boil eggs. What could be simpler? Place in boiling water, add salt so that the eggs do not crack (and if they do, so that the white does not leak out), and adhere to the following temporary regime:

  • boil the egg soft-boiled - 3-3.5 minutes
  • boil the egg in a bag - 4-6 minutes
  • hard boil the egg - 8-10 minutes

After maintaining this time over medium heat, remove the eggs from the heat and place under cold water to make them easier to peel. That, in fact, is the whole technology, but...


♦ how to cook eggs correctly and rationally

What you need first is to remember a few rules.

1. Never boil eggs straight from the refrigerator because cold eggs are likely to burst if immersed in hot water.

2. Use a kitchen timer. Trying to guess the time, or remember to look at the clock, you will not achieve the desired degree of “cookiness”.

3. The pan should preferably be small, because if you boil several eggs in a large pan, they may break against each other.

How to boil an egg without cracking?

Pierce the egg with a thick needle from the blunt side.

4. At the blunt end of the eggs, inside, there is a pad where air collects. Usually, during boiling, pressure there increases, and as a result, the egg may crack. To avoid this, pierce the egg with a needle and let the steam escape.

5. Never put eggs on strong “fast” heat, cook on medium. If you don't use a timer, don't cook the eggs for too long - the yolks may turn black and literally become rubbery.

6. If the eggs are very fresh (less than four days), they will take a little longer - about 30 seconds.

How to soft boil an egg in a bag with a timer

First of all, we need a small saucepan in which to boil water. To boil an egg, cover it with 1 cm of water.

Quickly but carefully lower the egg into the water, or if there are several eggs, then one at a time. Set the timer and let the eggs cook in the boiling water for exactly 1 minute.

Then remove the pan from the heat, cover with a lid and set the timer again.

  • To soft-boiled egg(a fairly runny yolk and a set but runny white), you will need 6 minutes timing.
  • To boiled egg in a bag(runny yolk and firm white), you will need 7 minutes timing.

How to boil a soft-boiled egg in a bag - an alternative method

Place the eggs in a saucepan, fill them with cold water, covering them by about 1 cm, set the heat to high, and once the boiling point is reached, reduce it. Then we follow the clock hand or set a timer:

  • 3-4 minutes if boiling a soft-boiled egg (more liquid and less liquid)
  • 5 minutes if we boil the egg in a bag (fully boiled white and slightly runny yolk).

How to hard boil an egg

Please note that very fresh eggs, if boiled, are difficult to peel. Therefore, recommendation number 1: use at least five days from the date on the package.

Now about how to cook. The method is as follows: place the eggs in a saucepan and add about 1 cm of cold water. Bring the water to a boil and set the timer for 6 minutes if you want a slightly runny yolk, or 7 minutes to get a completely hard-boiled egg.

  • 6 minutes - “cool bag”
  • 7 minutes - hard-boiled egg

Then remove from heat and cool under running water for about 1 minute, then place in a bowl of cold water for another 2 minutes to cool completely.

How to peel a hard-boiled egg

The best way is to do this under running water. Break the shell and then, holding the egg under running water, peel it, starting from the wide end. Water will wash away everything unnecessary. Then you need to keep the egg in cold water for a little longer. If you don't cool it completely, it will be overcooked - you can see this by the black rings on the white.

How to boil quail eggs

Quail eggs for boiling should also not be too fresh. Unlike chicken ones, they do not burst in boiling water.

To hard-boil quail eggs, you will need 5 minutes, starting from the boiling point, over medium heat. To soft-boil, 1 minute is enough. Then cool quickly and peel as above.

  • Boil a quail egg soft-boiled - 1 minute
  • Boil a quail egg hard - 5 minutes

Many people think there is nothing easier than boiling eggs. Just put them in a pan of boiling water and wait a little. Not so simple. Therefore, I will tell you how to boil a soft-boiled egg, hard-boiled, in a bag.

Even simple culinary manipulations need attention and care. With the help of tips and observations, you will learn how to cook eggs correctly and efficiently. To do this, follow a few rules.

  • You cannot boil eggs that have been stored in the refrigerator before cooking. They will burst in hot water.
  • Be sure to use a kitchen timer. Some housewives guess the time, as a result, boiled eggs do not correspond to the degree of readiness.
  • Use a small saucepan for cooking. In a large container they will break.
  • Eggs often crack during cooking. There is an air cushion on the blunt side; as the temperature increases, the pressure increases, which leads to the appearance of cracks. This can be avoided by piercing with a needle in this place.
  • Do not turn on high heat. Medium heat is sufficient for cooking. If you do not use a clock or timer during cooking, I do not recommend cooking for a long time, as the yolks will turn out black and rubbery.
  • Don't forget that fresh eggs take longer to cook. An egg that is less than four days old is considered fresh.

You have learned the simple rules for boiling eggs. Next, we will talk about cooking in various ways and cooking times.

How to boil a soft-boiled egg

Making boiled eggs seems like a simple and quick process. Indeed, boiled eggs are the simplest and fastest dish, which takes a few minutes to prepare.

Not every novice cook knows how to soft-boil an egg. In practice, difficulties arise during the preparation process.

There are simple and clear rules, following which everything will work out.

  1. Do not cook immediately after removing from the refrigerator. A cold egg, once in boiling water, will burst instantly. The result will be something like an omelet.
  2. Remove from the refrigerator and leave on the table for a quarter of an hour. During this time they will warm up to room temperature. This temperature difference is harmless to the shell.
  3. If you want to cook soft-boiled, use a clock, as every minute is extremely important in cooking.
  4. I recommend using small dishes for cooking, otherwise during the cooking process they will float in the water and collide with each other. The result is cracks.
  5. For proper soft-boiled cooking, place in a compact saucepan and add boiling water to cover the product by a centimeter. Then place the dishes on medium heat.
  6. After the water boils, cook for a minute. Then remove the pan from the stove and cover with a lid. I recommend removing it from the water after 7 minutes. The result will be eggs with cooked whites and runny yolks.

Fill with cold water before cooking. In this case, cook for three minutes after the water boils. At the same time, before the water boils, I recommend turning on high heat, and then reducing it to medium level.

Boil a hard-boiled egg

When people go outdoors or travel, they take food with them to refresh themselves. Usually the backpack contains sandwiches, sausage, cookies, a thermos of tea and boiled eggs.

Continuing the story, I will tell you the technology of hard-boiled cooking. I guess you have cooked this dish many times. Did you do it correctly?

Select good eggs. Place them in a pot of water and observe their behavior. For cooking, use those that float. As for the eggs at the bottom of the dish, they are rotten.


  1. Place in a saucepan and add water until it completely covers them. I recommend using cold water to avoid overcooking.
  2. Add some salt to the pan. This will make cleaning easier. Salt speeds up the coagulation of the protein, causing it to separate from the shell.
  3. Cover the pan with a lid and bring the water to a boil. Then turn off the stove, leaving the pan on it for fifteen minutes. During this time, the eggs will be cooked.
  4. Be sure to keep an eye on the time. If you overexpose them, they will lose color and develop an unpleasant odor. If you keep it in water for less time, you will get soft-boiled eggs.
  5. All that's left is to finish cooking. A simple technique allows you to verify the preparation. Place the product on the table and spin. If they spin well, it means the dish is ready. Otherwise, cook more.

Once cooking is complete, be sure to cool the eggs by filling them with cold water. Due to the temperature difference, the protein will separate from the shell. Just don't keep it in water for long. Eat the finished product or use it as an ingredient for preparing complex dishes. I add half a hard-boiled egg to a plate of borscht. Delicious.

How to boil an egg in a bag

Chicken eggs are an affordable and common product that has many fans. And no wonder, because they are very useful. Despite the fact that the product contains a lot of cholesterol, a chicken egg is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals that the body needs.

I will reveal the secret of cooking eggs in a bag. If you like soft-boiled, you will like the dish. I recommend using fresh product for preparation, otherwise you will not achieve the desired effect. Let's get started.

To prepare, you will need two eggs, a teaspoon of vinegar, one zucchini, a head of garlic, a couple of tomatoes and salt with spices. No expensive ingredients are provided, and the end result is a complete dish that rivals both pasta and meat.

  1. Bake the tomatoes and garlic in the oven. Then puree the ingredients, add salt and sprinkle with spices. Cut the zucchini into strips and fry in a frying pan.
  2. Pour water into a compact saucepan. Enough to fit a ladle. Bring the water to a boil, add a little salt and a spoonful of vinegar.
  3. Carefully crack the egg into the ladle, being careful not to damage the yolk. Then place in moderately boiling water.
  4. If you want a runny yolk, cook for a minute. To obtain a finished yolk, triple the cooking time. Do the same with the second testicle.
  5. Serve with roasted zucchini and garlic and tomato paste.

Video recipe

As you can see, it doesn’t take a lot of time or fancy ingredients to prepare a culinary masterpiece, but it turns out delicious. Head to the kitchen and recreate the treat.

How to boil an egg with the yolk facing out

The technique is based on the characteristics of the yolk, which is denser and heavier than the white. To prepare, you will need a raw egg, tape, nylon tights, a flashlight, ice and boiling water.

  • Shine a flashlight through a raw egg. Remember the color because you will need this information later. Cover the entire surface with tape.
  • Place in tights and tie a knot on each side. Then twist for several minutes, holding the tights with your hands on both sides.
  • Use a flashlight to shine the light again. If it has become darker than the first time, it means the protein has moved to the center and is ready for cooking.
  • Remove the egg from the tights and place it in boiling water along with the tape. After boiling for a few minutes, transfer to a bowl with ice. After cooling, the product is ready for cleaning. After peeling, you will be surprised that the white is inside the yolk.

Video cooking

If you get a completely yellow egg, it means that the spinning procedure in tights was short, and the white did not completely move to the center. Dont be upset. Over time, having gained experience and gotten better at it, you can cook such a non-standard dish without any problems.

How to poach an egg

Poached is an egg cooked in a bag with preliminary shelling. Commonly used to make salads, sandwiches and croutons. Although, it is also served as an independent dish along with sauce.

I'll tell you how to prepare it. I get evenly cooked whites and a loose and tender yolk. If you listen to the recommendations, you will achieve the same effect.

The whole secret of this delicious dish is to use fresh eggs that are no more than four days old. The old product spreads during cooking and becomes like a mess.

  1. Cook poached eggs in barely simmering water. Place a small low saucepan on low heat and pour 2.5 centimeters of boiling water from the kettle. Then add salt and a little vinegar. These ingredients will prevent the protein from spreading.
  2. Carefully crack the eggs into a bowl. Stir the boiling water with a spoon and pour into the funnel that forms. Cook for a minute.
  3. Remove the pan from the stove and leave in hot water for 10 minutes. After the time has passed, you will have ready-made poached eggs with beautiful whites and creamy yolks.
  4. All that remains is to remove it from the pan using a slotted spoon and place it on a paper towel to drain.

Serve eggs prepared according to this recipe with sauce. The ideal option is hollandaise sauce, for the preparation of which mix the yolks, lemon juice and butter. After thoroughly mixing, heat the sauce in a water bath.

Video recipe

Poached eggs are combined with sauces based on cheese, cream, wine or yogurt. And sauces containing herbs, garlic and pepper make the taste piquant. If you don't want to prepare the sauce, serve the dish with mayonnaise.

Hard-boiled eggs are great for cooking in a variety of dishes or as a protein-rich snack. However, as eggs cook, they may crack or their yolks may turn greenish. But there are ways to boil eggs that avoid this.


Boiling eggs on the stove

    Take the eggs and place them at the bottom of the pan. Place the eggs carefully so as not to break them. Do not put too many eggs in one dish (more than four layers).

    • If you don't know if the eggs you are boiling are fresh, place them in a pan of salted water. If the egg sinks to the bottom of the pan, then it is suitable for consumption, and if not, then most likely it is rotten.
    • To prevent eggs from cracking during cooking, place a piece of gauze on the bottom of the pan. However, this is not mandatory.
  1. Pour cold tap water into the pan until all the eggs are covered. Add a pinch of salt. While filling the pan with water, you can hold the eggs with your hand to prevent them from cracking.

    Place the pan over medium heat. Cover the pan with a lid to help the water boil a little faster; but if you want to monitor the cooking process, do not use the lid.

    • Using a wooden spoon, carefully spread the eggs throughout the pan to prevent them from cracking.
  2. As soon as the water in the pan boils, turn off the stove, but do not remove the pan from it. Don't touch the lid either. In 3-20 minutes the eggs will be ready (depending on whether you want them soft-boiled or hard-boiled).

    Carefully pour the hot water out of the pan or remove the eggs from the pan using a slotted spoon. Cool the eggs by running them under cold tap water or placing them in a pan of cold water (for 5 minutes).

    • Once the eggs have cooled, place them in the refrigerator for 20 to 30 minutes to separate the whites from the shells.
    • If you do not care about the appearance of the eggs after peeling them, do not put them in the refrigerator, but peel them immediately after cooling under cold water.
    • To check how well an egg is cooked, place it on the table and spin it: if it spins properly, then the egg is soft-boiled, and if not, then you should cook it some more.
  3. Peel the eggs. Before peeling, lightly hit the egg on the counter to crack the shell. It is better to start cleaning with the blunt end. There is a small depression there (under the shell) that will speed up cleaning. The easiest way to peel eggs is under cold running water.

    • To quickly peel eggs, place them in a pan, cover it with a lid, and then shake the pan so that the shells crack on all the eggs at the same time.
  4. Store peeled eggs in the refrigerator for no longer than 5 days. To do this, place them in a bowl and cover it with a plate or place the eggs in a sealable container. In both cases, place a wet paper towel over the eggs and change it daily to prevent the eggs from drying out.

    • You can also store eggs in cold water, which needs to be changed every day.
    • Hard-boiled eggs can be stored for a few days (in their shell), but they will likely dry out a bit. Therefore, it is better to store already peeled eggs in water or under a wet paper towel.


    Remove the bowl of hot water from the microwave (using a towel or mitten) and then use a slotted spoon to lower the eggs into the water.

    • Make sure each egg is completely covered with water.
  5. Don't throw eggs into water. So they can crack; Moreover, drops of hot water may get on you.

    • Remove the eggs from the water using a slotted spoon and cool them.
    • Place eggs in cold water or a bowl of ice (5 minutes) to chill.
    • Once the eggs have cooled, you can peel them or place them in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes to make peeling easier.

    In the refrigerator, store eggs under a damp paper towel or in water (change towels and water daily). Do not store boiled eggs in the refrigerator for more than 5 days.

    1. Problem solving If the yolk has a greyish-green tint, cook the eggs for less time.

Boiled eggs with this yolk are perfectly safe, but if they look unappetizing, boil the eggs for less time next time.
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Methods for hard-boiling eggs so they don't burst and are easy to peel.
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