How to brew Turkish coffee recipes. How to brew coffee in Turkish. Subtleties of preparing a drink with foam

In the 18th century, the great composer Johann Sebastian Bach wrote a surprisingly cheerful and bright work - “The Coffee Cantata”. Such an extraordinary ode was written by the musician to defend his favorite drink - conservative Germans opposed the widespread proliferation of coffee shops and even tried to ban coffee for women! There were many myths about the elixir of vigor in those days, but what could stand up to its delicious taste and invigorating properties?

Coffee lovers defended the rights to the aromatic elixir of vigor - the drink entered the diet of most of the world's population. However, the modern habit of people to do everything in a hurry has led to the emergence of a new problem: “How to properly brew Turkish coffee at home?”

Properly brewing an invigorating drink is a real art. However, if desired, anyone can learn, even in modest home conditions, to create coffee masterpieces.

You can prepare an amazingly tasty drink on a regular stove. It is enough to stock up on high-quality Turkish tea, clean drinking water and understand the basic principles of brewing. There are countless recipes for making coffee at home. They indicate how much and what varieties to use, what spices and additional ingredients to add. However, you can begin creative experiments only after learning the basics, otherwise you can ruin the taste of even the most exquisite varieties.

We select a Turkish woman

Turk is a classic utensil that allows you to brew coffee correctly. For thousands of years, the aromatic drink was brewed in copper, achieving the maximum development of taste.

Ceramic and clay

Gourmets who enjoy the process of preparing the elixir of vigor prefer to use a clay pot. The porous structure of the clay is thoroughly saturated with the taste and aroma of coffee grounds, so for each type it is necessary to have a separate brewing container.

Ceramic products are more versatile, but have a capricious nature - they are “afraid” of mechanical damage and require careful adherence to temperature conditions.

It is difficult to use ceramics and clay - one awkward move and your beloved Turk breaks down. Don't feel the need to go fancy and just want to make decent coffee every day? Then use a traditional copper cezve.

Copper Turks are ideal for preparing coffee masterpieces at home. The metal heats up evenly, allowing you to prepare the drink quite carefully. Using a cezve is easy - brewing does not take much time.

When brewing coffee in a pot with a narrow neck, it is important not to miss the moment of boiling, otherwise the coffee will “run away”

photo:, papa1266, muha04

Today there are thousands of ways to prepare and consume the drink: hot, warm and cold; with the addition of liqueurs, rum, cream, milk, nuts, ice cream, cinnamon, chocolate, ice and other ingredients; boiled in a Turk, or simply diluted with hot boiled water, instant freeze-dried.

Methods for making Turkish coffee

There is an opinion that this method was invented in Turkey. The drink is strong, but at the same time soft and pleasant to the taste. It is prepared over fire or hot sand in a special copper, brass or stainless steel vessel with a handle that tapers towards the top. This special utensil is called cezva or ibrik.

More aromatic coffee comes from freshly ground beans, so it is better to grind the required amount in a coffee grinder immediately before brewing. For 100 ml of strong drink, 2 teaspoons of ground product are required. You can’t boil coffee, and you can’t walk away while it’s brewing.

There are several ways to brew coffee:

1) Coffee and sugar to taste are poured into the Turk, the ingredients are poured with cold drinking water of good quality (up to the tapering part of the dish), the composition is not stirred, and heated over low heat until foam appears. As soon as it begins to rise, the Turk is carefully removed from the heat. Repeat the heating procedure up to three times.

2) The inside of the Turk is doused with boiling water. Coffee is added and hot water is added. Coffee should not float on the surface. Bring the drink until foaming over low or medium heat, carefully watching for the appearance of the first small bubbles, after which immediately remove from heat. Let the thick stuff settle to the bottom. After this, the drink can be consumed.

3) The water in the Turk is heated over low heat; when small bubbles appear at the bottom of the dish, coffee is added. Wait for bubbles at the top and along the walls and remove from heat.

4) Bring the water to a boil and remove from the heat. Stirring quickly, add coffee and sugar, wait until the resulting foam settles, and put the Turk on low heat. Bring the coffee until bubbles form and remove from heat.

Method of serving Turkish coffee

If you want coffee with it, then transfer it with a spoon from the Turkish cup into a cup; if without, then simply drain it. Before serving, the drink is allowed to stand in the cezve for half a minute. Pour the drink into small coffee cups and add sugar to taste if necessary. You can also pour the coffee into larger cups, add cream or milk and a little sugar.

Making coffee in Turkish is one of the oldest recipes. Even African nomads brewed the drink in copper water jugs with a handle and a small spout. Over time, the size of the jugs decreased for more convenient transportation and they received the name “dalla”. However, after the Turks learned about the wonderful taste of coffee, they modernized the dalla by narrowing its neck so that during brewing the drink would not lose its aroma and would not spill onto the sand. This is how the cezve, or, as it is called in Russia, the Turka, appeared, and coffee became the national Turkish drink.

With the classic cooking method, a small hole is created in the sand into which the cezve is placed, after which it is evenly sprinkled with sand up to the neck. Now an alternative to natural sand are electric sandboxes that recreate natural conditions. This method is considered the best, since sand allows you to heat the entire pot evenly, unlike an electric or gas stove. But you can also make Turkish coffee correctly on the stove if you know a few secrets.

The taste of the drink consists of five components:

  • Turkish size. A standard coffee cup has a volume of 70-100 ml, so when choosing a Turk, you need to calculate how many people the portion will serve;
  • Water purity. Boiled and hard water is not suitable for making coffee; it is better to take distilled water, always cold or even ice-cold;
  • Grinding degree. The grind should be as fine as flour or dust. Only then will it be able to form a dense foam in the neck of the Turka, which will allow the drink to retain its aroma;
  • Bean quality. The higher the quality of the beans, the less likely it is that errors in preparation will affect the taste;
  • The cooking process itself.
Three popular recipes for properly preparing Turkish coffee.
Of course, there are a lot of options for making Turkish coffee. For example, instead of sugar, you can add orange juice or zest, which gives the coffee an interesting sourness and unusual aroma. Instead of all the spices, you can add only black pepper - this combination will be especially invigorating. Coffee with cognac will help you warm up, and with ice it will save you from the heat. But regardless of the ingredients or their combination, the basic rules for making delicious coffee are to not let the drink boil, use good water and enjoy the brewing process.

Where does good morning begin? For some, from the kiss of a loved one, for others, from delicious scrambled eggs prepared according to your favorite recipe, and for others, from freshly ground brewed coffee. Just imagine... Morning. Music is playing quietly, a pot with a drink is simmering on the stove over low heat, and the whole house is filled with an amazing aroma. Isn't this the perfect morning?

So how to properly brew Turkish coffee at home to get a delicious drink? What small but important secrets do you need to know?

How to choose

Of course, delicious Turkish coffee will not come from low-quality raw materials. It is better to give preference to coffee beans. There are a lot of varieties, but the most popular are Arabica and Rabusta. The Arabica variety has a more delicate taste with a slight sourness. Rabusta is a less noble variety. But thanks to the high caffeine content, it has a very good strength and is slightly bitter. Manufacturers very often mix different varieties, thereby achieving certain flavor shades. Which is preferable is the choice of the consumer. But still some rules need to be taken into account.

It is better to buy beans in small vacuum packages, since if the seal is broken, coffee loses its taste over time. The grains should be smooth and even, without any spots. The aroma is without a hint of rancidity or mold. And be sure to pay attention to the expiration date when purchasing.

Secrets of the perfect Turkish woman

The correct Turka, or as it is also called, cezve, is also an important component of preparing a good drink. The ideal Turk must meet the following conditions:

a very narrow neck and a very wide bottom, since in a narrow neck the grounds form a dense crust, which prevents the aroma from escaping from the coffee beans;

material - ceramic, with a glazed inner surface or copper coated with tin. Such Turks are durable and over time acquire the ability to give coffee a richer taste;

The thicker the walls, the better. In Turks with thick walls, heating occurs evenly and as slowly as possible. It is under these two conditions that the taste of the coffee beans is fully developed;

The handle is long, made of low thermal conductivity material.

Preparing the grains

The taste of the drink will also depend on the degree of grinding of the coffee beans. Here you need to know the secret and be guided by your taste preferences. The finer the grind, the greater the ability to release caffeine extract into the water and, as a result, the drink will be stronger. Do not grind large quantities of beans in advance. After all, as already noted, during long-term storage, the taste is lost.

Cooking methods

There are 2 technologies for brewing coffee. There are many more recipes.

The simplest and most common brewing method is Turkish or Oriental coffee. You need to put the empty Turk on a small fire for no more than one minute to warm it up. Add two teaspoons of finely ground coffee and sugar to taste. Add one hundred milliliters of ice-cold filtered water. The coffee is brought to the point bordering on boiling. This is the secret of the perfect drink - to catch the moment when it is as hot as possible, but has not yet boiled! The resulting crust is allowed to settle by removing the Turk from the heat. The cycle is repeated two to three times. The brewed coffee is poured into cups and the thickening is allowed to fall to the bottom for one to two minutes.

Arabic coffee is the most ancient method of brewing. Place one spoon of sugar in a Turk and place on the lowest heat. When the sugar begins to darken a little, add ¾ coffee cup of soft purified water and bring to a boil. At this point, add two teaspoons of finely ground beans and bring to a boil, then add ¼ of a coffee cup of water. Then heat well until foam appears, but not to a boil. It is drunk hot. If desired, you can add ground cinnamon.

Coffee prepared in Turkish or Arabic style is the basis of many recipes for exotic drinks.


Recipe "in French"

one cup (one hundred milliliters) of brewed Turkish coffee;

one teaspoon of cocoa liqueur;

Turkish-brewed coffee is poured into a cup. Let it settle thicker. Add Cocoa liqueur or chocolate topping. Decorate with whipped cream.


one hundred milliliters of Turkish coffee;

one hundred milliliters of milk;

chocolate chips;

ground cinnamon.

You need to heat the milk to seventy degrees, pour it into a French press or thermos and shake thoroughly until foam forms. Pour milk into a transparent glass of two hundred and fifty milliliters and pour freshly brewed hot coffee on top in a thin stream along the wall. We can consider that a “Latte” has been successful if a clear boundary has formed between milk and coffee. Place milk foam on top. Sprinkle with chocolate chips and ground cinnamon.


One hundred milliliters of Turkish coffee;

cinnamon stick;

forty grams of heavy cream;

sugar to taste;

Lightly crush the cinnamon stick and pour over the freshly brewed drink. Let it brew for one hour. Take out the cinnamon, add cream and sugar. Mix everything well and set aside to cool. Serve in tall glasses with ice.


Of course, many will think about the question: why complicate your life so much? After all, there are coffee machines and
coffee makers that will select the optimal water temperature, the required amount of sugar and even add spices and milk to taste.

Using Turka in cooking is a kind of ritual, a tradition. The taste of coffee brewed in a Turk consists not only of high-quality beans ground immediately before preparation, and the Turk selected from the right material with a narrow neck and wide bottom, but also the soul and mood of the coffee lover. Anyone can brew this drink, but not everyone can brew truly delicious coffee.

Cooking video

The drink, known all over the world and having almost magical powers over millions of people, has already been popular for several centuries, and the fashion for coffee does not go away.

And this is not surprising - a drink that has such a rich history simply cannot help but be so in demand.

Coffee recipes are a very rich heritage of humanity, given that every nation has tried over time to move away from the original recipes and try something new.

And today we will collect the most interesting and popular recipes for you, and you will have the opportunity to enjoy the enchanting aroma and taste of the drink.

Black coffee with cognac

In order to prepare black coffee with cognac, you need to take the following products:

– ground coffee – 4 teaspoons;

– water – 400 grams;

- granulated sugar - to taste;

- cognac - teaspoon;

- lemon - a piece.


First you need to take the coffee, put it in the Turk, heat it over the fire over low heat for 3-5 seconds, making circular movements with your hand around the burner, then pour the required amount of water into the Turk and put it on low heat.

Be vigilant and don't go anywhere, coffee runs away as quickly as milk if you don't watch it. As soon as the head of foam begins to rise, remove the Turk from the heat.

After this, not too hard, tap the bottom of the Turk on the table once, the coffee grounds will settle. Pour into a coffee cup, add sugar, cognac and lemon, serve immediately.

Turkish coffee recipes

You can make simply amazing oriental coffee in a Turk.

In order to make it, you will need to take the following products:

— natural coffee beans – 20 grams;

— dark chocolate 90% — 50 grams;

— ice cream – 100 grams;

- lemon - half;

- salt - a pinch;

- sugar to taste.


A very original recipe for making Turkish coffee with chocolate, but for it you will need a good coffee grinder. First you need to grind the coffee. 10 minutes before, put 50 grams of chocolate in the freezer and let it cool.

After this, you need to take the chocolate and grate it on the finest grater. The lemon should be washed and cut into circles, and the Turk should be heated with boiling water. Immediately place the ground coffee and granulated sugar into the Turk.

Grind together, warming the Turk over low heat for 5 seconds. After this, pour 250 ml of water and add a pinch of salt. Now put everything on the fire and wait until the coffee boils.

As soon as boiling begins, everything can be turned off. Tap the bottom of the Turk on the table surface, and after that you can pour everything into cups. Next, you need to put a little ice cream in each cup, sprinkle everything with generously grated chocolate, and serve lemon mugs separately on a saucer.

Turkish coffee

Coffee according to this recipe will not be difficult for anyone to prepare.

In order to make it, you will need to take the following products per serving:

— coffee – 10 grams;

– water – 100 grams;

- granulated sugar - 10 grams.


This sweet coffee is prepared like this. First you need to take a Turk and pour coffee and sugar into it. Then everything is brought to a boil.

As soon as everything has boiled, you need to remove the coffee from the heat, then put it on the fire again until the foam rises, and this operation in general must be carried out exactly 3 times.

Coffee that is ready to drink should be served immediately while it is hot. Often this coffee is served immediately with glasses of ice-cold still water.

Ginger coffee recipe

Recipes for making coffee with spices are popular not only in the East, as you might think, but throughout the world. If you have ginger, as well as natural coffee beans, you can see this for yourself.

In order to prepare a fragrant invigorating drink according to our recipe, you must take the following products:
– ground coffee – 1 tablespoon;

– ginger root – 2 cm;

– water – 100 grams;

- granulated sugar to taste.


First, wash the ginger root, after that you need to peel it, grate the amount indicated in the recipe.

After this, you need to take a Turk and put a tablespoon of coffee there, the same amount of grated ginger, and then pour it all with cool water in the Turk.

Now you need to set the heat to minimum and bring the drink almost to a boil. You can repeat this procedure up to 3 times - then the coffee will turn out even stronger.

Add sugar, then hit the Turk on the table, the grounds will settle. Serve hot.

Coffee recipe with ginger and milk

To prepare ginger coffee with milk, you will need to prepare the following products in advance:

- ground coffee - 4 teaspoons with a minimum slide;

– ginger root – 2 cm;

- cloves - 2 pieces;

— milk – 400 ml;

– water – 400 ml;

- granulated sugar to taste.


In order to make coffee with milk, you first need to take coffee, cloves, and also ginger, which you have previously washed, peeled and grated, and after that you need to bring everything to a boil, pouring cool water.

As soon as the foam starts to rise, quickly remove from heat. After this, you need to take hot milk and mix everything.

This ginger coffee with milk can be served in a tall glass goblet with a handle; moreover, it is no less tasty when served cold.

Yemeni coffee with ginger

To prepare the so-called Yemeni coffee with ginger, you will need to take the following products:

- ground coffee - 3 tablespoons;

— granulated sugar – 2 teaspoons;

– peeled ginger – 1 piece;

– water – 130 ml.


First you need to take a Turk, pour sugar and coffee into it, mix everything, heat everything for a few seconds over low heat, and brew coffee. As soon as the foam begins to rise, turn off the heat and pour everything into cups.

Iced coffee

A very unusual and unusual-tasting coffee, the preparation of which requires egg yolks. Of course, this drink is not for everybody, but it is still popular enough for us to mention it today.

To prepare iced coffee, you need to take the following products in advance:

– ground coffee – 100 grams;

— granulated sugar – 1.5 cups;

- yolks - 5 pieces;

— water — 1 liter;

— ice cream – 2 pieces;

— vanillin – 1 sachet.


First you need to take the yolks and beat them with granulated sugar. After this, you need to take coffee, brew it, as usual, in a Turk, but you need to bring it to a boil exactly twice.

The turk is covered with a lid, and then the drink is allowed to brew for 20 minutes. After this, the coffee needs to be brought to a boil again, strained immediately into the yolks, add vanilla and steam, stirring constantly, bring to a boil.

After this, the coffee must be poured into glasses and given time to cool. Ice cream goes with cold coffee right in the coffee cup.

Iced coffee with whipped cream

To prepare iced coffee with whipped cream, you need to take the following products to start:

— black strong coffee – 100 grams;

— ice cream – 100 grams (vanilla or chocolate, as well as coffee ice cream are allowed);

- chocolate syrup - 2 tablespoons;

- whipped cream - 2 tablespoons;


First, you need to put ice cream in glasses, then pour chocolate syrup over it. Next, you need to take the coffee, which has cooled, and put whipped cream on top. All this must be sprinkled with crumbs.

Coffee latte

In order to prepare coffee latte, you will need to take several products according to the list:

— coffee – 50 ml of strong black coffee;

- milk with high fat content - 150 ml;

- granulated sugar - to taste.


First, you need to prepare espresso in a Turk, then heat the milk and beat it with a blender until foam appears.

After this, the milk needs to be poured into a tall coffee glass with a handle. Pour the coffee in a very thin stream and serve immediately.

Spiced coffee

Ingredients for cooking:

– lemon – 1 piece;

- orange - 1 piece;

- cloves - 5 pieces;

— cinnamon – 4 pieces;

— refined sugar – 20 pieces;

- cognac - to taste;

- coffee - 1 liter.


This is how spiced coffee is prepared. You need to take a smaller enamel saucepan, put in the zest of both lemon and orange, chopped or grated as finely as possible.

After this you need to take 5 cloves and cinnamon, refined sugar. Sugar must be carefully doused with cognac and then set on fire. After a couple of seconds, you need to add a liter of hot black coffee.

Then let the drink stand for 4 minutes, and then pour it through a sieve into small cups.

Irish coffee recipe

To make Irish coffee you will need to take the following products:

- sugar to taste;

- cognac to taste - 50 ml;

- orange liqueur - a couple of drops;

— cream – 1 teaspoon;

— cognac — 50 ml.


In order to make coffee, you first need to brew the required amount of black coffee in a Turkish coffee pot, then pour it into a heated glass, add cognac and liqueur there, and dissolve granulated sugar there.

After this you need to add cream. Serve immediately.

Coffee with cinnamon and vanilla

Coffee with cinnamon and vanilla is quite simple to prepare.

To do this you need to take the following ingredients:

— coffee – 5 tablespoons;

– water – 600 ml;

— cream – 300 ml;

- cinnamon - a teaspoon with the smallest slide;

– vanilla – ½ spoon.


First you need to brew coffee - you should get 600 ml. After this, you need to add cinnamon there. Now you need to whip very cold cream in a separate bowl, and then you need to take the remaining cinnamon and vanilla extract.

After this, you need to pour the coffee into the cups that you have heated, after which you need to put a ball of milk foam. After this, you need to sprinkle the coffee with chocolate, which you have already grated in advance, to taste.

Coffee with cinnamon and cognac

To prepare coffee with cinnamon and cognac, you need to take the following types of products:
- ground coffee - 6 teaspoons;

- cocoa powder - level tablespoon;

– water – 4 cups of water;

- a teaspoon of cinnamon;

— cognac – 50 ml;

- granulated sugar - to taste.

Coffee, as well as granulated sugar and cocoa, need to be poured with boiling water, and then boiled until foam appears. After this you need to add cinnamon. Then you need to take a container of coffee, remove it from the heat, then add granulated sugar and cognac, after which you need to pour everything into cups.

Coffee with milk and cinnamon
To make delicious coffee with milk and cinnamon, you will need to prepare the following:
— coffee – 2 teaspoons;

— milk – 50 ml;

- cinnamon - a pinch;

- granulated sugar - to taste.

Making this drink is not at all difficult. First you need to warm the Turk slightly, after which you need to brew strong coffee. Next, you need to let the milk boil in a separate pan and froth it, and after that you need to pour it into a latte glass. After this, add coffee in a very thin stream, sprinkle it with a small amount of cinnamon. If necessary, add sugar.

Coffee with ginger and cinnamon

To make coffee with ginger and cinnamon you need the following ingredients:
- ground coffee - 1 tablespoon;

- grated ginger - half a teaspoon;

- cinnamon - teaspoon;

- anise seeds - a teaspoon;

- orange zest - half a teaspoon;

- cocoa - teaspoon;

- water - 400 ml.

You need to take coffee, cocoa, anise and cinnamon, put the Turk on the bottom, shake the ingredients a couple of times so that they mix. After this, you need to warm up the dry ingredients, but not for long, do not allow a burning smell. After this, you need to pour water and cook until foam appears.

Coffee with cinnamon and black pepper
For cooking you need to take the following products:
— ground coffee – 2 teaspoons;

– cinnamon – 1 pinch;

- black pepper - pea;

- water - 50 ml.

First, you need to warm the Turk well, pour coffee, cinnamon, and pepper into it. After this, you need to take 50 ml of water, keep the Turk on a low flame until foam appears, then let the foam fall, removing everything from the heat, and repeat everything 3 times. Serve in thick-walled cups.

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