What is fucorcin used for? What does Fukortsin help with? Instructions for use. How to use Fukortsin for nail fungus: instructions

Fukortsin solution (another name for Castellani Paint) is a disinfectant and disinfectant liquid substance for external use, which today is actively used for the treatment of lacerations, the treatment of skin erosions, as well as abscesses and fungal formations.

The drug Fukortsin looks like a liquid product, sealed in a dark brown glass bottle with a volume of 10, 15 or 25 ml. The bottle is equipped with a built-in pipette or stopper with a shaving brush (depending on the bottle). The solution itself has a rich fuchsia color and has a very specific aroma, vaguely reminiscent of the smell of gouache. The manufacturer also produces Fukortsin pencil with a hard porous tip.

It is because of its bright color that Fukortsin’s solution is called “red green” by many. It, like the usual “Brilliant Green” solution, leaves characteristic imprints on the skin. True, they are not green, but purple.

In pharmacies today you can also buy a colorless version of Fukortsin, but this modification of the drug is not always convenient to use. For example, colorless Fukortsin does not appear on the skin when treating multiple rashes in the case of chickenpox, and when applying it, it is impossible to understand which of the pimples have already been treated with the solution.

The composition of the Fukortsin solution includes the following components:

  • boric acid, which acts as an antiseptic;
  • resorcinol, which causes protein coagulation and the death of vegetative microorganisms;
  • hydroxybenzene;
  • rosaniline hydrochloride, which exhibits antistaphylococcal activity;
  • as well as additional substances - acetone, methylcarbinool and purified water.

This solution content helps destroy the cell membrane of pathogenic microbes, provokes their death and stops inflammatory processes on the skin. It also has a detrimental effect on most microorganisms, including fungi.

What is this drug for?

Fukortsin can be used to disinfect various skin defects:

  1. for fungal diseases - lichen, mycosis, foot fungus, etc.;
  2. for pustular formations - acne, contagious impetigo, inflammation of the middle and deep parts of the hair follicle, and more;
  3. for shallow wounds, calluses and small tears in the epidermis;
  4. for microbial eczema, superficial candidiasis, mycoses, athlete's foot, lichen;
  5. as well as with the appearance of oily or mixed forms of seborrhea.

In addition, Fukortsin solution is used to treat the itchy rash that appears during chickenpox. And it is applied to existing pimples not with the goal of destroying the virus that causes the rash, but to prevent recurrent bacterial infection due to scratching of the inflammatory elements. Applying “red green paint” during chickenpox also slightly reduces the itching, speeds up the process of the healing film appearing, and allows you to instantly notice new pimples if they arise. Fukortsin acts in a similar way for herpes.

Instructions for use

Fukortsin, according to the instructions for use attached to the solution, is applied to the treated area pointwise. For this, a flagellum twisted from cotton wool or a glass rod is used. You can also blot a small piece of cotton wool with the solution, and then apply it locally to the areas of fungal inflammation.

In order not to contaminate all the liquid in the bottle, a small amount of the drug should be poured into a previously prepared shallow container before use. After the lesion has been treated with this disinfectant, the remainder of the solution must be poured out of the container used, and the container itself must be thoroughly cleaned with soap and rinsed with water. Before each treatment of wounds or pustular lesions, the medicine from the bottle must be poured into the container again.

For infants, Fukortsin solution is diluted with boiled water in a 1:1 ratio. This is done in order to reduce the risk of possible negative effects on the child’s body from using the solution.

For children aged from one to five years, Fukortsin, according to the instructions for use for children, can already be applied undiluted. The only caveat: in preschool age, you should follow all precautions - you can only apply the product to a small area of ​​skin and leave it on for a minimum period.

After the treated surface has dried and the unpleasant itching sensations after using Fukortsin have passed, any other preparations can be applied to this area of ​​the skin: ointments, creams, gels, lotions or foams. If the itching and burning after using the product continues for more than five minutes, then you need to immediately wash the drug off the skin and take an antiallergic medicine: Suprastin, Cetrin, etc.

The use of Fukortsin and washing the affected areas of the skin with it is allowed from two to four times a day. The maximum permissible number of treatments in 24 hours is 5 times. If you use the product more than five times a day, this will lead to intoxication of the body.


Despite its highly pronounced therapeutic properties, a medicine such as Fukortsin has some contraindications. These include:

  • bearing a fetus during pregnancy and the lactation period - due to the phenol that is part of the solution and penetrates the placenta or breast milk, certain harm is caused to the fetus or child;
  • extensive damage to the skin;
  • the presence of open wounds - phenol also has a negative effect on the body, this component is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and causes various toxic reactions;
  • individual intolerance to any component in the contents of the solution.


Fukortsin solution can be easily replaced with any medicinal liquid that has similar antimycotic and antimicrobial properties - ordinary iodine, an alcohol solution of “Brilliant Green”, Lead water or medical alcohol.

And also in this group it is worth noting medicines that have the same pharmacological effect as Fukortsin. Analogs of this type: Askosept, Saledez, Drapolen, Fucaseptol, etc. For pregnant women and nursing mothers, instead of Fukortsin, it is better to use Chlorophyllipt.

How to wash the drug?

Fukortsin, as noted above, leaves behind quite bright stains that are not so easy to erase. To quickly and effectively remove traces of solution from the surface of the body, you can use one of these methods:

  1. Soak a piece of cotton wool in a liquid mixture prepared from an aqueous solution of ammonia (2 large spoons) and 3% hydrogen peroxide (3 large spoons), and then wipe the stained skin with it. Then rinse this area with plenty of running water to completely remove any remaining substance from it.
  2. Prepare a soap slurry from a piece of glycerin soap and hydrogen peroxide or an aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide. The soap slurry must be applied to the colored areas of the skin, and after some time removed by rinsing it with running water.
  3. Wipe the skin with a piece of cotton wool soaked in any alcohol solution. After the removal procedure, soap the treated area and rinse the skin thoroughly under water.

If Fukortsin somehow gets on your teeth, then the oral cavity must be thoroughly cleaned with a toothbrush, after applying a special mixture made from baking soda (1 large spoon) and the juice of half a lemon to the teeth cleaning device.

If Fukortsin gets on the fabric of a thing, then washing it off such a surface will be somewhat more difficult than washing it off the skin. In this case, things made of synthetic material should be treated with laundry soap before regular washing; clothes made of natural fabrics or carpets should be treated with Faberlic universal stain remover in the form of a pencil, a small amount of toothpaste or a soap solution with the addition of ammonia.

Fukortsin is also difficult to clean from furniture and floor surfaces. To remove stains from Fukortsin in this case, you need to use sodium sulfide or any chlorine-containing laundry bleach.

- all this should long ago be replaced in the medicine cabinet with a solution of Fukortsin, since only this antiseptic has the ability to destroy all causative agents of infectious diseases of the skin. Equally effectively inactivates and dries viral, fungal, bacterial pathogenic flora to the complete destruction of cells in the shortest possible time. And after treatment, smooth, clean skin remains without the slightest hint of wrinkling and scarring of the epithelium.

Ainidinov D. R. Pediatrician, allergist, immunologist

It is recommended to use this drug for chickenpox for no more than 5 days. As soon as the crusts dry, the herpes viruses on the skin will disappear. The main antiviral treatment (destroying them inside the body with Tsinandol ointment) begins simultaneously with the treatment of the vesicles.

Doctor Komarovsky E. O., Ukraine

What do people who have taken Fukortsin say about the drug:

I cut myself with the edge of a shell, it’s good that I always carry a Fukortsin pencil in my purse, I immediately missed it near the wound, and attached a band-aid. What’s good: the pink tint does not catch people’s eyes (unlike iodine, brilliant green), no infection has become attached.

Alisa E, 20 years old, Sochi

In the collective farm sauna, my toenail became infected with a fungus, Fukortsin was advised. I applied it in the morning and before bed, it went away within a week. True, I had to throw away the socks; nothing could remove the red stains.

Evgeny I, Kirov, 45 years old

They write that this product sometimes causes allergies, but on the contrary, I had hives from an allergy to washing powder that broke out on all my fingers, and it itched unbearably. So the doctor advised to smear these particular ones with an antiseptic. In 5 days, my hands were cleared of weeping blisters.

Svetlana U, 28 years old

Advantages and disadvantages

Judging by the many reviews, this antiseptic really differs from others in the effectiveness of its antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral effects. However, like other medicines, Fukortsin has its own advantages and disadvantages:

Despite an almost equal number of pros and cons, the effectiveness of Fukortsin in destroying pathogenic microorganisms and fungi defeats the fear of poisoning.

If you use the antiseptic according to the instructions, it will not harm even infants. It will become much worse for a person if you do not anoint a wound, a fungal infection, or an infectious herpes blister.

The infection can spread in a matter of minutes, causing purulent inflammation that will become difficult to stop even with the help of antibiotics.

So the benefits of quickly using Fukortsin (which is always in the medicine cabinet) are much greater than from untimely treatment with ointments after a person waits in a long line to see the doctor, gets to the pharmacy, and finally comes home.

There are no structural analogs of Fukortsin that have the same chemical complex medicinal composition, however, in pharmacies there are a lot of effective expensive (and not so expensive) antiseptics with similar antimicrobial or antifungal properties.

Despite the certain toxicity of the drug, if we compare Fukortsin with the same available antiseptics:

  1. Diamond green.
  2. Methylene blue.
  3. Iodine.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide.
  5. Potassium permanganate.

We can say that the spectral antimicrobial effect of Castellani liquid is much wider, and its therapeutic effectiveness is an order of magnitude higher.

In addition, Fukortsin has unique antifungal abilities.

Analogues of antiseptic action according to indications for use (ointments, sprays, solutions):

Highly effective against viruses Antibacterial active action Antifungal drugs Broad spectrum antiseptics
Iodinol Acerbin Holisal
Baliz-2 Pasta Teymurova Bactoderm
Hexalize Dentamet Levorin Galmanin
Gervirax Instillagel Daktarin Drapolene
Bonafton Iodopyrone Clotrimazole Katatcel
Viru-merz-Serol Grammidin Miconazole Lugol
Faringosept Novosept Forte

Such a classification is very conditional, since some antiseptics are effective against certain types of bacteria, fungi, viruses that affect the skin and mucous membranes, and are therapeutically ineffective against others.

Only a doctor can choose the right drug and analogue.

Take care of your loved ones, buy a miracle pencil with fucorcin, which allows you to instantly destroy all pathogenic flora on the skin that threaten your health in any environmental conditions.

Fukortsin solution consists of several active components, each of which in itself has antiseptic and/or tanning properties. It contains: 95% ethyl alcohol, resorcinol, acetone, pure phenol, boric acid, fuchsin and distilled water as a formative component.

Fukortsin solution is a crimson-colored liquid packaged in dark glass bottles, most often 10 ml, sometimes with a spade lid for direct application of the drug. The crimson color of the liquid is given by fuchsin, which is a dye used in pharmacology. Colorless fucorcin can be prepared in a pharmacy with a prescription.

Indications and contraindications for the use of Fukortsin solution.

The use of Fukortsin is indicated for pustular and fungal skin lesions, wounds, abrasions, scratches, cracks.

Fukortsin is also often used for chickenpox. In all of the above cases, the solution is used for the purpose of local anti-inflammatory, drying effect and prevention of secondary infection.
Contraindications for use are pregnancy due to the possible toxic effect of phenol, early childhood (for the same reason) and individual possible characteristics of a negative reaction to the drug.

Side effects and overdose when using Fukortsin.

Side effects, as mentioned above, can most likely be associated with the phenol contained in Fukortsin. This compound is volatile and has the ability to quickly penetrate the blood, due to which it can have a systemic effect if the rules of use are not followed. May manifest as weakness and dizziness caused by a decrease in blood pressure.
Local skin reactions are also possible.

Instructions for use of Fukortsin solution.

The product is applied locally (pointwise, linearly) to the skin lesion using a cotton swab or a spatula in the lid. Do not use over a large area to avoid the side effects described above. Can be applied up to four times during the day.

Features of the use of the drug Fukortsin.

It is, of course, necessary to consult a doctor in order to determine which antiseptic will be more effective in a particular case and at a particular stage of the process. It can only be said with a high degree of probability that in pregnant and lactating women, as well as infants, in similar cases the use of an alcohol solution of brilliant green (“green”) is more justified due to the absence of such a potentially dangerous component as phenol.

If we compare these two drugs - brilliant green and Fukortsin - we can say that the latter has more pronounced antifungal activity. And their antibacterial properties are approximately the same.

Reviews about the drug Fukortsin, price

If we summarize the reviews about Fukortsin, we can say that Castellani paint is a proven product with many years of experience in use, which is effective and safe if the rules of use are followed. However, we should not forget that there are other and new drugs are constantly appearing in this area, which can be no less effective in solving the given problems, without having these side effects.

Many also know that colorless fucorcin exists, and are wondering where to buy it? If you want to purchase colorless fuchsin, you will have to contact a dermatologist for a prescription, according to which you can prepare this fuchsin-free solution in a pharmacy where there is pharmaceutical production.

There are a small number of such pharmacies in cities, where, as a rule, they prepare products for topical use according to prescriptions from dermatologists, and subject to the availability of the necessary components. However, it should immediately be noted that by excluding fuchsin from the composition, we weaken the drug in terms of its antiseptic effect. From experience, we can say that getting colorless fucorcin is not an easy task; if you do not want traces of the use of an antiseptic to be noticeable, it is easier to use another product (Malavit solution, alunite).

Dermatologists believe that the use of fucorcin or brilliant green for the treatment of chickenpox is not completely justified. Each of them, containing high concentration alcohol and other tanning substances, contributes to the formation of a rougher crust (scab), which subsequently leads to the formation of a more noticeable skin defect in the form of an atrophic scar. The use of, for example, alunite is considered a good alternative in this case, repeatedly confirmed by many patients.

Fukortsin can be washed with any alcohol-containing liquids.

Price for Fukortsin solution for topical use, bottle. 25ml - 49 rubles.

02:58 Fukortsin: instructions, application, reviews. -

Fucorcinum solution (Fucorcinum, or, in other words, Castellani paint) belongs to the group of alcohol-containing antiseptics, can be used for application to the skin and has a wide antimicrobial (antibacterial, antifungal) spectrum of action. General description of fucorcin solution. Fukortsin solution consists of several active components, each of which in itself has antiseptic and/or tanning properties. It contains: 95% ethyl [...]

Fukortsin is an excellent remedy that helps with many diseases of the skin and mucous membranes. The composition is red in color and is difficult to wash off from the skin, like brilliant green. If you drop it on clothing or on a surface that is difficult to wipe off, the drug can become deeply embedded in the fabric. But you can use colorless fucorcin during processing. It will, of course, be less effective than a brightly colored preparation, since it will not contain magenta. Fuchsin has antiseptic properties.

What is fucorcin used for?

To combat various bacteria and wounds. For example, it can be used to treat scratches, chickenpox ulcers and much more. The medicine is much more effective than brilliant green. Fucorcin solution is used to treat wounds, ulcers, including ulcers on the mucous membrane. Although doctors prescribe it for external treatment, people have still learned to use it when treating the oral cavity for stomatitis.

Instructions for use in the oral cavity

Of course, it can be used for stomatitis, but you need to take into account that it contains phenol, which can cause serious damage to the oral mucosa. Therefore, if there are pustules in the oral cavity, then the medicine should be applied directly to them. To do this you need to do the following:

  • First, let's treat the oral cavity
  • Rinse your mouth with chlorhexidine
  • Next, take a cotton swab
  • Dip into the solution and apply pointwise to damaged areas.

Phenol, which is part of the drug, is poisonous and in large quantities can cause damage to human health; it penetrates into the blood and intoxication occurs. In general, this substance is added to vaccines, as it perfectly fights germs.

The instructions tell us that the drug can be used by children, but only with caution, and adults should not neglect the instructions. If it says that you need to lubricate painful areas three times a day, then that’s what you need to do. On the skin 4 times, you can apply the medicine.

The solution is contraindicated for newborns, since the skin of children is still very thin, as is the mucous membrane, the absorption capacity is high, so even a small dose of the drug can harm the child. If you need to treat stomatitis in a child, you can replace fucorcin with vinylin, it is safe and will provide all the necessary therapeutic effects.

Is it possible to use fucorcin during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, fucorcin is contraindicated, as written in the instructions. Do not neglect contraindications. As already mentioned, the composition contains phenol, it is absorbed into the blood and can harm the fetus. If it is necessary to treat wounds, it is better to use some other less dangerous remedy. For example, chlorophyllipt.

In all other cases, fukortsin will only have a positive effect and will not cause harm to health. This means that the drug is used only by old enough children, not pregnant women, and people who have no contraindications. Yes, people with allergic reactions should use the drug only after a trial test. Also, if you neglect the instructions and lubricate not only the affected areas, but also healthy ones, an allergy in the form of a rash may appear. It will seem to you that this is nonsense, but in fact phenol has penetrated the liver, now you need to take drugs that can remove the allergen not only from the blood, but also from the liver.

Fukortsin is a combined external antiseptic. Instructions for use indicate that the alcohol solution has an antifungal and antiseptic effect. Reviews from dermatologists report that this medication helps in the treatment of streptoderma, deprivation and other pustular and fungal skin diseases.

Release form and composition

Fukortsin is an antiseptic in the form of a solution for treating the skin. The solution is available in brown glass bottles of 10 ml and 25 ml in a cardboard box with attached instructions. The main active components of Fukortsin solution are:

  • Resorcinol 7.8% in a bottle.
  • Acetone 4.9%.
  • Boric acid 0.8%.

Phenol acts as an excipient.

pharmachologic effect

The active components of the above drug have an antifungal and antiseptic effect on the skin. The use of Fukortsin is effective in cases of damage to the mucous membranes and skin by fungal and infectious diseases.

Indications for use

What does Fukortsin help with? The use of the solution under the supervision of the attending physician allows you to effectively combat fungal and microbial lesions of the skin and mucous membranes. What is Fukortsin used for:

  • fungal diseases;
  • pustular lesions;
  • superficial wounds;
  • abrasions;
  • erosion;
  • cracks.

For streptoderma, the solution can quickly prevent the spread of the disease by using the medication in the early stages.

Use for herpes: the drying and disinfecting effect of the medication helps prevent the spread of microbial infection and promotes rapid healing of wounds with herpes.

After the solution has dried, you can additionally apply moisturizing ointments and creams. Why and for what purpose is ointment needed: if the skin is significantly dry after intensive treatment with a disinfectant solution, you can moisturize the problem area.

Use for children is possible only after consulting a pediatrician.

What else is the drug needed for: to treat the skin and prevent the development of infection.

Instructions for use

Fukortsin is used externally. The solution is applied with a cotton swab to the affected areas of the skin 2-4 times a day. After the liquid has dried, ointments and pastes can be applied to the treated area.


The use of Fukortsin is not possible in case of hypersensitivity to the components, the patient has a tendency to hypersensitivity of the skin, an allergic reaction to the drug, or chronic dermatoses.

Fukortsin's instructions prohibit the use of the drug by pregnant and breastfeeding women. You should also be careful when using the medication on mucous membranes, as chemical burns and irritation may occur.

Prescribing Fukortsin to patients under 12 years of age is not recommended. When using the solution simultaneously with other drugs for external use, compounds may be formed with an unpredictable effect on the skin.

Side effects

Usually, the drug Fukortsin is well tolerated by patients, however, with increased individual sensitivity to the components of the solution, side effects may occur:

  • dry skin;
  • peeling of the skin at the site of application of the drug;
  • feeling of tightness;
  • burning and itching of the skin at the site of application.

As a rule, these side effects are mild and quickly go away on their own.

Children, pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of Fukortsin is contraindicated during pregnancy or breastfeeding. The use of the drug is not recommended for persons under 12 years of age.

special instructions

It is unacceptable to apply the solution to large areas of skin. The medication can be used for stomatitis, but in the form of spot applications on ulcers and erosions, and not for rinsing. Currently, there are many drugs for stomatitis: Efizol, Metrogyl, Ingalipt.

Drug interactions

Fukortsin cannot be combined with local antifungal antibiotics (clotrimazole, griseofulvin), hormonal agents, preparations for external use, as well as medications containing boric acid and phenol.

Analogues of the drug Fukortsin

Antiseptics and disinfectants include analogues:

  1. Iodopyrone.
  2. Yoduxun.
  3. Bactericidal adhesive plaster.
  4. Glue BF-6.
  5. Sangviritrin liniment 0.5%.
  6. Soapy alcohol.
  7. Katatcel.
  8. Metrohex.
  9. Salicylic-zinc paste.
  10. Novosept Forte.
  11. Iodinol.
  12. Linkas Balm.
  13. Maraslavin.
  14. Lead water.
  15. Balsamic liniment (according to Vishnevsky).
  16. Dentamet.
  17. Saledez.
  18. Antiseptic sponge with kanamycin.
  19. Lidochlor.
  20. Baliz-2.
  21. Levomenthol.
  22. Cameton.
  23. Ottoslavin.
  24. Lugol's solution with glycerin.
  25. Acerbin.
  26. Teymur's paste.
  27. Drapolene.
  28. Bactoderm.
  29. Instillagel.
  30. Novocindol.
  31. Bemilon.
  32. Dermatolotar liniment.
  33. Sulfur-tar ointment.
  34. Boromenthol.
  35. Octenisept.
  36. Iodonate.
  37. Gorpils.
  38. Yox.
  39. Galmanin.

Attention! These analogues have different compositions, so before replacing the medicine prescribed by the doctor, you should carefully read the attached instructions.

Vacation conditions and price

The average cost of Fukortsin (solution) in Moscow is 26 rubles per 10 ml bottle. The drug is dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription.

It is recommended to store the bottle with the solution in a cool place, out of reach of children, away from sunlight. The shelf life of the solution is 24 months; after this period, the drug cannot be used to treat wounds.

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