Features of the body's anabolic activity. Anabolic steroids, what and how?! Reducing scalp hair

Methyluracil is a complex drug that improves metabolic and anabolic processes in tissues, potentiates regenerative activity in damaged areas of the body (especially in relation to the mucous membranes), and also has an undoubted immunostimulating effect.

The immunostimulating qualities of the drug are revealed in the activation of cellular and humoral immunity factors (T-B lymphocytes, cytokines, etc.).

The anabolic and anti-catabolic activity of the drug is mediated by the structure of the active substance (pyrimidine derivative), allowing the body to use this drug as a raw material for the formation of new nucleic acids, which makes it possible to potentiate protein synthesis in tissues (however, it must be clarified that one should not expect a targeted anabolic effect on muscle tissue, it is very small and does not bring the expected results; first of all, Methyluracil is a good general strengthening agent).

The anabolic effect of Methyluracil is perfectly manifested in the regeneration of damaged tissues (skin wounds, erosion of mucous membranes) since the drug potentiates the synthesis of new cells, as well as granulation maturation of tissue structures and the appearance of epithelium at the site of destructive changes in the skin, which leads to compensation of skin defects ( The drug is also extremely active against the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract). It should be clarified that the greatest anabolic activity of Dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine specifically relates to the gastrointestinal tract and a significant part of the anabolic effect of the drug is associated with improving metabolic processes in the intestines and enhancing food digestion processes.

Activation of the bone marrow by Methyluracil leads to the accelerated production of red blood cells (these cells are carriers of oxygen, which directly affects human endurance) and leukocytes (active components of the immune system, which have the important function of specific and nonspecific protective action in relation to body systems from harmful agents ).

The presence of a labile methyl group in the structure of the drug suggests a slight lipotropic effect of Methyluracil, at least this is indicated by the suppression of the content of fatty acids in the body after using this drug.

Attention should also be paid to the cosmetic effect of Methyluracil on the skin when consuming high doses (5-6 grams per day). The activity of the drug is associated with an anti-inflammatory effect and a projective effect from UV rays when applied to the skin.

Indications for the clinical use of the drug are: a critical decrease in the level of leukocytes per unit of blood, agranulocytic tonsillitis, a decrease in the number of erythrocytes per unit of blood, a decrease in the number of platelets per unit of blood, benzene poisoning, alimentary-hemorrhagic myelotoxicosis, periods of recovery (as a general tonic), wounds and burns, ulcerative and erosive changes in the gastrointestinal tract, bone fractures, inflammation of the pancreas, liver damage, radiation injuries (including radioactive ones).

For an athlete, when using an AC course, it makes sense to use Methyluracil for the following reasons:

1. Improving the activity of cellular and humoral immunity (while taking AS, the synthesis of T-lymphocytes is suppressed and the production of B-lymphocytes is activated, consumption of Methyluracil will support the production of T-lymphocytes, thus normalizing the functioning of the immune system)

2. Small anabolic effect (not great, but still pleasant)

3. Improvement in the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, including the gastrointestinal mucosa (consumption of tablet steroids often leads to intestinal irritation and even pain, consumption of the drug will reduce these symptoms)

4. Potentiation of digestive function (with large volumes of food consumed during the AS course, this is a significant plus)

Contraindications for the use of this product are:
leukemia, bone marrow cancer, lymphogranulomatosis, cancers of hematopoietic and lymphatic tissue. External consumption (in the form of ointments) causes excessive granulation in the wound.

Anabolic activity is the ability of a substance to significantly enhance muscle growth and development. Not only a variety of anabolic steroids, but also some vitamins can accelerate the development of muscle fibers. If this is really true, then what is the reason for not using safe vitamins instead of steroids that are harmful to the body?

No anabolic steroids have anabolic activity if the human body lacks something. Quite often you can hear one of the athletes in the “gym” praising his drug and confidently declaring that it really works. But, it acts specifically on this athlete. For what reason are not all types of anabolic steroids active on absolutely all people? No matter how much you feed a donkey with chemicals, it will not become a horse, said one famous trainer. It's really true. Anabolic activity can manifest itself only under suitable conditions. What exactly are the conditions we are talking about?

This is, first of all, physical training. However, not every workout has the same anabolic activity, that is, different types of loads develop muscles differently. If an anabolic drug is used by a person who trains competently, then its anabolic activity in this person manifests itself most noticeably. Nutrition is also an indispensable condition for the development of muscle tissue. If there is a lack of vitamins and protein in the body, even the most active anabolic drugs are simply powerless.

It is also worth remembering that muscles grow during sleep, and not during the workout itself. Lack of sleep simply disrupts the activity of even the most effective anabolic steroids. Sleep, nutrition and proper training are favorable conditions for the use of anabolic drugs. If this soil is not “cultivated,” then anabolic drugs and muscle mass will not be able to build, and the liver will gradually be killed. It is for this reason that experts do not recommend athletes to use anabolic drugs if they see that physical training is ineffective, nutrition is not particularly complete, and sleep is very intermittent and short. In the body of these people, anabolic activity is reduced to zero.

Is it possible to use anabolic steroids? What medications are recommended? These questions are individual in nature. Only a professional trainer can answer them.

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Professional athletes have been using steroids for many years to increase muscle mass, reduce body fat, increase strength, and for many other purposes. In recent years, the use of anabolic steroids has been practiced not only by professionals, but also by ordinary people working out in gyms, including teenagers. Many of them are unaware that these drugs have many dangerous side effects.

What are anabolic steroids?

Steroids are drugs that enhance metabolism, helping to better absorb substances that ensure the renewal of cells and tissues, including muscle tissue. Many anabolic steroids improve mineral and protein metabolism, and they are usually based on testosterone, which helps build muscle.

Sometimes even doctors prescribe anabolic steroids when the patient is severely exhausted or has experienced serious injury or illness. For example, sometimes the body cannot cope with the creation of new cells and in this case it is impossible to do without taking steroids. Despite this, in most cases, anabolic steroids are taken by completely healthy people, most often bodybuilders.

Why do athletes need anabolic steroids?

Any anabolic steroid is inherently a doping, which is prohibited in professional sports, but bodybuilders, sprinters and some other athletes take the steroid to gain muscle mass or improve other indicators. In this case, much larger dosages are used compared to those that doctors prescribe to patients for medicinal purposes.

Steroids not only promote muscle growth, but also allow you to build exclusively lean muscles, although it all depends on the drug and its active substance. Athletes also feel an increase in strength, and with the help of some anabolic steroids they get rid of excess fat in preparation for bodybuilding competitions.

Types of anabolic steroids

It is difficult to identify the best anabolic steroids for gaining muscle mass or cutting the body before competitions, since there are a huge variety of drugs. They are injectable and oral. The latter have a short decay period and overload the liver, while injectable ones are safer and last longer. Moreover, they are all divided into groups, which we will now consider.

A growth hormone

In an effort to stimulate muscle growth, bodybuilders began using it back in the 90s. Professionals managed to increase lean muscle mass by about 10 kg, which was considered an incredible result. The high price made this drug available only to professionals, and in medicine to this day there is no 100% way to test a bodybuilder for the use of growth hormone.

Among the side effects of this drug on muscle growth are the following:

  • thickening of the bones of the fingers and jaw;
  • joint pain;
  • compression of nerves;
  • diabetes;
  • suppression of sexual function.

Preparations with insulin

Since the mid-90s, top bodybuilders have been combining growth hormone with insulin or IGF (insulin-like growth factors). With the help of this course of steroids, they were able to achieve new sizes and quality of muscle definition, and this also allowed them to add another 5-7 kg of mass.

The positive effects of the drugs were also accompanied by side effects such as diabetes, insulin resistance, and even insulin shock. All this is fraught with coma and even death. There is no reliable method for testing a bodybuilder for insulin or IGF use.

Anabolics for cutting

Among them are clenbuterol, diuretics, ephedrine and thyroid hormones T3 and T4. Bodybuilders use them to reduce body fat levels to 3% when preparing for competitions - this is necessary for deep relief and clear muscle definition. Professionals also take the drug DNP, which can cause severe dehydration.


Estrogen is a steroid hormone that stimulates the development of secondary female sexual characteristics. Among the dangerous side effects of steroids is their effect on the production of estrogen in the body (in men, female hormones begin to predominate). Bodybuilders do not use estrogens, but there are steroids with androgenic activity. We will not delve into complex chemical processes, but will explain why antiestrogens are used by athletes. After increasing testosterone levels with other anabolic steroids, the body increases the production of estrogen, which must be suppressed. For this there are drugs Clomid, Arimidex or Nolvadex.

Anabolic steroids and testosterone

Testosterone is a male sex hormone, and anabolic steroids are its artificial analogue. At the moment, they are considered one of the best steroids for bodybuilders. They are relatively inexpensive, but at the same time they strongly stimulate the growth of muscle mass. After the first course, their effectiveness decreases, so athletes begin to increase the dosage by 10-100 times and combine several drugs to improve results. Common side effects of these drugs include:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • increase in cholesterol concentration;
  • baldness;
  • kidney and liver damage;
  • infertility;
  • prostate enlargement;
  • contraction of the testicles, etc.

Among the most popular and best anabolic steroids, according to bodybuilders, are testosterone propionate, trenbolone, anadrol and deca-durabolin. Some are based on testosterone esters.

About the dangers of anabolic steroids

A course of anabolic steroids for mass allows you to form an attractive muscular body in a relatively short time. However, these substances are not as harmless as we would like. If you take them regularly, internal systems and organs will suffer. The insidiousness of anabolic steroids lies in the fact that you will not discover a failure immediately or even after a week or a month, but after a long time.

No athlete will tell you which anabolic steroid is the best and safest, since each drug has certain side effects. If you do everything wisely, many of them can be avoided, but uncontrolled use of steroids will significantly damage your health and lead to irreversible hormonal changes. Impotence and infertility are not the worst things that can happen to an athlete due to anabolic steroids.

The cellular structure of the body will inevitably wear out, since muscle mass will quickly increase when taking steroids. All this will stimulate the activity of body cells. After the first or several courses, the body will begin to age faster and will lose the ability to produce the necessary hormones on its own (for this, after all, it had anabolic steroids).

What are the consequences of taking steroids?

Regular use of anabolic steroids is accompanied by such unpleasant consequences as:

  • constant nausea;
  • severe dizziness;
  • vomiting and loss of appetite;
  • severe irritability;
  • uncontrollable aggression.

As already mentioned, men develop impotence, the prostate gland becomes inflamed, and sperm lose activity. Problems with conceiving children begin.

In women, anabolic steroids also lead to disorders that are accompanied by menstrual irregularities and increased body hair growth (these are consequences of exposure to the male hormone). The voice begins to get rougher.

As for teenagers, anabolic steroid courses are the most dangerous for them, as growth may stop. The effect of anabolic steroids on a young body that has not yet had time to get stronger is so strong that developmental delays may occur. Injuries increase due to the fact that muscles grow quickly, but ligaments and joints cannot keep up with them and simply cannot withstand high loads.

Thus, before using steroids, think several times whether the muscle mass gained is worth all these serious consequences, disorders and diseases that we have talked about.

Anabolic steroids for beginners

Experienced bodybuilders in gyms often have to answer the question, which anabolic steroids are best for a beginner to take? Professionals know that not all drugs are suitable for novice bodybuilders, even with minimal dosages. Beginners are advised to start with steroids such as turinabol, methandienog, boldenone and testosterone propionate.

The bottom line is that beginners need softer steroid drugs to gain weight, which will provide a clear result in the first course. However, they have minimal side effects, unless the recommended dosage is exceeded. This is a smart approach, because if you start with such strong steroids as oxymethalone or omnadren, you can immediately ruin your health. Not getting the desired result in strength or muscle growth.

Anabolic steroids from the pharmacy

You may be surprised, but anabolic steroids are also sold in pharmacies and are available without a prescription. These drugs are intended to treat certain diseases, but their proper use in combination with proper training will allow beginners and experienced athletes to build muscle mass. So, what steroids can you buy at the pharmacy?

  • Insulin. Stimulates muscle building, accelerates protein synthesis, non-toxic, compatible with other drugs. Unfortunately, it has side effects such as a drop in sugar levels and an increased tendency to gain fat deposits. It is also very difficult to create the correct course of taking this pharmaceutical anabolic steroid.
  • Riboxin. An excellent source of energy that increases the athlete's endurance, strengthens the immune system and accelerates muscle growth. Side effects include individual intolerance to components, allergic reactions and accelerated heartbeat if dosages are exceeded.
  • Clenbuterol. A strong fat burner that stimulates muscle growth. Stimulates anabolism, prevents muscles from breaking down during drying, and eliminates subcutaneous fat. Side effects are very serious: increased blood pressure, convulsions, vomiting and nausea, dizziness, active sweating.

As a result of using these drugs in well-designed courses, the effect should be noticeable, but we recommend that beginners first consult with experienced bodybuilders. An experienced athlete should explain to you whether anabolic steroids are good or bad, recommending that you weigh all the pros and cons before using them.

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! Today there will be a very hot topic, very controversial and controversial. Lately, a lot of people have been worried about it, but many, succumbing to public opinion and without any particular knowledge in this area, condemn people who are close to this.

Historical reference.

The fact is that these substances of steroid origin, which have an anabolic effect, have been known for more than 50 years; for the first time, these same “Asteroids” were obtained artificially in the middle of the last century. For a long time, the artificial hormone testosterone was only a purely medical drug, but its positive qualities were noticed by athletes. To date, more than 100 types of anabolic drugs have been synthesized.

What are anabolic steroids?

AS or Anabolic steroids are a separate class of drugs in pharmacology, they are very similar in all actions to testosterone, and are its derivatives; they are often called an artificial male hormone.

They have the following properties:

  • Accelerate all metabolic processes in the body, such as protein and enzymes.
  • Increase the muscle frame.
  • Helps reduce body fat (of course, with proper use and proper nutrition)
  • Increases strength activity.
  • Increases endurance.
  • Accelerates the body's recovery after physical activity.

Let's look at the concepts of Androgenic and Anabolic activity of testosterone.

Androgenicity (muscularization)– very well expressed among representatives of the fairer sex who use AC. Namely, muscle growth, expansion of the chest and increase in the girth of the deltas, hair growth where it should not be (on the face and stomach), rough heads, aggression and strong libido.

Anabolic activity– rapid muscle growth. I think everything is clear.)) If not, write in the comments, I will explain in detail.

When synthesizing AS, an increase in anabolic activity and a decrease in androgenicity is always pursued. But it’s impossible to create an ideal drug; there was an attempt and the result was Nandrolone (deca) , you will find more details about this drug in the article at the link. So, all AS have a pronounced androgenic property. Natural testosterone has the property of being absorbed very slowly in our body, but with the introduction of pure “test”, experiments have shown that the body removes it with the help of the liver and it does not have time to have any effect on our muscles or metabolic processes.

And in order for the steroid to have an effect, it needs to pass through our circulatory system several times; they are trying to do this by making the molecular weight of the steroid heavier and using various forms of drugs. The most popular of them are tablet or injectable form; the toxicity and duration of action of the substance depend on the form of the drug.

Let's talk about myths.

#1.Those who take steroids will die very early:D

If we consider that AS is a medicine that is prescribed to people even to restore muscle mass after serious illnesses, then of course we will die very, very early. But seriously, you can die from any substance if you abuse it.

No. 2. Your liver will fall off.

Why hide the load on the liver in any case, but why don’t you think about it when you drink beer?! Or is the liver charmed by the load of beer? To be even more logical, the load on the liver also comes from eating all the goodies that go with beer - crackers, chips, etc. Yes, not only beer affects the liver, but also other alcohol. Even Coca-Cola or any other soda also leads to all these pseudo-impacts, but for some reason we don’t take this into account, and when it comes to people using AC, it will all die at 30 and it will fall off, see below what...

No. 3. Jocks shouldn't...

If you have never sat on a course, then such statements are ridiculous. At least admit it to yourself))!

It’s not worth it - this can only happen if the course is built incorrectly and only after the course has ended! There is no way this can happen during the course, your testosterone is on the scale, it can be tens of times more than that of an ordinary person. And this nonsense of yours, despite the fact that you are sitting on a bench with a whitefish and a beer, and your testosterone level is near the lower limit... in general, quit discussing others. Later I will make a section where you will see analyzes before the course and on it, and after... all this will be.

What can the use of speakers lead to?

Below I will give a list of risks and explain what and how each one is.

Enlarged liver.

Hmm... Well, a very illogical risk, if your body becomes larger, then the internal organs must accordingly be larger in order to provide the body with all functions at the proper level, so this risk is simply nonsense.

Decrease in own testosterone.

It is logical that if you use artificial, then your production will be less, or it will stop altogether. In one of the articles, I already wrote that this effect is similar to smoking, when we start smoking the nicotine that our body produces stops being synthesized because of this and there is an irresistible craving for smoking when you try to quit. Therefore, there is nothing unnatural in this. For some reason, when someone smokes, this is not mentioned, but here is one of the first reasons why smoking is not worth it.

Increased blood pressure.

Yes, this is present, but it becomes noticeable during courses either in large dosages or on long esters, the fact is that when using AS, muscle cells begin to more actively retain water due to this and the pressure rises. But over time, either the body gets used to it, or you can get off the course.


Cramps are a natural process, it can also occur in ordinary “pure” athletes; with the rapid growth of muscle tissue, tendons, ligaments, etc., do not keep up with muscle growth and as a result they become exhausted, this is what causes cramps. Take vitamin complexes, and everything will be fine.


In narrow circles, “Gyno” is an enlargement of the mammary gland, characteristic of the female half. This occurs due to increased estradiol and prolactin in the body. To prevent this from happening, be sure to consult with professionals in this matter and be sure to take tests before the course and after a month of the course.

Depending on the level of your hormones, the dosage will be different, but taking 10-20 mg of tamoxifen citrate (Tamox) every day on the cycle will help you prevent the occurrence of gynecomastia. This is the cheapest and almost 100% method.

Reduction of scalp hair.

This is also present, but I hasten to make you both happy and sad. If you are predisposed to baldness, sooner or later this will happen even without using AS, the fact is that AS can accelerate many processes, and so baldness is also in this list of processes. But this happens due to long-term use, this will not happen to you from one course, but as a rule, those who have tried AC continue it.

Finally, we wrap everything up with a video:

This concludes our article, thank you for your attention, see you next time. And remember that taking AC is a personal matter for everyone. If you have any questions, ask, I will be happy to answer.

With UV. Administrator.

All beginners, and even more so experienced athletes, are well aware of what anabolic activity is. This term refers to the ability of a drug to cause a process such as muscle hypertrophy. It occurs as a result of the impact on the synthesis processes of protein, which is important for any athlete. This activity applies both to insulin and steroids with androgenic and anabolic properties, and to food products, as well as special nutritional supplements that athletes like to use.

Usually, when listing the points of a drug’s steroid profile, the degree of anabolic activity is indicated as a percentage, relative to the same indicator for testosterone. For example, if the anabolic activity of the main male hormone is 100%, then with Primobolan it is about 88%, while with Methandienone it is 200%. The anabolic activity of the well-known pharmaceutical representative Stanozolol is 320%, and androgenic activity is only 30%. Oxandrolone, also known as Anavar, is also highly endowed with anabolic activity - at a level of 400% with an androgenic index of 25%. The widely known Nanrolone boasts an anabolic index of only 150% against the background of an androgenic index of 30%. Danabol, which is also used by athletes for their steroid courses, has an anabolic index of 200% relative to testosterone and androgenic activity of 50%.

Indicators of the degree of anabolic activity for each specific steroid may be different, depending on bioavailability and the resulting property of the drug to bind to the DNA of the cell in which rapid and correct protein synthesis occurs. When thinking about choosing and purchasing a drug for his cycle, an athlete must first of all take into account its anabolic indicator, which must be an order of magnitude higher than the androgenic characteristics of the drug. Such steroids extremely rarely, and most often only when taken incorrectly, cause side effects. They may appear due to the ability of testosterone to be converted into estrogens. But when choosing a high-quality drug, using it in average working dosages and not prolonging the course, the risk of getting side effects such as edema, gynecomastia or acne along with excellent results is minimized.

Anabolic activity is inherent not only in steroids, but also in insulin, which is not much inferior to these drugs in its properties. It affects any organism by connecting to the insulin receptors of muscle cells, then opening a channel in them through which it ensures the supply of vital substances. These are creatine, glucose, and amino acids necessary for every athlete. The mechanism of action of somatotropin is similar. This hormone also opens the cell and prepares it for the penetration of nutrients. This is exactly how other drugs function, endowed with the properties of giving athletes an increase in high-quality, hard and dense muscles, as well as significantly increasing the indicator of physical power that is important for them.

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