Formation of entrepreneurial competencies among schoolchildren in conditions of social partnership. Model of competencies and qualities of an entrepreneur Core competencies of an entrepreneur

Formation of entrepreneurial competencies among the younger generationmodern Russian society is one of the most important issues in the development of our education and economy. For sustainable development and social progress, the state needs personnel and citizens who can actively and effectively lead the country to a sustainable improvement in the well-being of the nation and an economically healthy future.

The urgency of the problem is due to contradictions

  • between the requirements for training the younger generation entering life and work in new rapidly changing economic and social conditions,
  • between the requirements of scientific and technological progress in the personnel potential of production,
  • between the requirements of employers who need active, literate, business-like, competent young employees andthe system in which Russian general education now prepares graduates of educational institutions for future independent work, adaptation to the business world and building a successful career.

Unfortunately, many modern graduates of public schools do not have sufficient independence and awareness of their professional self-determination, do not fully possess the knowledge and skills to most effectively determine their future career path, cannot clearly set goals for creating a successful career and find ways to solve them, having studied a lot and working for this, they have difficulty assessing the alternative of working “for the organization” and working “for oneself”; they have little idea that the country urgently needs young people with entrepreneurial competencies, entrepreneurial thinking, and business activity in order to develop and support the Russian small and medium-sized businesses that will help make our immediate future economically healthy, organizing production in the country itself, focused on its own people, creating new jobs; profits, taxes from which will be directed to the social sphere, education, healthcare, etc.

Therefore the question training entrepreneurially literate and active young generation- this is simply a pressing issue of our life and our education, this is a strategic issue of state development that meets the tasks established by the National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation for the period until 2025.

For necessity formation of entrepreneurial competencies And business qualities among the younger generation is also indicated by the Federal Target Program for the Development of Russian Education until 2015, directing the actions of teachers towards the comprehensive nature of achieving goals and objectives, unified approaches to solving existing problems of education in the matter of responsible training and replenishment of the country’s young intellectual and personnel potential, who can take care of decent economic condition of the population and the state.

At the Center for Educational and Scientific Consulting (ESC), the problem of developing entrepreneurial competencies in schoolchildren is being actively studied; ESC participates in conferences, seminars, and meetings on this topic.

COiNK invites educational institutions, scientific and public organizations, enterprises and all interested parties to cooperation.

We are happy to share our developments:

  • model “Formation of entrepreneurial competencies among schoolchildren in conditions of social partnership” (systems of extracurricular and curricular activities with students from grades 1 to 11 of general education institutions) to create the prerequisites for the targeted training of the younger generation and their participation in the development of small and medium-sized businesses in Russia, the formation of an economically healthy future countries;

Model of general competencies of a young entrepreneur

Entrepreneurial competencies that are formed during the completion of educational subjects


Competencies, knowledge and skills that will help a future entrepreneur or business person become more successful

Russian language, literature

knowledge of the rules of competent oral and written speech, the ability to speak clearly and convincingly, present your plans, clearly give tasks, use literary examples to add emotion to your speech, the ability to conduct business correspondence


logical thinking, ability to make calculations, draw up graphs, diagrams, diagrams, read and analyze statistical data, ability to create algorithms, quantify quantities


the ability to use information and communication technologies, the Internet to search and transform information, compile tables, graphs, diagrams, the ability to conduct business contacts via the Internet, conduct business correspondence via e-mail, the ability to determine the course of action


understanding of historical processes and stages of development of society, knowledge of successful examples of entrepreneurial activity, the role of the state and the private sector in economic development, the ability to encourage people to vigorous activity, using examples from history

social science

knowledge of the spheres of human activity, the meaning and structure of the economic sphere of activity in the life of the state and in the life of an individual, general ideas about economics. processes, the role of a person in various processes, the concept of image, etiquette, behavior in certain situations, the ability to be responsible for what is said, understanding the presence of moral and social responsibility for actions, the ability to determine performance criteria, recognizing the importance of competition, mastering the art of negotiations, the ability to understand the essence of the problem , ability to evaluate actions


spatial understanding of life and the laws of distribution of nature, resources, economy, economic features of individual regions, countries, the world as a whole, the concept of leading sectors of the economy, awareness of socio-economic needs


concepts about advanced research in the field of physics and technology used in advanced sectors of the economy


knowledge of the main features of chemistry as a branch of production and the “avant-garde troika” industry for the purpose of organizing a business


concepts about modern technologies for the production of plants and animals, food products

foreign language

communication skills, the ability to establish business contacts, the ability to use the experience of others in one’s activities


the ability to understand the significance of works of art for organizing a business

  • programs of 4 pre-profile and specialized courses for graduates of basic general and secondary (full) general education of urban and rural schools: “The World of Business People”, “School of the Future Entrepreneur”, “I am a Farmer”, “”;
  • 2 methodological manuals with recommendations for teachers on the practical application of the developed model and organization of the social partnership system (the manual in 2013 took 2nd place in the All-Russian competition for the development of materials for improving the financial literacy of children and adolescents, held by the Vita-Press publishing house):

Gladilina I.P., Grishakina O.P., Trusova L.A. Formation of entrepreneurial competencies among schoolchildren in conditions of social partnership. - M.: LLC “Collage”, 2011. – 120 p.

Trusova L.A. Methodological materials for organizing classes on developing entrepreneurial competencies in schoolchildren. - M.: LLC “Collage”, 2011. – 136s.

  • cycle of parent lectures on professional self-determination of schoolchildren,
  • a model of the social partnership system of the base institution of the experiment, which helps to form and develop the entrepreneurial competencies of schoolchildren using specific practical examples and cases;

Complex of developing entrepreneurial competencies in conditions of social partnership

  • model system of network Internet interaction on improving entrepreneurial competencies and consulting on business training for students, teachers, parents, specialists through the system of the site “PEDFORUM” for conducting online consulting, conducting problem-thematic seminars and trainings, webinars in the Moscow region and other regions of the Russian Federation.

Examples of opportunities to develop entrepreneurial competencies

using lesson materials on individual teaching materials

(the full version for all classes and subjects, extracurricular activities is presented in teaching aids)

Educational and methodological set “School of Russia” ed. A.A. Pleshakova

1 class:

Mathematics. 1st grade. Textbook for general education establishment At 2 o'clock M.I. Moro, S.I. Volkova, S.V., Stepanova. - 10th ed. - M.: Education, 2010. - 112 p.

Parts, lesson numbers

Topics on which emphasis can be strengthened to develop the qualities necessary for a future business person or entrepreneur

(to develop entrepreneurial competencies)


Numbers from 1 to 10

Concept of numbers and order

Addition and subtraction

Numbering. Numbers from 1 to 20.

The concept of numbers and order, the components of a number. Ability to explain actions performed

Addition and subtraction

Ability to carry out simple calculations. Ability to solve problems with ingenuity

Goretsky V.G. Russian alphabet.1st grade: textbook. for general education institutions. 14th ed. - M.: Enlightenment. 2010.-239s


What to focus on when studying

Concept of goods and shopping

Who will become who? Who works for whom?

Introduction to professions

Skillful hands

The concept of the meaning of labor

The concept of the meaning of learning

Two comrades

The concept of mutual assistance

L. Tolstoy.

The truth is more expensive than anything

Concept of honesty and truth

Educational and methodological set “School -2100”

(R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva; Peterson L.G)


1 class. Peterson L.G. in three parts. –M.:Yuventa, 2002


Examples of works that can be used

What to focus on when studying

(for the formation of entrepreneurial competencies)

Part I

Big and small. Decrease and increase

The ability to understand the difference in numbers, understand what is more and less

Item groups

Ability to distinguish between labor products

Comparison of Item Groups

Ability to compare


Ability to fold


Part II


Ability to perform arithmetic operations

Addition table

Ability to understand numbers

Starting to learn the ability to solve problems with meaning

Part III


Understanding the Meaning of Equations

Counting in tens

Introducing a new type of numbers

Russian language. 1 class. R.N. Buneeva, E.V. Buneeva, O.V. Pronina.-M.: Balass. 2004

Lesson number

Examples of works that can be used

Why are words that sound the same written differently - with capital and small letters?

Showing the importance of being neat and competent

We repeat the rules for preparing proposals in writing

Showing the importance of knowing writing rules

Literary reading: 2nd grade:

textbook for students of general education institutions: at 2 o'clock. / author-compiler L.A. Efrosinina – 5th ed. –M.: Ventana-Graf, 2009, part 1.-176s, part 2-176s.

Parts, lesson numbers

Themes, on which you can strengthen the emphasis to develop the qualities necessary for a future business person, entrepreneur

What to focus on when studying (to develop entrepreneurial competencies)

Swan, crayfish and pike

How important it is to understand the need for joint action and common work

M. Zoshchenko

The most important

The concept of courage, knowledge, the connection between strength and intelligence

How important it is to understand that knowledge is necessary, not every power is stronger than the mind

L. Panteleev

Two frogs

Concepts of work and perseverance

It is important to understand that in order to achieve something, you need to work hard

L. Tolstoy

Winter hut of animals

The idea of ​​joint activities, the importance of making a common decision

Brothers Grimm

The Tale of the Three Little Pigs

The idea of ​​reliability and a job well done. How important it is to understand that there is no need to be careless

E. Permyak The case with the wallet

Honesty concept.

How important it is to understand that honesty is a natural quality for a person

A. Pushkin Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish

The concept of real opportunities.

Kravchenko A.I., Pevtsova E.A. Social studies: Textbook for 6th grade general educational institutions.-11th ed.-M.: LLC TID “Russkoe Slovo-RS”, 2008.-184p.

Parts, lesson numbers

Topics on which emphasis can be strengthened to develop the qualities necessary for a future business person or entrepreneur


knowledge, skills, abilities

What is society?

The concept of society, spheres of social life. The ability to determine which area a particular activity belongs to

Modern society

An idea of ​​the requirements for a modern worker, education and skills.

Humanity as the sum of generations

The concept of generations, material and intangible culture

Humanity, society, nature

Concept of ecological production

What is economics?

An idea of ​​the economy and production, needs and resources. Ability to understand what is needed to organize production

Ideas about trade, money, banks. The ability to understand how trade is related to production, why money serves people

What is entrepreneurship and business

The idea of ​​entrepreneurship.

Ability to understand what a successful business is


Housekeeping concept. Ability to share family income and expenses. Concept of savings.

Economic activity of teenagers

Youth concept. Introduction to young entrepreneurs.

Labor from the point of view of the law

The concept of employee and employer, employment contract and wages.

Social structure of society

Understanding of groups in society, the ability to understand the causes of social inequality. The ability to understand what a person’s position in society depends on

Rules and norms of behavior in society

The concept of norms and rules of behavior, customs and traditions, etiquette. Ability to explain rules of conduct. Acquaintance with the customs and traditions of business communication in different countries.

Right to serve a person

The concept of responsibility, contract.

Ideal and values

The concept of values. Ability to prioritize

In almost all areas of activity, a person’s personal qualities play no less a role in achieving success than professional qualities. Personal and professional qualities are generally difficult to separate from each other, therefore a significant place is given to personal improvement. Moreover, this improvement occurs in two directions at once: first, self-actualization, the desire to do what you like; the second is a reflection of the trends of the entire society, its changing requirements for the individual. The idea that entrepreneurial talent is necessary for success, that everyone should try to develop it in one way or another, belongs to the second direction.

Core competencies of an entrepreneur

To explain entrepreneurial behavior, one must take into account aspect of competencies and abilities. For their analysis, the conclusions of the so-called human capital theory are useful, which helps answer the question of how human resources (i.e., the competencies and abilities of the founder of the enterprise) influence the achievement of success. Social competencies also make a significant contribution.

In general, we must proceed from the fact that good general educational and professional training of managers and staff has a positive effect on the survival of a business, especially if the entrepreneur (or at least one of this group) has a technical education. In technology-driven industries, the presence of entrepreneurs with technical and commercial backgrounds offers particular benefits to the new venture, particularly in terms of growth. One should also take into account the danger of an excessively high level of education for entrepreneurs, which can negatively affect the success of the business being undertaken.

Industry experience is a very important component of human capital for the chances of success in technology-driven industries. Industry knowledge acquired immediately before the creation of a new enterprise is especially valuable.

In all areas of economic and professional communication with people, be it personnel management, group work, negotiations with business partners or client relations, the presence of high social competence. Its main components are communication skills, contact, willingness and ability to resolve conflicts, attention to a partner, a sense of responsibility, emotional stability, motivational abilities, the desire to learn, the ability to introspect, and a sense of justice. Social competence, realized in client satisfaction and staff motivation, directly or indirectly affects the effectiveness of the undertaking and the further success of the business.

Networking has a positive impact on the success of a new enterprise. competence(specific knowledge in the field of social interactions regarding the motivation and resources of partners and third parties) and a portfolio of connections (collaboration of a technology-oriented enterprise with various market participants). It is enterprises that focus on the production of technologically complex products that are forced to enter into difficult relationships with many counterparties, so the issue of optimizing these relationships is extremely relevant for them. It should be noted that network competence, a portfolio of connections and their organization largely intersect with intra-organizational processes and strategic developments.

An entrepreneur does not have to be an inventor or implement his own inventions, but noticing, finding and thinking through specific forms of using new ideas is his calling. The famous American entrepreneur, major steel industrialist E. Carnegie, for example, was not the author of inventions, but he knew better than others how inventions belonging to other people could be used in steel production.

What is important is the entrepreneur’s ability to predict how the implementation of new ideas in the production process will be perceived by the market. This skill is the key to the future success of an entrepreneur.

Scientific publications (articles and monographs) with keyword entrepreneurial competencies , published by the Creative Economy Publishing House (found: 6 for the period from 2010 to 2017).

1. Korchagina I.V., Rogova K.V., Korchagin R.L.
// Russian entrepreneurship. (No. 16 / 2017).
Innovative entrepreneurship is of great importance in modernizing the country's economy and is one of Russia's strategic priorities. The most important resource for its development is the human capital of active, competent, educated people, including students. However, the level of student involvement in innovative entrepreneurship is quite low. The article evaluates the place of innovative entrepreneurship in the career plans of Russian students and shows the need for more active involvement of students in innovative entrepreneurship. Based on a critical analysis, the possibilities and limitations of existing mechanisms for involving students in innovative entrepreneurship are revealed. New conceptual provisions and applied recommendations for enhancing student participation in innovative entrepreneurial activities are proposed. The conclusions of the article can be used in the development of programs and projects for the development of innovative entrepreneurship, in the planning and implementation of events to involve students in innovative entrepreneurship.

Korchagina I.V., Rogova K.V., Korchagin R.L. Involving Russian students in modern innovative entrepreneurship // Russian Entrepreneurship. – 2017. – Volume 18. – No. 16. – p. 2301-2316. – doi: 10.18334/rp.18.16.38218.

3. Zavyalov D.V., Saginova O.V., Zavyalova N.B.

The article examines the problems and trends in the development of small and medium-sized businesses in Russia, summarizes the factors that impede the active development of entrepreneurship, and outlines ways to intensify work in accordance with the objectives of the new strategy for the development of entrepreneurship.

Zavyalov D.V., Saginova O.V., Zavyalova N.B. Problems and challenges for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in Russia // Russian Entrepreneurship. – 2017. – Volume 18. – No. 3. – p. 203-214. – doi: 10.18334/rp.18.3.37285 .

4. Saginova O.V., Grishina O.A., Shtykhno D.A.
// Russian entrepreneurship. (No. 3 / 2017).
The article discusses the problems and prospects for cooperation between universities and business structures, substantiates the need to include small and medium-sized enterprises among the university's partners, and describes the experience of using descriptions of the real problems of these enterprises in the system of project-based training for students.

Saginova O.V., Grishina O.A., Shtykhno D.A. Project-based training of students based on orders from small and medium-sized entrepreneurial structures // Russian Entrepreneurship. – 2017. – Volume 18. – No. 3. – p. 417-425. – doi: 10.18334/rp.18.3.37306 .

6. Mikusheva T.Yu.
// Russian entrepreneurship. (No. 2 / 2010).
Widespread dissemination of new equipment and technologies is the economic basis
innovative activity of enterprises. The process is influenced by social
economic factors related to the investment and tax policies of the state, policies in the field of intellectual property and personnel training, state support for business activities.


The article substantiates the feasibility of developing students' entrepreneurial competencies as a complex of subject, personal and social competencies in the logic of sign-contextual and competency-based approaches. The authors consider a model for the development of these qualities of students using the example of SRSPU (NPI) named after. M.I. Platova. The model includes a sequence: from mastering theoretical knowledge, then through the development of skills and abilities to the formation of stable personal qualities - competencies. Particular attention is paid to the development of social competencies (the ability to work in a team, coordinate one’s actions with partners, demonstrate organizational and leadership abilities, make decisions together, etc.). The article discusses the participation of students in competitions for the development of business projects, which, in the logic of the contextual approach, is considered as a form of educational and professional activity. Among other forms of developing entrepreneurial competencies among students at SRSPU (NPI), the following are used: implementation of educational programs of additional education, conducting trainings on the development of organizational, communication, leadership abilities, creative thinking, business games, participation in international programs (“Enactus”) and entrepreneurial forums .

1. Verbitsky A.A. Competence-based approach and contextual learning theory. - M.: Research Center for Problems of Quality of Training of Specialists, 2004. - 84 p.

2. Verbitsky A.A. Contextual learning in a new educational paradigm. - M.: Research Center for Problems of Quality of Training of Specialists, 1999. - 75 p.

3. Gutkevich A.E., Eremina S.L. Experience in developing management competencies // News of Tomsk Polytechnic University. - 2011. - T. 319, No. 6. - P. 24–28.

4. Zimnyaya I. A. Key competencies as a result-target basis of the competency-based approach in education. M.: Research Center for Problems of Quality of Training of Specialists, 2004.

5. Trusova L.A. Features of the formation of entrepreneurial competencies of schoolchildren in the conditions of social partnership // Modern problems of science and education. – 2012. – No. 2; URL: www..04.2015).

6. Trusova L.A. Formation of entrepreneurial competencies of schoolchildren in conditions of social partnership: Abstract of thesis. dis. Ph.D. teacher Sci. – M., 2012. – 23 p.

The current socio-economic and political situation in our country requires the effective inclusion of development potential, the bearer of which is youth. The topic of youth entrepreneurship is one of the priorities, which is widely discussed in connection with the Fundamentals of State Youth Policy adopted at the end of last year. President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin has repeatedly noted that at present the social burden on young people is sharply increasing, their role in strengthening the position of the Russian Federation in the world community and ensuring the competitiveness of our country is increasing. Therefore, today dictates the need of society for proactive, energetic, purposeful youth, capable of entrepreneurial activity, creation and implementation of innovative ideas. The pedagogical community needs to look for mechanisms for developing in the younger generation the necessary knowledge, qualities, as well as readiness for entrepreneurial activity. There is a need for pedagogical practice to provide scientific and methodological substantiation of the essence and mechanisms for the development of entrepreneurial competencies of young people.

Entrepreneurial competencies are understood as a range of issues in which a person has the authority, knowledge, and experience to successfully conduct entrepreneurial activities; behavior exhibited in the process of effectively performing tasks in business.

Currently, there is no single list of entrepreneurial competencies. The first attempt to study them was made during a large-scale cross-cultural study conducted by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) (Mansfield, R.S., McClelland, D.C., Spencer, L.M., Santiago, J. (1987). As a result, a set of competencies of highly successful people was compiled. entrepreneurs.

1. Achievement competencies (initiative, sees and takes advantage of opportunities, concern for high quality work, contractual obligations, efficiency orientation).

2. Thinking and problem solving competencies (systematic planning, problem solving).

3. Directiveness and control (persistence, control).

4. Other-oriented (recognizing the importance of business relationships).

L.A. Trusova presented a model of general entrepreneurial competencies of students, which can be developed for more targeted and effective preparation of the younger generation for building a business career and successfully conducting entrepreneurial activities in the future. These include: “Successes and achievements” - initiative, use of opportunities, possession and use of information, persistence in the pursuit of success, responsibility for obligations, increasing operational efficiency; “Leadership” - self-confidence, influence and persuasion, the ability to work in a team and be a leader, directiveness, increasing the level of education; “Entrepreneurial thinking” - focus and planning, generation and evaluation of ideas, effectiveness of actions, resolution of problem situations; “Interaction and relationships” - reliability and honesty, recognition of the importance of business relationships, development of business contacts, image; “Education” – the presence of knowledge and skills in the field of business, the desire for self-improvement, orientation in the professional field, “Personal capabilities” – efficiency and hard work, experience and expertise, self-organization, awareness of one’s own capabilities, creativity and out-of-the-box thinking, consistency.

A.E. Gutkevich, S.L. Eremin outlines a list of the main competencies of an entrepreneur in the field of engineering projects:

1) planning and organizing team work: draws up long-term plans for the team’s work, correctly distributes efforts when working with several team members, clearly sets goals at each stage of the team’s work, analyzes the results of work at each stage, and on this basis plans further activities of the team ;

2) result orientation: independently sets difficult goals, constantly raises the bar of demands on oneself, persistently and persistently overcomes difficulties, achieves excellence, makes efforts to obtain high-quality results, takes personal responsibility for the results;

3) communication and business communication: when presenting information clearly, clearly and consistently, he conveys his ideas, knows how to establish contact with people of different types, defends his point of view with arguments, and works effectively with objections;

4) understanding of business: knows well the specifics of the market for engineering ideas, uses in his work information about the actions of competitors and market trends and scientific and technological progress, understands the peculiarities of business, has a holistic understanding of the engineering and entrepreneurial project, thinks in terms of commercial benefits.

Along with professional competencies (knowledge in the field of economics, business, finance, etc.) and personal ones (the desire to achieve success, initiative, independence in setting goals), the authors point to the importance of social competencies (the ability to work in a team, interact with other people, cooperation and etc.).

When entering professional activity, a young entrepreneur has to undergo professional, subject-specific and social adaptation. Social adaptation consists of the development of social qualities (coordination and interaction with other people, cooperation, mutual assistance, communication and interaction in the work process, joint decision-making). This process is especially difficult for a young specialist, since the development of these qualities is not included in the educational process and content of education. Therefore, it is necessary to look for methods that would ensure the development of the entire complex of entrepreneurial competencies. A solution to this problem is presented in the field of application of sign-context learning. This is consistent with the opinion of A.A. Verbitsky, who points out that the theory and technology of contextual learning can be used as a conceptual basis for the implementation of a competency-based approach in vocational education.

The technology of sign-contextual learning, created within the framework of the activity approach, is aimed at forming an integral structure of the student’s future professional activity. To develop the professional competencies of students, it is necessary to create such learning conditions that ensure a transition from exclusively cognitive activity to a professional type of activity. At the same time, the needs, motives, goals of action, and means of the learner change. Professional competencies are being formed.

The contextual approach involves creating conditions under which knowledge is not given in its pure form, but is given in the general context of production situations. Knowledge is not isolated, but systemic. The collective nature of professional work is revealed, involving interpersonal interactions between specialists, exchange of opinions, and decision-making. The essence of sign-contextual learning lies in modeling the subject and social content of future professional activity. Thus, it is advisable to use the technology of sign-contextual learning to develop students’ entrepreneurial competencies.

An important emphasis in sign-contextual training is placed on reproducing the social aspect of professional activity, which contributes to the formation of interaction and communication skills, joint decision-making, responsibility for the cause, for oneself and for others. The most common forms of recreating the social context are the following forms and methods of teaching: the method of analyzing specific and industrial situations and situational tasks, business games, problem situations, student research, the project method, industrial practice, coursework and diploma design. With their help, modeling and imitation of professional activities occur. But there is another form of development of entrepreneurial competencies of students, which, in terms of the level of tension of intellectual resources and the severity of motivation, lack of time and stress, can be brought as close as possible to the real activity of an entrepreneur. This form is the participation of students in competitions dedicated to the development of business projects.

If we consider this form of work with students within the framework of the sign-contextual approach, then it is part of basic educational and professional activities and, more than other forms and methods, contributes to the development of social competencies (the ability to work in a team, coordinate one’s actions with partners, show organizational and leadership skills). abilities, joint decision-making, etc.).

The model for the formation of entrepreneurial competencies assumes a sequence: mastering theoretical knowledge, then through the formation of skills and abilities - to the formation of stable personal qualities - competencies (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1.Model for the development of entrepreneurial competencies of university students in the system of additional education

1. The educational program “Organization and effective management of your own business” was developed at Southern Federal University as a segment of the regional program “Involving Youth in Entrepreneurship,” operated by the Department of Investment and Entrepreneurship of the Rostov Region. The program included 110 academic hours of classes, as well as the development of a business plan by students.

2. The “School of Small Business Leaders” was organized, which is a permanent platform that implements programs of additional education in the field of business. The school is designed to train students in project activities, case solving, and develop entrepreneurial competencies and teamwork skills. Leading teachers are successful businessmen and business coaches.

As part of educational programs for the development of entrepreneurial competencies, various trainings are conducted.

1. “Development of leadership and organizational skills.” The purpose of the training: development of leadership qualities and organizational skills. The training included the development of self-analysis skills; self-analysis of qualities that help and hinder being leaders; developing the ability to work in a team, taking into account the interests of other group members; developing team management skills.

2. “Business rhetoric and public speaking.” The purpose of the training was to develop the communicative competence of participants in business communication. The goal included performing a number of tasks: developing speech skills to prepare for difficult communication situations in business (negotiations, discussions, etc.); Improving the culture of conversational speech, teaching speech methods to establish and maintain friendly personal relationships with partners.

3. “Creative business: creative thinking skills.” The purpose of the training was to master techniques that help in finding ideas in business, developing the ability to see a problem from different points of view, allowing one to remove the inertia of thinking. During the training sessions, participants discussed the criteria for creative thinking; got acquainted with methods of increasing creativity with the creation of new ideas in entrepreneurial activity (RVS operator (size-time-cost), analogy method, brainstorming, lateral thinking techniques); trained to apply creative thinking techniques when solving business problems.

4. Business trainings with successful entrepreneurs in the region are conducted as part of the “You are an Entrepreneur” program. Thus, the famous entrepreneur and business coach Bari Alibasov Jr. conducted the training “Startup: from idea to CEO.” A seminar by Natalya Krivosheina “The Right Startup” and a presentation “7 Signs of the Right Startup”, a master class by Gleb Alexandrov “The best business education in Russia: is it possible?” were held.

Business games occupy an important place in modeling the future professional activities of entrepreneurs and are a part of quasi-professional activities. A series of business games in student groups was carried out as part of World Entrepreneurship Week.

An example would be a business game to develop the entrepreneurial qualities of young people in the field of tourism business “Drawing up a tourist route in Novocherkassk.” The goal of the game was to develop an entrepreneurial mentality. The participants were faced with the following tasks: to develop the ability to think proactively and creatively, to convince partners that their words are right, to make decisions after carefully thinking through the situation, to work effectively in a team, and to be able to present their ideas in a favorable light. The result of the game was the development of tourist routes around the capital of the Don Cossacks: “Novocherkassk - the capital of the Don Cossacks” with a visit to the Museum of the History of the Don Cossacks and the Ataman Palace, “Outstanding Artists of Novocherkassk”, “Temples of Novocherkassk”, “Architectural appearance of Novocherkassk”. When summing up the results, according to the experts and participants who signed up for the excursions, the team with the “Temples of Novocherkassk” route took first place.

And finally, an important condition for students to carry out educational and professional activities is the participation of university teams in university, regional and All-Russian competitions of student entrepreneurial projects.

In 2012, the Enactes team was organized at SRSPU (NPI) as part of the international program of the same name for entrepreneurial student projects aimed at solving social, environmental and economic problems, uniting more than 40 countries of the world. In 2012, the team took 3rd place in the regional competition and received the “Debut of the Year” prize at the All-Russian competition “Enactus Russia 2013”. The team members developed and presented four business projects: “Festival of Art and Sports” (manager - R. Yuldashev), “Looking for Housing” (manager - R. Chursinov), “Brick from Mud” (manager - E. Kuznetsova), “Universal card” (manager - A. Shindryaev).

In 2014, according to the results of the competition, the SRSPU (NPI) team took 2nd place. Our team (speakers - Smirnov R., Yuldashev R., Kuznetsova E., Alexandrov A.) presented three projects to the jury: “Surrealistic Events”, “Festival of Art and Sports”, “Cossacks. Reboot".

Business idea competition “Start up, Don!” was held within the framework of the Program of the XIII International Business Forum on Don. More than 40 young people aged 18 to 30 were able to present their business ideas to a competent jury. 7 people represented SRSPU (NPI), four of them became finalists of this competition.

More than 40 students of SRSPU (NPI) took part in the II Russian Forum of Youth Entrepreneurship “Svoe Delo 2.0”. The co-organizers of the forum were members of the Enactus-NPI team R. Smirnov and R. Yuldashev. The purpose of the event is to prepare proposals for the synchronization of ongoing federal and regional programs for the support and development of youth entrepreneurship in Russia, including programs aimed at involving youth in entrepreneurial activities. Participants in the competition were able to optionally undergo in-depth testing to identify entrepreneurial abilities, and receive free assistance from specialists in drawing up or finalizing business plans. All forum participants had the opportunity to sign up for special educational programs, trainings and master classes on the basics of entrepreneurship.

The achievements and results of student teams using these forms of work with youth demonstrate the effectiveness of their inclusion in the educational process.

The results of the work were obtained with the support of project No. 2873 “Theory, methodology and technology of vocational education in areas of training corresponding to priority areas of modernization and technological development of the Russian economy,” carried out within the framework of the basic part of state task No. 2015/143.


Shemet O.V., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, South Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) named after M.I. Platova, Novocherkassk;

Komissarova M.A., Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Production Economics, South Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) named after M.I. Platov, Novocherkassk.

Bibliographic link

Revin I.A., Tsybulevskaya D.L. DEVELOPMENT OF ENTREPRENEURIAL COMPETENCIES IN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY STUDENTS // Modern problems of science and education. – 2015. – No. 2-1.;
URL: (access date: 01/05/2020). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

Professional competencies are a set of knowledge, abilities and skills needed by specialists in a particular professional field and independently applied by them in the process of professional activity.

Entrepreneurs need professional knowledge:

Economic and legal basis for the activities of entrepreneurial firms in the Russian Federation and on the international market

Specifics and patterns of development of subject areas of activity (division of labor, business infrastructure)

Specifics and patterns of development of one’s own professional interests and the interests of the environment.

The essence and boundaries of business sovereignty

Theories and practices of competitive business.

Specifics and patterns of development of the intercompany business environment.

Specifics and patterns of development of the intra-company business environment.

Schemes for achieving and maintaining power, methods of influencing the environment.

Specifics and patterns of business administration.

For many entrepreneurs, business school is life itself. However, since the end of the 20th century, various entrepreneurial education programs have become widespread throughout the world (children's business schools and camps, specialized programs for students, programs for adults with not only higher education, but also practical work experience).

The concept of entrepreneurial business planning in a broad and narrow sense. Planning principles

In a broad sense, business planning is the definition of an organization’s mission, its strategy, and the development of a business plan.

In a narrow sense, business planning is the development of a business plan

Planning principles

Flexibility, which provides for constant adaptation to changes in the operating environment of the enterprise. Its compliance requires adjustment of the plan in response to various changes in the external and internal environment;

Continuity, which implies a sliding nature of planning, primarily in terms of systematic revision of plans, “shifting” the planning period (for example, after the end of the reporting month, quarter, year);

Communicativeness, which means coordination and integration of efforts (or the principle of holism according to R. Akof). Everything must be interconnected and interdependent;

Participation, which implies the importance of involving all possible participants in the process of functioning of the enterprise;

Adequacy, i.e. reflection of real problems and self-evaluation in the planning process. Adequacy presupposes that actually occurring processes should be modeled with rational accuracy when drawing up an enterprise plan;

Complexity as the relationship and reflection in terms of all areas of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise;

Multi-option, allowing you to choose the best of the alternative possibilities for achieving your goal. Compliance with this principle requires the development of various scenarios for the future development of the enterprise based on probabilistic scenarios for the development of the environment;

Iterativeness, which involves repeatedly linking already compiled sections of the plan (iteration). This determines the creative nature of the planning process itself.

In practice, strategic, long-term, short-term and current planning are used.

Strategic planning is a vision of an enterprise in the future, its place and role in the economy and socio-economic structure of the country, as well as the main ways and means of achieving this new state.

Long-term planning is carried out for the next 3-5 years.

Short-term planning is carried out for the next 1-3 years

Current planning – short-term planning is carried out, usually for 1 year.

58. Purpose of a business plan, its structure

BP is a document showing the investment attractiveness of any project or business.

A business plan serves three main purposes:

It gives the investor an answer to the question of whether it is worth investing in a given investment project.

Serves as a source of information for those directly implementing the project.

When making a decision to issue a loan, the bank receives comprehensive information about the borrower’s existing business and its development after receiving the loan.

Elements of a business plan:1. Summary 2. Description of the enterprise and industry 3. Description of products (services) 4. Marketing and sales of products (services) 5. Production plan 6. Organizational plan 7. Financial plan 8. Focus and effectiveness of the project 9. Risks and guarantees 10. Applications

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