Baksan Observatory. Vadim Boyarkin. Trips. Sterile Neutrinos: Catch them if you can

“Neutrino” is an ultra-light elementary particle that almost does not interact with matter. The fact that it exists was proven in the 50s of the 20th century. In the 60s, the Soviet government decided to build a special neutrino observatory in the Baksan Gorge. The location was not chosen by chance. In a “cocktail” of hundreds of types of other elementary particles, a neutrino is simply not visible: to detect it, you need a filter. The Andyrchi basalt mountain became just such a filter. Below it, at a depth of about 2 km, is a laboratory.

Getting to the place where neutrinos are caught is not easy. First you need to go to Nalchik, and from there another 80 km, or to Mineralnye Vody, and then another 160 km. On the way, every now and then there are anti-terrorist police posts, and reliable security is posted at the entrance to the institute: once there was already an attempt to attack the laboratory.

The very last stage of the journey is a narrow adit, 4 km long, along which something like a cross between miner's trolleys and a children's train rides. The tunnels and premises in Mount Andyrchi were cut by detachments of metro workers from Baku and Minsk - hence the letter “M” at the entrance.

A 20-minute drive in almost complete darkness under layers of basalt - and the train stops in front of blind gates. They ensure the safety of laboratories.

Before entering the laboratory, everyone must change their clothes and shoes so that they do not bring isotopes of cosmic origin from the surface of the earth with dirt and dust on their shoes and clothes: they affect the background radiation. “It is suppressed here by 15-20 times compared to ordinary rooms due to special low-background concrete,” explains Alexander Shikhin, a researcher at the Baksan Neutrino Observatory. “The concrete here is about 70 cm-meter.”

Solar neutrinos are caught by an ultrasensitive gallium-germanium neutrino telescope. With its help, scientists are trying to understand what kind of processes occur on the Sun, how it shines and heats.

“Telescope is a very conventional name; in fact, it is a chemical detector,” says Shikhin.

Gallium is a light metal that melts right in your hands as soon as the temperature exceeds 30 degrees Celsius. It is he who interacts best with neutrinos. About 50 tons of gallium are stored in huge sealed Teflon barrels in the laboratory, with the help of which only a few dozen particles will probably be extracted.

“Through every square centimeter on the surface, even through my fingernail, every second about 70 billion neutrinos, which originated on the Sun, pass through. But the number of interacting ones can be one - in my entire life,” the scientist notes.

“In 1977-79, in my opinion, the first event was: a neutrino coming from below,” recalls Valery Kuzminov, head of the Baksan Neutrino Observatory. “It was a delight! Everything we were striving for!”

Chemist Olga Zhorova explains the technology of “searching” for particles:

With the help of complex chemical reactions, 50 tons of liquid metal are first converted into one and a half hundred liters of extract, then into two liters, and then into a glass of a clear solution. It is poured into a special glass installation, where the solution undergoes multi-stage purification from impurities using freezing in various traps, using liquid nitrogen, heating on titanium, iron, and carbon shavings. “And only then does it fall into various traps and end up in the highly clean vacuum part of the installation,” she lists.

The output is only half a cubic centimeter of germanium gas, which contains only 5-6 atoms left after the decay with traces of neutrinos. This material will be locked in a massive counter cube for many months to obtain fresh information from the very center of the Sun.

“This is a multilayer structure made of various low-background metals: a few cm of steel, 20 cm of lead, another 10 cm of copper, and there is still internal active protection inside,” Zhorova lists. “All this protects the meters from radioactivity, including the one we have "We ourselves. And within this passive and active protection, over the course of three months, the single decays of germanium-71, which was formed in the radiochemical detector during the exposure, are counted."

The largest room of the laboratory is the hall of the Large Scintillation Telescope, the size of a four-story building. It is lined from top to bottom with special particle detectors.

“There are approximately 3200 detectors, measuring 70 by 70 and by 30. They are made of aluminum, covered inside with white enamel and filled with purified C9H20 kerosene,” says Evgeny Martakov, engineer of the Large Underground Scintillation Telescope. According to him, scintillators are dissolved in kerosene - substances capable of converting the energy of particles into light. Special devices in black cylinders - photomultipliers. They read light signals and transmit them to recording computers. This is how scientists see the movement of particles in real time.

There is another telescope nearby, also the size of a house. It detects more powerful neutrinos, muons, which fly towards the Earth from deep space. Thanks to this telescope, almost 30 years ago, a supernova explosion was recorded in the Magellanic Cloud - more than 160 thousand light years from us.

“When a star explodes, we see it as if it were day!” – says Evgeny Martakov.

Another laboratory was opened later than the others, when the Soviet Union had already collapsed. Here they are looking for solar hadron axions, a particle whose existence theoretical physicists are still only guessing at.

Now, in the bowels of the laboratory, a facility is being installed for the BEST experiment, one of the most anticipated events in particle physics. With the help of this experiment, scientists are going to either prove or disprove the hypothesis of the existence of so-called “sterile” neutrinos, which have a significantly larger mass and even less interaction with matter. Perhaps this will help understand the nature of dark matter and, perhaps, will bring scientists a Nobel Prize.

“If the result is negative, of course, we will not receive any prize, but it will be a good scientific result: it turns out that there is no such process, we don’t have to go there anymore,” says Valery Kuzminov, head of the Baksan Neutrino Observatory. “You won’t know, What do you have, is there a treasure there until you dig it up?”

The Baksan Observatory has long been of interest to fellow scientists from other fields of science: where else can you find rooms so cleared of radiation or such deep caves under the mountain? Biologists studied here the effect of radon gas on the body, and geophysicists asked to place their equipment in the very heart of the mountain. Also in Soviet times, American nuclear physicists from Los Alamos regularly visited the Baksan Gorge, conducted joint experiments, shared experience and knowledge. But today the intensity of cooperation has noticeably decreased.

The head of the laboratory complains that fundamental science is also not a priority for the current Russian authorities.

“Now the country, the state, the government is not ready to deal with such tasks, as I understand it. Priorities changed about a decade ago, when our international situation began to deteriorate sharply. Well, in general, capitalists do not need this, capitalists do not need fundamental science,” with Valery Kuzminov admits bitterly.

The SAGE experiment was created to measure the rate of capture of solar neutrinos in the reaction 71 Ga + ν e → 71 Ge + e - in order to obtain information to solve the problem of neutrino deficiency observed in the 37 Cl experiment, in which only about one third of the rate was recorded capture predicted by the Standard Solar Model. A feature of the Ga experiment that distinguishes it from all other completed or currently operating solar neutrino experiments is its sensitivity to the proton-proton fusion reaction, p + p → d + e + + ν e, in which the vast majority of solar energy is generated. Ga experiments provided the only direct measurement of the current rate of this reaction. SAGE began measuring in January 1990. The SAGE results showed for the first time that there is a solar neutrino deficit across the entire neutrino energy range.

The result of measurements of the neutrino capture rate on 71 Ga nuclei in the SAGE experiment for the period from January 1990 to August 2011 is: 65.4 ± 2.7(stat) ± 2.7(syst) SNU

Using results from other solar neutrino experiments and the high mixing angle (LMA) theory of neutrino oscillations, flux values ​​were obtained at SAGE pp neutrinos (3.40 ± 0.46)*10 10 /(cm 2 *s), having an electron flavor when they reach the Earth, and the total flux pp neutrino (6.0 ± 0.8)*10 10 /(cm 2 *s). The latter value is in good agreement with the SSM predictions of 5.97 ± 0.04 (high heavy element content) and 6.04 ± 0.03 (low heavy element content), both values ​​in units
10 10 V e / (cm 2 * s). The gallium solar neutrino experiments thus provided direct evidence of the validity of the Standard Solar Model and the LMA solution for solar neutrino oscillations and showed that the vast majority of solar neutrinos arriving on Earth are low-energy neutrinos from the proton-proton reaction.

The observatory has the following installations:


1963 - G. T. Zatsepin proposed a fundamentally new scheme for a possible installation (neutrino telescope). To shield from various components of cosmic rays, which form the background when registering neutrinos, the installation must be placed under a large thickness of matter. Mount Andyrchi on Baksan was chosen for this.

In the late 1970s - early 1980s, two deep chambers were dug in a tunnel under Mount Andyrchi for experiments with atmospheric neutrinos and neutrinos from the Sun, and the installations began to operate, and are still operating today.

In 1998, for the creation of the BNO scientific complex, the team of employees of the Institute and the Observatory was awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation; in 2001, the International Prize named after B. M. Pontecorvo was awarded for achievements in the field of research of the neutrino flux from the Sun.

Since December 2008, a new underground laboratory has been operating at the Baksan Neutrino Observatory inside Mount Andyrchi (North Caucasus).

In 2011, the Observatory staff included 29 researchers actively conducting scientific work (2 doctors and 14 candidates of physical and mathematical sciences). Head of the Observatory, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V.V. Kuzminov.

In July 2019, the BEST experiment to detect sterile neutrinos began

In art

In 2015, a documentary film about the observatory “Neutrino and Andyrtau” was created.

see also



Baksan Experiment on Sterile Transitions

Baksan Experiment on Sterile Transitions (BEST) is a gallium-germanium neutrino detector located at the Baksan Neutrino Observatory. Designed to detect sterile neutrinos. The operating principle of the detector is based on measuring the intensity of the neutrino flux from an artificial neutrino source at different distances. The intensity of the conversion of gallium into germanium is proportional to the intensity of the neutrino flux and is used to determine it.


Baksan is a city in Russia, the administrative center of the Baksan region of Kabardino-Balkaria.

Baksan is a river in the North Caucasus, the right tributary of the Malka (Terek basin).

Baksan is a glacier in the North Caucasus.

Baksan is a mountaineering camp in the Azau Valley (Narzanov Glade, Elbrus region).

Baksan is a road crossing, part of the urban settlement of Maysky, in the Maysky district of Kabardino-Balkaria.

Baksan is the former name of the village of Mezhgorye in the Belogorsk region of Crimea.

This list contains institutes, research centers, separate laboratories, and other scientific organizations that are part of the structure of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Organizations are grouped by their thematic and regional branches.

The list is complete, compiled according to official data from the Russian Academy of Sciences as of January 1, 2010, and includes 653 organizations.

As part of the reform of state academies of sciences (2013-2018), the medical (RAMS) and agricultural (RASKhN) academies were annexed to the RAS, and the institutions of the “expanded” RAS were transferred to the Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations (FANO of Russia). In May 2018, FANO was abolished and its management functions were transferred to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

In mid-2014, the approved list of FANO institutions of Russia included 1010 names. The list below does not contain the names of organizations that before the reform belonged to the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences or the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences. In addition, there was a reorganization of thematic departments of the Russian Academy of Sciences - now there are 13 of them.

Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center RAS

The Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (KBSC RAS) is a structural unit of the Russian Academy of Sciences, uniting members of the Russian Academy of Sciences working in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, and scientific employees of organizations subordinate to the Russian Academy of Sciences located in this region. As of 2016, 316 scientists worked at the KBSC RAS, including 1 academician of the RAS, 1 corresponding member of the RAS, 63 doctors of science and 114 candidates.

Neutrino (village)

Neutrino is a village in the Elbrus region of Kabardino-Balkaria. It is part of the municipal formation "Rural Settlement Elbrus".


An observatory is a scientific structure, a stationary place, an organization with a developed infrastructure and equipped with scientific instruments for constant observation and monitoring of various objects and phenomena on Earth and in Space.

They were created to accumulate knowledge and develop the natural sciences, mainly astronomy, geography, geology and physics.

Terskol Peak Observatory

Terskol Peak Observatory is an international astronomical observatory founded in 1980 on Terskol peak (Novy Krugozor station) above (north) the village of Terskol (Kabardino-Balkaria, Elbrus region, Elbrus region, Russia) by the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 3 km from the peak of Elbrus (at foot, on the southern shoulder, of Elbrus), at an altitude of 3150 meters above sea level. Is: a branch of the State Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; international observatory; is part of the International Center for Astronomical and Medical-Ecological Research (MC AMEI). Since January 1, 2005, the observatory has been operated jointly by the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Terskol branch of INASAN and the International Center for Astronomical and Medical-Ecological Research. Not far from the Terskol Observatory there is also the Baksan Neutrino Observatory.

Elbrus region

Elbrus region is a balneoclimatic resort area in Kabardino-Balkaria, the region of the central Caucasus (Northern Caucasus), the immediate surroundings at the foot of the highest mountain in Europe - Elbrus, and Mount Cheget (Azau-Gitche-Cheget-Karabashi), as well as the area located in the upper reaches of the Baksan River (Terek basin) at altitudes of 1850-2340 m, 144 km from Nalchik.

“Elbrus region” is the tourist name of a part of the Greater Caucasus, located in the Baksan Gorge on the territory of the Elbrus and Zolsky regions of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. The sometimes encountered term Karachay-Cherkess, or Western Elbrus region, refers to the adjacent areas of the western slopes of Mount Elbrus, located in Karachay-Cherkessia. In Kabardino-Balkaria, this is the only gorge where a convenient asphalt highway rises to a height of 2340 m above sea level (from about 500 m near the city of Baksan).

The Elbrus region is a popular center for mountaineering, skiing and tourism.

Aviation Scientific and Technical Complex named after. A.N. Tupolev (removed by court decision

Agrophysical Research Institute

Acoustic Institute named after. Andreeva

Altai-Sayan experimental-methodological seismological expedition

Altai Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering Technology

Altai experimental agriculture

Amur Complex Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute

Arkhangelsk Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture

Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Astro-Space Center FIAN

Astronomical Institute named after. Soboleva

Baikal experimental-methodological seismological expedition

Baikal Institute of Nature Management

Baikal Research Center (autonomous non-profit organization)

Baksan Neutrino Observatory INR and KBSC RAS

Botanical Institute named after. V. L. Komarova

Botanical Garden

Botanical Garden-Institute UC RAS

Volgograd Scientific and Engineering Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Volgograd Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Volzhsky Scientific Research Institute of Hydrocarbon Raw Materials (VNIIUS)

Vologda Research Veterinary Station

East Siberian Research Institute of Physical, Technical and Radio Engineering Measurements

East Siberian Scientific Center SB RAMS

All-Russian Institute of Agrarian Problems and Informatics named after A. A. Nikonov

All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of the Ministry of Science of Russia and the Russian Academy of Sciences

All-Russian Scientific Research and Technological Institute of Biological Industry

All-Russian Research Veterinary Institute of Pathology, Pharmacology and Therapy

All-Russian Research Veterinary Institute of Poultry Farming

All-Russian Research and Technological Institute of Poultry Farming

All-Russian Research Institute of Aviation Materials

All-Russian Research Institute of Automation named after. Dukhova

All-Russian Research Institute of Agroforestry

All-Russian Research Institute of Agrochemistry named after D. N. Pryanishnikov

All-Russian Research Institute of Biological Plant Protection

All-Russian Research Institute of Veterinary Virology and Microbiology

All-Russian Research Institute of Veterinary Sanitation, Hygiene and Ecology

All-Russian Research Institute of Helminthology named after. K. I. Scriabina

All-Russian Research Institute of Genetics and Breeding of Farm Animals

All-Russian Research Institute of Geological, Geophysical and Geochemical Systems

All-Russian Research Institute of Hydrometeorological Information

All-Russian Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Land Reclamation named after. A. N. Kostyakova

All-Russian Research Institute of Animal Husbandry

All-Russian Research Institute of Fats Moscow Branch (MF VNIIZH)

All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Protection of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

All-Russian Research Institute of Agriculture and Soil Protection from Erosion

All-Russian Research Institute of Grain and Its Processing Products (VNIIZiPP)

All-Russian Research Institute of Grain, Legumes and Cereals

All-Russian Research Institute of Potato Farming (VNIIKH)

All-Russian Research Institute of Classification, Terminology and Information on Standardization and Quality

All-Russian Research Institute of Canning and Vegetable Drying Industry (VNIIKOP)

All-Russian Research Institute of Feed named after. V. R. Williams (VIC)

All-Russian Research Institute of Starch Products (VNIIK)

All-Russian Flax Research Institute (VNII Flax)

All-Russian Research Institute of Lupine (VNII of Lupine)

All-Russian Research Institute of Oilseeds named after. V. S. Pustovoita (VNIIMK)

All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Butter and Cheese Making (VNIIMS “Uglich”)

All-Russian Research Institute of Metrology named after D. I. Mendeleev (VNIIM named after D. I. Mendeleev)

All-Russian Research Institute of Metrological Service (VNIIMS)

All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Mechanization (VIM) RAASKhN

All-Russian Research Institute of Dairy Industry

All-Russian Research Institute of Beef Cattle Breeding

All-Russian Research Institute of Meat Industry named after. V. M. Gorbatova

All-Russian Research Institute of Meat Industry (VNIIMP)

High-tech Research Institute of Inorganic Materials named after Academician A. A. Bochvar

All-Russian Research Institute of Sheep and Goat Breeding (VNIIOK)

All-Russian Research Institute of Optical and Physical Measurements

All-Russian Research Institute of Irrigated Agriculture

All-Russian Research Institute of Hunting and Fur Farming (VNIIOKhiZ)

All-Russian Research Institute of Hunting named after. B. M. Zhitkova

All-Russian Research Institute of Food Biotechnology (VNIIPBT)

All-Russian Research Institute of Food Flavors, Acids and Dyes

All-Russian Research Institute of Food Concentrate Industry and Special Food Technology

All-Russian Research Institute of Breeding (VNIIPlem)

All-Russian Research Institute for Problems of Computer Technology and Informatization of the State Committee for Communications of Russia and the Russian Academy of Sciences

All-Russian Research Institute of Poultry Processing Industry (VNIIPP)

All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Growing named after. N. I. Vavilova

All-Russian Research Institute of Flow Measurement

All-Russian Rice Research Institute

All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO)

All-Russian Research Institute for Agricultural Use of Reclaimed Lands

All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology

All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Microbiology

All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Radiology and Agroecology

All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Certification

All-Russian Soybean Research Institute

All-Russian Research Institute of Standardization

All-Russian Research Institute of Technical Physics and Automation (VNIITFA)

All-Russian Research Institute of Technical Physics Russian Federal Nuclear Center (VNIITF-RFNC)

All-Russian Research Institute of Technical Aesthetics

All-Russian Research Institute of Physical, Technical and Radio Engineering Measurements

All-Russian Research Institute of Physiology, Biochemistry and Animal Nutrition

All-Russian Research Institute of Phytopathology

All-Russian Research Institute of Refrigeration Industry (VNIHI)

All-Russian Research Institute of Economics and Standards

All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Economics

All-Russian Research Institute of Economics, Labor and Management in Agriculture

All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine named after. Y. R. Kovalenko

All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics of the Russian Federal Nuclear Center (VNIIEF-RFNC)

All-Russian Research Institute for Electrification of Agriculture

All-Russian Research, Design and Design Technological Institute of Organic Fertilizers and Peat

All-Russian Scientific and Technical Information Center

All-Russian Research Institute of Livestock Mechanization

All-Russian Research Institute for Repair and Operation of Machine and Tractor Fleet

All-Russian Breeding and Technological Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (VILAR)

All-Russian Selection and Technological Institute of Horticulture and Nursery Science (VSTISP)

All-Russian Electrotechnical Institute

Computing Center RAS

Computing Center SB RAS

Geological Institute of the Kola Scientific Center

Geological Institute RAS

Geophysical Survey

Hydrometeorological Research Center of the Russian Federation

Main Astronomical Observatory

Leading Design and Research Institute

Mountain Botanical Garden of the Dagestan Scientific Center

Mining Institute of the Kola Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

State Astronomical Institute named after. Sternberg Moscow State University

State Geological Museum named after. IN AND. Vernadsky

State Research Institute of Agriculture and Mechanization

State Research and Design Institute of Metallurgical Engineering named after. Tselikova

State Research and Design Institute of Rare Metal Industry "GIREDMET"

State Research Institute of Aviation Systems

State Research Institute of Biological Instrumentation

State Research Institute of Genetics and Selection of Industrial Microorganisms

State Research Institute of Information Technologies and Telecommunications

State Research Institute of Lake and River Fisheries

State Research Institute of Organic Chemistry and Technology

State Research Institute of Highly Pure Biological Preparations

State Research Institute of Family and Education

State Research Institute of Thermal Power Instrumentation

State Research Institute of Physical Problems named after. Lukina

State Research Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Organoelement Compounds

State Research Institute of Bakery Industry

State Research Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals

State Research and Production Center named after. Khrunicheva

State Scientific Center of Virology and Biotechnology "Vector"

State Scientific Center for Applied Microbiology

State Optical Institute named after. S. I. Vavilov (GOI named after S. I. Vavilov)

Grozny Petroleum Research Institute (GrozNII)

Dagestan experimental-methodological seismological party of the Geophysical Service of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Far Eastern Veterinary Research Institute

Far Eastern Research Institute of Plant Protection

Far Eastern Research Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture

Far Eastern Research Institute of Agriculture

Far Eastern Research Institute of Economics, Organization and Planning of Agro-Industrial Complex

Far Eastern Scientific Center "Ecology and Occupational Medicine" RAMS

Far Eastern Scientific Center for Physiology and Pathology of Respiration of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Don Zonal Research Institute of Agriculture

Natural Science Institute of Perm University

Transbaikal Research Institute of Sheep and Beef Cattle Breeding

Zonal Research Institute of Agriculture of the North-East named after. N.V. Rudnitsky

Zoological Institute

Ingush Agricultural Experimental Station

Institute of Aviation Equipment

Institute of Design Automation

Institute of Automation and Telemetry RAS

Institute of Agrarian Problems

Institute of Archeology RAS

Institute of Archeology SB RAS

Institute of Astronomy RAS

Institute of Atmospheric Optics RAS

Institute of Atomic Energy named after. Kurchatova

Institute for African Studies RAS

Protein Institute RAS

Institute of Biology of Inland Waters named after. Papanina

Institute of Gene Biology

Institute of Developmental Biology named after. Koltsov RAS

Institute of Biology, Karelian Scientific Center RAS

Institute of Biology of the Komi Scientific Center

Institute of Biology UC RAS

Institute of Biological Problems of Cryolithozone

Institute of Biological Instrumentation

Institute of Biomedical Chemistry of the Academy of Medical Sciences

Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry named after. Shemyakin and Ovchinnikov

Institute of Cell Biophysics RAS

Institute of Biophysics

Institute of Biophysics SB RAS

Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Microorganisms named after. G. K. Scriabina

Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Plants and Microorganisms

Institute of Biochemistry named after. A. N. Bach RAS

Institute of Biochemical Physics

Institute of Water and Environmental Problems

Institute of Water Problems

Institute for Water Problems of the North

Institute of Military History

Institute of Age Physiology RAO

Institute of Oriental Studies RAS

Institute of World History

Institute of Macromolecular Compounds

Institute for High Performance Computing and Databases

Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry

Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology

Institute for Computational Modeling

Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics

Institute of Computational Mathematics RAS

Institute of Computational Technologies SB RAS

Institute of Geography SB RAS

Institute of Geology and Geochemistry named after. A.N. Zavaritsky

Institute of Precambrian Geology and Geochronology

Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry RAS

Institute of Geology of the Dagestan Scientific Center

Institute of Geology of the Karelian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute of Geology UC RAS

Institute of Geological Sciences

Institute of Geophysics

Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry named after. Vernadsky RAS

Institute of Geoecology RAS

Institute of Hydrodynamics named after. M. A. Lavrentieva RAS

Institute of Global Climate and Ecology of Roshydromet and Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute of Mining SB RAS

Institute of Mining, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute of State and Law

Institute for Humanitarian Research of the Government of the KBR and KBSC RAS

Institute of Far Eastern Studies RAS

Institute of Geosphere Dynamics RAS

Institute of System Dynamics and Control Theory

Institute of Europe RAS

Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation RAS

Institute of the Earth's Crust. Levinson-Lessing jack-up rig

Institute of the Earth's Crust SB RAS

Institute of Immunology

Institute of Informatization of Education

Institute of Informatics and Mathematical Modeling of Technological Processes of the Kola Science Center

Institute of Informatics and Regional Management Problems of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center

Institute of History of Natural Science and Technology named after. S. I. Vavilova

Institute of History and Archeology

Institute of the History of Material Culture

Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography DSC RAS

Institute of History, Language and Literature UC RAS

Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan

Institute of Catalysis SB RAS

Institute of Quantum Radiophysics FIAN

Institute of Design and Technological Informatics

Institute of Correctional Pedagogy RAO

Space Research Institute

Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy

Earth Cryosphere Institute

Institute of Crystallography named after. Shubnikov RAS

Institute of Laser Physics

Institute of Latin America RAS

Forest Institute named after. Sukacheva SB RAS

Forest Institute of the Karelian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute of Forestry

Institute for Linguistic Research

Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics URO RAS

Institute of Mathematics named after Soboleva

Institute of Mathematics with the Computing Center of the Ufa Scientific Center

Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology RAS

Institute of Mathematical Modeling RAS

Institute of Mechanical Engineering named after. A. A. Blagonravova

Institute of Mechanical Science, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute of Medical and Biological Problems (IMBP), State Scientific Center

Institute of Medical and Environmental Problems of the North of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Institute of Occupational Medicine and Human Ecology NTsME VSNTs SB RAMS

Institute of International Political and Economic Studies RAS

Institute of Organometallic Chemistry named after. G. A. Razuvaeva

Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science RAS

Institute of Metallurgy RAS

Institute of Metallurgy Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute of Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering KSC RAS

Institute of Mechanics UC RAS

Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology NCME VSNTs SB RAMS

Institute of Microbiology

Institute of Microprocessor Computing Systems RAS

Institute of Microelectronics and Informatics RAS

Institute of World Literature named after. A. M. Gorky RAS

Institute of World Economy and International Relations named after E. M. Primakov RAS

Institute of Human Brain named after N.P. Bekhtereva RAS

Institute of Molecular Biology named after. Engelhart

Institute of Molecular Genetics RAS

Institute of Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies

Institute of Nanotechnologies of the International Conversion Fund

Institute of National Economic Forecasting

Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences

Institute of Inorganic Chemistry

Institute of New Technologies RAMS

Institute of Imaging

Institute of Adult Education

Institute of General Genetics named after. N. I. Vavilova

Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry named after. N. S. Kurnakova

Institute of General and Experimental Biology

Institute of General Physics RAS

Institute of Lake Science

Institute of Oceanology named after. Shirshov RAS

Institute of Atmospheric Optics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute of Optical-Neural Technologies

Institute of Optical Monitoring

Institute of Organic Synthesis

Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry named after. A. E. Arbuzova

Institute of Organic Chemistry named after. N. D. Zelinsky

Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Vocational Education

Institute of Pedagogical Innovations

Institute of Teacher Education

Institute of Pediatrics and Human Reproduction NTsME VSNTs SB RAMS

Institute of Poliomyelitis and Viral Encephalitis of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences named after M.P. Chumakov of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry

Institute of Soil Science, Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov and RAS

Institute of Applied Astronomy RAS

Institute of Applied Biochemistry

Institute of Applied Mathematics named after M. V. Keldysh RAS

Institute of Applied Mechanics RAS

Institute of Applied Physics RAS

Institute for Problems of Safe Development of Nuclear Energy

Institute for Energy Security Problems

Institute of Geothermal Problems of the Dagestan Scientific Center

Institute for Problems of Natural Monopolies

Institute of Informatics Problems RAS

Institute for Problems of Integrated Subsoil Development

Institute of Laser and Information Technologies RAS

Institute for Problems of Small Peoples of the North

Institute of Mechanical Science Problems RAS

Institute of Problems of Mechanics RAS

Institute of Oil and Gas Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Education of Russia

Institute for Problems of Northern Development

Institute for Information Transmission Problems RAS

Institute of Design Problems in Microelectronics

Institute for Problems of Industrial Ecology of the North, Kola Science Center

Institute of Market Problems

Institute for Problems of Metal Superplasticity

Institute for Problems of Microelectronics Technology and Highly Pure Materials RAS

Institute of Precision Mechanics and Control Problems

Institute for Energy Resources Transport Problems

Institute of Transport Problems

Institute for Problems of Control of Complex Systems

Institute of Management Problems RAS

Institute for Problems of Chemical Physics RAS

Institute of Problems of Ecology and Evolution named after. A. N. Severtsov RAS

Institute of Electrophysics Problems

Institute of Software Systems RAS

Institute of Industrial Ecology

Institute of Psychology RAS

Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics

Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics RAS

Institute for the Development of Preschool Education

Institute for Development of Educational Systems

Institute of Regional and Social Research

Institute of Russian History (IRI)

Institute of Russian Language named after. V. V. Vinogradova

Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) RAS

Institute of High Current Electronics

Institute of Synthetic Polymer Materials RAS

Institute of Imaging Systems

Institute of Energy Systems named after. L. A. Melentyeva

Institute of Systematics and Animal Ecology

Institute of System Analysis RAS

Institute of System Programming RAS

Institute for System Research RAS

Institute of Slavic Studies

Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS

Institute of Social and Pedagogical Problems of Rural Schools

Institute for Socio-Political Research

Institute of Socio-Economic Research of the Dagestan Scientific Center

Institute of Socio-Economic Research UC RAS

Institute of Socio-Economic Problems of Population

Institute of Sociology of Education RAO

Institute of Sociology RAS

Institute of Spectroscopy RAS

Institute of Comparative Political Science

Institute for Strategic Studies in Education

Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science Problems

Institute of USA and Canada RAS

Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS

Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics RAS

Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics

Institute of Theoretical Physics named after. Landau RAS

Institute of Theory and History of Pedagogy

Institute of Thermophysics named after. S. S. Kutateladze

Institute of Thermophysics Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute of Coal and Coal Chemistry

Institute of Educational Management

Institute of Atmospheric Physics named after. A. M. Obukhova

Institute of High Pressure Physics RAS

Institute of High Energy Physics

Institute of Physics of the Earth named after. Schmidt

Institute of Physics named after Kirensky SB RAS

Institute of Metal Physics

Institute of Microstructure Physics RAS

Institute of Molecular and Crystal Physics UC RAS

Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS

Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science

Institute of Solid State Physics RAS

Institute of Physics of the Dagestan Scientific Center

Institute of Physical and Technical Problems of Northern Energy, Kola Science Center

Institute of Physical and Technical Problems

Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems of Soil Science

Institute of Physico-Chemical Problems of Ceramic Materials

Institute of Physical and Chemical Biology, Moscow State University. Belozersky

Institute of Physiology named after. I. P. Pavlova

Institute of Plant Physiology named after. Timiryazev RAS

Institute of Physiologically Active Substances

Institute of Physical Problems named after. Kapitsa RAS

Institute of Physical Chemistry named after. Karpov RAS

Institute of Philosophy and Law

Institute of Philosophy RAS

Institute of Fundamental Problems of Biology

Institute of High Temperature Chemistry, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute of Chemistry of High-Purity Substances

Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Elements and Mineral Raw Materials named after. V.V. Tananaev Kola Science Center

Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology

Institute of Petroleum Chemistry

Institute of Solution Chemistry

Institute of Silicate Chemistry RAS

Institute of Solid State Chemistry and Mechanochemistry

Institute of Solid State Chemistry

Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion

Institute of Chemical Physics named after N. N. Semenov RAS

Institute of Art Education

Institute of Cytology and Genetics

Institute of Cytology

Institute of Man

Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry named after. I. M. Sechenova

Institute of Experimental Physiology and Therapy

Institute of Ecology of the Volga Basin

Institute of Ecology of Mountain Territories of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center

Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology

Institute of Economics and Organization of Industrial Production

Institute of Economics of the Karelian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute of Economics RAS

Institute of Economic Problems of the Kola Scientific Center

Institute of Economic Forecasting

Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine of Siberia and the Far East

Institute of Experimental Medicine Northwestern Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Institute of Experimental Mineralogy

Institute of Electronic Software and Methodological Training Tools

Institute of Electrophysics and Electric Power Engineering

Institute of Electrophysics

Institute of Electrochemistry named after. A. N. Frumkina

Institute of Organoelement Compounds named after A. N. Nesmeyanov RAS

Energy Research Institute

Institute of Energy Problems of Chemical Physics

Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology

Institute of Nuclear Physics named after. Budkera

Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University. Skobeltsina

Institute for Nuclear Research

Institute of Language, Literature and Art named after. G. Tsadasy Dagestan Scientific Center

Institute of Language, Literature and History of the Karelian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute of Linguistics

Institute of Lithosphere of Marginal and Inland Seas

Irkutsk Institute of Chemistry named after. Favorsky SB RAS

Research Center for Applied Nuclear Physics

Kazan Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics

Kazan Institute of Physics and Technology named after. E. K. Zavoisky

Kaliningrad Research Institute of Agriculture

Kamchatka Research Institute of Agriculture

Karelian State Agricultural Experimental Station

Karelian Scientific and Medical Center of the Northwestern Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Kemerovo Technological Institute of Food Industry

Kola Regional Seismological Center

Komi Scientific Medical Center Northwestern Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Design Bureau of Geophysical Instrumentation

Design and Technology Institute of Single Crystals SB RAS

Kostroma Research Institute of Agriculture

Krasnodar Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture named after. P. P. Lukyanenko

Krasnodar Research Institute for Storage and Processing of Agricultural Products

Laboratory of State Standards

Laboratory of the Institute of Ecology and Evolution. A. N. Severtsova

Leningrad Research Institute of Agriculture

Flight Research Institute named after. Gromova

Limnological Institute SB RAS

Mari Research Institute of Agriculture

Mathematical Institute named after. Steklov RAS

Medical-Genetic Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Medical Radiological Research Center of the Ministry of Health and Social Development

Interdepartmental Research and Educational Center for Complex Problems of National Policy

Interdepartmental supercomputer center of the Ministry of Science of Russia, RAS, Ministry of Education of Russia and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research

International Institute of Earthquake Forecast Theory and Mathematical Geophysics

International Research Institute

International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor

International Tomography Center

International Center for Astronomical and Medical-Ecological Research KBSC RAS ​​and NASU

International Center for Science, Culture and Education

Mineralogical Museum named after. Fersman RAS

Mordovian Research Institute of Agriculture

Moscow Radio Engineering Institute (MRTI) RAS

Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography named after. Peter the Great (Kunstkamera) RAS

Murmansk State Agricultural Experimental Station

Murmansk Marine Biological Institute

Scientific and Engineering Center "SNIIP"

Research Veterinary Institute of the Non-Chernozem Zone of the Russian Federation

Research and implementation center for controlled electromechanical and electronic systems "Nauka"

Research and Design Institute of Energy Engineering

Research Institute "Polyus"

Research Institute of Agrarian Problems of Khakassia

Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology named after. D. O. Otta RAMS

Research Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology TSC SB RAMS

Research Institute of Atomic Reactors, State Scientific Center

Research Institute of Biology at ISU

Research Institute of Biomedical Chemistry named after V. N. Orekhovich RAMS

Research Institute of Biochemistry SB RAMS

Research Institute of Vaccines and Serums named after. I. I. Mechnikova RAMS

Research Institute of Virology named after. D. I. Ivanovsky RAMS

Research Institute of Eye Diseases of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Research Institute of Influenza RAMS

Research Institute of Child Nutrition (NIIDP)

Research Institute of Measuring Technology named after. Sedkova

Research Institute of Pulse Technology

Research Institute of Information and Technical and Economic Research of the Food Industry (AGRONIITEIPP)

Research Institute of the History of Medicine of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Research Institute of Cardiology TSC SB RAMS

Scientific Research Institute KiER RAMS

Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Lymphology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Research Institute of Clinical Immunology SB RAMS

Research Institute of Complex Problems of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases

Research Institute of Complex Problems of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Research Institute of Confectionery Industry (NIIKP)

Research Institute of Electronic Materials

Research Institute of Medical Problems of the Far North of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Research Institute of Medical Problems of the North SB RAMS

Research Institute of Medical Genetics TSC SB RAMS

Research Institute of Medical Primatology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Research Institute of Occupational Medicine of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Research Institute of Mechanics, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

Research Institute of Molecular Biology and Biophysics SB RAMS

Research Institute of Molecular Electronics and Mikron Plant

Research Institute of Human Morphology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Research Institute of Normal Physiology named after P.K. Anokhin RAMS

Research Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Research Institute of General Reanimatology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Research Institute of Oncology TSC SB RAMS

Research Institute of Optical-Electronic Instrumentation (NII OEP)

Research Institute of Organic Intermediates and Dyes (NIOPIK)

Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Research Institute of Food Concentrate Industry and Special Food Technology (NIIPPiSPT)

Instrument Research Institute

Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Automation of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center

Research Institute of Applied Mechanics named after. Kuznetsova

Research Institute of Mental Health TSC SB RAMS

Research Institute of Fur Farming and Rabbit Breeding named after. V. A. Afanasyeva (NIIPZK)

Research Institute of Rheumatology RAMS

Research Institute of Regional Pathology and Pathomorphology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Scientific Research Institute of Horticulture of Siberia named after. M. A. Lisavenko

Research Institute of Agriculture of the Northern Trans-Urals

Research Institute of Agriculture of the North-East named after. N. V. Rudnitsky (NIISH of the North-East)

Research Institute of Agriculture of the Central Black Earth Zone named after. V. V. Dokuchaeva

Research Institute of Agriculture of the Central Regions of the Non-Chernozem Zone

Research Institute for Systems Research

Steel Research Institute

Research Institute of Therapy of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Research Institute of Technologies of Organic, Inorganic Chemistry and Biotechnology

Research Institute of Precision Instruments

Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Scientific Center for Internal Medicine, All-Russian Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Research Institute of Pharmacology named after. V. V. Zakusova RAMS

Research Institute of Pharmacology TSC SB RAMS

Research Institute of Physiology SB RAMS

Research Institute of Physical Measurements

Research Institute of Chemical Engineering

Scientific Research Institute of Surgery of the Scientific Center for Veterinary Medicine of the All-Russian Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Research Institute of Economics and Organization of the Agro-Industrial Complex of the Central Black Earth Region of the Russian Federation

Research Institute of Electromechanical Devices

Research Institute of Electronic Devices

Research Institute of Electrophysical Equipment (NIIEFA)

Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after. N. F. Gamaleyi RAMS

Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Research, Design and Technological Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete named after. A. A. Gvozdeva (NIIZHB)

Research Center "Construction"

Research Center for Diagnostics Control of Technical Systems

Research Center for the Study of Surface and Vacuum Properties

Scientific and Educational Center RAO

Scientific and Production Association "Astrophysics"

Research and Production Association "Orion"

Research and Production Association of Measuring Equipment

Research and Production Association named after. Lavochkina

Research and Production Association for Mechanical Engineering Technology

Research and Production Center ORGTRUDHLEBOPRODUKT

Scientific and Technical Center "Superhard Materials"

Scientific and technological center "Electrontech"

Scientific and technological center for unique instrument making

Scientific Geoinformation Center

Scientific Center for Clinical and Experimental Medicine of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Scientific Center for Biomedical Technologies of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Scientific Center for Medical Ecology of the All-Russian Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Scientific Center for Neurology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Scientific Center for Nonlinear Wave Mechanics and Technology

Scientific Center for Optical and Physical Research

Scientific Center for Fundamental Problems of Computer Science and Control Systems

Scientific Center for Preventive and Medical Nutrition of the TSC SB RAMS

Scientific Center for Mental Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Scientific Center for Reconstructive and Restorative Surgery of the All-Russian Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after. Bakuleva

National Development Institute

National Research Institute of Public Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

National Center for Hematology

Nizhny Novgorod Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering Materials "Prometheus"

Nizhny Novgorod Research Institute of Technology and Production Organization

Nizhnevolzhsky Research Institute of Agriculture

Novgorod Scientific Center of the Northwestern Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Novgorod Research Institute of Agriculture

Novosibirsk Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry

Novosibirsk Research Institute of Tuberculosis

Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry

Obninsk Research and Production Enterprise "Technology"

United Institute of Automation and Electrometry

Joint Institute of High Temperatures RAS

United Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralogy

United Institute of Geochemistry and Geology

United Institute of Hydrodynamics

United Institute of Informatics

United Institute of History, Philology and Philosophy

United Institute of Catalysis

United Institute of Permafrost Science and Development of Natural Resources of the Permafrost Zone

United Institute of Physics of the Earth named after. O. Yu. Shmidt

Joint Institute of Semiconductor Physics

United Institute of Physical and Technical Problems of the North

United Institute of Chemical Physics

Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

Joint Research and Production Center of DagSC and NO "IVTAN" RAS

Order of the Red Banner of Labor Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis named after. A. V. Topchieva

Department of High Energy Physics FIAN

Department of Physiology and Pathology of High Mountains under the Presidium of the KBSC RAS

Volga Region Energy Department

Department of Advanced Laser Technologies of the Institute of Laser and Information Technologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Paleontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Penza Scientific Research Electrotechnical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Perm Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture

St. Petersburg Institute of Informatics and Automation RAS SPIIRAS

St. Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics

St. Petersburg Mathematical Institute named after. Steklov RAS

Volga Region Research Institute of Ecological and Reclamation Technologies

Povolzhsky Research Institute of Economics and Organization of Agro-Industrial Complex

Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute of the Kola Science Center

Polar Geophysical Institute of the Kola Science Center

Soil Institute named after V.V. Dokuchaev

Caspian Institute of Biological Resources of the Dagestan Scientific Center

Caspian Research Institute of Arid Agriculture

Primorsky Research Institute of Agriculture

Psychological Institute named after. L. G. Shchukina

Pskov Research Institute of Agriculture

Pulkovo Observatory RAS

Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory AKC FIAN

Rocket and Space Corporation "Energia"

Regional Center for Ethnopolitical Research

Russian Institute of Cultural Studies

Russian Research Institute of Information Technologies and Computer-Aided Design Systems

Russian Research Institute of Space Instrumentation

Russian Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems

Russian Scientific Center "Applied Chemistry"

Russian Scientific Center for Surgery named after. Academician B.V. Petrovsky RAMS

Russian Oncology Scientific Center named after. N. N. Blokhin RAMS

Russian Center for Laser Physics

St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology, Northwestern Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

St. Petersburg Research Center for Environmental Safety RAS

St. Petersburg Institute of Economics and Mathematics

St. Petersburg branch of the Section of Applied Problems

Northern Scientific Center of the Northwestern Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

North-Western Section for the Promotion of Economic Science

North-Western Research Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture

North-West Research Institute of Dairy and Grassland Economy

North-Western Research Institute of Economics and Organization of Agriculture

North Caucasus Research Institute of Mountain and Foothill Agriculture

North Caucasus Petroleum Research Institute for Oil Production (SevKavNIPINeft), Grozny

Siberian State Research Institute of Meteorology

Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry

Siberian Research and Design and Technological Institute of Animal Husbandry (SibNIPTIZH)

Siberian Research and Design and Technological Institute of Agricultural Products Processing (SibNIPTIP)

Siberian Research Institute of Agriculture and Chemicalization of Agriculture

Siberian Research Institute of Feed

Siberian Research Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture

Siberian Research Institute of Plant Growing and Breeding

Siberian Research Institute of Agriculture

Siberian Research Institute of Agricultural Economics

Siberian Research Institute of Animal Husbandry

Siberian Research Institute of Agricultural Products Processing

Siberian Physico-Technical Institute of Agrarian Problems SB RAS

Sochi Research Center

Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Special design bureau for scientific instrument making

Special design and technology bureau "Nauka"

Middle - Ural Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Stavropol Research Institute of Animal Husbandry and Feed Production (Stavropol NIIZhK)

Stavropol Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture

Pacific Engineering Company (PECO)

Pacific Institute of Technology. Ilyicheva

Tomsk Scientific Center SB RAMS

Trinity Institute of Innovative and Thermonuclear Research (TRINITI)

Tuva Institute of Humanitarian and Applied Socio-Economic Research (TIGPI)

Tuva Institute for Integrated Development of Natural Resources

Udmurt Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture

Ural Research Institute of Metrology

Research Institute for the Search of New Antibiotics named after. G. F. Gause RAMS

Ufa State Aviation Technical University (USATU)

Physico-Technical Institute named after. Ioffe

Institute of Physics and Technology RAS

Institute of Physics and Energy

Physical Institute named after. Lebedev RAS

Branch of the All-Russian Research Institute of Butter and Cheese Making (Altai)

Branch of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry named after. Shemyakin and Ovchinnikov

Branch of the Institute of Ecology and Evolution named after. A. N. Severtsova

Center "Bioengineering"

Center for Foreign Economic Research

Center for Research and Statistics of the Ministry of Science and the Russian Academy of Sciences

Center for Design and Technological Informatics of the Ministry of Education of Russia and the Russian Academy of Sciences

Center for Conflictology

Center for International Cooperation on Environmental Issues

Center for Scientific Telecommunications and Information Technologies

Center for Ecology and Forest Productivity

RAS-MSU Center for Electronics, Informatics and Computer Systems (ELICS)

Center for Socio-Economic Measurements of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the State Statistics Committee of Russia (Central Laboratory of Socio-Economic Measurements of the Russian Academy of Sciences)

Center for Experimental Psychodidactics

Central Black Earth Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after. Professor N. E. Zhukovsky

Central Institute of Aviation Engine Engineering named after. Baranova

Central Research Automobile and Motor Vehicle Institute

Central Research and Development Institute of Robotics and Technical Cybernetics

Central Research Institute "Gidropribor"

Central Research Institute "Electropribor"

Central Research Institute named after. Krylova

Central Research Institute of Structural Materials "Prometheus"

Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering

Central Research Institute of Shipbuilding Technology

Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Central Research Institute of Chemistry and Mechanics

Central Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy named after. Bardina

Central Neurosurgical Institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Central Siberian Botanical Garden

Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Chuvash Research Institute of Agriculture

Experimental Plant for Scientific Instrument Making of the Russian Academy of Sciences with a special design bureau

South Ural Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Yakut experimental-methodological seismological party

JSC "Research Institute of Medical Instrumentation"

LLC "Research Testing Complex for Blood Surgery"

URAM Scientific Research Institute of Complex Problems of Cardiovascular Diseases SB RAMS (Research Institute of KPSSZ SB RAMS)

List of experiments in neutrino physics

List of experiments investigating neutrino physics, neutrino detectors, and neutrino telescopes.

BNO is an underground physical observatory for the study of neutrinos, located in two 3670 m long tunnels under Mount Andyrchi in the Caucasus. Belongs to the Institute of Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It was built first by Moscow metro builders, and then by workers from Baku and Donetsk, and was put into operation in, it seems, 1978.

The main adit of the facility.

The lining is leaking in one place.

If you go to the right, you will see the Baksan underground scintillation telescope; if you go straight, you will find a gallium-germanium neutrino telescope, and maybe you will get pussy:) We will go to the right.

Let's walk along the walk and look around.

One of the vertical scintillation planes.

Plane detectors.

This design (an underground scintillation telescope) works approximately as follows: a parallelepiped with a volume of 3000 m³ is made from a large number of detectors. Detectors detect the passage of high-energy particles, electron neutrinos and muons, and analysis of signals from the detectors allows one to judge the trajectories of particles. By detecting muons from the lower hemisphere of the Earth and at large zenith angles, it is possible to get rid of the background of atmospheric muons and have pure neutrino events. The detector records the passage of 17 muons every second, and neutrino events occur several times a year. The depth is about 300 meters.
The detector is a metal tank 70x70x30 cm filled with white spirit, to which a scintillator (causes the substance to glow when particles pass) and a shifter (shifts the wavelength) are added. A photomultiplier (electron tube) is attached to the tank through a special glass, reacting to flashes of light and sending the measurement results to the computer center. The scintillation telescope operates in real time, i.e. On your computer in the CC you can see what each of the sensors shows and what is happening in general. This is such a rough, in general terms, description of the operation of the telescope, if there is anything, experts will correct it.

The bottom plane of the telescope...

...and its connection with one of the vertical planes.

The upper plane is 4 floors higher.



Disassembled sensor: inside is an electronic tube.

And here is the stock of these lamps.

Upper plane.

CC and main computer, which replaced a dozen cabinets with relays.

Free space, as I understand it.

Glory to Soviet science!

Central hall, rescuers.

Control room.

The underground part consists of two parallel adits (main and service with a narrow-gauge railway) with a monolithic lining, technical premises between them, working out large sections (in metal insulation) for telescopes.


Battery bucket.

Lamp protection.

The facility also has a gallium-germanium neutrino telescope - a radiochemical detector of solar neutrinos with a metal gallium target weighing 60 tons (located at a distance of 3.5 km from the entrance to the tunnel, a depth of about 800 meters. Liquid gallium under the influence of neutrinos turns into radioactive germanium, inspection and study of the target is carried out once every 1.5 years), a low-background camera, the Andyrchi installation for recording extensive atmospheric showers located on the surface of the mountain, a complex of ground-based installations Carpet.

The main adit.

The main adit.

Auxiliary adit. Greetings from Metrostroy

Caravan. Doesn't remind you of anything? :)

In the spring of 2006, an avalanche occurred right above the BNO portals, filled up the entrances and destroyed half of the territory. There were some buildings at this place.

A stone brought by an avalanche.

A slope with fallen trees in the background is the result of an avalanche.

And something has already been abandoned for a long time.

The bridge over the Baksan river is the only way to BNO.
(c) danila85

> Baksan Gorge

Date of: 27.04.2003


The Baksan Gorge is located in the west of Kabardino-Balkaria; climbing it takes several hours by bus. The Baksan River ("foamy water" either from Kabardian or from Balkar) flows from one of the Elbrus glaciers - Greater Azau and is an ordinary mountain stream, narrow, fast, rocky. The gorge is limited on one side by the Main Caucasian Range (along which the border with Georgia passes), on the other by the spurs of Elbrus. The Baksan Neutrino Observatory is located in this gorge at an altitude of approximately 1650 m above sea level. We settled in the village of Terskol, going up another 15 kilometers along the road, at an altitude of more than 2000 m. Up from us, about 4 kilometers, is only the Azau clearing (2300 m) at the foot of Elbrus with a cable car, down - the entire gorge: the Cheget clearing, where we lived last time and where there is another cable car, the village of Baidaevka, where we went to the waterfall, Tegenekli with the mountaineering and hunting museum named after Vysotsky, the village of Elbrus with the KBSU base, the village of Neutrino (guess what is there; )), village of Verkhniy Baksan. The nearest town is Tyrnyauz, where tungsten and molybdenum were once mined (and now everything is standing), regularly washed away by powerful mudflows, but quite beautiful in normal times, located 40 kilometers away.

I know that I know nothing...

The topics of the reports were as follows: theoretical models and experimental results on cosmology, supersymmetry, gravity and gravitational waves, black holes, dark matter, neutrino oscillations, solar neutrinos, cosmic rays (both ground-based and underground experiments), the GZK effect, projects of new detectors for all this. If some words are unclear, do not despair and look in the Dictionary, where I tried to explain the essence of the main scientific problems in this area in simple words.

The action was, naturally, in English, because the event was international: Japanese, Italians, Poles, and Belgians gathered. The bulk, of course, are Russians (oh, this Russian English! and the Japanese version is funny too) from our Institute of Nuclear Research. There were also “imported” Russians (CERN, USA, Israel).

At the same time, the so-called Youth School of Experimental and Theoretical Physics was held in Elbrus, already in Russian, organized by MEPhI, much less interesting. Ordinary students spoke at it, and I also spoke about the generation of secondary particles by cosmic ray muons. Things are quite elementary, but important (background for studying rare events) and little known. At this mythical school they already talked about everything related to physics. In short, an ordinary, somewhat boring conference.

I won’t say that I attended many reports, preferring walks in nature to a dark hall. I skipped almost the entire theoretical part, visiting only the experimental works, where there are fewer scary formulas and more beautiful pictures. But I still figured out something :)


An obligatory point of the event in the Baksan Gorge is an excursion to the BNO. Only in the USSR could they afford to dig several adits in the mountain purely for scientific research (there are only a few similar observatories in the world - in Italy (Gran Sasso), USA (Soudan, Homestake), Japan (Kamioka), Canada (Sudbury), but there they are located either in existing mines or in road tunnels). Just like two years ago, we were shown the BPST (Baksan Underground Scintillation Telescope) and SAGE (Soviet-American Gallium Experiment) - the installations are beautiful even in appearance. All impressions practically boil down to a poem about BNO two years ago (See Appendix 2), it’s clear why: such experiments last for years, or even decades (the 25th anniversary of BPST was just celebrated).

If you usually go to BPST on foot through a long, dark, wide tunnel, then to SAGE, located at a distance of more than 3 km from the entrance to the cave, there is a branch along which a two-car metro train runs. There is even a proud letter M above the entrance to the tunnel, reminiscent of the subway of big cities. Two years ago we were all on the train, it was a little cramped, but not scary. But this time there was not enough space in the metro for everyone, and I expressed a desire to ride on a locomotive powered by batteries, which are enough for about two trips there and back, together with the driver and saw the entire tunnel and numerous side adits for additional experiments planned. But the USSR collapsed, there was no money. It's a shame, because here we are still, if not ahead, then at least on an equal footing with the entire planet.

Surprisingly, mountains are everywhere here :) - everywhere you look. It seems that the peaks are nearby - half an hour of ascent and you are at the top. Ha! On the first day we climbed the mountain closest to us (Itkolbashi), climbed high, 400 meters :-/. Everyone was exhausted, out of breath, and the top was just over a kilometer away in height. But they walked through a meadow, not on snow, stones or a glacier (and there were no suitable shoes). The most fun was going back down: if you accelerate a little, you’ll remember their name. The Terskol river below is waiting for you (many smaller streams flow from the mountains to Baksan, some even have their own names). These meadows are pasture for sheep and bulls, even now, when there was no grass at all on the slopes, the herds still wandered and grazed something.

The weather here changes every 5 minutes - either wind and rain, then the sun will come out again. Clouds sometimes crawl very low, covering the lower part of the mountains, but you can still see the upper part.

On the second day, there were no reports in the morning, and we decided to give up skiing in Azau, fortunately, the hotel has rentals and a free bus. We were just lucky: for such lamers an instructor was found at a discounted price (usually 300 rubles per lesson, the course is at least a week, and they charged us the same money from the group), who not only put us on skis and showed us descent techniques, but even allowed us to go down for real: we went up one stage of the funicular (we would have gone higher, but we didn’t have enough time) to 3000 m and went down from there (which we are allowed to do no earlier than the 5th day, but we didn’t have that much time and money) .

We were very lucky with the weather that day: there was not a cloud in the sky, from the height you could see the entire Main Caucasus Range and Elbrus, as well as the gorge. A very picturesque panorama. How, I wonder, will the photographs reflect this? (The light meter was going through the roof!) It later turned out that this was the only day with such ideal weather during our stay here. We took our chance!

It was scary at the height; we could barely stand on our skis. But if you are not afraid of falling sometimes (and we are relaxing and do not set ourselves the goal of moving quickly and beautifully!), then everything is in order. The mood changed from “...Well, don’t drag yourself back to the funicular with these skis: -0” while we were 100-150 meters from it, through “How to go around these stones???” to "We did it!" You look up from where you just descended, lift your head, examine the stones, see how one of our people is tumbling there, and your self-esteem increases greatly: “I’m already down!” During the descent, I often fell (once I felt that my dark glasses were flying off, I immediately went blind, I fell, I plowed about 5 meters in the snow, I flew straight to my glasses, and for some reason my backpack with a camera was tightly tied so as not to dangle and interfere turns out to be put on over the head), but at the bottom it turned out to be the third one. How fast I had to move between falls! (Or did the others still fall no less than me?)

I got a lot of pleasure, but there hasn’t been a second time yet...

A few kilometers from Terskol there is a waterfall: an unnamed stream, before rushing into Baksan, cascades down the mountain. Why not go there, besides, along the way we will pass Narzan springs!

We walked slowly, stopping often and taking photographs of everything: roads, rivers, mountains, trees. The shooting conditions changed greatly: at aperture 16, the narrowest, I set shutter speeds almost chaotically throughout the entire range from 1/30 s to 1/500, and this was not always enough to satisfy the exposure meter’s recommendations. The sensitivity of the film, naturally, was 100. (I wonder what Slavik will get with his soap dish and 400? The man came up with the idea!)

The Narzanov Glade represents many springs of different salinity, with and without hydrogen sulfide. The most beautiful one is located a little to the side. Its power is such that a river of mineral water flows around! An interesting sight: water orange from excess iron, islands of green grass, white mountains in the background. Some narzans have a laxative effect, and by the evening I, having tried the largest number of varieties, had the opportunity to verify this. :(

A kilometer and a half later a waterfall appeared. We climbed along it as far as possible until we realized that we were quite wet from the spray and it would be unsafe to descend. The waterfall is formed from several steps. The height of the water fall from each is no more than 5-7 meters, but in total (and from afar) it turns out to be quite a beautiful sight. What’s interesting is that at the very bottom the water flows down, as it were, along terraces of 20-40 centimeters almost all the way to the road on the bank of Baksan. (In general, it is interesting that rock faults very often occur here at right angles and quite strictly parallel to each other, as can be seen on large stones and rock ledges). We still didn’t swim in the waterfall, although it might have been worth it. But to wash - washed; very pleasant water, fresh, cold and clear (tastes tasteless, almost distilled). I saw several birds playing in the stones (let's call them saxifrages), larger than a sparrow, quite well-fed, gray belly, almost black back, and wings - dark red, purple, and at the same time quite bright. But I haven’t seen emerald kingfishers, which love such rocky river riffles (maybe it’s not the season yet or they’re not found at such a height at all?).

We even found something like a cave: among the stones there was a hole going down, half a person could fit in there freely, but we didn’t experiment further. And some other yellow flowers perched directly on almost vertically steep (or even with a negative slope) slopes of stones, modestly, but in the absence of other vegetation... We found several shells - how did they end up here?

The way back was uphill, but we walked briskly (we returned home by lunchtime), stopping only at the Itkol camp site, where a herd of horses grazed peacefully, and there was even a small foal. They didn't notice us and didn't pose.

Cheget is famous for its market, where you can buy very cheap wool in any form: from roughly dressed hides and yarn to shaggy hats and sweaters made from sheep's wool. The market, although small, is similar to a classic oriental bazaar in terms of the level of pestering of sellers: “Look at my goods, guy, everything is your size.” You can also bargain, reducing the price by one and a half times (or even twice) is quite possible, although the starting prices are not very high.

There are also very tasty kebabs and homemade wine. There are several cafes, sometimes they offer mulled wine, but we were unlucky. :(Although, it’s probably better to drink it upstairs, when you’re completely frozen. We took several liters of wine with us. There’s still some, but it’ll run out soon;)


On the last day, it snowed so much in the morning that a power line broke somewhere below, and Terskol was left without light. The reports were all cancelled, it’s good that they gave us breakfast. There was so much snow that even the nearby mountains were not visible, the area turned into a plain, into an ordinary pine forest. And the snow immediately began to fall from the branches (especially if you kicked the trunk), which was very beautiful, but made me think of avalanches (we saw one of them when we were going to the airport. Fortunately, it came down on the other side of Baksan in a deserted place and didn’t block the road).

We made a snow woman (and almost looked like her ourselves). She was curvy, taller than a human, with apples for her eyes, a banana for her mouth, a nose made of snow and decorated with orange peel, and a hairstyle made of pine branches. The lady received the name Miss Wolfram (after the name of our hotel), and everyone immediately ran to take pictures hugging her. How much money could be earned! The foreigners were simply delighted and somewhat amazed: how can something be done in such cold, from such a cold substance as snow? We wanted to throw snowballs at them, but we took pity and started throwing them among ourselves.

The worst thing was then in the room: no light - no hot water and heating. Luckily, they started the backup generator and we were able to warm up. And the reports dragged on until the night due to constant power outages.


This is not all that we did there, just general features. Many small adventures and details will appear in oral stories when viewing photographs (with a glass of Caucasian wine;)). I’ll tell you a secret, I’ve already developed my films: there are some very remarkable shots on them!

APPENDIX 1. GLOSSARY, or Particle physics for lyricists :)

A NEUTRINO is a small light particle that weakly interacts with matter (it can pass right through the Earth without slowing down at all), which can have colossal energy, thereby carrying information from the very depths of the Universe.

COSMOLOGY is the science of the very beginning of our Universe and its development. According to most modern models, at the beginning of the Universe there was a Big Bang (but no one can say for sure what it really is), and then as it cooled (and simultaneously expanded), all the particles (and light too) were born. Over time, these particles began to combine, forming atoms, molecules, gas clouds, from which galaxies, stars, and planets were born. And the Universe swollen to the enormous size it is now.

SUPERSYMMETRY is a theory that appeared in connection with the problem of dark matter: each known particle (particle) corresponds to a supersymmetric partner (sparticle), from among which suitable candidates for dark matter can be found. New interactions may appear at very small distances (much smaller than the size of the nucleus). Closely related to this are the theories of the GREAT UNIFICATION (GUT): all known interactions are partial manifestations of one interaction. This interaction can be seen directly at very high energies. One of the manifestations of this should be the decay of a free proton, just as a free neutron decays.

A BLACK HOLE is a region of space-time from which nothing, not even light, can escape.

DARK MATTER - There are indications that we see at most 10% of all matter. Where did the rest go? The remaining, invisible part is called black matter. These could be black holes, the same neutrinos, not yet discovered supersymmetric particles, and who knows what else?

GRAVITY is an attraction known since the time of Newton. Einstein explained gravity as the curvature of space-time, obtaining a relativistic theory (at speeds close to the speed of light). The problem is that there is no theory of quantum gravity and it is unclear how this interaction will behave at large distances (on the order of intergalactic distances and more) and how gravity can be included in GUT.

GRAVITATIONAL WAVES - like the electromagnetic interaction, the effect of gravity extends to infinity. Since there are electromagnetic waves (radio, light, x-rays and gamma rays), why not gravitational waves? However, they are so weak, so easily lost against the background of Earth vibrations, also associated with human activity, that very heavy detectors are needed (usually aluminum cylinders several meters in size), which are available in the USA and Italy; there is a project to build a similar thing on Baksan. But it has not yet been possible to detect these waves, despite the fact that there have been some statements about this.

NEUTRINO OSCILLATIONS - there are three types of neutrinos and, apparently, they can transform into each other and carry out oscillations (oscillations) from one state to another. The hypothesis arose in connection with the shortage of SOLAR NEUTRINOS: according to the standard Solar model, which describes processes inside the Sun well, the number of neutrinos coming from the Sun should be 2 times greater than observed. But we can only observe electron neutrinos well, so maybe along the way they just transform into other states that we detect much worse?

SAGE is an experiment to search for neutrinos from the Sun. It is based on a nuclear reaction when gallium, after interacting with neutrinos, transforms into germanium. A very beautiful experiment (there are only 2 installations in the world: SAGE and the Italian GNO), which gives exactly that very lack.

GZK EFFECT, GZK CUTOFF (Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin; I know the last two personally) - theoretically it turns out that above a certain energy, particles from Space (cosmic rays) cannot reach us. However, some people claim to constantly observe such high-energy (that's how the adjective is formed!) particles. Experimental error or new physics?

SCINTILLATOR - a substance (in BPST and “my” LVD - based on paraffin) that can glow when charged particles (and not only) enter it. The light is collected by photomultipliers, then, if you try, you can determine the type and energy of the transmitted particle. Experiments of this kind are carried out deep underground in order to reduce the background from processes taking place in the atmosphere. Ground-based experiments to study extensive air showers (a particle, interacting with air nuclei, is capable of giving birth to a bunch of other particles, which can also interact, etc., and a wide air shower is obtained), the so-called EAS array detectors, are also quite important, especially with simultaneous underground surveillance.

CERN (European Center for Nuclear Physics) is an accelerator complex on the border of Switzerland and France (Geneva), where the largest accelerator at the moment is being built, with which the discovery of many particles is associated. There is an experimental project to create a special beam of neutrinos, which will be caught in Italy at a distance of more than 700 km to check whether there are oscillations.


Baksan Neutrino Observatory

Physicists' village Neutrino
Filled with the spirit of all ideas,
And the beauty here is not in the valleys,
But in a matter common to people.

Everything is dedicated to a single goal:
To comprehend the secrets of the Explosion - yes! -
Laws that you always wanted
Check people without shame.

And this makes him far from the world,
We protect ourselves from the light with hundreds of forces.
Here the lyre is silent, without saving,
Saying goodbye to the colors of the stars.

Underground god - installation -
Science is the darkest temple.
He serves the cult very cleverly,
And there are no churches for other gods.

The tunnel leads up somewhere,
And rows of scintillators
They stand like cheerful soldiers,
Protection of many tons of water,

What serve the main purpose for a long time:
Space Particle Detector
Will reveal what they didn’t have time to do
See the residents of the capitals.

Knows many glorious discoveries
Neutrino Mountain Telescope.
The language of the reports, which is funny,
Even Aesop wouldn't understand.

Parody: subway cars
And kilometers of wires
To sites deep into the restricted zone
They are taking us, local strangers.

The air supply is plentiful,
But the stupid conversation fades away,
And soapbox flashes are powerless here
Dispel the darkness under the thickness of the mountains.

Germanium, gallium, liters, tons,
But every atom counts.
Landscape: the reactors are huge,
The size is the size of a dream.

Events happen suddenly
Others are simply waited for years,
And the counter measures in stages
Fragments of lived minutes.

And today admission is only free,
Scientist, but today - a guide,
Tourists are reluctant to drive.
He knows everything, alas, he is silent.

I realized: there is a smell of mystery nearby,
Revealed, perhaps a long time ago.
What a pity that it was only by chance
I visited BNO!

BNO, dungeon

© 2007-2019 - Vadim Boyarkin, text; Vadim Boyarkin, Yulia Nakhimova, photo.

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