Jellied stuffed pike. Jellied stuffed pike (step-by-step recipe with photos). Cooking stuffed pike, jellied

Cooking stuffed pike, jellied.

We clean the pike, cut it, remove the skin with a “stocking”, cut off the flesh and grind it in a meat grinder 2-3 times along with lard. Sauté the onion in vegetable oil, then add the carrots, grated on a fine grater and sauté together (the onions and carrots will add color to our pike and remove the damp taste). We put all our ingredients into a bowl: minced pike and lard, semolina, sautéed vegetables, eggs, salt and pepper to taste.

Mix everything thoroughly.

We do not fill the pike with minced meat very tightly so that it does not burst during cooking. If there is any minced meat left, you can make meatballs and cook them together with the pike.

Place the pike, meatballs, and pike backbone in a basin and fill it with water so that the fish is completely covered with water. When the pike boils, you need to collect the foam (noise) and turn down the heat so that the dish simmers slightly. Salt the water to taste, add raw onions, carrots, bay leaves, allspice... We taste the broth for salt.

Cook the pike until cooked for about 35 - 45 minutes. 15 minutes before the end of cooking, you can add parsley.

We pull the pike and meatballs out of the basin. If it is inconvenient to remove the pike so that it does not break, then carefully cut the pike in half or cut off the head and pull it out in pieces. Don’t be discouraged if the pike’s muzzle peels off during cooking, it can all be decorated.

Cut the cooked pike into portions and place on a dish. We decorate with carrots, parsley, or you can decorate with boiled eggs. Strain the broth. Dilute gelatin according to the instructions (on the package) and add to the broth. Bring the broth to a boil. Cool. We pour the pike carefully so that our decoration is not washed away by the broth. Place in the cold until the pike hardens.

When our aspic has hardened, we move on to decorating the pike. We insert new beautiful eyes into the pike (you can use corn, stick black peppercorns into it, canned peas or sweet peppers, cut out small ovals and stick peppercorns into them) there are a lot of different options here, depending on your desire. We decorate the muzzle and fins with a mayonnaise mesh (add butter to the mayonnaise, stir thoroughly and squeeze it through a pastry bag). We prepare reeds from black bread fried in vegetable oil. We prick our reeds onto a wooden toothpick or skewer along with green onions. We cut lilies from onions. Our pike is ready.

Returning to culinary classics, it is worth remembering the most classic way to cook jellied pike. The jellied pike recipe calls for the following products:

  • — 750-900 grams of pike;
  • - 300-400 grams of heads and ridges of pike perch and bream;
  • — 2-3 small fresh carrots;
  • - 1-2 small heads of white onions;
  • — 1-2 pcs. parsley root (optional)
  • - 2-3 bay leaves;
  • - salt, black pepper (ground and ground), other spices - to your taste.

Preparing aspic

Jellied pike is, however, it can be prepared on a weekday, so a step-by-step recipe for jellied pike will be relevant for every housewife.

How to prepare pike aspic? Very, very simple!

First of all, fresh pike must be cleaned of scales and washed under cold running water, then the tail, fins and head are separated from it, removing the gills.

Place the by-products of pike, bream and pike perch in a large saucepan, add two liters of cold drinking water, bring to a boil and remove the resulting foam using a slotted spoon.

  • The carrots for preparing pike jellied recipe must be thoroughly washed and peeled, and then cut into small pieces.
  • Peel several small heads of white onions and cut into pieces the size of carrots.
  • Place the carrots and onions with the rest of the ingredients, reduce heat and cook for 1.5-2 hours, then strain through cheesecloth and discard the vegetables and fish heads.

Return the broth to the pan, add salt and pepper, add a few bay leaves, then bring to a boil and place the prepared pike fillet in it.

Cook for no more than 25-30 minutes.

Remove from the heat, cool, separate the fillet from the bones, place on plates for aspic, strain the broth and pour it over the fish.

Stuffed jellied pike.

Stuffed pike aspic is a more advanced dish than its classic counterpart.

The question of how to make pike aspic is in great demand not only among housewives, but also among chefs of fish restaurants.

In order for the recipe for “stuffed pike aspic” to be followed, you will need the following set of products:

  • — 1.5 kg. pike;
  • - 2-3 eggs;
  • — 150-200 gr. lard;
  • - 1-2 tbsp. l. semolina;
  • - onions, carrots - 1 pc.;
  • - gelatin;
  • - salt, pepper, spices.

How to make aspic from pike, while stuffing it? The pike should be cut, peeled and ground with lard. Grate the onion and carrots and fry in vegetable oil.

Place the ground pike, carrots and onions, as well as a few chicken eggs and a couple of spoons of semolina in a bowl, mix thoroughly. Fill the remaining pike fillets with minced meat, place in a saucepan, add water and bring to a boil.

Further procedures are no different from. At the end of preparing “pike stuffed aspic”, the recipe calls for cutting it into small pieces. Stuffed aspic pike is ready! Bon appetit everyone!

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Pike aspic is a real festive dish, a decoration for any table! Transparent jelly with a concentrated fishy taste, and in it - pieces of boiled pike fillet, quail eggs and carrots - this is the kind of dish we will get. Of course, you'll have to tinker, but it's worth it ;)

So, to prepare pike aspic, prepare fresh pike, quail eggs, carrots, instant gelatin, water, salt, onion, black peppercorns, green onions or parsley. Clean the pike, gut it, wash it, remove the fillet from which you remove all the bones, but leave the skin.

Remove the gills from the pike's head. Place the washed head and bones into a saucepan, cover with water, add peeled carrots and half an onion, as well as peppercorns and add salt. Place the pan over high heat. When the water boils, remove the foam and leave to cook further - this will be the basis for the aspic, fish broth. Hard-boil quail eggs and cool in cold water. Cut the pike fillet into strips.

When 30 minutes have passed since the start of boiling the bones and head of the pike, strain the broth through cheesecloth. Place the broth over high heat again and place the pike fillet pieces into it. Boil the fillet pieces for 10 minutes. Chop the carrots that have been boiled with heads and bones. You can just use circles, you can use cubes or flowers, in general, whatever you like best. Peel the quail eggs and cut each one in half.

Remove the cooked fish pieces from the broth, and add instant gelatin into the broth itself and stir until the granules dissolve. Place pieces of cooked pike in aspic molds. These can be deep plates, trays or other suitable utensils. Place quail egg halves, carrot pieces and green onions cut into rings here.

Carefully pour in the fish stock. Let the broth cool and move the containers with aspic into the refrigerator.

When the pike aspic has hardened properly, it can be served.

In my family, February is a very busy month. Starting from the 10th, we have event after event for the whole week. And all the holidays are noisy, as expected: with guests, a festive table, entertainment and winter festivities.

Of course, it's nice to have fun. But for me, as the mistress of the house, this period is not entirely fun and sweet. I spend the whole week preparing treats and setting tables. There is no time to invent something special and spend a long time cooing in the kitchen.

But I have several recipes that are very helpful. For example, jellied stuffed pike. By the way, according to the recipe, you can cook whatever your heart desires: vegetables, meat and poultry, and fish with various seafood. Fast and profitable.

I am not only for taste and beauty, but also for practicality and economy in the kitchen. When choosing a holiday menu, I always think through the list of treats and don’t cook in such a way that there will be leftovers for the next day. But, whatever one may say, something remains in any case. And in this case, I have an idea on how to turn yesterday’s treat into something new and tasty. We're talking about stuffed pike.

This year I made a decent amount of it for a family holiday. Naturally, the guests did not eat everything. After they announced to me that tomorrow they would come again, so to speak, for a hangover, I was in quiet shock. In general, having collected the remains of the chopped stuffed pike, I decided to make aspic from what I had.

This is a little background before showing how I whipped up jellied stuffed pike.

Cooking steps:


Pike (ready stuffed) 1 pc., broth 1.5 cups, gelatin 1.5-2 tbsp. spoons, seasoning to taste, cucumber (pickled for decoration) 1 pc., parsley to taste.

Pike jellied has a perfectly delicate taste, in addition, the broth from this fish is transparent. The meat itself has low bone content, is white in color and looks great when cooked. Today we will tell you several recipes for pike aspic.

Jellied with boiled eggs and herbs

Fill the carcass with water and put it on fire. Let it boil and reduce the power of the burner to minimum. Add salt, spices, carrots and onions in their husks for a golden hue.

Place the finished fish on a plate and disassemble it, removing the bones. We cut carrots into circles, eggs - similarly.

Pour some of the broth into a glass and pour gelatin into it. Stir the mixture thoroughly and bring to a boil. Mix with the rest of the liquid.

Place eggs, carrots, finely chopped herbs, and fish at the bottom of the dish. Pour in the broth, let cool to room temperature and place in the refrigerator.

Step by step recipe


  • water - 1.5 liters;
  • pike - 1 kg;
  • carrot - 1 piece;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • bay leaf - 2 pieces;
  • spices to taste;
  • salt - to taste;
  • gelatin - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Time spent - 2 hours. Calorie content per 100 grams - 98 kcal.

After preparing all the products, we begin to prepare the aspic:

If necessary, gut the fish and wash it thoroughly. We cut off the fins and head. Fill the carcass with water and put it on fire. Add a whole onion with peel and carrots. Since we are talking about fish, it will cook quite quickly. Just before it’s ready, add the spices and bay leaf.

We disassemble the pike and separate it from the bones, cut the carrots into slices.

Strain the broth and then pour some into a glass. Bring to a boil and add gelatin, stirring constantly. Dissolve the resulting mixture in the rest of the broth.

Place pieces of fish and carrots in a common dish or in portioned forms and fill with broth. Let cool and then place in the refrigerator. The aspic hardens quickly and can be served within an hour.

How to make pike aspic without gelatin

It is quite possible to prepare the aspic without gelatin if you suddenly don’t have it at home.


  • pike fish - 1 carcass weighing up to 1 kg;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • onion - 1 large;
  • salt to taste;
  • peppercorns - 3 pieces;
  • half a lemon;
  • water for broth - 1.5 liters.

Time spent - 2 hours. Calorie content per 100 grams - 110 kcal.

Let's start preparing the aspic:

Remove the gills from the pike, place the fish in a saucepan and fill with water. Wash the onion well and send it there (the husk will give it a golden hue). Peel the carrots, cut them in half and cook along with the rest of the ingredients for about 30 minutes. Do not overcook, because pike meat is very tender. Since we leave the bones and fins with the head, the aspic will harden perfectly.

Separate the finished pike from the bones, salt the broth and add all the spices.

Cut the lemon into thin half rings. Place a slice of lemon, fish and carrot slices on the bottom of the dish. Fill with liquid and let cool. For final hardening, put the aspic in the refrigerator.

Recipe for jellied stuffed pike

If you want to surprise your guests with an unusual dish, we suggest preparing a stuffed pike aspic. It's quite labor intensive, but the taste is worth it.


  • fish (pike) - a carcass weighing up to one and a half kg;
  • gelatin - 2 tablespoons;
  • water - 2 liters;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • onion - 2 pieces;
  • salt to taste;
  • pepper - 3 peas;
  • stale white bread - approximately 200 grams.

Time spent - 2 hours. Calorie content per 100 grams - 144 kcal.

Remove the skin from the carcass, being careful not to damage it. We remove the head, bones and spine with gills. We leave the skin. Grind the resulting fillet in a blender or meat grinder, add bread soaked in water, 1 peeled onion and half a carrot. Salt and pepper.

Spread the mixture onto the skin and wrap it tightly. Can be secured with clean gauze or toothpicks.

Place the stuffed carcass, the remaining onion with peel and carrots into the water. Cook for about 30 minutes.

Place the pike on a plate and cut into convenient size pieces. Dissolve gelatin in a glass of broth and bring to a boil. Mix with the rest of the liquid.

On a platter, place the fish and carrots in circles and pour in the jelly. Let cool to room temperature and transfer to the refrigerator.

To get a delicious dish, you should know a few tricks:

  1. The pike is cooked only over low heat and filled with cold water. The finished broth will be even tastier if you simmer it for about half an hour. This is especially true for fish with bones and a head. Increasing the cooking time will promote faster and better hardening;
  2. You can add not only carrots to the prepared aspic, but also greens, pomegranate seeds, boiled eggs, cut into circles, sweet bell peppers, mushrooms, peas, corn grains;
  3. Carefully read the instructions on the package for preparing gelatin. Some manufacturers' products require pre-soaking in cold water;
  4. You can prepare aspic from several varieties of fish. For example, add pink salmon. It will give a brighter taste and improve the appearance of the dish.

Now you know how to prepare a delicious pike aspic. As you can see, this fish is suitable not only for cutlets. This dish can be prepared by endlessly adding new ingredients.

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