A fat woman from a stomach ulcer. Crassula: medicinal properties and contraindications. Recipes for hemorrhoids

Many people ask the question: what is the useful flower of the Crassula, what useful properties does it have? We will try to find an answer to this question.

Feng shui fat woman- a symbolic attribute that brings prosperity and good luck to the house.

Round leaf shape harmonizes energy flows in room. It is not for nothing that Crassula is called the "money tree" - the leaves, similar to coins, will attract financial success and prosperity.

Following Feng Shui, it is better not to buy a tree in a store, but , taken from friends: such a plant will be good at attracting money to the house. In a pot of crassula, bury how much larger coins (10-ruble ones will do).

Can also be hung on money tree branches red ribbons with decorative holey coins(sold in souvenir departments). Or just tie the branches with red threads or red satin ribbons.

The southeastern sector is the sector of material wealth according to Feng Shui, and southeastern windows are perfect for a light-loving fat woman. On a sunny windowsill, the tree will develop rapidly and grow healthy and beautiful.

The people consider that the fat woman feels the unhealthiness of the owners. If someone in the house falls ill, drawing out the disease, and will return to its original state only after the owner recovers.

IMPORTANT! It is good to have a pot with a fat woman in the apartment, not only because of its magical properties. This plant releases phytoncides- volatile substances that kill bacteria and improve air quality. Phytoncides not only prevent the spread of respiratory diseases, but positively affect sleep, performance and mood of a person.

Medicinal properties

The fat woman is popularly called the "green doctor." Let's try to understand whether this statement is true.
What does the Crassula flower treat and how?

The money tree is very wide found application in folk medicine.

Consider the healing properties of the Money Tree flower, for which diseases it is used and what treatment is being carried out.

Juice and pulp of the leaves of the crassula when used correctly help with many ailments:

  • haemorrhoids;
  • varicose veins;
  • acne;
  • angina;
  • herpes;
  • wounds;
  • bruises;
  • purulent inflammation;
  • cuts;
  • burns;
  • calluses;
  • arthritis.

In the treatment of hemorrhoids

Take 8-10 large healthy crassula leaves, finely chop and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth or a fine sieve. Juice obtained mix with Vaseline approximately 1:1 and use a cotton swab to treat the hemorrhoidal bumps. The procedure is performed in the supine position. After such treatment, it is good to lie down for at least 15 minutes. For the fastest effect, treat 3 times a day.

The healing properties of the leaf of the money tree in the treatment of hemorrhoids

Another option for using a fat woman for hemorrhoids is to cut a juicy large leaf along and apply to the problem area with a cut. You will have to keep the sheet for 5 minutes.

With varicose veins

For the treatment of varicose veins It is best to use alcohol tincture. Take enough leaves and twigs of crassula to fill a liter jar to 2/3 of the height. Fill with vodka to the very top and leave for about a month.

After this period, the tincture is ready for use - rub it on the affected areas once a day for at least three weeks.

For acne

Anti-inflammatory properties of fatty will prove themselves in the fight against acne: wipe the inflamed areas of the skin with a cotton swab dipped in freshly squeezed fat girl juice. If you are worried about a large pimple, can be applied at night to crushed slurry from the leaves of the fat woman and secured with adhesive tape.

Crassula pulp will draw out the pus from the pimple and soothe reddened skin.

With angina

Crassula juice contains a powerful antiseptic help in the fight against angina. Dilute the juice squeezed from 10 leaves in a glass of boiled water and rinse the sore throat with the resulting solution. Repeat this procedure as often as possible, but at least 4 times a day.

Crassula juice for herpes

The herpes virus is afraid of the fat woman. Soak a cotton pad with concentrated crassula juice and apply to the sore spot. If on this day you are not going to go outside, fix such a compress with adhesive tape and the very next day you will notice that herpes has decreased significantly.

Treatment of wounds, cuts, bruises, burns

Make a slurry of several juicy leaves and lay between layers of gauze. Apply to cancer or bruise and secure with a tight bandage. The fat woman will prevent festering of wounds and deep scratches, will help the bruise resolve as soon as possible.

Crassula pulp can be applied to burns if blisters have not formed.

When healing ulcers, purulent inflammations, boils, acne, burns and cuts, it can also help , .

For arthritis

Fresh juice rub into sore joints at night. Such treatment will bring relief of symptoms in a few weeks. If you suffer from constant pain, fat girl will also help reduce them.

Contraindications and harm

Houseplant Money tree has not only useful, healing and medicinal properties, but in addition to benefits, it can be harmful.

ATTENTION! Some recipes used in folk medicine involve the use of fat woman juice inside, however, studies have shown the presence of pulp and juice in the presence of some arsenic.

Fatty juice poisoning cause poisoning with concomitant symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea and high fever.

Apply recipes based on fatty after consultation with a doctor and test for individual intolerance.

To do this, apply a certain amount of juice to the exposed surface of the skin, preferably on the inside of the wrist or in the place of the elbow.

Burning, itching and redness will mean that treatment with a fat woman is contraindicated for you.

Even if you can't treat yourself to Crassula Juice because of an allergy, it's a cute tree. will always decorate your interior and purify the air from bacteria and fungi, which you breathe.

Carefully monitor the condition of your money tree, wipe and spray its leaves, do not forget about watering - and it will bring health, wealth and prosperity to your home.

Useful video

More about the healing and beneficial properties of the houseplant Crassula and the available contraindications in the video below:

Crassula, which is popularly known as the money tree, belongs to the Crassula plant family. Therefore, this plant is often referred to as a fat woman. He is loved for his unpretentiousness and simplicity in content. Little is known about the medicinal and other properties of the fat woman, but today we will talk about the benefits and harms of the plant, as well as the role its use plays in traditional medicine.

Unusual properties of a fat woman

Any plant that grows on planet Earth is beneficial. But sometimes we don't even think about it. Thus, the healing properties of the money tree sometimes surpass the aloe plant and Kalanchoe, etc.

Crassula contains arsenic. For the most part, it does harm to the body than good. The benefits and harms to a person from the use of a fat woman will depend on the patient himself, whether he will adhere to all the doctor's recommendations.

The most popular medicinal properties are the following:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • volatile;
  • bactericidal.

This plant is able to purify the air in the room, as well as absorb odors. Often it is placed in a flowerpot in the kitchen. Also, the money tree does not have a pronounced pungent odor, and therefore for those who suffer from allergic rashes, it may come in handy as a houseplant.

The benefits of the plant cover all its shortcomings. In folk medicine, it is used to treat:

  • herpes;
  • throat diseases;
  • abscesses and wounds;
  • muscle strain and bruises
  • diseases, namely: arthritis and arthrosis, etc.

So, what are the known healing properties of the money tree and recipes with the use - let's find out.

The benefits of fat women in the treatment of skin diseases

The fat woman is able to cure skin inflammations that occur in prominent places. For this purpose, you need to grind the leaf of the money tree until smooth, and you can also squeeze the juice out of it. After that, the composition is distributed over a gauze bandage and applied to the inflamed area.

In this way, you can cure lichen, herpetic eruptions, eczema, stage 1 burns, as well as an allergic rash on the body. The use of the plant is also effective for skin inflammations, psoriasis.

But the medicinal properties of the leaves of the money tree do not end there.

Getting rid of varicose veins

If a person is worried about varicose veins, then a compress is able to get rid of this ailment. It is prepared on the basis of money tree tincture. The health benefits in this case are invaluable.

To prepare a tincture from a money tree, you need to grind the branches of the plant, and put the leaves in a prepared container, which should be filled with vodka or alcohol (40% degree) by a third of the volume. Then the container must be put in a dark place for 30 days. After that, the tincture is suitable for medicinal use.

And now, let's find out what other healing properties a fat woman or a money tree has.

How to use a fat woman for the treatment of hemorrhoids

Treatment of hemorrhoids sometimes drags on for years. And sometimes some are simply ashamed of their condition and do not want to see a doctor. Be that as it may, you can try to treat hemorrhoids on your own if a money tree grows at home. Its medicinal properties even make it possible to cure hemorrhoids if a special composition is prepared for this. It is prepared in the following way:

  1. The juice of the money tree is mixed with liquid vaseline one to one.
  2. The composition should stand for a day in a dark place.

After that, a tampon is impregnated with the prepared ointment and applied to the sore spot for half an hour. The procedure should be repeated at bedtime, if there are no contraindications.

Fat woman for joints

Apply the money tree as lotions. To do this, grind the sheets and twigs, then apply the composition to the diseased joint. The gruel from the plant is covered with gauze, and in the morning the sore spot is washed with water. Thus, the feeling of pain can be relieved.

Preparation of a drop from a fat woman

To get rid of a runny nose, a composition is prepared from a fat woman and water in a ratio of 1 to 2. Cooking recipes may be different. They differ depending on the type of disease. The detailed recipe looks like this:

  1. You need to take the juice of five leaves of the fat woman.
  2. Mix the juice with three tablespoons of water.
  3. Wash your nose three times a day.

Treatment of fungus with fatty juice

In order to get rid of the fungus for a long time, they use, most often, freshly squeezed juice. Recipe for the preparation of medicine:

  1. A leaf of a tree is taken and washed with warm water.
  2. A thin film is removed from the leaf of the fat woman.
  3. The finished leaf is attached with a plaster overnight to the diseased nail.

The use of a fat woman for toothache

Acute pain in the throat or directly in the tooth will pass if you do a rinse on the basis of the fat woman several times a day. To prepare a rinse, you should take a few leaves of the plant, and then pour 150 ml of them. hot water. After the product has cooled down, it is ready for use.

Also, if there is no time to prepare a solution for rinsing, you can simply chew on a leaf of a fat woman to relieve a toothache. Thus, the healing properties of the fat woman appear even faster.

Fat woman in the treatment of the stomach

The benefits of the money tree for the body are also observed during the treatment of the stomach. The leaves of the money tree flower usually help to reduce the feeling of pain significantly. To do this, they usually eat a few leaves of the fat woman in the morning, without drinking water.

You can have breakfast only an hour after taking the fatty. The benefits of the flower in the treatment of the stomach are confirmed by many experts.

Getting rid of cystitis with a fat woman

Due to the healing characteristics of the money tree, it can cope with inflammation in the urinary system. For kidney ailments, you need to take a fat woman in the form of an infusion, which is prepared in this way:

  • the leaves must be crushed into a homogeneous state;
  • a glass of boiling water is poured into a container where the slurry is already located;
  • infusion is infused for 60 minutes.

After that, the tincture can be used on a spoon in the morning and before bedtime. The course is ten days.

Contraindications for use

The benefits and harms of the plant can be different. A fat woman can cause harm to the body if it is ingested improperly. The leaves contain arsenic. If the required dose is exceeded, then the person's condition will deteriorate sharply. It turns out that the fat woman plant can benefit and harm us! Therefore, you should know exactly the dosage of the medicine and follow the recommendations from the doctor. You also need to find out what medicinal properties and contraindications the plant has.

The plant contains poison. If you use it inside in large quantities, then the substance can accumulate in bone tissues, which will eventually lead to poor health.

If you use the plant only externally, then you should not be afraid of it at all. However, if you feel nausea, diarrhea, fever and change in consciousness when using it inside, you should consult a doctor.

Before deciding to use the plant as a rinse or internally, you need to consult a doctor. You can also conduct a test for intolerance to the fat woman at home. To do this, apply a certain amount of freshly squeezed juice to the elbow bend. In the case when, after a while, redness or itching appeared directly, then the plant should not be consumed. There are also categories of people for whom, even in the absence of an allergic reaction, a fat woman is contraindicated, these are:

  • pregnant women;
  • breastfeeding;
  • children.

Now you know what the healing properties of the money tree are.

Only a doctor will tell you in more detail about the use of a fat woman in the treatment of certain diseases.

How the money tree grows, medicinal properties and contraindications - this issue is very relevant, since this plant is often associated with good luck in life (the state of the tree is used to estimate the amount of money in the future, the condition of the premises, etc.). But not all amateur flower growers are aware of its medicinal properties. And its usefulness in the treatment of various diseases is simply invaluable.

The money tree is also called the fat woman or crassula. It was brought from Australia, South America and Madagascar. Since the trunk of this plant is prone to woodiness, it really looks like a miniature tree with rounded, fleshy leaves. And it begins to bloom only after reaching 5-10 years.

For treatment, the leaves or the juice squeezed out of them are used. The tree is unpretentious, so it is easy to grow it at home. The leaves must be moistened regularly with a spray bottle or a damp cloth to maintain their beneficial properties. For medicinal purposes, leaves are collected from the crown of a tree. Eye pleasing flowers of the money tree are not used in medicine. The root system is constantly evolving, so every year the fat woman will have to be transplanted to maintain the health of the plant itself. This will reduce the risk of it falling under its own weight.

Indications for external use

Crassula, whose medicinal properties have been known since ancient times, is often used externally. The plant has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. Consider common methods of application:

  1. In order to reduce the risk of infection with juice, fat women treat burns, cuts, bruises and other injuries. You can also carry out therapy by applying the leaves of the plant to the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.
  2. Money tree juice is used to relieve itching and swelling after a mosquito or other insect bite. This method works quickly and effectively, so it is indispensable for those who often travel out of town or live in areas with a lot of mosquitoes.
  3. Gargling the throat, mouth with money tree juice can stop the inflammatory process caused by SARS.
  4. Treatment with this remedy will become effective in the fight against stomatitis and for the prevention of other inflammations of the oral cavity.
  5. Like celandine, the fat woman is used in the fight against herpes and warts. It is not recommended to treat neoplasms on the genitals in this way due to a decrease in their sensitivity.
  6. Among the people, the money tree received another name - corn, since corns were removed by applying a leaf of this plant and wrapping a roughened area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin with a bandage.
  7. A fat woman helps with hemorrhoids. In the treatment of this disease, tampons moistened with a mixture of the juice of this plant and vaseline oil are used. They relieve inflammation and visually reduce hemorrhoids.
  8. The money tree effectively copes with spasms in the muscles and joints. Therefore, in the scope of its application are arthritis, arthrosis and other diseases.
  9. Douching of the nasal cavity can be an excellent treatment or prevention of diseases of the mucous membrane, from a simple cold to sinusitis.
  10. Compresses from this plant help in the fight against ingrown nails. They help soften the rough skin of the finger, relieve pain and contribute to the unhindered removal of the source of trouble.
  11. Even the very presence of a money tree in the house has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere, as it helps to purify the air.

Preparation of juice from the leaves of the money tree

To prepare a compress, you will need fresh leaves, gauze and a bandage or plaster. The easiest way is to remove the skin from the pulp of the leaf, attach it to the sore spot and fix it. To achieve a faster effect in therapy, the slurry from the leaves of the plant, crushed with a blender, is wrapped in gauze and tied. Juice can be squeezed manually or with a juicer. They are moistened with a compress, which is used for treatment. And sometimes the juice of the money tree is mixed with another component to enhance the effect of the drug.

Fat woman - money tree

Tied money tree leaves can be left overnight (7-8 hours). Compresses with gruel should be changed every 4 hours. Juice-containing compresses should not be left for longer than 3 hours.

A medicinal infusion from a fat woman can be made in the following way: 5 washed leaves are poured into 1 liter of hot water and infused for 60 minutes. The alcohol composition is prepared as follows: a 0.5-liter jar is filled with branches and leaves of the plant by 2/3, poured with vodka and insisted for a month in a dark place.

Some folk recipes

The healing properties of the money tree have long been valued among the people. Consider some of the methods that have come down to our days from time immemorial:

  1. Squeeze the juice from 10 leaves of the tree and mix with 200 ml of water, use to gargle with sore throat and tonsillitis. The procedure should be carried out up to 8 times a day, although a positive effect is observed after the second application.
  2. Eat 2 leaves an hour before meals, chewing thoroughly to overcome peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. The course of such therapy is no more than 7 days.
  3. For the treatment of cystitis and pyelonephritis, you need to prepare a tincture according to the previously stated recipe and take 1 tbsp. 15 minutes before meals.
  4. Therapy for arthritis and arthrosis is simple: the affected joints are lubricated with the juice of the money tree before going to bed.
  5. Herpes on the lips must be moistened with the juice of the plant every 30 minutes, but this can be treated for no more than 5 days.
  6. This liquid wipes the places of insect bites. The effect will be achieved after several procedures.
  7. To relieve itching, you can make a lotion of crushed leaves for a couple of hours.
  8. For kidney diseases, you need to make the same tincture as for cystitis. Take after 2 hours in strained form, 1 tbsp. 3 times a day to achieve a healing effect.
  9. Varicose veins can be treated by rubbing in a mixture of money tree sap and baby cream.

Do not forget that the internal reception of money tree tinctures is fraught with a large number of side effects. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to consult with a specialist.


The chemical composition of the juice of the leaves of the money tree includes arsenic. This substance is used in limited quantities in various branches of medicine, for example, in dentistry in the treatment of pulpitis. But in high concentrations, it turns into a poison that can accumulate in bone tissue and have a negative effect on the entire body.

Money tree - not for the sake of money

Therefore, taking drugs based on this plant inside should be agreed with the doctor. The consequences of self-medication can be intestinal disorders, such as vomiting or diarrhea.

How do you know if this treatment is right for you or not? Start taking the drug in minimal doses and evaluate your condition during the first two days. If your condition has not worsened during this period, you can increase the amount of medication you take. If there are side effects, then you should look for another option to combat the disease.

Compresses using a fat woman are contraindicated in children under 12 years of age, pregnant and lactating women. If you are at risk, use another medicinal plant, having previously read the contraindications.

To summarize: the money tree has useful properties in the treatment of many ailments. First of all, these are various skin diseases: from a simple cut, an insect bite to herpes or papilloma. Secondly, these are respiratory diseases of the throat or sinuses. Thirdly, it is inflammation of the joints, gout and other ailments accompanied by severe pain. The most common treatment involves external application of the remedy: compresses, rinses or douches. Oral ingestion is less commonly used due to serious side effects associated with the chemical composition of the plant. Therefore, before starting therapy with a money tree, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Video - money tree. The healing properties of the money tree

The fat woman is also known to true lovers of domestic plants in Russia under the names "money tree" or "crassula". This plant was originally seen in South Australia and Madagascar. It is an indoor species of a genus of succulent plants, very similar to a small tree, beginning to bloom at the age of five to ten years. Among the people, he has many names, such as "monkey tree", "tree of love and happiness." According to feng shui lovers, the money tree brings success, wealth and prosperity to its inhabitants in every home, it has the ability to absorb negative energy and that is why it is very actively used in feng shui teachings. Krasula also has very useful medicinal properties.

Among lovers of various plants, it is considered popular due to its not capriciousness to the conditions in which it is grown. Resistant to a variety of pests and diseases, in a nutshell about caring for it, Crassula requires little, it's just regular watering and moistening the leaves. With a lack of moisture, the leaves begin to fall off the tree, and if it is waterlogged, it will simply die. In winter, Crassula enters the recreation center, the growth of leaves becomes slower, and therefore it needs to be watered much less frequently.

Irrigation water should be settled and at room temperature. In spring and autumn, you need to feed him. In the summer, it is better to keep the tree in the garden, if possible, or on the balcony, but it must be protected from the sun's rays. When propagating, the plant produces cuttings, which are subsequently planted in the substrate.

Once a year or once every two years, an ornamental tree must be replanted; when transplanting, the pot must be chosen larger, in relation to the previous one. The soil that is needed for transplanting can be bought at the store, or you can do it yourself by mixing hardwood and soddy soil and sand. Here are two ways to plant a plant. Let's take a sling and let's get started. It is good to dry the stalk a little in the air, for a better effect, you can sprinkle it with crushed coal, then plant it and wait until it is accepted. But still, the traditional method is considered the most reliable, it is very simple, you need to place the process in a jar until the first roots appear.

When choosing soil, do not forget that the plant is thermophilic and the best option would be cactus soil, most importantly, it will take care of good drainage. It is prepared at home, three parts of leafy soil are mixed, one part of sand and the same amount of soddy soil are poured into it, and humus or ash can also be added if desired. Subsequently, the money tree needs to be replanted once every few years, not forgetting to use larger pots.

We take into account the fact that the crown of the plant is not easy and in order for it not to turn over, you need to choose a more stable, deep and heavy pot.

The best conditions for the growth of a room culture will be those when it stands in a well-lit place, but, most importantly, it should be protected from the sun's rays. If the tree stands in the shade, this will adversely affect its development and condition. Crassula also loves to be outdoors, so the place where she is located must be constantly ventilated and, if possible, taken out to the balcony or placed in any other ventilated room.

The growth of the money tree is positively affected by a sharp transition from night temperature to daytime. Just for this, you need to take it out into a ventilated room or balcony.

For the proper development of a fat woman, it is sometimes necessary to provide her peace of mind in the period from September to March, the temperature in the room where she is located should not exceed fifteen degrees, but if it is lower, then this is even better, the plant actually does not need watering during this period.

With regards to watering, the plant is very negative about waterlogging, it can lead to illness or even worse, death. Therefore, when watering, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • start watering as soon as the soil dries out,
  • take some water
  • And it must be warm

and once again we remind you that during periods of calm, watering should be practically absent.

The succulent does not need to be sprayed, but you need to ensure that there are no dust accumulations on its leaves, so the leaves should be wiped regularly.

When choosing fertilizers, give preference to liquid ones (those fertilizers used for cacti are good), they should be used twice a month.

The money tree practically does not get sick, and if, nevertheless, you notice painful signs, it means that you did not take enough or, on the contrary, cared for it excessively:

  • insufficient watering during periods of drought
  • or, conversely, heavily waterlogged in winter,
  • sprinkled with cold water
  • it grew in the absence of light,
  • with strong drafts,
  • do not observe periods of rest.

To stop the disease and save the plants, it is enough to simply change the conditions of its existence.

The money tree began to be used in folk medicine, but due to the presence of arsenic compounds in it, the use is not so extensive and in case of an overdose, negative effects are observed in the form of vomiting, diarrhea, or impaired consciousness.

The healing properties of Crassula are very diverse. Currently, it is most often used externally, but if there are special instructions from the doctor, it can also be used inside. It is widely used in gynecology, with various burns and wounds, with fungus and some other diseases. For the preparation of medicines, a mixture similar to a porridge is prepared and distributed over the entire surface of the gauze, after which it is covered from above with another piece of gauze. Next, you need to apply the resulting medicine to sore spots. This bandage must be changed at intervals of one hour after four hours.

With calluses

Some people also call the money tree a "cornflower". Judging by the name, it becomes clear that it is a wonderful remedy for removing calluses, even the oldest ones, due to the caustic properties characteristic of arsenic. You need to treat calluses like this: remove the film from the sheet, attach it to the callus with a bandage and leave it overnight (the plant can also be used in this form on minor burns).

With a cold

The juice of ten leaves of Crassula is diluted in water (150 ml). Douching should be done daily three to five times.

With hemorrhoids

It is necessary to mix the juice with liquid petroleum jelly to a thick emulsion. Next, soak a cotton pad with this and apply to the hemorrhoids two or three times during the day.

With varicose veins

The butt of compresses made from Crassula infusion will be effective. In order to make such a compress, you need to take a glass container and fill it with one third of finely chopped succulent leaves. Next, pour vodka or alcohol. Insist for three weeks or a month.

With herpes on the lips

You need to take a few leaves of the plant and squeeze the juice out of them. Lubricate the resulting juice lips every thirty minutes.

With angina

You need to take ten sheets of crassula and two hundred milliliters of water at room temperature. Squeeze the juice from the leaves and pour warm water. The resulting mixture should be gargled no more than five times a day.

For stomach ulcers (also suitable for treating duodenal ulcers)

Regularly, in the morning, you need to take two leaves from the tree and eat them an hour before breakfast, chewing well.

With inflammation of the kidneys

You need to take five leaves of the plant, crush and pour boiling water over them, insist for an hour. Consume one tablespoon, fifteen minutes before eating, three times a day.

In the treatment of arthritis

Squeeze the juice from fifteen leaves of crassula and lubricate the sore joints with it at night.

For insect bites

Squeeze the juice from several leaves of the tree and lubricate the places damaged by insect bites. Can be applied up to six times a day.

For wounds, cuts, abscesses

It is necessary to take a few leaves of the money tree and mix them into a gruel so that they do not lose the juice. The resulting mixture is applied to the sore spot (possible through gauze).

Studying all the reviews about the money tree, we can make an accurate conclusion that it is indeed a very effective drug in traditional medicine and is used in various methods of treatment. But still, whatever its healing properties, before any use, consultation with a specialist is very important.

The money tree can often be seen in modern homes. It is believed that it attracts good luck, prosperity and comfort. But few people know that this plant has unique healing properties. What are the medicinal properties of the fat woman, how to use the plant, whether it can harm health - only useful information in our article.

A small tree, which has about 300 varieties, "came" to us from South Africa and successfully took root as a decorative decoration for the interior of apartments and houses. Crassula, zhiryanka - these are also the names of the plant, which we used to call the money tree. After all, with their presence, small, coin-like leaves attract financial well-being to the family hearth, as folk signs indicate.

In addition to high decorativeness, the fat woman has useful properties that allow it to be put on a par with the well-known healing aloe.

How zhiryanka affects the inhabitants of the house:

  • purifies the air, serves as a kind of filter in the room, due to which it significantly improves the emotional atmosphere in the house;
  • kills harmful bacteria and viruses, reducing the risk of developing respiratory diseases in people living in the house;
  • absorbs negative energy, releases phytoncides that improve the condition of the inhabitants;
  • used as a drug for external use.

A unique feature - the fat woman plant is very sensitive to the well-being of people living next to it.

In a positive, harmonious and healthy atmosphere, the tree blooms and smells sweet. And if one of the family members falls ill, the tree begins to wither, flowers and leaves fall. After the patient feels better, the plant also immediately recovers. The fat woman seems to absorb all the negative energy.

What is useful plant for women and men

In addition to the special properties of cleaning the air from bacteria and negative energy, the plant helps in the treatment of certain diseases and conditions.

Crassula has anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties.

The benefits of the money tree are in its healing properties:

  • antiviral;
  • bactericidal;
  • antimicrobial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • regenerating;
  • antipruritic.

Thanks to these characteristics, the leaves and juice of the money tree effectively heal inflammation and wounds on the skin, as well as relieve swelling and itching.

Women can use this healing drug to improve their skin condition. Crassula juice makes the dermis soft, elastic, relieves acne, rashes and irritations.

What diseases is the plant used for?

Crassula is used to treat:

  • cuts, wounds, bites of various insects (mosquitoes, bees, wasps);
  • swelling, scabies;
  • herpes;
  • calluses, corns;
  • varicose veins, thrombophlebitis;
  • acne, pimples;
  • arthritis, osteochondrosis;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • sore throat;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • peptic ulcer.

Most often, the raw material of the money tree is used as an external agent. Recipes for oral administration require careful dosage and consultation with a doctor, because the fat girl contains toxic arsenic compounds.

Folk medicine recipes with money tree

Unlike the official therapeutic practice, in which the features of the crassula have not yet been studied in detail, in folk medicine there are drugs based on the healing properties of this plant.

Mostly use the juice of the money tree.
  1. When the first signs of a herpes infection appear on the lips (itching, tingling), healers advise wiping the affected area with a cotton swab dipped in the juice of the plant. This should be done quite often: every 20 - 30 minutes. You can also fix a cotton swab on the lip with a patch.
  2. For sore throat with sore throat and inflammation of the gums, rinsing will be effective. To prepare a healing agent, you need to squeeze the juice from 7 - 10 leaves of a tree, add 100 ml of warm water to it and mix thoroughly. You can rinse your throat 4-5 times a day.
  3. To relieve pain in the joints with sciatica or arthritis, you can use a massage using freshly squeezed fatty juice. To do this, it must be rubbed into problem areas of the joints before going to bed.
  4. An effective remedy for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and edema will be a tincture of money tree leaves. To prepare it, you need to take 10 leaves, rinse and finely chop them. Place the resulting mass in a dark glass container and pour 500 ml of vodka or alcohol. Infuse the remedy for 3-4 weeks in a cool and dark place.
  5. From insect bites, lubrication of the damaged area with plant juice will save, which will relieve itching and irritation.
  6. To get rid of corns, burns or an ingrown nail, you need to cut off the top film of the leaf and attach it with the pulp in the place where the problem exists, using a plaster, bandage or in another way. It is better to do this at night, when the leg is almost immobilized. Due to the ability to eliminate such problems, the money tree is also called the cornflower.
  7. A mixture of crushed leaves will help speed up the healing of wounds, sprains and cuts. It should be applied as a compress to the sore spot for 2-3 hours several times a day.
  8. An effective remedy that reduces bumps with hemorrhoids is a remedy based on fatty juice and petroleum jelly. The proportion of the components depends on the degree of the disease and the characteristics of the person. The mixture should be applied with a swab three times a day.
  9. To cure a stomach ulcer, healers advise chewing 2 - 3 leaves of a fat woman plant 3 times a day, an hour before meals.
  10. Water infusion will help improve the condition of the kidneys. For cooking, you need to take 5 - 7 leaves, pour 200 ml of boiling water over them and leave for 45 - 50 minutes. It is necessary to use the remedy for 1 tbsp. l. 20 minutes before meals three times a day.

Recipes for oral medications must be strictly dosed. In this case, it is worth consulting with your doctor about the use of such home remedies, since self-medication can cause undesirable consequences.

The benefits of fatty juice

All the healing substances of the plant in the maximum concentration are in its juice.

To maximize the benefits of procedures based on a useful plant, you must use freshly squeezed juice.

To squeeze it, you need to separate the top film from the pulp, carefully grind the “money” leaves, and then strain the mixture through gauze or a sieve.

Crassula juice:

  • eliminates pain of various origins;
  • disinfects;
  • promotes skin regeneration;
  • relieves swelling and inflammation;
  • kills viruses and bacteria.

Contraindications to the use of a flower

In order for a medicinal plant not to harm the body, you need to know how to use it correctly. Indeed, in some cases, it is impossible to use funds based on the money tree.

It is not always possible to use fat-based products.

Extremely rare, but there are cases of allergy to the pollen of a flowering plant. A person has tears, a runny nose, sneezes, and even swelling and breathing problems may occur. In such a situation, you should immediately consult a doctor for help, in addition, you will have to remove the money tree from your home.

In addition, contraindications to the use of products based on fat woman juice are:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • children's age up to 12 years.

The presence of arsenic in the composition of the plant requires special care when using it as a medicine, especially when used internally. In case of an overdose, poisoning with this dangerous compound is possible.

Feeling the symptoms of poisoning, you should take activated charcoal or drink a cup of milk. If the symptoms worsen, you will have to call the ambulance team.

If you use the healing properties of the fat woman carefully and wisely, the plant will create a pleasant microclimate in the house, give you health and good mood.

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