Extract from the person's maternity capital payment file. General issues. Documents for requesting help

If you are the holder of a certificate for maternity capital, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is obliged to annually provide you with information about the amount of the available balance of maternity capital by mail no later than September 1. However, once a year is too long a period. For your convenience, you can quickly obtain information about your balance at any convenient time online. You can find out the balance of maternity capital via the Internet in one of the following ways:

  1. On the State Services portal
  2. On the Pension Fund website

In this instruction we will tell you in detail how to do this.

How to find out the balance of maternity capital through State Services?

From the list of services provided, we are interested in electronic

Click "Get service"

To access information and management services for maternity capital, you will need to log in to the system:

To authorize, you will be asked to use your account in the Unified Identification and Authentication System (USIA). There is no need to be intimidated by this complex abbreviation - access to the services of the Pension Fund of Russia is carried out using an account on the State Services portal; to log in you will need your login and password from the portal. Click the "Login" button.

How to order and receive a certificate of maternity capital balance?

On the Pension Fund website you can also receive an extract on the amount (in other words, a certificate of balance) of maternity capital online without the need for personal presence.

To do this, in the catalog of electronic services of the Pension Fund of Russia, follow the link “Order a certificate (extract on the amount (balance) of maternity (family) capital" in the section "Maternity (family) capital (MSK)".

After processing the request, you will be able to download a generated document in PDF format with information about the balance of maternity capital.

Every year the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation notifies citizens who have the right to maternity capital about the balance of these funds. This applies to those people who either did not spend maternity capital funds at all, or spent them partially. But once a year is sometimes too long an interval, but with the help of the government services portal you can find out the balance of maternity capital at any time. This is exactly what will be discussed in this article and we will try to understand this issue.

How to find out the balance of maternity capital through government services

Only registered users who have idle time can use this service. If you don’t already have one, then you have to, and then enter information about yourself. So, enter your username and password and log in to the site. Go to the catalog of available services and find the “Authorities” tab there and click on it.

On the page that opens, find the pension fund item and click on it.

The following types of government services are available in this section:

  1. Statement of social assistance
  2. Management of maternity capital
  3. Establishing a pension
  4. Notice of the status of a personal account in the Pension Fund of Russia
  5. Certificate for maternity capital

We are interested in the first item, click on it.

We will see a page on which only one service will be available in electronic form and it is called “Informing citizens about the provision of state social assistance in the form of a set of social services.” Click on it.

A form will open in front of you in which you will need to fill out your contact information and indicate the essence of the question (in our case, we want to find out the balance of maternity capital). The answer will be sent to you within 15-30 business days by email, which you provide as a contact.

How to find out the balance of maternity capital through a pension fund

Our login and password from the government services portal will also help us on the website of the Russian Pension Fund. Open the website https://es.pfrf.ru/ and find the “login” button in the upper right corner and click on it. You will see a page on which you are asked to log in using your account in the Unified Identification and Authentication System (USIA)*. Don’t be alarmed, this is our login and password, which we enter on the government services website, so feel free to click on “login” and enter our data.

After this, you will be taken to your personal account, check the data is correct and click on the “save” button. The system will open you a list of available services and you need to find the section “Maternity (family) capital - MSK”, and in it the item “Get information: about the amount (balance) of maternity capital”

At the next step, the system will offer us two options for obtaining information:

  1. obtain information about the size (balance) of maternity capital
  2. order a certificate of size (remainder) according to the certificate

If you want to view information about the balance on your monitor screen, then select the first item. The second point will generate a certificate in PDF format, which will also indicate the amount of the remaining maternity capital.

In addition to receiving information via the Internet, you can personally come to the Pension Fund branch. You will need to make a copy of the certificate and passport and write an application asking to calculate the balance of maternity capital.

There are currently no simpler options and we have tried to consider each of them in more detail so that you do not have any questions when going through each of the points of our instructions. If you have any difficulties, please let us know in the comments and we will try to help you solve them.

Any Russian family can receive, in accordance with the standards of current legal acts, a subsidy as maternity capital for the birth of a second child.

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The rule also applies to parents who have adopted a second and subsequent children. In accordance with the instructions of legislative acts, maternity capital funds are not issued in cash to parents, but only a certificate is issued.

Important aspects

The right of parents to receive an MK certificate arises after the birth of their second child. It is provided to a family only once, regardless of the number of children.

It is enshrined in the standards of the Federal Law “On one-time payment from maternity capital funds.” The act was issued on April 20, 2015 under number 181-FZ.

How long does it take to do

In fact, a certificate of the remaining balance of maternity capital is an official document. It is necessary for the owner of the certificate to present it at the place of request. For example, to a bank when applying for a mortgage loan.

Photo: certificate of maternity capital amount

It is issued on the basis of an application and documents attached to it. The certificate is issued by the Pension Fund within 3 days counted from the date of receipt of the application.

The deadline for issuing a certificate through the public services portal is from 15 to 30 calendar days. As for the MFC, it can be obtained after the expiration of a month counted from the date of submission of the application.

Who can receive

In accordance with the rules of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the right to receive a certificate of the remaining balance of maternity capital has:

  • women who gave birth or took in someone else’s child, if it turns out to be the second or subsequent one in the family;
  • men who became the sole adoptive parent of the second child or children following him, if the decision of the judicial authority on adoption gained legal force on January 1, 2007;
  • the natural father or adoptive parent to whom the right to receive MK funds was transferred if the child’s mother was deprived of parental rights or she died prematurely.

Citizens can take a one-time payment of 20,000 rubles from maternity capital funds. To receive it, you need to submit an application to the regional department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation according to your place of residence or location.

Photo: attachment to the application for the disposal of funds (part of the funds) of maternal (family) capital

It is filled out on a special form of the established form. It indicates the series, registration number of the certificate for the MK, and SNILS serial number.

As a rule, a lump sum payment is transferred by the Pension Fund to the applicant’s bank account within a two-month period.

What is the validity period?

The legislator has not established a specific validity period for the certificate of the remaining balance of maternity capital.

But as practice shows, some organizations do not accept it if it was issued more than one month ago. For example, credit institutions, including banks.

Ways to find out your balance

An interested person can find out about the balance of maternity capital by:

  • personal appeal to the Pension Fund at your place of residence;
  • submitting an application through the official website of the portal of state and municipal services;
  • using the online calculator posted on the official website of the Pension Fund.

Certificate of maternity capital balance through State Services

Maternity capital can be divided into certain parts in order to be able to use it to satisfy the various needs of the family.

Citizens can use its funds 3 years after the birth of their second child. MK funds are subject to mandatory annual indexing, so their size will increase significantly by the time they are received.

Where can I get it?

For holders of a maternity capital certificate, a special service is provided in the personal account of the State Services portal. On it you can get information about the amount of maternity capital, its residual amount, if some of it was used earlier.

In addition, you can order a certificate indicating the amount of maternity capital balance.

The sequence of actions of the recipient of the certificate on the balance of MK funds:

If the owner of the MK certificate is registered, then the required information is automatically processed. The system sends the result to the applicant’s email or mobile phone.

How can you get it (methods of registration)

A certificate of the residual amount of the capital contract is issued in two versions:

  • on paper, presented in a unified form. As a rule, this version of the certificate is issued upon a personal visit to the Pension Fund;
  • in electronic form, endowed with all the attributes of paper. It is sent to the e-mail of the applicant, who must print the certificate himself.

Both versions of certificates have equivalent legal force.

What documents are needed

To obtain a certificate of the balance of maternity capital, you need to submit the following documents:

  • the applicant's passport proving his identity;
  • a certificate granting the right to receive MSK;
  • certificate of official marriage;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • certificate of compulsory pension insurance.

If the need arises, the Pension Fund may request additional documents. For example, a court decision on the adoption of a child.

Procedure for subsequent spending

The family has the right to personally choose, by mutual agreement of its members, the method of using maternity capital funds. They must determine for themselves where to spend the funds allocated by the state, based on their needs.

Photo: how maternity capital changed

As prescribed by the legislator, MK funds are subject to transfer to the certificate owner in non-cash form. They can be left in the fund to form retirement savings that the child’s mother can use in the future.

Upon reaching retirement age, she will begin to receive MK funds as a labor pension. They can be spent on the child receiving an education at a higher or secondary vocational educational institution if he goes to study.

It must have a license to carry out professional teaching activities on the basis of the state educational program.

In exceptional cases, MSC funds may be used to support a child in an educational institution, for example, a kindergarten.

Other questions

MK funds are not subject to personal income tax if they are directed to the purposes specified by the legislator. If they are used inappropriately, citizens are held accountable in accordance with the rules laid down in the Maternity Capital program.

The legislator has assigned the responsibility of exercising control over the use of MK to the prosecutor's office, guardianship and trusteeship.

If from a pension fund

Informing citizens about the funds they have is the direct responsibility of the Pension Fund, so the fund notifies citizens about the state of maternity capital once a year. But information can be obtained at any time if the need arises.

A certificate of the balance of MK funds on paper is issued only at the relevant branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. To receive it, the interested person must visit him personally or send a written application via Russian Post.

When to get a mortgage

In accordance with the instructions of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the rules for allocating funds (part of the funds) of maternal (family) capital to improve housing conditions,” citizens are allowed to purchase living space or carry out reconstruction and expansion of existing housing.

If the owner of the certificate purchases residential space under a mortgage loan, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation transfers the funds to a bank or credit institution for partial repayment of the loan.

When purchasing secondary housing, the funds allocated under the certificate must be transferred to the bank account or card of the person from whom the housing is purchased.

The purchased living space must be located on the territory of the country, which is a mandatory condition set by the legislator.

There are often cases when citizens take part in shared construction, using MK funds as an entrance fee to the cooperative.

Order through MFC

An application for a certificate of the balance of MK funds can be submitted through the Multifunctional Center by visiting its nearest office. In such a situation, its registration and issuance may be delayed indefinitely.

The application, along with the required documents, is transferred by the MFC to the appropriate division of the Pension Fund, where a certificate is issued and sent back to the center.

Is an electronic version possible?

The legislator allows the use of a certificate of the balance of maternity capital, issued in an electronic version.

As a rule, it is presented in the form of a PDF document, that is, a cross-platform format in which all types of electronic documents are produced.

In conclusion, it must be emphasized that any scheme for cashing out MK funds is regarded as an illegal transaction. The owner of the certificate is subject to criminal liability in accordance with the instructions of legislative acts.

At the same time, he is charged with an act with the wording “the fact of misuse of state funds provided to the family.”


  • Due to frequent changes in legislation, information sometimes becomes outdated faster than we can update it on the website.
  • All cases are very individual and depend on many factors. Basic information does not guarantee a solution to your specific problems.

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  • What documents are required to obtain a certificate for maternity (family) capital?

  • Is SNILS necessary to apply for a Maternity Capital certificate? It is not in the list of documents.

  • If the owner of a certificate for maternity capital dies while in an official marriage, and she has several children from different husbands, then which of the fathers in this case inherits the certificate?

  • If I apply for the disposal of MSK funds in one region, and received a certificate in another, does this increase the time frame for consideration of my application or not? So, according to the Pension Fund employees, it is necessary to “request a case to another region”?

  • You can simultaneously submit two applications for the disposal of matt funds. capital for different purposes? For example, for a monthly payment and improvement of living conditions?

  • If an authorized person (for example, a spouse) submits an application for the disposal of maternity capital funds, should he apply at the place of his registration or temporary registration or at the place of registration or temporary registration of the owner of the certificate? (Registered in different cities).

  • To obtain a certificate for MSK, must children be included in the mother’s passport?

  • Do I need to change the MSK certificate if I change my name or other data?

  • Can they refuse to use MSC if the father of the children is not a citizen of the Russian Federation, but a citizen of another state?

  • In some OPFRs, when submitting documents for a certificate, they require a birth certificate, which indicates the citizenship of the parents and a stamp from the passport and visa service about the citizenship of the child, although the list of documents requires either one or the other. Were there any changes?

  • In order to use maternity capital, a mandatory condition is that the residential premises be registered as the common property of the parents and children, with the size of the shares determined by agreement. Tell me the form of this obligation?

  • Should the Pension Fund of Russia notify in writing of the decision made on the application for the disposal of MSC funds?

  • How long does it take to consider an application for disposal of matt funds? capital?

  • Does the MSK certificate have an expiration date?

  • How long is a certificate of maternity capital balance valid (for presentation to the bank)?

  • Can a citizen of the Russian Federation receive MSC if the first child is a foreign citizen and the second is a citizen of the Russian Federation? Does the citizenship of children affect the mother’s right to receive MSK if she is a citizen of the Russian Federation?

  • Is it possible to get MSC if the 1st and/or 2nd child has died?

  • To obtain a family capital certificate, do you need to apply at your place of residence or place of registration?

  • Is it possible to pay off a military mortgage with MSK funds?

  • Is it possible to buy ½ of an apartment/house with MSK funds if it belongs to relatives (grandmother, uncle, etc.)?

  • What documents must be provided to obtain a certificate of the balance of MSC funds and is it possible to do this at the place of actual residence without temporary registration?

  • Is it possible to pay for a child’s education for previous years using MSK funds? Or only for the current or next?

  • Is it possible to spend MSK to purchase a share in an apartment/house or a room? Are there any additional conditions or restrictions?

  • What should I do if I was denied an application for disposal of funds (part of the funds) of maternal (family) capital and was asked for documents that the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation must independently request from bodies providing state and municipal services that have such information at their disposal?

  • Do residents of Crimea have the right to MSC after receiving Russian citizenship?

  • Is the father of two children from different women entitled to maternity capital due to the death of his first wife?

  • I heard (I was paid) that at the birth of the 2nd child, the Pension Fund pays 12/20/25 thousand rubles from the basic amount of MSC. Is this payment really from MSC and how many times can I receive this payment?

  • Is it possible to obtain a certificate for maternal (family) capital (MSC) at the place of actual residence without temporary registration or at the MFC?

  • How much time must pass after the adoption of the second child and the subsequent one for whom the right to receive an MSC arose in order to apply for the disposal of an MSC?

  • Can I get a certificate of the balance of maternal (family) capital in another city other than my place of registration? How long does it take to prepare it?

  • Can I put my maternal (family) capital in the bank at interest?

  • Is it already possible to submit an application for maternity (family) capital via the Internet?

  • How much should the balance on the certificate increase when maternal (family) capital increases, will it increase by the amount of the balance or by the amount of the capital itself?

  • In 2009, we received maternity (family) capital in connection with the birth of our second child. This year the third child was born, are we entitled to maternity (family) capital for the third child?

  • In the three years that separate the birth of a child from the ability to manage maternal (family) capital, a lot can change in the country and in the family. How is maternal (family) capital protected from inflation? What will happen to it if the recipient dies?

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