Lucy Stein's new moment of fame. “Breasts to protect your home. Lyusya Stein Tell us about yourself in a few sentences

21-year-old Lyusya Stein, a candidate for municipal deputies in the Basmanny district of Moscow, received 1,153 votes. She spoke about this on her Facebook page.

"We won. All three by a wide margin,” she wrote.

It should be clarified that we are talking about two other candidates from Gudkov’s team - Viktor Kotov and Ilya Morozov, who also become deputies.

Let us recall that Lyusya Stein, an employee of Dmitry Gudkov’s headquarters, announced her intention to run for municipal deputies in May 2017, after she was the first to report the detention of a 10-year-old boy reading poems from Hamlet on Arbat Square.

In June of this year, she, together with the artist Artem Loskutov, organized the campaign “Breasts to protect your home.” As part of this action, Lyusya Stein installed plaster casts of her breasts on six houses included in the renovation program.

Note that Lyusya Stein was born in 1996 in Moscow in the family of theater director Pyotr Stein. Her mother is a psychologist, and her grandfather is the famous playwright and winner of two Stalin prizes, Alexander Stein.

Currently, the girl lives alone, as her parents left for Portugal. Lucy Stein is currently a student. The girl also works for Radio Liberty and also films for various publications.

“Liberals”, as people of “Western” thinking, that is, with a priority of benefit rather than justice, They will say: “If you don’t like it, don’t smell it!”

I learned some unusual news today. A friend told me, and I immediately “answered” - so much so that he batted his eyelashes for a long time. Of course, when you are “held” to be a cultured and intelligent person, such a reaction is very surprising.

A little later, I sincerely apologized, explaining: “You see, when there are no words left, just expressions - this is not so much a question of culture as of emotionality. Sometimes I just get sick of these “liberals...”

Soon I got to the computer, prudently not trying to clarify everything for myself using a smartphone - it can be very easy to launch it against something hard with all its might, and it may not survive some news.

And exactly: “On her page on the social network Facebook, deputy of the municipal assembly of the Basmanny district of Moscow Lyusya Stein shared the publication of the Ukrainian “ATO volunteer” Sergei Pritula with an appeal to raise funds to help Kiev militants. In addition to bank accounts to which they are asked to transfer money, The publication indicates considerable amounts of money being donated to the murderers" (1).

That is, it really turned out to be a representative of the Russian government (albeit a local one), and it really was a collection of funds for moral monsters who declared Russia and all Russians enemies, killing civilians in the Donbass and dreaming of destroying us all.

Some comments under the text about such news also gave an emphasis - it’s definitely worth “dig” for this “character” (“character”)...

And they really turned out to be “liberals” - “Lusya Stein from Yabloko is a new deputy of the Basmanny district of Moscow...” And the explanation for such a strange election - “the extremely low turnout in Moscow, 12% at 18:00, did its job. (Add: data as of 09/11/17 - 14.8% While everyone ignores local elections, hates systemic parties and voluntarily refuses to contribute to the building of civil society, pale ghouls and ghouls with piercings on hoverboards from barber shops form local parliaments" (2). As one of the readers correctly put it: “Liberda for once cooperated and pushed its representatives into power due to the political inertia of the majority of our population” (3)

Yes, about such “personalities” in the former Ukraine (about the current government and the ATO soldiers of which Lyusya suddenly became worried) they say “youthful” - “born in 1996”. However, it is not a fact that age will help our “heroine” over time. Because she is from a famous family favored by the authorities - “the daughter of theater director Pyotr Stein and the granddaughter of the famous playwright and winner of two Stalin prizes Alexander Stein” (3). After all, as you know, the “inner feeling of belonging to the elite” does not add to the intelligence, but rather, on the contrary, takes away - Lucy Stein probably has a considerable circle of friends from similar “elites” or just a liberal crowd, which will happily present any of her stupidity as a sign of genius.

And she was not at all weak in this regard at one time - and she was not at all shy about showing “new” pictures on the Internet, and she put a cast of her breasts (sorry, in the sense of “boobs”) on public display, and even with subsequent sale of these casts

(even Venediktov “the kid” did some PR with them).

And what is the value of the personally pumped-out hashtag “I’m going to bite” - it’s just “alles kaput”, the height of “modesty”!

By the way, there are also rumors, very similar to the truth (with screenshots from her personal FB page), that she even launched a very controversial slogan online: “I defeated the clap, I can cope with corruption!” Lucy Stein. After which, allegedly, they began to call her “Lucy Tripper-Stein” online.

Now, of course, as a person, if not respected, then “in power,” she refutes all this, but such messages and such refutations give a lot of feedback or the same hype - which is very “useful” for PR. The well-known method is first we make “leaks” that shock and outrage the people, and then, having received a certain (albeit “very certain”) fame, we refute everything.

Lucy also dreamed about how she would “make Solovyova laugh on air,” and that everyone would only talk about her. And also, for the sake of PR (but in words, of course, solely for the sake of “the fight for freedom against the enemies of freedom”), Lyusya even made an attempt to troll Ramzan Kadyrov:

However, Kadyrov did not notice such squeals of hers, that is, attempts to attract attention to herself (to give herself greater importance by “attacking” really important people). And it’s good that I didn’t notice, because I would definitely have found the “correct, convincing” words for her. Which would immediately make Lyusya, like that young Chechen hooligan, “realize everything, deeply repent” and go to Grozny on the first plane to clean the streets... Think in the fresh air about physical labor, freeing thoughts, along with the relationship of free will and boundaries of what is acceptable.

But until this happened, the granddaughter and daughter of famous parents continued to dream of a bit of fame, even the most dubious one - out of an already ingrained habit. After all, as you know, “any mention other than an obituary is an advertisement.”

I suddenly imagined how she switches television channels hour after hour in irritation, but for some reason neither Lucy Stein nor her, sorry, “boobs” are shown anywhere - neither by themselves, nor in connection with the renovation of houses in Moscow. Only everything about the former Ukraine and the Donbass - as if cultured, undead people are interested in the fate of these “crests”!

And suddenly Lucy slaps her hand on her forehead - here it is, an idea! If you say something that will make everyone indignant and even spit, what a hype it will be! Who do Russians hate most - ATO soldiers who kill civilians in Donbass? This means that we need to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and a huge number of indignant comments are guaranteed! Maybe even the curators of Kyiv, who are the United States, will they say anything approving, what kind of goodies will they send?

Here it is, a new moment of glory! And that she “smells” of this very thing... - I don’t care! “Liberals,” as people of “Western” thinking, that is, with a priority of benefit rather than justice, will say: “If you don’t like it, don’t smell it!”

“Breasts to protect your home. Lyusya Stein” June 23rd, 2017

An original way to fight the Moscow renovation was invented by a new opposition p..zzda - a candidate for municipal deputies Lucy Stein.

With the help of action artist Artyom Loskutov, she made a cast of her breasts. Then, with the help of her associates, the candidate went to hang the bust castings - “breast amulets” - on capital buildings identified for demolition.

The action was called “Breasts to protect houses from renovation.” It took place in the Basmanny district, where Stein intends to run. In total, the casts are hung on six houses. Under the strange decorative elements there are inscriptions: “For the protection of your home. Lucy Stein"“You will be torn down, but you hold on. #citizenstein".

- From the emancipation of slaves in the United States in the 19th century to the Resistance movement in Nazi-occupied France, women's breasts symbolized freedom and independence.- said Stein.
- The naked female breast became one of the first totems of magical power. By placing my breasts on the house, I thereby turn to ancient rituals, she added.
- Lucy Stein is doing an incredible campaign. Boobs on houses are really cool. Voters demand bread and circuses, one of her associates wrote on Facebook yesterday.
- I made casts of amulets for my colleague Lucy Stein - she placed them on six houses in the Basmanny district of Moscow, which were demolished due to “renovation”. Lyusya stands up to protect the residents of these houses - she wants to be a municipal deputy. I fully support, wrote on Facebook the repeatedly convicted drug addict Loskutov, known for conducting"Monstrations" in Novosibirsk, separatist vysers and unsuccessful nomination for deputy from PARNAS.

Lyusya Stein herself is known, let me remind you, for her key role in the provocation sewn with white thread “Detention of a child for poetry.” Immediately after this, vigorous activity was launched (with the support of Dmitry Gudkov, Maxim Kats, “Echo of Moscow”, “Rain”, RBC, etc.) to promote a new star of the creative opposition.
- Having become a participant in the incident with the boy, I decided to run for municipal deputies. This nomination is my civil response to what is happening around"Stein said.
Her campaign headquarters is led by a psychologist who conducts communication trainings for bankers and liberal candidates for deputies Andrei Matveev, a close friend of Gudkov Jr. Also seen at the headquarters admiring the burning
"Vatnikov" in Odessa, now left from "Open Russia"(Stein’s neighbor and friend) and even (in recent days) Liza Peskova, the daughter of that same press secretary of Peskov.
Stein is currently busy creating... her own liberal party.

On July 2, Lucy (Lyudmila Petrovna) Stein will turn 21 years old. She is the daughter of the late theater director Pyotr Aleksandrovich Stein, the granddaughter of the Soviet writer and playwright Alexander Petrovich (Pinkhusovich) Stein (Rubinstein), and the cousin of the Soviet-Israeli poet Boris Samuilovich Stein. Lyusina's aunt Tatyana Semyonovna Putievskaya (Mandel) is the widow of actor Igor Vladimirovich Kvasha.

As a child, Lucy played a cameo role in her father's television play based on the work of Lyudmila Ulitskaya "Through Line" Further: VGIK (graduates from the screenwriting and film studies department), attempts to become a model, short-term work at RBC and Radio Liberty, work at the headquarters of Dmitry Gudkov.

In the original version of the text there was a mention of the alleged Israeli citizenship of the “fashionable young oppositionist” (as she was called in one media outlet). I hurried, trusting a couple of bloggers who asserted in conversation that there was one. Exhibitionist Stein, apparently, still does not have Israeli citizenship.
Does this fundamentally change the overall picture? Hardly.

Reading time 2 minutes

Reading time 2 minutes

Moscow protest rallies and recent municipal elections have shown that young people have moved from pointlessly standing in line for a new pair of Yeezy sneakers to active political action. The average age of those detained in paddy wagons and those on the ballot is inexorably approaching thirty or younger. For some, it’s just a fashion inspired by memes about Navalny, for others it’s a non-obvious way to solve their own everyday problems, for the majority it’s the first step on the path to adult ballot boxes, civil or human rights activities.

While the older generation has stopped believing in better times, the younger generation is looking to the future with moderate optimism. He has his whole life ahead of him to make personal and social changes.

The main character of this material, Lyusya Stein, got her fifteen minutes of fame absolutely by accident - she shot the well-known video of the police detaining a ten-year-old boy on Arbat. She could have used them in different ways, but she chose the most difficult path, going to municipal elections: “This nomination is my civil response to what is happening around... It’s hard for me to live where the police tie up children and throw girls to the ground, and those Those who don’t like it are asked to be deported. I grew up in a family where we were used to speaking up about what was important and doing what we thought was right, and I put myself forward because I think it’s right.”

Many of Lucy's peers were guided by moving beyond the city limits as the first step in "conquering the country." They visited apartments, met and communicated with voters, and spared no effort in telling stories and campaigning. Simultaneously with these “warm”, “lamp” receptions, the program of politicians Gudkov and Katz “uberized” the electoral process by inventing a generator that allowed concerned citizens to search for the names of independent candidates by registration address.

Making forecasts for the future is the most thankless task. Nobody knows how the future careers of these young people will develop and whether they will withstand the thankless, monotonous work of municipal deputies that is not paid for by government contracts, shares in dacha cooperatives and fashionable sneakers.

I would like to say that on the following pages of L’Officiel you will see the ministers of culture, finance, health, the mayor of Moscow or the president of the Russian Federation. But even if this does not happen, then just enjoy these nice politicians of the new formation. When else in modern history will candidates not from the dominant party in the country win, without administrative leverage, and they will all be in their early twenties.

Lucy Stein

21 years old, journalist, municipal deputy of the Basmanny district

“In Georgia, your neighbors in the stairwell are your family, and it’s strange if you don’t know someone from your house. By the way, I also didn’t know my neighbors until I started door-to-door visits.”

Ilya Morozov

27 years old, analyst, municipal deputy of the Basmanny district

“I never wanted to get into politics, but I was tired of watching what was happening around me: from non-functioning storm drains to the state of the courtyards. I am sure that we ourselves must influence the fate of our area, the renovation of houses, the improvement of streets.”

Elena Vereshchagina

23 years old, journalist, municipal deputy in Troitsk, New Moscow

“At meetings with residents, I said that even a young person can understand city issues. I’m glad that the nightly rounds of apartments, a hundred thousand rubles and a lot of worries were not in vain. I would like to meet the expectations of the citizens who voted in the hope of seeing real changes. And who should do them now if not me?”

Victor Kotov

24 years old, bank employee, municipal deputy of the Basmanny district

“I was born and raised in the Basmanny district. No matter how trivial it may sound, I was prompted to decide to run for office by an ordinary everyday incident - my apartment was flooded. I began to figure this out on my own and realized that no one undertakes to solve such problems. And the municipal deputy is just capable of assisting in this.”

Below is an interview with Lyusya Stein.

Tell us about yourself in a few sentences.

I am twenty-one years old, born in Moscow. At sixteen I entered VGIK, the screenwriting and film studies department, and just graduated. From the third or fourth year I transferred to the correspondence department to work in journalism. She worked for the online publication Mel, information services, and RBC. While I was looking for a job, I ended up at Gudkov’s summer headquarters, where it was necessary to organize communication training for candidates for deputies. When the story with the Arbat boy happened, which I witnessed, unexpected media attention appeared to me, friends said that if I ran for election, it would be funny. We decided to play with it, and I ended up getting involved quite seriously. And so the campaign began.

How did it go?

Funny! It consisted of two parts: form and content. The form is what everyone has seen on the Internet: busts, funny statements by the Mikhalkovs, Solovievs, some kind of constant “media doctor”. The content was in the field work - door-to-door visits, hanging campaign materials. Here we faced constant confrontation: we canvassed the area, and after half an hour there was not a single leaflet; specially hired people were working against us. But we were able to overcome all this, because without the content, no one needed my media presence. But it was important to draw attention to the boring topic of municipal elections by what I do on the Internet.

“Moscow is like a boring wife or mother from Russian literature, which at the same time is beloved, dear, and you can’t escape it”

In the Basmanny district, the popular nightclub “Rabitsa” was closed due to police brutality. Can you, as a deputy, influence such situations?

I don't think I can bring the club back. Even if the municipal council of deputies could do this, which I’m not sure about, we have a minority there. But I can collect signatures and create movement in the media. I have two tools: an agenda, where I can introduce some kind of initiative, and a parliamentary request, which I can write to different departments, and they are obliged to answer me.

What else is included in your job responsibilities?

In the near future we will have an extraordinary meeting at which we will be divided into commissions. Let's say the commission for urban planning, land use and improvement. Budget, social, overhaul and so on. There is a commission for informing residents, there is one for culture - I will most likely be included in them. Also regarding the organization of public hearings is communication with residents, which is what we, in fact, initially intended to do. It is possible to hold various events within the area. For example, we have an excellent square opposite the synagogue, where there is a music school. Let's try to come to an agreement with them and organize small local concerts for locals. I don’t like that in Moscow no one knows the neighbors in the stairwell. I was the same until I started going door to door during the campaign. Neighborhood events like these are an opportunity to get to know those who live nearby and develop community and good neighborly relations.

What does it even feel like to win your first election at twenty-one?

I didn't expect our whole team to win, it was one of the most memorable moments in my life. On the air of the Dozhd TV channel, Pavel Lobkov was going to make excuses for our failure, and thought about reporting gloomy forecasts. I see the first results are coming. At first I saw that I had twelve votes and was not even surprised, but it turned out that I had mixed up the line and I had 150, with a large gap from the rest. The mood of the broadcast immediately changed.

There was an uplift when we first learned about the results, but after that it became psychologically difficult. During the campaign, I was tired of the attention that was around me, I was prepared for the fact that people would write which sheep lost, and that’s it, I would go into the shadows. And then it becomes clear that this is just the beginning, and then everything will be five times more intense.

What do you expect from the next five years?

That they will leave me alone and I will be able to do things for the region that are truly worthy of attention. Together with fellow deputies, we plan to launch the “Open Basmanny” platform on the Internet - to connect residents of the district with each other, unite its activists, solve problems together with neighbors, send demands, complaints and requests to us directly. I hope this initiative will spread throughout Moscow.

I have an idea to gather a group of volunteers, because it is impossible to develop the entire area on my own, although I still continue door-to-door visits and get to know the residents. What other deputy has visited apartments before?

“I tweeted a swear word and everyone is talking about it. What difference does it make what I wrote if I do my job well?!”

How do you feel about Moscow in general?

Due to the fact that I lived in Israel for a month, Kremlin propaganda claims that I have citizenship there. In fact, I went to study in the small town of Ariel because I freaked out and decided that I couldn’t live in Moscow anymore. I couldn’t stay there for a long time where nothing was happening and came back. Here a completely new Moscow opened up for me, which I suddenly fell in love with, despite all the shortcomings. This city is like a boring wife or mother from Russian literature, who at the same time is beloved and dear and there is no escape from her.

How do you feel about your millennial generation?

It's hard to talk about an entire generation, but I had an experience from which I can draw a representative conclusion. At one of the rallies, I was locked in a paddy wagon along with fifteen other guys. One was an adult, the rest were my age. I took a selfie, it naturally went viral online, and we were invited to appear on “Echo of Moscow” - seven people from a paddy wagon for a three-hour broadcast. It was an indicative broadcast in the sense that all these random people turned out to be completely adequate and were able to quite accurately express their position.

Do you see yourself in politics in the future?

I’m not sure, because for me this is a social activity, not a political one. A municipal deputy does not receive a salary - this is unpaid work. I regret that I do not have an education that matches my current interests. I didn’t become a lawyer or political scientist. I like the genre of political actionism, I would like to develop in it, but given my new position, part of the public is perceived with hostility. Although, in my opinion, I can do anything, the main thing is to fulfill my duties. Now, seeing that I am doing something other than regional tasks, some people react negatively to this. I tweeted a swear word and they keep saying it. Who cares what I tweeted as long as I keep doing my job?

Novosibirsk artist, and now a Muscovite, Artyom Loskutov spoke out against renovation in Moscow. He hung plaster female breasts on houses to be demolished.

Loskutov himself and candidate for municipal deputies Lyusya Stein took part in the unusual action. It was her breasts that became the basis for the “amulet” of the Khrushchevs, reports Novaya Gazeta. A total of six casts were made and hung on houses included in the renovation program in the Basmanny district of Moscow. Under each one it is written - “Breasts to protect your home. Lucy Stein."

A television story from the opening of the protective bust appeared on the channel " Stein headquarters"on YouTube. Residents of one of the houses on the street. Dobroslobodskaya, 10, is delighted with this action. “Great clever girl!” - the grandmothers repeated to Lucy. The model herself admitted that now her breasts are primarily of political significance:

“From the emancipation of slaves in the United States in the 19th century through the Resistance movement in Nazi-occupied France, women's breasts symbolized freedom and independence.”

Let us recall that the ideologist of “Monstration” Artyom Loskutov in 2016. Then in Novosibirsk they hung a corresponding installation with a caption repeating the famous statement of Dmitry Medvedev: “There is no money, but you hold on.”

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