What is hake called in America? Artel royal fish. Useful properties of hake fish

The benefits and harms of hake are of interest to every lover of fish dishes and supporters of a healthy diet. The product ranks high in the consumer basket due to its taste and ease of preparation.

What does hake look like and where is it found?

Hake fish is a marine predator belonging to the Salmon family. It lives in the waters of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans at depths from 20 to 300 m, choosing the continental shelf for optimal existence.

The coloring of the body is characterized by silvery tints. The sides and belly are slightly lighter than the back. The individual usually has a length from 30 to 70 cm. An elongated body with one long and short dorsal fins. The main feature is a large mouth with a short upper jaw.

Hake composition

The lean meat of healthy sea fish is tender and light, and a small amount of bones can be separated without much effort after heat treatment. The product is a good source of healthy proteins and a wide variety of vitamins and minerals.

Energy value of healthy hake:

Knowing the chemical composition of a product, you can understand its compliance with the principles of a healthy diet and its positive effect on well-being. Healthy fish contains a large amount of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, and acids.







The nutritional value and colossal content of components necessary for the life of the human body explains the active consumption of healthy sea fish.

Hake calorie content and nutritional value

The calorie content of hake per 100 grams is 89 kcal, but this figure varies depending on the place and time of fishing, as well as the method of preparation:

Regular consumption of sea fish will have a wonderful effect on the beauty and health of the body, saturating it with all the necessary substances without the threat of gaining extra pounds.

Useful properties of hake fish

The benefits of hake for the body are extremely important, since the combination of organic and inorganic components helps improve the performance of many body systems and gives strength and energy. The product should be included in the menu for the treatment and prevention of many diseases, since it is capable of:

  • speed up metabolic processes in the body;
  • stabilize blood sugar levels;
  • relieve hormonal imbalances, and in particular problems with the thyroid gland;
  • block the proliferation of harmful bacteria and microbes in the body;
  • have a positive effect on the skin and the condition of the mucous membranes;
  • eliminate inflammatory processes;
  • strengthen the immune system and resist viral and bacterial diseases;
  • improve vision;
  • restore reserves spent on physical work and intellectual activity after exertion;
  • support after serious illnesses and surgery.

Hake dishes should be included in the diet of people with a grueling work schedule, regular lack of sleep, as well as depression and frequent nervous stress. Eating healthy sea fish will rid the body of dangerous toxins and radicals, which will improve your overall condition.

Important! The combination of substances such as riboflavin and folic acid can significantly enhance brain activity, which should be taken into account by parents whose children are preparing to take the exam!

For what diseases is hake useful?

The product has a beneficial effect on all body systems and also optimizes their performance. Due to the significant content of useful substances, healthy sea fish is recommended in the following cases:

  • problems with the digestive system;
  • infectious and viral diseases;
  • menopause, irregular menstrual cycle;
  • obesity.

Hake is very beneficial to the body for diabetes, as it helps lower blood glucose. With this disease, you need to follow a strict diet, and healthy sea fish is the main ingredient in most dietary dishes.

Is hake good for pregnant and lactating women?

During pregnancy, a woman’s body works in increased mode, so it needs a double portion of vitamins. Gynecologists are in no hurry to prescribe pharmacy vitamin complexes, but recommend supplementing the diet of every pregnant woman with healthy sea fish, as it will help:

  • protect the body from viral and bacterial infections;
  • replenish iodine deficiency, which is especially important for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • reduce irritation and nervous tension;
  • cope with hair loss and brittle nails.

Hake during breastfeeding has a positive effect on the mother’s body, restoring it after childbirth and strengthening the immune system.

Attention! It is important to consult with your doctor before introducing hake into your diet, as sometimes the simplest product can provoke an undesirable reaction in the body.

Is it possible to give hake to a child?

Children from 1 year of age can begin complementary feeding in small portions 1-2 times a week, but only after consultation with a pediatrician, and after making sure that there are no visible contraindications or allergies. The benefits of fish for a baby include a beneficial effect on all organ systems and the development of the skeleton and muscles.

Sea fish is useful for children during periods of crisis or getting used to kindergarten or school, as it strengthens the functioning of the nervous system during stressful situations. Hake is necessary for children who spend a lot of time in front of a computer monitor to support their vision.

The benefits of hake for the elderly

The health benefits of hake for older people include improving the functioning of sensory organs and eliminating memory problems. For an older person, it will be useful to eat sea fish for the treatment and prevention of diseases, as well as to improve well-being and increase vital energy.

Hake for weight loss

The product helps to quickly get rid of extra pounds using a specially designed diet, since it is easily digestible and does not burden the digestive system with long-term processing. Low-calorie healthy sea fish eliminates the accumulation of fat in problem areas and provokes partial utilization of the fat layer. Many experts recommend including the product in the menu in boiled and baked form, but even fried fish does not contribute to weight gain if consumed in moderation.

How to cook delicious hake

There are many ways to prepare sea fish. But frying turned out to be the most beneficial, since it does not require long-term heat treatment, which helps preserve all the beneficial qualities.

Delicious fried hake recipe:

The benefits of boiled hake are irreplaceable due to its low calorie content and high nutritional value. It fits perfectly into the diet of those who support a healthy lifestyle.

There are several interesting tips that will improve the quality of cooked fish:

  • the combination of the product with vegetables, herbs and white wine will be harmonious;
  • to obtain a golden crust, you need to roll the product in flour before heat treatment;
  • To make the dish taste perfect, you need to place the fillet in salted water for a few minutes before frying.

Advice! When preparing soup, you need to use seafood with the head part; this is the only way to create a truly exquisite dish.

Harm to hake fish and contraindications

Despite all the beneficial properties of sea fish, there are still a number of contraindications, in addition to an allergic reaction. It is not recommended to use the product in large quantities if:

  1. Constipation - due to the large amount of iron in the fillet, which has a binding effect.
  2. Increased acidity - because it can provoke an exacerbation.

How to choose and store hake correctly

When choosing sea fish, you need to pay attention to its appearance and smell. In order not to get hooked by unscrupulous sellers, you should carefully study the main criteria for choosing fish:

  • eyes are bright, shiny, with clearly defined pupils;
  • the gills should have a pinkish tint;
  • when pressed, the carcass springs back and does not leave dents;
  • does not smell acidic or rotten.

The product is sold frozen. Fresh fish quickly loses its beneficial properties. The shelf life of a fish can be determined by its weight. If it is very heavy, then it has been re-frozen.

It is not recommended to store sea fish by re-freezing. To preserve all the beneficial properties, it is better to prepare the product immediately after purchase.


The benefits and harms of hake require careful study to support vitality and energy. Healthy sea fish is an excellent addition to the diet, and in the absence of contraindications, systematic use of the product will have an excellent effect on the health of the body as a whole.

The benefits and harms of which will be discussed in this article relate to marine predators of the hake family of the cod order. And to people who are far from classifying biological species, this inhabitant of the oceans is known for its accessibility. Thanks to the huge population of hake, this industrial fish is sold everywhere and at fairly low prices. Therefore, hake is a frequent guest on the tables of all people, no matter how far from the sea coast they live. True, this fish reaches the interior of the mainland already frozen. But by the way, fresh hake quickly deteriorates and loses its smell. Therefore, after catching, the carcasses are subjected to so that the fish does not lose its beneficial properties. And there are many of them. To get acquainted with them, as well as find out what health hazards hake poses, read this article.

Pollock's main rival

Most frozen fish buyers are unlikely to know the difference between these two types. And it is obvious. Pollock is ahead of hake in only one thing: its price is even more affordable for the budget buyer. However, gourmets consider the hero of this article to be more tasty and juicy. In culinary terms, hake is also preferable to pollock. This fish is easy to cut and clean, and the bones seem to want to jump out of the carcass. Hake does not fall apart in a frying pan like pollock, does not dry out in the oven, it can be stewed, boiled... What’s up: you can even dedicate an entire cookbook to this fish. In defense of pollock, we can only say that its liver is an exquisite delicacy, rich in vitamin A. But hake fish is richer in nutritious proteins and microelements. The benefits and harms of this food product will be discussed below. For now, let's say that hake lives in salty oceans. Sometimes there are individuals one and a half meters long, but for industrial catches, fish of thirty to forty centimeters are more preferable. Both carcasses and cut fillets are available for sale.

Hake fish: benefits and harm

The main distinguishing feature of this marine inhabitant is its easy digestibility by the body. Therefore, even small children can eat hake. This fish contains only eighty-six calories. An ideal dietary food product! The meat of this fish is chock-full of useful microelements. These are phosphorus, iodine, zinc, iron, magnesium, potassium, fluorine and others. Of the vitamins, hake contains A, the entire line of B, C, E and PP. You will be surprised, but this budget product contains a sufficient amount of unsaturated fatty acids, including omega-3.

Who should eat hake fish? The benefits and harms of a product are determined by its composition. First of all, steamed hake should be a frequent dish for those who have endocrine disorders. A large amount of iodine is beneficial for the thyroid gland. Diabetics should also enjoy hake more often, because its fillet and caviar reduce sugar levels. Fish will become a medicine for disorders of the nervous system. But who should refrain from frequent consumption of hake are people with high stomach acidity, as well as those who suffer from constipation. And don’t forget: anything can cause an allergic reaction.

How to choose a carcass, how to cook it?

Hake is sold frozen. But unscrupulous sellers play such a trick with this fish. They repeatedly bring it to room temperature and then freeze it again. As a result, moisture is absorbed into the fibers, and the hake becomes almost twice as heavy. When choosing a carcass, you should focus on a reasonable ratio of its size and weight. Because when frozen repeatedly, meat becomes like structureless and flabby tastelessness. But the fish must still be covered with ice glaze, otherwise after heat treatment it will come out dry, tasteless and odorless. What dishes and how to cook? Due to the ease of filleting, hake is ideal for fish cutlets. The minced meat from it turns out tender. When boiled (steamed or in water), hake is served with some kind of rich sauce.

Stew the fish

Cut the cooked hake carcass into portions. Sprinkle with seasoning and leave for a quarter of an hour. In another bowl, make the sauce. Pour in a glass of sour cream and milk, add two eggs. Salt and season with pepper. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan with high sides or into a saucepan. Roll the hake in flour and fry for ten minutes. Then turn the fish over and add finely chopped onion (to taste). Fry for another seven minutes. Then pour in the sauce, reduce the heat, cover the saucepan/pan. In an hour you will have a delicious hake. Serve mashed potatoes as a side dish.

Frying fish

Due to excess moisture in defrosted hake, it can behave like a firecracker in a frying pan: it will begin to hiss and shoot hot fat. To prevent this from happening, you need to take care to roll the fish into a “shell” - batter. To do this, mix an egg with a glass of milk. Add a tablespoon of flour and starch, aromatic herbs, and salt. Let's stir. Add a spoonful of vodka to make the batter more airy. Place a frying pan on the fire and pour in a fairly large amount of vegetable oil. Roll the cut fish in flour. Then, having pricked a piece on a fork, dip it into the batter and place it in the deep fryer. The fish should lie for a while on paper towels to drain off excess fat.

An ordinary post on the entertainment portal Pikabu has become a source of controversy on the Internet. The whole country is currently trying to find photographs of hake fish. The channel website shows what hake looks like in its natural habitat, for sale and on the table.

Hake is an inconspicuous fish from the hake family, which can easily be bought at any market in Russia. However, these days, social media is alive with conversations and memes about hake. The reason for this was a funny post on the Pikabu portal. On it, a user under the nickname VARCHUN13 published a photo of a fish with the face of a monster. According to him, this is what hake looks like in its natural habitat. The post received tens of thousands of views and several thousand likes, and was soon honestly stolen by popular communities on VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. This is what the original post looked like.

Users joked a lot about the appearance of the strange creature. Of course, there were those who doubted the veracity of the recording. Users posted other photos of hake in the comments, where they looked more attractive. However, these pictures did not dissuade the majority of commentators - they only remembered that even girls on Instagram and in real life look very different.

Jokes aside, by the morning of November 14, the meme entered the top search queries on Google and Yandex. People are looking for photos of hake and trying to determine whether ordinary hake look so monstrous “in real life”? We offer a selection of photos of hake from a variety of angles and situations.

What does hake look like - photo of hake

Let's start with the "hake portraits". It turns out that 11 species of fish are classified as hake. They all differ slightly from each other in exterior, that is, in appearance. This means that hake are different - there are both “beautiful” and “ugly” among them.

All hake are distinguished by thin, sharp teeth that look truly scary. They also have an unpleasant scale color - light gray with a mucus effect. Let's be honest - we never found a photo of hake that looked the same as in the Pikabu picture. But let's not call it fake. Among hake there are subspecies that live at a depth of 1000 meters. And deep-sea fish are known for their deformities. In the end, there, in the darkness of the sea, there is simply no one to look at them. As for our searches, the most terrible of the hake found with biological proofs is this one:

By the way, the largest hake reach sizes of 1.5-2 meters. Imagining a monster from a photograph in such dimensions is very scary.

But sometimes hake looks very nice. When? Then when it ends up on our plates and in our pans. Hake meat is tender and juicy and goes well with mashed potatoes, grilled vegetables and other natural side dishes. Hake can be very simply prepared in a slow cooker by frying it with onions and carrots. In Russia, hake is also often baked with vegetables in the oven - this dish goes perfectly with white wine.

How to cook hake? Hake recipes

Here is a small selection of photos of hake from gastronomic Instagrams:

Study recipes. True, in the coming days you will see hake in a different form - in the form of memes. Alas, they will not always be witty. Hang in there, friends! We are waiting for an invasion of funny and at the same time scary surfing the Internet.

Video: cutting hake, Andrej Pristaj

Hake often appears on our tables. This fish cannot be called scarce; it can be easily purchased in any supermarket at an affordable price. And this fact has played a cruel joke on hake: many people underestimate its role for the body. By the way, this is one of the best natural medicines for people with diabetes, thyroid disorders, prone to nervous disorders, and hake can even protect against cancer.

general characteristics

Hake (or hake) is a predatory sea fish from the cod family. It is easily recognized by its black mouth, narrow elongated body with silvery sides, and on its dark back, unlike other fish, there is only one fin. Adult fish usually weigh up to 3 kg and grow up to half a meter in length, although one and a half meter record holders are sometimes found.

There are a dozen varieties of hake in the waters of the World Ocean. Merluzas are deep-sea fish that feel comfortable 100 meters under water, and even swim to a depth of 1000 meters. Most of them live near continents in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Depending on the place of “registration”, several varieties of hake are distinguished. European - inhabit the waters from Norway and Iceland to the coast of Mauritania, and are found in the Black and Mediterranean Seas. Silvery - found near North America. Pacific (Oregon) - found from the Bering Sea to the Gulf of California. And also New Zealand ones - they stick to the shores of New Zealand and Patagonia.

By the way, different types of hake differ not only in their places of residence, but also in some external characteristics, although this has almost no effect on the nutritional value of their meat.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

Hake meat is an easily digestible protein with high biological value. 100 g of fillet contains almost 19 g and only within 1 g. Fish meat is rich. It contains many, , and some other useful components. This fish is useful as a source of important for humans, including from the group. And with all this, 100 g of fillet contains no more than 86 kcal.

What are the health benefits?

The fact that any fish is one of the most important products for people has long been a known and generally accepted fact. But still, the chemical composition of different types of fish is slightly different, which means that the role of such products for the body may also be different.

Hake, for example, is considered the best choice for people with diabetes and extra pounds, as it contains a minimum of calories and prevents the accumulation of fat. For people with diabetes, hake is useful not only as a dietary product, but also due to the content of substances that help lower blood sugar. In addition, the mineral-vitamin complex contained in this product can be considered as an ideal combination for the thyroid gland, digestive organs, nervous system, mucous membranes and skin. This fish fillet has antioxidant and anti-cancer properties. And some components that make up hake help cleanse the blood and remove toxic substances from the body.

Not only meat, but also hake caviar is healthy.

Spanish researchers studied the chemical composition of caviar from 15 varieties of fish. It turned out that the highest levels of omega-3 are found in the caviar of hake, salmon and lumpfish. This fact serves as indisputable confirmation that hake caviar is extremely beneficial for humans. Thanks to omega-3, it protects against nervous disorders, heart and vascular diseases, improves the reproductive functions of the body, prevents hypertension, diabetes and depression. And this is just, so to speak, a basic list of beneficial properties that polyunsaturated fatty acids impart to caviar. In addition, do not forget that all seafood is an exceptional source of iodine, a substance extremely important for people with thyroid disorders.

Possible harm and contraindications

Everything is good in moderation. This rule must be remembered when eating hake dishes. Firstly, this fish contains a lot of iron. This, of course, is wonderful, but overuse of the mineral can cause constipation. Another potential danger of hake is an increase in overall body acidity, which is dangerous for people with already compromised pH levels. Well, of course, this fish should not be on the menu of people with allergies to seafood, intolerance to protein or other components found in hake.

And one more bad news about cod. This type of fish, more than some other seafood, tends to accumulate mercury and heavy metals contained in seawater in its body. Therefore, it is so important where exactly the fish offered to the buyer as a product was caught. At the slightest suspicion that the carcass is contaminated with chemicals, it is better to refuse the purchase, especially if the product is intended for children, pregnant, lactating women, sick or elderly people.

In order to protect yourself and your loved ones from this danger, any fish must be subjected to thorough heat treatment.

Use in cooking

Europeans have long called hake the best representative of all cod. Cooks and gourmets love its tender white meat (although almost without fat, it is not as dry as that). There are almost no bones in it, and those that are present can be easily separated from the cooked fillet. Merluza is the best choice for the diet menu. Dishes made from it are suitable for children and people with digestive problems, since hake is perfectly accepted by any organism.

Hake can be cooked in a variety of ways. Cooks all over the world fry, bake, steam and boil hake. They are suitable for preparing cold appetizers, fish soup, cutlets and fish fillings for pies. Since the hake carcass contains almost no fat, to prevent rapid drying, it is better to bake the fish either in foil or in dough. Many people like the last option for its originality. And fish prepared in this way turns out very tender and juicy.

Merluza contains almost no calories, and therefore even those on a low-calorie diet can afford the carcass cooked in sour cream or cream sauce (even in this form, the calorie content of hake will not go off scale). It is also better to fry hake in batter and serve with sauce or juicy vegetables.

How to choose and store correctly

If the purpose of the purchase is fresh hake, then it is important to follow the generally accepted rules for choosing fish. In short, fresh fish should have shiny eyes, pink gills, and a springy body that does not leave any dents when pressed.

A good frozen product is one that has not been re-frozen. Most often, hake goes on sale frozen, since when fresh it quickly loses its taste. Since even frozen hake dries out very quickly, as a rule, after any freezing method, the carcass is glazed with a thin ball of ice. If the fish is too light for its size, this means that, most likely, almost all the liquid from the meat has already evaporated. It is better not to take such fish; when finished, its fillet will be dry and tasteless. Fish that is too heavy is a sign of excessive glazing, which will affect not only the cost of the carcass, but also its taste.

White bread (can be replaced with unsweetened bread). Add a little fried onion, salt, pepper to the mixture and mix thoroughly. Form cutlets from the resulting minced meat, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry for 1-2 minutes until a crust forms. Then transfer the cutlets into a heat-resistant form, add 2-3 slices of butter and place in the oven for a few minutes. Serve with butter or bechamel sauce.

The next time hake appears on the dinner table, you will already know how healthy this fish is. And you might even want some extra! The main thing is not to forget that overeating is just as bad as not eating enough healthy food. After all, what they say is true: everything is good in moderation.

Description: SILVER HAKE or SILVER HERLUSA is a valuable fish from the order of codfish, the hake family. It lives in the Northwest Atlantic. The length of the fish is 25-35 cm (maximum 80 cm), weight 180-600 g. Young fish feed on small crustaceans such as shrimp, temisto, calanus, etc., but adults become predators and consume schooling fish such as herring, mackerel , menhaden and large invertebrate shrimp, squid, as well as juveniles of almost all fish.

It goes on sale frozen, uncut or gutted without the head and in the form of fillets.

Use in cooking: Hake meat has good taste, is quite lean, it is easily digestible, and dishes made from it are healthy for everyone, so it is also used in dietary nutrition. Hake makes excellent cold appetizers, first and second courses, and fish and flour dishes. It is delicious in any form, boiled, fried, or stewed with vegetables. It is used to make cutlets, meatballs, puddings, and it is also stuffed and fried in dough. For greater calorie content, it can be prepared with different sauces from sour cream, cream and butter. Fried hake with marinade is very tasty, and when baking, so that it does not turn out dry, it must be periodically watered with its own juice or broth or sauce.
When preparing hake, you can use various spices and herbs, for example: black pepper, white pepper, dry sweet paprika, allspice, nutmeg, ground coriander grains, bay leaf, dill, parsley, thyme, green onions, fennel, celery, tarragon, turmeric , capers, garlic, etc.

SILVER HAKE or SILVER HERLUSA has related species and here are some of them:

EUROPEAN HAKER (Merluccius merluccius): This species is distributed in the Atlantic Ocean, from the coast of Norway to the Black Sea. European hake has white, tender, tasty and lean meat, and has a good aroma. It is in great demand in European countries.

PACIFIC HEAKING (Merluccius productus): Commercial aggregations of this fish are common off the coast of North America, from California to the Gulf of Alaska. Since 1967, its catches have grown so much that the PACIFIC HAKE has begun to compete with its Atlantic relatives on the shelves in fish stores. Boiled meat is white in color and has a pleasant taste, tender and juicy texture.

CAPE HEAKING (Merluccius capensis): It is found off the coast of South Africa. After 1962, it has great economic importance and has become a very important trawl fishery. It is numerous because it grows much faster than other species of this genus, therefore the renewal of the commercial stock occurs much faster.

ARGENTINE HAKER (Merluccius hubbsi): This fish is common along the Atlantic coasts of this continent. It is numerous and, moreover, the Argentine hake, like the CAPE hake, grows much faster than other species, therefore the renewal of the commercial stock occurs faster.

NEW ZEALAND HAKE (Merluccius australis): Quite common off the coast of New Zealand and serves as a local fishery here, but not found off the coast of Australia.

CHILIAN HEAKING (Merluccius gayi): It is found only off the Pacific coast of South America and has long been known as a fishery.

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