What vitamins should you take during menopause? What vitamins to take during menopause: review of medications, reviews. What are the benefits of vitamins

After 45 years, every woman begins menopause, which disrupts the proper production of hormones. As a result, metamorphoses occur in the body - metabolism deteriorates, detoxification ability decreases and cell regeneration is disrupted. Every woman should know in advance what to drink during menopause, so as not to age and how to help her body work properly. Vitamin complexes, nutritional supplements and medications that normalize hormonal levels will help you feel young and healthy again.

Menopause for most women begins at 45-50 years old, the period lasts about one and a half years. In rare cases, early onset of menopause occurs - after 30 years and later - after 55-56 years. Women feel uncomfortable, there are sudden psycho-emotional changes and their health deteriorates. During menopause, hormonal levels change and reproductive function fades. A restructuring of the body begins - the ovaries stop producing sex hormones. The process affects the woman’s condition both physically and morally. In 75% of cases, menopause leads to the development of the following problems.

  • Intense heat in the upper body, so-called hot flashes.

  • Profuse sweating.

  • Trouble sleeping, discomfort when trying to fall asleep.

  • Dull and monotonous headache.

  • Shortness of breath and lack of air.

  • Pain in the heart area, dizziness;

  • Tingling in the limbs, periodic numbness.

  • Paresthesia - “goosebumps” on the skin.

  • Pain in joints, back, muscle aches.

  • Irritability, anxiety, frequent changes in emotional background.

  • Dry eyes, burning mouth.

  • Itching and dryness in the vagina.

  • Urinary incontinence.

  • Weight gain and wrinkles.

Problems overtake every second woman and take her by surprise - the usual routine of life seems unbearable, discord appears in the family and in relationships with children. You should not relax, you need to solve the problems that have arisen.

Drugs to reduce the symptoms of menopause are divided into two types. The first group includes hormonal medications; they are prescribed for replacement treatment. Medicines compensate for the lack of certain hormones in the female body, namely estrogen and progesterone. Artificial analogues can significantly reduce menopausal disorders. Drugs for hormone replacement therapy.

The listed medications help restore hormonal levels, as a result, the condition of the skin improves and irritability goes away.

Important! Drugs for hormonal treatment are selected only by a doctor, taking into account the previous medical history. Medicines of this type have contraindications that should be taken into account when prescribing.

The second group of drugs is non-hormonal medications. Suitable for women who are wary of taking hormones or have a number of contraindications to their use. Sometimes drugs are prescribed as an adjuvant treatment during replacement therapy. The main advantage is safety for health and the absence of side effects.

  • Climaxan. A homeopathic remedy designed to eliminate estrogen deficiency. The composition contains black cohosh, lachesis and apis.

  • Inoclim. A French-made drug containing phytoestrogens. They are taken from soy isoflavones, their effects have been studied the most, since they are most similar to estrogens.

  • Remens. Homeopathic medicine. Available in the form of drops and tablets. The range of therapeutic effects is the same.

  • Estrovel. The herbal preparation includes a set of vitamins, yam root, soybean, racemosa cohosh and nettle extract. Helps increase estrogen levels and improves psychological well-being.

  • Klimaktoplan. Homeopathic remedy, manufacturer - Germany. Available in tablets and containing four natural ingredients.

  • Feminal. Contains red clover extract, which helps eliminate estrogen deficiency in women.

  • Bonisan. The drug belongs to dietary supplements; it contains dry extract of soy isoflavones.

  • Qi-clim. The drug consists entirely of natural ingredients, the main active ingredient is dry cohosh extract.

processes, increase defenses, alleviate menopausal symptoms. Some vitamin complexes are designed specifically for the female body.

  • Doppel Hertz Active Menopause. The drug contains calcium, vitamin D3; vitamin B1, vitamin B2, B6, B12, biotin.

  • Femicaps. The complex contains vitex fruits, magnesium, vitamin B6, E, passionflower, evening primrose and soy lecithin.

  • Woman 40 Plus. The composition contains important vitamins, as well as sodium, bromelain, boron, magnesium, citrus bioflavonoids.

  • Orthomol Femin. The composition includes essential vitamins, Q10, flax oil, iron, sodium and fish oil.

The most important vitamins during menopause are B vitamins, tocopherol, vitamin A, E, vitamin D3, ascorbic acid, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and boron.

Hot flashes are a consequence of hormonal imbalance. When it is hot, physical activity, fresh air, avoiding stress, and normalizing the drinking regime are recommended. When hot flashes do not stop, drug therapy is used.

  • Ovestin. A hormonal agent that helps regulate the development of the female reproductive system. Eliminates feelings of heat, profuse sweating, dizziness, irritability. Do not take for thrombosis, liver dysfunction, or otosclerosis. Ovestin is sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. The average cost is 900 rubles.

  • Angelique. Combined hormonal drug. Active ingredient: Estradiol + Drospirenone. Prescribed for menopausal disorders. Angelique is available with a prescription. The average cost is 1100 rubles.

  • Cliophyte. Eliminates menopausal syndrome: flushing, fatigue, sleep disturbances. Dispensed by prescription. Cannot be used in acute renal failure. The average cost is 160 rubles.

  • Klimakt-Hel. Homeopathic remedy for eliminating the feeling of heat, sweating, increased nervous excitability. Available without a prescription. The average cost is 400 rubles.

Traditional medicine contains many recipes to alleviate menopausal syndrome. What methods can be implemented during menopause?

  • Rowan tincture. Two hundred grams of fresh or dried berries are crushed and poured with one liter of vodka. The tincture should be placed in a place without heat for two weeks, and then strained. Take one teaspoon of tincture three times a day.

  • Collection of herbs. Calendula flowers, violet grass, licorice root and anise fruits are taken in equal proportions. One spoon of ingredients is poured into a liter of boiling water and left for thirty minutes. Drink herbs three times a day, two tablespoons.

  • Red clover infusion. Two tablespoons of dry herb are poured into 200 ml of boiling water and left in a closed container for 8 hours. Take 50 ml per day orally on an empty stomach.

  • Red brush decoction. The herb can be purchased at the pharmacy. For the decoction, you need to prepare 50 grams of herb and add 500 ml of vodka. Then the mixture is infused for a month in a place without heat. You need to take it three times a day, thirty minutes before meals.

  • Tea for fever. White willow bark is bought at the pharmacy. Take two tablespoons and grind until it turns into flour. Boil two glasses of water in a saucepan and pour the resulting powder into it. After ten minutes of boiling, turn off the heat and leave it for five minutes. Then filter and consume throughout the day. You need to drink at least five medium cups per day.

To reduce the undesirable symptoms of menopause, it is recommended to pay more attention to physical activity. Morning exercises, walking, cycling, swimming, Pilates will help curb bone loss and strengthen the heart. Physical activity will charge you with positive emotions, which will relieve depression.

Important! Crunching exercises, strength training and heavy lifting are not recommended at this stage.

  1. Lying on the floor, place your arms along your body, legs squeezed. Both legs rise up and down. The calves are tense and the feet are pointed forward. Repeat the lift five times.

  2. On your knees, arms along your body. Bend in different directions, stretching your arms. Repeat 10 times.

  3. Standing, legs apart, hands behind your back in a “lock”. Press the “lock” on the lower back and tilt forward. The position of the legs and arms does not change. Repeat the tilt six times.

  4. Standing, legs apart, arms in front, crossed in a “lock”. Lightly press the “lock” on your stomach and do five partial squats.

  5. Lying on your side, legs squeezed. Bend your leg and actively straighten it (swing forward). Repeat three times and turn to the other side.

Another important advice from doctors is switching to proper nutrition during menopause. Nutritionists recommend eliminating sugar and caffeine from the diet, as they wash away calcium, which can lead to osteoporosis.

It is recommended to eat boiled and stewed food. The meat should be replaced with light meat. It is important to minimize foods containing cholesterol. Without the absence of female hormones, cholesterol plaques form in the blood vessels. To reduce the feeling of heat, avoid hot and spicy foods. Include nuts, natural vegetable oils, berries, fresh vegetables and fruits in your daily menu.

If you follow doctors' recommendations and use the right medication or vitamin complex, you can easily cope with menopause. Leave your tips in the comments on what to take during menopause so as not to age, but to remain beautiful and fit!

During menopause, a woman experiences stress from changes in her physical and psychological state. During this period, the need for a high-quality vitamin and mineral complex is greater than ever. The pharmaceutical market offers many balanced and high-quality drugs at a relatively low cost. During menopause, a deficiency of amino acids, vitamins and minerals is unacceptable. You can find out what vitamins to take during menopause in this article.

Features of choosing a complex during menopause

The average age of menopause is from 42 to 50 years. The process itself lasts about five years - menstruation is inconsistent, hormonal status changes. This greatly affects the physical and mental state: the woman becomes irritable, unbalanced, suffers from hot flashes and pressure surges. It is during this period that many chronic diseases develop, including endocrine pathologies, oncology - both benign and malignant neoplasms, problems with the stomach and intestines. Because of all these misfortunes, many women become “unstuck” and give up, feeling old and problematic. Because of this, mental illnesses - anxiety and depressive disorders - can develop.

During this period, it is very important for a woman to maintain working capacity and feel sufficiently in demand. What vitamins to take when menopause begins, and how to maintain vigor of body and strength of spirit? To do this, you should maintain maximum vital activity and not give up your social positions. In a few years, hormonal storms will subside, and the psycho-emotional state will level out.

What vitamins to take during menopause? It is optimal that they contain a sufficient amount of:

  • iodine (to support the endocrine system);
  • vitamin E, or tocopherol - to smooth out hormonal imbalance;
  • calcium (responsible for bone health);
  • magnesium (responsible for the stability of the central nervous system);
  • phytoestrogens and plant extracts;
  • essential amino acids;
  • the entire B complex of vitamins.

"Hypotrilon": composition, description and reviews

The drug is enriched with tocopherol, selenium and 3-carbinol. Recommended for use by women during the following diseases and conditions:

  • mastopathy;
  • papillomatosis and condylomatosis;
  • severe premenstrual syndrome;
  • growths (hyperplasia) of the endometrium;
  • benign neoplasms;
  • menopause period;
  • fibroids;
  • cystic formations of the ovaries;
  • endometriosis;
  • ovarian and cervical cancer.

If a woman is looking for an answer to the question of what vitamins to take during menopause, it is worth trying Hypotrilon. This drug satisfies the need for tocopherol (responsible for the health of the reproductive system) and selenium (supports the functioning of the cardiovascular system).

Reviews from specialists and patients about the effect of the drug are not overtly enthusiastic. At the same time, some women who took this dietary supplement mentioned a decrease in the severity of premenstrual tension and pain during menstruation. The ability to somehow influence the growth of tumors has not been clinically proven in the laboratory. What vitamins should you take during menopause if the effect of Hypotrilon did not seem effective enough? Let's move on to a description of drugs that are more complete in terms of composition and action.

menopause": composition and reviews

The instructions for the vitamin-mineral complex indicate its ability to have the following effects on the body:

  • decrease in the intensity of hot flashes during menopause;
  • controls sweating;
  • restores cognitive qualities - memory, intelligence;
  • has a positive effect on the cells of the nervous system, has a mild sedative effect on the central nervous system;
  • eliminates anxiety, nervousness and depression in women during menopause;
  • thanks to the selenium in the composition, there is a positive effect on blood vessels and heart muscle, selenium gives them greater elasticity;
  • has a beneficial effect on a woman’s genitals, as a result of which her libido returns;
  • moisturizes the vaginal mucosa, greatly facilitating sexual life;
  • can be used as an adjuvant therapy for cystitis, fibroids and other diseases.

Reviews about the drug are mostly positive. Women do not note any magical effect on the organs of the reproductive system. Time cannot be turned back, just like the process of menopause. But performance increases, mood improves, sad thoughts go away, bone tissue hurts less, and psycho-emotional state improves. What vitamins should you take during menopause if your budget is about six hundred rubles? Doppelgerz Active Menopause is definitely a good choice.

"Supradin" in tablet and effervescent form

"Supradin" is a leader in the pharmaceutical market among vitamin and mineral complexes. At a relatively low cost, the composition is rich in minerals and vitamins. For women during menopause, this is an excellent choice, despite the fact that it does not contain any special phytoestrogens. But there is a whole complex of necessary minerals - iron, zinc, selenium, calcium. It also contains all the B vitamins that are so necessary for the female body during menopause.

Reviews indicate that already in the first week of use, vigor appears. It becomes easier to get up in the morning. This effect is especially noticeable when using the product in effervescent form. Tablet "Supradin" is also good, but is absorbed a little worse. For this reason, changes in well-being may not be noticeable as quickly as when using the effervescent form.

"Alphabet 50+": composition and reception features

This is an excellent option for those who are looking for an answer to the question of what vitamins to drink during menopause. "Alphabet" are special vitamins, the daily dosage of useful substances in which is divided into three doses. Three tablets of different colors should be taken after breakfast, lunch and dinner. To ensure that all useful microelements are absorbed as much as possible, this particular form of the drug was created.

  1. The pink tablet contains copper, ascorbic acid, thiamine, iron and folate. Iron prevents the development of iron deficiency anemia and helps improve blood composition. Ascorbic acid increases immunity and resistance to seasonal colds.
  2. The blue tablet contains niacin, pyridoxine, riboflavin, iodine, magnesium, manganese, zinc. Iodine provides support to the thyroid gland, thereby indirectly facilitating the process of getting rid of excess weight and endocrine problems. Pyridoxine and riboflavin restore cells of the nervous system, give peace of mind, normalize sleep, and improve mood. Magnesium is completely absorbed due to the presence of pyridoxine and supports cardiac activity.
  3. The white tablet contains cyanocobalamin, calcium, chromium, and phytoestrogens. Calcium maintains the condition of bone tissue, preventing the development of bone diseases. Phytoestrogens maintain hormonal levels more or less in one position, preventing serious surges.

This is for menopause in the price category of up to five hundred rubles. Don’t be confused by the inscription “50+” - this vitamin and mineral complex is also perfect for women several years younger. Reviews about the complex are positive - side effects almost never occur, and the result of taking it is felt after a week of use - vigor comes, performance improves, and the psycho-emotional state is smoothed out.

"Orthomol Femin" for women during menopause: description, composition, reviews

This complex was specially designed for women during menopause. The composition includes vitamins D3, E, C, group B, as well as microelements (alpha and beta carotene, coenzyme Q10) and Omega-3 fatty acids. The complex not only affects estrogen levels, but also helps improve appearance. Small wrinkles are smoothed out and hair loss stops.

During menopause, the following problems begin:

  • rapid weight gain due to sudden hormonal changes;
  • problems with the absorption of carbohydrates and fats - almost all of them immediately go into fat reserves;
  • hyperhidrosis and hot flashes;
  • changes in bone and cartilage tissue.

Today, the pharmaceutical market offers a large number of medications designed to relieve menopausal symptoms. What vitamins should women take during menopause? "Orthomol Femin" is a good choice. Feedback from women who have taken it indicates a positive trend in their well-being.

"Klimadinon" is a drug developed specifically for women during menopause

The main active component of this drug is black cohosh rhizome extract. Available in the form of tablets and liquid drops. It has the ability to saturate the body with valuable bioflavonoids, due to which the negative symptoms of menopause are smoothed out.

The drug stops surges in the production of estrogen by the ovaries, resulting in a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole. Nervousness and irritability go away, the intensity of hot flashes softens, and hyperhidrosis decreases. The woman becomes cheerful and cheerful. What vitamins should you take during menopause to avoid gaining weight? You can try "Klimadinon" - the effect on estrogen levels is directly related to excess weight.

"Aevit" and "Tocopherol": the cheapest but most effective vitamins for menopause

These are vitamins familiar to all of us, which can be purchased at any pharmacy and the cost of which is low. But few people know that vitamin E (“Tocopherol”) has a healing effect on the female reproductive system. It is prescribed even for infertility and problems with conception. In this regard, there are many analogues of vitamin E, both expensive and cheap. And if a lady doesn’t know what vitamins to take during menopause, you shouldn’t overpay, “Tocopherol” in capsules from domestic pharmaceutical factories is quite good.

"Aevit" is also vitamin E, only with the addition of retinol, or vitamin A. It is sold in capsules with oily contents. Once a quarter you need to take a course of these vitamins, which are inexpensive and useful for the female body during menopause.

"Amino 2500" for women over 50 who lead an active lifestyle

In search of an answer to the question of what vitamins to take during menopause at 55 years old, women forget about the importance of saturating the body with essential amino acids. Meanwhile, the amount of muscle mass and how hair and skin look depend on their presence in the diet. After all, keratin and collagen are amino acids, building materials for human hair and epidermal cells.

Excellent and relatively inexpensive "Amino 2500" can be purchased at sports nutrition stores and some pharmacies. The composition includes collagen, l-carnitine, alanine, glutamic acid, lysine, cystine, phenylalanine, serine, tryptophan. You should take 4-6 tablets per day. If a woman regularly devotes time to sports, she should definitely choose a high-quality amino acid complex and include it in her diet. This will help maintain body tone and muscle tissue even during such a difficult period as menopause. By the way, amino acids are also necessary to combat excess weight. L-carnitine has proven itself especially well in this regard.

What vitamins are best to drink during menopause: ranking of the most popular

Depending on the price-quality ratio, you can make a small rating. The most recommended complexes will be at a low price, but with a rich composition:

  • "Alphabet 50+".
  • "Supradin" effervescent form.
  • "Orthomol Femin".
  • "Doppelhertz Active menopause".
  • "Hypotrylon."

What vitamins to take during menopause, because there are too many choices? You should experimentally try several complexes and, based on the individual reaction of the body, choose the most suitable one for yourself. For some it will be “Supradin”, but athletes will not be able to do without amino acids. For women with a predisposition to diseases of the reproductive system, it is best to try Hypotrilon. The choice ultimately always depends on the goals pursued and individual tolerance to the drug.

This is a rather difficult period in a woman’s life. Hormonal levels change in a woman’s body, and all metabolic processes undergo a restructuring. In order to support the female body, it is necessary to take vitamins during menopause.

The modern pharmacological industry offers a huge range of special vitamin complexes. Complexes. In this publication we will try to answer the common question of what vitamins to take during menopause.

We will start dancing from the stove. First, let's look at who should prescribe vitamins to women during menopause, and whether there is a difference between vitamin complexes at different stages of the menopause. During menopause, vitamins for women should be prescribed either by a gynecologist or a therapist.

Calcium is one of the most important minerals during menopause.

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate or choose any medications for yourself, including vitamin complexes. The doctor prescribes a specific drug, taking into account the severity of menopausal symptoms and the general condition of the woman. Before prescribing this or that drug, the doctor will direct the patient to take blood tests.

But it should be borne in mind that having the results of laboratory tests in hand, the doctor relies on his experience. There is no single universal appointment algorithm. If a lady goes to two different doctors, then most likely she will be prescribed different vitamins. Therefore, every woman needs to have an idea about the properties of vitamins and approaches to using them during menopause.

Vitamins for menopause are prescribed for a certain number of days. They may be in capsules or tablets. They must be taken several times a day or at night. Taking the drug must comply with the instructions supplied with it from the manufacturer and as prescribed by the doctor. If the complex is designed for night action, then it should not be taken once a day in the morning.

A complex of vitamins for menopause is prescribed taking into account the fact that:

  1. Treatment should always be comprehensive.
  2. The use of the drug should lead to the replenishment of missing vitamins in the body.
  3. If symptoms are severe, prescribing vitamins is useless. It is necessary to take a hormonal drug in order to eliminate the deficiency of the missing hormone.
  4. Only full compliance with the doctor’s instructions is the key to successful treatment. You cannot increase or decrease the dose of the drug on your own. You need to drink the product as many times a day as prescribed by your doctor. Some complexes are recommended to be taken at night.

In addition, you need to understand that even the best vitamins will not be able to completely rid a woman of all the manifestations of menopause. Even if she takes them every day. After all, natural aging processes occur in the female body.

Properties of vitamins

We will focus on the properties of essential vitamins, which are very important for women during menopause.

Vitamins are everywhere!

In particular:

  1. And, its second name is retinol.
    Due to its antioxidant properties, it reduces the risk of developing neoplasms of the mammary gland, uterus or intestines, which are very common during menopause. In addition, it helps retain moisture in the skin and thereby inhibits its aging process. By taking the vitamin at night, a woman will have much fewer wrinkles than her peers.
  2. E, tocopherol.
    Promotes longer functioning of the gonads, as well as elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. It protects cells from destruction by free radicals. Thus, it prevents the appearance of neoplasms, as well as blood clots in the vessels. Allows you to preserve the beauty of hair, skin and nails. It is necessary to take vitamin E during menopause. After all, it takes part in the synthesis of the most important female sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone.
  3. C, ascorbic acid.
    A good natural antioxidant, as well as a vitamin that increases the defenses of the female body. During menopause, it reduces swelling well and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  4. Vitamin D.
    It has a very important role in the process of calcium absorption, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system of the female body. A sufficient amount of vitamin D during menopause is a good prevention of the development of a very common and dangerous disease, osteoporosis. It is provoked by a decrease in the level of the sex hormone estrogen.
  5. IN 1.
    Able to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. Supports normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  6. AT 6.
    It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, increases the efficiency of the brain, and stimulates the immune system. During menopause, it relieves a woman from anxiety and irritability.
  7. B9 and B12.
    They have a strengthening effect on the nervous system. During menopause in women, they help improve mood, remove irritability, as well as manifestations of apathy.

Expert opinion

Alexandra Yurievna

General practitioner, associate professor, teacher of obstetrics, work experience 11 years.

In addition, complexes for menopause include magnesium, which has a calming effect on the nervous system and helps eliminate irritability, as well as sleep disorders.

Calcium and boron strengthen bone tissue and thereby prevent the development of osteoporosis. Lignin substances eliminate dryness of the vaginal mucosa and reduce the intensity of hot flashes. All of them can and should be accepted.

What complexes are needed after 45 years

On average, at the age of 45, women begin. It begins with the premenopausal stage, which is characterized by the most striking symptoms - frequent urge to go to the toilet, urinary incontinence, increased nervousness, irritability, tearfulness, and sometimes aggression.

If a woman experiences very intense symptoms during premenopause, the attending physician may prescribe a special complex. It is very important that the woman adheres to all the doctor’s recommendations and does not increase the dose of the drug, and also does not cancel it on her own. Often the drug for menopause is prescribed to be taken at night.

  1. Vitatress is a domestic complex that contains: E, A, C, D and group B.
    It effectively normalizes the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  2. Menopace is a drug produced in the UK.
    It contains a balanced dosage of all substances and pantothenic acid, which allows normalizing hormonal balance. This reduces the intensity and frequency of menopause symptoms.
  3. Femicaps is a herbal remedy that is produced in Finland.
    In addition to groups B and E, the drug includes: passionflower and evening primrose. Effectively calms the nervous system and eliminates insomnia.

Taking vitamins at the very beginning of menopause can reduce the intensity of symptoms accompanying the decline of a woman’s reproductive function. Many doctors prescribe them to their patients at the first manifestations of menopause. The lady who took the vitamins feels good, but her body weight has not increased.

Taking natural vitamins at the age of 45+

Not all doctors recommend taking complexes with the first manifestations of menopause. They believe that the body must be saturated with everything it needs through food. With the onset of menopause, vitamins are needed only for those women whose symptoms are very clear.

To do this, the lady needs to reconsider her diet.

In her diet, she should focus on the following products:

  • During menopause, a woman can get vitamin E from beans, green peas, brown rice, potatoes, avocados, as well as olive, flaxseed or sunflower oil.
  • Calcium enters the body with fermented milk products and milk, tofu cheese, soybeans, nuts, chicken and quail eggs, seaweed, and mustard seeds.
  • Vitamins and minerals are found in large quantities in vegetables, fruits, berries, citrus fruits, herbs, and dried fruits.

All substances that enter the body with food are well absorbed. They trigger metabolic processes in the body and speed up metabolism. Women don't gain weight.

The most important thing is that vitamins take part in the synthesis of sex hormones. Why is their use during menopause mandatory? The lady will be able to say: I weigh the same as before and feel great.

Complexes after 50

At age fifty, most women reach menopause. The last spontaneous menstruation after which the next menstruation does not occur for 12 months. In essence, the woman’s reproductive function is fading. She can no longer conceive or bear a child. Of course, the age at which menopause occurs varies from woman to woman.

But in Russia, as well as throughout the world, it is generally accepted that the average age of menopause is 45-50 years. If the symptoms of menopause in a woman are observed before the age of 40, then this is. Therefore, the question of what vitamins to take during menopause at the age of 50 can be answered - those that are necessary during menopause.

The following vitamins have proven their effectiveness in menopause:

Bottom line

Women really need it. They prevent many manifestations of aging in the body, in particular hair loss during menopause, deterioration of vision and memory.

In addition to complexes, doctors prescribe non-hormonal products that, in addition to vitamins and minerals, contain plant components. They help balance hormonal levels and improve the general condition of a woman. We wish you good health!

Dear ladies, we hope that the information was useful to you. What do you know about taking vitamins during menopause?

Nature has thought out everything, so the female body is given reproductive function not for the entire period of its life, but only for a certain time. With the onset of 45-50 years, the process of attenuation of reproductive function and all the associated hormonal changes begin. Due to a decrease in estrogen production in the body, all biological processes slow down, external signs of aging appear, and diseases associated with menopause occur. It is very important to take vitamins during menopause in order to speed up biochemical reactions and support the body in a new period for it. Proper nutrition, as well as properly selected vitamins and minerals will help a woman avoid complications and alleviate the signs of advancing old age.

Menopause is a natural age-related condition for a woman. Normally, it occurs at 45-50 years of age. At this time, there is a complete hormonal change, affecting not only the reproductive system, but the entire body as a whole.

During menopause, women may experience the following health problems:

  • difficulties with digestion;
  • vitamin deficiency, lack of minerals;
  • slow tissue regeneration, long wound healing;
  • tumors may appear in the mammary glands and genitals;
  • muscles weaken;
  • bones become more fragile, calcium is washed out of them;
  • all organs, including the brain, are less well supplied with blood.

At the beginning of menopause, symptoms may not be very pronounced, but every year the signs of aging without additional vitamin support will only get worse.

Main symptoms of menopause:

  • psycho-neurological problems (attacks of irritability, touchiness, tearfulness, depression, sleep problems, insomnia);
  • During menopause, the most famous and most discomforting symptom is hot flashes. They are accompanied by increased sweating, increased heart rate and a feeling of heat in the face, neck, chest and upper limbs. Some women may experience headaches and dizziness;
  • surges in blood pressure, diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • libido decreases;
  • the vaginal mucosa dries out, which causes not only discomfort during sexual intercourse, but also various diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • due to leaching of calcium from bones, their fragility increases and osteoporosis develops;
  • memory weakens;
  • Hair falls out and breaks, teeth deteriorate and the skin dries out.

The intensity and composition of symptoms for each woman is individual and depends on genetic predisposition, lifestyle and living conditions, as well as on the general condition of the body.

To reduce the effects of hormonal changes, it is imperative to take vitamins during menopause.

What are the benefits of vitamins?

The answer to the question why every woman needs to choose a complex of vitamins during menopause is specially presented in a separate section in order to emphasize its importance. So, vitamin and mineral complexes help the fair half of humanity with the following problems:

  • improve metabolism, thereby reducing the intensity of unpleasant symptoms of menopause;
  • the secretion of sex hormones improves, thereby prolonging the period of ovarian function and the onset of menopause can be delayed;
  • The immune system is strengthened, which helps improve the emotional, psychological state of a woman and health in general.

What does a woman lack during menopause?

Knowing even before the onset of hormonal changes what vitamins are needed during menopause, you can add foods high in them to your diet, as well as take additional vitamin preparations to delay the onset of this period.

We list useful vitamins for women during menopause:

  1. Theopherol or Vitamin E. It prolongs reproductive function, as it is directly involved in the synthesis of progesterone and estrogen. Vitamin E during menopause can lower blood pressure and improve the condition of vascular walls.
  2. Retinol or Vitamin A. This is a powerful antioxidant that reduces the likelihood of developing cancer in the mammary gland, reproductive and digestive systems. Reduces the rate of wrinkle formation, slows down skin aging and improves its condition.
  3. Ascorbic acid or Vitamin C. An antioxidant that activates the body's protective functions.
  4. Vitamin D. Helps the body absorb calcium. By consuming vitamin D during menopause, you can prevent the development of osteoporosis, which occurs due to estrogen deficiency.
  5. B vitamins (B1, B6). They have a positive effect on the nervous system, softening emotional swings and relieving depression. They normalize sleep and remove irritability.

But not only vitamins play an important role for the body during menopause; it is also necessary to replenish mineral reserves, which speed up metabolism and are involved in the process of tissue regeneration. It is necessary that vitamin complexes for women during menopause contain the following elements:

  • calcium and boron (strengthens bone tissue, prevents osteoporosis);
  • magnesium (calms, normalizes sleep, relieves irritability);
  • lignins (reduces the intensity of hot flashes, prevents dryness of the mucous membranes, including the vagina);
  • potassium (normalizes the functioning of the kidneys, heart and nervous system);
  • zinc (restoration of enamel on teeth and bone tissue).

Which vitamins are best taken and in what doses can only be determined by the attending physician, while he takes into account the general condition of the patient, the presence of additional diseases and signs of menopause. There are a large number of recommendations on the forums on the topic “what vitamins to take during menopause,” so here is a list of the most popular medications prescribed by doctors and discussed on medical forums:

All of the drugs listed above are prescribed to those who are over 40 years old, but very often women are interested in what vitamins to take during menopause at the age of 50 years.

  • Alpha Vit 50+. A vitamin complex produced in Russia for women during menopause. In addition to a set of essential vitamins, it includes lycopene and lutein. Improves vision and prevents further deterioration. The composition is divided into 3 pills of different colors; how to take Alpha Vit 50+ is described in the instructions;
  • Extravel. Controls hot flashes, normalizes the consistency of sex hormones in the blood, reduces the likelihood of developing cancer in the pelvic organs and mammary glands;
  • Consists mainly of plant elements, has a positive effect on the level of female hormones in the blood, improves well-being.

As reviews on the forums say, non-hormonal herbal remedies also give good results. Women who took them noted an improvement in their well-being, an increase in the time intervals between hot flashes, a decrease in their power, an improvement in the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, and they also help against hair loss. Among the most popular herbal remedies are estrovel with herbal extracts, climadinon based on black cohosh and feminal containing red clover extract.

How to enrich your diet with vitamins during menopause?

During menopause, vitamins must not only be taken in the form of medications, but also consumed through food. Therefore, you need to approach the preparation of the daily menu very carefully and scrupulously. Food should be light, not overloaded with fats, but not too limited, since strict diets are also as unhealthy during menopause as gluttony. A healthy diet has no contraindications; it can be used for natural and artificial menopause, for uterine fibroids and for cancer of other organs of the reproductive system, the main thing is that your menu is approved by the attending physician.

Be sure to include in your diet daily:

  • calcium-fortified dairy products (cottage cheese, cheeses, yoghurts);
  • porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal);
  • meat (it contains a lot of retinol);
  • fish (lots of vitamin D);
  • dried fruits, spinach, potatoes (they contain a lot of potassium);
  • chicken eggs, all types of nuts, green salad, vegetable and cow oil, seafood;
  • fresh berries and fruits;
  • wholemeal bread, bran.

Additionally, you can use traditional medicine recipes and prepare fresh decoctions and infusions from medicinal chamomile, sage and oregano; they contain a lot of vitamins A, B and C.

Most women are afraid. Knowing from friends and acquaintances about the unpleasant symptoms of this period, with the approach of premenopausal age, I want to immediately prepare my body for these changes and facilitate the course of the natural and inevitable process.

Thanks to the Internet, now every woman has access to information about methods of easing menopausal symptoms, the simplest and most effective of which are vitamin complexes. It is especially important to take vitamins during menopause at the age of 45-50 years; then we will look at why this issue is so relevant.

The need for vitamins during menopause

Due to hormonal changes during menopause, the functioning of the entire body as a whole worsens, problems with the gastrointestinal tract appear, and the lack of vitamins and minerals in the body is especially acute. Tissue regeneration slows down. Due to hormonal imbalances, neoplasms can actively develop in the breasts and reproductive system, muscles weaken greatly, and bone tissue becomes more brittle. Blood supply to organs deteriorates, including worsening blood circulation in the brain. Menopausal changes are inevitable, but their onset can be slowed down by eating the right and healthy foods; it is also very important to supplement the diet with vitamin complexes.

Taking vitamins during menopause will help cope with the following symptoms:

  • depression, irritability, sleep problems;
  • , excessive sweating, increased heart rate, dizziness;
  • heart disease and sudden changes in blood pressure;
  • decreased libido;
  • weight gain;
  • osteoporosis – insufficient calcium content in bone tissue, bone fragility;
  • memory problems;
  • dry skin, brittle hair and nails, damage and aging of tooth enamel.

Of course, each woman manifests itself differently, with varying degrees of intensity of its symptoms, but in the presence of vitamin deficiency, all of the above symptoms can appear much earlier and will be more pronounced.

By taking vitamins and minerals during menopause, you can achieve the following results:

  • metabolism will accelerate, due to which the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract will improve, and this will avoid weight gain, which women after 45 years are so afraid of;
  • vitamin complexes support the production of sex hormones, the production of which declines every year;
  • appearance will be preserved, the woman will remain attractive longer, and signs of aging caused by a decrease in estrogen levels will appear much later. Vitamins prevent hair loss, voice changes, deterioration of skin and nails;
  • the immune system will be strengthened, for the body experiencing increased stress, this is extremely important, since during menopause a woman is very susceptible to infections and diseases;
  • all internal organs and systems will function correctly.

What vitamins are needed during menopause?

Women in menopause may lack the following vitamins and minerals:

  • vitamin A. It has antioxidant properties and increases the body’s resistance to the formation of tumors, both benign and malignant, and the location of the tumor does not matter. This vitamin helps keep skin young, improves the condition of mucous membranes and vision, and is a stimulator for the synthesis of sex hormones;
  • Vitamin E during menopause is simply irreplaceable, as it plays the most important role in the production of sex hormones and stimulates libido. Also, taking vitamin E helps protect the body's cells from the effects of free radicals, improve the condition of the hair and skin, and maintain normal heart tone and muscles. This component reduces the risk of developing breast diseases and other hormone-dependent ailments;
  • vitamin B12 and other B vitamins (B6, B9) improve the functioning of the nervous system, normalize protein and fat metabolism, which prevents uncontrolled weight gain during menopause, makes a woman more resistant to stress and increases her performance;
  • vitamin C improves immunity, blood clotting, helps strengthen vascular walls, reduces swelling;
  • vitamin D during menopause, and in particular D3, promotes the absorption of calcium, which is the prevention of osteoporosis, which is typical for women after 45 years of age;
  • calcium strengthens the skeleton and teeth, and also takes part in carbohydrate metabolism, preventing the development of hypertension;
  • magnesium promotes the absorption of the previous element, eliminates sleep problems, and maintains the cardiovascular system normal;
  • Potassium prevents fluid from retaining in the body, thereby preventing the formation of edema. Potassium should be taken to prevent the development of atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension and other problems with the heart muscle and blood vessels.

Vitamin complexes

In order for women's beauty and health to be preserved as long as possible, and life not to be overshadowed by the uncomfortable manifestations of menopause, it is extremely important to take special vitamin complexes during menopause. Many people believe that vegetables and fruits are the best vitamins for the body, but during the period of hormonal changes it is very difficult to achieve a balance of all the substances necessary in the body only with a properly selected diet.

A vitamin complex is a non-hormonal supplement to the basic diet that helps activate the body’s protective properties and reduce the manifestations of menopausal syndrome; they also help strengthen the immune system and are characterized by a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state of a woman. Such drugs should be taken as prescribed by a doctor, since only a specialist can select a complex of vitamins that are most effective for women with different menopausal symptoms. Let's look at the names and main characteristics of vitamins prescribed for menopause in women:

  • – a complex for general strengthening of the body, produced in Germany and based on soy isoflavones (plant estrogens). Smoothes out hormonal fluctuations, reduces the intensity of hot flashes, slows down and even prevents the destruction of bone structure, and is a prevention of cancerous tumors that can occur during menopause;
  • – a complex enriched with citrus bioflavonoids, grape seed and green tea extracts, supplemented with Dong Quay root. Instructions for use state that the drug normalizes metabolic processes in the body, prevents uncontrolled weight gain, improves hormonal balance, and helps improve the condition of skin and hair;
  • Alphabet 50+ is a Russian vitamin complex for women in menopause, based on separate intake of components for better absorption in the body. It can be taken to generally improve the condition of the female body, reduce the intensity of hot flashes and normalize the psycho-emotional state;
  • Complivit 45+ is a Russian-made drug that includes almost all vitamins of group B, A, PP and P, in addition, it includes L-carnitine, cohosh extract and motherwort. These components not only support the normal functioning of the body, but also have a good effect on the nervous system, lipid balance and the protective properties of every system in a woman’s body. You can drink it even before menopause, 1 tablet per day. One package is designed for a month of daily use;
  • Aevit is an affordable dietary supplement that contains the amount of vitamin E and A necessary for the body. It improves the functioning of the circulatory and nervous systems, and normalizes metabolism. The drug can be supplemented with folic acid, calcium and vitamin D;
  • Glycine - this component calms the central nervous system, relieves sleep problems, and has a beneficial effect on a woman’s vegetative-vascular system, therefore it is often recommended for use during very intense hot flashes. Aminoacetic acid increases brain activity, improves memory and concentration. You need to take glycine 2 times a week, 5 tablets that need to be dissolved. It is important that you can be allergic to glycine; it is also prescribed with caution to hypotensive patients, as it can lower blood pressure. Constant blood pressure monitoring is the main requirement when taking this drug;
  • Qi-Klim is a Russian-made drug that is a herbal hormone substitute. It contains black cohosh extract, which can have an effect similar to estrogens. Also, the plant components are supplemented with the necessary dose of potassium and magnesium. Taking the complex allows you to fight hot flashes, changes in blood pressure and vegetative-vascular disorders;
  • Orthomol Femin is a drug that is produced in Germany and has proven itself in the fight against menopausal symptoms. The complex improves immunity, balances hormonal balance and improves the general condition of a woman. Orthomol Femin has a beneficial effect on a woman’s cardiovascular system and maintains her external attractiveness due to the content of Omega-3 fatty acids;
  • Femicaps is a drug based on tocopherol and vegetable oils and extracts. Taking it helps normalize heart rate, reduce sweating and eliminate swelling;
  • Menopace is a British drug enriched not only with vitamins, but also with iodine. Normalizes the functioning of the entire body and reduces the symptoms of menopause. Iodine has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • Klimadinon is a herbal preparation that is produced in Germany. The main component is cohosh extract, which replaces natural estrogen. The complex has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the ovaries, reduces the psycho-emotional and vegetative-vascular manifestations of menopause;
  • Mense is a bioactive supplement based on soy isoflavones with beta-alanine amino acids. The drug increases the body’s protective properties, has a preventive antitumor effect, increases a woman’s ability to concentrate and evens out emotional swings;
  • – helps normalize the level of estrogen in the blood, thereby reducing the frequency and intensity of hot flashes, statistics also show that the drug reduces the likelihood of developing cancer of various locations and etymologies, especially in the reproductive system;
  • Vitatress is a Russian-made vitamin complex containing all vitamins of groups A, D, C, B, E. Improves the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Prescribed to women over 45 years of age.

Products containing vitamins

Bioactive supplements and vitamin complexes are an integral part of the normal functioning of the female body after 45 years, but in addition to taking complex medications, vitamins during menopause should be taken with food. It should be easy to digest and maximally rich in useful elements. Such food will allow a woman to be full and will also help avoid weight gain, which is typical during menopause.

During this stressful time for the female body, you should not go on strict diets, as this can cause vitamin deficiency and aggravate the unpleasant symptoms of menopause. The menu must include fermented milk products fortified with calcium. Porridges, especially oatmeal and buckwheat, will be beneficial. Meat and fats of animal origin will give a woman a dose of vitamin A, and fish will enrich the body with vitamin D.

You can get the required dose of potassium from dried fruits, potatoes and spinach. Be sure to supplement your diet with eggs, nuts, green salad, vegetable and animal oil, seafood, fresh vegetables and fruits. Be sure to eat carrots, cabbage, berries and bran bread.

To relieve irritability and reduce the intensity of hot flashes, you can drink tea from chamomile, oregano, sage and other healing infusions. They will help nourish the body with vitamins A, B, C.

You should avoid foods containing large amounts of sugar and salt, remove fatty foods, flour and confectionery products from the menu. You also need to maintain water balance and drink enough clean water.

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