Proper nutrition for fibrocystic mastopathy, a brief description of the disease, folk recipes. Nutrition for fibrocystic mastopathy: principles of diet, sample menu, list of products Diet for breast cyst sample

An effective remedy for CYSTS without surgery and hormones, recommended by Irina Yakovleva!

A breast cyst is not one of those diseases that eventually turns into cancer. However, it is characterized by a high likelihood of tumors.

Treatment of cysts begins with taking modern effective medications.

Diet is the main part of long-term treatment with a positive result in the end.

A woman's health is in her hands

Proper and wholesome food is the main element of good health, strength and beauty. Proper nutrition for breast cysts is primarily aimed at normalizing metabolism, restoring and strengthening the immune system.

For any disease, including cysts, nutrition should be complete and differ only in product composition.

As is known, in large portions, meat products cause a decrease in the amount of androgens and can increase the level of estrogen in the female body.

Methylxanthines found in coffee drinks and tea have a negative role on the body - they cause the growth of connective tissue of the mammary gland. As a result, fluid accumulates in the cysts. The right decision would be to refuse the above products. This will have a positive effect in improving the health of a woman’s body.

When dieting, it is important to drink plenty of fluids. It is best to choose still water. It has the ability to prevent constipation and serves as a good means for removing metabolic products from the body.

Female hormones are excreted through the liver and bile ducts. Failure to maintain proper nutrition leads to disruption of the normal functioning of these important organs. Instability in their work entails an increase in the level of the sex hormone, which results in the development of breast cysts.

For a speedy recovery, a woman should exclude everything fried, spicy, smoked from her diet and forget about any alcoholic drinks.

Unregulated salt consumption is contraindicated during the diet. This leads to retention of intercellular fluid, resulting in swelling.

The diet should consist of foods rich in minerals and vitamins (pay attention to vitamins such as A, E, C).

Vitamin A reduces the amount of estrogen; E – increases the effect of progesterone; vitamin C is aimed at freeing the blood from active molecules and minimizing the likelihood of cells turning into tumors.

  1. Replace regular bread with black and bran bread.
  2. Introduce wheat cereal, beef, and oat grains into the diet, which help alleviate the symptoms of mastopathy and reduce pain, the number and size of cysts.
  3. Switch to olive and nut oils.
  4. Eat fish - it contains important and necessary iodine.
  5. Increase the amount of foods containing calcium.
  6. Give preference to green vegetables (such as cabbage, beans, zucchini) - they are a source of special substances that inhibit the high activity of the female sex hormone.
  7. Eggplants and peppers contain fiber. It is not necessary to eat them raw. For some women, eating raw vegetables leads to bloating. Therefore, it is better to subject them to heat treatment.
  8. A large amount of pectin is found in various fruits - apples. Every day you need to eat at least one apple. Berries are also rich in this substance.
  9. Seeds, nuts, beets, apples are also generous in fiber.
  10. The diet should include dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt).
  11. Beets support liver function; Broccoli and vegetable oil are rich in natural non-protein molecules Q10 (coenzyme). They activate a mechanism that protects the body from tumors.
  12. Introducing tomatoes and brewer's yeast into the diet will help the body better absorb iodine. These products normalize hormonal conditions and protect from ultraviolet exposure.
  13. The diet must include a variety of teas, with the exception of black. Tea contains organic substances that promote healing and have an antitumor effect. Tea can also rid the body of excess sugar and various toxic substances.
  14. Shiitake mushroom contains a substance that activates the immune system and prevents the occurrence of mastopathy.
  15. An abundance of vegetables and fruits charges the female body with the necessary amount of energy, which is so necessary for establishing metabolism. In addition, the body is saturated with vitamins and minerals involved in the metabolic process.

If you have breast disease, it is contraindicated to eat pasta and white bread. Women with cysts should not consume margarine or mayonnaise. Since sweets (sweets, cakes) contain a large amount of carbohydrates, you should also avoid them for a while.

Treatment of a cyst is a rather lengthy process, so a woman must be patient and have the support of loved ones. The disease will disappear only after the woman’s hormonal state is brought into order. During treatment, a special diet is prescribed to improve metabolism.

Proper nutrition and adherence to food intake are the only means that help to normalize hormonal levels without the use of hormones. But the problem is that most patients do not perceive diet as a serious method of treatment.

A varied and proper diet for breast disease is a natural and healing medicine, the use of which is systematic.

By secret

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Follow the link and find out how Irina Yakovleva did it!

The most common breast disease is fibrocystic mastopathy. According to statistics, every third woman develops this disease. The pathogenesis of the disease is usually due to a severe imbalance of hormones in the body.

The development of the disease in the gland is mainly caused by instability in the levels of progesterone and estrogen. If the levels of these substances deviate from the norm, there is a risk of pathological changes in the fibrous tissue of the mammary gland. The level of the hormone prolactin also indirectly affects the condition of breast tissue.

It is hormonal imbalance that often becomes the root cause of fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary glands. The proliferation of fibrous areas of breast tissue begins, which evenly cover the alveoli and milk ducts.

Doctors divide mastopathy into diffuse and nodular. The diffuse form is characterized by the appearance of small multiple nodes within the thickness of the mammary gland.

The main reasons for the appearance of pathological changes in the breast are:

  • thyroid disease
  • adrenal and pituitary dysfunction
  • wrong lifestyle
  • bad habits
  • heredity

The risk of getting sick increases in nulliparous women, during pregnancy after 40 years, and during lactation. Diseases of the mammary glands can be provoked by gynecological and endocrine disorders, weak functioning of the immune system, and the activity of protein compounds in liver pathologies. The mammary glands react very sensitively to the slightest change in hormonal levels.


Timely recognition of the signs of fibrocystic mastopathy leads to complete healing with a competent therapeutic approach. Symptoms of gland disease may be nonspecific.

The disease can be localized in one gland or two. In medicine, a distinction is made between unilateral and bilateral fibrocystic mastopathy. In the bilateral form, pathological growths occur in both glands. With one-sided - in one.

Breast pathology is indicated by:

  • nipple discharge of varying consistency and color
  • gland deformation
  • moderate pain
  • palpation of a dense lump inside the gland
  • engorgement of the glands
  • increased sensitivity of nipples and breast skin

In many cases, in the first stages, mastopathy develops asymptomatically. However, if there are dangerous signals in the gland, you need to immediately contact a mammologist - a medical specialist will conduct the necessary diagnostics of the gland, establish a diagnosis and prescribe an individual treatment regimen. Severe mastopathy is usually accompanied by severe pain.

Diagnosis of the disease

Pathology can be detected in several ways. After examining the gland, the doctor issues a referral for mammography. Fibrous mastopathy is diagnosed using a special device. A mammogram allows you to make an accurate diagnosis and identify the features of the pathological process in the breast.

Ultrasound of the mammary glands is a mandatory study for fibrotic processes in the gland. The resulting images help determine the extent of damage to the gland, features of the pathology, and provide an accurate representation of the clinical picture and pathological changes in the breast. On the resulting image, the diagnostician visualizes echo signs of gland pathology and identifies which component of the breast tissue predominates - glandular or fatty. When the epithelium and connective tissue grow, cysts and nodes are detected, mastopathy is diagnosed.

Treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy

A qualified mammologist will tell you how to treat fibrocystic mastopathy. Drug therapy is aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease and eliminating symptoms.

In the fight against gland disease the following are used:

  • ointments for external application
  • non-hormonal agents
  • hormonal drugs
  • phytotherapy
  • homeopathic medicines

Taking hormonal medications in most cases helps to avoid surgery, preserve breasts and promote stable remission of the disease. An important role is played by additional measures to combat mastopathy - rest and sleep patterns, control of weight and mood, and giving up bad habits.

Nutrition correction

For mastopathy, doctors strongly advise excluding coffee, alcohol, chocolate, and sweets from the diet. These foods can cause fluid retention and breast swelling, as well as rapid growth of glandular tissue.

The diet for fibrocystic mastopathy must contain foods rich in substances beneficial to muscle tissue. It is important to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins and minerals through daily consumption of greens, vegetables and fruits. But protein products on the menu should be kept to a minimum. The diet must include:

  • cereals
  • bran
  • parsley
  • cilantro
  • cabbage

Such food helps improve digestion and complete absorption of nutrients. Strong teas, carbonated drinks, canned food, marinades, which irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa and do not help strengthen the immune system, are excluded from the diet. By following a diet for fibrocystic mastopathy, you can achieve successful results in treatment.

Wearing the right underwear

The correct choice of underwear for mastopathy plays a big role in the health of the mammary glands. A corrective bra supports the breasts in the desired position and prevents them from becoming deformed. Keeping the glands in the correct position helps reduce pain.


The use of vitamin-mineral complexes helps normalize metabolism and improve immune function. As a result of taking vitamins A, B, C, E, the body's defenses are activated, biochemical processes and regenerative reactions in the gland are improved.

Breast cells regenerate faster, the patient begins to recover and feel better. Vitamins for mastopathy are reliable helpers in the fight against dangerous pathology.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to eliminate severe pain in the chest in diffuse nodular form of mastopathy. The drugs eliminate swelling of the gland, reduce chest discomfort and a feeling of heaviness. Among the medications used, Mastofit and Klamin are prescribed.

Sedative drugs

The development of disease in the chest and imbalance of hormones provoke instability of the emotional background. A patient with mastopathy suffers from insomnia, frequent mood swings, and increased nervousness. In such cases, sedatives come to the rescue, which have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system and calm the nerve fibers. The doctor recommends tinctures of sage, valerian, and motherwort.

Stress has an extremely negative effect on the general condition of the patient and the health of the mammary gland. Prescribing sedatives for mastopathy helps control mood and emotional background. The return of a positive attitude has a positive effect on the treatment of the breast and makes you gain additional strength to fight a dangerous breast disease.

Hormone therapy

Taking hormonal medications in most cases helps to avoid surgery, preserve breasts and promote stable remission of the disease. The goal of hormonal therapy is to reduce the production of male hormones in mastopathy and stabilize the balance of hormonal substances in the patient’s body.

Tamoxifen, Toremifene and others are used in treatment. They allow you to control the synthesis of progesterone and estrogen. Hormonal levels stabilized with the help of medications help stop degenerative changes in the mammary gland.

Non-hormonal drugs

The use of non-hormonal drugs can improve blood microcirculation in the gland, slow down pathological processes in breast tissue and normalize the production of hormones.


The homeopathic drug Mastodinon reduces the production of prolactin in mastopathy, regulates the synthesis of sex hormones, and enhances nutrition of the affected areas of glandular tissue. The herbal medicine acts safely and inhibits pathological changes. Taking homeopathic remedies helps eliminate pain in the gland, improves the emotional background, and enhances the regeneration of breast cells.

Folk remedies

There are several effective recipes for alternative therapy. In order to reduce pain in the chest with mastopathy, use:

  • cabbage leaf and honey compresses
  • applying grated beets to the chest
  • taking flaxseed decoction
  • sagebrush
  • sage
  • hog queen
  • red brush

The herb is poured with boiling water and taken 1/3 cup 2-3 times during the day. A decoction of apricot kernels will be an effective treatment. The remedy helps eliminate heaviness in the chest and slow down the development of pathology. Treatment with folk remedies helps to successfully get pregnant after healing from breast pathology.


When pills do not help, surgical intervention is provided. Whether mastopathy can develop into cancer is of interest to many patients. If the process progresses, the nodes and adjacent pathological areas are removed. Complete elimination of pathological tissue makes it possible to prevent the development of cancer and preserve the breast.

Prevention of FCM

Gland disease can be prevented by following a healthy lifestyle and rest regime. You should not expose yourself to strong physical exertion, constant stress and chronic diseases. It is important to promptly treat gynecological diseases, endocrine disorders, and thyroid pathologies. Regular checking and correction of hormonal levels will help avoid the development of pathology. All women are required to undergo a preventive examination with a mammologist once every six months.

Mastopathy is a disease of the mammary glands caused by a hormonal imbalance in women. The disease is associated with the appearance of benign formations in the breast. Symptoms of their appearance include pain and discharge from the mammary gland. Formations can change into malignant. A mammologist diagnoses the disease.

A special diet is of great importance for this pathology. Proper nutrition will improve and increase the effectiveness of the medications used.

Features of the disease and treatment

There are three types of mastopathy:

  • diffuse – the appearance of nodules in the mammary glands;
  • nodular - the size of neoplasms from a pea to a walnut;
  • fibrocystic mastopathy (FCM) is a disease associated with excessive tissue growth in a mixed form (small formations and nodes).

The occurrence of the latter is associated with heredity, polluted environment and unbalanced diet. The appearance of FCM is closely related to increased levels of estrogen in a woman’s body. Numerous studies have proven that this hormone provokes the appearance of pathological tissues in the body.

Mastopathy can develop due to the following reasons:

  • lack of sexual intercourse;
  • infertility associated with abortion or menstrual irregularities;
  • disruptions in metabolic processes (diabetes mellitus, obesity);
  • severe stress and psychological disorders;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • diseases associated with the reproductive system (if treatment for endometritis is refused, mastopathy may develop);
  • improper lifestyle, which negatively affects internal organs (the disease can develop in women who do not give themselves time to rest);
  • eating large amounts of food.

Treatment of mastopathy occurs as follows:

  • nutrition is adjusted;
  • the correct underwear is used;
  • diuretics and anti-inflammatory drugs are used;
  • hormonal therapy is carried out;
  • Surgery is performed if medications do not work.

Basic principles of the diet

The goal of the diet for mastopathy is to normalize hormonal levels. This is achieved by observing certain principles:

  1. 1. Consuming foods that contain omega-3 and omega-6 acids. Most of them are found in fatty fish, such as trout or mackerel.
  2. 2. Exclusion from the diet of large amounts of animal acids that disrupt liver function. The liver takes part in the hormonal metabolism system. Failures in its functioning lead to an increase in the proliferation of connective tissue, which is the cause of the appearance of neoplasms.
  3. 3. Avoid carbonated drinks and coffee.
  4. 4. Include a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits in the diet. These product groups normalize the functioning of the intestines, which removes excess amounts of hormones, leading to the appearance of mastopathy.
  • food should not contain various dyes and preservatives;
  • dishes must be boiled, stewed, baked, steamed;
  • increase the consumption of foods rich in iodine: seaweed and seafood;
  • eliminate water retention in the body, which provokes the appearance of unwanted tissue in the chest (to prevent water retention in the body, it is necessary to limit the consumption of salt and various kinds of canned food).

By following these simple rules, the risk of developing the disease is sharply reduced.

There are no particular differences in diet for different forms of mastopathy. With a diffuse form of mastopathy, the calorie content of food consumed per day should not exceed 2000 kcal. Meals should be divided into breakfast, lunch, dinner, two snacks and a glass of low-fat kefir before bed.

Permitted and prohibited products

Products that should be consumed for mastopathy:

  • linseed oil, nut oil, olive oil;
  • foods that contain fiber (walnuts, carrots);
  • beans, beans, stewed/sauerkraut;
  • calcium-rich foods;
  • sour milk;
  • green tea;
  • soups: vegetarian, fish and meat;
  • grain bread, dried bread, crackers, dry biscuits;
  • lean meats and poultry;
  • sea ​​or river fish, seafood;
  • marmalade, pastille, marshmallow.

Foods that should not be eaten with mastopathy in general and especially with FCM include:

  • fatty meats;
  • coffee, tea, cocoa;
  • canned food;
  • high fat dairy products;
  • juices from boxes;
  • sweets;
  • fried foods;
  • mayonnaise;
  • hot sauces.


When dieting, you should not ignore the use of vitamins:

  • C. Strengthens the immune system, reduces swelling, increases the production of collagen, which promotes the integrity of breast tissue. It is found in citrus fruits, seaweed, and green beans.
  • B. It is found in high content in soybeans, lentils, legumes, and beans.
  • A. Normalizes estrogen production. It also makes the skin more elastic: fish oil, chicken liver, carrots.
  • E. Reduces pain, increases breast elasticity. Contained in vegetables and vegetable fats.

Sample menu

To include different dishes in your diet, you can create a sample menu for every day. It costs six times (in the table below there are only five meals. - Ed.) per day. It is better to eat the most high-calorie foods before two o'clock in the afternoon. You should consume no more than 2000 kcal per day.

Sample menu by day:

Day of the week



  • Breakfast: oatmeal porridge with dried apricots and nuts;
  • second breakfast: any fruit;
  • lunch: salad of fresh cabbage, cucumbers and bell peppers, creamy broccoli soup, fish (cooked in foil in the oven);
  • afternoon snack: any berries;
  • dinner: stewed zucchini with chicken breast
  • Breakfast: boiled eggs and a piece of grain bread;
  • second breakfast: pear;
  • lunch: carrot salad, sauerkraut cabbage soup, baked zucchini and eggplant;
  • afternoon snack: cottage cheese with banana;
  • dinner: baked turkey and boiled noodles
  • Breakfast: grain bread with grated cheese and tomato, baked in the oven;
  • second breakfast: apple cooked in the oven;
  • lunch: vinaigrette with sauerkraut, borscht, steamed meatballs;
  • afternoon snack: 1% cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream;
  • dinner: cottage cheese casserole
  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge;
  • second breakfast: any citrus;
  • lunch: fresh vegetable salad, broccoli soup, steamed minced beef cutlets;
  • afternoon snack: toast with cheese;
  • dinner: squid with vegetables, baked in the oven
  • Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese and low-fat sour cream;
  • second breakfast: green apple;
  • lunch: cabbage and carrot salad, potato and beef casserole, chicken broth;
  • afternoon snack: vegetable salad;
  • dinner: boiled rice, apple pudding
  • Breakfast: two-egg omelette, toast, green tea;
  • second breakfast: banana;
  • lunch: carrot salad, steamed pike cutlets, bean soup, apple compote;
  • afternoon snack: toast with cheese;
  • dinner: boiled pasta with shrimp, green tea and a teaspoon of honey


  • Breakfast: barley porridge;
  • second breakfast: any citrus;
  • lunch: bean salad with carrots and cabbage, pureed vegetable soup, boiled fish and baked potatoes, dried fruit compote;
  • afternoon snack: green tea, some raisins;
  • dinner: steamed poultry with vegetables, pear with fruit sauce

Mastopathy is a pathology of the mammary gland with a multifactorial nature of development, in which the spread of connective tissue is observed. This leads to the formation of cavities filled with liquid inside. For effective therapy, it is recommended to combine complex treatment (taking hormonal and anti-inflammatory drugs) with a special diet. A diet for breast mastopathy can normalize a woman’s hormonal system. But it only helps in the initial stages of the disease. In advanced cases, the diet serves as an addition to basic therapy.

Scientists have proven the connection between diet and the occurrence of mastopathy. The disease occurs due to an imbalance between two hormones: estrogen and progesterone. Eating certain food groups has a detrimental effect on hormone levels, so you should not eat them if you have mastopathy. These include:

The basis of nutrition for mastopathy

The most important rule of the diet for fibrocystic mastopathy is to increase the amount of plant and dairy products while simultaneously reducing high-calorie rich and fatty foods.

Take food 5-6 times a day in small portions. It is better to replace animal fats with vegetable oils. It is believed that for mastopathy you need to drink at least one liter of fluid per day. This issue is decided by the attending physician, since in case of kidney diseases, intensive drinking regimen can aggravate the situation.

Avoid foods that disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and contribute to excess weight gain and the appearance of edema. These are smoked meats, marinades, margarine, semi-finished products, fatty broths.

Can be used for mastopathy

The following foods should be included in your diet:

Involves a diet that consists of certain foods. They help boost the immune system and normalize hormone balance. Recommended products for mastopathy , which normalize the balance of hormones and have antitumor properties:

  • garlic. Helps fight cancer cells. To enhance its effectiveness, you need to cut the clove into thin slices and leave for 10 minutes;
  • legumes, green vegetables. Help regulate hormone synthesis;
  • beets, spinach. They are powerful antioxidants;
  • Brewer's yeast, Brazil nut. Promote the absorption of iodine and protect against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation due to the presence of selenium and lycopene;
  • beef, vegetable oils. Reduce pain due to high vitamin E content;
  • tea (white and green). It has an anti-carcinogenic effect, as it is rich in catechin, which helps normalize blood sugar levels, produces an antitumor and wound-healing effect;
  • mussels, seaweed, cod and other seafood. Improves the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • tomatoes. They contain lycopene, a substance that is recognized as an anti-cancer compound. And with mastopathy, the risk of degeneration into cancer is quite high. The greatest amount of lycopene is found in tomatoes that have undergone heat treatment.

The diet must include fresh juices, whole grain bread, bran, cereals (except semolina), nuts, and cheeses.

Do you use folk remedies?


Multi-colored diet menu for mastopathy

This menu was developed by American scientists to facilitate the preparation of the correct diet for fibrocystic mastopathy. In it, each day is assigned a specific color, according to which you should choose products.

  1. Monday. Indicated in white. On this day you can eat rice, proteins, rice, potatoes, that is, foods that are white in color. No sugar, sour cream, cream or other fatty foods.
  2. Tuesday. It's a red day. The diet should include tomatoes, red lentils, beets, and red fish.
  3. Wednesday. Wednesday is green food day. You can eat kiwi, cucumbers, green peppers, pears, parsley, dill, apples.
  4. Thursday. On Thursday, preference is given to orange foods. These are pumpkin, dried apricots, carrots, oranges, tangerines, grapefruits.
  5. Friday. This day is highlighted in purple. Preference should be given to eggplants, grapes, plums, and cauliflower. They improve the functioning of the liver, blood-forming organs, and brain.
  6. Saturday. Yellow day. You can eat cheeses, honey, egg yolks, corn.
  7. Sunday.

The “rainbow” dietary week ends with a neutral or fasting Sunday. On this day, the most suitable one is selected from the list of permitted products. Throughout the day they eat dishes only from it. Tea without milk and clean water are allowed.

A colorful diet is a pretty interesting idea. Creating a menu for the week is very fun and easy. In addition, a bright rainbow of food baskets can improve your mood. Products of the same color should be a priority, but this does not mean that you cannot eat something else; if desired, the diet can be supplemented with other permitted products.

Diet results

Adjusting the diet in the presence of mastopathy solves three main problems:

  • elimination of problems in the intestines;
  • weight normalization;
  • regulation of hormonal levels.

Proper nutrition for breast mastopathy, giving up bad habits, herbal medicine in the early stages of detection of the disease give good results and after a few months the tumors resolve. According to medical observations, a properly formulated diet increases the effectiveness of conservative therapy by 35%. After the diet, pain in the breast area decreases, weight normalizes, the risk of developing cancer processes decreases, breast tissue becomes normal, the number of lumps and their size decrease. When preparing a diet, you should always consult a doctor - an endocrinologist and nutritionist.

Mastopathy is a disease of the mammary glands, which is accompanied by tumors in the breast area. It is characterized by the appearance of nodular seals, benign tumors of the mammary glands, which can become malignant. The most common is fibrocystic mastopathy, the causes of which can be: hormonal imbalances in the body, thyroid diseases, liver diseases, iodine deficiency, polycystic disease, hepatitis, gastritis, ulcers, dysbacteriosis, cholecystitis, as well as frequent stress, late childbirth. An important role in the treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy is played by a special diet aimed at reducing pain and preventing relapses.

The essence of the diet for mastopathy

Nutrition for breast mastopathy should be aimed at maintaining hormonal balance in the body. Mastopathy - treatment and diet together will help reduce the risk of developing malignant tumors in the breast, make adjustments to the breast tissue, stabilize the nervous system, get rid of extra pounds and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the body as a whole.

With diffuse mastopathy, proliferation of connective tissues is observed. Diffuse mastopathy without proper treatment turns into nodular mastopathy. Gradually, dense nodules about 2 mm in size form in the overgrown connective tissues. If left untreated, they can grow up to 4 cm in diameter. Diffuse mastopathy - diet is one of the effective methods of treatment.

Proper nutrition for breast mastopathy and fibroids can slow down the growth of connective tissue, as well as minimize the risk of developing benign cysts in the breast area. Before starting a diet for mastopathy, you should consult your doctor to make individual adjustments to your diet.

Diet for fibrocystic mastopathy - basic rules:

  • The daily caloric intake of the diet for fibrocystic mastopathy should be no more than 2000 Kcal;
  • You should eat at least 5 times a day, with three meals being main meals and two being snacks;
  • It is recommended to eat at the same time when dieting;
  • You should drink at least 1.5 liters of still water every day;
  • Salt must be excluded from the diet for fibrocystic mastopathy or its consumption must be reduced to a minimum;
  • Every day, the diet menu should contain vegetables that can be consumed either raw or boiled, baked, or stewed;
  • Meat and fish dishes should be boiled, stewed or baked; frying should be excluded.

For effective treatment of mastopathy, in addition to diet, you also need proper rest, sleep, and avoidance of stressful situations. Moderate physical activity is also recommended. Long walks in the fresh air, exercise, and avoiding using the elevator are perfect.


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Authorized Products

The diet for fibrocystic mastopathy should be composed exclusively of healthy foods that will help stop the growth of connective tissue and also help reverse this process.

Allowed foods for the diet for fibrocystic mastopathy:

  • Fish and seafood (especially salmon, herring, sardines, mackerel, mussels, shrimp). Contain a large amount of iodine;
  • Lean meat and poultry (veal, beef, rabbit, turkey, chicken). They are sources of protein;
  • Low-fat dairy and fermented milk products (kefir, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurt). They are sources of calcium;
  • Legumes (beans, peas). Have a beneficial effect on hormonal levels;
  • Beets, nuts, spinach, broccoli. They are natural antioxidants. Normalize liver function, cleanse the body of accumulated waste and toxins;
  • Vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, asparagus). Rich in fiber, normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Cereals and grains (oats, buckwheat, brown rice). Promote rapid saturation of the body and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Fruits and berries (apples, pears, apricots, citrus fruits). Enrich the body with vitamins and minerals during a diet for fibrocystic mastopathy;
  • Brewer's yeast. Lycopene and selenium, which are contained in brewer's yeast, promote the rapid absorption of iodine.

Tea (green and white) is recommended for drinks for fibrocystic mastopathy. Tea contains catechins, which help accelerate the removal of toxins, waste and sugar from the body. It is definitely recommended to include white and green tea in your daily diet menu.

What foods are prohibited to eat for fibrocystic mastopathy?

The diet for fibrocystic mastopathy excludes foods that provoke the growth of benign cysts in the breast area and an increase in the secretion of female sex hormones.

Fibrocystic mastopathy diet - prohibited foods:

  • Bread, bakery and flour products made from premium flour;
  • Semolina;
  • Confectionery products contain a lot of “empty” carbohydrates;
  • Fatty meat and poultry skin make it difficult for the liver to function and increase cholesterol levels;
  • Fatty sauces, margarine;
  • Canned food contains substances that provoke the development of malignant tumors;
  • Smoked meats and fatty, spicy dishes due to their high content of carcinogens;
  • Pickles;
  • Coffee, strong black tea;
  • Carbonated drinks contain steroid hormones that provoke the accumulation of fatty deposits;
  • Alcoholic drinks worsen liver function.

Vitamins and microelements

A properly selected diet for fibrocystic mastopathy will have a direct impact on the synthesis of hormones and the metabolism of steroids. The diet menu for fibrocystic mastopathy must include foods high in iodine (seaweed, seafood, fish, buckwheat, eggs, legumes, butter).

The development of fibrocystic mastopathy can also be caused by a deficiency of vitamins A, B6 and E in the body. Therefore, the diet menu must include foods containing these groups of vitamins: B6 (wholemeal bread, rice, buckwheat, vegetables, legumes, nuts), A (offal, fish oil, cod liver), E (nuts, legumes, vegetable and olive oil, beef, sea fish).

While following a diet for fibrocystic mastopathy, it is recommended to additionally take vitamin-mineral complexes, especially those containing selenium and Omega 3. It should be remembered that the course of taking vitamins should not exceed three months, otherwise an excess can have a detrimental effect on health. It is recommended to take a month's break between courses of taking vitamins during a diet for fibrocystic mastopathy.


Diet for mastopathy - menu for the week (breakfast, snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner):


  • Oatmeal with dried fruits;
  • Green apple;
  • Broth with croutons. Boiled chicken fillet;
  • A glass of kefir;
  • Baked potato. Herring with onions. Cucumber and tomato salad.


  • Cottage cheese seasoned with Greek yogurt;
  • Orange;
  • Okroshka. Lightly salted salmon;
  • A glass of fermented baked milk;
  • Seafood risotto. Seaweed salad.


  • Pumpkin porridge with milk;
  • Pear;
  • Creamy broccoli soup with croutons. Lightly salted herring;
  • A glass of curdled milk;
  • Rice. Steamed veal cutlets. Grated carrot salad.


  • Muesli with nuts;
  • Grapefruit;
  • Fish soup with pieces of fish. 2 slices of whole grain bread;
  • Natural yogurt with herbs;
  • Baked turkey fillet. Beetroot salad with quince.

P Friday:

  • Curd pudding;
  • Kiwi;
  • Bean soup with croutons. Fish soufflé;
  • Goat cheese 2 pieces;
  • Baked pike perch. Vegetable stew.


  • Buckwheat porridge with milk;
  • Pomegranate;
  • Beetroot soup. 2 slices of bran bread. Boiled chicken breast;
  • Cottage cheese with berries;
  • Baked sardine. Greek salad".


  • Steamed omelette of 2 eggs;
  • 2 apricots;
  • Chicken soup with pieces of poultry meat. 2 slices of rye bread;
  • Prunes stuffed with walnuts;
  • Stuffed cabbage rolls with beef and sour cream.

In between meals while following a diet for fibrocystic mastopathy, drinking green or white tea, but without sugar, is recommended.


Beetroot salad with quince

Beetroot salad with quince


  • Beetroot 2 pcs;
  • Quince 1 piece;
  • A handful of raisins;
  • Sour cream to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the beets until tender, peel them and grate them on a coarse grater.
  2. Peel and seed the quince and grate it.
  3. Pour boiling water over raisins, let steep for 5 minutes, chop.
  4. Mix beets with quince and raisins, season the salad with sour cream, stir.

Bean soup

Bean soup


  • Beans 200 gr;
  • Cauliflower 300 gr;
  • Onions 1 piece;
  • Olive oil 1 tbsp;
  • Rosemary 1 sprig.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour water over the beans and leave to swell for 10 hours.
  2. Drain the water, rinse the beans, put them in a saucepan, add 2 liters of water.
  3. Bring to a boil, reduce gas and cook for 2 hours until tender.
  4. Peel the onions and cut into small cubes. Sauté in a frying pan with olive oil until half cooked.
  5. Disassemble the cauliflower into inflorescences, transfer to a saucepan, and add the prepared beans and onions there.
  6. Cook over medium heat for 15 minutes.
  7. Grind the soup in a blender until smooth.
  8. Before serving, garnish with a sprig of rosemary to taste.

A hearty pureed bean soup can be included in your diet for fibrocystic mastopathy for lunch.

Seafood risotto

Seafood risotto


  • Long grain rice 400 gr;
  • Seafood 500 gr;
  • Onions 1 piece;
  • Celery;
  • Green pea;
  • Olive oil 1 tbsp;
  • Broth 1 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the onion and cut into cubes. Wash the celery, dry it, chop it.
  2. In a frying pan heated with olive oil, sauté the onion and celery for 5 minutes.
  3. Add rice and peas to the vegetables, stir, pour in broth. Simmer over low heat under the lid until the liquid has completely evaporated.
  4. Pour boiling water over the seafood, drain the water, add to the rice with vegetables, stir, turn off the gas.
  5. Let the dish brew for 5-7 minutes.

The refined taste of seafood risotto will surprise even gourmets when following a diet for fibrocystic mastopathy.

Greek salad"

Greek salad"


  • Tomatoes 3 pcs;
  • Cucumbers 2 pcs;
  • Onions 1 piece;
  • Bell pepper 1 pc;
  • Feta cheese 200 gr;
  • Olives or black olives to taste;
  • Olive oil 3 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the onions and cut into thin half rings.
  2. Remove seeds from bell peppers and cut into thin half rings.
  3. Wash cucumbers and tomatoes, dry, cut into cubes.
  4. Mix vegetables in a bowl, season with olive oil, stir.
  5. Place diced cheese and olives on top of the salad.

Vitamin Greek salad should definitely be included in the diet for fibrocystic mastopathy.

Oatmeal with dried fruits

Oatmeal with dried fruits


  • Oatmeal 50 gr;
  • Milk 200 ml;
  • Dried fruits.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the milk into a saucepan, bring to a boil, reduce the gas and add oatmeal.
  2. Cook the porridge over low heat for 15 minutes, covered.
  3. Pour boiling water over dried fruits and let steep for 5 minutes. Decant the water, cut the dried fruits into small pieces.
  4. Place the porridge on a plate and sprinkle chopped dried fruits on top.

Oatmeal with dried fruits is perfect for tomorrow while following a diet for fibrocystic mastopathy.

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