Based on the text by Leonov, Inflamed State of Poly (Unified State Examination in Russian). Collection of Ideal Social Studies Essays Inflammatory Condition

Unified State Examination in Russian

Task 20-24

Text 1.

(1) Polya’s inflamed state, and most importantly, her confused, ambiguous speech - everything suggested the worst guesses, much more terrible than even Rodion’s captivity or his mortal wound.

(2) “No, this is completely different,” Polya shuddered and, turning to the wall, took out a crumpled, over-read triangle from under the pillow.

(3) Subsequently, Varya was ashamed of her initial assumptions. (4) Although rare transit trains did not stay in Moscow, the stations were nearby, and Rodion knew Polina’s address. (5) Of course, the command might not have allowed the soldier to leave the train to the Blagoveshchensk dead-end street, then why didn’t he at least write a postcard to his beloved on her way to the active army?..

(6) So, this was his first news from the front, more than two weeks late. (7) In any case, now it will become clear with what thoughts he went to war. (8) Varya impatiently unfolded the piece of paper, which was all pierced with a pencil—it was apparently written on her knee. (9) I had to go to the lamp to make out the dim, half-finished lines.

(10) Varya immediately came across the main place.

(11) “Perhaps the only reason, my dear, why I was silent all this time was that there was nowhere to settle down,” Rodion wrote briefly, with unexpected completeness and straightforwardly, as in confession. (12) – We are still retreating, retreating day and night, occupying more advantageous defensive positions, as the reports say. (13) I was also very sick, and even now I have not fully recovered: my illness is worse than any shell shock. (14) The most bitter thing is that I myself am quite healthy, completely intact, there is not a single scratch on me yet. (15) Burn this letter, I can tell you alone in the whole world about this,” Varya turned the page.

(16) The incident happened in a Russian village, which our unit passed through in retreat. (17) I was the last in the company... and maybe the last in the entire army. (18) In front of us on the road stood a local girl of about nine years old, just a child, apparently taught at school to love the Red Army... (19) Of course, she did not really understand the strategic situation. (20) She ran up to us with wildflowers, and, as it happened, I got them. (21) She had such inquisitive, questioning eyes - it’s a thousand times easier to look at the midday sun, but I forced myself to take the bouquet, because I’m not a coward, I swear to you by my mother, Polenka, that I’m not a coward. (22) I closed my eyes, but took it from her, abandoned to the mercy of the enemy... (23) Since then, I have kept that dried broom with me constantly, on my body, like a burden of fire in my bosom, I order it to be put on me in the grave, if anything happens. (24) I thought I would bleed seven times before I became a man, but this is how it happens, dry... and this is the font of maturity! - (25) Then two lines came across that were completely illegible. - (26) And I don’t know, Polenka, whether my whole life will be enough to pay for that gift...”

(27) “Yes, he has grown up a lot, your Rodion, you’re right...” Varya said, folding up the letter, because with such a mindset, it is unlikely that this soldier would be capable of any reprehensible act.

(28) Hugging, the girlfriends listened to the rustling of the rain and the rare, fading beeps of cars. (29) The topic of the conversation was the events of the past day: the exhibition of captured aircraft that opened on the central square, the unfilled crater on Veselykh Street, as they were already accustomed to calling it among themselves, Gastello, whose selfless feat resounded throughout the country in those days.

(According to L. Leonov*)

*Leonid Maksimovich Leonov (1899–1994) – Russian writer, public figure.

20 . Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Please provide answer numbers.

1) The retreat of our troops takes place without battles, without blood.

3) To become a real man, you don’t always have to prove your physical strength; sometimes it’s more important to test your mental strength.

5) Rodion did not write for a long time because he was shell-shocked.

21. Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) Sentences 17, 18, 20, 22 list the sequential actions of the characters.

2) Sentences 3–5 present the reasoning.

3) Sentences 8–9 include description.

4) Sentences 24–26 contain narration.

5) The predominant type of text is reasoning.

22 . Find among the indicated options one where the word is used in a figurative meaning. Write this word down.

unfolded (sentence 8)

burn (sentence 15)

closed his eyes (sentence 22)

thundered (sentence 29)

23 . Among sentences 15–19, find one that is connected with the previous use of a personal pronoun. Write the number of this offer.

24. Read an excerpt from the review. It examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the blanks with numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list

“A fragment from L. Leonov’s novel “Russian Forest” confirms the idea that even complex philosophical problems can be spoken about in an accessible way. This is achieved with the help of tropes: (A)_____ (“font of maturity” in sentence 24), (B)_____ (“inquisitive, questioning eyes” in sentence 21), (C)_____ (“the midday sun is a thousand times easier to look at " in sentence 21). Enhances the effect of reading (D)_____ (“let’s retreat” in sentence 12, “I’m not a coward” in sentence 21). This technique fixes the reader’s attention on the main thing and emphasizes the author’s most important thoughts.”

List of terms:

1) anaphora

2) metaphor

3) hyperbole

4) professional vocabulary

5) parcellation

6) lexical repetition

7) opposition

8) epithets

9) contextual synonyms

Text 2.

1) Writing is a difficult and confusing matter. (2) A writer should not observe life, but live in life, observing it not from the outside, but from the inside. (3) Meanwhile, the usual story of a writer’s life is this: he succeeded in a thing, attracted attention to himself - and quits his previous job and becomes a professional. (4) And so a man sits down to write not when he needs to say something, but when he needs to pay the rent or sew a coat for his wife. (5) And before our eyes, the fresh sprout of talent turns yellow and dries up. (6) And there is no longer a writer. (7) An aspiring writer, if he respects his talent and values ​​it, should not “live” on literature. (8) Earn your livelihood by anything, just not by writing. (9) The time will come, and the same writing will spontaneously begin to feed you with works written earlier.

(10) Not to mention this, but a writer, becoming a professional, tears himself out of life. (11) The usual environment for him now is fellow writers, section meetings, restaurants, a writers club. (12) Cooking in its own juice. (13) And then he goes somewhere, walks around with a notepad and “types up material.”

(14) You need to live in life, work - as an engineer, doctor, teacher, worker.

(15) - Okay, but when should I write then? - you ask.

(16) - When? (17) After work. (18) On rest days. (19) For a month of vacation, I will answer.

(20) - Will you write much then?

(21) - And it’s very good that it’s not much. (22) Everything that is written then will be complete and necessary. (23) And so, to be honest, if you take almost every writer’s complete collection of his works - how much will literature lose if you throw away three quarters of what is written?

(24) I noticed on myself at the beginning of literary work: every success reduces the demands on yourself, with every success you begin to write “easy.” (25) And how useful is a cruel blow at this time - a refusal from the editors, a harsh meeting of criticism!.. (26) Ask, comrades, fate to be stricter and meaner to you. (27) And then we will certainly recognize the real writer.

(According to V. Veresaev*)

* Vikenty Vikentyeich Veresaev (1867-1945) , prose writer, literary critic, critic. The central theme of creativity is the disclosure of the ideological quests of the Russian intelligentsia.

20 . Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Please provide answer numbers.Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) The writer must observe life from the outside.

2) If you take from almost every writer the complete collection of his works and leave a quarter of what was written, literature will lose a lot.

3) It is very useful for a writer to receive a rejection from the editor or a harsh response from criticism.

4) A writer, becoming a professional, tears himself out of life.

5) Only professionals write books worthy of the reader’s attention.

21 . Which of the following statements are true? Please provide answer numbers.Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) Sentence 3 of the text is contrasted in meaning to sentence 2.

2) Sentences 4-14 present the reasoning.

3) Sentences 22-23 explain the content of sentences 20-21.

4) Sentences 24-27 list sequential events.

5) Proposition 6 does not contain a conclusion from 5.

22 . From sentence 2, write down the antonyms.

23. Among sentences 15-23, find a sentence that is related to the previous one using a particle and an antonym. Write the number of this offer.

24 .

“From the first sentences, V. Veresaev introduces readers to the circle of the problem. Reflecting on a real writer, in the second sentence he uses (A)_____ (“not to observe, ... but to live”). The author emphasizes that if the writer behaves differently, then “... the fresh sprout of talent turns yellow and dries up.” This trope - (B)_____ enhances the impression of what you read. (B)_____ (sentences 15-23) makes the text come alive. A syntactic device such as (G)_____ (sentences 11, 13) helps the author convince the reader of the correctness of the thesis expressed.”

List of terms:

1) contextual antonyms

2) comparative turnover

3) phraseology

4) anaphora

5) extended metaphor

6) socio-political vocabulary

7) question-and-answer form of presentation

8) quoting

9) series of homogeneous members

Text 3.

(1) What a mirror of life our language is! (2) No, he is truly great, remaining free and truthful to this day. (3) He accepts everything, responds to everything, like a Pushkin echo; moreover, he will take in foreign words and teach them to produce new forms (not clone!) from outdated and borrowed words. (4) The only trouble is that all this sometimes happens in an ugly, illiterate mixture.

(5) Thus, in a short period of time, such words as familiar in sports as “fanatic” and “fan” managed to become Russified and even differentiated in meaning, and now “fan”, and even religious fanaticism takes on a different coloring. (6) There were once “fans”, even theatrical “claquers” (French), but now fanatics have separated themselves from “fans”. (7) There are also football fans (not “fans”) and pop fans.

(8) Even the old-fashioned “private”, once rarely found in everyday speech, is interpreted in V. Dahl’s dictionary as “private”, “personal”, “special”, “home” (“privat-docent”, “private conversation” "), we managed to nationalize so much that the word “privatization,” even in everyday language, always sensitive to nuances, acquired a disparaging sound, becoming “privatization.” (9) But it is known that a word, a hero, a phenomenon that finds its way into the popular language, into folklore, into an anecdote, already becomes “ours”, “ours”, like witty words from the films of Danelia, Ryazanov, Gaidai.

(10) Linguistic colors are everywhere. (11) What a field for observation of linguists, writers, actors! (12) But how unusually and spiritually ancient words sound in our super-busy speech, which are gone temporarily, but live on the pages of the classics and await bright days.

(13) In no case should we turn a blind eye to the fact that, in addition to foreign words, we are also overwhelmed by criminal vocabulary. (14)Where did these “cool”, “cool”, “roofy”, “cool” come from? (15) Their source is clear. (16) But why do they flourish among quite decent young people, sound from the screen, and are dazzling in the press?

(17) This conversation can be continued by anyone who cares about our language. (18) Even now he is “great, powerful, truthful and free.” (19) We only spoil it ourselves, forgetting that it is alive, so there is no need to offend it with vulgarity, other people’s rubbish, profanity, clerical delights, and incompatible mishmash.

(According to T. Zharova*)

* Taisiya Vasilievna Zharova (born in 1923), member of the Union of Journalists, veteran of the Great Patriotic War. The main theme of creativity is the fate of the Russian language.

20 Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) The core of a modern literary language is commonly used vocabulary.

2) In fiction, it is sometimes appropriate to use colloquial, slang words to create local flavor.

3) The problem of non-compliance with the norms of the Russian literary language is often raised in the media.

4) Changes in the lexical composition of the Russian language reflect changes in society.

5) The ancient words are gone temporarily, but they live on the pages of the classics and await brighter days.

21 . Which of the following statements are true? Please provide answer numbers.Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) Sentences 1-4 include descriptive elements.

2) Sentences 13-16 present the reasoning.

3) Proposition 12 contains the conclusion of the argument.

4) Sentences 5-9 provide examples of the statement made in sentence 4.

5) The predominant type of text is narrative.

22 . From sentences 3-6, write down contextual synonyms.

23. Among sentences 10-19, find one that is connected to the previous one using a possessive pronoun. Write the number of this offer.

24. Read an excerpt from the review. It examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the blanks with numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list.

“The speech of the author of the text is especially emotional when it comes to the beauty and richness of the Russian language. This is emphasized by such a syntactic means of expressiveness as (A)_______ (sentences 1, 11), and such a device as (B)_______ (“accepts everything, responds to everything”), and such lexical means as (B)_______ ( “super-businesslike” in sentence 12) and (G)_______ (“great, powerful, truthful and free” in sentence 18), make speech expressive, figurative and allow a deeper understanding of the author’s position.”

List of terms:

1) epithet

2) dialectism

3) lexical repetition

5) litotes

6) parcellation

7) colloquial word

8) phraseology

9) rhetorical exclamation

Text 4.

(1) In modern society there is a whole ocean of problems. (2) They surround us everywhere, and no matter which path you take, new ones arise. (3) Let’s take the question of reading - in class, at home. (4)0 whether they read a lot, how they read, how they relate to the book. (5) This is also a very complicated matter. (6) Now, according to my observations, they read much less than 25-30 years ago. (7) I remember the war years, when as a boy I found myself in evacuation, in the rear, in special hospital conditions. (8) What a great value the book was for us! (9) They were ready to exchange it for any boyish joy - for stamps, for slingshots, and for anything. (10) Moreover, not to exchange for personal use, but only to read. (11) This was already happiness. (12) The most popular boys among us were those who knew how to retell a book that no one had seen. (13) Those who could tell “The Three Musketeers”, “The Headless Horseman” and ... “War and Peace”. (14) Yes, yes, “War and Peace,” this most serious work, I heard in the stories of an eleven-year-old boy. (15) At the age of ten I read Gogol’s “Dead Souls” and Schiller’s “Cunning and Love.” (16) I can’t say that I understood a lot, but I still imagine some scenes from Schiller.

(17) Under the influence of the ever-accelerating, increasingly nervous rhythm of life, a trend has emerged that many consider inevitable and logical: instead of reading voluminous novels by great writers, you can watch a film adaptation and get acquainted with the contents of the book. (18) More or less successfully... (19) Some believe that this is very modern and gives a great advantage to a person, since it saves his time, which must be spent on familiarizing himself with the work. (20) This is so convenient for a schoolchild who needs to read so much “according to the program”!

(21) I think that television is the great enemy of books. (22) It’s a misfortune that children watch too much TV indiscriminately and read too few books. (23) Of course, television is a great power and it is difficult to do without it in our lives and in our studies. (24) But it must be used more wisely. (25) When a restaurant offers us a menu of a hundred dishes, we naturally don’t take everything. (26) One or two, and we’re already full. (27) But what are we doing with television? (28) Chaotically, when we have to, we turn on the device and “watch” whatever they show. (29)Barbarism. (ZO) We need to shape the children’s taste so that they can choose what they can discuss later with friends and teachers.

(31) Education of taste is a separate topic. (32) This can only be done on tall samples. (33) Unfortunately, many works of art have now appeared of a very low artistic level. (34) Getting used to them, we lose our bearings. (35) You can cultivate taste in Tolstoy, in Dostoevsky, in Pushkin. (Zb) The main thing is to learn to distinguish what is really beautiful and what is fake. (37) What is new and original, and what is banal and worn out, has been encountered a thousand times. (38) Therefore, it is not art: art is always new, it reveals something. (39) Taste can be cultivated only by reading, thinking, and looking at truly perfect texts.

(According to V. Lakshin*)

* Vladimir Yakovlevich Lakshin (1933-1993), Russian literary critic, literary scholar, prose writer, memoirist, author of famous television programs about Russian classics.

20 .Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Please provide answer numbers.Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) One of the problems of modern society is the fading interest in reading.

2) You should use the opportunities that television provides more wisely.

3) You can cultivate artistic taste through any works.

4) Cultivating taste is impossible without thoughtful reading of books.

21 . Which of the following statements are true? Please provide answer numbers.Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) Sentences 21-27 present the narrative.

2) Sentences 31-39 present the reasoning.

3) Sentences 25-30 explain the content of the statement made in sentences 23-24.

4) Proposition 22 explains the content of the statement made in sentence 21.

5) The predominant type of text is description.

22. From sentence 12, write down the phraseological unit.

23 . Among sentences 31-39, find one that connects with the previous one using an introductory word and antonyms. Write the number of this offer.

24 . Read an excerpt from the review. It examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the blanks with numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list.

“Turning to one of the pressing problems of our time, V. Lakshin recalls his childhood. He reflects on the book, using such syntactic means as (A)_____ (sentence 8), (B)_____ (sentence 9), and such lexical means as (B)_____ in sentence 22. The author draws readers' attention to the role of the classic literature, using such a syntactic means of expression as (D)_____ in sentences 36-37.”

List of terms:

1) epithet

2) antonyms

3) exclamatory sentence

4) dialectism

5) metaphor

6) parcellation

7) quoting

8) colloquial vocabulary

9) a number of homogeneous members

Text 5.

(1) Many consider the concept of honor to be outdated, outdated, in the sense that it is not applicable today - the conditions are not the same. (2) For some, this is associated with such actions as a duel: how else can you protect your honor from insults? (3) Others believe: honor today has been replaced by a higher concept - integrity. (4) Instead of a man of honor, a man of principles...

(5) How can a sense of honor, a sense of self-worth, a purely personal moral feeling become obsolete? (6) How can the concept of honor become obsolete, which is given to a person once, along with a name, and which can neither be compensated nor corrected, which can only be preserved?

(7) I remember an incident connected with the name of A.P. Chekhov. (8) In 1902, the tsarist government annulled the election of Maxim Gorky to honorary academician. (9) As a sign of protest, Korolenko and Chekhov refused the title of academicians. (10) For Chekhov, this was not only a social act, but also a personal one. (11) He wrote in a statement that when Gorky was elected, he saw him and was the first to congratulate him. (12) And now, when the Academy of Sciences announced that the elections were invalid, it turns out that he, Chekhov, as an academician, admits this. (13) “I congratulated you heartily, and I recognize the elections as invalid - . “such a contradiction does not fit in my mind; I could not reconcile my conscience with it,” he wrote to the Academy of Sciences. “And after much thought, I could come to only one decision... to relinquish my title of honorary academician.” (14) But circumstances developed that seemed to be independent of Chekhov, and he could have found an excuse for himself.

(15) Beliefs, of course, are a necessary thing. (16) But there is such a simpler, concrete concept as a word given by a person. (17) It is not confirmed by any document or certificate. (18) Just a word. (19) Let’s say a business person who promised to make repairs by such and such a date, gather people, bring equipment, and receive those who came from afar. (20) You never know what else. (21) Well, what a disaster, I didn’t accept it, didn’t do it, didn’t bring it. (22) He’ll do it in a month, he’ll accept it in two days, and thank you for that. (23) It happens that there really is nothing terrible, no catastrophe, if we exclude one circumstance - the word, the word was given.

(According to D. Granin)

20 .Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Please provide answer numbers.Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) The concept of honor is not applicable in the modern world.

2) Honor is given to a person, like a name, once.

3) Anton Chekhov refused the title of academician as a sign of protest.

4) A word given by a person does not require confirmation by any document.

5) There is nothing wrong with the fact that a person did not keep his word, no.

21 . Which of the following statements are true? Please provide answer numbers.Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) Sentence 4 confirms the judgment expressed in sentence 3.

2) Sentences 8-9 present the narrative.

3) Sentences 15-17 present the reasoning.

4) Sentence 19 contains a descriptive fragment.

5) Sentences 5-6 contain a narrative.

22 . Write down synonyms from sentence 1.

23 . Among sentences 5-12, find one that is connected to the previous one using a personal pronoun. Write the number of this offer.

24. Read an excerpt from the review. It examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the blanks with numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list.

“A talented publicist, D. Granin skillfully combines accurate facts with a deeply personal attitude to events and characters, with genuine emotionality. This determines the combination in the text of such techniques as (A)_____ (sentence 13), (B)_____ (“the word, the word was given” in sentence 23), such a trope as (B)_____ (sentences 21-22), and such a syntactic device as (D)_____ (for example, sentence 6).

List of terms:

1) extended metaphor

2) quoting

3) irony

4) lexical repetition

5) epithets

6) litotes

7) jargon

8) comparative turnover

9) rhetorical question














Didn't see it in my eyes




Outdated-not modern



Main problems:

1. The problem of acquiring a sense of responsibility and a sense of duty as characteristic features of an adult. (How do they become adults?)

2. The problem of growing up. (Is growing up always associated with brave, heroic deeds?)

3. The problem of growing up in war. (Why did young men grow up faster during the war?

1. Growing up of a person (young man) is, first of all, acquiring the readiness to be responsible for one’s actions, to accept responsibility not only for oneself, but also for other people.

2. Sometimes, to become a real man, you don’t need to perform a feat, for this it is enough to feel responsible for your actions and the actions of others.

3. During the war they grew up faster because the responsibility for what was happening at the front was too great.


Main problems:

The problem of the truth of literary talent.

The problem of creativity and money (is it possible to create for money?)

One of the main reasons for the appearance of a literary work should be the need to tell people something.


Main problems:

1) The role of language in the culture of the people (is it worth rejoicing at the “linguistic diversity” - the functioning in modern speech of archaisms, neologisms, the abundance of foreign language vocabulary, the use of colloquial words?);

2) The problem of clogging the Russian language (how dangerous is it for the existence of the Russian language to use criminal jargon and profanity in people’s speech?).

1) Language reflects the “not a distorted mirror of life”, the history of the people; and observations of changes taking place in the vocabulary of the Russian language must be carried out, this is very useful

and interesting;

2) The language must be protected from contamination with profanity, jargon, and vulgarisms.


Main problems:

1) The problem of reading in modern society (why have modern youth begun to read less? Has the attitude towards books changed in society?);

2) The problem of modern young people realizing the high spiritual value of books (maybe television can become an alternative to books?);

3) The problem of cultivating taste (what helps to cultivate a taste for reading?).

1) The book has always been of great value for the younger generation, but under the influence of living conditions (in particular, the nervous rhythm of life, the unreasonable use of television), they began to read less, which led to the erosion of the concept of a true work of art;

2) The book has always been and will remain a source of knowledge of the world, a means of improving a person’s inner world, therefore it is very important today to understand the purpose of the book as a guide in the spiritual quest of modern young people, to realize that television cannot replace a book;

3) It is necessary to cultivate taste in high examples of art, including the best works of Russian classical literature.


Main problems:

1. The problem of preserving the concept of “honor” in the modern world. (What does the word “honor” mean for modern people? Is this concept outdated?)

2. The problem of being true to your word. (What is the relationship between being true to your word and having a sense of honor?)

Author's position:

1. A sense of honor is a sense of self-worth; it cannot become outdated: it is the moral core of a person.

2. For a decent person, it is important to be honest, first of all, to himself, to remain true to his word, this is where his sense of honor is manifested.

The cause of many diseases, including heart disease, obesity, etc. is chronic inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation is an enemy that knows how to camouflage itself well, because it is very difficult to independently detect signs of an inflammatory process in the body.

However, it is possible to identify this initiator of painful processes if you take a closer look at the signs of the inflammatory process and consult a doctor in time to undergo the necessary tests. The site will help you bring the inflammatory process to clean water.

What are the signs of an inflammatory process in the body?

Inflammation is the body's response to damage. As a rule, we recognize inflammation in the body by typical signs: redness, fever and swelling of the damaged area, as well as limited mobility, for example, in the case of a sprained ankle or a bruised finger.

Chronic inflammation accompanies all diseases ending with “it” - arthritis, hepatitis, bursitis, etc. The inflammatory process can occur “quietly” inside the body, and a person may not be aware of its presence.

However, your body is giving you some clues, and if you ignore them, you could end up with some pretty serious health problems in the future.

6 common signs of inflammation

1. Pain. If you constantly have pain in your muscles, joints, or general body aches, you can bet on the inflammatory process in the body. When your immune cells or fat cells produce inflammatory chemicals called cytokines, you experience more pain and aches. Fibromyalgia and arthritis are classic symptoms of severe inflammation in the body, but widespread body pain when getting out of bed in the morning is also a sign of inflammation. Pain in the soles of your feet (plantar fasciitis) also indicates inflammation in the body.

2. Fatigue.

Fatigue can be caused by various factors, one of which is inflammation in the body. When your immune cells are constantly busy producing antibodies, you feel tired. For example, when you have the flu, cold, or other illness that causes inflammation.

3. Excess weight.

It was once believed that fat cells stored extra calories and kept you warm in the winter. It is also now known that fat cells act as chemical factories.

They are capable of producing a variety of chemicals, some of which can be compared to substances produced by immune cells in the process of fighting infection. The more fat you have in your body, the more of these substances it produces.

The problem is that such chemicals lead to insulin resistance, which makes weight loss difficult.

4. Redness and/or itching of the skin.

Redness and itching are classic signs of chronic inflammation in the body. These symptoms may be caused by allergies, autoimmune diseases, or a weakened liver.

Itching of the skin accompanies people with hepatitis, but can occur in case of liver inflammation for various reasons. An inflamed liver produces large amounts of an inflammatory chemical called C-reactive protein.

5. Diagnosed autoimmune disease.

Chronic inflammation is largely responsible for the symptoms of most autoimmune diseases - pain, fatigue and poor sleep. Common examples of autoimmune diseases are:

  • psoriasis;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • lupus.

6. Allergies and infections. If you suffer from allergic reactions, the inflammatory process in the body is manifested by swelling, redness, itching and pain.

Such symptoms are the result of an immune reaction to harmful, harmless substances. Infections are also a common cause of inflammatory processes, especially if they become chronic. Some viruses and bacteria live in your body for years, constantly stimulating the immune system as well as releasing toxins into the bloodstream. Among them:

Chronic infections place a very heavy burden on the immune system and liver, so care must be taken to strengthen the immune system.

If you find yourself with the above symptoms, you need to consult a doctor who, based on tests, will prescribe the necessary treatment and nutrition for inflammation.

If you notice these five signs of inflammation, you urgently need to see a doctor.

The inflammatory process is a serious pathology that cannot be treated independently.

From a young age, in the office of an uncle or aunt in a white coat, a frightened child hears these strange words: rhinitis, sinusitis, or, for example, tonsillitis. With age, mysterious diagnoses ending in “it” are added to almost every person’s medical record. Did you know that all these “itis” mean one thing: inflammation of one or another organ. The doctor says nephritis means your kidneys have a cold, arthritis means your joint hurts. Absolutely every structure in the human body can be affected by the inflammatory process. And your body begins to tell you about this quite early and actively.

Five signs of inflammation were identified in ancient times, when not only did there not exist special medical devices for diagnosis, but there was no talk of even a simple blood test.

Knowing these five characteristic signs of inflammation, you too can determine your disease without any additional methods:

1. Tumor - swelling

Any inflammatory process in the human body begins with the penetration of a provoking agent into it. It could be a bacteria, virus, foreign body, chemical or other “provocateur”. The body immediately reacts to the unexpected guest, sending its guards to him - leukocyte cells, which are not at all happy with him and instantly enter into battle. An infiltrate forms at the site of exudate accumulation. You will definitely see swelling in the area of ​​the inflammatory process.

2. Rubor – redness

As a result of the death of damaged cells in the body, special substances are released - inflammatory mediators. They are primarily reacted to by blood vessels located in the surrounding tissues. To slow down the blood flow, they expand, fill with blood, and the result is redness. Thus, Redness is another characteristic sign of inflammation.

3. Calor – temperature rise

Vasodilation is an essential component of any inflammatory process also because it is necessary to clean up the battlefield. The influx of blood brings oxygen and the necessary building materials to the site of inflammation, and takes away all the decay products. As a result of such active work, the area of ​​inflammation becomes very hot. The third mandatory sign of inflammation is an increase in temperature.

4. Dolor – pain

The fact that somewhere in the body there is an active fight against the pest must be communicated to the brain, and the best way to do this is some kind of bright and expressive signal. For this purpose, in almost every part of our body there are special bells - nerve endings. Pain is the best signal for the brain, as a result of which a person understands that something is going wrong in a certain area of ​​his body.

5. Functio laesa - dysfunction

The above signs of inflammation together give another important symptom of this pathological process - dysfunction of the affected structure.In the field of combat, life cannot continue as usual. Therefore, inflammation is always accompanied by functional failure of the affected organ. In some cases, this can be very dangerous for the body, for example, during inflammatory processes of the heart, kidneys or other vital organs.

If you notice these five signs of inflammation, you urgently need to see a doctor.

Remember that the inflammatory process is a serious pathology that cannot be treated on its own. Consultation with a qualified specialist and selection of an effective treatment regimen will help your body become a winner in the battle against inflammation.published

6. Assignment: write an introduction and your own reasoning on the problem. Use ready-made arguments.

Essay topic: Why did boys and girls grow up quickly during the war?

Excerpt from L. Leonov’s novel “Russian Forest” (text from Demo version – 2013)_

(1) Polya’s inflamed state, and most importantly, her confusion,

ambiguous speech - everything suggested the worst guesses, much worse,

than even Rodion’s captivity or his mortal wound.

(2) “No, this is completely different,” Polya shuddered and,

turning to the wall, she took out from under the pillow a crumpled, over-read


(3) Subsequently, Varya was ashamed of her initial assumptions.

(4) Although rare transit trains were not delayed in Moscow, the stations

were nearby, and Rodion knew Pauline’s address. (5) Of course

the command might not have allowed the soldier to leave the train for

Annunciation dead end, then why didn’t you at least write a postcard?

his beloved one, on his way to the active army?..

(6) So, this was his first news from the front with more than

two weeks late. (7) In any case, it will now become clear, with

What thoughts did he have when he went to war? (8) Varya impatiently unfolded

a piece of paper, all pierced with a pencil, apparently written on the knee.

(9) I had to go to the lamp to make out the dim, half-finished

(10) Varya immediately came across the main place.

(11) “Perhaps the only reason, my dear, why I was silent all the time

this time - there was nowhere to settle down - was brief, with unexpected completeness and

Rodion wrote straightforwardly, as if in confession. – (12) We are still retreating,

day and night we retreat, occupy more advantageous defensive positions,

as the reports say. (13) I was very sick, and even now I’m not really

I’ve still recovered: my illness is worse than any shell shock. (14) The most bitter thing is that

that I myself am quite healthy, completely intact, there is not a single scratch on me yet.

(15) Burn this letter, I can tell you alone in the whole world about this, -

Varya turned the page.

(16) The incident happened in a Russian village, which our

Some of them were in retreat. (17) I was last in the company... and maybe even in

the last of the entire army. (18) A local girl about 18 years old stood in front of us on the road

nine, just a child, apparently taught to love at school

The Red Army... (19) Of course, she did not really understand strategic

environment. (20) She ran up to us with wild flowers, and, as it happened,

I got them. (21) She had such inquisitive, questioning eyes -

the midday sun is a thousand times easier to look at, but I forced myself to take

a bouquet, because I am not a coward, I swear to you by my mother, Polenka, that I

not a coward. (22) He closed his eyes, but took it from her, leaving her at the mercy of the enemy...

(23) Since then I have kept that dried broom with me constantly, on my body,

It’s like I’m carrying fire in my bosom, I’ll tell you to put it in my grave, if anything happens

will happen. (24) I thought I’d bleed seven times before I became a man

I will become, but this is how it happens, dry... and this is the font of maturity! –

Polenka, will my whole life be enough to pay for that gift..."

(27) - Yes, he has grown a lot, your Rodion, you’re right... - folding the letter,

said Varya, because with such a line of thinking it is unlikely that this soldier

would be capable of some reprehensible act.

(28) Embracing, the girlfriends listened to the rustling of the rain and rare

fading car horns. (29) The topic of the conversation was events

of the past day: an exhibition of trophy items opened on the central square

planes, an unfilled crater on Veselykh Street, as they are already used to

to call her in common parlance, Gastello, whose selfless feat

thundered throughout the country in those days.

Sample literary argument for this text

In L. Leonov’s novel “Russian Forest” there is an episode when the heroine of the novel, Polya, receives a letter from her friend Rodion from the front. In his first front-line letter to his beloved girl, he talks about how meeting a little girl in a Russian village during the retreat of our soldiers made him feel responsible for himself and others, and changed him internally. “I thought I would bleed seven times before I became a man, but this is how it happens, dry... and this is the font of maturity!” - Rodion admits in a letter. The author convinces readers that young men grew up very quickly during the war, because everyone’s personal responsibility for what was happening was too great. (101 words)

Another argument on the problem

Let me give you another example. In B. Vasilyev’s story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet...”, girl anti-aircraft gunners, almost girls, enter into an unequal battle with fascist saboteurs. A lot depended on the personal courage of Rita Osyanina, Zhenya Komelkova, Liza Brichkina, Sonya Gurvich, and Galya Chetvertak. In an instant, the heroines matured, realizing what a huge responsibility fell on their fragile shoulders.

Girls are dying stupidly, absurdly. But is it possible to blame Lisa, who was in a hurry to bring help? Or Sonya, who returned for Vaskov’s pouch? Should we judge Galya Chetvertak, who was frightened by the passing Nazis, or Rita, who shot herself in the temple so as not to be a burden for Fedot Vaskov? Of course not, because their death is not meaningless, because the death of those who died defending their Motherland cannot be meaningless. This is exactly what Rita talks about in her last conversation with Vaskov: “... we defended our Motherland.”

Only five girls stood in the way of an entire detachment of fascist saboteurs - and won, without letting the enemy pass! Their feat cannot but delight readers. 148 words

Possible conclusion

The works of L. Leonov and B. Vasiliev make us think that boys and girls became mature in the war because they began to realize: victory over the enemy depended on the personal contribution of each soldier. And it doesn't matter how old you were.

    Topic: Moral assessment of the fact of war. (Condemnation of war in works of literature)

Write an essay according to plan, using ready-made arguments

    The madness and unnaturalness of war. Quote from Leo Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace.” (“War is not a courtesy…”)

    War is... (my assessment of the fact of war is a detailed reasoning)

    L. Tolstoy “War and Peace” is the first argument.

In L.N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace,” the author’s condemnation of war, its cruelty and senselessness is evident. For example, one of Tolstoy’s favorite characters, Nikolai Rostov, wounded in the first battle, sees people coming towards him and feels relieved, hoping that they will help him. But when he realizes that they are coming to kill him (one of the French was aiming at him), Nikolai, shocked, grabs a pistol and throws it at his enemy, like a boy with a stone. We understand that this senseless act emphasizes Tolstoy’s conviction: war is something that is completely alien to human nature, it is absurd, and hence Nikolai’s absurd act.

In another episode, the same hero will accomplish a feat: noticing that the French are pressing ours, another moment and the most terrible thing will begin - the beating of those surrounded, Nikolai, without waiting for a command, will captivate the squadron, drive the French, and save his own. Hero? Yes. And he will receive the St. George Cross, and a promotion will come to him, but after this battle Nikolai will have something completely different in his memory: in the midst of an attack, overtaking a fleeing Frenchman, he will swing his saber and suddenly see a mortally frightened face... not an enemy, not a vile invader ( although he was both an enemy and an invader), but a man who felt the horror of approaching death. And his hand trembled; he did not slash, but only scratched the Frenchman, stopping the blow.

This is how a very important feeling is born that the hero experiences: you can and should go into battle when duty calls, but you cannot experience ecstasy when killing people, even enemies.

    L. Andreev “Red Laughter”

M. Sholokhov “Don Stories”

In “Don Stories” M. Sholokhov shows Cossack life during the civil war. All the stories are imbued with the idea: an acute class struggle divided not only the Don, the village, the farm, but also the Cossack families . Sholokhov shows the criminality of the war, its disastrous destructive consequences both for the fate of the “quiet” Don and for Russia as a whole. Both sides are wrong in this war. Grigory Melekhov very accurately expresses this author’s thought in the novel “Quiet Flows the Don”: “To tell the truth, neither one nor the other is in good conscience.”

The tragic split among the Cossacks is shown especially clearly in the story “The Birthmark.” The main characters are father and son Koshevy, whom the revolution placed on opposite sides of the barricades. Nikolka, the commander of the red squadron, wages an irreconcilable fight against the white gangs. His squadron one day encounters a gang whose chieftain is his father. To coincide with the moment of his tragic duel with his father, Sholokhov coincides with Nikolka’s thoughts about the crooked course of his life: “I would like to learn to go somewhere, but here is a gang... There’s blood again, and I’m already tired of living like this... Everything is disgusted...”

This unambiguous assessment of the war is complemented in the story by a significant detail: the messenger who brought the package. He drove the horse to death, and this further convinces Nikolka that what he is doing is wrong.

The story ends in tragedy: father and son, unrecognized, meet on the battlefield, the father kills his son and accidentally recognizes him by his birthmark, realizes that he has committed a terrible sin, and passes judgment on himself.

    Topic: Human moral choice in war conditions

V. Bykov “Sotnikov”

Vasil Bykov is a Belarusian writer. He himself went through the Great Patriotic War, was seriously wounded, fought on the territory of his native Belarus, where every fourth resident died at the hands of the Nazis.

The problem of a person's moral choice in war his story “Sotnikov” is dedicated to it. The plot of the book is based on the story of how two partisans: Sotnikov and Rybak go to the village to get a sheep for the detachment. Before this, the heroes knew each other little, although they had already fought and even helped each other out in battle. Sotnikov feels unwell, but still volunteers to go.

The fisherman, a simple-minded and kind guy, takes pity on him, gives him his towel so that Sotnikov can wrap his throat, shares the remaining food with him, does not abandon Sotnikov during a clash with the police, although he has the opportunity to escape.

At first, the reader's sympathies are on the side of Rybak: it seems that this particular hero is destined to accomplish a feat. He is brave, desperate, and does not abandon his comrade in difficult times.

The situation changes after the arrest of the heroes. The author confronts his heroes with a choice: to die, but not to sully their conscience, or to live, but become a traitor.

The outwardly weak Sotnikov turns out to be a strong-willed man. He immediately realizes the hopelessness of the situation and makes a choice. He does not hesitate for a second, preferring to die rather than betray his comrades and his moral principles.

Until the last minute, the fisherman does not believe that he cannot escape from this trap. He enters into a dangerous game with the enemy and, unwittingly, lets it slip, falling into a skillfully laid trap. From this moment his moral decline begins. There is no turning back, and Rybak begins to live by different laws. At the end of the story, he becomes the executioner of his former comrade Sotnikov.

V. Bykov's heroes, finding themselves in a crisis situation, reveal their essence. The story of “Sotnikov” teaches us that in the most inhumane situations a person must act according to his conscience, remain human, no matter how difficult it may be at times.

V. Bykov “Obelisk”

The plot of the story is based on the story of teacher Ales Moroz, who shortly before the war comes to the village of Seltso in Western Belarus and considers his main task not only to teach children to read and write, but also to instill in them a sense of self-worth and civic consciousness. “The main thing,” he says, “is that the guys now understand that they are people, not rednecks...”

When the Germans arrive, Moroz is allowed to continue working at the school. Such permission could be considered cooperation with the invaders, but Moroz, risking his life, taught the children courage and instilled in them hatred of the invaders. His students committed sabotage by blowing up a car with fascists, were captured and sentenced to death.

Moroz, who was in the partisan detachment, learns that the Germans promise to release the children if he voluntarily surrenders. Both the teacher himself and the partisans understand that this is just a trick, the boys will be executed in any case. The situation of moral choice is further complicated by the fact that Moroz knows the location of the partisan detachment. If he spills the beans under torture, the lives of many people will be in jeopardy. On the one hand - “simple arithmetic”, on the other - the main character feels like a Teacher, bearing moral responsibility for what moral qualities he instilled in his students. And, despite the ban, Moroz returns to the village and surrenders into the hands of the fascists in order to support the guys in difficult times. He dies with them, but helps his best student Pavel Miklashevich escape.

The attitude of different heroes to Ales Moroz's action in the story is ambiguous. Many people believed that the teacher acted rashly and his sacrifice was meaningless. The author of the story forces readers to make their choice - to evaluate the hero’s actions. Personally, I agree with the opinion of Pavel Miklashevich, who spent his whole life proving that Ales Moroz accomplished a real feat and his name is worthy of being carved on the obelisk next to the names of his students. In a tragic situation, he decided to be with his students to show them an example of courage and perseverance in the face of death.

Ales Moroz reminds me of the great teacher Janusz Korczak, who also died along with his students. These are true teachers, Teachers with a capital T.

    What allows a person to remain human in the terrible inhuman conditions of war?

M. Sholokhov “Foal”

The main theme of M. Sholokhov’s “Don Stories” can be defined as follows: the dehumanization of both reds and whites during the civil war and rare moments of triumph of a very difficult reverse process - dehumanization.

Thus, in one of the best stories, “The Foal,” the author talks about how a mare gives birth to a foal, and the commissioner orders him to be shot. However, the hero of the story Trofim cannot do this; he saves him when the foal drowns and Trofim himself dies.

M. Sholokhov, using the example of this hero, shows that Christian values, the Gospel commandments, it turns out, intuitively live in the souls of people, humanity was not completely lost during the fratricidal war. The author is sure that people have humanistic resources, he hopes so. That compassion, kindness, and the desire to free themselves from the cruelty and violence of war have not been completely eradicated from people.

M. Sholokhov “Shebalkovo seed”

In the story “Shebalkovo’s Seed” the Red Army soldiers kill a White Guard spy, they propose to kill the baby found in the cart: “For his legs and on the wheel!” Why are you suffering with him, Shebalok?” Since a child is born to a White Guard spy, he should be considered an enemy... It would seem that there is primitive cruelty, a loss of the most important Christian value.

But the Red Army soldier Shebalka retains this feeling, although the hero himself is not aware of it: “But I feel extremely sorry for the shooter!” And this “pity” immediately suggests that the hearts of the Cossacks have not completely hardened and lost mercy. Both red and white can be animals, or they can also be people.

“Don Stories” is short, but in them the author’s position6 clearly sounds: concern for the fate of people and at the same time faith in the victory of the good principle in man.


  1. In which word is there an error in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted incorrectly?

    • call them
    • vomited
    • citizenship
    • old

Right answers:

  1. citizenship


  1. Which answer option uses the highlighted word incorrectly?

    • In the unclear, diffused light of the night, MAJESTIC and beautiful vistas of St. Petersburg opened up before us: the Neva, the embankment, canals, palaces.
    • DIPLOMATIC relations between Russia and the USA were established in 1807.
    • The most HUMANE professions on earth are those on which the spiritual life and health of a person depends.

Right answers:

  1. Iron, chromium, manganese, copper and nickel are PAINT substances, components of many paints created from these minerals.


  1. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

    • lie down (on the floor)
    • their work
    • hot soups
    • six hundred students

Right answers:

  1. six hundred students


  1. Provide a grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

    Speaking of the richness of language,

    • a discussion began in the audience.
    • I became interested in this problem.
    • specific examples are required.

Right answers:

  1. we meant mainly his vocabulary.


  1. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

    • "Moidodyr", written by Korney Chukovsky and published in the 20s of the twentieth century, became one of the most beloved works by children.
    • M. Gorky in one of his articles notes that poets before Pushkin did not know the people at all, were not interested in their fate, and rarely wrote about them.
    • Those who strive for a dream since childhood often realize their life plans.

Right answers:

  1. Thanks to the increased level of service, there were more customers in company stores.


  1. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

    • French words and expressions that penetrate the Russian language are called Gallicisms.
    • In order to promote the development of literature and literary language, the Russian Academy was created in the 18th century, which became the main scientific center for the study of the Russian language and literature.
    • In the second half of the 18th century, French influence on the speech of Russian nobles, which played an important role in the process of Europeanization of the Russian literary language, became predominant.

Right answers:

  1. The environment in which living organisms exist is constantly changing.


Text for completing tasks A7 - A12

(1)... (2) The wooden sailing ships, approaching each other, fired point-blank at each other with cast-iron cannonballs from small cannons loaded from the muzzle. (3) Since the energy of the nuclei was rarely enough to disable the ship, the battle could end in abodation. (4) At the same time, from the attacking ship, which had grappled with the enemy’s side, sailors landed on the enemy deck and tried to take possession of the enemy ship in hand-to-hand combat. (5)... the industrial revolution of the 19th century very quickly made adjustments to this area of ​​​​military affairs, and the first important innovation was steam engines. (6) Their installation on military vessels eliminated the previous dependence on the strength and direction of the wind, allowing them to maneuver freely, choosing the position that was most advantageous for firing and at the same time providing the least vulnerability from enemy fire.


  1. Which of the following sentences should come first in this text?

    • The unreliability of the first steam engines and their size aroused a rather skeptical attitude among sailors.
    • Along with artillery, other types of naval weapons appeared.
    • For the first time, steam engines took part in hostilities during the Crimean War.

Right answers:

  1. Even in the first third of the 19th century, naval battles differed little from those that took place a hundred years before.


  1. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in the blank in the fifth sentence?

    • However
    • Despite this,
    • Hence,

Right answers:

  1. However


  1. What combination of words is the grammatical basis in one of the sentences or in one of the parts of a complex sentence in the text?

    • steel machines (offer 5)
    • the ships fired point blank (sentence 2)
    • the sailors tried to take possession (sentence 4)

Right answers:

  1. disable (sentence 3)


  1. Indicate the correct characteristic of the third sentence of the text.

    • complex non-union
    • complex
    • simple with homogeneous terms
    • complex with non-union and allied subordination between parts

Right answers:

  1. complex


  1. Write a sentence that contains the present passive participle.

Right answers:


  1. Indicate the meaning of the word CORRECTIVE (CORRECTIVES) (sentence 5).

    • politeness
    • ratio
    • error
    • amendment

Right answers:

  1. amendment


  1. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers in whose place NN is written?

    The originality of the art of (1) the world of (2) their stories N.V. Gogol is connected (3) with the use of folklore traditions: from (4) in folk tales, semi-pagan legends and traditions, the writer found themes and plots for his works.

    • 1, 2, 3
    • 2, 3, 4
    • 1, 2, 4

Right answers:

  1. 1, 2, 4


  1. In which row in all words is the unstressed vowel of the root being tested missing?

    • progressive, commissioned,
    • selects, ornament...nt, program...
    • donkey...captive, k...fell asleep, sovereignty

Right answers:

  1. in... the river, development, sh... sting


  1. In which row is the same letter missing in all words?

    • on...laying, on...edge, on...lowercase
    • play, over...investment, find
    • bar...barry, s...sarcastically, monkey...

Right answers:

  1. pr...stand up, pr...glue,


  1. In which row in both words is the letter I written in place of the gap?

    • relate, fluff...
    • look...looked at, noticed...
    •, broken...

Right answers:

  1. look...looked at, noticed...


  1. Which answer option contains all the words where the letter E is missing?

    A. nickel...vy, B., C. welcome, D. impoverish...

    • A, B, D
    • A B C

Right answers:



  1. In which sentence are both highlighted words written together?

    • The city of Kalinov does not need either lightning rods or a perpetual motion machine, BECAUSE (BECAUSE) all this (S) SIMPLY has no place in the patriarchal world.
    • It is possible to (IN) DIFFERENTLY explain the scene of the verbal duel between Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich, and (AT) AT THE BEGINNING it may seem that the nihilist is right.
    • TO return Radishchev to the modern reader, it is necessary to try to impartially evaluate his philosophical views, AS WELL as his literary work.

Right answers:

  1. (F) OFTEN we don’t even imagine (HOW) HOW important it is for a person to understand what is most important to him in life.


  1. Provide the correct explanation for the use of a comma or its absence in the sentence.

    M.V. Lomonosov outlined the distinction between significant and function words () and later this distinction was supported by the largest representatives of Russian science.

    • A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the conjunction and no comma is needed.
    • A complex sentence with a secondary member common to the parts, before the conjunction. And a comma is not needed.
    • A simple sentence with homogeneous members, a comma is needed before the conjunction AND.

Right answers:

  1. A complex sentence, before the conjunction And a comma is needed.


  1. The first exhibition of the Peredvizhniki (1) opened in 1871 (2) convincingly demonstrated the existence in painting (3) of a new direction that was taking shape throughout the 60s (4).

    • 1, 2, 3
    • 1, 2, 3, 4

Right answers:


  1. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentences?

    In late autumn or winter, flocks of either melodiously chirping or sharply screaming birds appear on city streets. It is (1) apparently (2) for this cry that the birds got their name - waxwings, because the verb “waxwing” (3) according to linguists (4) once meant “to whistle sharply, to shout.”

    • 1, 2, 3, 4

Right answers:

  1. 1, 2, 3, 4


  1. Indicate a sentence that requires one comma. (No punctuation marks included).

    • Someone was cleaning the mansion and waiting for the owners.
    • Many literary scholars and historians argue again and again about Goethe’s relationship with the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin.
    • From the houses there were rows of trees or bushes or flowers in all directions.

Right answers:

  1. In the syntactic structure of the two poetic texts we can find both similarities and differences.


  1. How to explain the placement of the colon in this sentence?

    A large role in the opera by A.P. Borodin's "Prince Igor" plays folk scenes: choirs of the townspeople of Putivl accompanying Igor and his army on a campaign, a choir of boyars announcing the capture of the prince.

    • The second part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the consequence of what is said in the first part.
    • The second part of a non-union complex sentence explains and reveals the content of what is said in the first part.
    • The first part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the time of occurrence of what is said in the second part.

Right answers:

  1. The generalizing word comes before the homogeneous members of the sentence.


  1. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

    The idea of ​​a single European space (1), a fan (2) of which (3) was the first director of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, Malinovsky (4), gained many supporters.

Right answers:


  1. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

    After the third bell sounded (1) the curtain trembled and slowly moved up (2) and (3) as soon as the audience saw their favorite (4) the walls of the theater literally trembled with applause and enthusiastic screams.

    • 1, 2, 3, 4

Right answers:

  1. 1, 2, 3, 4


Read the text.

Text for completing task A27

Ground storage facilities for liquid radioactive products and solid waste disposal sites can be sources of contamination of soils, groundwater and underground (deep) waters. Therefore, to prevent and prevent dangerous radioactive contamination, the movement of groundwater from disposal points to the outlet of groundwater to a surface water source is monitored. This control is carried out using special maps of groundwater movement and possible migration of contaminants.

  1. Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text?

    • Monitoring of the distribution of radioactive products in the ground flow is carried out in observation wells, the depth and location of which depend on the purpose of the structures, hydrogeological conditions and the nature of the soil.
    • Liquid and solid radioactive waste are sources of contamination of soils, groundwater and underground (deep) waters.
    • The direction of movement and speed of groundwater and underground (deep) water requires strict control, therefore it is necessary to create special hydrogeological maps of different regions of Russia.

Right answers:

  1. To avoid dangerous radioactive contamination, special maps are used to control the movement of groundwater from radioactive waste disposal sites to access to a surface water source.

A28-A30, B1-B8

Read the text and complete tasks A28-A30, B1-B8.

Text for completing tasks A28-A30, B1-B8

(According to L. Leonov)


  1. What does the hero’s statement mean: “I thought I would bleed seven times before I became a man, but this is how it happens, dry... and this is the font of maturity!”?

    • The retreat of our troops takes place without fighting, without blood.
    • The author of the letter is not capable of committing any reprehensible act.
    • The author of the letter is not a coward and is not afraid of battles.

Right answers:

  1. To become a real man, you don’t always have to prove your physical strength; sometimes it’s more important to test your mental strength.


  1. Which of the following statements is false?

    • Sentences 17, 18, 20, 22 list the characters' sequential actions.
    • Sentences 3-5 present the reasoning.
    • Sentences 8-9 include description.

Right answers:

  1. Sentences 24-26 contain narration.


  1. What word is used figuratively in the text?

    • unfolded (sentence 8)
    • burn (sentence 15)
    • closed his eyes (sentence 22)
    • thundered (sentence 29)

Right answers:

  1. thundered (sentence 29)

Part 2


Write down the answers to tasks B1-B3 in words.

IN 1

From sentences 4 and 5, write down a word formed in a prefix-suffix way.



AT 2

Write out the numeral from sentences 16-18.


Also possible: nine

AT 3

Indicate the type of subordinating connection in the phrase IN THOSE DAYS (sentence 29).




Write down the answers to tasks B4-B7 in numbers.

AT 4

Among sentences 21-26, find complex ones that include a one-component impersonal. Write the number of these complex sentences.


It is also possible to indicate: 26.21

Numbers are separated by commas without spaces. Commas are written in separate cells.

AT 5

Among sentences 1-9, find a sentence complicated by a separate common agreed upon definition. Write the number of this offer.


AT 6

Among sentences 2-9, find a complex sentence with a subordinate clause of purpose. Write the number of this offer.


AT 7

Among sentences 15-19, find one that is connected to the previous one using a personal pronoun. Write the number of this offer.


AT 8

Read a fragment of a review based on the text that you analyzed while completing tasks A28-A30, B1-B7. This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the blanks with numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list. If you do not know which number from the list should appear in the blank space, write the number 0.

Write down the sequence of numbers in the order in which you wrote them down in the text of the review where there are gaps in answer form No. 1 to the right of task number B8, starting from the first cell.

A fragment from L. Leonov’s novel “Russian Forest” confirms the idea that even complex philosophical problems can be discussed in an accessible way. This is achieved with the help of the following tropes: _____ (“The font of maturity” in sentence 24), _____ (“inquisitive, questioning eyes” in sentence 21), _____ (“the midday sun is a thousand times easier to look at” in sentence 21). Strengthens the effect of reading _____ (“retreat” in sentence 12, “I am not a coward” in sentence 21). This technique fixes the reader’s attention on the main thing and emphasizes the author’s most important thoughts.

List of terms:

1) anaphora

2) metaphor

3) hyperbole

4) professional vocabulary

5) parcellation

6) lexical repetition

7) opposition

8) epithets

9) contextual synonyms


Also possible: 2836

It is better to indicate numbers separated by commas without spaces. Commas are written in separate cells.

Part 3


Write an essay based on the text you read.

(1) Polya’s inflamed state, and most importantly, her confused, ambiguous speech - everything suggested the worst guesses, much more terrible than even Rodion’s captivity or his mortal wound.

(2) “No, this is completely different,” Polya shuddered and, turning to the wall, took out a crumpled, over-read triangle from under the pillow.

(3) Subsequently, Varya was ashamed of her initial assumptions. (4) Although rare transit trains did not stay in Moscow, the stations were nearby, and Rodion knew Polina’s address. (5) Of course, the command might not have allowed the soldier to leave the train to the Blagoveshchensk dead-end street, then why didn’t he at least write a postcard to his beloved on her way to the active army?..

(6) So, this was the first news from the front with a delay of more than two weeks. (7) In any case, now it will become clear with what thoughts he went to war. (8) Varya impatiently unfolded the piece of paper, which was pierced all over with a pencil - apparently it was written on her knee. (9) I had to go to the lamp to make out the dim, half-finished lines.

(10) Varya immediately came across the main place.

(11) “Perhaps the only reason, my dear, why I was silent all this time - there was nowhere to settle down,” Rodion wrote briefly, with unexpected completeness and straightforwardly, as in a confession. (12) “We are still retreating for now, day and night we retreat, occupy more advantageous defensive positions, as the reports say (13) I was very sick, and even now I have not fully recovered: my illness is worse than any shell shock (14) The most bitter thing is that I myself am completely. I’m healthy, all whole, there’s not a single scratch on me yet. (15) Burn this letter, I can tell you alone in the whole world about this,” Varya turned the page.

(16) The incident happened in a Russian village, which our unit passed through in retreat. (17) I was the last in the company... and maybe the last in the entire army. (18) In front of us on the road stood a local girl of about nine years old, just a child, apparently taught at school to love the Red Army... (19) Of course, she did not really understand the strategic situation. (20) She ran up to us with wildflowers, and, as it happened, I got them. (21) She had such inquisitive, questioning eyes - the midday sun is a thousand times easier to look at, but I forced myself to take the bouquet, because I am not a coward, I swear to you by my mother, Polenka, that I am not a coward. (22) I closed my eyes, but took it from her, abandoned to the mercy of the enemy... (23) Since then, I have kept that dried broom with me constantly, on my body, like a burden of fire in my bosom, I order it to be put on myself in the grave, if what will happen. (24) I thought I would bleed seven times before I became a man, but this is how it happens, dry... and this is the font of maturity! (25) Then two lines came across that were completely illegible. - (26) And I don’t know, Polenka, whether my whole life will be enough to pay for that gift..."

- (27) Yes, he has grown up a lot, your Rodion, you’re right... - Varya said, folding the letter, because with such a line of thinking, it is unlikely that this soldier would be capable of any reprehensible act.

(28) Hugging, the girlfriends listened to the rustle of the rain and the rare, faded beeps of cars. (29) The topic of the conversation was the events of the past day: the exhibition of captured aircraft that opened on the central square, the unfilled crater on Veselykh Street, as they were already accustomed to calling it among themselves, Gastello, whose selfless feat would resound throughout the country in those days.

(According to L. Leonov)

*Leonid Maksimovich Leonov (1899-1994)
- Russian writer, public figure.

Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed by the author of the text (avoid excessive quoting).

Formulate the position of the author (storyteller). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the text you read. Explain why. Justify your answer, relying primarily on reading experience, as well as knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

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