Games for chocolate day in kindergarten. World Chocolate Day. Equipment and materials

(For senior preschool age)


Educational: introduce children to the history of sugar, arouse interest in the holiday, and contribute to the formation of an emotional attitude towards what is perceived.

Educational: develop the desire to take an active part in the preparation and conduct of entertainment, to experience a sense of fun and joy.

Educational: continue to cultivate sensitivity to the artistic word, friendly attitude towards each other

Equipment and materials:

Demo. Pictures of berries: red and black currants, gooseberries, cherries, raspberries, blueberries, plums, apples, sugar cane and sugar, samovar, K. Chukovsky’s book “The Cluttering Fly”

Dispensing. 5 types of jam, napkins, teaspoons according to the number of children, blindfolds, treats, 2 large pyramids, small yellow balls, 2 baskets.

Progress of entertainment.

Presenter: Good afternoon, dear guys! After all, he is really kind, because today is a sweet, cheerful holiday, “Sweet Tooth Day”! Raise your hands, how many of you have a sweet tooth? Oh, there are so many of you! This means that you will definitely like our entertainment.

1 child: Very often they say

Children love marmalade


Also important signs

Cakes, puff pastries and cookies,

Cream, homemade jam,

And crunchy nuts, -

They just have a sweet tooth.

2nd child: Adults and children know

There is no better sweetness in the world,

Everyone loves him very much

Of course it's a popsicle.

Arouses admiration

Milk delicate chocolate,

Get a treat

Everyone would be very happy.

3 child: So many sweets in the world

The guys like these ones

Caramels, lollipops,

And with the name “Starlings”,

“Bears”, “Squirrels”, “Toffees”,

"Karakum" and "Barberry".

Every sweet has a secret

Candy also has it.

Presenter: Let's remember the heroes from children's works who loved sweets very much and could not even live without it. Everything is correct, well done! We have prepared a surprise for you. Meet the first guest!

(the sound of a motor is heard, Carlson flies in)


I am Carlson!

The most cheerful in the world

That's why I like both adults and children.

I am the most beautiful, well-mannered,

Smart and moderately well-fed!

Arrived for a sweet evening,

Despite the strong wind!

Presenter: Thank you, Carlson, for coming to visit us! And today we have a fun sweet holiday!

Carlson: Sweet? This is good. Guys, do you know what I love most in the world?

Carlson: That's right, most of all I love jam. Do you want to know which berries I like best for this treat? Then guess my riddles:

Two sisters next to each other are green

By autumn one turns red,

The other one turns green. (Red and black currants)

Low and prickly, sweet and fragrant,

Pick the berries -

You'll rip off your whole hand. (Gooseberry)

I'm sitting on the tower,

Small as a mouse

Tastes like honey. (Cherry)

Little red doll,

Little white heart. (Raspberry)

Sits next to us

Looks with black eyes.

Black, sweet, small

And nice to all the guys. (Blueberry)

Birds demolished

Blue testicles

Hung on a tree:

The shell is soft,

Sweet protein

And the yolk is bone. (Plum)

Round, rosy,

I grow on a branch:

Adults love me

And little children. (Apple)

Well done! You solved all my riddles. Now try to taste what kind of berries it is made from?

Competition “Guess the Jam”

Thank you guys! It’s time for me to go home, otherwise the Kid is bored without me. Bye!

Presenter: There was always sweet stuff. But in ancient times people did not know how to make sugar. What did they feast on? What nature gave them was fruits and honey. And then, much time later, man discovered that from some plants you can get a sweet product - sugar. Sugar is made from sugar cane; in distant, warm countries from sugar beets. The sugar we eat comes from sugar beets. And people began to make sweets from sugar, add fruits, nuts, and milk to it. What sweets with added sugar do you know? Now I suggest you bake delicious cakes.

Game "Let's bake a cake"

(the “Winnie the Pooh Song” sounds, the cartoon character Winnie the Pooh appears)

Presenter: Hello, Winnie the Pooh!

Winnie the Pooh: Hello guys! I heard you have a sweet holiday here. Carlson flew past and reported this news.

The bear loves honey very much!

Why? Who will understand?

Really? Why?

Does he like honey that much?

You know, I really love playing with my friends. And I would love to play with you too. Do you guys agree? Come out and stand in a circle.

Game “If you like me, then do it this way”

Presenter: And now you can play with us, Winnie the Pooh. The guys and I will teach you how to properly handle bees. They just need help. And then they themselves will treat you with fragrant honey.

Game "Help the bee collect pollen"

Winnie the Pooh: How fun and great you are! But it's time for me to return to the forest to my friends. By the way, today we were just going to visit the Rabbit; we haven’t visited him for a long time. Goodbye guys!

Presenter: Now listen to the excerpt and guess what work it is from.

“Fly, clattering fly,

Gilded belly!

A fly walked across the field,

The fly found the money.

A fly went to the market

And I bought a samovar.”

Right. Well done! This is the work of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky “The Cluttering Fly”. And now she herself has come to visit us!

The clattering fly: Hello, children! I came to you, and not alone, but with my samovar. I know you are having a sweet evening. So there will be a tea party. What would a tea party be without a samovar, without dancing and fun?

Presenter: And that’s true! How can we live without a samovar? Thank you, Tsokotuha Fly! And we prepared a dance to thank you.

Children perform the Tumbler dance

Presenter: And the guys also learned a poem about you!

Child: Once upon a time there lived a Clean Fly!

The Fly was swimming all the time!

She swam on Sunday

In excellent strawberry jam.

On Monday - in cherry liqueur,

On Tuesday - in tomato sauce.

On Wednesday - in lemon jelly,

On Thursday - in jelly and resin.

On Friday - in yogurt,

In compote and semolina porridge.

On Saturday, after washing myself in ink,

She said: “I can’t do it anymore!”

I'm terribly, terribly tired,

But it doesn’t seem to have gotten any cleaner!”

The clattering fly: Oh, what a s-w-wonderful poem! It was a pleasure staying with you!

Presenter: We will call you again

Now let's go guys

Let's drink tea and sweets.

(Children go into groups for tea)

Name: World Chocolate Day, July 11th. Scenario of entertaining leisure time for preschoolers of the senior group “And we sing about candy.”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, game activities, Senior group

Position: teacher
Place of work: MADOU MO Krasnodar “Kindergarten No. 196”
Location: Krasnodar st. Imeni Tyulyaeva, house 31

Scenario of entertaining leisure time for preschoolers of the senior group “And we sing about candy”
(for World Chocolate Day on July 11).

Fill the children’s time in kindergarten with positive emotions;

To develop in children observation, intelligence, logical thinking, and the ability to solve riddles;

Develop team spirit, the desire to take an active part in the preparation and holding of a common holiday.

Progress of the event.

The song “I Want Sweets” sounds (lyrics by B. Troitsky), Queen Chocolate enters with the fairy Candy

Queen:- Hello guys! I am the queen of the country of Chocolate, and this is my assistant fairy Candy.

Fairy Candy: Very often said

Children love marmalade


Also important signs

Queen:- Today we invite you to go to the country of Chocolate. Do you want it? Then solve the riddles.

He lives in his foil
It quickly melts in your hand.
Very tasty, very sweet,
Smears the kids' faces. (Chocolate)

We're rustling in the candy store
Bright candy wrappers.
And for the holiday we want
To come to you with gifts. (Candies)

Mom, honey, where are you?
Get the service out quickly.
There are sticky candies
They are called "Kis-kis". (Taffy)

Well, fairy Candy, let's take the guys on a trip to our sweet country?

Fairy Candy waves her magic wand and casts the spell KIDS TURN INTO CANDY. The boys wear headbands.

Queen: -Guys, chocolate day is celebrated on July 11th. Chocolate was originally a bitter drink. Much time later, man discovered that from some plants one can obtain a sweet product - sugar. Sugar is made from sugar cane; in distant, warm countries from sugar beets. The sugar we eat comes from sugar beets. And from sugar, people began to make sweets and chocolate bars. The world's first monument to chocolate was opened on July 1, 2009 in the city of Pokrov, Vladimir region.
Now let's remember what sweets you know?

Children's answers.

The winners receive medals.

Queen:-Oh, who is this coming to us?

The bear enters to the song of Winnie the Pooh.

Fairy Candy:- This is Sweet Tooth Bear

Teddy bear I love chocolate

I also eat marmalade!

I'd like to eat some honey

A little bit of everything!

Guys, can you imagine, I brought you a bag of sweets. Yes, that's the problem! The bag got lost. Let's find him.

Game "Find the bag"

Misha: -Now let's guess how many sweets are in this wonderful bag.

The winners are awarded medals.

Queen:-Misha, thank you for coming to visit us and bringing a gift. For this we will sing you a song about candy.

SONG “I want candy”

Misha:- What a wonderful song! Guys, do you want some more candy? Then I suggest you play an interesting game!

Game “Unwrap the candy!”
There are two plates in front of the children. There are candies on one plate. Children are asked to take turns unwrapping as many candies as possible and placing them on an empty plate.

Misha:-What a sweet tooth you are! We quickly dealt with the candy wrappers! Now you can eat the candy.

The winners receive medals.

Fairy Candy: -Let’s remember the heroes from children’s works who loved sweets very much and couldn’t even live without it.

Children's answers.

Queen:-well done, guys. Now let's show Sweet Tooth Bear how we can dance! . But the dance will not be easy. Everyone has their own candy wrapper, and when the song ends, the guys with the same candy wrappers must find each other and get into pairs.

Dance game with paper candy wrappers.

Teddy bear:-Oh, how talented you are. And now I want to test your intelligence. There's a quiz ahead.


1. Served during holidays and celebrations. It may contain candles (cake)

2. It is eaten all year round, but most often, of course, in the summer (ice cream)

3. Large, comes with cabbage, apples, mushrooms (pie)

4. Carlson’s favorite dessert (jam)

5. An airy delicacy of white or pink color, very tasty, sometimes covered in chocolate.

6. Famous oriental sweet, often prepared from ground sunflower seeds (halva)

7. Can be glazed, unglazed and with chocolate filling in candy wrappers or boxes (sweets).

8. Winnie the Pooh couldn’t live a day without him (honey)

9. Sweet bar (chocolate)

The winners receive medals.

Queen:- How smart you guys are! And now I offer you a speed relay race!

Game “Free the hoop from candy”

Two teams pass candies from one hoop to another in a chain of speed.

The winners receive medals and all the candy.

Fairy Candy: - Great! Well done! Queen Chocolate, let's now have girls compete against boys?

Game "Beads from sweets".

The team that makes the most beautiful delicious beads receives medals.

Misha: - Oh, I’m already tired! It's time to refresh yourself!

Today we are in a sweet fairy tale,
This holiday is just for us!
And let's try everything together
Treats now!
Famous sweets, chocolate and gingerbread.
Useful for everyone, only in moderation
Both big and small!


During the day there is also a competition for drawing the most beautiful box of chocolates and a festive disco.

Methodical what a development

game program

Circle leaders

"City of Masters"

Zhuravleva O.V.

Shnyrova O.V.




Hello girls!


Hello boys!



You see, Klyopochka, they better say hello to me! Louder! So I'm the best clown in the world.


It's not polite to brag! And why did you decide that they greeted you louder? Let's believe again! So, girls, let's shout "GIRLS" loudly.


And then the boys will shout “BOYS” even louder!



Well, I think that the girls still need to give in.


Well, I agree! Why are we gathered here?


Tyopka, today is World Chocolate Day!


That's great! I love chocolate! Do you children like chocolates?



So, Tepochka, miracles happen not only on New Year’s Eve. Hot summer holidays can also be magical. Today is the sweetest, sweetest, most delicious World Chocolate Day! It is celebrated on July 11, at the height of the hot summer.


Who came up with this sweet holiday?


And the French invented this holiday. World Chocolate Day has been celebrated since 1995.


A very young holiday! And I suggest having fun and overeating on chocolate today! Do you agree?




Give me a ticket

To chocolate country

Where the milky wind blows

Chocolate wave.


Where it floats to the cries of seagulls

chocolate steamer,

And at the pier he meets

Chocolate hippopotamus.


Where they grow are a sight to behold

Chocolate forests.

And lies on the plants

Chocolate dew…


Where it is proud of its plumage

Chocolate Cockatoo,

Chocolate reindeer

Chocolate caress awaits.


With chocolate eyes

Chocolate kangaroo

Amuses everyone with jumping

And he invites you to his game.


I searched nonstop

And got myself a ticket:

Chocolate world in a box

Delicious sweets!


I suggest you start celebrating chocolate day with a fun contest!

Two players from each squad are invited to the stage.



And now we will blindfold all the players with scarves. And the audience helps us with applause.



And now the most interesting and delicious part of the competition! We give one of the players candy. You must unwrap the candy wrapper and try to feed your friend the candy. The main thing is not to miss! We don’t throw candy wrappers on the floor, they will come in handy.


So, I'm handing out candy, you're waiting for the team to start the competition. The audience supports their friends with applause! Music! We count: one, two, three, start.



What a delicious competition! The guys are just great! Do you know, Tepa, who was the first to learn how to make chocolate?


No, unfortunately I don’t know.


This happened several thousand years ago. And in those distant times it did not look like a bar or candy. Chocolate was a wonderful drink. He appeared in Spain. The Spaniards carefully guarded the recipe for a drink called “chocolate”. But they still did not save the information and European countries received a recipe for a wonderful drink.


So interesting! But I suggest moving on to the next competition! Do you guys mind? And turn it up! And even louder! Two players from each squad are invited to the stage! Moreover, it must be a girl and a boy!


And now I will tell you the rules of the competition. The girl holds a plate where sweets are hidden in the depths of the flour. The boy must get the candy from the plate without using his hands and not get dirty. Then he must use his hands to unwrap the candy and feed the girl. The girl should not touch the candy with her hands. The rules must be followed! So, let's count: one, two, three, start.



And you won’t find any kind of chocolate candies these days. Lunch!


And I saw real chocolate medals and paintings!


Have you seen chocolate dances?


Dancing? No.


Well, then look!

A perky ringing rhythm sounds,

The soul jumps to the beat,

And everything is burning under your feet

And the hands move like this...



The guys danced so well and cheerfully. I also wanted to dance to cheerful and sweet music. Guys, do you want to dance? I invite you to have fun with us! Tepa. Let's start the fun dance!



Rustling with candy paper

The cat was playing on the floor.

A well-aimed blow with a clawed paw -

And forfeit, like a ball, in my corner!

Yes, our cat is a football player!

I take a candy wrapper from the corner -

Well, get up at the gate, pussy,

Now we will continue the game...


Tepa, we won’t play football with candy wrappers. We’d better let’s see what crafts the guys in their squads made from candy wrappers.



And now I propose to solve the riddles - chants! Are you ready to solve riddles loudly and together?


1.Here are crispy cookies

And milk chocolate.

You won't even want jam

Only he will make you happy.

Mysterious like Mr. X-

Well of course it is….(twix).

2.It has everything you can possibly want

It's impossible to pass by!

Named after one planet

And we love you with all the white light!

He is a support, just great!

Everyone knows what it is…(Mars).

3.What is this thing?

Focus is a subtle science.

He won't drown in milk

Gentle, it will touch your soul!

Printed it out, hurry up!

Our favorite...(milky-way)

Sweet and tea riddles

On holiday I will come to everyone,

I'm big and sweet.

I have nuts, cream,

Cream, chocolates.(Cake)

He lives in his foil

It quickly melts in your hand.

Very tasty, very sweet,

Smears the kids' faces.(Chocolate)

I'm in a glass, a cone,

Tasty and tender.

Made with milk

More often - snow-white.

I live in freezers,

And in the sun I immediately melt.(Ice cream)

He was baked in the oven, dark-skinned,

Like a steering wheel, also round.

This soft bagel

I'll eat it for breakfast early.(Bagel)

Their granny with sugar

Baked, sweet.

The first one came out - like a lump,

And others are smooth.(Pancakes)

We are with raisins, almonds

We'll bake them for Easter.

And sculpt them in the yard

Kids love it too.(Kulichi)

Maybe it's sandy

And sometimes with cream.

Sometimes it happens with juicy

Delicious jam.

And the meringue can be tiny,

And in a glazed peel

Maybe it's a potato

Just not puree at all.(Cake)

Mom, honey, where are you?

Get the service out quickly.

There are sticky candies

They are called "Kis-kis".(Taffy)

On top there are diamond patterns,

And the filling is inside them.

Fast tea utensils

Take it from the shelf in the kitchen.

We offer them for tea

Grandfather and baby.

And in their honor we name

Often a towel.(Waffles)

Sweet berry granny

I cooked something.

And it will last us for a year

For tea and compotes.(Jam)

I look like jam

Just worn out.

Will you take me to tea?

And add it to the cake. (Jam)

I'm shaking in my glass

It's like I'm afraid.

For dessert I'll offer you

Its pleasant taste.(Jelly)


Well done guys! And now we invite you to dance again!



And for the next competition we invite a certain number of participants from each squad. Be careful:



3.CITRUS - 10






9. Squirrel-7





And the conditions of the competition are as follows:

You need to add up the name of the candy from the letters you receive and show it to the audience. So, one, two, three, here we go!



A miracle has grown in our clearing - a tree! It is not simple, but magical! Only one candy ripens on it per year. But how delicious!


And what do you propose to do with it? Eat it?



Do you want to divide one candy among 267 children, counselors and educators???


YES! And you will help me with this!

They go out to get some candy and hand out bags of candy to the children.

Entertainment for children of the senior group "Sweet Tooth"

Holiday scenario for older children

Author: Yulia Anatolyevna Repina, teacher, Secondary School No. 285 named after V. A. Molodtsov, Unit No. 3, Moscow

Entertainment for children of the senior group “Sweet Tooth”.

- introduce students to the history of chocolate;
- talk about the benefits and harms of chocolate;
- learn to sing poems expressively,
- make children happy.

Preliminary work:
- conversation with children about the history of the origin of the “Chocolate Day” holiday.
- selection of literary material.
- learning poems about sweets.

Tell the children that Chocolate Day is celebrated on July 11th. That chocolate was first a bitter drink. Then they started adding sugar for sweetness. For a long time, chocolate was consumed only in liquid form. The familiar tiled form appeared much later. Then they began to add milk and various fillers to the chocolate....
... The world's first monument to chocolate was opened on July 1, 2009 in the city of Pokrov, Vladimir region
The celebration takes place in the music hall. The hall is decorated with various pictures of sweets, and voluminous replicas of sweets hang everywhere.

Children enter the hall to the song “Song of the Sweet Tooth.”
- Hello guys! Today we will go to the country of Sweet Tooths. Do you want it? Yes!!! Then solve the riddles.

He lives in his foil
It quickly melts in your hand.
Very tasty, very sweet,
Smears the kids' faces. (Chocolate)

We're rustling in the candy store
Bright candy wrappers.
And for the holiday we want
To come to you with gifts. (Candies)

Mom, honey, where are you?
Get the service out quickly.
There are sticky candies

They are called "Kis-Kis". (Taffy)

Very often they say:
Children love marmalade
Also important signs
Cakes, puff pastries and cookies,
Cream, homemade jam
And crunchy nuts, -
They just have a sweet tooth.

There was a buffet in our house,
It contained five sweets...
But one day, one day,
The lights went out in our house
And when the lights turned on,
There were no more sweets.
Where are these sweets now?
If there were children nearby?
So many sweets in the world
The guys like these:
"Caramels", "Lollipops"
And with the name "Starlings"
"Bears", "Squirrels", "Toffees",
"Karakum" and "Barberry".
Every sweet has a secret
Candy also has it.
There is a knock on the door.
- Oh, who are the children? We don't know. Let's ask. Who's there? (in unison).
Dunno comes out from behind the curtain (crying).
- Hello Dunno, why are you crying?
- How can I not cry? I was visiting my friends and bringing them a box of delicious chocolates. I walked for a long time and got hungry. I decided to eat one piece of candy. The candies turned out to be very tasty, and I didn’t notice how I ate all the candies (shows an empty box). And now I don’t know what to do.
- Guys, can we help Dunno? Yes! We'll help.
- Guys, look, we have two tables here (covered with a tablecloth).
The teacher lifts the tablecloth. The children come up and watch. On the table there are plasticine, stacks, modeling boards, and napkins for hands.
- Let's make some candy for Dunno.
Game "Candy".
Children are divided into two teams. There is a table in front of each team. Whoever makes the most candies the fastest wins.
Children sculpt. Dunno helps.
- Well done guys. Now let's dance.
Dance "Candy".
Children sit on chairs.
- Dunno, you liked our dance.
- Yes, I liked it. But what about my sweets?
- Oh, guys, we played so much that we forgot about the candy. So we have already made candies (shows a vase with candies). Guys, it seems to me that our sweets are missing something.
Children's answers.
- That's right, our sweets need to be wrapped in candy wrappers.
Game "Wrap the Candy".
Children are divided into two teams. There is a table in front of each team. On the table are a handful of molded sweets and a handful of candy wrappers. Candies need to be quickly and carefully wrapped in candy wrappers. The team that wraps all the candy the fastest wins.
After finishing the game, the children put all the candies in the box. And they give it to Dunno.
- Thank you guys very much, you helped me out. And now it’s time for me to say goodbye to you. Goodbye! See you soon!
- Guys, our journey has come to an end. Did you like it? Let's go to the group, a surprise awaits you there.
In the group room, tables are set for tea drinking.

World Chocolate Day is a holiday celebrated annually on July 11th. In addition to it, there is another world day with the same name, which is celebrated on September 13th.

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 170.
All sections | Chocolate, Chocolate Day.

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