Accounting for individual income. The procedure for maintaining accounting records for individual entrepreneurs (nuances). What does accounting for individual entrepreneurs include?

When registering as an individual entrepreneur, many people think that accounting for an individual entrepreneur is not required. This was the case until changes were made to the legislative framework. Let's look into this issue.

In 2013, Federal Law No. 402-FZ of December 6, 2011 came into force, which obligated all economic entities to carry out accounting of business transactions. In Art. 2 stipulates the obligation of individual entrepreneurs to keep records. But Art. 6 states that if a businessman fills out KUDiR in accordance with the norms of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, then he has the right not to conduct accounting. This exception directly applies to those who operate under the simplified taxation system (simplified taxation system). Entrepreneurs on the OSN (general system) also may not keep accounts, since for them the tax base is all profit received.

The situation regarding entities subject to UTII (single tax on imputed income) remains controversial, since in fact they do not keep any records at all. Therefore, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation gave an explanation in letter No. 03-11-11/239 dated August 13, 2012: for entrepreneurs working on UTII, accounting is not necessary, since they themselves take into account physical indicators - retail locations, number of employees, area of ​​retail premises.

Accounting for individual entrepreneurs

Having dealt with the legislative framework, let's answer the question of why record transactions at all. Accounting allows:

  • obtain a clear picture of the movement of funds and materials, as well as reflect the results of financial and economic activities;
  • identify excessive costs and avoid losses;
  • plan work effectively;
  • disclose information about obligations to suppliers, partners, the state and other counterparties;
  • exercise control over materials, labor and funds;
  • prepare reports to the Federal Tax Service on time and correctly calculate tax amounts.

Competent accounting for a businessman becomes a tool for carrying out successful activities.

How to do your own bookkeeping

Having made a decision about accounting, an individual entrepreneur must determine how he will do it: himself or with the help of a specialist? If you have sufficient knowledge and time to independently manage document flow, read the instructions:

  • Make a preliminary plan of expenses and expected income from your activities - this information will be needed to calculate the tax burden.
  • Determine the regime: either simplified tax system, UTII, unified agricultural tax (unified agricultural tax), PNS (patent taxation system). The size of the amounts subject to deduction to the budget depends on this.
  • Study the reporting forms, how to fill them out and the information they disclose. The necessary data can be found on the Federal Tax Service website.
  • If your activity involves hiring employees, please note that personnel reporting does not depend on the tax regime and the number of employees. Employers submit 7 reports to the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund and the Federal Tax Service. In addition, the individual entrepreneur is obliged to correctly maintain and store personnel documentation.
  • Pay special attention to studying the tax calendar to avoid late submission of reports and failure to meet budget payment deadlines. Since this will lead to the imposition of fines, penalties and even an on-site inspection.
  • Keep records of all documents and save them for the time required by law: contracts, bank statements, documents disclosing information about expenses, personnel, primary, financial statements and cash reporting.

To make routine work easier, you can automate the process using the 1C: Accounting program.

Maintaining accounting for individual entrepreneurs on OSNO

Accounting using a conventional system is the most labor-intensive. Carrying out economic activities within an industry in which supply far exceeds demand, consumers give preference to counterparties who pay VAT. So, what must the subject take into account, and what logs should be kept on OSNO:

  • book of income and expenses;
  • book of purchases and sales, issue an invoice for services or goods, and register it in a special journal;
  • personnel records (when using hired labor).

The normal tax regime requires payment of the following fees:

  • Personal income tax (personal income tax) - 13% of profits, which can be reduced by the amount of expenses if they are documented. Without official justification for expenses, income can be reduced by no more than 20%. Do not forget that the tax base for personal income tax is taken into account after deducting contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and paying state duties related to business activities.
  • VAT at 20%.
  • Contribution to the Pension Fund for yourself.
  • Personal income tax and insurance premiums withheld from wages of hired workers.
  • If the region at the place of registration provides for local mandatory fees, they should also not be forgotten to be included in the local budget.

This taxation system requires the provision of the following reports:

  • quarterly, no later than the 25th day of the following month for VAT;
  • annually, no later than April 30 - for personal income tax;
  • if an individual entrepreneur acts as an employer, you need to report to the tax authorities and extra-budgetary funds.

Please note that if, when submitting 3-NDFL, the expected income is very different from usual, inspectors have the right to demand a 4-NDFL declaration.

Difficulties may also arise with VAT administration. Receiving a deduction or refund of a tax credit complicates the paperwork.

How accounting is carried out in individual entrepreneurs using the simplified tax system and PSN

This is the simplest taxation regime, so the number of required documents is minimal. Regardless of which option the entrepreneur chooses: all accounting comes down to maintaining KUDiR. The report to the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate (Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service) is submitted once a year until March 31. But do not forget about paying advance contributions to the budget (quarterly until the 25th).

When working according to the “Income minus expenses” scheme, expenses must be documented. The reduction in the amount of revenue must be economically justified and correspond to the list fixed in Art. 346.16 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

When starting their own business, entrepreneurs do not always pay due attention to the issue of accounting. Some have heard that being an individual entrepreneur is not required by law, others consider this issue to be of secondary importance, and still others say that there is nothing complicated here, and you can cope with the accounting yourself.

In fact, setting up an individual entrepreneur’s accounting department from scratch is necessary already at the stage of planning business activities. Why?

There are several reasons for this:

  1. A competent choice of taxation system will allow you to choose the minimum possible tax burden. To ensure that you do not unknowingly fall under the definition of illegal tax schemes, practical tax planning for your business should be carried out by specialists, not dubious advisers.
  2. The composition of reporting, the timing of tax payment, and the possibility of obtaining tax benefits depend on the chosen regime.
  3. Violation of deadlines for submitting reports, accounting procedures, payment of tax and non-tax payments will lead to unpleasant sanctions in the form of fines, disputes with the tax service, and problems with counterparties.
  4. After registering an individual entrepreneur, you have very little time to choose a tax regime. So, to switch to the simplified tax system it is only 30 days after receiving the certificate. If you do not choose a tax system right away, you will work on OSNO. In most cases, this is the most unprofitable and difficult option for a beginning entrepreneur.

Do you need an accountant for an individual entrepreneur? Accounting support for individual entrepreneurs is definitely necessary. The only question is who will carry it out - a full-time accountant, a third-party provider of accounting services, or an individual entrepreneur himself?

Accounting for individual entrepreneurs in 2019

Law No. 402-FZ establishes that individual entrepreneurs may not keep accounting records. However, this provision should not be understood to mean that the individual entrepreneur does not report to the state at all. In addition to accounting itself, there is another one - tax accounting.

Tax accounting is the collection and synthesis of information necessary to calculate the tax base and tax payments. It is carried out by all taxpayers, including individual entrepreneurs. To understand tax reporting and tax accounting procedures, you must have professional knowledge or study these issues yourself. And in addition, there are special reports on employees, cash and bank documents, primary documentation, etc.

Often entrepreneurs do not see much difference between the types of accounting, so all their accounting is called accounting. Although in the normative sense this is not true, in practice it is a familiar expression, so we will also use it.

So, how to do accounting correctly? There is only one answer - professionally. An accountant for an individual entrepreneur can be a full-time employee or a specialist. If the number of business transactions of an individual entrepreneur is not too large, then the salary of an accountant hired for a permanent job may turn out to be an unjustified expense. If you are ready to take care of your accounting yourself, we will tell you how to do it.

How can an individual entrepreneur conduct accounting on his own? Is it possible? You will find the answer below in the step-by-step instructions.

How an individual entrepreneur can do accounting on his own: step-by-step instructions for 2019

So, to the question: “Is an individual entrepreneur required to keep accounting records in 2019?” we received a negative answer. But although individual entrepreneurs do not keep accounting records and do not submit financial statements, we have already said above that entrepreneurs need to maintain document flow related to business. Where to start accounting for an individual entrepreneur? Read our step-by-step instructions.

Step 1. Make a preliminary calculation of the expected income and expenses of your business. You will need this data when calculating your tax burden.

Step 2. Select tax regime. You can find out in detail what regimes or taxation systems an individual entrepreneur operates in Russia in the article: “”. Here we will only list them: the main taxation system (OSNO) and special tax regimes (STS, UTII, Unified Agricultural Tax, PSN). The tax burden of individual entrepreneurs directly depends on the choice of taxation system. The amounts that you must pay to the budget may vary significantly in different modes. If you do not know how to calculate your tax burden, we recommend that you get a free tax consultation.

Step 3.Review the tax reporting for the selected regime. You can find current reporting forms on the Federal Tax Service website or in ours.

Step 4. Decide whether you will hire workers. How can an individual entrepreneur keep accounting records for an employee? Employers' reporting can be called quite complex, and its composition does not depend on the chosen tax regime and the number of employees. In 2019, several types of reports are submitted for employees: to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, to the Social Insurance Fund and to the tax office. For example, by January 20, all individual entrepreneurs with employees must submit. In addition, employers must maintain and store personnel records.

Step 5. Study your regime's tax calendar. Failure to comply with the deadlines for submitting reports and paying taxes will lead to fines, penalties and arrears, blocking of the current account and other unpleasant consequences.

Step 6. Decide on the type of accounting service. In simple modes, such as the simplified tax system Income, UTII, PSN, even if you have employees, you can maintain the accounting of individual entrepreneurs yourself. Your main assistant in this case will be specialized online services, such as 1C Entrepreneur. But for OSNO and simplified taxation system Income minus expenses, as well as with a large number of business transactions, it is more reasonable to outsource accounting for individual entrepreneurs.

Step 7 Maintain and save all documents related to the business: contracts with counterparties, documents confirming expenses, bank statements, personnel documents, BSO, cash register reporting, primary documents, incoming information, etc. The tax inspectorate can check documents on the activities of an individual entrepreneur even within three years after deregistration.

Accounting and tax accounting for individual entrepreneurs on OSNO

You can read about in which cases it makes sense to choose a general taxation system. Accounting for an individual entrepreneur who works for OSNO will be the most difficult. If we talk about reporting forms, then this is the 3-NDFL declaration for the year and quarterly for VAT.

The most difficult thing will be the administration of value added tax. Maintaining individual entrepreneur accounting on OSNO is especially difficult when obtaining tax deductions for this tax or refunding input VAT.

For the convenience of paying taxes and insurance premiums, we recommend opening a current account. Moreover, now many banks offer favorable conditions for opening and maintaining a current account.

Accounting for individual entrepreneurs using the simplified tax system

Accounting for individual entrepreneurs using the simplified tax system is much simpler, because You only need to file one tax return per year. The reporting deadline for individual entrepreneurs on the simplified tax system in 2019 without employees is April 30, and within the same period the annual tax must be paid minus advance payments.

You can conduct accounting for individual entrepreneurs under the simplified tax system Income 6% yourself. In this regime, only income received is taken into account; the tax rate is generally 6%. At the end of each quarter, you must pay an advance payment, which will be taken into account when calculating the single tax at the end of the year.

How to keep accounting for an individual entrepreneur under the simplified tax system Income minus expenses? The main difficulty in this tax regime will be the need to collect documents confirming expenses. In order for the tax office to accept expenses declared to reduce the tax base, all documents must be completed correctly. Recognition of expenses for the simplified tax system Income minus expenses is almost the same as the recognition of expenses for OSNO. This means that expenses must be economically justified and be included in the special list specified in Article 346.16 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Deadlines for submitting individual entrepreneurs’ reports in 2019: accountant’s calendar and table

The accountant's calendar for individual entrepreneurs for 2019 includes deadlines for submitting tax returns and employee reporting. Regardless of the tax regime, all employers submit reports to the following funds:

  • deadline for submitting reports to the Pension Fund of Russia (form SZVM) - every month, no later than the 15th day of the month following the reporting month;
  • the deadline for submitting reports to the Social Insurance Fund (form 4-FSS) is quarterly, no later than April 20, July 20, October 20, January 20 in paper form, for electronic reporting no later than the 25th, respectively.

In addition, there are reports for employees, which are submitted to the tax office: a single calculation of contributions; 2-NDFL; 6-NDFL. See the full employer reporting calendar for all modes.

We have collected the deadlines for submitting tax reports and paying taxes for individual entrepreneurs in 2019 under different regimes in a table.


1st quarter

2nd quarter

3rd quarter

4th quarter

advance payment

advance payment - 25.07

advance payment - 25.10

declaration and tax at the end of the year


declaration - 20.04, quarterly tax - 25.04

declaration - 20.07, quarterly tax - 25.07

declaration - 20.10, quarterly tax - 25.10

declaration - 20.01, quarterly tax - 25.01

Unified agricultural tax

advance payment for

half-year - 25.07

declaration and tax

year results - 31.03


2. advance payment for personal income tax - 15.07

2. advance payment for personal income tax - 15.10

PSN payers do not submit a tax return, and the deadline for paying the cost of the patent depends on.

We hope that our step-by-step instructions on how to conduct accounting for individual entrepreneurs yourself in 2019 answered all your questions.

Hello! In this article we will talk about the features of accounting for individual entrepreneurs.

Today you will learn:

  • What records should an individual entrepreneur keep?
  • What methods of accounting exist?
  • How to do accounting for an individual entrepreneur yourself.

Does an individual entrepreneur need to keep accounting records?

In 2019, a letter from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation continues to be in effect, according to which an individual entrepreneur may not keep accounts if he independently maintains a book of income and expenses (KUDiR).

Thus, all accounting for an individual entrepreneur can be reduced to filling out an account book (in electronic or bound paper format) and storing primary documents. Exception: entrepreneurs paying UTII - for them maintaining KUDiR is not at all necessary.

The individual entrepreneur himself chooses: to keep full accounting records or only a book of income and expenses.

An individual entrepreneur may not keep accounting records, but this does not exempt him from tax reporting. Its features and deadlines depend on.

Individual entrepreneurs are not exempt from collecting documents related to the calculation of taxes, cash and bank documents, and personnel records.

Underpayment of tax may result in an individual entrepreneur being subject to a fine or forced suspension of activities.

Good accounting has its advantages:

  • The ability to make an objective analysis of performance results;
  • It is easier to make forecasts and choose the direction of development of the enterprise;
  • Orderly work flows easier and more efficiently.

Accounting is necessary for managing an enterprise, making important decisions and reporting to the state.

Options for maintaining individual entrepreneur records

A beginning individual entrepreneur can conduct accounting in one of the following ways:

  1. On one's own. Accounting for individual entrepreneurs on (for example, the simplified tax system) has a fairly simple scheme, which allows a businessman to conduct accounting independently.

    Online accounting services (for example, "My business") and specialized programs (for example, 1C), which describe and guide the entire process in detail.

  2. With the help of a hired accountant. This option will cost less than a contract with an accounting firm, but the risks also increase. It is very important and at the same time difficult to find an honest, experienced specialist. It is advisable to hire a private accountant based on recommendations from friends or trusted persons. In other situations, it is worth once again weighing all the risks and benefits and only then deciding whether to resort to this option.
  3. Under an agreement with an outsourcing company. A striking example of the principle “the more expensive, the simpler.” The services of an accounting firm are the most expensive method, but it relieves individual entrepreneurs from the need to delve into accounting matters. Specialists are busy with accounting, and the entrepreneur himself can calmly devote himself to the rest of the work.

Online accounting is the best option for individual entrepreneurs

Internet accounting today confidently competes with stationary programs due to a number of advantages:

  • full-fledged accounting and tax accounting is possible;
  • full control and access to accounting is possible online from any computer;
  • the service reminds you of upcoming reporting deadlines;
  • it is possible to fill out declarations remotely;
  • availability of a theoretical basis for accounting and reporting, online consultations with specialists are available;
  • Through the service you can quickly and easily submit documents and submit reports online.

We use the service "My business". It has a convenient intuitive interface that even a beginner can understand. You can test the work of your accounting department for free for three days. All questions are answered very quickly and clearly by support.

The service does not have its own mobile application, like some other resources, but there is a very convenient mobile version of the site, so you can work not only from a computer, but also from a smartphone or tablet.

When registering, you can immediately specify all the details of the company and then the system will use them when generating documents, invoices and reporting.

The service contains several thousand ready-made forms.

Under the general regime, individual entrepreneurs will also have to pay VAT (18%). The declaration is drawn up quarterly, and the tax is paid by the 25th day of the first month following the reporting quarter. To calculate VAT, it is necessary to keep books of all purchases, sales, and invoices.

Individual entrepreneurs working with cash also need to maintain receipt and expenditure orders.

Individual entrepreneurs at OSNO will have to report on. Such an obligation is not imposed on UTII and the simplified tax system if cadastral value is not applied to property in your region.

Every three months, reports are submitted to the Tax Office, and the annual report is also submitted there.

. Under the simplified system, individual entrepreneurs without employees report to the tax office only once a year, until April 30.

An individual entrepreneur can choose one of the “simplified” options:

  • simplified tax system income– only income can be taken into account; 6% must be deducted from it to the budget. Advance payments are made quarterly, but they are taken into account when calculating the amount at the end of the year.
  • simplified tax system income minus expenses– the main difficulty is that the individual entrepreneur will have to record and confirm all his expenses, which are not always easy to justify.

Accounting for individual entrepreneurs using the simplified tax system must be accompanied by a book of income and expenses. Its absence threatens the individual entrepreneur with a fine of 10,000 - 30,000 rubles.

Maintaining simplified accounting without employees is quite easy and accessible even for novice businessmen. Due to its simplicity, the simplified tax system has become the most popular regime among individual entrepreneurs.

. An individual entrepreneur on the “imputation” is exempt from the mandatory maintenance of KUDiR, but even so, the tax remains quite difficult to understand and independently calculate.

On UTII, the entrepreneur records only the physical characteristics of the activity (field of work, area of ​​premises, etc.) and regularly reports all changes.

The tax is calculated based on the basic profitability established by government services for each type of activity and various coefficients (most of which are preferential).

Individual entrepreneurs report on UTII separately for each type of activity (if there are several of them).

Tax reporting on UTII is submitted quarterly, by the 20th day of the month following the end of the quarter. The tax itself is paid until the 25th.

Stage 2. Hired employees

Keeping an individual entrepreneur’s books independently becomes more difficult with the advent of hired workers. By becoming an employer, an individual entrepreneur acquires the status of a tax agent - now he must calculate and withhold income tax from employees, as well as pay contributions for them to Social Security and the Pension Fund.

As for reporting, the following are added to the concerns of individual entrepreneurs:

Where What When
Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service Data on the average number of employees Until 20.01 following the reporting year
Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service Until April 1st following the reporting year
Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service Employee income data ()
FSS Until the 20th day following the reporting quarter in paper form and until the 25th day in electronic form
Pension Fund Until the 15th day of the month following the reporting month
Pension Fund Form SZV-STAZH Until March 1 following the reporting year
Tax office Form RSV-1 Until the end of the month following the reporting quarter

It is very difficult to keep track of all personnel records yourself, and at the same time engage in other business activities, therefore, to work with hired employees, experts still recommend turning to the services of professionals. In total, individual entrepreneurs must submit seven types of reports for employees, maintain and store personnel documents.

Stage 3. Selecting the type of accounting service

Even with a small document flow and the simplest modes (for example, simplified taxation system for income), special programs (for example, 1C) or online services (“My Business”) will help an entrepreneur to keep books.

Such assistants will minimize errors that are easy to make when keeping records manually.

Stage 4. Creating a calendar

The final stage of preparation for independent accounting is studying the reporting forms in the chosen mode and the deadlines for its submission. Modern electronic assistants themselves remind you of the approaching reporting date, but it is still necessary to know the main deadlines.

Stage 5. Maintaining and storing documents

For your own safety, the individual entrepreneur must treat all documents with care. can visit an individual entrepreneur even three years after its closure.

For example, the accounting department of a store should store:

  • agreements with suppliers of goods and services (maintenance of equipment, Internet), lessors, regular wholesale buyers;
  • agreement with the bank, statements;
  • source documents;
  • personnel documents (if there are employees);
  • cash papers.

Automation of accounting

You can do your own accounting on paper, making all the entries manually, but it is much more convenient to turn to automated systems.

Technologies do not stand still, and today various services come to the aid of an entrepreneur without an accountant, allowing:

  • calculate tax amounts depending on the taxation regime;
  • prepare;
  • draw up bank documents, payment orders;
  • control payments to employees and payment of bills;
  • analyze profits and sales.

Electronic assistants can be either in the form of computer programs (for example, individual entrepreneur accounting in 1C) or in the form online accounting.

Programs will cost the entrepreneur more: you will have to pay for the program itself, for its installation, and in the future for regular updates and maintenance by the programmer. It will be accessible only from one computer, but it can work without a permanent Internet connection.

Let’s talk about the possibilities and features of online accounting using the example of the “My Business” service.

Let's summarize with a few tips:

Use online services. It's cheaper than an accountant's services and more reliable than notes on paper. With online accounting, you will not be tied to one computer, which means it’s convenient to work with them both at home and in the office.

Store and organize all paper documents. Searching for the required paper in a general pile can take a fair amount of time, so it is more advisable to immediately sort documents into folders or files (depending on their number). For example, groups could be: purchases, sales, customers, regular suppliers, taxes.

Check with the tax office. You can verify that there is no debt a week after paying the tax through your online accounting system or your personal account on the website.

Ask questions. You can get advice on the Internet, on forums and on social networks. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and learn something new, because legislation doesn’t stand still either.

Keep an eye on the calendar. An entrepreneur who does his own accounting has to keep a lot of dates in mind. The deadlines for submitting reports do not always coincide with the deadlines for paying taxes and contributions to government funds.

To open and legally develop your own business, the easiest way is to register as an individual entrepreneur (IP). This is not difficult to do: you need to write an application for registration, pay the state fee (800 rubles), and come with the documents to the tax office at the place of registration. In five days you will become an individual entrepreneur and will be able to pick up the relevant certificates.

How to keep records

Registration of an individual entrepreneur is carried out by the tax service at the place of registration automatically, based on information from the Unified State Register (in accordance with Article 83 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

As soon as tax registration has occurred, you become not only an independent owner of your own business, but also a taxpayer who is obliged to maintain accounting and tax records, report on time and pay the necessary amounts.

Let's try to figure out how to keep individual entrepreneurs' records.

What does taxation depend on?

Reporting and tax payment scheme depend on the taxation system chosen during registration. Usually the choice is between the simplified taxation system (STS) and the general one (OSN). Some types of activities are not subject to the possibility of using the simplified tax system, and in some regions there is a single tax on imputed income (UTI), which automatically makes the simplified tax system impossible.

Remember: if you did not immediately indicate the tax system in the application, registration of an individual entrepreneur will be carried out according to the general system, and you will be able to switch to the simplified tax system only at the beginning of the next year: it is possible to submit an application to the territorial department of the tax service within a few days after registration switching to simplified mode. Otherwise, you will have to wait until next year, or close the IP and open it again.

How to keep tax records

In fact, an individual entrepreneur does not maintain reporting documentation as such, regardless of the chosen taxation system. Under the simplified taxation system and the operating tax system, a book of income and expenses is maintained, plus tax cards for employees.

Accounting for individual entrepreneurs with UTII

Individual entrepreneurs operating on a single tax on imputed income submit only the corresponding declaration. This must be done once a quarter until the twentieth day of the month following the last month of the reporting quarter.

Accounting for individual entrepreneurs under the simplified tax system

Entrepreneurs using the simplified taxation system must submit a tax return once a year before April thirtieth. In addition, at the beginning of each year, it is necessary to register a book of income and expenses with the Federal Tax Service (which records the income and expenses of individual entrepreneurs). You can print it from a file, you can buy it ready-made, the main thing is to have time to register the book before April thirtieth.

Tax accounting and reporting under OSNO

An entrepreneur who is registered in the general taxation system submits a larger number of documents and appears at the tax service much more often. Firstly, every quarter, before the twenty-fifth day of the month (previously until the 20th day) following the end of the quarter, you must submit a VAT return.

Secondly, once a year, before the thirtieth of April, a declaration in form 3-NDFL (for the income of individuals) is submitted.

Thirdly, when registering an individual entrepreneur or if the income received exceeds the expected income by an amount exceeding fifty percent, a declaration of estimated taxes is submitted in Form 4-NDFL.


As mentioned above, individual entrepreneurs are exempt from accounting. But since 2013, federal law No. 402-FZ of December 6, 2011 came into force, which requires accounting for all economic entities, including individual entrepreneurs (according to the second article).

Accordingly, the accounting policy of an individual entrepreneur must change. But at the same time, the sixth article of the same law states that an individual entrepreneur has the right not to keep accounting records if, according to the Tax Code, he keeps records of income and expenses, as well as other objects of taxation in the manner established by tax legislation. Consequently, this paragraph directly concerns entrepreneurs who use the simplified tax system (according to Article 346.24 of the Tax Code).

The same reasons do not keep accounting for individual entrepreneurs who are on the OSN: because their tax base is all income received. The most controversial issue remained with entrepreneurs who are on UTII, since they do not keep books of income and expenses and generally do not actually keep records as such.

The Ministry of Finance clarified the situation in letter 08/13/12 No. 03-11-11/239: since individual entrepreneurs located on UTII independently keep records of the physical indicator (number of employees, sales places, sales area, etc.), accounting for they are also not provided.

Regulatory documents

Entrepreneurs who are on the simplified tax system and the special tax system, according to the Tax Code, are required to keep a book of income and expenses. The form of the book was approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. 86n and the Ministry of Taxes of Russia N BG-3-04/430 dated August 13, 2002. Exactly how to fill out the book is stated in the order of the Ministry of Finance dated October 22, 2012 No. 135n. According to the above-mentioned documents, individual entrepreneurs’ reporting can take place both in paper and electronic form. At the end of the reporting period, the entrepreneur simply prints out the files and certifies them to the tax service.

Procedure for maintaining a book

There are several rules on how to keep records of individual entrepreneurs in the book of income and expenses (both on the simplified tax system and on the OSNO):

  • all income, expenses and completed business transactions must be reflected in full;
  • information must be reliable and recorded constantly (continuously);
  • the book must reflect the property status of the individual entrepreneur and the result of entrepreneurial activity for the reporting period;
  • each business transaction must be accompanied by a supporting document;
  • All accounting is carried out in a positional manner.

Individual entrepreneur on UTII

The Tax Code (clause seven of Article 346.26) requires individual entrepreneurs to keep records on UTII, but the procedure for maintaining a book of income and expenses under this form of taxation is not specified anywhere, moreover, the amount of income and expenses does not affect the amount of tax.

At the same time, individual entrepreneurs on UTII are required to keep records of indicators by which the tax base is determined. For example, individual entrepreneurs providing household services must keep records of the number of employees and time sheets. Entrepreneurs engaged in retail trade can provide documents for the premises in which they carry out business activities (lease agreement or ownership documents) to calculate the tax base.

Accounting for cash transactions

According to the Regulations on the conduct of cash transactions, effective from 01/01/2012, individual entrepreneurs must observe cash discipline. At the same time, since it is difficult for an individual entrepreneur to separate his personal funds and funds for business activities, the following concessions apply:

  • An individual entrepreneur may not keep a cash book;
  • An individual entrepreneur may not set a cash limit on the cash balance and not hand over all the money generated in excess of the limit to the bank;
  • An individual entrepreneur may not keep all his cash in the bank;
  • An individual entrepreneur may not receive incoming money to the cash register.

At the same time, the presence of a cash register still dictates that individual entrepreneurs keep records of the following items:

  • cashier-operator books;
  • incoming and outgoing orders;
  • sales receipts.

Personnel accounting

An individual entrepreneur who has employees is required to keep records of funds paid to the employee and insurance pension contributions.

General personnel documents

Also, an individual entrepreneur (or the individual entrepreneur’s HR department) is required to have and maintain all the necessary personnel documentation, namely:

  • internal labor regulations;
  • staffing;
  • a book for recording the movement of work books and inserts in them;
  • job descriptions for each position in accordance with the staffing table (if job responsibilities are not included in the employment contract);
  • regulations on personal data of employees;
  • provisions on remuneration, bonuses and material incentives (if these positions are not provided for in the employment contract);
  • instructions on labor protection by profession (it is not necessary to have a regulation on labor protection);
  • log of instructions;
  • a log of employees undergoing mandatory medical examination;
  • vacation schedule.

The collective agreement is concluded by agreement of the parties. The provision on trade secrets of an enterprise is prescribed if it is specified in the employment contract.

Individual personnel documents

For each employee there must be:

  • employment contract;
  • order (instruction) on hiring;
  • personal card;
  • employment history;
  • time sheet and calculation of wages;
  • order (instruction) on granting leave;
  • employee’s application for leave without pay.

If an employee bears full financial responsibility (storekeepers, supply managers), agreements on full financial responsibility are concluded. If there is shift work, a schedule must be drawn up.

Accounting for fixed assets for individual entrepreneurs

The list of expenses of entrepreneurs on the simplified tax system must take into account fixed assets (fixed assets): property that is depreciable in accordance with Chapter 25 of the Tax Code. This is an extremely important parameter, knowledge of which is necessary for everyone who keeps records for an individual entrepreneur.

Objects of fixed assets subject to depreciation are considered to be all objects that participate in the acquisition of income, can be used for more than a year and cost more than twenty thousand rubles. At the same time, objects that are not used for work purposes or cost less than twenty thousand rubles are often recorded in OS objects, although it would be more profitable to record them as a material expense.

Reporting, deadlines for submission: Video

In connection with the latest changes to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, individual entrepreneurs (IP) are no longer required to keep accounting records; they provide tax authorities exclusively with tax reporting. Thus, the law of 2013 states that all small entrepreneurs and individual entrepreneurs keep records, but those who keep tax records are exempt from it.

Despite this, a smart entrepreneur realizes that without accounting he is like a modern car enthusiast without a GPS navigator in his car - the roadway is only visible from close up, and there are no prospects for the future.

The importance of accounting in running a business

First of all, accounting reflects the entire list of business transactions and performs the following functions:

  • reflects the final results of the organization’s activities as of the current date;
  • transparency of data analysis helps prevent bankruptcy of individual entrepreneurs;
  • helps prepare other types of reporting submitted to government agencies;
  • controls the totality of labor material and financial resources;
  • serves as the basis for proper planning of the activities of individual entrepreneurs;
  • fixes obligations to existing partners.

Thus, accounting is an important component in competently running a business and regulating all its processes.

Is it possible for an individual entrepreneur to conduct accounting independently?

Despite the fact that now many agencies and “single” accountants offer their accounting services, many individual entrepreneurs prefer to do this on their own.

Paid and free Internet services and programs allow you to maintain accounting records, which also help you figure out how to correctly calculate certain taxes and fees, and take into account the timing of their payment.

As a last resort, you can complete additional courses that will organize and put existing and newly acquired knowledge in its place. In these courses you can learn the following skills at a sufficient level:

  1. Maintain accounting records.
  2. Accurately determine income and expenses.
  3. Calculate wages for employees and calculate necessary tax payments.
  4. Prepare reporting documents.

Accounting under the simplified tax system

Accounting statements of individual entrepreneurs working under simplified conditions are prepared at will. When preparing reports, it is important to display all the processes occurring during the activities of the enterprise. The simplified tax system, as a rule, makes it easy to cope with accounting even for people without proper education.

Keeping accounting records is most beneficial for beginning entrepreneurs, because it is aimed at minimizing the burden placed on beginners. Thus, they do not have to pay tax on personal income, and they are also exempt from tax on property owned by individuals. Individual entrepreneurs practicing the simplified tax system do not pay VAT (except for situations where the fee must be paid when importing products through customs).

In case of violation of the Tax Code in 2018-2019, individual entrepreneurs operating under the simplified tax system are subject to tax and administrative liability, which include:

  1. Penalties of up to 10,000 rubles - for gross violations of accounting rules by individual entrepreneurs, if they were committed during 1 tax period.
  2. It is possible to increase the fine to 30,000 rubles if the above acts occurred during 1 tax period.

Step-by-step instructions for accounting for individual entrepreneurs: what you need to be prepared for

Before choosing a taxation system, it is preferable to familiarize yourself with the main nuances of accounting for individual entrepreneurs:

  1. To begin, select a taxable object. It can be the revenue part or income minus expenses. In the first case, the income of individual entrepreneurs is determined as the tax base, and the tax rate is calculated at 6%. Another case takes into account income and costs, here the rate reaches 15%.
  2. At the end of each calendar year, you must prepare and bring your completed declaration to the tax authorities. The deadline is April 30 of the year following the tax period. Information about hired employees must be submitted to the Pension Fund and tax authorities. If you manage it yourself and do not hire anyone, the information must still be provided by indicating the number “0” in the appropriate columns.
  3. In addition to other reporting, you should keep a book of income and expenses. This is a mandatory requirement of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. However, not all costs are taken into account in taxation; pay special attention to the income and expense parts that are included in the base for determining the tax.
  4. An individual entrepreneur registering from scratch, as a rule, has a current account. If it is available, the individual entrepreneur is not exempt from accounting for the receipt and expenditure of material assets passing through the cash register and account, respectively.

Within the deadlines established by Russian legislation, individual entrepreneurs who do not keep tax records submit the following accounting documents:

  • balance sheet;
  • report on the results regarding the state of finances;
  • appendices to these two papers, which are called: “Report on changes in capital”, “Statement on cash flows”, “Report on the intended use of funds”.

Accounting in 2018-2019 under UTII

If you have chosen UTII, it is enough to keep records of the organization’s expenses and income, and do not forget to reflect the physical indicators that affect the tax base.

There is a special offer for visitors to our website - you can get advice from a professional lawyer completely free of charge by simply leaving your question in the form below.

UTII is paid every 3 months, the deadline is until the 25th day of the month following the reporting period. Contributions to the Pension Fund are made until December 31 of the reporting period.

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