Japanese proverbs in Japanese, with translation into Russian.


The Japanese proverbs for this article are partially taken from the Japanese Wikiquote. As in any language, proverbs and sayings play a significant role in human life. They add a unique flavor to a person’s speech and contain folk wisdom that has evolved over years, or even centuries. And even though nowadays we do not often say proverbs out loud when communicating with each other, their meaning is constantly present in our lives.

When you don’t want to share your joy with others, the thought “happiness loves silence” plays in your head, and when you make a mistake in something, you think “if I knew where to fall, I would have laid out straws.” I also have my favorite Japanese proverbs, which I repeat in appropriate situations, and one of them, which I understood over time and now it’s like a lifesaver when I have a lot of work to do:

Fast is slow, but without a break

Having spoken it, vanity and nervousness disappear as if by magic. In everything that you would not like to achieve, you do not need to storm mountains, you need to slowly and surely move towards your intended goal. For others it may be different. I'm talking about my feelings.

A motivating Japanese proverb for me is:

A journey of a thousand ri begins with the first step

There is also one wonderful statement by the Japanese athlete Antonio Inoki.

Don't be afraid for the result. If you take a step forward, your steps will create the path themselves.

Well, now Japanese proverbs about life, friendship, war and simply proverbs containing the centuries-old wisdom of the people.

  1. For those who want to practice, all options for writing proverbs are listed - in their original form - in Japanese, i.e. using hieroglyphs, repeating proverbs in Japanese characters, transcription - romaji and translation from Japanese into Russian.
  2. 弱り目に祟り目/ よわりめにたたりめ/ yowarimenitatarime - Trouble after trouble. Other options adapted to the Russian language: trouble has come, open the gate, trouble does not come alone.
  3. People with the same disease sympathize with each other. The unfortunate understand each other.
  4. 三日坊主 / みっかぼうず / mikkabouzu - Bonza for 3 days (about those who quickly give up what they started). Seven Fridays a week.
  5. Onimojūhachibanchamodebana - At eighteen, even a demon is attractive, and the first brew of even bad tea is fragrant.
  6. 氏より育ち / うじよりそだち/ Ujiyorisodachi - Education is more important than origin
  7. 出る杭は打たれる / でるくいはうたれる / Derukuihautareru - The protruding stake will definitely be driven in / The protruding nails will be driven in. (No need to stick your head out)
  8. Ikarihatekitoomoe - Your anger is your enemy
  9. 千里の道も一歩から / senri no michi moippokara - The path of a thousand ri begins with the first step. (Down and Out trouble started).
  10. 鬼に金棒 / おににかなぼう / Oninikanabō - Give the devil a metal rod (about strengthening the power of someone who is already strong).

  11. Bakanitsukerukusurihanai - There is no cure for fools. There is no cure for stupidity.
  12. 論より証拠 /ろんよりしょうこ / ronyorishouko - Evidence is better than reasoning. (Facts are stubborn things)
  13. - If the fish wants, the water will give way.
  14. 急がば回れ / きゅうがばまわれ / kyuugabamaware - If you are in a hurry, take a detour. (The quieter you go, the further you'll get).
  15. Heat and cold end in Higan. (Both heat and cold end before the equinox).
  16. -Tomorrow tomorrow's wind will blow. (Everything has its time).
  17. 猫の手も借りたい / ねこのてもかりたい / nekonotemokaritai - So busy that the cat’s help will come in handy. (Busy until the aisle).
  18. 河童の川流れ / かっぱのかわながれ / kappanokawanagare - And the kappa drowns. (Kappa is a Japanese merman). The horse has four legs and stumbles. Most often, good swimmers drown.
  19. 猿も木から落ちる / さるもきからおちる / sarumokikaraochiru - And the monkeys fall from the trees. (And there is a hole in the old woman).

  20. - And one falling leaf heralds the coming of autumn.
  21. ならぬ堪忍するが堪忍 / ならぬかんにんするがかんにん / Naranukan"ninsurugakan"nin- True patience is the kind of patience when it is impossible to endure.
  22. 水の泡となる / みずのあわとなる / mizunoawatonaru - Disappear like foam on water. (Go to dust. Go to zero.)
  23. 三つ子の魂百まで / みつごのたましいひゃくまで / mitsugonotamashiihyakumade - What a soul is at three years old, so is it at a hundred.
  24. 花より団子 / はなよりだんご / hanayoridango - Dango is better than flowers. (Dango is Japanese rice balls on a stick). (The nightingale is not fed fables.)
  25. のどもととすぎればあつさをわすれる / Nodomotosugirebaatsusawowasureru - When you get drunk, you forget about thirst. (when min Too bad you forget to learn a lesson.)
  26. 馬には乗ってみよ人には添うてみよ / うまにはのってみよひとにはそうてみよ / U— A horse is known in riding, and a person in general NI.
  27. 門前の小僧習わぬ経を読む / もんぜんのこぞうならわぬきょうをよむ / Monzen"nokozōnarawanukyōwoyomu - A boy living near a Buddhist temple, without studying, he reads the sutras.
  28. 言わぬが花 / いわぬがはな / iwanugahana - Silence is a flower. (Silence is golden. There are things that are better not to be talked about.)

  29. 知恵者一人馬鹿万人 / ちえしゃーひとばかばんにん / Chiesha 一hitobakaban"nin - For one wise man, there are 10,000 fools.
  30. 猫に小判 / ねこにこばん / nekonikoban - Need money like a cat. (Cast pearls before swine).
  31. / Rainen"nokotowoiebaonigawarau - Talking about the future makes the devil laugh.
  32. Suterukamiarebahiroukamiari - One god forgot - another will help.
  33. - The bargain hunter loses money. (Miser pays twice).
  34. 触らぬ神に祟りなし / さわらぬかみにたたりなし / sawaranukaminitatarinashi - As long as you don’t touch God, he doesn’t curse.
  35. かってかぶとのおをしめよ / kattekabutonoo o shimeyo - After winning, tighten the straps around your neck.
  36. 堪忍袋の緒が切れる / かんにんぶくろのおがきれる / kanninbukuronoogakireru - Cut the string from the bag with patience. (The cup of my patience has overflowed. Patience has burst.)
  37. 七転び八起き / ななころびやおき / nanakorobiyaoki - Fall seven times, rise eight times. (Fighting the vicissitudes of fate).

  38. 能ある鷹は爪を隠す / のうあるたかはつめをかくす / Nōarutakahatsumewokakusu - A strong hawk hides its talons.
  39. Gossip only lasts for 75 days.
  40. ikuhaichijinoha jikikanuhaーisshōnohaji - Asking is a shame for a minute, but not knowing is a shame for a lifetime.
  41. The lost fish seems big.
  42. 同じ釜の飯を食う / おなじかまのめしをくう / onajikamanomeshi o kuu - Bread from one pot. (Living under the same roof with someone).
  43. Ryōyakuhakuchininigashi - Good medicine tastes bitter.
  44. 挨拶より円札 / あいさつよりえんさつ / Aisatsu yori ensatsu - Money is better than friendly words. (Words won't fill you up.)
  45. 会うは別れの始め / かいうはわかれのはじめ / kaiuhawakarenohajime - Meeting is the beginning of parting.
  46. 悪銭身につかず / あくせんみにつかず /akusenminitsukazu - Badly acquired goods are not good for future use. Unjust gains will not last long. (Easily gained, easily lost).

  47. Ashita no hyakuyorikyounogoju - A hundred tomorrow is better than fifty today. (A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush).
  48. 青菜に塩 / あおなにしお / aonanishio - verbatim. Salt in greens. (if you salt the greens, they give out juice and become flabby). (Be depressed, look pale).
  49. Chi ni ite, ran o wasurezu - Living in peace, do not forget about war.
  50. Dare shimawagami wa kawaii - Everyone is dearer to themselves. (Your shirt is closer to your body).


1. An eggplant will not grow on a melon stem.
2. Spoiling a child is the same as abandoning him.
3. Trouble does not come alone
4. No polishing and the diamond does not shine
5. The slacker is talkative
6. Take an umbrella before you get wet
7. More useless than writing numbers on flowing water
8. Useless as a lantern during the day
9. Heartless children trash their father's house
10. Remember gratitude no less than resentment.
11. The shine of gold is brighter than the shine of Buddha
12. Close to a smart person, children read without studying
13. Close in spirit are drawn to each other
14. Don’t cut off a flea’s head with an ax
15. God lives in an honest heart
16. Ill-gotten wealth and nobility disappear like a cloud.
17. A rich man is like an ashtray: the fuller, the dirtier
18. Skill is more important than strength
19. Great luck will cause many small troubles
20. You can’t live more than one life
21. Big misfortunes come from small reasons
22. Great talent matures late
23. For a big actor, a big stage
24. Brothers quarrel among themselves, but defend themselves from strangers
25. Do not cross a ford following the instructions of a baby being carried on his back.
26. Abandon the buddhas, don’t worry about the gods
27. I blinded Buddha, but forgot to breathe my soul
28. If you sleep in a boat with the sails spread, you won’t see the shore
29. If there was faith, there would be gods
30. In big things, small shortcomings are not thought through.
31. In a village without birds, even a bat is a bird
32. At ten years old - a prodigy, at twenty - talent, and at thirty - mediocrity
33. Happiness comes to a house where there is laughter.
34. In a fight, both sides are to blame
35. In friendship, also know when to stop.
36. There are seven failures and seven successes in life
37. Everything in life is changeable
38. Medicine in excess is poison
39. The groom is good in a beautiful dress
40. In rags, a courtier will be mistaken for a beggar; in silks, even a groom will pass for a prince.
41. There are no changes in people
42. Waves are louder in shallow waters
43. There are no shortcuts to science
44. Ignorance is bliss
45. A thief is not given keys to keep.
46. ​​Defeat is the key to victory
47. In the dark, dog droppings don’t get dirty
48. In joy there is a seed of sorrow, in sorrow there is a seed of joy
49. Different places have their own customs
50. In case of victory - the government army, in case of defeat - the rebel one
51. In an argument, the one who shouts the loudest wins.
52. In fear, even the devil will appear
53. Do not interfere in a marital quarrel
54. It is difficult for the mind to function in the body of a giant
55. In difficult times, you don’t know either the parents or the children.
56. No arrow is shot into a smiling face
57. A monkey is beautiful in a good dress
58. It’s important to start
59. They don’t spit up
60. Great self-interest seems to be selflessness
61. Great talents mature slowly
62. A faithful vassal does not serve two masters
63. Fun taken to extremes gives rise to sorrow
64. Branches that provide coolness are not cut down
65. The wind and the cherry blossom cannot be good friends
66. A branch is not more perfect than a tree
67. A drunkard in the evening is a lazy man in the morning
68. Things are like their owners
69. The item for sale is decorated with flowers
70. Looks like a goddess, but at heart is a witch
71. Seeing someone else’s shortcomings, correct yours
72. The owner of the golden mountain is also greedy
73. To a lover, the road of a thousand ri seems short
74. First - care, then - medicine
75. In times of peace, do not forget about the danger of war
76. During a fire there is no time to warm your hands
77. Water takes the form of a vessel, and a man gets it from his friends
78. You can’t put out a fire with water from afar
79. And the wise man makes mistakes
80. The age of a man is his spirit, the age of a woman is her face
81. Devils always hover around good deeds
82. An ox clings to an ox, and a horse clings to a horse
83. Will will pass through a rock
84. A crow imitating a cormorant will drown
85. Upbringing is more important than origin
86. Fighters are not lent to the enemy
87. No outpost can stop time
88. Time waits for no man
89. It all starts with one
90. Everything that blooms will inevitably fade
91. The Universe is a temporary refuge for all things
92. I lost my temper and ruined the business
93. Meet Buddha in hell
94. Meeting is the beginning of separation
95. Every thing has its time
96. Yesterday deep water, today shallow water
97. I fed the dog, and he bit
98. A horse's endurance is learned on the road, a person's character is learned over time.
99. Straightened the bull's horns and twisted his neck
100. Tall trees are more likely to be broken by the wind
101. Arrogant people do not prosper for long
102. The fortuneteller does not know his fate
103. Where stupidity reigns, reason is forced to hide
104. Where there is sorrow, there is joy
105. Where there is good, there is evil
106. Where might is right, right is powerless
107. Where there is happiness, there are many devils
108. It is better for the general of a defeated army not to talk about battles
109. You can’t line up heroes in a row
110. The wind will not break a flexible willow
111. Eyes are as eloquent as lips
112. The one who eats fugu fish soup (poisonous fish) is stupid, and the one who doesn’t eat it is also stupid.
113. Your anger is your enemy
114. Rot the tree while it's young
115. Easy to say, hard to do
116. Talking about the future is making the mice under the floor laugh
117. Talk about a needle like a club
118. A hungry dog ​​is not afraid of a stick
119. It’s not difficult to prepare food for a hungry person
120. A hungry tiger is not tasked with guarding a pig.
121. When chasing a deer, you don’t notice the mountains
122. Pride leads to defeat, but modesty is rewarded
123. Grief, like a torn dress, should be left at home
124. The master is a boat, and the servants are water: water holds the boat on itself, but can also capsize
125. States perish, but mountains and rivers remain
126. Even a greyhound horse in old age is no better than a nag
127. Even from skillful hands, water leaks
128. Even between close friends there should be distance
129. Even to be a thief you need to study for ten years
130. Even the excellent is surpassed
131. Even parents and children are strangers in money matters
132. Even when suffering from thirst, do not drink secretly from someone else’s source.
133. Even a fool can have talent
134. Even the devil is good at eighteen years old
135. They give in order to receive
136. There are no two truths
137. The day on which I conceived is a happy day
138. Money and parents and children will quarrel
139. Trees are planted by ancestors, and their descendants use their shade
140. Fighting sparrows are not afraid of humans
141. Children of celebrities are rarely famous
142. Buy cheap - lose money
143. Good fame came out of the gate, but bad fame has already run for a thousand years
144. Good is the reverse side of evil
145. Argument is stronger than violence
146. Negotiate the price for an uncaught badger
147. A house with strong foundations will never fall into decay
148. At home he is brave, but among strangers he is a coward
149. Dragon and tiger don't get along together
150. Firewood is not used to extinguish fire.
151. A friend in need is a true friend
152. A fool is strong in hindsight
153. No medicine can cure a fool
154. Fools gather in crowds
155. A bad person tries to justify his mistake, a good one tries to correct it.
156. If people at the top have a conscience, the bottom will live in peace
157. If the seller’s compliments are skillful, then the product is bad
158. If you love your son, send him to travel
159. If you don’t care about the distant future, it will be bad in the near future
160. If you polish it, the tile will become a precious stone
161. An evil wife is like sixty years of crop failure
162. If you hit the dirt, the splashes will fall on you
163. If handled skillfully, both a fool and dull scissors can be useful
164. If you want to kill a commander, kill his horse first
165. He who thirsts for water does not choose
166. Pathetic apology after a blunder
167. The heat has passed - the shadow is forgotten
168. To desire a lot is to desire nothing
169. Wife and tatami, the newer the better
170. A woman wants to pass through a rock
171. Life experience is the father of wisdom, memory is its mother
172. You can’t live life if you don’t maneuver
173. Life is hard to live, but death is easy
174. Pride is hidden behind excessive modesty
175. Vouch for yourself, never for others.
176. After good comes bad, after bad comes good.
177. Beyond this bottom there is another bottom
178. Worries are poison to health
179. Tomorrow the wind will blow tomorrow
180. A hunted bird crams itself into a man’s bosom
181. The ant decided to move Mount Fuji
182. Busy people don’t even get sick
183. Evil done to others will return to you
184. Famous things are not always as good as they say
185. He who knows does not speak, and he who speaks does not know
186. Both good and evil are in your heart
187. And to hell you can get used to it
188. And ants can destroy a dam
189. And pearls have scratches
190. And the hunter can fall into a trap
191. And a simple matter can be confused
192. And a rare guest gets bored on the third day
193. And the falcon flies, and the fly flies
194. And stupid parents have smart children
195. And the devil’s horns break
196. The player is bad, but loves to play
197. Make a profit from a loss
198. Excessive politeness turns into flattery
199. Treason is always covered up with fidelity
200. Sometimes death is mercy
201. Sometimes the devil cries
202. Sometimes running away means winning
203. Look for shellfish in a dry field
204. True knowledge is not evident
205. And good swimmers drown
206. Everyone is more precious to themselves
207. Like water off a frog
208. Like a crowd of blind people feeling an elephant
209. As soon as the trouble is over, dress up
210. As is the master, so are the servants
211. Like father, like son
212. As are the poems, so is the song
213. The eve of the holiday is better than the holiday itself
214. Quality is more important than quantity
215. The brush is mightier than the sword
216. When a madman runs, sane people run after him
217. When they talk about the future, the devils laugh
218. When the coffin is closed, the deeds will be assessed
219. When a clam and a snipe fight, the fisherman wins
220. When you have money, the devil will serve
221. When your heart is light and your walk is light
222. When there are many helmsmen, the ship hits a reef
223. When you get drunk, you forget about thirst
224. If you drink poison, then to the bottom
225. Number makes devils strong
226. The ear ripens - it bows its head; a man gets rich - he lifts his head
227. Those who are not destined cannot be saved.
228. The end of chatter is the beginning of action
229. When money runs out, so does love.
230. Beauty is not accompanied by happiness
231. Crooked branch - crooked and shadow
232. Meekness often breaks strength
233. Large fish are not found in the swamp
234. Major betrayal is like devotion
235. Whoever is strong, God does not ask him
236. He who is stupid at forty years old will not become smart
237. Whoever is hungry, malt tastes good
238. He who goes ahead subjugates others
239. He who lies steals
240. He who makes excuses incriminates himself
241. He who drinks does not know about the dangers of wine, who does not drink does not know about its benefits
242. He who was born under the roar of cannonade is not afraid of gun salvos
243. He who has not obeyed himself cannot command
244. He who is too smart has no friends
245. He who is patient does not succumb to poverty
246. He who is in a hurry will not become a master
247. He who begs for three days will never get out of the habit.
248. He who feels shame also feels duty
249. The marten brags while the ferret is away
250. A merchant is an enemy to a merchant
251. What is bought is cheaper than what is given
252. What is easily found is easily lost
253. It’s easy to observe etiquette when you’re full
254. The goose flew in the tail, but took the lead
255. An extra thing is an extra worry
256. Let the boatman steer the boat
257. Lying is the first step to theft
258. The lotus grows in the swamp, and the white one
259. A horse is recognized by riding, a person by communication
260. It is better to be the enemy of a good person than the friend of a bad one
261. Better a cake than a flower
262. Better fifty sen now than a hundred later
263. It is better to be broken by a precious stone than to survive as a tile
264. The best God is the one we worship
265. Love and hate are one
266. The love of a silent firefly is hotter than the love of a crackling cicada
267. You won’t be full of love
268. People are the same everywhere
269. People who talk a lot know little
270. I seem to people to be on horseback, but to myself I seem to be on foot.
271. People tend to bow before power
272. Jacks of all trades master no art deeply
273. Mastery is learned in comparison with mediocrity
274. Metal is tested by fire, man by wine.
275. The bag of desire has no bottom
276. Youth never comes twice
277. The sea is big because it doesn’t disdain small rivers
278. Sea robbers accuse mountain robbers of crimes
279. Takes revenge on the guy from Edo, and hits his grandfather in Nagasaki
280. The sage rejoices in the water
281. For every cauldron there is a lid
282. Rice with tea is good on an empty stomach
283. You can’t hang a door on every mouth
284. On the snow and even frost
285. No hand is raised to a dog wagging its tail.
286. A patched lid is also good for a cracked cauldron.
287. Forced relationships do not last long
288. Wearing a straw cloak does not extinguish a fire
289. You must be able to both speak and hear
290. A true warrior is one who has mercy
291. A bow that is drawn will weaken sooner or later
292. Start climbing up from below
293. If you don’t bend, you won’t straighten up
294. There is no need for someone who works all the time
295. Title is not important, upbringing is important
296. He who does not know is calm
297. Not all people are evil devils
298. Do not do evil - you will not be in eternal fear
299. Don't trust a person who praises you
300. Do not detain the one leaving, do not drive away the one who has arrived.
301. Doesn't even know the first letter of the alphabet
302. Don’t pray, but work
303. A seed not sown will not sprout
304. Do not despise the enemy if he seems weak; don't be afraid of the enemy if he seems strong
305. Don’t make a decision after hearing only one side.
306. A non-drinker does not know how tasty water is after a hangover.
307. It’s not scary to retreat, it’s scary not to continue the fight
308. Don't judge people by their appearance
309. The sky is silent, people speak for it
310. You can't become an elder from the very beginning
311. Necessity is the mother of invention
312. Adversity will turn you into a gem
313. There is no enemy more dangerous than a fool
314. There are no children who are not like their parents
315. No illusions - no disappointments
316. There's no place like home
317. There is no light without shadow
318. There is no such difficult situation from which there would be no way out
319. Failure is the basis of success
320. Neither old nor young know when their time will come
321. The lower classes learn from the current government
322. Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow
323. No one trips while lying in bed
324. No one feels their own weight
325. Pour new wine into new bottles
326. The night traveler will not be delayed by the sunset
327. Need is upon us - eat the last seeds
328. I was needed - they made me a tiger, the need passed - they turned me into a mouse
329. Needed like a fan in winter
330. Needed like the hilt of a kitchen knife
331. Ask the sailors about the sea
332. A person is judged more accurately after death
333. There is no arguing about customs
334. A monkey and with a crown on his head is a monkey
335. Monkey, and he falls from the tree
336. Having burned yourself with soup, you blow on the salad
337. Education is what remains after you forget everything
338. You can’t put out fire with fire
339. Escaped fire, but ended up in water
340. The fire burns brighter before it goes out (agony)
341. One God forgot - another will help
342. One general has achieved success, but the bones of thousands of soldiers rot
343. One rotten peach will spoil a hundred good ones
344. One dog barks and thousands will howl after it
345. One swallow does not make summer
346. One leg is sore - and the other is swollen
347. One victory is worth little
348. One got tired for all the work
349. Kill two birds with one stone
350. One effort - two successes
351. You can’t immediately draw a circle with one hand and a square with the other.
352. Borrow a shed and you’ll lose your entire house
353. The wait is always long
354. The ocean does not neglect small rivers
355. A fallen chrysanthemum will not return to the bush
356. You will not hear the truth from a harlot
357. Great intelligence is not far from stupidity
358. There is no benefit from the former strength
359. There is no cure for falling in love
360. You can escape from everything except death
361. There is no cure for stupidity
362. Blind devotion is not far from infidelity
363. What remains from a tiger is the skin, but from a man - a name
364. Treat poison with poison
365. Return good for evil
366. Different as the Moon from a turtle
367. When you make a mistake, don’t be ashamed to correct yourself
368. The hairdresser does not do his own hair
369. The pen is mightier than the sword
370. Strangers come to feast, their own to grieve
371. The writer does not recognize the writer
372. They cry not when there are no children, but when they are there.
373. You can't get spit back
374. A bad craftsman blames the tools
375. A bad speaker is verbose
376. A bad owner grows weeds, a good one grows rice, a smart one cultivates the soil, a far-sighted one educates a worker.
377. They recognize their owner by things
378. They hit the protruding pile
379. All deeds are judged by one act
380. Stories are always better than reality
381. Devils live next door to the temple
382. Victory goes to the one who endures half an hour more than his opponent
383. Victory or defeat depends on chance
384. Having won, tighten the helmet straps
385. If you're lucky, horse manure will turn into miso
386. Suspicion creates ghosts
387. Having thought, make up your mind, but having made up your mind, don’t think.
388. Rise and decline are the order of things
389. Fire and fights are entertaining not in your own home
390. Late repentance will not correct what you have done.
391. As long as there is life, hope also lives
392. While we’re alive we don’t appreciate them, but when we’re dead we regret them
393. Conquer some with the help of others
394. If you fall in love, anyone will seem handsome
395. Sometimes one moment is more valuable than a treasure
396. After the tide there is always an ebb
397. What is lost always seems greater
398. The need for food is stronger than love
399. You can recognize a revered temple by its gates
400. Poets, without leaving home, know about the beauty of nature
401. True speeches are not beautiful, beautiful speeches are not truthful
402. The righteous do not dream dreams
403. Celebration - after work
404. The object and the shadow sympathize with each other
405. The fortune teller does not know his own fate
406. Habit becomes character
407. The time will come - and bitter will turn into sweet (opinions will change)
408. The diligence of a new employee is enough for twenty days
409. The time comes, and the mulberry garden turns into the sea
410. The cause and the patch can be stuck anywhere
411. Causes in the father, effects in the children
412. Trouble comes - rely on yourself
413. Having walked fifty steps, do not laugh at the one who has walked a hundred
414. Spilled water cannot be put back into a bucket
415. Even the sword is powerless against mercy
416. There is no weapon against reasonable arguments
417. Running water does not spoil
418. The past is a mirror of the present
419. The past is in the past, and the present is today
420. Forgive others, but don’t forgive yourself (change for the better)
421. Let them no longer praise, as long as they don’t scold
422. A working mill has no time to freeze
423. A raging sparrow is not afraid of a person
424. Can swallows and sparrows know the thoughts of a stork?
425. Revelry destroys a person
426. Discord in the home sows poverty
427. You can’t call a dog by waving a stick
428. A difference of one step turns into a difference of a thousand ri
429. Getting up early isn't worth a penny
430. Getting up early is equal to three virtues
431. Wounds from the sword heal, wounds from the tongue remain
432. Debauchery deprives both money and strength
433. Disheveled hair at the hairdresser (shoemaker without boots)
434. Grow like bamboo shoots after rain
435. The child is behind her, and she is looking for him
436. A child born during the day is like his father, one born at night is like his mother
437. The speeches of the great are not for simple ears
438. The speech of Buddha, and the heart of a snake
439. I drew a tiger, but it turned out to be a mongrel
440. Rice cakes don't grow on trees
441. Parents love children more than children of parents
442. Parents work, children enjoy life, grandchildren beg
443. They give birth to the body, but not the character
444. The mouth is the cause of both our illnesses and our misfortunes
445. You can’t shake a sleeve that isn’t there
446. The rosy apple praises itself
447. You won’t go to hell with money
448. With money comes worries
449. You can’t get off a departed ship
450. He is rude to his subordinates, and crawls on the ground in front of his superiors.
451. If it comes out of your mouth, it will spread all over the world
452. Sake is the first of a hundred medicines
453. He himself is in rags, but his heart is in brocade
454. If you don’t respect yourself, who will respect you?
455. Correct one’s behavior based on the behavior of others
456. Your reluctant brother
457. Do everything you can, and only then rely on fate
458. Fashionable now, unsuitable tomorrow
459. Check seven times before you doubt a person (first impressions can be deceiving)
460. You can’t catch a hare sitting on a stump
461. Strong attachment can turn into strong hatred
462. Strong in evil is strong in good deeds
463. The strong growl, the powerless squeal
464. A strong falcon hides its claws
465. To say “I hate” is to say “I love”
466. Modesty is the adornment of wisdom
467. Watching other people's manners, correct yours
468. The gilding came off, and what remained was the wooden Buddha
469. The blind snake is not afraid of anything
470. A blind person does not need glasses and a flashlight
471. Too much is as bad as too little
472. Words cannot be taxed
473. It happens that people get rich after a fire
474. What happens twice can happen a third time
475. Death does not choose time
476. First a man drinks sake, then sake drinks a man
477. Treat an old man like your father
478. Collect in a pinch, scatter in a handful (measure income with expenses)
479. A falcon is against sparrows, and a mouse is against a cat (to each his own)
480. Doubts give birth to truth
481. When people grow old, they become children again
482. It’s not difficult to grow old, but it’s not easy to gain intelligence
483. The mountain shook with a roar, and gave birth to one mouse
484. A crab in a hurry will not fall into its hole
485. You will stumble not over a mountain, but over an anthill
486. A fair person treats himself strictly, and treats others leniently
487. You can’t cover a quarrel with a hat
488. Try to win even when you fail
489. An old proverb will not deceive
490. Old rivers never dry up
491. A hundred-day sermon is nullified by one ugly act
492. A sharpened sword is only good for the kitchen
493. A person’s suffering is not noticeable from the outside
494. People suffering from the same disease sympathize with each other
495. An arrow at the end cannot pierce even thin silk
496. In an effort to straighten the branches, do not dry out the root
497. Similarities converge
498. Happiness enters the cheerful gates
499. Happiness and misfortune live close
500. Talented people are sickly, and beauties have an unhappy fate
501. Talents are not inherited
502. Only by throwing yourself into the water can you swim to a new place
503. Three daughters - ruin
504. You need a cane before you fall
505. It’s hard to say what’s in the soul of a person who constantly laughs
506. Anyone is susceptible to vanity, like rashes.
507. Everything seems better for others
508. Others have redder flowers
509. He who has a cheerful disposition will pass through iron
510. He who has a wound on his leg is afraid of even an ear of reeds
511. The observer from the outside has eight eyes
512. Pepper grains are small and hot
513. The runner does not choose the road
514. An opportunity is easy to take advantage of and easy to miss.
515. A person who has left becomes more alien every day
516. A person bitten by a snake is afraid of a rope
517. A smile never hurts anyone
518. Dying is easy, living is difficult
519. The missed fish seems big
520. Diligence is the mother of success
521. Success gives birth to new success
522. Give way to fools and madmen
523. If you lose, you win
524. It’s too late for a drowned man to call a boat
525. A drowning man clutches at a straw
526. Scientists talk about books, a butcher talks about pigs
527. Learning - what to push a cart up a hill
528. It's never too late to learn
529. Pinch yourself and find out if it hurts someone else
530. A false friend is more dangerous than an open enemy
531. Whether a bow is good depends on the hand that strings it
532. The good and bad in a person depend on the environment
533. Good medicine tastes bitter
534. Good meat does not smell
535. Any tool is good for a good master
536. A good merchant does not lay out all the goods at once
537. Work well, rest well
538. If you want to know a person, get to know his friends
539. A man supports himself with his mind, like a bird with his wings
540. A man is still a boy at fifty years old
541. A man does what he loves well
542. If you curse a person, you yourself will fall into two pits
543. Everywhere a person can find a green hill where to leave his ashes
544. You understand human good and evil with the help of friends
545. Instead of doing poetry, cultivate rice fields.
546. The more beautiful the rose, the longer its thorns
547. Rather than wait for yourself, it’s better to let them wait for you
548. The more carefully they hide, the sooner it becomes known
549. Black walnut cannot be rubbed white in three years
550. Honesty is the best policy
551. The source is pure - the stream is also pure
552. Read a sermon to Buddha (don’t teach a scientist)
553. What is expensive is good, what is cheap is rotten
554. Both faces and hearts - no two are alike
555. What's on the mind is on the face
556. Why grieve about something that cannot be turned back?
557. What comes from the heart reaches the heart
558. What is scary is also interesting
559. What to release a tiger into the jungle (like a fish in water)
560. It takes two to fight
561. To understand parental love, you need to raise your own children
562. Strangers will stroke you more painfully than your parents will hit you
563. You can endure someone else’s suffering for at least three years
564. To swim, you must throw yourself into the river
565. An egoist is always dissatisfied
566. Etiquette must be observed even in friendship

It seems that there is not a single language in the world that does not have proverbs and sayings. Proverbs and sayings reflect the mentality of the entire people, wisdom and life experience accumulated over centuries.

Knowing proverbs and sayings, you can appreciate the richness of the language and understand the imaginative thinking of its speakers, especially if the culture is very different from ours.

Knowledge of proverbs shows a person’s education, embellishes his speech, makes it more expressive and brighter. Proverbs and sayings are always used appropriately, vary in topic and can contain both advice in a certain situation and food for thought.

Since ancient times, domestic animals have lived alongside humans. Both in Rus' and in Japan, people, observing the behavior of their pets, came up with a number of wise sayings. Today we will give examples of Japanese proverbs and sayings related to the cat, horse, bee, monkey and pig:

猿も木から落ちる Saru mo ki kara ochiru. And the monkey falls from the tree.

Corresponds to the Russian proverb “A horse has four legs, and even then it stumbles.” It is said as a consolation to a person who has made a mistake or mistake.

馬の耳に念仏 Uma no mimi ni nenbutsu. The name of Buddha in the horse's ears.

This is what they say when a person is given good advice, but he does not listen. Corresponds to our “water off a duck’s back”, as if we were addressing a deaf-mute.

猫に小判 Neko ni koban. Give the cat a gold coin.

The expression with the pig has the same meaning: 「 豚に真珠 」 Buta ni shinju. Pig pearls.

This is what they say when a person, for example, bought some expensive thing and does not use it, for some reason he does not need it.

猫の手も借りたい Neko no te mo karitai At least borrow a cat's paw.

It is used if a person has a lot of work and any help would do, even something as small as a cat’s paw.

猫の額 Neko no hitai. Cat's forehead.

This is what they say, for example, about a small room, a park, or any other small place.

猫の舌 Neko no shita. Cat language.

A person who has a “cat tongue” cannot tolerate hot heat, because his tongue is very sensitive.

泣きっ面に蜂 Nakimme n ni hachi. A crying face is for a bee.

It is used when, for example, a person breaks his arm and soon falls and breaks his leg. Corresponds to the Russian “Trouble does not come alone.”

能ある鷹はつめを隠す 」Nō aru taka wa tsume o kakusu. A capable hawk hides its talons.

They say this in relation to a person who, in a normal situation, is unobtrusive and can turn only at the most critical moment; also, such a person does not reveal all his abilities at once.

What other Japanese proverbs and sayings do you know?

There are so many proverbs and sayings on our website! More precisely, not like that! 🙂 There are almost all the proverbs and sayings - about friendship, about work, about spring, and more than 50 other topics. Of course, among them there are also proverbs in other languages, and not only

Russian national

For example, today's article contains Japanese proverbs. |

Japanese culture is generally popular today. Children watch Japanese cartoons with their mouths open; you can’t drag them away from the TV when a film about Japanese samurai is playing on the screen. Adults occupy sushi bars. But in everyday life, the Japanese are people just like us. They also love and hate, among them there are lazy people and hard workers. The only difference is in the mentality. The subtleties of their oriental nature can be seen when reading Japanese proverbs. Let's get started?

Spoiling a child is the same as abandoning him.

Trouble often piles on top of one another.

You can't cross the river without a bridge.

Without shortcomings - seven bad habits, and when they are present - forty-eight.

Without an object there is no shadow.

Shave your head, not your soul.

The whiteness of the skin hides the lack of beauty.

Take an umbrella before you get wet.

Heartless children are trashing their father's house.

There is no point in shooting an arrow without a target.

Misfortune never comes alone.

Remember gratitude as long as you remember the insult.

Children are close to smart people and read without studying.

Those close in spirit reach out to each other.

A God whom you do not touch will not bring harm upon you.

A rich man is like an ashtray: the fuller, the dirtier.

Great luck will cause many small troubles.

Great misfortunes come from small causes.

Great talent matures late.

A noble man will not spare his life for the sake of a friend.

If you paint with ocher, your hands will turn yellow.

Shave your head, not your soul.

The shine of gold is brighter than the shine of Buddha.

In shallow waters the waves are louder.

At eighty, like a three-year-old child.

Happiness comes to a house where there is laughter.

In a fight, both sides are to blame.

In excess, medicine is poison.

A groom is also good in a beautiful dress.

There are no shortcuts to science.

In one case out of a thousand, the wise man is wrong.

In the dark, even dog droppings don’t get dirty.

On the road you need a travel companion, in life you need sympathy.

Different places have their own habits and customs.

The salt in your miso is salty.

A monkey is beautiful in a good dress.

God lives in an honest head.

Great self-interest seems to be selflessness.

In big things, small shortcomings are not thought through.

The fortuneteller does not know his fate.

Where yesterday there was a deep pool, today there is a shallow one.

Where stupidity reigns, reason hides.

Where people grieve, you grieve too.

You can’t line up heroes in a row.

The wind will not break a flexible willow.

The eyes are as eloquent as the lips.

The one who eats puffer fish soup is stupid, and the one who doesn’t eat it is also stupid.

A fool is more dangerous than a werewolf.

Talking about the future is making the mice under the floor laugh.

He hides his head and sharpens his butt.

When chasing a deer, you don't notice the mountains.

Pride goes before a fall.

Grief, like a torn dress, should be left at home.

A burnt stump catches fire easily.

A long whip will not reach the horse's belly.

You cannot extinguish a nearby fire with distant water.

If the head moves, then the tail does not stay in place.

The heat has passed and the shadow is forgotten.

Walk while there is light under your feet (before it gets dark).

Everyone is dearer (more expensive) to themselves.

Better a cake than a flower.

Pour new wine into new wineskins.

You can't hang a door on every mouth.

Talking about the future is to amuse the devils.

He can't even get flies off his head.

While he is alive, we do not appreciate him, but when he is dead, we regret him.

Waking up early brings three monas of profit.

Once you have taken poison, lick the saucer too.

Peel the crust off the flatbreads (mochi) and eat only the middle.

First a person drinks sake, then sake drinks sake, and in the end sake drinks a person.

While observing other people's manners, correct yours.

A person bitten by a snake is afraid of a rotten rope.

Poor people always have many children.

I wanted to break the sakura flowers, but the branches were high.

What is easy to get is easy to lose.

Fifty today is better than a hundred tomorrow.

Clearer than when you look at the fire.

Japanese sayings

For a paper lantern - a copper bell.

Fight like a fly against a lamp glass.

He chops off the flea's head with an ax.

Fight in someone else's fundoshi.

He blinded Buddha, but forgot to breathe his soul.

Bonza for three days.

Steal a cauldron on a moonlit night.

Add oil to dry firewood.

Drive a nail into rice crops.

Twist the rope after the thief has already been caught.

Sticking a hoe into someone else's field.

Talk about a needle like a stick.

Talking is like catching a cloud.

The head is a dragon and the tail is a snake.

I’m ready to sit on a rock for at least three years.

Warm your hands when there is a fire all around.

It was as if a bird had flown out from under my feet.

Catching sea bass with shrimp.

A silent bug gnaws at the wall.

Step on the tiger's tail.

Give the key to the thief for safekeeping.

Having burned yourself with soup, blow on the salad.

The protruding pile is hit.

Conduct water to your field.

After me there is either a wasteland or a mountain.

Count on your pocket.

Pig - pearls.

Fear gives birth to black devils.

At least consult your knees.

Using a butcher's ax to cut a chicken.

When leaving, kick the sand.

Heron on a pile of garbage.

Children should know not only the traditions of their people, but also how people live in other countries. Read Japanese proverbs to children, and they will help children better understand the life of the Japanese people. Read proverbs in Ukrainian and you will better understand the culture of the Ukrainian people. Read Tatar proverbs and sayings, and you will feel like residents of the free steppes! 🙂 Read many others, and you will better understand your roots and origins.

The natural isolation of Japan from the rest of the world made it truly unique and unique. The culture of the Land of the Rising Sun is very different from the cultures of other countries. The Japanese are a wise people, they are accustomed to living in complete harmony with nature and the world around them, enjoying every moment spent on earth. They do not tolerate fuss and unnecessary tinsel, carefully watching every flap of the wings of a moth and studying every insect that crawls through the grass. Therefore today Ofigenno.cc wants to publish a post dedicated to Japanese wisdom. These 50 heartfelt proverbs, I am sure, will make anyone think. Listen to the insightful words that come from the Land of the Rising Sun. I hope you will learn something new for yourself and take note of them.

1. The cause and the patch can be stuck anywhere.

2. Strangers come to feast, but our own people come to grieve.

3. An extra thing means an extra worry.

4. When your heart is light, your walk is light.

5. There are no great people without ordinary people.

6. Remember gratitude as long as you remember the insult.

7. There was no case of a naked person losing anything.

8. Where might is right, right is powerless.

10. Ill-gotten gains are not good for future use.

11. Asking is a shame for a minute, but not knowing is a shame for a lifetime.

12. A straight person, like a straight bamboo, is rare.

13. It’s not enough to be husband and wife, you also need to become friends and lovers, so that later you don’t look for them on the side.

14. When trouble comes, rely on yourself.

15. A husband and wife should be like a hand and eyes: when the hand hurts, the eyes cry, and when the eyes cry, the hands wipe away the tears.

16. It happens that a leaf sinks, but a stone floats.

17. It is easier to find ten thousand soldiers than one general.

18. Any woman seems beautiful in the dark, from afar or under a paper umbrella.

19. Even a journey of a thousand ri begins with one step.


21. Having thought, make up your mind, but having decided, don’t think.

22. On the road you need a travel companion, in life you need a friend.

23. There is no enemy more dangerous than a fool.

24. Do not detain the one leaving, do not drive away the one who has arrived.

25. The sea is large because it does not disdain small rivers.

26. You will recognize the revered temple by its gate.

27. Grief, like a torn dress, should be left at home.

28. No one trips while lying in bed.


30. Fall seven times, rise eight times.

31. The sun does not know what is right. The sun knows no wrong. The sun shines without the purpose of warming anyone. He who finds himself is like the sun.

32. Check seven times before you doubt a person.

33. Happiness comes to a house where there is laughter.

34. No arrow is shot into a smiling face.

35. He who has a cheerful disposition will pass through iron.

36. Whether a bow is good depends on the hand that strings it.


38. A perfect vase has never left the hands of a bad master.

39. Cold tea and cold rice are tolerable, but a cold look and a cold word are unbearable.

40. If a problem can be solved, then there is no need to worry about it; if it cannot be solved, then there is no use worrying about it.

41. A bad person tries to justify his mistake, a good one tries to correct it.

42. Be the teacher of your heart – don’t let your heart become your teacher.

43. The ear ripens - it bows its head; When a person gets rich, he raises his head.


45. Sometimes one moment is more valuable than a treasure.

46. ​​Fifty today is better than a hundred tomorrow.

47. If a woman wants to, she will pass through a rock.

48. A good merchant does not lay out all the goods at once.

49. With those who are silent, keep your ears open.

50. One dog barks in vain - the rest will take it seriously.

I can't stop admiring the Japanese people, who can notice all the subtleties of life. Graceful simplicity, naturalness, philosophy, a special attitude to detail - these are the “whales” on which the pearls of Japanese wisdom have long been built. This can only be said in the Land of the Rising Sun...


Editorial "Awesome"

The “Awesome” editorial office is a creative workshop whose workers do not sleep day and night, generating new ideas. If fate has put you in the “Awesome” category, then you have found yourself in a special world that will make you experience a wide variety of emotions - from the desire to break the monitor to tears of delight! Be that as it may, we assure you: here you will find a million unique stories from all over the world!

  • Hard work produces a master.
  • If you don’t learn to work when you’re young, you’ll be left empty-handed when you’re old.
  • Hard work is a valuable tree.
  • You can't change winter affairs in the fall.
  • Starting anything is easy, finishing it is difficult.
  • If you want your bins to be full, get up with the rooster crowing.
  • By working hard you will get everything, but if you are lazy you will lose everything.
  • Don't be afraid of work, be afraid of chatter.
  • Instead of relying on the golden mountain, rely on your hands.
  • To master high skill, you need to work hard.
  • When you drink water, do not forget those who dug the well.
  • The art of an archer depends not only on the bow.
  • Anyone who knows how to work always has money.
  • Eating is easy, cooking is difficult; It's easy to mess things up, hard to fix them.
  • A wise man who has seen everything is not worth a man who has done just one thing with his own hands.
  • If you want to eat your fill, work until you sweat.
  • Before starting work, sharpen the tool.
  • Skill is improved by hard work and lost by idleness.
  • If there was a strong will, the mountain would turn into a field.
  • Living at the expense of the sky is an unreliable thing, living at the expense of one’s own hands is a sure thing.
  • The work of the brave is afraid.
  • Sitting, you can eat mountains of gold.
  • A working fool is more useful than a resting sage.
  • And don’t sit idly by for one day.
  • If you don’t earn money and have food, the mountain will become empty.
  • As much as you sweat, you will eat as much porridge.
  • Strike flint against flint and you will get fire; if you don’t strike, you will not get smoke.
  • If you sharpen a piece of iron for a long time, you can make a needle out of it.

Japanese proverbs about skill. In the next post on the site, it was decided to post a collection of Japanese proverbs about masters, skill, and those who have mastered it (or have not mastered it...). In general, all those idioms, proverbs and sayings that somehow relate to skill.

一日の長 (いちじつのちょう) – idiom means slight superiority in knowledge, skills, proficiency, ability, etc.

馬は馬方 (うまはうまかた) - an allegorical expression that only a real pro can take this path

泳ぎ上手は川で死ぬ (およぎじょうずはかわでしぬ) - literally, even a craftsman can drown in a river. Meaning: You can’t rely only on your own strengths

河童の川流れ(かっぱのかわながれ) – water flows from Kappa. (who knows that if a kappa spills water from its head, it may lose its strength). Allegory: everyone can make a mistake

川立ちは川で果てる(かわだちはかわではてる) - this proverb means not to count the crows when you are in difficult areas, especially if you are ignorant in them (for example, stick to the pros if you conquer a difficult height in the mountains, and have never climbed a mountain yourself before)

騏驎も老いては駑馬に劣る (きりんもおいてはどばにおとる) - no matter how professional he is, over the years he grows old, becomes frail and is no different from a mere mortal

孔子の倒れ (くじのたおれ) – and Confucius may fall. Another statement that anyone can, regardless of their professionalism, stumble

弘法にも筆の誤り (こうぼうにもふでのあやまり) – and again about the fact that even the pros sometimes make mistakes. Quite a lot, it should be noted, was included in the collection of proverbs and idioms about the mistakes of the great.

弘法筆を選ばず (こうぼうふでをえらばず) – we, of course, will not talk about the dancer. But this proverb says that a bad master always blasphemes his instrument. Although literally “one does not choose a suitable brush for a Buddhist sermon”

蛇の道は蛇 (じゃのみちはへび) – the snake way – a snake. Let the thief find and catch the thief. Everyone must do their job

千里の馬も蹴躓く (せんりのうまもけつまずく) – and again about mistakes. literally, even a horse that has traveled 1000 ri may stumble. And the pros sometimes make mistakes

千慮の一失 (せんりょのいっしつ) - grief from mind. Literally 1 mistake in 1000 thoughts. When a person is too smart, thinks of something and makes a mistake precisely because he is smart

双璧 (そうへき) – an idiom meaning two treasures, two great men.

大巧は拙なるが若し (たいこうはせつなるがごとし) – don’t judge a book by its cover. The expression when a professional looks at every little handmade detail, with his nose in the air, without attaching any importance, shows his brand

名人は人を謗らず(めいじんはひとをそしらず) – a true master does not look for tricks from others. I really wish some people would remember this saying. It’s crazy how it helps in life ;)

餅は餅屋(もちはもちや) – every master knows his business better than others. Literally, mochi is best sold at a mochi stand.

竜馬の躓き (りゅうめのつまずき) – literally, both horses and dragons can stumble. Again about the mistakes of masters and about the fact that they, like ordinary people, can make mistakes

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Stork on a heap of garbage (i.e. a pearl in a dung heap).

An eggplant will not grow on a melon stem.
Spoiling a child is the same as abandoning him.
Badgers from the same hole (i.e., the same field of berries).
The poor man sleeps peacefully.
Without polishing, the gemstone does not shine.
The slacker is talkative.
A mountain of wealth is not enough for a slacker.
The white face hides seven flaws.
More useless than writing numbers on flowing water.
Useless as a gun in the dark.
Helpless, like a boat thrown into the sea.
There is no point in shooting an arrow without a target.
Hit the ground with a hammer (i.e. act for sure).
The shine of gold is brighter than the shine of a Buddha.
A close neighbor is better than a distant relative.
The eyelashes are close, but you won’t see them.
The wealth of the poor is children.
Wealth and nobility attract strangers, poverty and ignorance repel even relatives.
Wealth and nobility acquired through ill-gotten means disappear like a cloud.
The rich will not die at the hands of a robber (since he can always pay off).
The rich even peel the crust off a rice cake (that is, they are picky).
A rich man becomes dirtier from money, like a spittoon from saliva.
Chatterbox is a robber.
Great luck causes many small troubles.
Great misfortunes come from small causes.
A large temple bell next to a paper lantern. (About unequal marriage)
A big man does not do small things.
Brothers are like two hands.
The brothers quarrel among themselves, but unite in the face of the enemy.
Shave not your head, but your soul.
The Buddha was made, but the eyes were forgotten.
It happens that a kappa drowns. (Kappa - fairy water spirit)
It happens that a leaf sinks, but a stone floats.
There was a time when nightingales sang for her too.
Heats up quickly - cools down quickly.

There is also a needle injection into the sore spot.
In money matters, even parents and children are strangers.
In a village without birds, even a bat is a bird.
At ten years old - a miracle, at twenty - a genius, and after thirty - an ordinary person.
Even a woman without a name can sit in the precious palanquin.
In a fight, both sides are to blame.
In life there are seven failures and seven successes.
There are no shortcuts to science.
There is no poison in food that saves you from hunger (that is, what you need cannot be harmful).
Fish do not live in clear water.
On the road you need a companion, in life you need sympathy.
Each Benkei is in his own home.
Benkei is a legendary Japanese strongman.
In an argument, the one who shouts the loudest wins.
In joy there is a seed of sorrow, in sorrow there is a seed of joy.
In old age, a unicorn is worse than a nag.
A monkey is beautiful in a good dress.
In foreign lands, even a priest deserves gratitude.
Drive a nail into the rice bran.
Great self-interest seems to be selflessness.
Great talents mature slowly.
Return to your homeland in brocade clothes (i.e. achieve success in a foreign land).
The wind blows, but the mountains do not move.
The wind from the gap is especially cold.
A drunkard in the evening is a lazy person in the morning.
The item for sale is decorated with flowers.
A goddess in appearance, a witch at heart.
Twist the rope after the thief has already been caught.
To a lover, a thousand times seem like one. (Ri is a measure of length equal to 3.9 km)
At first shy, like a girl, in the end as agile as a running hare.
In times of peace, do not forget about the danger of war.
In the whole block, only my husband doesn’t know.
Water in the ears of a sleeping person. (About an unpleasant surprise)
Water takes the form of a vessel (i.e. the environment influences the person).
You cannot collect water that spills out of a bowl.
Fight with the curtain.
Carry water to the river.
Age is medicine.
Thrust the spear from the side. (About the treacherous blow)
Thief on fire. (About people using other people's misfortune for personal gain)
It’s not for nothing that the thief sleeps during the day.
The thief locks his door.
A sparrow caught in the sea turns into a mollusk.
Sparrows can jump for up to a hundred years.
A crow imitating a cormorant will drown.
Crows are black everywhere.
Eight hands, eight tongues. (About deceit)
Upbringing is more important than origin.
The older the doctor and the boss, the better.
The doctor does not think about his own health.
It's like jumping off the gallery of Kiyomizu Temple. (About big risk)
The gallery of this temple is located very high.
Everything you have done will come back to you.
A quick temper will not bring success.
Meet Buddha in hell. (About unexpected deliverance from trouble)
Meeting is the beginning of separation.
Sticking a comb into a nun's head.
Yesterday's flowers are just dreams today.
Hanging a lamb's head and selling dog meat.
Passing off a needle as a baton.
Even with four horses you won’t be able to catch up with a word that has flown out.
Release the tiger outside.
The one who raises a child is worth more than the one who gave birth to it.
Anyone who grows up on a river will die in it.
Tall trees are more affected by the wind.
Scooping out the sea with a shell.

Where yesterday there was a deep pool, today there is a shallow one.
Where you live is the capital.
Where there is no fire, there is no smoke.
It is better for the general of a defeated army not to talk about battles.
You can’t line up heroes in a row.
The characters recognize each other.
The eyes are as eloquent as the lips.
The one who eats puffer fish soup is stupid, and the one who doesn’t eat it is also stupid.
Fugu is a very tasty, but often poisonous fish.
The one who never went once is stupid, and the one who goes a second time is also stupid. (About attractions)
The stupid dog barks loudly.
Say “no” and nod your head “yes”.
Talking about the future is making the mice under the floor laugh.
Talking is like catching a cloud. (About empty talk)
Years and months flow like water.
Years and months do not wait for a person.
The loach does not always live under the willows (i.e., happiness does not always repeat itself).
The head is a dragon and the tail is a snake. (About a well-started but poorly ended enterprise)
A hungry dog ​​is not afraid of a stick.
When chasing a deer, you don’t notice the mountains.
Sorrow is everywhere, like the wind in the pine trees.
A burnt stump easily catches fire (that is, old love easily flares up again).
Mountains are valuable not because they are high, but because they are rich in forests.

Even a running horse needs a whip.
Even bosses are non-believers.
Flowers bloom even in trampled grass.
Even if it gets in the eye, it doesn't hurt. (About a dear person)
Even if you sleep in a room with an area of ​​a thousand tatami mats, you cannot occupy more than one.
Tatami is a mat, used as a measure of area.
Even a stone buddha will speak if necessary. (About silent, shy people)
Even Kobo made mistakes. (Kobo - famous calligrapher of the 9th century)
Even the groom looks good in an elegant dress.
Even a cat and a dog, if you feed them for three years, do not forget good things.
Even the best mirror does not reflect the other side of things (i.e., there are things that are incomprehensible even to the wise).
Even the best falcon will not catch anyone if it is not allowed to fly.
There is no room for even an ant to slip through.
Even to become a thief you need to study for ten years.
Even a misfortune can come in handy three years later.
Even the excellent is surpassed.
Even when jumping, the shrimp remains in the water.
Even a journey of a thousand ri begins with one step. (Ri is a measure of length equal to 3.9 km)
Even when suffering from thirst, do not secretly get it from someone else’s source.
Even dry trees enliven the mountain landscape.
Even a fool can have some talent.
Even a piece of paper has both a front and a back side.
Even after leaving a thousand ri, parents do not forget their children.
Even skillful hands spill water.
Even if you fall, you won’t get up in vain. (About a very calculating person who seeks to benefit even from his failures).
Give a monetary guarantee, but don’t vouch for the person.
Give the other one some flowers too.
A long journey begins with a close one.
Give money for the journey to the thief who robbed you.
They give in order to receive.
You can’t wear two pairs of waraji at once. (Waraji - Japanese straw sandals)
There is one girl, and there are eight suitors.
Act while the light is at your feet (i.e. before it’s too late).
The day is drawing to a close, but the road is still long.
Money makes people strangers.
Money and power in hell.
Money travels all over the world.
Money even gives shine to a Buddha image.
Money begets money.
Keep your head cool and your feet warm.
Keep your heart shut.
Fighting sparrows are not afraid of humans.
Ten people - ten shades.
Children are an eternal yoke (for their parents).
Children grow up even without parents.
Children of celebrities are rarely famous.
Children do not know the depth of their parents' hearts.
Cheap is bad.
For time there are no border posts.
For the hungry, all food is tasty.
There is no hunger for children (as parents will give them their last).
For Kobo, any brush is good. (Kobo - famous calligrapher of the 9th century)
For obi it is short, for tasuki it is long (i.e. neither this nor that). (Obi is a long belt, tasuki is a cord for tying the sleeves of a kimono while working)
Good done in secret is rewarded openly.
Don't put off doing a good deed.
Virtue is never alone; it always has neighbors.
A raindrop wears away a stone.
The rain will pass - the earth will dry out (that is, everything will work out in the end).
Long experience is more valuable than a tortoise shell (that is, human skill is the most valuable).
Evidence is better than reasoning.
Dragon and tiger do not get along together.
Other places - other things.
Others are others, and I am me.
Friendship and sake, the older, the better. (Sake - rice vodka)
Friendship like fish and water.
Friendly, like a dog and a monkey. (Cf.: Like a cat and a dog)
A fool is strong in hindsight.
Fools walk around in droves.
Notoriety runs a thousand times. (Ri is a measure of length equal to 3.9 km)
Badly acquired money does not last long.
The soul of a three-year-old remains unchanged to the end (i.e., the grave will correct the hunchback).
Smother with silk wool.
The devil of conscience torments the body.
The uncle mows the grass for his nephew (that is, topsy-turvy).

If you go to the country of U, follow its customs. (Wu is the name of an ancient inheritance in China)
If you believe, you will pray on the head of a herring.
If the soul is right, then the deeds will be right.
If there is a beginning, there will be an end.
If the mirror becomes dim, the heart becomes darkened.
If you love your son, send him to travel.
If miso smells like miso, it is not the best variety (miso) (i.e. true art is invisible). (Miso is a soybean food)
If your husband likes it, let him wear red eboshi. (Eboshi is an ancient headdress)
If there is no one to quarrel with, there will be no quarrel.
If you polish it, the tile will become a precious stone.
If the fish wants it, the water will give way.
If you're in a hurry, take a roundabout route.
If you have at least three handfuls of rice bran, go live with your father-in-law's family.
If you're going to become a dog, it's in a big house.
If you take shelter, then under a large tree.
If handled skillfully, both a fool and dull scissors can be useful.
If you want to straighten a tree, do it while it is young.
If you want to kill a commander, kill his horse first.
If you have money, think about the day when you won't have it.

The heat has passed and the shadow is forgotten.
To desire a lot is to desire nothing.
The stomach of a nursing mother can withstand even horse waraji. (Waraji - Japanese straw sandals)
The stomach is also a part of your body (i.e. you need to take care of it, don’t eat too much).
The older the wife and the saucepan, the better.
Wife and tatami, the fresher it is, the better. (Tatami - Japanese mat)
The devil's wife is a witch.
A woman's hair is strong enough to leash an elephant.
Women and servants are difficult to keep in line.
Woman to woman company.
Those who live will inevitably die, those who meet will part.
Parents are alive - honor them; if they are dead - remember them.
Human life is fleeting dew.
Living widely does not last long.
A crane lives a thousand years, and a turtle lives ten thousand.

For money the devil will do it.
Send a messenger for the messenger.
For rice cakes, go to the cake maker.
After good comes bad, after bad comes good.
For good advice, turn to the old man.
Beyond this bottom there is another bottom.
Taking care of your health is the best medicine.
Tomorrow's wind will blow tomorrow.
Have breakfast in the evening (i.e. do everything in advance).
The driven mouse dares to bite the cat.
We started talking about a man - and his shadow was already there.
Light a fire on your own nails. (About the stingy)
Swing a grasshopper's foot at the imperial carriage. (About a useless matter)
To borrow is like an angel, to give is like a devil.
Illness doesn't bother a busy person.
Passion is a total loss.
Force someone to drink boiling water (i.e., betray a person).
Make those who are idle work, even if they are your parents.
Drought does not mean famine. (Japan has a very humid climate)
Stars on a rainy night. (About something rare)
An earthquake in a shop where they sell threads.
A mirror and virtue are equally necessary for a woman.
A snake immediately recognizes a snake's trail.
The snake is no more than a sun long, but it seems ready to swallow a person. (Song is a measure of length equal to 3.8 cm)
The snake will not become straight even if it is placed in a bamboo tube.
Famous things are not always as good as they say.
Know "one" and not know "two". (About people who only know half the story)
The one who knows does not speak, the one who speaks does not know.
Sister-in-law is like a thousand devils.
You need an umbrella before you get wet.

And there is truth in lies.
And rotten rope can come in handy.
Both the geta and the buddha statue are made from the same wood. (Geta - Japanese wooden shoes)
And the stone will warm up if you sit on it for three years.
And cats and spoons (i.e. just anyone).
And a round egg can be rectangular, depending on how you cut it; and ordinary words can be harsh, depending on how you say them.
And the rat will become a tiger when its day comes.
And medicine in excess is poison.
And lies help.
And the ant's prayers reach the heavens.
And a wise man makes one mistake in a thousand cases.
And the ants can destroy the dam.
And the argument is quick with the tongue, and with the hands.
And leaving an unloved wife means losing three hundred mon. (Mon is a Japanese coin)
And the monkey falls from the tree.
And from the kite a falcon will be born.
And the hunter can fall into a trap.
And I want to try fugu fish, and I feel sorry for life. (Fugu is a very tasty, but often poisonous fish)
And the dust can form a mountain.
And sometimes my dog ​​bites me.
And a dog and a falcon are comrades (when they participate in a common cause).
And the blind man wants to see the capital.
And an arrow can pierce a stone.
And stupid parents have smart children.
And the devil's horns break.
Both cold and heat last only until the equinox.
And poison can be medicine.
Willows do not break from snow.
Willows are good when they are green, and flowers are good when they are red.
A Go player has no time to close the eyes of his dead parents. (Go is a Japanese chess-type game)
From a distance everything smells like flowers.
Excessive politeness turns into flattery.
By studying the old, you learn new things.
The player is bad, but he loves to play.
He who goes ahead guides others.
Some women are like demons.
Sometimes the doctor throws in the spoon (that is, he gives up on the hopeless).
Sometimes even a flying bird falls.
Sometimes death is mercy.
Sometimes the devil cries.
Sometimes running away means winning.
Irises - sixth, chrysanthemums - tenth. (About belated services, efforts: May 5 - Japanese iris festival; September 9 - chrysanthemum festival)
Look for a needle at the bottom of the pool.
Look for sea shellfish in the field.
Sincerity reaches the sky.
True knowledge is not apparent.
Only a few have true patience.
The source of the bad smell does not know what it smells like.
Go to the river pool without a net.
It's like walking on thin ice.
The searching eye is like the eye of a cormorant or a hawk.

To trouble and misfortune.
The boat is at the crossing.
Consider every stranger a thief.
It’s as if Bon and the New Year came together (i.e. there’s a lot to do: Bon is a Buddhist holiday of remembrance of the souls of the departed; celebrated in July)
Like water on a frog's head.
Like a sparrow wept. (About small, insignificant)
Like a sparrow before a falcon.
Like a club from a bush (i.e. unexpectedly, out of the blue).
Like a toad that swallowed a mosquito.
Like a pumpkin bottle colt. (About a happy accident)
Like a cat in someone else's house. (About a shy person)
Like a cat needs money.
Like a crab with its claws torn off.
Like ice under the sun.
Like a flatbread off the shelf. (About unexpected luck)
Like a fox mounted on a horse. (1. About something incredible. 2. About unstable, fluctuating.)
Like ants for sweets.
Like an ant dragging an anchor.
Like flies that flock to boiled rice.
Like a mouse in a bag.
Like a beggar who received a horse as a gift. (About a person who received an unnecessary gift)
Like a candle flame in the wind.
Like a wasp that stings a cow's horn.
Like the hallway in a doctor's house. (About something designed for effect)
Like tripping a friend.
Like bamboo shoots after rain.
Like a bamboo shoot under the floor. (About a weak, lethargic person)
Like a fish climbing a tree. (About an incredible event)
Like a fish out of water.
Like a blind man leading a blind man.
Like a blind man without a staff. (About a helpless person)
Like a blind man touching an elephant (but not being able to see it).
Like a blind man peeping through a fence.
Like a dog invited into the living room.
Like a nightingale finding a plum tree.
Like crazy, stung by a bee.
Like a lantern on a moonlit night.
Like a cicada on a pine tree. (About spouses who are not very suitable for each other in appearance)
The reeds mowed in a thousand days burn out in one.
The eve of the holiday is better than the holiday itself.
Dripping water onto a hot stone. (About small and useless help)
Drop eye drops from the second floor.
Square lid to a round box. (0 people constantly quarreling among themselves)
The croaking of frogs causes rain.
Using a toothpick, pick at the corners of the folding box (i.e., dig through the little things).
When a madman runs, the sane ones run after him.
When the hot piece has passed through the throat, the person forgets that it was hot.
When a clam fights with a snipe, the fisherman wins.
When wild geese fly, even turtles stamp their feet (from the desire to fly).
When the roasted beans bloom.
When your heart is light, your walk is light.
When injustice pushes forward, truth retreats.
When one horse goes wild, a thousand horses go wild.
When you hear a voice - heaven, when you see - hell.
When the udonge blooms. (Udonge is a fabulous flower that blooms once every three thousand years)
Quantity makes devils strong.
Well frogs don't know about the ocean.
Those who are not destined cannot be saved.
The end of chatter is the beginning of action.
When money runs out, so does love.
When the rain stops, they forget about the umbrella.
A cow drinks water and gets milk; a snake drinks water and gets poison.
The crab digs a hole according to the size of its shell.
Beautiful is not always happy.
Indigo dye is bluer than the indigo plant (i.e. the student has surpassed his teacher).
The beauty of a woman, although praised, is as fragile as skin.
Stealing a bell while covering your ears.
Stealing a cauldron on a moonlit night (openly deceiving).
Blood is washed away with blood.
There are no large fish in the swamp.
Large fish escape from the nets.
Major betrayal feels like devotion.
Anyone who goes to sleep immediately after eating turns into a beast.
He who does a lot knows nothing.
He who does not study does not know.
Who can tell a crow from a raven?
Anyone with a lantern - go forward.
He who has not obeyed himself cannot command.
Anyone who begs for three days will never get out of the habit.
Wherever the eye goes, the pupil goes.
The marten brags while the ferret is away.
What is bought is cheaper than what is given.

Ice made from water, but colder than water.
It's as easy as breaking an egg with a stone.
What is easily found is easily lost.
It is easier to find ten thousand soldiers than one general.
Cakes are better than flowers.
Summer insects do not know ice.
Summer insects themselves jump into the fire.
Fox in tiger skin.
The face is the mirror of the soul.
An extra thing is an extra worry.
Fishing on a tree.
Lies fade quickly.
Lying is the first step to theft.
The moon is covered by clouds, flowers are showered by the wind (that is, everything in the world is changeable).
It is better to be the enemy of a good person than the friend of a bad one.
It's better to be the beak of a rooster than the tail of a bull.
It's better to be the tail of a tai fish than the head of an iwashi fish. (Tai is a valuable and expensive fish; iwashi is one of the varieties of herring)
It's better not to go there than to go too far.
Better one day in this world than a thousand in the next.
One crane's cry is better than a thousand sparrow's chirps.
Better to see once than hear a hundred times.
The best god is the one we worship.
Any woman seems beautiful in the dark, from afar or under a paper umbrella.
Love like your own eye.
Love is beyond reason.
Love and self-interest are two paths (to marriage).
The love of a silent firefly is hotter than the love of a crackling cicada.
Love knows no barriers between superiors and inferiors.
People with big heads are lucky.

A small addition to a heavy burden.
Not only will you fall, but you will also be stepped on.
A boy living near a Buddhist temple reads sutras without studying. (Sutras are Buddhist sacred texts)
Mastery is learned in comparison with mediocrity.
Between the eye and nose (i.e. very close).
Small fish among big ones.
Shallow waters make loud noise.
Changes like a cat's eyes.
The situation changes - the mood changes.
Use a sword made by Masamune to cut radishes. (Masamune is a famous swordmaker of antiquity; the swords he made are highly valued)
The bag of desire has no bottom.
Sweet as an ugly child to his parents.
The world belongs to the whole world.
Pray to the gods only in difficult times.
A silent insect wears away the walls.
Silence is better than words.
Monk for three days. (About a person who ardently takes up some business and quickly cools down)
Sea robbers accuse mountain robbers of crimes.
The dead have no voice.
Many years - many grievances.
Many helmsmen - the boat is aground.
Many flowers - few fruits.
You can abandon a child in a bamboo thicket, but it is impossible to abandon your parents.
A man will give his life for someone who understands him; a woman dresses up for the one who loves her.
The man is a pine tree, the woman is a wisteria.
Wisteria curls around a pine tree.
Flies flock to anything that smells bad.
We remember how much we are owed, but we don't remember how much we owe.

An inch ahead - and everything is dark (that is, the future is unknown).
There is no complaint about the gifted item.
Flowers bloomed on the stone (something impossible).
There are wasps on a crying face.
Do not raise your hand to a dog that is wagging its tail.
There is no special road to the next world either for kings or princes.
You won't get rich with sobriety.
A patched lid is also suitable for a cracked cauldron (i.e. for husband and wife).
For every thousand blind people, there are a thousand sighted people (i.e., the disadvantages are balanced by the advantages).
Place a heavy pack on an overloaded horse.
Pile roof on top of roof.
You must be able to speak and hear.
The inscriptions on the walls are not written by masters.
The one who suffered in the boat avoids the palanquin (that is, having been burned on the milk, he blows on the water).
A painted flatbread will not satisfy your hunger.
Perseverance passes through rocks.
A true warrior is one who has mercy.
Step on the tiger's tail (i.e., find yourself in a dangerous position).
Drawing the bow when the thief has already run away.
A bow that is drawn will sooner or later weaken.
Start with the dragon's head and end with the snake's tail. (On the insignificance of the results)
Start climbing up from the bottom.
There was no case of a naked man losing anything.
Not all people are evil devils (i.e. the world is not without good people).
Don't say the word "beauty" until you've seen Nikko. (Nikko is an ancient city in Japan, famous for the beauty of its surroundings and Buddhist temples)
Don't do things that need to be hidden.
Don't trust the person who praises you.
Do not detain the one leaving, do not drive away the one coming.
Don’t feed your young wife autumn eggplants (that is, don’t give your daughter-in-law any favors).
If you don't like the bonze, you don't like his cassock either.
Don't pray, but work.
Don't eat too much - and you don't need a doctor.
Do not wear shoes in the melon field (otherwise you will be suspected of wanting to steal the melon).
Do not open your heart to a woman, even if she gave birth to seven children.
If you don't go into the tiger's den, you won't catch the cubs.
If you haven't caught a badger, don't evaluate its skin.
Neither the Khasi nor the club help. (Hashi - chopsticks)
Do not despise the enemy if he seems weak, do not fear the enemy if he seems strong.
Don't make a decision after hearing only one side.
It did not stick to those living on the sea or to those living in the mountains.
You can't say he's an older brother, but you can't call him a younger brother either.
The sky is silent - people speak for it.
The ignorant is calm like a Buddha.
The daughter-in-law and mother-in-law are like a dog and a monkey (that is, they always quarrel).
Some insects love it too. Wed; Every man to his own taste. (Tade is a plant that tastes bitter0
You cannot become an elder from the very beginning.
Carelessness is a great enemy.
Unsown grain will not grow.
A non-drinker does not know how tasty water is for a hangover.
Adversity will turn you into a gem.
There is not even an island to land on (i.e. there is no support).
“No” completes the advice.
No illusions - no disappointments.
There's no place like home.
There is nothing worse than a fool.
No sleeves - nothing to shake with.
Neither poison nor cure.
Nobody stumbles while lying in bed.
Nobody feels their own weight.
Palanquin bearers do not travel in them.
The night traveler will not be delayed by the sunset.
You need it like a fan in the fall.
You need it like a stick after a fight.
I need it like a blind man needs a lantern.

To talk about the future is to make the devils laugh.
Oh money! Sometimes it seems that they are there, but they are not; sometimes it seems that they are not there, but they are.
Ask the fishermen about the sea.
Ask others about yourself.
The monkey wants to get the reflection of the moon in the water. (About a stupid desire that can cost your life)
It is useless for a monkey to learn to swim.
Having burned yourself with soup, blow on the salad.
The fire burns brighter before it goes out.
I forgot one run - another will help.
One general has succeeded, but the bones of thousands of soldiers rot.
One rotten peach will spoil a hundred good ones.
One trouble has passed, another is coming.
One benefit - one harm.
One dog barks in vain - the rest will take it seriously.
Some are carried in palanquins, others carry palanquins, and others weave straw shoes for the porters.
One effort - two successes.
Expect a downpour tomorrow, suspect the thief is another person (i.e., don’t trust anyone).
The wait is always long.
The ocean does not neglect small rivers.
He doesn’t even know if the potatoes are cooked (that is, he doesn’t know the simplest things).
He can even take out an eye from a living horse. (About a cunning and dexterous person)
Fallen flowers do not return to the branches; a broken mirror no longer reflects anything. (About separated spouses)
To be acquitted after the verdict.
An overturned cart is a warning to the one following it.
The autumn sky changes seven and a half times.
Leave wildflowers in the fields.
Beware of silent people.
Caution after a burn.
Condemn the offense, not the criminal.
You won't hear the truth from a harlot.
There is no cure for stupidity.
From a crooked branch there is a crooked shadow.
From frogs, frogs are born.
What remains from a tiger is the skin, but from a person - a name.
Treat poison with poison.
The reflection of the glory of the parents also falls on the children.
Return good for evil.
Divert water to your fields (i.e., take care only of yourself).
Give the key to the thief for safekeeping.
Give away rice fields and borders in addition. (About a lover who is ready to sacrifice everything for his beloved)
Answer me before you get up.
To take revenge in Nagasaki for the evil done in Edo.
Edo is the old name for Tokyo.
Cut off the end of something that is already short.
Cut off your own head with your own sword.
When you make a mistake, don’t be ashamed to correct yourself.

The shepherd is driven away by the cows (i.e., everything is the other way around).
The first victory is not a victory.
The first is the voice, the second is the melody.
The first glass of sake is drunk by a person, the second glass of sake is drunk by sake, the third glass of sake is drunk by a person. (Sake - rice vodka)
The first grandchild is sweeter than his own children.
The first rice harvest tastes better than the last.
Change from an ox to a horse (i.e., use the best means).
Change from a horse to an ox (i.e. change the best for the worst).
The pen is mightier than the sword.
The song moves the world.
The song takes shape on its own.
Eating roadside grass (i.e., subsisting on odd jobs).
Plans for the year are made on the first day of the new year, plans for the day are made early in the morning.
The dress is washed, but it’s my own.
Don't care about the wind.
You can't get spit back.
A bad wife is like a crop failure for sixty years in a row.
A bad speaker is verbose.
A bad worker is not on friendly terms with a tool.
Dancing under the floor. (About a useless activity.)
All actions are judged by one act.
The devil lives next door to the temple.
It's always dark under the lighthouse.
Hang a large stone on a thread from a lotus stem. (about the impossible)
Suspicion breeds ghosts.
Calculate your neighbor's wealth.
Add soil to a high place.
Once you have thought, make up your mind, but once you have decided, don’t think.
To spare one mon is to lose a hundred. (Mon is a small Japanese coin)
Fire and fights are entertaining not in your own home.
Fire pump after a fire.
Late repentance will not correct what you have done.
It's too late to have fun after the holiday.
It’s too late to cover the gravestone with a warm blanket.
Catch carp using boiled barley (i.e. get a big profit at low cost).
Catch a fish without getting your hands wet.
While your parents are alive, don't go far.
Buy cheap - lose money.
Sometimes one moment is more valuable than a treasure.
Instruct a thief to guard the money.
Put your baby on your back - he will want to be held.
After me there is either a wasteland or a mountain.
After pleasure comes suffering.
After your victory, tighten your helmet straps.
After the funeral, call the doctor.
After high tide there is always low tide.
Place a cat to guard the dried mackerel.
Be shipwrecked off the coast.
What is lost always seems greater.
The need for food is stronger than love.
They look like two halves of a cut melon.
You can recognize the revered temple by its gates.
The respectful dove sits three branches below its parents.
When you feel thirsty, start digging a well.
Poets, without leaving home, know about the beauty of nature.
Right is always on the side of the victorious army.
The object and the shadow sympathize with each other.
First - care, then - medicine.
Before you get on a horse, ride in the wild.
Before you look at a girl, look at her mother.
Teaching is half the way to knowledge.
Tie a horse with rotten rope.
Cover it so it doesn't stink (i.e. hide the nasty stuff).
The diligence of a new employee is enough for twenty days.
When you take on a big task, don’t look back at small mistakes.
Put your legs on the snake. (About unnecessary worries)
It stuck like a grain of boiled rice to the sole.
Sprinkle salt on the wound.
The cause of Tyra's death was Tyra themselves. (Taira is an old feudal clan that was defeated by the Minamoto clan)
The cause and the patch can be stuck anywhere.
Causes in the father, consequences in the children.
If you lose in Go, you win in Shogi. (Go and Shogi are Japanese games like chess)
The leper envies the syphilitic.
If you ask for a stick, you get a needle.
Even the sword is powerless against mercy.
There is no weapon against reasonable arguments.
Running water does not spoil.
Three days passed - the cherry blossoms faded.
The past is in the past, and the present is today.
Jump into the abyss with a stone in your hands.
Hiding the needle in silk wool (i.e., covering up deceit with friendliness).
Birds in a cage yearn for the clouds.
Let the falcon fly when it sees a hare. (About purposeful actions)
Shoot arrows when there is no enemy.
Let him under the canopy - you'll lose your whole house.
Let the long one wrap itself around you (i.e., don’t fight the strong).
Let the spears and fire fly. (about determination)
Let them no longer praise, as long as they don’t scold.
Trying to borrow a hundred ryo on the security of a straw hat. (Ryo is a large ancient coin)
Trying to commit hara-kiri with a wooden pestle.
Fifty today is better than a hundred tomorrow.

The work before breakfast is easy.
A running mill has no time to freeze.
You can even sacrifice your life for the sake of virtue.
The joys and sorrows in life depend on other people.
Once you sow, you must also reap the harvest.
Once you have taken poison, lick the saucer too. (Cf.: Seven troubles - one answer.)
Can swallows and sparrows know the thoughts of a stork?
Discord in the home breeds poverty.
As different as snow and coal.
A difference of one step becomes a difference of a thousand ri. (Ri is a measure of length equal to 3.9 km)
Getting up early brings three monas of profit. (Mon - small coin)
They diverge like the ends of a crossbill's beak.
A baby in your arms is more valuable than a baby on your back. (Usually in Japan, children are carried on their backs. Only those who are being pampered are picked up.)
A child born during the day is like his father, and a child born at night is like his mother.
Jealousy is the soul of love.
The speeches of the great are not for ordinary ears.
The speech is a buddha, but the heart is a snake.
Rust comes from within (that is, a person is to blame for his shortcomings).
Rice cakes grow on trees.
Draws a tiger - it turns out to be a cat.
Parents work, children enjoy life, grandchildren beg.
It is easier to give birth than to suffer (from fear of childbirth).
The mouth is the cause of both our misfortunes and our illnesses.
The sleeves of a woman's kimono do not dry out. (Tears are usually wiped away with the sleeves of a kimono)
Rowan berries from smallpox are also dimples on the cheeks (for the eyes of a lover).

The gentleman is a fool with money.
You can't get off a departing ship.
Sake reveals true thoughts. (Sake - rice vodka)
Sake and long sleep are the shortest path to poverty.
Sake is the worst poison and the best medicine.
He himself is dressed in rags, but his heart is in brocade.
If you don't respect yourself, others won't respect you.
The biggest fish is the one that gets off the hook.
A samurai picks his teeth with a toothpick, even if he has not eaten.
A candle shines for people while burning itself.
Do your own thing.
The fortune teller does not know his own destiny.
Set sail for your talent.
Your own mistake is your own concern.
Tie yourself with your own rope.
Saints don't dream.
Keep the flies out of your head (i.e., don't meddle in other people's business).
Do everything you can, and leave the rest to fate.
You can't undo what's done.
Make cotton from stone. (About the impossible)
Fashionable now, unsuitable tomorrow.
Check seven times before you doubt a person.
If you fall seven times, you will get up eight times.
A woman's heart is like the weather in spring.
A man's heart is as changeable as the autumn sky.
To sit in heaven on one lotus flower (i.e. to be together until the end).
Strongman under the floor (i.e. useless strength).
He who is strong in evil is also strong in good deeds.
To say “I hate” is to say “I love”.
No matter how much you polish the tile, it will not become a precious stone.
The gnashing of dried sardine teeth. (About powerless anger)
Staple the bean curd. (About a useless matter)
Modesty is the adornment of wisdom.
Twist the baby's arms. (About an easy matter)
Sweet cakes in an open mouth. (About unexpected luck)
While observing other people's manners, correct yours.
A blind snake is not afraid of anything.
The whip is too long and does not reach the horse's belly.
Too much love gives rise to hatred that is a hundred times stronger.
Words and metal melt.
Words cannot be taxed.
It’s like looking for something in a bag. (About something easy, simple)
Like a stone mortar dressed in a kimono. (About a short, fat man)
What happens twice can happen a third time.
Look at the sky through the eye of a needle.
Look at the sky through a reed. (About narrow horizons)
The snow on your umbrella becomes light when you think that it is your snow.
The dog is exhausted, and the food goes to the falcon.
A dog that barks a lot doesn't bite.
Collect millet with wet hands (i.e., rake in the heat with someone else's hands).
Collect with a pinch, scatter by the handful.
At least consult your knees.
Ripe rice bends its ears.
You will find sun and rice everywhere.
To the nightingale - plum, to the swallow - willow. (In Japan, the nightingale is associated not with a rose, but with a plum tree)
Fleeing from the fire, fall into the water.
Save a life from nine deaths (i.e. narrowly avoid serious danger).
A crab in a hurry will not get into its hole.
Sleep and wait for happiness.
There is only enough gossip for seventy-five days.
Calm as on board a big ship.
Ergot ripens before the ear.
You will stumble not over a mountain, but over an anthill.
A fair person treats himself strictly and treats others leniently.
Asking directions from a blind man.
To ask is a momentary shame, not to ask is a shame for life.
Compare acorn to acorn.
You won’t catch horseflies and wasps right away.
The quarrel between the spouses and the west wind subside as night falls.
You can't cover up a quarrel with a hat.
He became nice when he wasn’t anymore.
Try to win even when you fail.
An old horse does not forget the road.
Old man in a bath with cold water. (About senile stubbornness)
Old trees don't bend.
Old rivers never dry up. (On the strength of old customs)
One hundred years in the mountains, one hundred years at sea. (About a man who has seen the world)
A hundred days' preaching is undone by one ugly act.
A sharpened sword is only good for the kitchen.
Suffering is the seed of joy.
A person’s suffering is not noticeable from the outside.
People suffering from the same disease sympathize with each other.
An arrow costs three monas, and a wild goose costs eight hundred. (Mon is a small Japanese coin)
Trying to straighten the branches, dry the root.
Build a bridge to the clouds.
Shake off the dust from someone else's beard (i.e., flatter, please).
Suzumushi is kept in a cage for singing.
Suzumushi is an insect that produces a peculiar crackling sound reminiscent of birdsong.
Fate and shadow follow us everywhere.
Fate is the wheel of a moving cart.
Wait for fate and your star until the last moment.
Spouses are like twins.
Happiness comes to those who don't wait for it.
Happiness and unhappiness are intertwined like the fibers of a rope.
Happiness comes to a home where laughter is heard.
A score is a score.
Count the hairs in the nostrils (i.e. be under the shoe).
Count the years of a deceased child.
The son imitates the father, the daughter imitates the mother.
Well-fed, dressed - then polite.

So big that there is not enough mind for the whole body.
A talented person does not live long.
The firm will of heaven reaches.
Patience is a treasure for life.
A quiet cat catches mice.
Pushing the cart sideways (i.e., acting illogically).
The crow that was just crying is already laughing. (About rapid mood changes in children)
Using a butcher's ax to cut a chicken.
The protruding nail is hammered in.
The sticking stake will be the first to get hit.
Three heads together - the mind of Monju. (Monju - god of wisdom)
Three daughters are ruin.
Three women will gather - a bazaar.
You need a cane before you fall.
I spent labor and gained fatigue.
It is difficult to say what is in the soul of a person who constantly laughs.
It is difficult to compete with the virtues of the dead.
Heavy load on a skinny horse.

Greed has no top.
The poor have no free time.
Bonzes have net profit (that is, they do not invest capital, but receive income).
The day has eyes, the night has ears.
You can’t build a house by the road even in three years (if you listen to the advice of passers-by).
Every thief has an excuse.
Every man has his own Yang Tzu. (Yang Tzu - fairy princess of ancient China)
Each thing has its own measure.
He who has a wound on his leg is afraid of even a thin ear of grain (that is, a person with a bad conscience is afraid of everything).
He who does not have children does not know parental love.
There is a conference at the well (i.e., women's gossip).
The dyer always has “the day after tomorrow.” (About a person who does not fulfill his promise on time)
The dyer's pants are white (i.e., a shoemaker without boots).
A man has a head, a woman has a heart.
The observer from the outside has eight eyes.
A straight tree has crooked branches.
The runner does not choose the road.
Luck is a gift of fate.
An opportunity is easy to take advantage of and easy to miss.
The person who left becomes more alien every day.
The geta's decoration is laces, the man's decoration is his wife. (Geta - Japanese wooden shoes)
A person bitten by a snake is afraid of a rotten rope.
Snails fighting with horns. (About an empty and harmless quarrel)
Smiling doesn't hurt anyone.
The skill remains with a person forever.
Dying is easy, living is difficult.
When you die, you lose everything.
A smart hawk hides its talons.
A fallen leaf heralds the arrival of autumn.
The stubborn donkey takes on a submissive look.
Slipping away like a flea between a dog's teeth. (About a matter that seems easy at first glance)
Having heard one, learn ten (i.e., one word is enough for a smart person).
Give way to fools and crazy people.
If you lose, you win.
In the morning - a ruddy face, in the evening - white bones.
The student is no better than the teacher.
Teach your daughter-in-law as soon as she enters the house.
Teaching a monkey to climb trees.
Studying in a village is like sleeping during the day in the capital.
It’s not too late to learn to write even at eighty years old.
Study by the light of fireflies and snow. (On extreme diligence)
The walls also have ears.
Hurt your leg with a potato top.
Pinch yourself - you will find out how it hurts others.

A fruit tree is recognized by its flowers (that is, a capable person shows his abilities already in his youth).

A good horse obeys the shadow of the whip.
Whether a bow is good depends on the hand that strings it.
Good weather that sets in at night soon deteriorates.
A good bird chooses a good tree for its nest.
Good medicine tastes bitter.
Good things don't happen twice in a row.
Any material is good for a good craftsman.
Good deeds do not go beyond the gate, bad deeds spread to a thousand ri. (Ri is a measure of length equal to 3.9 km)
Good swimmers often drown.
A good Go player is also good at Shogi. (Go and Shogi are Japanese games like chess)
A good merchant does not lay out all the goods at once.
It's good when cheap is good.
I wanted to straighten the horns, but I killed the bull.
Although rotten, it is still tasty. (Tai is one of the most valuable fish species in Japan)
Even if you crash, you will achieve it.
Whether you laugh or cry, you won’t live more than one life.
I want to get flowers, but the branches are too high.
A brave man from Tokyo is matched by a beauty from Kyoto. (About a beautiful couple.)

A scratch on a gemstone. (About the shortcomings of a talented or good person)
Lotus flower in the mud.
The plum blossom is the earliest to bloom.
Flowers in both hands. (About luck, luck).
Flowers bloomed on a dried tree. (About unexpected success).
The neighbor's flowers are more beautiful.
The ceremonial one is always hungry.

Tea cup on a well frame. (About a risky enterprise).
Man is powerless before a crying child and before the owner of the earth.
A man of great intelligence is like a fool.
A man in a coffin - then there is only truth in the world.
A man who knows a hundred crafts knows not one.
A person does what he loves well.
Human life is as short as the life of a moth.
Instead of doing poetry, cultivate rice fields.
The more beautiful the rose, the longer its thorns.
Rather than wait for yourself, it’s better to let them wait for you.
The more carefully they hide, the sooner it becomes known.
A turtle that grabs a person gets caught.
Draw water with a basket.
The source is clean and the stream is clean.
The devil and even an iron club.
What ripens quickly deteriorates quickly.
What we have we don’t like, what we want we don’t have.
What mixes with cinnabar turns red.
Like an eel, like a cancer, it lives for only one century.
To try to swim, you have to throw yourself into the river.
The feeling of a father is higher than the mountains, the feeling of a mother is deeper than the ocean.
Someone else's back is visible, but your own is not visible.
Someone else's dress never fits.
You can endure the suffering of others for at least three years.
Someone else's mouth is not a door - you can't close it.

Whisper a prayer into the horse's ears. (About a useless matter).
A lump above the eye is a nuisance. (About a bad boss who interferes with work).

Etiquette must be observed even in friendship.

An egg is never square, a street woman is never sincere.
The neighbor's barley tastes better than the rice at home.

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