Acacia symbol. Acacia is a symbol of immortality. The use of “white acacia” as medicine

Imagine, that tree, which from childhood we are accustomed to perceive as white acacia, is not considered by biologists to be an acacia! Few people know that the real name of this tree (in botany) is Robinia vulgare, or Robinia false acacia.

Name locust invented by Carl Linnaeus and given to the plant in honor of the French botanists Jean and Vespasian Roben. However, the erroneous name white locust is so widespread that it has eclipsed the real one! We will not deviate from cultural tradition, therefore, so that the reader understands us, we will use the familiar name, but we will “put” it in quotation marks.

What kind of plant is this?

The homeland of the “white locust” is North American forests, but it has successfully naturalized on all continents (of course, except Antarctica). Now it is widespread in our country, in Crimea, the Caucasus and the Far East.

For the Indians, acacia is the tree of life, immortality; its beautiful flowers symbolize purity. Collected in large clusters, they delight with their sweet aroma in June-July. Bees readily collect nectar from them. According to scientists, from one mature tree you can get from 5 to 14 kg of fragrant honey, which practically does not crystallize.

“White acacia” grows quickly, especially in the first 10 years, and under favorable conditions can reach a height of up to 30 m. This tree is quite hardy, sun-loving, drought-resistant, has a beautiful openwork crown, so it is successfully used both in landscape design and for creating wind-protective forest belts, strengthening unstable soils with a high sand content. The oldest tree in Paris is the “white acacia,” planted in 1601 in the royal garden of Henry VI. It's hard to believe, but Robinia is used in the delicate art of growing bonsai - mini copies of real trees.
If you look at the photo, you would never guess that “white acacia” belongs to the legume family. It is “given away” by flowers and fruits - small pods with seeds, which, however, are not used for food or treatment, but are used in decorative crafts.

Medicinal qualities of “white acacia”

It is known that Robinia preparations can be used as antispasmodics, diuretics, mild laxatives, as well as antipyretic, astringent, hemostatic, choleretic and expectorant. It is known that “white acacia” is used in the treatment of many diseases:

  • tumors and inflammation in the “female” genital area; infertility;
  • rheumatism, joint diseases;
  • depression, overwork;
  • ulcers in the stomach;
  • colds, including prolonged ones.

Experts admit that the medicinal properties and chemical composition of “white acacia” have not yet been fully studied, so treatment with drugs from this plant is possible only under the supervision of a doctor or an experienced herbalist.

A valuable essential oil is extracted from “white acacia,” which has an antispasmodic, analgesic, antiseptic, stimulating effect, and also repels insect pests. This oil is recommended for use in the care of sensitive skin and in aromatherapy to lift mood and neutralize the effects of stress.

Interesting fact! Blooming acacia is used to make jam and even vodka. You can learn more about this in the video at the end of the article.

Chemical composition of Robinia vulgare

The flowers and young bark of “white acacia” contain unique robinine, a substance that causes a decrease in the level of ammonia in the blood and the removal of urea from the body. This substance is used in pharmacology for the manufacture of drugs. However, this substance is toxic, so self-treatment with “white acacia” is unacceptable!

Flowers, shoots and leaves also contain glycosides, flavonoids, organic and fatty acids, essential oils, tannins, esters (for example, salicylic acid), pectins, phytosterol, mucus, sugars, vitamins A and C, minerals, tannins.

The use of “white acacia” as medicine

Tip: Flowers are collected during the flowering period, and it is important to choose the time when they are half-bloomed. They should be dried in the shade, in a ventilated area at temperatures up to 50°C (for example, in the attic). The bark and leaves can be collected from spring to late summer.

Recipe for a decoction for “female” inflammation

You will need: 1 tbsp. flowers, 2 glasses of water.
Preparation: Pour water over the raw material, bring to a boil and keep on low heat for another 2 minutes. Strain, cool and dilute with water to obtain the original volume.

Take 1 tbsp. decoction up to four times a day half an hour before meals.

Recipe for acacia flower tincture for infertility

You will need: fresh flowers, alcohol or vodka (1:1 ratio).

Preparation: Pour alcohol over the flowers, close the container and leave for 10 days in a dark place.

Take 3 times a day, 20 drops diluted in 1 tbsp. clean water.

Recipe for rubbing tincture for rheumatism, radiculitis

You will need: 50 g of flowers, 2 glasses of vodka or alcohol.

Preparation: Pour vodka over the raw materials, leave for three weeks in a dark place, shaking the container regularly. After the expiration date, the tincture is filtered and used for rubbing - 2 times a day. This remedy also helps well with varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

Recipe for a decoction for colds and coughs

You will need: 1 tbsp. powdered leaves, 1 cup boiling water.

Preparation: Pour water over the raw material, boil for 5 minutes over low heat. Strain the cooled broth and take 1 tbsp three times a day. before meals.

Recipe for a decoction for cystitis

You will need: a collection of acacia flowers, calendula flowers, wheatgrass root (50 g), taken in equal parts, water (300 ml).

Preparation: Pour water over the raw material and boil for 8 minutes. Cool, strain and add hot water to 300 ml.

Take the decoction three times a day, 50 ml.

Recipe for bark infusion for the treatment of gastritis, peptic ulcers, constipation

Required: 1 tsp. acacia bark, water (1 l).

Preparation: Pour boiling water over the bark and leave for 1 hour. Strain, take 120 ml three times a day for 20 minutes. before meals.

Cautions and contraindications

The bark of the tree, as well as the wood, contains the alkaloid toxalbuminrobin, which has an irritating effect and “burns” the protective mucous membranes. Thus, when harvesting wood, signs of poisoning may appear: headache or heart pain, malaise, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. If such symptoms occur, you should immediately do a gastric lavage, drink an absorbent and consult a doctor.

White acacia preparations should be taken in limited doses, as a large dose can lead to poisoning with toxic substances. Acacia-based products should not be used by those with low stomach acidity, low blood pressure, as well as children, pregnant and lactating women, or those with individual intolerance.

Important: Using folk remedies based on white acacia to treat any diseases is permissible only after consultation with a doctor. The plant is poisonous and, if used incorrectly, can cause significant harm to the body.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

The month of May is the wild flowering of nature. The lilac and tulips are fading, the bird cherry and apricot and cherry trees are blooming. The acacia tree is now blooming. The aroma of this tree can be heard from a distance, but the amazingly blooming plucked branches do not stand in a vase - they instantly wither, probably for this reason the tree in ancient times was a symbol of innocence and purity. From the point of view of various beliefs, acacia has its own meaning. For esotericists, it is a symbol of constancy and immutability; for the Egyptians, it symbolizes immortality; among ancient Christians, acacia was a symbol of a respectable lifestyle; in a number of Mediterranean countries, acacia symbolized friendship and platonic love.

There was a belief that acacia thorns repel evil, that the Goddess of Hunting and War lives in this tree, and acacia was also called the mother tree for its abundant flowering and rapid growth.

This tree does not leave artists indifferent either. Unlike roses or lilies, acacia is quite rarely found on canvases. But still I found some interesting works. I like this tree and its inflorescence in its own way, there is something attractive and exciting about it.

Garshin Vladimir Alekseevich


Udova Anastasia

Pastukhova Yulia “White acacia”

Photo is desirable

In Mediterranean countries it means life, immortality, retirement from active affairs, as well as platonic love. Since this plant has both white and red flowers, it signifies life and death, death and rebirth. Its spines mean the horns of the growing moon. In Christianity, acacia is a sign of immortality and a moral way of life. One tradition suggests that the crown of thorns was made from acacia - on the one hand because it is the sacred tree of the Jews, and on the other hand to mock the idea of ​​​​immortality. Among the Egyptians, acacia symbolized the Sun, rebirth, immortality, initiation and innocence, and is also the emblem of the goddess Neith. Among the Jews, acacia is the sacred Gopher Tree, from which the Tabernacle of the Covenant is made. Also symbolizes funerals and mourning.

Seeing a blooming acacia in a dream is a sign of a pleasant meeting. You seem to be standing near a blooming acacia and are so delighted that you have no strength to move away - such a dream speaks of your upcoming visit to either a theater, or an art museum, art gallery, exhibition-sale and similar; You will be in contact with art or with a person working in the field of art. You are walking along an alley of acacia trees - such a dream warns you of a mistake that you may make or have already made, but do not yet suspect. Try not to enter into important negotiations, sign contracts, or make promises in the next day or two. If you dream that you smell the aroma of a blooming acacia tree, this is a good dream; there is a high probability that you will receive good news from the person you love.

This tree, the image of which is closely associated with a memorable episode of Masonic legend, is considered a symbol of immortality. This interpretation is apparently explained by its extraordinary natural vitality - Du Pratz says that if even a small amount of bark remains on its branches, they, being simply dug into the ground, will take root. There are several species of acacia, among which is Acacia vera (also called Egyptian blackthorn, or Acacia seyal), from which gum arabic is extracted. It corresponds to the tree sittah, or shittim, from the books of Exodus and the prophet Isaiah. It was its wood that was used in the construction of the ark of the covenant and the altar in the tabernacle. Christian

Tradition says that the crown of thorns of Christ was made from its thorny shoots. If you believe the pseudo-historical lecture of the degree of Novitius and Knight of St. John the Theologian, then the Crucifixion cross itself was made from it.

Acacia is a plant that symbolizes immortality.

Enjoyed the greatest reverence among the ancient Egyptians and Jews. The most important plant image in Freemasonry: the body of the murdered and buried Adoniram was discovered due to the fact that an acacia tree grew on his grave; an acacia tree appeared over the grave of Osiris. It was this plant that “kindled, but did not burn” when the angel spoke to Moses. Gopher, the tree used by the Israelites to build the Tabernacle and Ark of the Covenant, was a type of acacia. Acacia also had a sacred character among the Arabs during the pagan period of their history. The idol Al-Uzza was made from it, installed in Mecca and then destroyed by Muhammad. According to Freemasonry researcher A. Pike, the “crown of thorns” placed on the head of Jesus was made of acacia branches.

The basis for the perception of acacia as a symbol of immortality was its special durability and vitality. The original symbolism of the mimosa was apparently transformed into the cult of the acacia. According to Coptic legend, this plant was the first to be used in the worship of Christ. The rapid growth of the acacia tree has made it a symbol of fertility.

Acacia also symbolized the spring equinox, personified by the mythology of the resurrection of the solar deity. In addition, it implies purity and innocence. This perception is caused by the special sensitivity of the plant, which wrinkles when touched by a person. Acacia is an emblem of various mysteries. During initiation, neophytes carried branches or bouquets of acacia flowers in front of them. In a number of Mediterranean countries, acacia symbolized friendship and platonic love.

Source: Morazharko M. Freemasonry in the past and present. M., 1990.


Acacia, if the main focus of the dream is on the tree trunk, should be interpreted as a penis, and from here all standard interpretations follow (see Log).

If attention is drawn to acacia flowers, then they symbolize the female genital organs.

If you cut, pick or break off acacia branches, then you prefer to engage in self-satisfaction.

The thorns on the acacia tree are a typical phallic symbol.

So the acacia is a complex sexual symbol, and switching attention from one part of the acacia to another can indicate the bisexuality of the sleeper.

A walk along the alley of acacias indicates a predisposition to have many children.

If you are scratched by an acacia thorn, then you may become an object of sexual advances. Seeing acacia flowers means meeting a partner who is inexperienced in the intricacies of sex.

Acacia is used as a symbol of constancy and immutability, vitality and immortality in nature.

The white and red inflorescences of the shares symbolize the duality of life and death, as well as rebirth.

The symbolism of overcoming death (immortality) is especially noticeable in the Jewish and Christian traditions, where acacia was used in the construction of arks, shrines and tabernacles.

In symbolism, acacia is identified not only with related plants - Robinia (white acacia) or mimosa; but is often identical to the symbolism of the thorn or hawthorn.

In Freemasonry, there is a constant ornamental and decorative motif in the sewing of regalia and the decoration of lodges. A knotted acacia stick was used in initiation ceremonies and as a mourning attribute. The most important plant image in Freemasonry: the body of the murdered and buried Adoniram was discovered due to the fact that an acacia tree grew on his grave; an acacia tree appeared over the grave of Osiris. It was this plant that “kindled, but did not burn” when the angel spoke to Moses. Masonic obituaries are decorated with an acacia branch and are placed in the coffin of the deceased. This tradition dates back to the story of Hiram, King Solomon's architect, who was killed by three envious students for refusing to share the secrets of his craft. Since the deceased symbolically continues life in each new master, the acacia branch signifies the flowering of an idea that has survived death.

In Ancient Egypt, acacia was revered as a sacred plant due to the double red-white (pink) color of its inflorescences (the law of white-red). It symbolized the Sun, rebirth, immortality, initiation and innocence; emblem of the goddess Neith. Among the monuments of Egyptian culture we can see images of a sarcophagus with an acacia tree growing from it and the inscription “Osiris rushes forward,” which can be interpreted as “life comes from death.”

In Christian art, acacia is a symbol of the soul, immortality and moral lifestyle. Acacia (tamarisk) is a symbol of Christ, wearing a crown of its branches.

In Hinduism, devices were made from acacia wood for the Vedic priests to produce sacred fire, which has a divine, solar origin.

Brahma's sacrificial ladle is made from acacia wood. Acacia is the sacred Gopher Tree from which the Tabernacle (Ark) of the Covenant is made, covered with gold.

In the Mediterranean, acacia, thanks to its white and red flowers, means life and death, death and rebirth. Its spines represent the horns of the growing moon.

According to the Japanese symbolism of flowers - white acacia - friendship, elegance, nobility. Acacia (blooming) - hidden Love.

Acacia flowers are an emblem of fertility and generation (due to its rapid growth). It is from the acacia that they ask for the birth of a child, but the spouses need to communicate with it together. The influence of acacia promotes fertility and awakens the instinct of procreation in both men and women equally.

Seeing a blooming acacia tree in a dream means a pleasant meeting.

Walking along an acacia alley - such a dream warns of a mistake.

Feeling the aroma of a blooming acacia tree means there is a high probability that there will be good news from the person you love.

When we pass by any tree in our area, we don’t think about the role it played in people’s lives. This is probably because we grew up next to these trees and managed to get used to them, considering them a normal part of our life. However, with all this, traveling around the world, we are surprised by the views of overseas trees and listen with interest to the myths and legends associated with them. In this connection, I decided to start collecting myths, parables and legends about trees growing in our area in the magazine.

Symbol of vitality and immortality

In general, thanks to the presence of a camera and the Internet, articles with legends, parables and myths dedicated to the trees that grow in our area will now appear in the magazine. Today we will talk about Robinia false acacia, which is also called “White acacia”. I always thought it was "White Locust", but it turns out it's just a common misnomer.

Robinia pseudoacacia

Among the Egyptians, acacia symbolized the Sun, rebirth, immortality, initiation and innocence, and was also the emblem of the goddess Neith.

It was this plant that “kindled, but did not burn” when the angel spoke to Moses. Gopher - the tree used by the Israelites in the construction of the Tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant, covered with gold on top - was a type of acacia.

Vedic monks used acacia wood to make devices for producing sacred fire. This tree is related to the Sun and therefore is given great importance. So in India they make the Brahma Scoop from it.

White acacia

Acacia is also capable of opening psychic centers and summoning friendly spirits. According to Hasse's Dream Book, Acacia means a pleasant meeting.

The basis for the perception of acacia as a symbol of immortality was its special durability and vitality. The original symbolism of the mimosa was apparently transformed into the cult of the acacia. According to Coptic legend, this plant was the first to be used in the worship of Christ.

The rapid growth of the acacia tree has made it a symbol of fertility. Acacia also symbolized the spring equinox, personified by the mythology of the resurrection of the solar deity. In addition, it implies purity and innocence. This perception is caused by the special sensitivity of the plant, which wrinkles when touched by a person.

White acacia

From an esoteric point of view, it is a symbol of constancy and immutability.

Masonic myth of the Master and the Acacia branch

The Masons ("free masons") are a religious sect of half-Christian, half-Egyptian and half-Jewish origin, originating from the Order of the Templars (one of the degrees of "Knight of the East") and the Rosicrucians (the Rose on the cross is a symbol of the crucified soul, at the foot of the cross is a pelican feeding chicks (symbol of Christ)). In Western Europe and Russia during the Age of Enlightenment, this secret society set a goal to lead humanity, through the humane enlightenment of each individual, to the Earthly Paradise. It was engaged in book publishing and the establishment of schools; The society included representatives of the intelligentsia from art and medicine, as well as “advanced” monarchs. The most important plant image in Freemasonry is ACACIA: the body of Adoniram, killed by his disciples and buried in the ground, who sacrificed himself for the common good, was discovered due to the fact that an acacia tree grew on his grave.

Symbol of Freemasonry

Thanks to its hard and durable wood, it represents overcoming death. In the legend from the field of art about the murdered temple builder Hiram Abif (Khuram Abi). He suffered martyrdom at the hands of three construction colleagues who committed murder out of envy, and was buried under a burial mound, which was marked by an acacia branch.

Since the murdered man continued to live symbolically in each new master, the acacia branch signifies the greenery of the idea surviving death. Masonic death notices are decorated with this sign, and branches are placed in the grave (or coffin) of the deceased. In this case, the botanical name of the plant does not play any role: “The acacia branch lying on the coffin is an image of an acacia branch or thistle, which our brothers stuck on the top of the hill at the burial of our worthy father... these are the laurel and palm branches that he will receive.. "(Baurnyöpel, 1793).

Acacia is an emblem of various mysteries. During initiation, neophytes carried branches or bouquets of acacia flowers in front of them. In a number of Mediterranean countries, acacia symbolized life, friendship and platonic love.

The Indians of South America are confident that acacia is capable of healing and making wishes come true, which is why its trees can often be found here surrounded by all sorts of gifts and offerings.

Acacia can be found in most countries on different continents. She is the subject of many legends, works of art and literature, and is also a symbol of several religions. Almost every nation has superstitions and signs associated with this plant. Since ancient times, acacia trees have been used to decorate gardens and city streets and have been used in medicine, magical rituals and ceremonies. And it is hardly possible to find a tree on the planet that has been more revered over the centuries by representatives of different cultures and civilizations.

In most world religions, acacia personifies immortality, the victory of good over evil, light over darkness. The ancient Egyptians were among the first to attribute unique properties to this tree. Because it blooms with both red and white flowers, they considered it both a symbol of life and death - the sun god Ra and the goddess of war Neith.

According to legend, the Ancient Egyptian goddess Isis gave birth to a son of the god Horus thanks to an acacia tree (conception occurred while her husband Osiris was dead). Acacia - a symbol of spiritual renewal in Ancient Egypt

In other ancient civilizations, flowering acacia branches also invariably served as the emblem of the goddesses of hunting, fertility, and war: in ancient Rome - Diana, in Babylon - Ishtar. Among the Slavs, this tree was considered a symbol of the origin of life. Childless spouses came to him and asked for continuation of the family. The indigenous peoples of America used acacia to call on powerful spirits and believed that it could cure diseases and help fulfill cherished desires.

In the Jewish and Christian traditions, acacia, because of its hard and durable wood, is considered a symbol of overcoming death, that is, immortality.

In the Christian and Jewish religions, acacia is revered for its persistent, hardy character, ability to take root on any soil, in any climate, and is considered a symbol of constancy and fidelity. It is also one of the biblical plants. Christians and Jews believe that the burning bush from which God spoke to Moses is the acacia tree, and the crown of thorns of Jesus Christ is woven.

Acacia wood is mentioned in the Old Testament and was used by the Israelites to build the Tabernacle and its furniture, including the Ark of the Covenant.

During the Victorian era, when the language of flowers became popular, acacia was often used to express romantic feelings. Moreover, the color of the inflorescences was of great importance. White acacia symbolized platonic love, yellow symbolized lost feelings, pink - charm and elegance.

Today tattoos with the image of an acacia tree have become fashionable. They are popular with people who believe in an immortal soul and are interested in philosophy and are considered evidence of a strong and persistent character.

Acacia: interesting facts

A huge number of stories, legends and reliable interesting facts related to acacia are enough for several impressive books. It’s not even worth trying to list them all. Let's talk about just some of the most interesting ones:

  • In Australia, on the first of September, a holiday is held in honor of this plant. This day is considered National Acacia Day, and the flowering tree itself has become the floral emblem of the Commonwealth of Australia.
  • Acacia thorns are just underdeveloped branches, and the fluffy flowers have no petals and are formed by stamens.
  • Acacia is the fastest growing tree on the planet. In the first year of life it stretches up to 1.5 meters in height, in the second to 2.5 and in the third to 4.5 meters.
  • In some types of acacias, the diameter of the trunk can reach one meter.
  • The viscous, viscous liquid secreted by this plant and forming a gum when hardened was previously used as glue.
  • In Ancient Egypt, acacia wood was the main material for building ships.

White acacia (Robinia lat. Robinia, false acacia)

However, you should not take all dreams too seriously. Quite often they are only a reflection of our thoughts and remembered visual images.

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