Formation of a set as a new warehouse accounting unit. Accounting info How to complete product packaging in 1C

How to assemble and disassemble goods in the program using the example of Trade Management?

It happens that there is a need to complete/unassemble a product. For example, if, for some reason, it is more convenient for a company to store only components, and not a unit of goods consisting of some individual parts (for example, a computer). But simply tying two products with a ribbon and saying that they are one product is not entirely correct and correct... And the question arises at what price to sell the product, at what cost to write it off? To answer all these questions, the 1C:Enterprise programs have a very convenient mechanism. Mechanism for completing/disassembling items. Today we will look at how it is implemented inTrade management 2.3 .

By bundling we mean a change in the quantitative composition of inventory items without changing the cost of the goods, i.e. the cost of the kit is equal to the cost of its components.

If you plan to create a kit, the composition of which does not constantly change, then for such kits it is better to fill out the “Components” tab in the product card in the “Nomenclature” reference book.

This will also make it easier to fill out the “Item Kit” document with the items included in the kit.

You can enter information about components directly on the “Components” tab or by clicking on the “Go” menu item in the “Items” directory.

In this case, the entries are entered directly into the information register “List of Component Items”.

When filling out information in the “List of Item Components” register, please note that if the kit and components have characteristics, they must be indicated. You should also indicate the quantity of each component for one set, and in what units of measurement.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is not at all necessary to store the kits. You can store only the components, and assemble the kit itself directly to order.
This scheme is convenient when working to order.

Suppose an order has been received for the supply of a certain set. In our case, this set will be a computer.

As usual, we record it in the program using the “Buyer’s Order” document.

To complete an order, you need to assemble a kit. In our case, build a computer. To do this, we need to draw up the document “Item Set”.

In the document, you need to select the operation that will be reflected in the document. In our case, this is the “Complete” operation.

On the “Kit” tab, we select what product we should get after packaging, with what characteristics, in what quantity and in what units of measurement.

Since you, when creating a card on a computer, have already filled in which components, your kit is obtained. Now, when filling out a configuration document, you don’t need to rack your brains over what components are needed and in what quantities.

To do this, go to the “Parts” tab and click the fill button. Select the “Fill with components” sub-item.

The program fills out and makes calculations according to the entered information about the components.

Let's see what kit you assembled and how many components you used for this kit. To do this, we will use the “Item assembling” report in the “Reports” - “Inventory” - “Item assembling” menu.

The “List of goods in warehouses” report will show you what cost has been generated for your computer.

Now you can sell our kit, having previously set a selling price for it.

Using the “Item Assemblage” document, you can also disassemble the product. The document is drawn up in the same way as in the case of kitting, with the only difference being that the “dismantling” operation is selected in the document.

On the “Set” tab, select the position that we want to disassemble into components. On the “Components” tab, using the “Fill” button, fill in what you should receive at the output.

Have a nice work!

The need to complete items in 1C 8.3 (as well as in 1C 8.2) arises quite often, especially in small companies.

Let's look at a simple example. Our organization is engaged in the wholesale sale of sweets, cookies and other sweets. Another company ordered 20 New Year's gifts for the children of its employees. We will pack gift sets ourselves. They will consist of our following products:

  • Christmas packaging box
  • Candies:
    • "Assorted"
    • "Bar"
    • "Squirrel"
    • Cookies "Jubilee"
    • Vienna waffles with condensed milk

It turns out that we will present all these goods not separately, but as a completely new product item - “New Year's gift”.

Since our company does not manufacture, but only wholesales, all of the above products must first be purchased. If they are already in stock, then you can skip this item.

The image below shows it filled with all the goods necessary to complete New Year's gifts.


Let's assume that we will sell this New Year's gift to other customers in the future. In this case, for convenience, you need to make a specification for it. If this is an isolated case, then you can do without it.

Let’s create a new position “New Year’s gift” in , since we have never collected them ourselves before.

A specification in 1C 8.3 can be created directly from this card by following the hyperlink of the same name. By default, the specification we created will be the main one, since they did not exist before.

When you click on the “Create” button, the form of the specification itself will open in front of you. Let's fill in the list of goods with their quantities that will be included in one gift.


After we have completed all the preparatory steps, we can begin to create a set of our New Year's gifts. This is done using a document of the same name, which is located in the “Warehouse” section.

There is absolutely nothing complicated about filling out this 1C document.

Please note that he can carry out not only assembly, but also disassembly. Simply put, when packing, we spend candies and cookies, and at the exit we receive New Year's gifts. If we couldn’t sell all the gifts, we can disassemble them and sell all the components as separate products.

In the header of the document, we selected our organization, warehouse, and also indicated that it is necessary to complete 20 New Year's gifts.

If you followed all the steps, then the tabular part can be filled out automatically according to the specifications of the specified kit. Otherwise, it must be filled out manually. As a result, the tabular part indicates how many of which goods we need to use to create 20 New Year's gifts.

Let's review the document and check the wiring. They must contain amounts.

This document wrote off all the components we specified and brought 20 New Year's gifts into the warehouse.

Now, when selling New Year's gifts in 1C, we will see that our warehouse has a balance in the quantity we need.

At enterprises, situations often arise when it is necessary to complete a product range, that is, to assemble a product item from spare parts received at the warehouse. For these purposes, the “1C: Accounting 2.0” program contains the “Item Assemblage” document, accessible from the “Warehouse” menu.

Item Specification

To automatically fill out the above document, it is necessary to indicate the product specifications, namely the components of each specific product item. Nomenclature specifications are indicated in the “Nomenclature” directory on the “Specifications” tab.

For each product item, several specifications can be specified. To add a new specification, use the button. To change an existing specification, use the button. You can also combine specifications into homogeneous groups and set the specification to be used by default. To create a BOM, you must fill out the source components, indicating the quantity of each component in the output product.

After completing the above steps, you should confirm your choice by clicking the “Ok” button.
Product specifications represent a template for subsequent filling out documents.

Nomenclature complete set

Direct assembling of items is carried out in the document “Assembling Items” with the type of operation “Assembling”.
The user needs to select a warehouse where the components are taken into account, the output product range, its quantity, as well as the kit accounting account. After this, click on the “Fill” button.

After this, the program will prompt you to select a specification to fill out the configuration, after specifying which a list of components will appear in the tabular section, indicating their required quantity and accounting accounts.

After posting the document, the number of components in the warehouse will decrease, and the number of sets will be credited in the specified quantity to the selected accounting account.

From the document you can print a report on item picking.

Entry based

The document “Item assemblage” can be entered based on an invoice for payment to the buyer. To do this, use the “Enter based on” button and select the appropriate document from the drop-down list.

Dismantling of the nomenclature

Disassembly of an item is intended to break down the created set into individual components. In order to disassemble an item, you need to add the document “Item Assemblage” with the type of operation “Disassembly”. The algorithm for filling out the document is similar to the above-described mechanism for completing items.
When carrying out a document, the number of sets decreases, and the number of components increases.

Quite often in companies, there is a need to form one set of several goods for sale as a set, or to collect some inventory that arrived according to documents in separate parts, or vice versa, a set that arrived according to documents must be sold in parts. To solve these simple problems, the 1C:Accounting program has a document called Assembling Items, which we will consider working with in our new article.

This document can be found in the section Stock:

Let's start by considering the complete set of items. We will create festive sets of confectionery products. There are two ways to do this in the program.
So, let's create a document. By default, the operation type is Equipment. We select the warehouse to which the kits will be posted, fill in the name of our kit and the number of kits to be generated. Then, in the tabular part of the document, we select the components that make up our set.

By the way, don’t forget to control your accounting accounts. If the item directory is maintained correctly, the program itself will automatically enter accounting accounts 41 or 10, depending on what we are assembling: a set of goods for sale or assembling some inventory that arrived disassembled. For information on how to set up item accounting accounts for automatic filling in a document, read our article Item accounting accounts.
Let's see what transactions are generated by the document

10 gift sets are assembled in parts. Most clearly we can see the write-off of goods and the capitalization of sets in the balance sheet for 41 accounts:

The second way to complete an item is to fill out the tabular part of the document using the item specification. To do this, in the item card, in our case in the gift set card, let's go to the register Specifications:

In this register we create item specifications, i.e. compositions of the kits. There may be several of them. For example, we have this set 1:

And here is set 2:

Now we create a new document. Fill in the document header, warehouse, name of the set and number of sets. Then, fill out the table part using the button Fill:

The program offers us a choice of which of the two configurations of this set to fill out the tabular part of the document:

Having selected the package we need, we will automatically fill out the document with the components required for our kits:

If we chose the wrong specification, then using the button again Fill, we will simply reformat the tabular part.
Now let's look at the inverse problem. Lunch groups have arrived at the warehouse. And the organization decided to sell tables and chairs separately. To do this, we need to split our product into two others. To solve this problem, we will also use the Item Acquisition document, only now with the operation type. Here the header of the document is filled in similarly to the previous option. But in the tabular part, in addition to the components and their quantities, it is important to correctly distribute the share of the total cost of the kit that falls on each part. In this case, 60% of the cost is the cost of the table and 40% is the cost of four chairs:

In the document entries, we see that the program divided the cost of the lunch group into two nomenclature items.

By the way, during the dismantling operation, you can also use the item specification. Those. if we have specified the appropriate composition in the “Lunch group” nomenclature card, then you can also fill out the tabular part of the document by using the button Fill. It is especially convenient to use this opportunity when we split several sets of the same name. In this case, you won’t have to independently calculate how many components of each type you should get. But at the same time, a portion of the cost will still have to be filled in manually.

Well, let’s analyze the SALT for account 41. We see that 3 dining groups have been written off and 3 tables and 12 chairs have been capitalized.

I hope that the material was useful to you and working with the document will not cause you any further questions.
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Your consultant, Victoria Budanova, was with you.

In the activity of an enterprise, there may be a need to complete inventory items when one set (a new nomenclature item) is assembled from several types of components (nomenclature).

In the “1C:Accounting 8 for Kazakhstan” configuration, the picking operation is carried out by the document TMZ equipment. You can open the document through the menu Nomenclature and warehouse – TMZ equipment.

When creating a document in the field Type of operation value is selected Equipment.

In the document header in the field Nomenclature the original nomenclature is indicated, i.e. kit that must be obtained as a result of bundling. Accounting accounts are filled in automatically from the information register Item accounting accounts.

When creating a kit, it is necessary to take into account that the kit itself and its components may have different units of measurement (for example, the kit is in pieces, and the components are in kilograms).

When performing a picking operation, the components are written off and a new set is posted to the warehouse, the cost of which is the sum of the cost of its components.

Acquisition operations are used not only in trading companies for the purpose of selling ready-made kits, but also when registering any equipment necessary for carrying out the business activities of the enterprise.

Situations may arise at an enterprise when it is necessary to carry out dismantling, i.e. when it is necessary to obtain several components from one item. For example, some of the children's gift sets assembled in the warehouse were not sold, and it became necessary to write off the sets and post the components to the warehouse.

This operation is also carried out by the document TMZ equipment with the type of operation Dismantling.

When dismantling is carried out, the kit is written off and the components are received into the warehouse at cost, calculated based on the cost of the kit being written off in proportion to the share specified in the details Share of cost tabular part of the document.


The cost of a gift set consisting of a bottle of wine and a box of chocolates is 1,000 tenge. The proportion of Muscat wine is 6, i.e. the cost will be 600, the share of candies will be 4, i.e. the cost is 400 tenge. The total sum of all shares may not be equal to 100%. Indication of the share is possible both in percentage and in physical terms.

If the specification for the kit is filled out (its components are indicated), then filling out the tabular part is possible automatically by clicking the button Fill – Fill according to specification. In this case, the number of components will be filled in automatically, and the share of cost for each item is equal to 1.


Picking and unpacking operations can only be reflected within one warehouse.

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