What is needed to make the planet cleaner. Security of planet Earth. Environmental and man-made disasters. How to save the Earth. Avoid polyethylene


An essay about:

“Let's save our planet. What will we leave behind?”

Podolsk 2013

Our planet is very beautiful. The astronauts note this. From space, it looks like a huge blue-green ball with yellow-brown spots, surrounded by a blue atmosphere. There are many wonderful, unforgettable places on our planet. We love our Earth. Poets and writers (Pushkin, Lermontov, Yesenin) sang the beauty of the Earth and admired the vastness of our Motherland.

The nature and fauna of the planet are diverse, as are the people who inhabit it. I haven't been to other countries yet, but I love watching programs about flora and fauna. There are unique, peculiar corners of nature. Over time, our planet has changed. We know about its past from manuscripts: about dinosaurs and mammoths, about unusual vegetation, traces of which were found on stones. Many animals and plants have been destroyed by man's thoughtless attitude towards them. Many are listed in the Red Book, as they are on the verge of extinction.

I would like to preserve the beauty of the Earth for myself and for posterity. I have a favorite corner of nature – our dacha in the Moscow region. I love the river, ponds, I can spend a long time looking at the insects that swarm in the grass near the shore, the inhabitants of the river bottom. I love wandering through the forest, listening to the voices of birds, looking at jumping frogs and squirrels. I notice traces of wild boar and elk and enjoy the diversity of nature. I like to ride a bicycle through fields and meadows, breathe deeply, clean air, enjoy peace and quiet.

I think that modern man cannot live outside of nature; each of us is connected with it. The rapid scientific and technological progress of the twenty-first century and the rapid growth of the Earth's population have led to the fact that we are taking more and more from nature. We need to learn how to replenish natural resources. As a result of human actions, complex connections in nature are often destroyed. Explosions at nuclear power plants, thoughtless deforestation, pollution of water bodies, accidents on oil rigs cripple nature, destroy vegetation and animals. This leads to undesirable consequences. But our planet must be left at least in this state in which it is now.

Meanwhile, our Earth is a huge, unknown world. Our task is to study this world in order to preserve it. Studying the laws of nature will help you avoid many mistakes. And I call on my contemporaries to save our planet.

Love to work! Choose a profession you like and work for the good of the Earth. Do not give up your dreams, about discoveries, about creativity. Only this will save you from thoughtless treatment of people, animals, and plants. Big discoveries are not for everyone, but we need to discover something new that will help preserve nature. It is necessary to pay the most serious attention to the environment, it is necessary to revive youth units in schools.

So, each of us must learn to understand the nature of the Earth, its laws, and observe its life. Our painstaking work will lead us to love this beautiful world and preserve it for future generations.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Municipal budgetary educational institution, secondary school No. 16, Karpinsk, 2012 Completed by: Potapenko Kirill, student of grade 3 A Head: Matveeva Marina Ivanovna Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 16 primary school teacher HOW CAN I HELP THE PLANET?

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INTRODUCTION Our planet Earth was formed billions of years ago. Lush greenery, clean air, crystal clear water in the seas and oceans - this was our planet.

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Time has passed. And what do we see now? Poisoned seas and oceans. The polluted air we breathe. Soil contaminated with pesticides and radioactive waste.

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Why did it happen so? After all, at the very beginning of its creation, the planet was clean! I consider my topic relevant, since the entire natural environment needs our protection, our help! If we don't urgently help nature, it will die. What will remain on Earth?! I want to help the planet return to its original state by doing everything in my power. Man mastered and changed the world around him without thinking about the consequences. Air, water and soil pollution is the result of human activity!

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1. Collect and study information about global problems of the planet, about the environmental situation in my city. 2. Determine an area of ​​the Earth where I can be useful. 3. Learn to see distress signals coming from plants, animals, etc. 4. Develop an action plan aimed at improving the environmental situation of the Earth. 5. Analyze the information received and draw conclusions. I want to breathe clean air, drink clean water, eat healthy food and therefore, the purpose of my research: to find out how I can help the planet OBJECTIVES

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HYPOTHESIS If I help nature, preserve its riches, then I will help the planet on which I live. OBJECT of research – ecology of planet Earth. SUBJECT OF THE RESEARCH - the help that every person can provide to improve the ecology of the Earth MY WORK PLAN 1. Go to the library, read articles from encyclopedias and books, remember the lessons of the world around us, watch films about global problems of the Earth, find interesting information on the Internet. 2. Meet with people in the city who know about the state of the environment in Karpinsk. 3. Start keeping a research diary “Helping the Planet” and recording in it “distress signals coming from nature” and ways to eliminate them.

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Research methods: analysis of literature and films, interviews, conversations with adults, observations, comparisons, keeping a research diary. Buraev Photos

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Environmental problems Water pollution Discharge of industrial and household waste Oil pollution Air pollution Industrial, transport and household emissions Fires Soil pollution Excess of chemical fertilizers Burning of garbage Decrease in biodiversity Environmental pollution Deforestation Poaching Forest fires RESEARCH DIARY Having studied information in books, magazines, the Internet, watched a film "Planet Earth", I learned about the global problems of the Earth. One of the global problems is the environmental problem. I believe that this problem is the most important, since if a person is careless about nature, this can lead to the extinction of life on Earth. Global problems are problems affecting all of humanity. Ecology is the science of the relationships of living organisms and their communities with each other and with the environment.

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There are environmental problems in every country in the world, because pollution in one country affects the nature of other countries. Winds, sea currents, and groundwater carry pollutants over long distances. Many environmental issues are being resolved through the efforts of many countries. Causes of environmental problems Industrial enterprises Air pollution Water pollution Decline in the number of plants and animals Acid rain Disappearance of forests Decrease in the number of plants and animals Air pollution Decrease in biodiversity Automobile emissions Deforestation

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Oil production Damage to the earth's crust Water pollution Death of marine and terrestrial animals Forest fires Soil pollution Air pollution Decline in the number of plants and animals

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The most polluted countries in the world. Russia India Philippines USA China The most environmentally friendly countries in the world. Switzerland Costa Rica New Zealand

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THE DIRTEST CITIES IN THE WORLD Chernobyl (Russia) Sumgait (Russia) Vapi (India) Haina (Dominican Republic) Tianjin (China) RUSSIA Moscow St. Petersburg Chernobyl Dzerzhinsk Norilsk URAL Asbestos Nizhny Tagil Magnitogorsk

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THE CLEANEST CITIES IN THE WORLD Calgary (Canada) Honolulu Helsinki RUSSIA Severodvinsk Tchaikovsky Saransk

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People all over the world solve problems of environmental pollution. Ways to solve environmental problems. 1. Creation of plants for processing solid waste (garbage) 2. Installation of gas and dust collection plants at enterprises. 3. Creation of treatment facilities. 4. Use of wind generators and solar panels for energy production. 5. Production of electric vehicles, cars powered by solar batteries. 6. Use of surfactants (cleaning agents) in oil spill sites. 7. Improving the condition of soils by adding peat, zeolite 8. Protection of forests - the lungs of the planet. 9.Creation of nature reserves and national parks. 10. “The Red Book”. 11. Work of the organization "GREENPEACE"

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Having learned about the problems that exist on the planet, I thought: “Can I help the Earth? The planet is so huge, and Me?

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I’m still small, I don’t know how to build sewage treatment plants, I won’t be able to protect all the animals and plants on Earth, I’m not able to solve global issues.” I decided for myself to determine the boundaries of the Earth, where I can really help nature - today this is my city.

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I addressed my question “How can I help the planet?” to adults who know about the environmental problems of our city. Having met with the candidate of biological sciences Buraev Mikhail Erikovich, the school geography teacher Irina Yuvenalyevna Yaroshuk, and interviewed the ecologist of our city Kazachenko Maria Stepanovna, I learned about the problems of our city: 1. One of the main problems of our city is soil pollution. The pollution is assessed as dangerous! There are many spontaneous dumps of household waste in the city in forests, in areas where collective gardens and garages are located. 2. Air pollution - 2535.5 t/a The air has a high content of radioactive gas radon. The main source of radioactive gases is soil. In terms of air pollution, Karpinsk is not classified as a risk zone. Since 2008, coal-fired boiler houses have been completely suspended in the city. 3. Water pollution. The water of the Turya River is characterized as “dirty”. Due to the insufficient degree of purification at treatment plants, wastewater is characterized as insufficiently purified. 4. Growth of oncological diseases - 1st place in the Sverdlovsk region. Buraev Photos

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Advice that adults gave me: 1) Since one of the main problems of our city is waste, you need to try not to throw garbage, not to set fire to garbage heaps when cleaning the territory, not to litter the rivers with garbage, and to actively participate in cleaning the city’s territories. 2) Since we have a high level of radon in our city, it is necessary to take care of your health: - drink medicinal teas from herbs and berries, - eat natural products grown in our area. 3) Feed the birds in winter (they greatly influence the ecological situation in the city) CONCLUSIONS: 1. The problems of our city and the whole world are the same. 2. Scientists around the world and environmentalists are working to solve these problems, but today it is impossible to solve all the problems. 3. I realized that I need to be more attentive in nature, see the “distress signals” that it gives and help nature if it is in my power.

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In the summer I started a diary “Helping Nature”. (See the diary in the appendix). In it I began to record nature’s “distress signals” and my help to it.

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My help to the Planet June July August September October November December January Help in planting shrubs and trees in the garden Replacing all the lamps in the apartment with energy-saving ones Solution: Do not burn the leaves, but put them in a container. If possible, I refuse transport, ride a bicycle or walk. (Benefits) for air and health) Refusal of chemical fertilizers Saving plastic bags (saving water) At home we are trying to refuse chemicals. dishwashing detergent (replace with mustard) 1. I save water. 2. I made warning pictures about saving water. I monitor the taps at home and at school (I close the taps if the water just flows) I hung signs at school “In 1 minute...”, “Don’t forget to close the taps.” Refusal of chemical fertilizers Saving polyethylene bags (in order to reduce soil pollution) Cleaning the area around at home, in the garden. Solution: Do not burn the leaves, but put them in a container for humus. Cleaning the area around the house and in the garden. I feed the birds. House for birds in the garden Restoring an anthill Conversation with the guys before the hike “Behavior in nature” Help in planting shrubs and trees in the garden 1. Made feeders 1. Provection “Feed the birds in winter.” 2. Designed the environmental newspaper “Birds are our friends.” Help in planting shrubs and trees in the garden. Helping to care for indoor flowers. Gathering medicinal herbs. Harvesting berries and herbs for the winter.

The simple tips below will not require any time or extra effort from you. Just by changing our habits just a little, we will make the world around us cleaner and safer.

Use disposable tableware less often

Cheap disposable plates, glasses, spoons and forks have led to the fact that we use them thoughtlessly almost every day. Today, plastic tableware is used not only by catering companies that bring lunch to companies, but also by office canteens.

It is clear that walking with your own plate to get food is not very convenient. But everyone can take their own knife and fork to work. On average there are 250 working days in a year. Imagine what a mountain of used plastic you will save your hometown from if you just bring a cup, spoon, fork and knife from home.

Buy local vegetables and fruits

By living at least one day without meat, a person will also help nature. The fact is that meat production is incredibly resource intensive. To get even half a kilo of beef, you need more than 3 kg of grain and about 400 liters of water. And scientists from the University of Chicago even claim that by adhering to a vegetarian diet, a person slows down the process of global warming more than if he switched to a hybrid car.

The effect of switching to vegetables and fruits for one day can be enhanced by giving preference to local products. This way you will not only support the domestic manufacturer, but also reduce fuel consumption for transportation and, accordingly, minimize the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

Replace plastic with paper and glass

If you cannot do without disposable tableware - for example, when going on a picnic - use paper ones rather than plastic plates and cups. And try to buy drinks in glass containers. Experts estimate that glass recycling produces a quarter less air pollution and half as much water pollution.

If buying water in a glass bottle is expensive for you, at least try to use plastic containers several times. For example, take filtered water from home on the road or to work so you don’t have to buy a new bottle every day.

Save energy

There are so many ways to save energy in everyday life that for convenience it is advisable to break them down into points. Again, everything is quite obvious and simple, but for some reason it is practically not used by us. So:

  • Make the most of natural light.
  • When leaving the room, turn off the lights.
  • Instead of leaving your computer in sleep mode overnight, turn it off.
  • Turn off the TV when it is on, not because you are watching something, but “for the background.”
  • If you have an electric stove, use an electric kettle rather than a regular one. And it’s more economical to cook porridge in a double boiler than on an electric stove.
  • Try to wash things at a temperature no higher than 40 degrees. Use the drying mode as little as possible - dry things in the traditional way.
  • Load your washing machine and dishwasher completely - do not run them idle. By the way, this way you will save not only electricity, but also water.
  • Do not turn on the oven in advance. First put the dish to cook in it, and only then turn it on.
  • Replace at least one light bulb in your home with an energy-efficient one. If you think it's a little dull, screw it in the closet or, for example, in the pantry.

Use cleaning filters

This advice follows from the previous one - use water filters at home. In this case, you will not need to spend money on bottled drinking water. This way you will not only save your family budget, but also reduce the harmful impact on the environment caused by the production of bottles and their transportation.

Don't waste water

For those who really like to take a bath, you can give it up at least a couple of times a week in favor of a shower - this will help save water. Another feasible contribution is to reduce the time spent in the shower stall by 1-2 minutes.

It would also be a good idea to train yourself to turn on the tap at times when you do not need water - for example, while brushing your teeth or scrubbing a frying pan with detergent. After all, on average, according to statistics, 5-10 liters of water flows out of a tap per minute, depending on the pressure.

Going to the store with your own bag

In the 80s of the last century, a bright plastic bag could only be bought secondhand for fabulous money - 10 rubles (with an engineer’s salary of 180 rubles). It is not surprising that the happy owners of this miracle walked around with the bags for months, wiping them to holes and sealing the frayed areas with duct tape. The concept of a “disposable bag” did not exist in principle!

Today, when packages cost pennies, or are even given to customers for free, the planet is literally suffocating from polyethylene. Especially considering that it takes tens of times longer to decompose than any other garbage. Shops in Europe are gradually abandoning plastic bags in favor of paper ones as more environmentally friendly. But there is an even more acceptable alternative - a reusable fabric bag.

The very fact that such a bag will not be destroyed after one or two uses reduces environmental pollution and saves the Earth's resources. And the consumer will also like it, because modern fabric bags are very convenient: they do not tear due to a couple of extra pounds and fold in such a way that they easily fit into a pocket.

Take care of paper

Try not to print letters and documents if you can do without it. Americans have calculated that every year office workers alone send more than 20 million tons of A4 paper to landfills, and we can reduce this amount by giving preference to electronic media over paper. You can also use the reverse side of the paper: set the printer to print on both sides or give your child sheets that have already been used on one side to draw on.

Banks, utilities and other businesses often offer the option to pay bills online. This way you will save time and money, prevent deforestation and personally save at least one tree.

According to statistics, the average person uses 5-6 paper napkins per day. By reducing this amount by at least one napkin, you will not send 3-4 large packs to a landfill per year.

Avoid phosphates

Environmentalists threaten an environmental crisis and explain that phosphate compounds contained in household chemicals, when released into rivers and lakes, act as fertilizer. This causes rapid flowering, and then aging of the reservoir. And if it were not for the cold winters, we would not be able to avoid an environmental disaster!

In a word, if you want to save the planet, choose phosphate-free detergents for laundry and dishwashing, especially since their supply has expanded significantly today. This way you will not only protect your loved ones from allergies, but also save rivers and lakes, and then the seas and oceans are not far away!

Reuse things

Research shows that Americans have learned to reuse about a third of everything that was supposed to be thrown away. Bottles, plastic trays for sliced ​​meat and cheese, bags, gift boxes and packaging, envelopes - it turns out that there are a lot of things that you can use again without purchasing them again and without polluting the world around you with such waste.

By the way, you don’t have to take the packaging at all from the store if you don’t need it in the future. Now sellers, as an additional service, even pack small items (tights, underwear, hair clips, cosmetics, etc.) into tiny bags. At home, such a bag goes directly into the trash bin, but you could initially not take it in the store and thereby save some resources in the long term.

We live in an era of consumption. Everything can be bought and we buy: new things when the old ones are not yet worn out, we change the phone when we haven’t even had time to use all the functions in the old one, we fill the refrigerator to capacity in order to throw away half of the products. Everyone has the right to this, but in fact, we are simply accumulating garbage.

We carelessly turn the earth into a surface unsuitable for fertility, burn forests and meadows, and poison water bodies. We waste light and water thoughtlessly. Some everyday household little things grow into global problems for the entire planet. We have been doing this for a long time, and the issue of caring for the planet becomes more important every year. Each of us can contribute to preserving the planet for ourselves and our descendants; to do this, it is enough to instill a few useful habits.

1. Avoid polyethylene

PET bags (like other plastic equipment) do much more harm than good. Polyethylene begins to negatively impact the environment from the moment of production. In addition, storing food and water in plastic containers is harmful; it contains lead, which takes 500 years to decompose. You can replace plastic bags with a reusable cloth shopping bag that will last for many years. Plastic food and water containers can also be replaced with reusable containers, such as glass and bioplastic.

2. Use your car less

Giving preference to walking and environmentally friendly transport (trams, trolleybuses, metro), traveling by bicycle will benefit health and the environment, and most importantly, will not cause harm.

3. Use organic household chemicals and cosmetics

Phosphates, phthalates and chlorines harm the human body, causing allergies, dermatitis, chronic respiratory diseases and even cancer. Some cosmetics are tested on animals. You can opt for organic household chemicals and cosmetics. Such products will cost a little more, but will not harm you, animals or the environment.

4. Eat organic foods

There are several options: take organic products from your grandmother, grow them yourself, or buy them in specialized stores. Just like with cosmetics, organic products are more expensive than conventional ones, but it's all for the sake of benefit.

5. Save water

It’s elementary - turn off the water when brushing your teeth, soaping your hair, soak dishes, vegetables and fruits in water, and then rinse. Considering the water consumption is from 8 to 15 liters per minute, to take a shower you need to spill 100 liters of water, to take a bath the water consumption will double. The world's water supply is decreasing every year, due to climate change on the planet, some parts are subject to droughts, and some suffer from flooding.

6. Take used batteries to specialized places

7. Sort garbage

In Russia, of course, there are still problems with waste separation, but even if special bins have not yet been installed in the yard, it can be separated at home. In developed countries, the following waste sorting exists: glass; newspapers, magazines and other printed publications; cardboard, empty plastic packaging; organic residues, food waste; non-recyclable waste; plastic bottles and plastic packaging.

The preservation of the planet is only in our hands; it is in vain to believe that the contribution of one person will not be beneficial.

1. Sort your trash. Separating garbage into “components” and throwing it away separately is something environmentalists strive to teach residents of all developed countries of the world to do. The only problem is that trash containers are usually common for all types of garbage.

However, if you wish, you can, for example, hand over glass bottles and jars to a collection point for glass containers, paper, old magazines, newspapers - to waste paper. It is important to keep trash cans free of household hazardous waste. For example, light bulbs, batteries, mercury thermometers, batteries, etc. – things that can harm the environment.

Find out about collection points for used lamps, batteries, mercury thermometers, etc. in my city.

2. Start beautifying your city.

Clean-up days, public tree-planting events, volunteer programs for collecting garbage in parks - you can participate in these events without harming your budget and benefiting your own health. Try going there with your loved ones - this way you will not only help improve the environmental situation, but also have a good time with your family, because joint work, as we know, brings people closer together.

3. Save fuel.

Car owners can also take part in preserving the environment. Try to reduce your fuel consumption while driving. The optimal speed for an average car is 60-90 km/h, sticking to it, you can save up to 20% of fuel. In addition, you should keep your car in order: check the tire pressure, remove unnecessary heavy junk from the car - this will help reduce drag while driving and reduce gas mileage. Another tip - if you are standing for a long time, for example, in line at a gas station, it will be more economical to turn off the engine. More than 10 seconds of idling will be “more expensive” than restarting the engine. It will also be useful to sometimes replace the car with walking, cycling or taking public transport.

4. Reduce your energy consumption.

It may seem that leaving the computer on standby and leaving the microwave on does not use much energy. But in fact, over the course of a year, a considerable amount of wasted electricity and, consequently, money can accumulate. Tip: Turn off all appliances that you are not using from the network, or use “pilot outlets” with a complete power-off button.

5. Choose eco materials.

Environmentalists advise avoiding plastic bags and disposable goods - polyethylene and plastic can take many years to decompose in landfills, and when burned they release acrid black smoke.

Thus, bags in supermarkets can be easily replaced with canvas bags, and disposable plastic picnic tableware can be easily replaced with cardboard plates and reusable cutlery.

6. Save water.

Supplies of clean fresh water are depleting, scientists urge every inhabitant of the planet to think about the future and use water rationally. So, you can take a shower instead of a bath, use economical shower heads with a flow rate of less than 10 l/min, and turn off the water while you brush your teeth or soap yourself. By the way, this way you will not only help our planet, but also save money on utilities.

7. Give away unnecessary things.

At home you can often find a lot of things that you don’t use, but for some reason you keep. After some time, the “junk” will go to the landfill. But you can give those things that have not yet lost their useful properties to places where they can be useful. There are many charities that are ready to accept old clothes, equipment, children's toys and donate them to shelters, orphanages or homeless shelters. Another option is to post an ad on the Internet indicating what you can give away for free.

8. Don't litter.

We see signs with such a call quite often, but does everyone follow this simple commandment? There are a lot of cigarette butts on the roadsides and near the metro, in parks after picnics there are piles of uncollected garbage, and in yards there are beer cans and packets of chips lying everywhere. Of course, it is necessary to cultivate a caring attitude towards the surrounding world from childhood, but each of us can at least take care of ourselves - do not throw small garbage out of the car window, take a cigarette butt to the trash can, leave the clearing clean after a friendly picnic.

9. Think about the ecology at your dacha.

The summer season is approaching, city residents are happily rushing to their garden plots - some to grow vegetables or flowers, others just to relax from the bustle of the city in silence. At your dacha, you can also use eco-tips: collect rainwater and use it for irrigation, avoid chemical fertilizers for the soil, use natural fertilizers instead, and do not arrange landfills behind your dacha plots.

10. Don't break the law.

This applies to illegal deforestation, collection of rare and endangered plants, poaching, intentional or accidental arson, pollution of river waters with chemical waste and other illegal activities. Sometimes people can break the law simply out of ignorance - cutting down a Christmas tree for the New Year, picking a snowdrop, throwing an unextinguished cigarette butt in the forest, which will start a fire. Violations of laws may result in severe sanctions, including criminal liability. But the main thing is that irreparable harm to nature can be caused, which will ultimately have a negative impact on the inhabitants of the Earth themselves!

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