What should a driver do when driving a train? Job description for diesel locomotive driver. In what cases is it not allowed to derail a train?

The life of a modern person cannot be imagined without machines and other mechanized devices. It is quite logical that there are people who operate such machines. And if machines used for personal purposes are operated by their owners, then equipment for industrial or public purposes can only be operated by specialists - representatives of the machinist profession.

It is impossible to imagine the life of a modern person without machines and other mechanized devices, which not only make our lives easier, but significantly increase the productivity of specialists in a variety of industries. It is quite logical that there are people who operate such machines. And if machines used for personal purposes are operated by their owners, then equipment for industrial or public purposes can only be operated by specialists - representatives profession machinist.

Since we are unlikely to live to see the moment when machines are fully automated (that is, no longer require human control) in the next few decades, and the number of machines is steadily increasing, the labor market is constantly in need and will continue to be in need of professional machinists for a long time. Therefore, many yesterday’s schoolchildren prefer not to chase fashion, choosing today’s popular professions of economist or lawyer, but opt ​​to study as a machinist, since this profession guarantees a stable income, regardless of the economic situation in the country.

Who is a driver?

A qualified specialist whose professional activity is to operate machines of various types and purposes. Note that depending on what kind of machine the specialist is driving, the term “driver” is always supplemented by the type of machine. At the same time, some professions related to the management of certain types of machines have nothing in common with the term “driver”. For example, a car is controlled by a driver, and an airplane is controlled by a pilot.

The name of the profession comes from the Latin māchina (tool, device, mechanism). It is interesting that in pre-Petrine Russia all mechanical devices were called “colossus,” and only then did this word acquire a slightly different meaning, and the mechanisms began to be called the German word Maschine. The first cars appeared in ancient times, and accordingly, the profession of the same name arose at the same time.

But if at the dawn of the formation of the profession, machinists controlled primitive lifting mechanisms (blocks and levers) and military equipment, then modern specialists control a huge amount of very different equipment, the control of which is akin to control of a spaceship: cranes, trains, manipulators, excavators, etc. True, in everyday life, most specialists are called by the name of the equipment they operate: crane operator, bulldozer operator, excavator operator.

Regardless of which machine the specialist works on, the professional responsibilities of all drivers are approximately the same: operating a mechanical device, maintaining cleanliness in the workplace, strictly following safety precautions during work, monitoring the condition of the equipment and timely completion of technical inspection of the machine, etc.

What personal qualities should a driver have?

Since any machine is a high-risk device, the driver must, first of all, be very attentive and responsible. Besides, driver's work requires a specialist to have such personal qualities as:

  • stress resistance;
  • accuracy;
  • endurance;
  • concentration;
  • love of technology;
  • courage;
  • ability to react quickly in unexpected situations;
  • developed hand coordination;
  • good reaction.

It is also necessary to understand that the work of a driver is physically difficult work, so representatives of this profession must be strong, not only physically, but also mentally.

Advantages of being a driver

Since no area of ​​human life today can do without the use of technical devices, the demand for specialists capable of operating machines has always been and will remain consistently high for a long time. That is, immediately after completing training, a young specialist is guaranteed to be able to find a job in his specialty (though, in some cases, he will first have to work for some time as an “assistant driver”).

One more advantage of being a machinist we can safely say that the level of earnings is quite decent - according to the latest statistics, the average salary of a driver in Russia is 40 thousand rubles. Agree, this is a lot for a working profession.

It is also important that the profession of a driver, which, by the way, enjoys well-deserved respect, allows you to feel your significance and “usefulness” for society. After all, it is thanks to these specialists that we can quickly get from one place to another by train or metro, build multi-story buildings, easily move multi-ton objects, etc.

Disadvantages of being a driver

Talking about disadvantages of the machinist profession First of all, it is necessary to note the difficult working conditions. As a rule, drivers work in shifts. Moreover, the shift lasts more than 8 hours, which is difficult not only physically, but also emotionally. Maybe that’s why this profession is considered to be exclusively “male” - it’s hard to imagine a representative of the fair half of humanity at the control panel of a tower crane or behind the wheel of a bulldozer.

In addition, the great psychological stress in the work of a driver creates enormous responsibility, since the health and lives of many people sometimes depend on his professionalism. Because of this, a driver can only obtain permission to work after a medical examination, including a psychological examination.

Where can you get a job as a driver?

Get a job as a driver, regardless of the specialist’s field of activity, it is possible in a secondary specialized educational institution. However, the learning process most often does not stop there. Firstly, since equipment is constantly being improved and updated, the driver has to periodically undergo retraining or improve his qualifications. Secondly, some specializations, for example, the profession of an electric train driver, require not only obtaining practical skills in the position of “driver’s assistant” (and, in the case of as an electric train driver, the specialist must work as an assistant driver for at least 3 years before he is allowed to independently drive the train), but also take additional courses.

Responsibilities of the driver.

General provisions.

1.1. The job description defines the duties, rights and responsibilities of the driver.

1.2. The driver in his activities is guided by the PTE of the Russian subways, the Instructions for signaling, the Instructions for train movement and shunting work, and other regulatory documents on issues related to his job responsibilities.

1.3. A driver is appointed as a person who is at least 18 years old, with at least a secondary (complete) general education, who has passed a medical examination, professional psychological selection, internship and has a certificate of completion of training courses in the profession of "electric train driver", a certificate of the established form for the right to drive electric rolling stock metro and electrical safety group no lower than 3rd, interviewed by the head of the electrical depot.

1.4. When appointed to a position, a driver is given:

PTE of Russian subways;

Signaling instructions;

Instructions for train movement and shunting work;

Job description;

Local instructions.

Issuance of documents in electronic form is allowed.

1.5. When transferring from one electric depot to another, the driver undergoes labor safety instruction, theoretical and practical training, followed by testing in knowledge of Local instructions, the structure of electric rolling stock, the layout and profile of the track of the operating line, the features of the technical and administrative acts of stations, practical tests on working on the line and shunting work and emergency training sessions.

1.6. According to the nature of the work performed, drivers are divided into work related to the transportation of passengers and shunting work on the line and shunting work in the electric depot.

2.1.1. Know and comply with the requirements:

PTE of Russian subways;

Instructions for signaling on Russian subways;

Instructions for train movement and shunting work on Russian subways;

Job description;

Instructions for troubleshooting problems that occur on rolling stock;

Local electrical depot instructions;

Rules and Instructions for labor protection and fire safety during the operation of electric rolling stock;

Internal labor regulations;

Other governing documents defining his responsibilities.

2.1.2. Constantly improve your qualifications and level of technical knowledge.

2.1.3. Ensure traffic safety on the basis of strict compliance with the PTE of the Russian subways and regulatory documents regulating its operation.

2.1.4. Ensure compliance with train schedules in compliance with traffic safety.

2.1.5. Ensure the accuracy of the data entered into the route sheet.

2.1.6. Attend technical training classes monthly. If you do not attend technical training, within a month of going back to work, you must independently work on the topic of the missed technical training and pass a knowledge test with a driver-instructor.

2.1.7. Pass periodic knowledge testing at the qualification commission of the electric depot, and drivers of the 3rd, 2nd and 1st qualification classes undergo certification to confirm the qualification class within the time limits established by the “Regulations on the procedure for assigning a qualification class to metro electric train drivers and locomotive crew instructors” and conducting their periodic certification."

2.1.8. Report to work at the place of assignment at the time determined by the work schedule or work order, avoid being late and leaving work before the end of the shift. Have proper rest before your shift.

2.1.9. When returning to work after vacation, illness, business trip, etc., report to the locomotive crew foreman, hand over the documents that exempt you from work, get assigned to a shift, and in the absence of the foreman (day off) - from the duty driver-instructor ( line point operator) or the duty officer at the electric depot (DDE site operator). If there is a break in work for more than 10 days, undergo additional training in accordance with the established procedure.

2.1.10. About the impossibility of reporting to work due to illness, other reasons, or the impossibility of arriving at the work time established by the work order, report this no later than 3 hours before the start of work to the locomotive crew foreman, the duty officer at the electric depot, the operator of the DDE section, the duty driver-instructor or operator linear point.

2.1.11. When performing your duties, adhere to the established dress code. On holidays and days determined by the metro management, wear a white uniform shirt to work.

2.1.12. Undergo periodic medical examinations within the established time limits. Provide a medical report on admission to work before the next work shift. Undergo pre-trip and post-trip medical examinations in accordance with the procedure established by the metro.

2.1.13. When performing official duties, have with you:

Service ID;

Warning coupon;

Certificate of testing knowledge of regulatory documents on electrical safety and testing knowledge of documents on industrial safety and other special rules;

Route sheet;

Driver's form;

Working "Driver Alarm Clock";

Triangular key.

2.1.14. Notify the HR department of the electric depot with the address of registration and actual place of residence, contact telephone number and immediately notify in cases of changes in the above data.

2.1.15. Accept and hand over the train in accordance with the requirements of the Local Instructions, in compliance with the instructions on labor protection during the operation of electric rolling stock.

2.1.16. Do not travel from the electric depot or PTO to the line on a train that does not meet the PTE of the Russian subways, with incomplete train equipment, tools, inventory and lack of readiness for the train.

2.1.17. Administratively, the driver is subordinate to the head of the electric depot and the deputy head of the electric depot for operation, and operationally - to the driver-instructor, line point operator, train dispatcher, station duty officer, electric depot duty officer, and DDE section operator and is obliged to carry out their orders.

2.1.18. At the request of the head of the electric depot and (or) the deputy head of the electric depot for operation, appear for an interview on train safety issues (at least once a year), as well as for testing (interview) with a psychologist.

2.1.19. Inform the driver taking control of any identified shortcomings in the work and violations of the normal operation of the train, write a report in the established form at the end of the shift, and when placing the train in the electrical depot, make an entry in the “Sectional Repair Book”. If the malfunction recurs, make an entry in the “Repeat Repair Book.”

2.1.20. Monitor the availability of records of completed repairs of the train according to requests made in the “Sectional Repair Book”.

2.1.21. In relationships with metro employees and passengers, be polite and helpful, and demand that they comply with the Rules for using the metro.

2.1.22. Do not leave the control cabin while the train is moving.

2.1.23. If there is a threat of a collision with people, an obstacle, or if signs are detected that threaten the safety of train traffic, take measures to immediately stop the train. If there is a threat of a collision with rolling stock or an obstacle, the driver does not have the right to leave the workplace without taking measures for an emergency stop.

Have you thought about becoming a locomotive driver? Then you've come to the right place. The profession of a locomotive driver is one of the most prestigious and responsible jobs in railway transport, which requires certain skills and abilities that allow, first of all, to ensure fast and, most importantly, safe delivery of passengers and cargo in certain directions.

The profession of a driver requires punctuality, responsibility, extreme concentration, attentiveness and stress resistance at the maximum level. Traveling long distances requires endurance, as well as good reaction time, excellent vision and hearing. Physical fitness and temperament play one of the key roles when choosing this profession.

Profession locomotive driver - description

A diesel locomotive driver must have a significant amount of knowledge to perform work safely. In addition to the structure and principle of operation of the locomotive itself, the driver must have perfect knowledge of a number of regulatory documents, among which the main ones, of course, are

  • Railway Charter,
  • Rules of technical operation,
  • Alarm instructions,
  • Instructions for shunting work, etc.

Before sending the train, the driver must personally verify the serviceability of the locomotive, the correctness of the cargo, carry out a full or short test of the brakes and become familiar with the route.

A distinctive feature of the driver’s profession is constant monitoring of the situation along the route, readings from locomotive instruments and monitoring the correct operation of all components and mechanisms of the locomotive.

Skill to work in team is another important element in this profession. The driver must clearly and unquestioningly follow the commands of the duty officer or dispatcher, as well as interact with the assistant or compiler when performing, for example, shunting work.

Profession locomotive driver - pros and cons

The positive aspects of being a locomotive driver are decent wages, a social package, the availability of benefits, and medical care. Well, what about romance, which consists of trips to various places throughout the country.

The disadvantages include the fact that the driver’s work is shift work. Shifts may be day or night, holidays, and sometimes weekends. In addition, the duration of a locomotive driver's stay on a trip is strictly limited by the duration of his shift, so he has to stay overnight in locomotive crew rest houses, and then wait for the opportunity to return to the original station.

The driver is constantly exposed to vibration, acceleration and magnetic field. For example, when working on an alternating current electric locomotive, which is as much as 25 thousand volts, the driver’s body is constantly under the influence of a strong magnetic field. DC electric locomotives operate under a voltage of 3 thousand volts, which also negatively affects the driver’s health over time.

Also, the disadvantages include the so-called appearances, which can be scheduled at any time of the day or night, for example, at 2-3 am, which is very inconvenient.

Profession locomotive driver - in demand

Locomotive drivers have always been very in demand. Moreover, the demand for this kind of professionals is high not only on the railways of our country, but also at various enterprises of the mining and metallurgical complex that have railway infrastructure and are constantly experiencing a shortage of drivers.

Profession locomotive driver - training

To master the profession of a driver, you must work as an assistant driver for two years, then undergo training and successfully pass exams. You can obtain a driver's profession in various institutions, from railway colleges, schools, specialized training centers, to medium and large enterprises that have licenses to train and issue certificates in the profession.

Profession locomotive driver - salary

The salary of a driver depends on many factors: length of service, number of hours worked, night shifts, wheel shifts, etc. On average, a driver earns around 700-1000 USD.

It’s already clear who the driver is. Definition: a person who operates any complex machine - a locomotive, crane, train or excavator, for example - is a machinist. The profession is considered a purely male one, since it is extremely rare to meet a woman among machinists.

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What exactly does a driver do?

Based on the fact that drivers can have different specializations, their functional responsibilities vary:

  • conveyor operator. He is in charge of elevators, reloading carts, and drive stations. This position involves monitoring the tension drums, feeders, tensioners and conveyor belt running;
  • . Difficult work in which you have to deal with irregular schedules, difficult working conditions, physical and psychological stress. The train driver sets passenger and freight trains in motion and ensures normal passage along the route;
  • electric train driver. Controls a huge “iron caterpillar”, assesses its technical condition and, if necessary, corrects problems.

Most often, machinists begin their careers as assistants in order to acquire practical skills. If you are employed, you will not need a higher education, but you will still have to complete the relevant courses.

If we talk specifically about train and electric train drivers, then it would be appropriate to mention heavy physical activity. Every working day for drivers begins with a thorough medical examination - those who do not pass it are not allowed to work. Therefore, the driver must be resilient and physically healthy, have excellent vision and hearing.

The salary of representatives of this profession is quite decent and amounts to about a thousand dollars. However, you should not think that you can easily change your specialty if you wish. Typically, machinists dedicate their entire lives to their profession: gaining experience and reputation, and undergoing a full examination every few years.

Due to the fact that the work of a driver is considered hard work, early retirement is usually provided for. Indeed, strong stress, constant concentration, conditions that adversely affect the nervous system and internal organs contribute to weakening health, and a person begins to need frequent rest.

What qualities should a driver have?

First of all, responsibility. Being late to work by just a few minutes can be considered sabotage by your bosses. And if the sluggishness of an electric train driver during peak hours leads to a delay of ten to fifteen minutes, then this could jeopardize the normal movement of an entire metro line.

  • In addition, the driver simply must be self-confident, attentive, careful, prudent and constantly vigilant, remembering that he is responsible for the lives of hundreds of people.
  • This profession does not tolerate any kind of arbitrariness, arrogance and recklessness. The driver is required to strictly follow the instructions, follow the agreed departure and stop schedules, and have an excellent understanding of traffic light regulation and conventional signals. To better understand the work of these people, pay more attention to those who drive the trains, and then it will become clear to you who the driver is.

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