How to crack a coconut. How to open a coconut video. How to crack a coconut at home. How to crack a coconut (coconut) How to quickly crack a coconut at home

To make friends with a nut like coconut, let's learn how to properly free it from its thick shell. Since it is much larger than other nuts, it does not fit in a nut cracker, and you cannot crack a coconut with a door. It requires skill, strength and a little worldly cunning. Inside the nut there is milky juice (coconut milk), which flows out at the slightest crack, and we may not even taste the nutritious sweet syrup. But many people buy these nuts because of coconut milk, which contains many antioxidants and minerals that are beneficial for a weakened body.

How to crack a coconut

When purchasing, carefully inspect the fruit; there should be no chips or dark spots on it. Shake the coconut and you will hear that there is liquid inside. Press your fingers on the three dark spots on top; if any of them are pressed down under pressure, there is no need to take the nut, since it has already begun to rot or has lain on the supermarket shelf.

Usually the coconut is cracked with a hammer and placed on the floor. But this method was mastered by the Neanderthals, but we need to preserve the liquid inside the nut, so we will act according to the “scientific” plan.

The easiest way to crack a coconut

Do you believe that you can crack a coconut at home without the help of a hammer, knife and nails? Let's check... Examine the surface of the nut, note that the three spots on top are not the same in size, two of them are larger than the third, they have bulges on top, similar to eyebrows. Place the index finger and thumb of your dominant hand (the one with which you eat and write) over this bump, wrap your hand around the coconut and, without turning it over, hit it hard against a flat stone or concrete surface. If you don't succeed in splitting the first time, try again and again. Every time microcracks appear on the nut, so, in any case, it will crack. As soon as you hear a crackling sound, try to quickly pour the juice into the mug. After this, the coconut can be lifted and hit with force against a hard surface so that the shell comes off completely.

When the juice is not needed, you can simply tap the diameter of the coconut, which is placed in a plastic bag, with a stone or a piece of brick until it breaks into two parts. Of course, in this case there will be a lot of fragments from the shell and you will have to make physical efforts, but this method is the fastest and easiest.

There is little to surprise a modern person. This is especially true for exotic fruits. On the shelves of the supermarket you can find any curiosity brought from anywhere in the world. Coconuts have long ceased to be something unusual and rare. Have you ever thought about their benefits? In fact, coconut is rich in nutrients, it contains vitamins B and C, glucose, sucrose, fructose, calcium, iron, potassium, sodium and mineral salts. Coconut has restorative properties. It is used to treat diarrhea, cholera, impotence, vitamin deficiency, diseases of the genitourinary system and Coconut helps improve vision, controls blood sugar, improves insulin secretion, and this helps prevent diabetes.

How to crack a coconut at home

So, knowing all the usefulness of this product, you decided to purchase a nut. However, immediately after purchase, the question arises - how to split the coconut, because it has such a dense peel. Many people try to open it with a hammer, knife, file and other improvised means available on the farm. Many people have probably seen on TV how deftly the residents of hot countries can open coconuts. However, you still can’t get past the shell and get to the filling. So, how to crack a coconut at home.

As you know, in addition to the pulp, a coconut contains useful things. Therefore, the first thing you need to start with is to extract the liquid from it so that it does not spill when the fruit opens. To do this you need to make a hole in the coconut. To do this, take some sharp object - a drill or a thick nail. Place the coconut on a hard surface with three dark circles facing you. It is at these that you need to aim to make a hole, since they are the most delicate areas of the exotic nut. Place the tool on one of the spots and hit it with a hammer. You can easily create a hole in the coconut. You can make two more holes in the remaining areas, or you can drain the milk through the hole already obtained.

How to crack a coconut at home after the liquid has been drained? It turns out that opening this exotic fruit is not such a difficult task. You just need to know the right technology. There is one secret line on the coconut. If you hit it, the coconut will quickly and easily split. This line is located on the side of the dark eyes. She is the one who will help us open the coconut.

The photo shows which part this treasured line is on. Now take a knife or hammer. By tapping the tool along this line in a circle, you will notice how a crack will appear along the coconut.

So, you already know how to crack a coconut at home. Now the last step remains - to separate the peel from the pulp. This is much easier to do if you put the coconut in the refrigerator for a few hours or in a hot oven for a couple of minutes. After these simple manipulations, the pulp will easily peel off from the peel.

Now all you have to do is choose a recipe for preparing a dish using tasty and healthy coconut pulp!

It doesn’t matter why a coconut appeared in your house - whether it’s a gift from fate or your own whim, but something needs to be done with it. Despite its rather harsh appearance, opening a nut is not such a difficult task if you know which side to approach it from.

How to crack a coconut

Of course, this nut is an exotic fruit and not familiar to everyone. But that doesn't mean we can't deal with it.

The fruit of the coconut tree is more correctly called a drupe rather than a nut.

To cut a coconut into a nut, we must stock up on the necessary tools and follow a certain sequence of actions.

Preparing inventory

We will need:

  • hammer;
  • nail or screwdriver;
  • large knife or hatchet;
  • cup;
  • towel.

Don't be intimidated by the abundance of items listed. Some of them are interchangeable and are indicated in case another item is not at hand. Which tool you use depends on how you open the nut.

Drain the juice

There are three dark spots on one of the “poles” of the nut. It will be easier to make a hole in these places.

Coconut water is often mistakenly called "milk". In fact, coconut water (juice) and coconut milk are two different things. Water is what is inside the nut, and the so-called coconut milk is obtained from crushed pulp with the addition of water.

You need to choose the softest spot and make a hole in it with a nail or screwdriver

  1. Place the coconut on a towel to prevent it from sliding on the table.
  2. Place a nail on one of the marks and hit it with a hammer. Calculate the force of the blow! If you overdo it, you'll end up with a hammered nail rather than a hole.
  3. Make two holes to make it easier for the coconut water to pour out, and tip the nut over the glass.

Do not count on a full glass of juice; there is not much of it in a ripe (brown) nut.

Breaking a nut with your bare hands

It’s hard to imagine a Papuan walking under the palm trees with a carpenter’s kit. Coconuts have been used as food since time immemorial, which means that there are some “primitive” ways of presenting the sweet flesh to the world.

The easiest way to open a nut if you have nothing but your own hands is to hit it hard on a hard surface. For example, against a concrete wall. The “right hook” will have the desired effect if you aim: hold the nut so that the blow falls on the most convex part of the “equator” of the nut. As a rule, one decent blow is enough for a crack to appear. The disadvantage of this method is that if the gap is too small, you will not be able to simply break the nut into two halves with your hands and will have to repeat the maneuver. And if you are so strong that you simply smash a coconut against the wall, then you will not be able to enjoy the coconut juice - it will leak out.

How to open a coconut with a knife

If you have at least a knife, then this greatly simplifies the matter. It is advisable that it be a solid tool that inspires respect, for example, a cleaver knife, a hunting knife or a “chef’s knife.” With its help, you can cut a coconut in at least two ways.

Opening through a hole

If you have already made two holes in the shell and drained the juice, feel free to start cutting using the existing holes.

  1. We insert the knife into one of the holes with the tip.
  2. We hit the handle several times. This can be done with a hammer, or just with a fist.

This method guarantees that the nut will crack, but does not guarantee the symmetry of the resulting parts.

Video: cutting with a knife through a hole

Using a knife on the edge of a coconut

This method is used to open “full” nuts with juice inside. First of all, evaluate the “exterior” of the knife and determine what is heavier, the blade or the handle. The sharpness does not matter, because we will be tapping the nut, not cutting it. If the knife blade is heavier, use the dull side. If the handle is heavier, then grab the knife by the blade.

  1. Find a natural break line approximately halfway down the nut. As you remember, this is the very place where the shell cracks the fastest.
  2. Act accurately and carefully: with one hand, hold the nut suspended and constantly rotate it around its axis, and with the other hand, tap along this line with the blunt side of the knife.
  3. As soon as a crack appears, insert a knife blade into it and slightly push the shell apart.
  4. Pour the juice into a glass.
  5. Now unseal the nut using the knife more decisively.

Video: how to split a shell into two equal halves

How to open a green drinking coconut

Green fruits are unripe nuts that have not yet had time to “ripen.” In terms of the thickness of the peel, they are somewhat reminiscent of a pumpkin, which means that the green nut can be easily handled with a kitchen knife. Simply cut off one of the coconut poles like a “lid” and enjoy!

Green coconut juice reduces appetite, normalizes digestion, blood glucose levels, thyroid function and metabolism

Coconut water is low in calories, quenches thirst, helps get rid of bladder infections and restores physical strength after intense exercise.

Safety precautions when opening a nut

Despite the fact that it is not difficult to handle a coconut, still be careful when using sharp, piercing, or cutting objects. When using a hammer, try to protect your fingers. By the way, if, of all the ways to open a coconut, you just decide to hit it with a hammer wherever you have to, then before doing this, put it in a plastic bag so as not to later look for scattered pieces throughout the kitchen.

Cleaning the tough skin and extracting the pulp

Extraction of pulp will go faster if you take into account the following rule: the more shells, the easier it is to do. Therefore, if you do not use any “life hacks”, then the most difficult thing will be to pick copra from those very perfect hemispheres that were discussed above.

Insert the blade of a knife between the shell and the edible part and separate a piece

The most primitive way to extract the pulp is as follows: insert a knife blade between the shell and the edible part, and, shaking the knife, separate a piece. Then another one. And further. The main thing is not to rush anywhere.

This kind of meditation activity is not suitable for everyone. Things will go much faster if you use the following method:

We won't throw away the shells

If cutting a coconut was so impressive that you wanted to keep these exciting moments in your memory, make a souvenir from the shell. Most often, halves of nuts are used as a salt shaker, candlestick, plate for buttons, keys and other small items. If the shell is quite deep, then by turning it upside down, you will get an excellent eco-house for a hamster. Small and unsightly shards will serve as drainage for indoor flowers.

Photo gallery: decorative and household items made from coconut shells

Candlesticks made from coconut halves will decorate any occasion Coconut shell feeder is very environmentally friendly Box in the shape of an egg - almost Faberge Cacti in a coconut pot feel like home

Terms and methods of storing coconut

One nut, as a rule, is eaten right away, so the question of how to store it does not even arise. It’s another matter when, for some reason, you have, as they say, “stacks” of these coconuts. Whole nuts will keep in a cool place for up to three weeks. But if you don’t work in the very store where you happened to stock up on coconuts, then you have no way of knowing how long they had already been on the shelf before you were tempted by them.

Important! When buying a coconut, shake it near your ear: you will hear a noticeable splash of juice. If this sound is not present, there is a high probability of running into a stale, drying fruit.

Store the opened coconut in the refrigerator for 3-5 days, as long as it remains in the shell. It is not recommended to store coconut juice. Microbes multiply quickly in a sweetish liquid, so it would be wiser to drink it right away.

  • Pour boiled water over the pulp so that it does not dry out. The lifespan of “soaked coconut” in the refrigerator is 2–3 days;
  • Place the peeled coconut meat in the freezer. In this form, she can wait for her fate for several months;
  • Grind and dry the coconut, put it in a bag and use the shavings throughout the year. Store in a dry place.

Not everyone can pick a nut from such a height

Interesting: in the south of Thailand, coconuts are collected with the help of trained monkeys. The animal climbs up, picks nuts, and when it comes down, it receives a treat from the worker.

The sweetness and aroma of fresh nuts is much brighter than processed ones. Buy the “symbol of heavenly life” immediately before eating and enjoy the fullest taste.

Coconut is a tasty and nutritious food that is especially good when eaten raw. You may shy away from buying a whole coconut, thinking that you need a drill, hacksaw and other special tools to open it. Luckily, you can open a coconut with items you likely already have around the house.

A simple wooden kitchen mallet or mason's hammer can help crack the coconut. Once you open it, you will need a knife and a vegetable peeler to remove the skin from the flesh so that the coconut is ready to eat.

Drain the liquid from the coconut

1. Find the correct hole at the top of the coconut.

There are three eyes or indentations at the top of the coconut. One of them is usually the weakest, so use a sharp knife or chopsticks to test each one. When you find the easiest eye, insert a stick into it to create a hole.

You can also use a metal pin or screwdriver to make a hole in the top of the coconut.

2. Place the coconut with the hole facing down over the glass.

To collect water from a coconut, you will need a glass. Place the coconut upside down so that the hole you punched is directly above the glass.

You can also place the coconut in a bowl to collect the water. However, when using a glass, you don't have to waste time holding the glass, you simply place the coconut on top of the glass and wait for it to drip.

A measuring cup is also good for collecting liquid.

3. Allow the coconut to drain completely.

After you place the coconut upside down on top of the glass, give it a few minutes until all the liquid has drained out. You may need to shake the coconut a few times to extract the last drop of water.

You should get approximately ½ to ¾ cup (118 to 177 ml) of water from one coconut.

The liquid from fresh young coconut should be sweet. If the liquid has an oily consistency, the coconut is probably not very good and you should discard it.

Crack the coconut with a hammer

1. Wrap the coconut in a towel and hold it.

Once you have dried the coconut well, wrap the folded towel so that it covers one side of the coconut. Hold the wrapped towel containing the coconut with your dominant hand so that the part of the coconut not covered by the towel is in front of you.

If desired, you can mount the coconut on a table or countertop. You will have to adjust so that you can hit the entire circumference of the coconut with a kitchen hammer.

2. Use a hammer.

While turning the coconut, hit it with a wooden mallet (mallet) until it cracks.

Holding the coconut together with the towel, use a wooden mallet to hit it firmly. By turning the coconut clearly in a circle and making many blows, you can achieve an even crack along the entire circumference. Do this until it starts to crack in half.

Using a metal mallet allows you to crack the coconut better and faster.

If you don't have a kitchen mallet, you can use a regular mason's hammer, which is also great for cracking coconut.

3. Make sure that a crack forms around the entire circumference of the coconut.

When the coconut is split on all sides, try to grab it with your fingers on both sides and split it into two pieces. Place the coconut on the table or countertop, split side down.

If suddenly your coconut does not split, repeat the previous step, tapping the outside with a hammer. There may be small areas where the coconut has not cracked completely.

4. Hit the coconut with a hammer to get to the flesh.

With half of the coconut facing down, use a hammer, tapping the entire surface. This will help loosen the pulp from the shells so you can easily separate them from each other.

Be sure to tap the entire half of the coconut with the mallet to release the flesh.

It is normal for the coconut halves to suddenly split into smaller pieces when you hit it with a hammer. This can speed up and facilitate the process of separating the pulp from the shell.

Stick it between the shell and the flesh to separate them.

After using the hammer to loosen the pulp from the shell, insert a butter knife between the pulp and the shell. Use a knife to carefully remove the flesh from the shell until it is completely separated. Repeat this with all parts of the coconut.

Be sure to use a butter knife. With it, you don't have to worry about cutting yourself while working.

Once you separate the flesh from the shell, there will still be a thin brown stringy skin on the outside.

Use a vegetable peeler to carefully remove the husk until only the coconut meat remains.

Once the coconut meat is separated from the husk, you can eat it or prepare a variety of dishes.

Coconut is famous for its absorbent properties, it removes toxins from the body, therefore it is used in the treatment of many diseases. Coconut shells are denser than other nuts. It cannot be cracked with a foot or a door; the coconut does not fit into the nut cracker, which makes the task much more difficult. To free the fruit and enjoy the great taste, you have to resort to some tricks, which we will talk about today.

How to crack a coconut

In everyday life, people crack a coconut with a hammer, placing the fruit on the floor. The method was mastered in ancient times; over time, craftsmen came up with more effective methods that would preserve milk and enjoy its taste.

  1. For the "scientific" method, you will need a Phillips screwdriver. Take the nut in your hand and press on all three spots on top of the fruit. Press first on the middle, then on the edges of the spot, carefully testing the soil. You need to find the “weak link” that is pushed through better than others. As a rule, the circle closest to the pole can be pressed. The fresher the fruit, the more difficult it is to open.
  2. Prepare a container for draining coconut milk; the ideal option would be a mug or glass of a suitable diameter. Carefully turn the coconut over, do not shake it so that the remains of the shell do not fly into the container. Place the fruit on the edge of the glass and wait until the liquid has completely drained. Coconut juice is very viscous, so the process usually takes 2-3 minutes. To make sure there is no milk in the coconut cavity, shake it upside down. Liquid should not leak from the nut.
  3. After removing the milk, you can safely take up a hammer and knife. There is no need to hit with force, so as not to damage the pulp along with the shell, act carefully. Place the nut on a wooden kitchen board, first placing a non-slip wet sponge under it. Turn the nut sideways, place the tip of the knife exactly in the middle, and then hit the handle several times with a hammer. Move to the side along the diameter of the coconut and do the same. When you have processed the entire circumference of the fruit, you can begin chopping the nut.
  4. Make sure the board the coconut is on does not slip. Otherwise, you risk damaging your hands and spoiling the fruit. Place the nut on its side so that the cut made with a knife is clearly visible. Tap the middle of the line with a hammer once, turn the fruit a few centimeters to the side and repeat. Now fix the nut in place and start hitting the diameter vigorously, but not too hard. After several blows, the fruit will split in two.
  5. Turn on the oven and heat it to 145-160 degrees. Place both halves of the nut on a baking sheet (not on the grill!), wait 3 to 5 minutes. This move must be made so that the coconut shrinks in size under the influence of temperature. This will separate the pulp from the shell without damaging the fruit. After the time has passed, remove the nut with a pot holder, turn the halves over and voila, the fruit has come away from the shell.
  6. Before eating, peel the pulp from the thin peel with a knife and a potato peeler, cut the fruit into thin squares, and then treat it to your friends. If you want to use coconut for decoration, dry it in the oven, then grate it on a medium grater or grind it in a blender. After this, place the shavings on a baking sheet and leave to dry for a quarter of an hour.
  1. If you can't poke holes with a screwdriver, use a thick nail and a hammer.
  2. In cases where the coconut has small spots, the juice will flow out slowly. To speed up the process, hold one hole over the container and blow into the second.
  3. Look carefully at the coconut; on its sharp side, two circles are located close together, and the third is located at a distance; it is the one that is most susceptible to influence.
  4. To prevent the coconut from rolling around while making holes, place the bottom of the coconut in the kitchen sink drain.
  5. If you need a nut for aesthetic reasons (preparing cocktails, an attribute for a photo shoot, a Hawaiian swimsuit, etc.), cut it with a thin saw, after draining the milk.

Before you start cracking the nut, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the important features of choosing a coconut. There should be no strange chips or black spots on the shell. Take the fruit in your hand, press your fingers on the three large points on top of the shell. If one of the points moves inward under pressure, the coconut has begun to rot. Give preference to nuts that have a hard, uniform surface.

Video: how to open a coconut at home

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