How much does it cost to study to become a teacher? Preschool teacher. Features of obtaining pedagogical education in absentia

According to one version, the profession of educator was “transferred” to the general public by slaves of Ancient Greece, whose duties were to raise children until they reached school age. The slave-educator monitored the child’s safety and development, and also played with him.

We can say that modern educators have the same responsibilities, with a slight expansion. Among them:

  • monitoring children's attendance - meeting in the morning and returning to parents in the evening;
  • assistance in carrying out hygiene procedures and changing clothes;
  • games, organization of training, recreational and entertainment events, holidays, excursions;
  • assistance during meals, instilling a culture of behavior at the table;
  • communication with parents, advising them on issues of raising children.

When, after graduating from school, I chose the profession of a kindergarten teacher and went to study at the Pedagogical College, I did not suspect that the most difficult and almost impossible task in my work would not be wiping the children’s wet noses or stopping naughty people, but communicating with parents. Oh, these modern parents! Not a week goes by without someone complaining about me for hurting their baby. Moreover, grievances arise due to the fact that I call the children to order or punish them in the form of removal from any activities. I don’t do anything unacceptable or humiliating to a child, but mothers who want to protect their own child with their breasts often don’t choose their expressions and start making trouble... I’m very tired of this. The only saving grace is that I truly love my children and my job. Yulia Anvarova, kindergarten teacher

Oleg Kagirin

psychologist and coach

In order to achieve success in this field, as well as to be able to enjoy your work, you need to be an expert in both child and adult psychology. It is not enough to simply love children, be touched by their antics and be able to captivate children with play. Developed communication skills are required to communicate with children and parents. There is nothing to do in kindergarten for people who do not have responsibility, attentiveness, sociability, responsiveness, initiative, observation and tact.

In the work of a teacher, one must always take into account that a child comes from a family with a certain family “baggage”, which cannot but affect his character and behavior. Any major troubles (for example, parents’ divorce) can radically change the whole picture of a little person’s world. And the main task of the teacher is to mitigate the current situation in every possible way, to be a wise adult friend who is always ready to help.

A teacher, like air, requires good visual and auditory perception, creative abstract logical thinking, developed intuition, a high level of culture, the ability to distribute and switch the attention of students, as well as pedagogical optimism. The last quality is one of the most important in the work of a teacher.

Where to study to become a kindergarten teacher

In order to have the opportunity to regularly plunge into the kingdom of the flowers of life and nurture them, it is necessary to obtain a higher professional education or additional professional education in the direction of “Education and Pedagogy”. You can study to become a kindergarten teacher at any specialized or humanitarian university.

If you plan to work in an elite kindergarten, where higher qualification requirements may be imposed, it is better to pre-select a pedagogical university for study that is included in the TOP-10 in Russia. Among them are Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPGU) and Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen (Russian State Pedagogical University named after Herzen).

I started earning normal money only when I managed to get a job in an elite kindergarten located in the area of ​​​​the well-known Rublyovka. Using my salary, I finally allowed myself to solve the housing problem and get a mortgage. True, the work is very stressful, it’s hard for me both physically and mentally. Children are very spoiled, but they have to be both a teacher and a friend with whom they can keep secrets. Parents are no less capricious. You give 100% every day, come home - and there you cannot relax and get distracted, you go over the moments of the working day in your head. You often have to stay late at work. But overall I’m happy with the work, I know that working in an office would be boring for me. Elizaveta Kudimova, senior teacher

Disadvantages of being a kindergarten teacher

In addition to the low salary offered to kindergarten teachers in government institutions, working with children has other disadvantages, for example:

  • constant noise;
  • nervous tension that must be hidden;
  • criminal liability for the life and health of children;
  • the need to control one’s emotions and the ability to understand and accept students with different characters and from families with different structures, including disadvantaged ones.

If you are going to achieve success in the field of preschool pedagogy, you should definitely take these disadvantages into account and weigh how much your desire to work with children can level out the difficulties that arise.

I have a pedagogical education, but after university I started working for a consulting company. Teachers earn little, but I wanted to go on vacation abroad, dress beautifully and generally “deny myself nothing.” Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to earn much as a customer service manager, and I didn’t really like the work itself. Although I had every chance to make a career and achieve high earnings, but... I suddenly realized that I was not living my life, but that my calling was working with children. And I went to work as a teacher in a kindergarten. None of my relatives and friends supported me, everyone said that I would regret it, that downshifting is the lot of weak people... But I’ve been working for the second year and I don’t regret leaving my previous job at all. And I earn good money - now teachers in Moscow are paid a good salary. Evgenia Shamray, kindergarten teacher

Due to the demographic boom of recent years, the teaching profession is becoming increasingly in demand. And perhaps it is waiting for you.

It is the preschool teacher who becomes the first mentor of a small individual, therefore the training of educators is an important link in the formation of many generations of people.
Having professional training as a teacher, you can get a job in a private or public kindergarten, development center, or work as a home-based nanny.
During the training process, the teacher masters the specifics of preschool education, and also understands the basics of organizing work with children from 1 to 7 years old.

Kindergarten teacher training

If you are attracted to the profession of a kindergarten teacher, training in this case provides an opportunity to master various educational and training techniques, and the use of games in the process of teaching children.
If you already have a higher education, a retraining option is possible, when for 4 months the student studies full-time or remotely and receives a diploma of a specialist in working with children 1-7 years old. To do this, you need to join the SPRR - info on the website. In this case, the student is awarded the qualification “Teacher-Psychologist” and he has the opportunity to work not only as a kindergarten teacher, but also as a psychologist.

Modern training of preschool teachers aims to form in the listener a system of knowledge about modern preschool education, the psychological characteristics of children of different ages. The following are trained:
DS teachers;
Preschool teachers;
Workers of children's creativity centers.
The professional retraining program provides full-time and remote forms. After completing the training of a preschool teacher, the student is given:
Diploma of professional retraining;
Certificate of advanced training.

Distance learning for a teacher

Modern preschool pedagogy is a large selection of various programs focused on the specifics of working with children under 7 years old. Today Distance learning to become a teacher is an opportunity to work and study, improve your level of competence at a convenient time, without leaving home.
The student receives the necessary training materials (lectures, manuals) in electronic format by email. The distance learning package for a teacher includes video seminars, additional materials and a Certificate of the Commonwealth of Teachers and Psychologists of Early Development (CPRD). SPRR representative office in your city - information on the website
When studying disciplines, the student goes through the following stages:
- theoretical block;
- participation in seminars and webinars;
- completing tasks and testing;
- communication and consultations with curators on forums and via Skype (if necessary);

Training to become a kindergarten teacher

Pedagogy is constantly evolving, so training to become a kindergarten teacher is being improved, new directions are being opened, and methods and approaches are being developed. The teacher can improve his qualifications at his own request, at any time, by taking a course that interests him.
The training program for kindergarten teachers uses high-tech equipment and necessarily includes advanced training in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. Training programs provide for the delivery of knowledge and compliance with the requirements of government programs and training standards.

Junior teacher training

A nanny or junior teacher, whose training is so important, helps children learn self-care skills and cares for the smallest children in the garden on the principle of parental care. This must be a sensitive, warm-hearted and patient person who has a calling to work with preschoolers. When choosing the profession of a junior educator, training provides psychological and pedagogical knowledge. A variety of training courses help you master:
The structure of the junior teacher’s working day;
Techniques for teaching children self-service skills;
Organization of street games, as well as indoor entertainment;
Forms of work with parents regarding issues that arise;
Compliance with safety precautions and sanitary requirements;
Methods for cleaning premises and cleaning equipment.

We all come from the country of “Childhood”, where almost each of us was simultaneously a citizen of two “cities”: “Home” and “Kindergarten”. And if in the city of “Home” the mayor was a mother for whom her child was a “king,” then in the city of “Kindergarten” we all had to obey the mayor, who was popularly called a kindergarten teacher. Depending on what kind of mayor it was, we either enjoyed going to kindergarten, or every morning we made a scandal for our parents and categorically refused to go there.

We all come from the country of “Childhood”, where almost each of us was simultaneously a citizen of two “cities” at once: “Home” and “Kindergarten”. And if in the city of “House” the mayor was a father (or mother), for whom his child was a “king,” then in the city of “Kindergarten” we all had to obey the mayor, who was popularly called a kindergarten teacher. Depending on what kind of mayor he was (good, evil or indifferent), we either went to kindergarten with pleasure, or every morning we made a scandal with our parents and categorically refused to go there.

Now that we have grown up a long time ago and can soberly assess our desire or reluctance to go to kindergarten, we understand that the teacher was not kind, evil or indifferent. It’s just that some of our teachers at one time chose this profession at the behest of their hearts, and therefore loved their work and their students, some were forced to go to work in a kindergarten, and, accordingly, had a negative attitude towards their duties, and some were it doesn’t matter where you work, hence the indifference to work.

There is also a category of educators who simply did not know about the peculiarities of this profession, and naively believed that in order to become a good educator it was enough to simply love children. As a result, they either become disillusioned with this profession or perform their duties poorly. Especially for those young people who are planning to get profession of kindergarten teacher, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with all the features, advantages and disadvantages of this work. And only after that make an informed decision about choosing a profession.

Who is a kindergarten teacher?

A teacher is an employee of a preschool institution who is responsible for the safety, education, training and comprehensive development of pupils while they are in kindergarten. In other words, this is a specialist who supervises children aged 3-7 years and carries out certain educational activities, the plan of which depends on what age group the pupils belong to.

This profession appeared as an independent field of activity only in the 19th century, when women began to engage not only in raising children and housekeeping, but also in social work. Although the prerequisites for its appearance arose in ancient times. For example, in Ancient Greece, the role of educator was performed by a special slave, who today would be called a home educator (tutor). This profession became especially in demand during the period of mass emergence of public and private preschool institutions.

And if during the formation of this profession, any enthusiast who simply loved children could become a teacher, then a modern kindergarten teacher is a highly qualified specialist who must not only love children, but also understand their psychology, know timely pedagogical methods and programs, and also have the talent of an organizer.

Officials responsibilities of a kindergarten teacher include: ensuring compliance with the daily routine and safety of children, preparing and conducting activities aimed at the education and development of the child, according to the developed program for children of a certain age, organizing leisure time for pupils, participation in methodological work, and advanced training.

What personal qualities should a kindergarten teacher have?

Since the advent of this profession, the basic requirement for the personal qualities of a teacher has not changed - as before, he must love children, be kind and sensitive. Moreover, since kindergarten teacher job it is planned to monitor the activities of a group of children (and in some cases the group may consist of 20-30 pupils); the specialist must have emotional stability, endurance and patience. Also, the teacher must be:

  • observant;
  • attentive;
  • responsible;
  • sociable;
  • sincere;
  • erudite;
  • cheerful;
  • fair;
  • active.

Among other things, a good teacher must be able to distribute and switch his attention, have good visual and auditory perception, have creative and abstract logical thinking, developed intuition, a high level of culture and pedagogical optimism.

Advantages of being a kindergarten teacher

For those who love children, the main thing is advantage of being a teacher kindergarten is the opportunity to show your love and help children develop harmoniously. The undoubted advantages of this profession are also:

  • shift work schedule - as a rule, the first shift starts at 7-8 am and ends at 1 pm; the second shift lasts from 13 to 18 hours;
  • long leave - depending on length of service from 42 to 56 days;
  • demand - educators have always been and will be needed (especially good educators);
  • An active lifestyle means the absence of boredom at work, communication with a large number of people, the opportunity to show your talents, and active games with children.

Disadvantages of being a kindergarten teacher

The main thing disadvantages of being a kindergarten teacher- low wages - only those who are completely divorced from reality do not know. Therefore, we mentioned it only for the purpose of creating a “complete picture” of the features of this profession. But many people are not even aware of the shortcomings that you will see below. These include:

  • noisy environment;
  • constant nervous tension;
  • great responsibility (by the way, not only moral, but also criminal) for the life and health of students;
  • control of your emotions (even if you have personal troubles, you need to smile and play enthusiastically with children);
  • constant presence at the workplace (due to the personal responsibility of the teacher for the safety of students).

Where can I get a job as a kindergarten teacher?

The Russian Institute of Vocational Education "IPO" is recruiting students to receive training at the IPO - a convenient and quick way to receive distance education. 200+ training courses. 8000+ graduates from 200 cities. Short deadlines for completing documents and external training, interest-free installments from the institute and individual discounts. Contact us!

Today's applicants can become a kindergarten teacher only in a specialized or humanitarian university on the basis of which the corresponding departments operate (we remind you that until September 1, 2013 it was possible to obtain this profession in secondary specialized educational institutions). Since training in this specialty is well developed in almost all Russian universities, the choice of a higher educational institution is not of fundamental importance.

However, if you plan to subsequently apply for a position as a teacher in an elite or private kindergarten that practices modern educational methods, we recommend that you turn your attention to best pedagogical universities in Russia.

  1. Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPGU);
  2. Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen (Russian State Pedagogical University named after Herzen);
  3. Moscow City Pedagogical University (MSPU);
  4. Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University (NSLU);
  5. Volga State Engineering and Pedagogical Academy (VGIPU).

A kindergarten teacher- raises preschool children. The profession is suitable for responsible and active people who love children. A teacher can work in municipal, departmental or private kindergartens. Education can be secondary vocational, but to improve your qualifications you need to graduate. There are for kindergarten teachers. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in psychology (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

The teacher is engaged in educational work: conducts classes, games and generally organizes the stay of children in kindergarten.
Preschool teachers are most often called educators.

Men usually do not work as preschool teachers, and if this happens, it certainly becomes a sensation, which local newspapers are sure to write about and even film stories for television news.

Children aged 3 to 7 years go to kindergarten. Preschool age is divided into three periods:

  1. junior preschool age - from 3 to 4 years;
  2. average preschool age - from 4 to 5 years;
  3. senior preschool age - from 5 to 7 years.

Each age requires a special approach, educational and training methods. But in general, we can say that play is the main thing for any kindergartener. Therefore, educators use many gaming techniques in their work. Even in educational classes, didactic games are used - they better hold children’s attention and help them learn the material without them noticing.

The kindergarten program includes classes on children's speech development, mathematics, music, and physical education. Children are also introduced to the works of children's writers, taught how to draw and sculpt, and instilled in them basic work skills. Much attention is paid to getting to know nature and the surrounding world.

And of course, an important place is occupied by the moral education and socialization of the child: in kindergarten, he learns to interact with peers and adults, and acquires life skills in society. The teacher is the leader of all these processes, and a lot depends on his personality and skills.

Important! The teacher is responsible not only for the quality of teaching work, but also for the life and health of children.

Typically, the teacher leads one group of children, starting from a young age until they graduate from kindergarten. The group's teachers work in pairs, replacing each other according to a schedule: some work in the morning, some in the afternoon, and vice versa. Methodological assistance to educators is provided by methodologists - teachers with higher education.


Municipal, departmental, private kindergartens.


Salary as of 08/07/2019

Russia 15000—40000 ₽

Moscow 25000—60000 ₽

Important qualities

A good teacher is characterized by love for children, cheerfulness, lack of irritability, a high sense of responsibility, a sense of justice, a high level of culture, organizational skills, and activity.

Knowledge and skills

The teacher must possess pedagogical methods and skills in organizing the educational process.
Correct speech and good manners are also required.

Training to become a kindergarten teacher

The Higher School of Technology and Management (HSTU) provides training in the specialty “Kindergarten teacher” and other pedagogical areas. Training takes place in full-time and part-time format using distance learning technologies, which will allow you to combine study with work. The educational activities of GSTU are licensed and comply with professional standards. Now you have the opportunity to get a 50% discount using the promo code uchitel50. The cost, taking into account the discount, will be 4,975 rubles, and only 1,000 rubles. Get professional training at the lowest price!

Russian Institute of Vocational Education "IPO" - recruits students to obtain a specialty through a distance program of professional retraining and advanced training. Studying at the IPO is a convenient and quick way to receive distance education. 200+ training courses. 8000+ graduates from 200 cities. Short deadlines for completing documents and external training, interest-free installments from the institute and individual discounts. Contact us!

Pedagogy is a very broad concept. In the memory of most of us, the phrase “pedagogical institute” is firmly associated with the profession of a school teacher or kindergarten teacher. Many do not even suspect that they are graduating psychologists, speech pathologists, linguists... In recent years, psychological and pedagogical education has become increasingly popular, and the prestige of social work in the field of education has increased.

TOP 10 popular specialties:

If we are guided by the average passing score of the Unified State Examination, the most popular among applicants to pedagogical universities in 2011 were sociology, economics, foreign languages, philology and linguistics, as well as psychology. And this is not surprising. After all, a sociologist or economist can find a prestigious and highly paid job not only at school. And there is nothing to say about foreign languages; serious employers will tear off a person with a deep professional knowledge of several languages. In the field of linguistics, a diploma from a pedagogical institute carries very good weight. Competition for these specialties reaches 7 people per budget place.

Professions related to the fine arts are also highly rated; the total Unified State Exam score here reaches 178. Most likely, this is due to the limited number of places for applicants, because not all teachers are engaged in training creative people. The competition here is not very big - only 3 people per place, but it should be taken into account that in addition to good grades, an applicant cannot do without artistic abilities - no one has canceled the creative competition.

But what to do if the Unified State Examination does not reach the required score, and since the 1st grade you have dreamed of becoming a teacher and are firmly convinced that teaching is your calling?

Then it’s a good idea to think about the profession of a music worker, social teacher or primary school teacher. In order to begin training in these specialties, you will need a Unified State Examination score not exceeding 110 points.

By the way, if we ignore the dry score statistics, over the last 10 years the professions of primary school teachers and preschool teachers have been steadily gaining popularity and the competition for these specialties never drops below 3 people per budget place.

Why? Firstly, if you decide to give your skills and love to the kids, you will never be left without work: the birth rate in Russia is now higher than ever, and secondly, education is very versatile - the first educator and the first teacher do not teach highly specialized subjects, but introduce our little ones to the huge and endlessly interesting world around us. It often happens that communication with kindergarten and elementary school employees determines the entire future path of a little person, because, in fact, these are the first adults with whom the child communicates almost as closely as with his parents.

I would become a teacher... Where do future teachers study?

Applicants wishing to obtain higher pedagogical education in Moscow have a fairly wide choice. , which offer their services in teaching certain pedagogical specialties on a budgetary basis, contains more than 130 universities, academies and institutes. True, there are not many institutes in which professional pedagogical education is the main direction, and not one of the various specialties in any department.

According to a survey by the website, Moscow Pedagogical State University takes first place in the ranking by a large margin (31,248 votes). This is one of the oldest pedagogical institutes, producing teachers of various specializations for more than 130 years.

By the way, if you did not pass the Unified State Exam as well as you would like, and the points scored are not enough for admission to the chosen institute, it makes sense to familiarize yourself with the requirements of other pedagogical institutions; perhaps they do not have such strict requirements for applicants for the coveted specialty.

Speciality Minimum passing score for the Unified State Examination University
Pedagogical education: sociology, economics, law 224
Linguistics and/or foreign language teaching 87-242
Fine arts, artistic graphics 178 Moscow City Pedagogical University
Pedagogical education: philology 143-210

Moscow Pedagogical State University,

Moscow City Pedagogical University

Psychology 170

Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University,

Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A. Sholokhov

Pedagogical education: chemistry 167 Moscow Pedagogical State University
Pedagogical education: biology, biochemistry 105-198

Moscow Pedagogical State University,

Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A. Sholokhov

Psychological and pedagogical education 85-205

Moscow Pedagogical State University,

Russian State Social University,

Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University,

Teacher Education: Geography 92-183

Moscow Pedagogical State University,

Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A. Sholokhov

Pedagogy and methods of preschool education 92-171

Moscow Pedagogical State University,

Moscow City Pedagogical University

Teacher Education: History 131 Moscow Pedagogical State University
Defectological education 69-145

Moscow Pedagogical State University,

Russian State Social University

Pedagogical education: mathematics, computer science, information technology 78-158

Moscow Pedagogical State University,

Moscow City Pedagogical University,

Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A. Sholokhova,

Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics

Social pedagogy 93-106 Moscow Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute
Pedagogy and methods of primary education 93-99

Moscow Pedagogical State University,

Moscow City Pedagogical University

Teacher Education: Music 60-115

Moscow Pedagogical State University,

Moscow City Pedagogical University

Natalia Kogteva

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