Where to go after college on a budget. Second education: why college is better than university. Is it possible to study in an accelerated program?

In order to obtain higher education without the Unified State Exam, you need to know which categories of citizens have this opportunity and under what conditions.

If this question worries an applicant who simply failed the exam, then choosing a university for him is quite difficult.

Among the universities that do not pay enough attention to the number of points scored on the exam are institutions with creative specialties. To enter such an institution, first of all, you must have talent in the relevant field.

Many Russian universities accept applicants who already have a secondary specialized education without the Unified State Exam. In this case, it is possible to enroll immediately in the 2nd year.

Who can get a higher education without passing the Unified State Exam?

The possibility of entering an educational institution without USE results depends on the reason for their absence. Let's consider the categories of citizens who have the opportunity to enter the university without passing a unified exam.

There are different reasons why a person may not have USE results. Here are some of them:

  • secondary education was received in a foreign country;
  • disability;
  • more than 1 year has passed since passing the exam;
  • school was completed before the introduction of the Unified State Exam;
  • did not have enough points to pass the minimum exam threshold.

Citizens of other countries who graduated from school in their homeland and wish to receive higher education in the Russian Federation can enter a Russian university without the Unified State Exam. The Government of the Russian Federation allocates quotas for this category of students. However, foreign applicants will still have to take entrance exams.

Citizens who have not passed the Unified State Exam due to disability or health conditions have the right to take the exam in a form convenient for them.

The last three listed reasons are a more serious obstacle to entering a university. Nevertheless, options for continuing education after school exist for these categories of citizens.

How to get a higher education without the Unified State Exam

Despite the strict requirements of educational institutions for the availability of Unified State Examination results, options for entering a university exist for all applicants.

One of the most common ways to “avoid the Unified State Exam” is to enroll in college on the basis of a 9th grade certificate. After three years of college, you can get a higher education without the Unified State Exam. The disadvantage of this method is the loss of one year: instead of two years in grades 10 and 11, you will need to study for three years in college. At the same time, in some universities it is possible to enroll immediately into the second year of university after college, then there will be no loss of a year.

Important point! Admission to a university without the Unified State Exam after college is possible if this college is located at the university to which admission is planned.

When transferring from one educational institution to another, Unified State Examination results are also not required. Therefore, having entered one university after college, a student has the right to further transfer to any more desirable university without passing a single exam.

Many universities hold various Olympiads and sports competitions. Applicants who have a medal for a prize at such events get a chance to enter a specialized university without passing a single exam.

The possibility of entering a university for those who graduated from school before the introduction of the Unified State Exam exists in some institutions, but only for evening or correspondence courses.

Citizens who already have a diploma of higher education and want to study again at a higher educational institution can enroll without the Unified State Exam.

Don't go to university without the Unified State Exam

It is quite possible to get an education without having USE results. The only thing to remember is that in most cases you will most likely have to pay for training without the results of a single exam. The only exceptions are persons applying outside the competition based on the results of competitions.

We should also not forget that for those who did not pass the exam, there is the possibility of retaking it next year. During this time, you can prepare thoroughly, and then the probability of successfully passing the exam is quite high.

Where can you go without the Unified State Exam? How to get a higher education without the Unified State Exam updated: February 15, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

Entering a technical school or college after the 9th grade is an excellent solution for many high school students who feel that two more years at school will take away all desire for further studies. After graduating from one of these secondary specialized educational institutions, a student can completely go to work, since he will not only master the full school course, but also receive a profession of his own choosing.

But the main advantage of a technical school or college is not even this - the opportunity to enter a university with relative ease after graduation. What features does this type of entry have? This is exactly what will be discussed below.

What does it mean to enter a university after a secondary specialized educational institution?

Firstly, the transition after college to a university is an opportunity to continue studying and improve the qualifications already obtained in the chosen profession. At the same time, you should know one important detail - if you intend to continue your studies at an institute or university in the same specialty,...

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After ninth grade, many students enter colleges or schools. After all, after graduating from such an educational institution, they receive not only a full-fledged secondary education, but also a sought-after working profession. After studying, you can immediately get a job - in the modern job market there is now a shortage of specialists with secondary vocational education. But many of the graduates are in no hurry to go to work - they plan to continue their studies in higher educational institutions. There has been a tendency among schoolchildren to enroll in colleges in order to gain advantages when entering a university and not have to take the Unified State Exam, which for many is quite difficult.

Why go to university after college/technical school?

So is it worth continuing your education after graduating from college? The answer here is clear – it’s worth it. Moreover, college graduates have the opportunity to enter a university without the Unified State Exam. They can combine work and study by choosing part-time or evening courses, or they can...

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You will need

College diploma; - certificate of passing the Unified State Exam; - photos.


Select a specialty and university to enroll in. Some universities provide college graduates, for example, with economic specialties, the opportunity to study under a shortened program. It is usually 3 or 3.5 years and is reduced by subjects and disciplines that college graduates have studied previously. In this case, the university usually provides the opportunity for admission without passing the Unified State Exam, using its internal entrance tests or even simply after an interview.

If you want to radically change your specialty, then you will need to enroll in a full training program. To do this, first pass the Unified State Exam in the subjects required by your university. College graduates usually take exams in June, later than schoolchildren. Testing is carried out at various universities. You can find out about the locations of the Unified State Exam in the admissions office of your...

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For someone who wants to devote more time to studying than allotted for it by secondary vocational education, transferring to a university student's bench after entering a university is quite possible. Your own desire to learn is in itself a good reason to keep doing it! In addition, the complexity of the technological processes around us is constantly increasing, and it is necessary to comprehend them at an increasingly higher level.

If we generally compare the disadvantages of secondary and higher vocational education in relation to work, then the “simple hard worker” runs the risk of being very tired at work, and the “white collar worker” runs the risk of being very nervous. So, a person with both educations is likely to be less tired and less nervous. For an ideal career, it would be good to study perfectly. In work, a technical school graduate is often ahead of a university graduate at first, but then they still change places in their career...

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A large number of colleges announce their educational programs based on the fact that secondary vocational education can be considered as the first stage of a bachelor's degree. College graduates have the right to continue their studies at a university in specialized areas under a shortened program. Previously, applicants after college participated in a competition for budget places specially allocated for this category of applicants. These places were indicated in the admission control figures as a separate line called “shortened form of study.” As a result, a group was recruited that studied according to its own program.

In 2015, there were changes in the rules for admission to universities; now the shortened form of education and a separate competition for applicants with a college diploma have been cancelled.

Starting this year, after college, an applicant enters the first year of a university with the only relaxation - instead of the Unified State Exam, he must pass a test or interview, and participates in the general competition along with school graduates who...

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Sometimes remember the eternal student or how to enter a university after college

Becoming a university student after college is usually a logical continuation of the desire of successful graduates to continue their education.

Unlike school graduates, those who have received college diplomas may not worry too much if they fail at a university, since they already have the opportunity to work in their specialty, waiting a year to make the next attempt to enroll.

Advantages of going to university after college

A university or institute opens up new prospects and opportunities for such students, taking into account the rules of a particular university and the student’s abilities:

Choose forms of study – full-time or part-time; gain knowledge according to an individual schedule of attending classes, while combining work and study; It is easier for students who have graduated from college to study at a university, especially if they continue to study in the specialty they received in college, unlike graduates...

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Who has the right to enter a university without passing the Unified State Exam?

The Unified State Exam is the basis for obtaining a certificate of secondary education and further admission to a university. It has become compulsory since 2009. The essence of the Unified State Exam is that each 11th grade graduate gains a certain number of points in two compulsory disciplines (mathematics and Russian language) and additional ones that he chooses. These results are counted as an entrance exam at a college, institute, or university.

Attention! Unified State Examination data is valid only for 1 year.

However, it happens that a person who wants to become a student, for some reason, does not have USE results. Does he have the right to enter a university? The legislation provides for this possibility, but only for certain categories of citizens. During admission to study (both full-time and part-time) at a university, the results of the unified state exam should not be required:

If a person has a disability or physical limitations. It happens that an applicant simply...

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Nowadays people enter universities on the basis of passing the Unified State Exam, and those who have completed 9 grades and then college, i.e. without passing the Unified State Exam, what should he do if he wants to enter a university in the same field as a college?

Hello Dmitry! According to the amendments to the Draft Law “On Education of the Russian Federation” and “On Higher and Postgraduate Education” (i.e. to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on the activities of federal universities), graduates of technical schools, colleges, as well as those who enter a university to obtain a second higher education education and citizens of foreign countries who wish to receive a Russian education have the opportunity not to take the Unified State Exam (USE) when entering universities. Admission is based on the results of additional, specially prepared tests (which are determined by educational institutions themselves). Accordingly, you have the opportunity to enter a university in this way. But it’s still better for you to find out more accurate information from the admissions office of your chosen...

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Today, higher education for many parents and students is considered almost a mandatory point in life. And even despite the fact that more than 60% of institute students go to work outside their specialty, the demand for admission to institutes continues to grow. In today’s article we will talk to you about how it can be easier to enter college. We will give recommendations from personal experience, and also answer a very pressing question: “How to enter the Institute without the Unified State Exam?” But everything is in order.

How to go to college (after technical school, school or college)

In all cases, admission to the Institute is almost the same:

You choose an institute;
You choose a specialty;
You submit documents;
You pass the exam;
You enter the Institute.

Of course, enrolling after a technical school or college is a little easier, since in a college at the institute you can be prepared for this higher educational institution, and after technical school there is a chance to enroll immediately in the 2nd or even 3rd year (in...

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There is a category of schoolchildren who, after the ninth grade, choose to continue their studies not in the tenth grade, but in institutions of secondary specialized education because they hope to take advantage of the benefits that exist for college graduates when they enter a university in the future. But how reliable is this admission scheme? Is it that easy to qualify for these benefits?

Today, in the system of secondary vocational education (hereinafter referred to as SVE), there are two main types of institutions - technical schools and colleges. The duration of training at technical schools is three years, during which students receive basic knowledge. And in colleges, advanced training programs are implemented, and the duration of study is a year longer than in a technical school. Most often, it is college graduates who receive benefits for those wishing to enter a university.

Boys and girls who have graduated from secondary vocational education institutions have the opportunity to enter universities without passing the Unified State Exam, but only if the educational programs implemented in...

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University applicants with secondary vocational education are admitted based on the results of entrance exams. The university sets its own exam format. They are usually held in the second half of July in the form of tests, written papers and interviews.

Graduates of colleges and technical schools are admitted to the university only for the first year. However, if an applicant who has a secondary vocational education enters a university to study for a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field, his period of study at the university can be shortened by re-crediting disciplines already studied at a college or technical school. According to the law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education”, obtaining higher professional education in specialist training programs and master’s programs in a shortened time is not allowed.

Question board discussions:

Is it possible to enter a university after college straight into the third year?

Read also:...

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Hello dear readers! Ivan Nekrasov is with you. The article will discuss how admission to the correspondence course without the Unified State Exam occurs and which universities accept applicants without a single state exam. This information will simply not be disclosed to you at school, and on specialized websites this information is simply sold. Another one of these articles about the policy of our Ministry of Education, I recommend

Assessing the prospects

Preparing for the unified state exam is a very labor-intensive and long-term process. Many future students begin preparing for the Unified State Exam several years before taking it. Often you have to resort to the services of tutors, take additional classes in specialized subjects and use literature that includes information from the school curriculum for several years. Do you think that without the Unified State Exam it is impossible to enter a university? Find out a few secrets that will help you open the doors of educational institutions without this time-consuming process.

Let's list...

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Dear gentlemen, accomplices!
Usually we are faced with a situation where a person first finishes secondary education and then enters a university. Here the situation is the other way around. A person graduated from a university and received a diploma. But I realized that I wanted to work in a slightly different area. The most adequate education in this area is provided by the College. Questions:
1. Is admission to Kakbe College the second highest? You mean paid? Or is it just a secondary vocational education and there is an opportunity for free education? (State College)
2. Is it generally possible for someone who has already graduated from a university to enroll in it? Are there any special conditions for admission, concessions, or reduction of study periods?
3. Are there any such known cases in practice?

Alternatively, taking courses after college doesn’t work. Expensive and pointless in terms of the quality of education.

For clarity, I will clarify. The university graduated from the art department, the faculty of decorative and applied arts. And I'm interested...

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The Ministry of Education and Science plans to abolish benefits for college and technical school graduates when entering universities. This was announced by the head of the Ministry of Education and Science Dmitry Livanov. According to him, because of the benefits, applicants receive vocational education not for the sake of subsequent work in their specialty, but only for successful admission to universities.

“Every year more and more ninth-graders do not enter the tenth grade, but enter the system of colleges and technical schools,” Interfax quotes Dmitry Livanov. According to the minister, this is due not so much “to the increased attractiveness of this system, although this factor also exists,” but to the fact that college and technical school students are now offered benefits when entering universities. “We will most likely remove this benefit,” noted Mr. Livanov.

According to the Ministry of Education and Science, the most popular and highly paid specialties now are engineering and technical. These findings will be taken into account when determining the number of budget places. However, the universities themselves...

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Admission to university after college: question - answer

Students of specialized colleges have the opportunity to obtain higher education through an accelerated training program in full-time, part-time or part-time forms in any of the areas. In this section you will receive answers to the most frequently asked questions about applying to a university after college.

Why study further and go to university?

Receiving secondary and higher education is a huge advantage in subsequent employment. You should not assume that the university program is designed only to deepen the knowledge acquired in college. The serious level of training of graduates of SPbGUPTD indicates the high quality of the education received.

Mastering the college program makes it possible to find work in the profession as a performer, but for further career advancement you must have a university diploma. Therefore, often talented and experienced employees with significant work experience cannot...

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Today, the Unified State Exam is the only possible form of final exams in 11th grade. It is impossible to obtain a high school diploma without passing the Unified State Exam in Russia. How to enter a university. But there are exceptions to this rule, and in this article we will tell you which ones.

Unified State Exam: read and count at least

There are two compulsory Unified State Examinations - Russian language and mathematics. In addition, the graduate selects 1-2 more subjects to take - those that he needs to enter the institute. Every year, before the start of the exams, Rosobrnadzor determines the passing scores - the minimum that must be achieved in order to receive a certificate. If you don’t score, you go for a retake. If you don't get it again, you stay for a second year.

Unified State Exam results are needed for admission to all Russian universities, even theater and military ones. But there are ways to enter a university without USE results.

Take part in the Olympics

Graduation medals no longer matter, but the Olympics still provide a ticket to the best...

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There are the most controversial rumors about whether it is possible to enter a university without passing the Unified State Exam, and this is not surprising: the issue of obtaining a higher education worries both graduates and their parents. And they are already adults who have decided to go to university in order to expand their specialized knowledge and horizons, as well as obtain a diploma necessary for work. The number of applicants who have certain problems with passing the Unified State Exam does not decrease, but only grows from year to year.

So, who in the new 2015 will be able to enter college without first passing the Unified State Exam?

According to the Federal laws of the Russian Federation, all graduates of schools, colleges, technical schools, and schools who receive complete secondary education in their educational institutions will be able to enter universities and institutes only after first passing the unified state exam and presenting its results to the admissions committee. Universities that independently decided to conduct their own internal testing without taking into account the points received for the Unified State Exam...

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Students of specialized colleges have the opportunity to obtain higher education through an accelerated training program in full-time, part-time or part-time forms in any of the areas. In this section you will receive answers to the most frequently asked questions about applying to a university after college.

Why study further and go to university?

Receiving secondary and higher education is a huge advantage in subsequent employment. You should not assume that the university program is designed only to deepen the knowledge acquired in college. The serious level of training of graduates of SPbGUPTD indicates the high quality of the education received.

Mastering the college program makes it possible to find work in the profession as a performer, but for further career advancement you must have a university diploma. Therefore, often talented and experienced employees with significant work experience cannot receive the coveted promotion. Young people mistakenly believe that by not enrolling in a university after college, they will save invaluable time and start earning money earlier. But in the end, such specialists, as a rule, still enroll in evening courses to obtain higher education. If you are unable to attend classes every day due to work commitments, you can always choose a correspondence course.

Should I take the Unified State Exam?

If you decide to go to university after completing your college studies, then you do not need to take the Unified State Exam. In this case, entrance examinations are carried out in the form established by the University, depending on the chosen direction.

Choosing a university after college.

Most of yesterday's college graduates, as a rule, are faced with one problem - which university to enroll in? After all, choosing an educational institution is the first step to building your own career. But if the choice of specialty depends on your interests and talents, then deciding on an educational institution is much more difficult.

It is important to consider the following factors when choosing a university after college:

  • areas of training;
  • strong teaching staff;
  • information support of the educational process;
  • modern material and technical base;
  • famous scientific schools;
  • international connections;
  • social security and scholarships;
  • cultural and sports life of students.

St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design is a multidisciplinary educational complex and provides multi-level training in unique programs in engineering, design, humanities, pedagogy and economics. Our university has a well-known teaching staff in the city, as well as modern technical equipment for educational and scientific laboratories. A huge selection of areas of training will allow you not only to master your chosen profession, but also to regularly exchange experience and acquired knowledge with thousands of students from other areas of training.

Accelerated programs for those entering university after college

SPbGUPTD provides for an accelerated form of training for specialists with a diploma of secondary vocational education. Reducing the duration of study when entering a university after college is possible in all areas of training and in any form of study by re-crediting previously studied disciplines. The possibility of studying under an accelerated program is determined by the certification commission.

How to enter university without the Unified State Exam?

SPbGUPTD accepts the following categories of applicants for training without passing the Unified State Examination:

1. persons who have a standard document confirming completion of professional education;

2. persons with disabilities, disabled children, disabled people;

3. foreign citizens;

4. persons who have passed the state final certification in educational programs of secondary general education not in the form of the Unified State Exam (including in foreign educational organizations) within 1 year before the end of the acceptance of documents and entrance examinations, inclusive.

How to enter a university after college?

Step 1. Preparatory courses.

If you need additional preparation for taking entrance exams, take preparatory courses. This will help you not only enroll in the field of study you like, but also get to know university teachers and future classmates. If you have not yet decided on the direction of your training, take part in a free career guidance test, which will help you find your calling, or sign up for a tour of the university departments.

Step 2. Submission of documents.

Documents for training are accepted within the following deadlines:

Full-time and part-time forms of education

June 20 – July 8 (for HSE)
(from applicants to the areas of training and specialty: 54.03.01 “Design”, 54.05.01 “Monumental and Decorative Art”, 54.05.03 “Graphics” (IDK, specialization “Easel Graphics”))

March 15 – July 8
(from applicants to the areas of training and specialty: 54.05.03 “Graphics” (HSPM, specialization “Design of printed materials”))

March 15 – July 18

June 20 – July 18 (for HSE)

(from applicants to the areas of training and specialties: 54.03.01 “Design”, 54.05.01 “Monumental and Decorative Art”, 54.05.03 “Graphics” (IDK, specialization “Easel Graphics”)

March 15 – July 8
(from applicants to the specialty: 54.05.03 “Graphics” (HSPM, specialization “Design of printed materials”))

March 15 – August 10
(from applicants to the areas of training: 03/42/02 “Journalism”)

March 15 – August 29
(from applicants to the areas of training: 03.29.02 “Technology and design of textile products”, 03.29.04 “Technology of artistic processing of materials”, 03.29.05 “Design of light industry products”, 03.54.02 “Decorative and applied arts and folk crafts” , 03/54/03 “The Art of Costume and Textiles”)

June 20 – August 29 (for HSE)
(from applicants for study based on the results of entrance tests conducted by the University independently)

Extramural studies

Within the admission target figures (due to budgetary allocations)

June 20 – August 16 (for HSE)
(from applicants for study based on the results of entrance tests conducted by the University independently)

Under educational agreements at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities

June 20 – September 9 (for HSE)
(from applicants for study based on the results of entrance tests conducted by the University independently)

Package of documents for submission to the admissions committee:

  • identity document, citizenship;
  • original or photocopy of a standard document on education;
  • 2 photographs for persons entering areas of training (specialties) for which additional entrance tests of a creative nature or entrance tests conducted by the university independently are held.
  • documents confirming benefits (if any).

Step 3. Entrance exams.

After submitting documents, the applicant must pass the entrance examination within the deadlines established by the University, indicated on the admissions committee website.

Step 4. Enrollment.

If you successfully pass the entrance exams, you will be admitted to the University within the specified time frame:

  • August 3, 2019- the first stage of enrollment according to the general competition;
  • August 8, 2019- the second stage of enrollment according to the general competition.

Is it possible to go to college after college or technical school? This question is asked quite often by students and graduates of colleges. To get the answer, you should understand the rules that govern higher education institutions, as well as the rights of applicants.

Why do some people go to college first rather than college?

After completing their studies in the 11th grade, schoolchildren choose their future place of study. Many people are attracted to universities, and only a few focus their attention on colleges. Persons who decide to enroll in any college can be divided into several categories:

  • people who don’t even think about getting higher education;
  • applicants who do not score enough points to be admitted to the chosen university.

For the second category, studying at college is a very good option. After graduating from college, you will be able to try your hand at admission again. During your years of study in college, you will have the opportunity to learn material for passing entrance exams and fill gaps in knowledge.

Another plus will please those applicants who are thinking about whether it is possible to enter college after college without the Unified State Exam. People with education are given the opportunity to take exams within the walls of a higher educational institution. As a rule, institutes post entrance test programs on their official websites. They contain a list of topics to review and sample tests.

Rights of applicants

When entering a university, you should familiarize yourself with the rights that applicants have:

  1. If you wish, you can submit an application to 5 universities at the same time (in each of them for one, two or three specialties). This will increase your chances of admission. Choose universities of different levels. Apply, for example, to some well-known Moscow institutes and to less popular ones. If you fail to enter the first or second university, then perhaps you will be admitted to the third, fourth or fifth.
  2. Is it possible to go to college after college for a different specialty? This is a question worth paying attention to. Each applicant is not limited in his choice. If you don’t like the specialty you studied for, then at the university you will have a chance to change it.

Choosing an Institute after College

When thinking about whether you can go to college after college or technical school, pay attention to one nuance. After graduating from college in a specific specialty, you can enroll in a university for a similar area of ​​training in an abbreviated form. For example, in college, an applicant studied “Accounting, Analysis and Auditing.” A university that has such a specialty is allowed to enroll in an abbreviated form.

There are also institutes on the basis of which colleges operate and train personnel in similar specialties. In such educational institutions, you can immediately ask in which areas of training a shortened form of training is possible. Disciplines are re-tested there. Thanks to this, the training period is reduced.

In particular, accelerated training programs for college and technical school graduates has been successfully implementing for many years State University MPEI . These programs are implemented in evening and correspondence courses. This is convenient for a comfortable combination of study and work.

At the same time, some applicants ask whether it is possible to enter the institute after college for the 3rd year. Such a system is not currently used.

Choosing a specialty and preparing for exams

Immediately decide on the specialty you want to enroll in. Look at what entrance tests are provided and start preparing in advance. There are usually 3 or 4 exams. There are 4 entrance tests in areas of training in which you need to demonstrate your talent, physical or professional skills.

Despite the fact that applicants take general disciplines that are familiar to them, most often it will not hurt to prepare in order to pass the entrance exams without any problems.

Therefore, the above-mentioned state university MPEI offers for college and technical school graduates convenient and free preparation option: online mock exam .

At the same time, to successfully enter MPEI, graduates of colleges and technical schools need to score in exams just a minimum pass score for each subject.

If your level of knowledge is insufficient, sign up for preparatory courses. They are in every university. The institutes prepare students for general education subjects and creative and professional tests. It is worth considering that all courses are paid.

Passing the Unified State Exam instead of university entrance tests

College graduates, when entering a university, have the right not to take exams developed by the educational institution. It is possible to pass the Unified State Exam. If you prefer this option, then contact the organization center. You will need to register for the disciplines that you need for admission. Registration for the Unified State Exam begins annually on December 1 and ends on February 1. You must submit your application during this period. Otherwise, you will take university entrance exams.

Why is it sometimes worth choosing to take the Unified State Exam? Is it possible to go to college after college on a budget? These are 2 interrelated questions. Let's answer the last one first. Receipt is possible. However, for this, it is recommended to submit applications to several universities at once with the exam results to participate in the competition. You can even send documents to an educational organization located in another city. You will not need to go to take entrance tests (unless a creative and professional exam is provided).

Submission of documents

Documents can be submitted in different ways: in person, through postal operators, via the Internet, through a proxy. However, not all of them may be provided by the chosen university. First, ask the admissions office if you can enroll in college after college by sending documents by mail or online.

The documents required are the same almost everywhere:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • educational diploma or certificate;
  • photos;
  • medical certificate (it is not needed in all areas and specialties).

Some universities provide for preliminary registration of applicants in a special system - a person fills out an electronic form and enters all the information about himself. This is done in order to speed up the registration of applicants at the university, because members of the admissions committee will not have to enter any data into the system themselves. They will simply check the information and accept the documents.

Choice of full-time and part-time forms of study

Is it possible to go to college after college as a full-time student? Yes, you can. The legislation does not contain any obstacles to this. When entering a university, you can choose a full-time course (as a rule, there are more budget places than part-time courses). In full-time education, students attend lectures every day and do homework. They actively participate in the life of a higher educational institution, take part in various scientific events, creative competitions, and sporting events.

If you wish, you can choose part-time or part-time study. It combines the advantages of full-time and part-time forms. One of them is that there are many classes with a teacher. Experts explain topics and give some practical advice. In distance learning, students study the material independently. There are very few lessons with a teacher. Another advantage of the part-time course is the lower cost of education compared to full-time study. This form is suitable for those individuals who were unable to qualify for the budget. With full-time and part-time education you will be able to reduce your costs.

Choosing a correspondence form

Some applicants prefer it. If you choose it, then you will be able to work in the specialty you received in college. You do not need to visit the university every day. For part-time students, a schedule is drawn up taking into account the fact that many people work.

There are budget places in the correspondence department. It all depends on the chosen specialty. Most often, in prestigious and sought-after areas of training, there is no opportunity to receive a free education.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the question of whether it is possible to go to college after college or technical school is not so difficult. This is quite real. Admission is almost no different from admission after school. There are only a few nuances that we have considered (shortened form of education, passing entrance tests at the university). It is also worth noting that without the Unified State Exam, based on the results of entrance tests, you can enroll in a free place. And if budget places are not provided in the chosen specialty, is it possible to enter the institute after college without the Unified State Exam on an off-budget basis? Yes, you can become a student if you pass a competition, because each university determines a specific number of free and paid places.

Where to go after university? To college! Today, interest in secondary vocational education is high, especially among specialists who have received higher education. This is due to several reasons, general or personal. But with admission to college after university, many questions arise, because this choice is atypical. But if you decide, collect it. The process is not complicated, especially for those who have already become students.

How to go to college after graduation

If you decide to get a secondary education as a second education, analyze the employment market of your city and region: what specialties have been in demand for several years, what conditions the employer offers and what salary.

What to pay attention to:

  1. If you have decided on a specialty, start getting acquainted with colleges. Typically, they all hold open days for applicants and similar meetings several times a year aimed at attracting applicants. Visit them.
  2. Also look at reviews about the educational institution, ratings, scientific base, try to find out the level of competence of teachers and information about the organization of professional practice.

It is very important to collect all these certificates, so that later, when you enroll and start studying, you avoid annoyance and disappointment on any of the points. What suits yesterday’s schoolchildren may not be enough for you, as a specialist with a diploma and, possibly, work experience. If you want not a “crust”.

Admission with a diploma - is it possible?

Admission is possible based on the results of a high school certificate; admission with a diploma of higher education is also not prohibited. Mostly, colleges and technical schools admit students without entrance exams, but there are a number of institutions, for example, in creative specialties, where tests are provided.

And remember: special disciplines begin to be taught in the first year of college, and not from the third, as in universities. Do not rely on “preferential” enrollment in the 2-3rd course.

All evidence of your professional merits - gratitude and certificates - is not needed, you do not need to collect a portfolio.

Documents for admission to college

Applicants to the college must write an application indicating their name, date of birth, passport information, as well as previous level of education and presenting a document confirming this fact or qualifications.

You should indicate the specialty you want to enroll in, the form of study and whether you need a dormitory.

It is usually necessary to provide original documents of education and qualifications.

Therefore, do not be alarmed and do not rush to be indignant if the admissions committee asks you to show a diploma in addition to your school certificate. Sometimes on forums there are comments about unsuccessful attempts to hide the fact of receiving a higher education. This makes no sense, a graduate has the right to go to college. There is no need to hide the presence of higher education.

They will also be asked to attach a photo to the documents for admission to the college, and for already working applicants - an extract from the work record book.

How to choose a college and major

First, decide on your goal: why do you need college? If you want to change your field of professional activity, master a specialty that is in demand and highly paid, maybe courses will be enough for such a step? If you clearly understand that you need a specialized secondary education, and they won’t hire you without a document proving it, go to college.

Look for a college that offers part-time courses in your chosen field or offers evening classes. It would be at least strange if a specialist with a higher education began attending full-time classes without working anywhere.

Is there a fee for going to college after graduation?

Another common misconception on Internet forums is about paying for a second, but already secondary vocational education. Allegedly, you are given the right to only receive one, and if you studied at a university on a budget, then you have fully exhausted this right. But that's not true.

After graduation, you can become a college student without paying tuition. This is confirmed by the norms of the Russian Federation on education, which state: if a citizen has not previously received education at a given level for free, then he has the right to free access to secondary vocational education. Of course, if it passes through a competition according to the college’s conditions.

College Benefits

In some cases, choosing a secondary vocational education as a second education is indeed justified.


  • easy entrance tests;
  • professional skills;
  • short training period.

In colleges there is not as much competition as in universities. Moreover, if you did not qualify for the budget group, the cost of training is tens of thousands lower than at the university. And the rating of an average university is equal to the rating of a good college.

In just three years you will receive a new specialty, and if your college works together with an enterprise where students do internships, the chance of finding a job increases. Modern secondary vocational education is actively included in profile-integrated programs with potential employers. College students undergo internships at an enterprise, whose representatives are members of the final certification commission or supervise students’ qualifying projects. Thus, most graduates of such a college are employed.

You will receive a new specialty in college in two to three years. At a university this period is doubled.

Are there any privileges

It’s a mistake to think that college will be easy and that you don’t need to take a serious approach to your studies. If you want to gain knowledge, then you will have to try the same way as in university. But the undeniable advantage is that there are few common subjects in colleges. Moreover, they may not be necessary. Contact the college administration with a request to exempt you from such classes. Usually they meet you halfway if you have a diploma. All that remains is to write a statement.

But you shouldn't skip special subjects in college. The vocational education system in Russia has not yet “swung up” like the school system, so secondary schools have maintained a commitment to a serious approach to the study of specialized disciplines.

Students are required to complete an internship. And this is also a good plus. You will try out the theory in action and, perhaps, your diligence will be noticed and invited to work. In any case, there will be so many practical classes that when you find a job in a new specialty, you will not feel confused.

Disadvantages of studying in college

The very first of them is misunderstanding. Surely people who are not very close to you, and maybe even close ones, will not be able to evaluate your decision and understand correctly. Most often, this position rests on the belief: if you have a higher education, there is nothing more to learn. You just need to move up the career ladder.

College education is narrowly focused. And if you are drawn to doing science, go to graduate school.

There may be difficulties with teachers, but they are not critical. Secondary school teachers are used to teaching ninth and eleventh graders, they are used to communicating with them at a certain level, and this is worth putting up with or not paying attention to. If there are extremes, just talk with the teacher - adults will always understand each other. However, if you are invited to take part in some quest or “Come on, guys!”, then maybe you shouldn’t refuse right away. Relaxation for students, you yourself know how necessary and useful it is.

Do I need to go to college after graduation?

In the USSR, at first it was customary to obtain a profession at a technical school or college. Only then, after working for several years, did they go to college or university. This happened especially often with technical specialists. Back then, people were sent to universities so that, for example, a talented engineer could become a plant director. However, today in small towns there are directors without higher education who successfully manage factories and enterprises. Often they began their careers as ordinary craftsmen.

In the nineties, when the country changed, the landmarks also changed. They proclaimed the thesis that without a higher education they won’t hire you, and only losers study in vocational schools. But this position did not stand up to reality, including economic reality. It became difficult for university graduates to find work in their profession, and there was a shortage in technical schools, despite the continued demand for blue-collar jobs. Therefore, many have become interested in how to go to college after graduation.

The likelihood of finding a job in your field after college is higher than after university. And so it has been for several years. It is very unproductive to study at university for five or six years, get a profession and... never go to work in it. The choice of a second specialty is usually approached more carefully.

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