Read love stories online. Romantic stories about love. “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia”: a test of love

Deep night. Somewhere a quiet breeze runs through, dispersing the last dust on the damp asphalt. A little rain at night added freshness to this stuffy, tortured world. Added freshness to the hearts of lovers. They stood hugging each other in the light of a street lamp. She is so feminine and gentle, who said that at 16 years old a girl cannot be feminine enough?! Here age does not matter at all, only the one who is nearby, the closest, dearest and warmest person on earth is important. And he is most glad that she is finally in his arms. After all, it is true that they say that hugs, like nothing else, convey all the love of a person, no kisses, only the gentle touch of his hands. Each of them in this minute, the minute of hugs, experiences unearthly feelings. The girl feels safe knowing that she will always be protected. The guy shows care, feels responsible - an unforgettable feeling towards his beloved and only one.
Everything was like the finale of the most beautiful film about happy love. But let's start from the beginning.

Love stories, if it is true love, are not so easy to find. Just as it is difficult to find a person without weaknesses, it is also difficult to find love, without the vices of passion and selfishness. But there is love in this world! We will try to fill this section with love stories - from our time, and from more distant times.
All these short stories about love, except for the story by Yulia Voznesenskaya, are documentary, true evidence of how beautiful love can be. Love stories you've been looking for.

Love Story: Love is stronger than death

Tsarevich Nicholas and Princess Alice of Hesse fell in love with each other at a very young age, but the feeling of these amazing people was destined not only to take place and last for many, many happy years, but also to be crowned with an end, terrible and at the same time beautiful...
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"Love story"

It would seem that what I, a jumping firefly, could have in common with this quiet man! Nevertheless, we sit together whole evenings, talking. About what? About literature, about life, about the past. Every second topic he turns to talking about God...
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Love of a Russian soldier

In a deep forest near Vyazma, a tank was found buried in the ground. When the car was opened, the remains of a junior lieutenant tankman were found in place of the driver. In his tablet there was a photograph of his beloved girl and an unsent letter...
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Love Story: Man is like a blooming garden

Love is like a sea sparkling with heavenly colors. Happy is he who comes to the shore and, enchanted, harmonizes his soul with the greatness of the whole sea. Then the boundaries of the poor man’s soul expand to infinity, and the poor man then understands that there is no death...
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"Isaiah, rejoice!"

It was so funny at the marriage registration, after which we had to appear before the altar: the aunt at the registry office, having read out a ritual address to the newlyweds, invited us to congratulate each other. There was an awkward pause because we just shook hands...
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Love Story: A Boring Marriage

A married wife is like a Motherland or a Church, I have her, she is far from ideal, but she is mine, and there will be no other. The point is not that I myself, a far from perfect person, cannot count on a perfect wife, and not even that there are no such people in the world. The point is rather that the spring near your house is water, not champagne, and it cannot and should not be champagne.
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Love Story: Abdullah's Beloved Wife

Beautiful, smart, educated, kind and wise. She always admired me with her actions and dignity. She never liked it when people said about her: “Oh, how unfortunate!” “Why am I unhappy? I have a wonderful husband, famous, strong, I have a grandson. What, do you want a person to be absolutely happy?!”
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Moments of love

We don't know the names of these couples or their entire story, but we couldn't resist including these short stories about moments in the love story of these real people.
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Margarita and Alexander Tuchkov: fidelity to love

Fyodor Glinka in his “Essays on the Battle of Borodino” recalls that two figures wandered across the night field: a man in monastic attire and a woman, among huge bonfires on which peasants of the surrounding villages with blackened faces burned the bodies of the dead (to avoid epidemics). It was Tuchkova and her companion, an old hermit monk from the Luzhetsky Monastery. The husband's body was never found.
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“The Tale of Peter and Fevronia”: a test of love

Many people are familiar with the love story of Peter and Fevronia from school textbooks. This is the story of a peasant woman who married a prince. A simple plot, a Russian version of “Cinderella”, containing colossal inner meaning.
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Together on an Ice Floe (Little Summer Tale)

The conference room of the clinic at the Institute of Pediatric Oncology was located on the ground floor, where there were no hospital rooms, only a waiting room and offices, it was located far from the lobby, and therefore was never locked...
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Psychologists have long proven that when a person expresses his thoughts on paper, it greatly calms him down, and the situation seems to clear up.

When you see your story printed, there is an effect of observing from the outside. You seem to distance yourself from the situation, and when you read your own story, it seems like it happened to someone else.

Very often this makes it possible to take a sober look at things and look at them from a different angle. At such moments, your own brain can suggest an answer to a question that previously seemed insoluble. After all, we all know how to give advice when it’s not about ourselves. Someone else's situation always seems simpler and clearer.

It is for such a case that this section on the site was created.

Real women's stories

How to write your story?

My name is Elena and I am the administrator of this site for filling it with articles and working with readers. You can use , or write a letter to (instead of the word “like”, substitute the @ icon), attach the story as an attached file. If you don't know how to do this, write directly in the letter. Required: in the “Email Subject” field, indicate “HISTORY”. Like here, in large letters.

Don't try to create a literary masterpiece. It is important for you to tell everything in your own words, the way you are used to expressing yourself. Also, don't try to avoid grammatical errors. Write from the heart. Only then will the description of the situation have a psychological effect and you will feel better. This way, you will be able to see your story not only the way you see it, but also from a different point of view, although all the events and facts presented in it will remain unchanged.

And further. Send not only stories about what happened to you recently and what you have not yet figured out. Write about cases that once seemed insoluble to you, but ended in something good. Such letters will help those who at the moment feel like everything is going down the drain and there is no way out.

Thanks to everyone who has already shared their real life stories, and to those who are just about to do so.

Elena Bogushevskaya

What interested me was not the fact that a man appeared in her life - it was an everyday matter. What was amazing was the way they treated each other. It seemed like a young couple in love on their honeymoon. Their eyes shone with such tenderness and happiness that even I, a young woman, envied the attitude of this far from young couple towards each other. He looked after her so carefully and carefully, she accepted them so sweetly and shyly. I was intrigued and asked my mother to tell me about them. The love story that Nadezhda carried through the years is told in this story by my mother...

Another equally romantic story: “New Year’s Matchmaking” - read and dream!

This story began usually, like thousands of stories before it.

A guy and a girl met, got to know each other, fell in love. Nadya was a graduate of the cultural education school, Vladimir was a cadet at a military school. There was spring, there was love, and it seemed that only happiness lay ahead. They walked through the streets and parks of the city, kissed and made plans for the future. It was the mid-eighties and the concepts of friendship and love were pure, bright and... categorical.

Nadya believed that love and loyalty are inseparable concepts. But life sometimes brings surprises, and not always pleasant ones. One day, when she was rushing to school, she saw Vladimir at the tram stop. But not alone, but with a girl. He smiled, hugged her and said something joyfully. He didn’t see Nadya; she was walking along the other side of the street.

However, she no longer walked, but stood rooted to the spot, not believing her eyes. She probably should have approached her and explained herself, but she was a proud girl and stooping to some kind of questioning seemed humiliating to her. Then, in the mid-seventies, girlish pride was not an empty phrase. Nadya could not even guess who this girl was. Exactly, not a sister, Volodya had no sisters, she knew that.

Nadya cried into her pillow all night and by morning she decided that she would not ask or find out anything. Why, if she saw everything with her own eyes. Ask in order to hear the false “you didn’t understand everything correctly.”

Youth is principled and uncompromising, but it lacks wisdom. She broke up with Volodya without explaining anything to him; when they met, she simply said that everything was over between them. Without answering his perplexed and confused questions, she simply left. She could not look into his, as it seemed to her, deceitful face. Here, by the way, graduation from her school and placement came up. She was sent to work in the library of a small Ural town.

Nadya went to her place of work and tried to get Volodya out of her head. A new life was beginning, and there was no place for old mistakes and disappointments.

The arrival of the young librarian in the town did not go unnoticed; she was a beautiful girl. Almost from the first days of Nadya’s work in the library, a young lieutenant who worked in the police began to look after her. He cared naively and touchingly: he gave flowers, stood for a long time at the library counter, was silent and sighed. This went on for quite some time, many days passed before he dared to walk her home. They started dating, and after some time Sergei (that was the lieutenant’s name) declared his love for Nadya and offered to become his wife.

She didn’t give an answer right away, she said, I’ll think about it. How can you not think if there is no love. Of course, there was nothing repulsive in either his appearance or behavior. He was a tall young man with good manners and good appearance. But the memory of lost love still lived in my heart. Although Nadya knew that there was no return to the past, and if so, she had to think about the future and somehow arrange her life. In those early years, it was customary for girls to get married on time; the fate of an old maid did not attract anyone.

Sergei was a good guy, from a decent family, with a prestigious profession (police service was honorable and, in principle, equal to military service). And my girlfriends advised that you would miss such a guy, and where would you find a better one? In a small town there was not a particularly rich choice of suitors. And she made up her mind. I thought, if you endure it, you will fall in love, however, this famous expression does not always reflect reality.

After some time they got married, and at first Nadya liked the new life into which she plunged headlong. It was nice to feel like a married lady, to build a family nest, to restore order and comfort in the apartment, to wait for my husband from work. It was like a new exciting game, with unknown rules and pleasant surprises. But when all the novelty passed into the category of the ordinary, she clearly understood that the postulate “endure it, fall in love” does not work.

Nadya was never able to love her husband, although he surrounded her with attention and care, loved and was proud of her. But the choice had been made, and if it was the wrong one, she had no one to blame but herself. They shouldn’t separate two or three months after the wedding, especially since she became pregnant by that time.

At the right time, Nadya gave birth to a daughter, and the pleasant chores of motherhood temporarily pushed aside all the problems of a not very happy family life. And then the ordinary life of an average Soviet family began, with its everyday routine and small joys. The daughter grew up, the husband grew in rank and position. She no longer worked in the library, an enterprising, bright girl was noticed, and now she was raising culture in the area, being an employee of the youth palace.

Life had settled down and returned to some familiar shores, but Nadya was getting more and more bored. She realized long ago that simply being loved is not happiness and not even half of happiness; she wanted to love herself. And family life began to seem more and more like a prison with a life sentence. This could not but affect family relationships, and discord began between Nadya and Sergei. As it turned out, one love for two is not enough.

She began to remember Volodya more and more often; the memory of her lost love lived in her heart. Nadya thought and reflected for a long time and came to the conclusion that this cannot continue, we need to get a divorce, why torture each other. It was scary to be alone with the child, I felt sorry for my daughter (she loved her father), and the opinions of others also worried me. After all, there seemed to be no visible reasons for divorce, a seemingly strong family, a loving husband - what else did she need, people could say. But she couldn’t live like this any longer.

The divorce took place, Nadya and her daughter left for their homeland, closer to their parents, to one of the regional centers of the region. Soon she entered the institute as a correspondence student, in the specialty in which she worked. Work and study, a busy life schedule helped to forget the past. There was simply no time to think about a failed family life or indulge in despondency. Nadezhda graduated from the institute with honors, and gradually began to successfully move up the career ladder.

She was full of energy, intelligence and efficiency, and her hard work and self-demandingness amazed her colleagues. Perhaps in this way she was trying to fill the emptiness that was in her heart. There is no happiness in your personal life, let there be professional success. But, unfortunately, one does not replace the other. To be happy, a person needs not only success in his profession, but also love. And especially for a young, blooming woman. Of course, there were men in her life, life takes its toll, and she did not take a monastic vow.

But somehow everything didn’t work out, a serious relationship didn’t work out. She didn’t want to connect her life with someone again, without love, and she couldn’t fall in love. But, despite such mental unsettlement, Nadezhda built her career successfully. Over time, she took an enviable position in the regional government. My daughter grew up, got married very young, and now lived separately.

Life happened, but there was no happiness.

More and more often, her thoughts returned to her youth, which was so carefree and happy, Volodya recalled. However, she never forgot him, how can you forget your first love? Over time, the bitterness from his betrayal somehow smoothed out and became less acute. She really wanted to know something about him. What’s wrong with him, where is he now, how did he live his life without her? And whether he’s alive or not, although there’s no war, anything can happen in military service.

She looked for him on the Odnoklassniki website and found it very quickly. For a long time I didn’t dare to write to him, perhaps he wouldn’t remember her.

This was a love for her that she did not forget about all her life. And for him - who knows, so many years have passed...

I threw away all my thoughts and, as if in a whirlwind, I wrote. He responded unexpectedly quickly and offered to meet. It turns out that he had also lived in the regional center for quite a long time, like her.

Nadezhda went to the meeting and thought that it was like a meeting with a bygone youth and, of course, did not make any plans. Let’s sit and talk, she thought, he will talk about himself, I will too, let’s remember our youth. But everything didn’t happen at all as she expected.

When they met, it was as if time had turned back.

It seemed to them that there weren’t these long years lived separately, they just broke up yesterday and met today. Again Nadezhda felt like a young girl, and in front of her she saw a young cadet. Of course, Volodya has changed, so many years have passed, but love has its own special look. And the first words that he said: “You have become even more beautiful” - made her understand that he had not forgotten anything.

His eyes, as before, shone with love, and from excitement he spoke incoherently. As in their youth, they went for a walk along the streets of the city and talked and talked and could not stop talking. He explained to Nadya what kind of girl she saw him with.

It was his classmate; at the school where he had previously studied, a graduation party was planned, and she invited Volodya to this evening. And they hugged because they hadn’t seen each other since graduation and it was just a friendly hug. From his further story, Nadezhda learned how his future life turned out after their separation.

Just before graduating from college, he married almost the first beautiful girl he came across. After separation from Nadya, he didn’t care who he married, he felt that he could no longer love anyone like that. And it was better for newly-made lieutenants to go to their duty stations already married. Where, in a distant garrison, which is located in the forest or even on an island, will you find yourself a wife?

And then there was only service: distant garrisons, nearby ones, service abroad, Afghanistan. I had to see a lot, go through a lot. But family life never became happy, he could not love his wife, they lived bound by habit and two daughters. My wife was happy with this kind of life, but he didn’t care.

He could not forget Nadya, but believed that they would never see each other again.
Looking into each other's eyes, they understood that life was giving them a second chance to be happy. And even though their youth has passed and their temples are silvered with gray hair, their love remains as young as it was many years ago.

They decided that from now on they would be together and no obstacles scared them. However, there was one obstacle: Volodya was married. With the directness and decisiveness characteristic of a military man, he explained himself to his wife and that same day, having collected his clothes, he left. Then there was a divorce, his wife’s furious attacks on Nadya, resentment and misunderstanding of his daughters.

They went through everything together.

Over time, everything calmed down a little: the daughters understood and forgave their father, recognizing his right to happiness, they were already adults and lived separately; the wife, of course, did not forgive, but she resigned herself and did not create scandals. And Nadezhda and Vladimir got married and even got married in church.

They have been together for five years now. Over the years they have traveled a lot, both in Russia and abroad. As they say, we want to go everywhere we couldn’t go together when we were young, to see everything, talk about everything, and Vladimir adds:
“I want to go with Nadenka to the places where she was without me, to experience together everything that she experienced when I was not around.”

Their honeymoon continues, and who knows, maybe it will last for the rest of their lives. They are so happy, such a light of love pours from their eyes that others are sometimes simply envious to look at such a far from young, but such an amazing couple.

To paraphrase the statement of the heroine of the film “Moscow does not believe in tears, Nadezhda can say: “Now I know, life at fifty is just beginning.”

Love can be different, maintaining love in family relationships is sometimes so difficult, but it is possible - read about this in another story from a participant in the women's victories club.

Love story- this is an event or story of a love event from the life of lovers, which introduces us to the spiritual passions that flared up in the hearts of people who love each other.

Happiness, which is somewhere very close

I was walking along the pavement. She held high-heeled shoes in her hands because the heels were falling into the dimples. What sunshine it was! I smiled at him because it shone straight into my heart. There was a bright premonition of something. When it began to worsen, the bridge ended. And here - mysticism! The bridge ended and it started to rain. Moreover, very unexpectedly and sharply. After all, there wasn’t even a cloud in the sky!

Interesting…. Where did the rain come from? I didn’t take an umbrella or a raincoat. I really didn’t want to get wet to the threads, since the dress I was wearing was very expensive. And as soon as I thought about it, it became clear to me that luck exists! A red car (very nice) stopped next to me. The guy who was driving opened the window and invited me to quickly dive into the interior of his car. If the weather had been good, I would have thought, showed off, of course I would have been afraid... And since the rain got heavier, I didn’t even think for a long time. Literally flew into the seat (near the driver's). I was dripping like I had just stepped out of the shower. I said hello, shivering from the cold. The boy threw a jacket over my shoulders. It became easier, but I felt the temperature rising. I was silent because I didn’t want to talk. The only thing I was looking forward to was warming up and changing clothes. Alexey (my savior) seemed to guess my thoughts!

He invited me to his place. I agreed because I forgot my keys at home and my parents went to the dacha for the whole day. Somehow I didn’t want to go to my girlfriends: they were like their boyfriends. And they will start laughing when they see what happened to my expensive outfit. I was not afraid of this unfamiliar Leshka - I liked him. I wanted us to at least be friends. We came to him. I stayed with him - Live! We fell in love with each other like teenagers! Can you imagine... As soon as we saw each other, we fell in love. As soon as I came to visit, we started living together. The most beautiful thing in this whole story was our triplets! Yes, we have such “unusual” children, our “luck”! And everything is just beginning...

A story about instant love and a quick proposal

We met in a regular cafe. Trivial, nothing extraordinary. Then everything was more interesting and much…. The “interest” began, it would seem..., with little things. He began to look after me beautifully. He took me to cinemas, restaurants, parks, and zoos. I once hinted that I adore attractions. He took me to a park where there were many attractions. He told me to choose what I wanted to ride. I chose something reminiscent of “Super 8” because I like it when there is a lot of extremeness. I persuaded him to join me. She persuaded me, but he did not agree immediately. He admitted that he was afraid, that he only rode these as a child, that’s all. And even then I cried a lot (from fear). And as an adult, I didn’t even skate because I had seen enough of all sorts of news that showed how people got stuck at heights, how they died on such unfortunate “swings.” But, for the sake of my beloved, he forgets for a moment about all his fears. But I didn’t even know that I wasn’t the only reason for his heroism!

Now I’ll tell you what the culmination actually was. When we found ourselves at the very, very top of the attraction... He put a ring on my finger, smiled, quickly shouted for me to marry him, and we rushed down. I don’t know how he managed to do all this in a hundredth of a second! But it was incredibly pleasant. My head was spinning. But it’s unclear why. Either because of a wonderful time, or because of a great offer. It was both very pleasant. I received all this pleasure in one day, in one moment! I can’t even believe this, to be completely honest. The next day we went to submit an application to the registry office. The wedding day was set. And I began to get used to the planned future, which would make me the happiest. Our wedding, by the way, is at the end of the year, in winter. I wanted it in winter, not summer, to avoid banality. After all, everyone rushes to the registry office in the summer! In the spring, as a last resort...

A beautiful story about Love from the life of lovers

I went to visit my relatives by train. I decided to take a ticket for a reserved seat so that the journey would not be so scary. And then, you never know... There are a lot of bad people. I reached the border successfully. They dropped me off at the border because something was wrong with my passport. I poured water on it and the font smeared on the name. They decided that the document was forged. There is no use arguing, of course. That’s why I didn’t waste time arguing. I had nowhere to go, but it was a shame. Because I started to really hate myself. Yeah…. With my negligence... It's all her own fault! So I walked for a long, long time along the railway road. She walked, but didn’t know where. The main thing was that I walked, fatigue knocked me down. And I thought it would hit me... But I walked another fifty steps and heard a guitar. Now I was already answering the guitar’s call. It's good that my hearing is good. It's arrived! The guitarist wasn't that far away. I still had to go through the same amount of time. I love the guitar, so I no longer felt tired. The guy (with a guitar) was sitting on a large stone, not far from the railway. I sat down next to him. He pretended not to notice me at all. I played along with him and just enjoyed the music flying from the guitar strings. He played excellently, but I was very surprised that he did not sing anything. I’m used to the fact that if they play such a musical instrument, they also sing something romantic.

When the stranger stopped playing amazingly, he looked at me, smiled, and asked where I came from here. I noticed the heavy bags that I could barely drag to the “random” stone.

Then he said that he was playing so that I would come. He beckoned to me with his guitar, as if he knew it was me who would come. In any case, he played and thought about his beloved. Then he put the guitar aside, put my bags on my back, picked me up in his arms, and carried me. I only found out where later. He took me to his country house, which was nearby. And he left the guitar on the stone. He said that he doesn’t need her anymore..... I’ve been with this wonderful man for almost eight years. We still remember our unusual acquaintance. I remember even more that guitar, left on the stone, which turned our love story into a magical one, like a fairy tale...

Continuation. . .

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