Dialogue on the topic of traffic rules. Additional educational program “young traffic inspector” methodological development (7th grade) on the topic. Useful words and expressions from the dialogue

Good morning, sir!

Do you know why I’ve pulled you over?

Sorry, I have no idea. What's the problem? Was I speeding?

Yes. You were driving 80 km per hour in a 40 km per hour zone.

Yes, sir. I'm in such a hurry. I’m terribly late for a very important meeting. Sorry for the traffic violation.

Can I see your driver’s license and passport, please?

Sure. Here you are.

Mr. Lopez, do you know that your license is expired?

Oh, really? When?

One month ago. Is your address correct?

Yes, sir. The point is that I’ve been away on business for a long time and didn’t have a chance to renew the license.

I see. Another thing is that one of your tail-lights is out of order.

A taillight? I have just picked up my car from the mechanic!

Go back then and have it fixed.

Thank you, sir.

OK. I’ll let you go with a warning for an expired license. And here is your traffic ticket for speeding. Make sure you renew the license and fix the taillight as soon as possible. Please drive carefully.


Good morning sir!

Good morning!

Do you know why I stopped you?

Sorry, I have no idea. What is the problem? Am I speeding?

Yes. You were driving at a speed of 80 km in a traffic zone of 40 km.

Yes, sir. I'm in a hurry. I'm very late for an important meeting. Sorry for the infraction.

Can I see your driver's license and passport?

Certainly. Here, take it.

Mr. Lopez, are you aware that your license is expired?

Is it true? When?

A month ago. Is your address correct?

Yes, sir. The fact is that I was away on a business trip for a long time and did not have the opportunity to update my rights.

It's clear. And one more thing: one of your rear marker lights is not working.

Taillight? I just picked up my car from the auto repair shop!

Then go back and repair it.

Thank you sir.

Fine. I'll let you off with a warning about your expired license. And here's a fine for speeding. Take care of updating your license and repairing your headlight as quickly as possible. Please be careful while driving.

Dialogue with a policeman, traffic warden - 5.0 out of 5 based on 8 votes



Dialogue . Talk With policeman inspector

Police Inspector: Good afternoon. Is this your car, young lady? Good afternoon. Is this your car, young lady?

Lucie: Hi ! Of course, it’s mine, officer! What's up? Have I done anything wrong? Hello! Of course, mine, officer! And what happened? I did something wrong?

Police Inspector: Don't worry. It's only a routine checking-up. May I have a look at your driving license, please? Don't worry. This is a normal check. May I have a look at your license?

Lucie: Oh! er... My license! It's a problem! Frankly speaking, I’ve been looking for it for a couple of days. I'm afraid, I've lost it! ABOUT! Well... My rights! This is difficult. Honestly, I've been looking for them for a couple of days now. I'm afraid I've lost them!

Police Inspector: How long have you been driving? How long have you been driving?

Lucie: How long? Just a moment! Let me see… It seems to me that I’ve been driving since my early childhood… And my father bought this beautiful little car as a present to my birthday two years ago. It was my eighteenth birthday, officer. You see? I've been crazy about my little car since then. I've never got into a traffic accident. I'm very careful! If something’s happened to my little thing, I’m sure I’ll die… Isn’t it pretty, officer? My Daddy's so clever! It’s so kind of him to present me such a wonderful car! It's so easy to drive! And Daddy's constantly buying me marvelous things! Yesterday he bought this watch and this smart dress! Look... How long? Just a second! Let me think... It seems that I have been driving a car since early childhood... And my dad bought me this beautiful car as a birthday present two years ago. I turned eighteen then, officer. Do you understand? And since then I've been just crazy about my little car. I've never been in an accident before. I'm very careful! If anything happens to her, I will die immediately. Rest assured! Isn't she so pretty, officer? My daddy is so smart! It was so nice of him to give me such a wonderful car! She's so obedient! Yes, daddy always buys me all sorts of lovely things. Yesterday he bought me this watch and this pretty dress! Just look...

Police Inspector: Oh, my sainted aunt! It's unbelievable! Lady! I’m very glad to hear it! Please, stop talking and listen to me! Oh, merciful God! Incredible! Madam! I'm very glad to hear this! Please shut up and listen to me!

Lucie: Yeah?.. Yes?..

Police Inspector: I want to see your driving license. That's all! Are you sure you’ve lost it? Then you'll have a nice problem. I want to see your rights. That's all! Are you sure you lost them? Then you will have big problems.

Lucie: Oh no! What will Dad say?! (the girl is trying to find the license putting everything out of her purse) Yahoo! That's it! I’ve done it, officer! Here's my license! How strange it is! I’ve already been looking for it here… Oh! My Lord! My purple lipstick! I thought that it’s gone forever! Here it is! Look, officer... Oh, no! What will dad say?! (the girl tries to find her license and dumps everything out of her bag) Yes, here they are! Finally found it, officer! Here's my driver license! Wow, how interesting. I was looking here... Lord! My purple lipstick! I thought she was gone forever. And she's here! Just look, officer...

Police Inspector: Yes, I see. Evidently your Daddy bought it. But won’t you give me your driving license? I have to see it with my own eyes. Yes it is clear. Apparently your daddy bought it for you. But will you give me your rights? I have to see them with my own eyes.

Lucie: Excuse me. I’m so talkative… I know. My Dad always says that... Sorry. I'm so talkative. I understand. Dad always says...

Police Inspector: Give me your license! Give me your rights!

Lucie: Here it is. How strict you are! Yes please. How harsh you are!

Police Inspector: Thanks! Yes, - um, it’s all right. You may be free. Good luck! …And my best wishes to your Daddy! Thank you So, yes, everything is fine. You can be free. All the best!... Yes, and say hi to your daddy.

Lucie: Thank you, officer! Cheerio! I’ll be back soon and we’ll have a nice little chat! Thank you, officer! Bye bye! I'll be here again soon, and then we'll have a good chat about everything!

Police Inspector: Oh, no!.. She’s nearly driven me mad! Oh no!.. She almost drove me crazy!

Vocabulary Notes

Dialogue Notes:

What's up? What's happened? what's the matter?

routine ordinary, routine

checking-up check, control

to have a look at take a look at something, take a glance

driving license driver's license, driver's license

speaking frankly Honestly

let me see(colloquial) let me think, let me think

do you see? Do you understand?

to be crazy about to be madly passionate about smth.

to get into a traffic accident get into a car accident

marvelous wonderful, amazing, amazing, wonderful

my sainted aunt(colloquial) Lord, merciful God; yes, what is it?

yeah(colloquial, sl.) yes, well, yeah, yeah, etc., depending on the context, can express agreement, irony, distrust, etc.

a nice problem complex, confusing problem

yahoo(interjection expressing surprise, joy) wow! Wow!

purple purple, crimson, lilac

cheerio(colloquial, sl) bye-bye; To your health! Best wishes! Be healthy! (depending on context)

chat chatter

to drive smb mad drive someone crazy, drive someone crazy

Dialogues in English.

– Good morning, sir!

– Good morning!

– Do you know why I’ve pulled you over?

– Sorry, I have no idea. What's the problem? Was I speeding?

– Yes. You were driving 80 km per hour in a 40 km per hour zone.

- Yes, sir. I'm in such a hurry. I’m terribly late for a very important meeting. Sorry for the traffic violation.

– Can I see your driver’s license and passport, please?

– Sure. Here you are.

–Mr. Lopez, do you know that your license is expired?

– Oh, really? When?

– One month ago. Is your address correct?

- Yes, sir. The point is that I’ve been away on business for a long time and didn’t have a chance to renew the license.

- I see. Another thing is that one of your tail-lights is out of order.

– A taillight? I have just picked up my car from the mechanic!

– Go back then and have it fixed.

- Thank you, sir.

– OK. I’ll let you go with a warning for an expired license. And here is your traffic ticket for speeding. Make sure you renew the license and fix the taillight as soon as possible. Please drive carefully.


- Good morning, sir!

- Good morning!

– Do you know why I stopped you?

- Sorry, I have no idea. What is the problem? Am I speeding?

- Yes. You were driving at a speed of 80 km in a traffic zone of 40 km.

- Yes, sir. I'm in a hurry. I'm very late for an important meeting. Sorry for the infraction.

– Can I see your driver's license and passport?

- Certainly. Here, take it.

- Mr. Lopez, do you know that your license has expired?

- Is it true? When?

- A month ago. Is your address correct?

- Yes, sir. The fact is that I was away on a business trip for a long time and did not have the opportunity to update my rights.

- It's clear. And one more thing: one of your rear marker lights is not working.

- Taillight? I just picked up my car from the auto repair shop!

“Then go back and repair it.”

- Thank you sir.

- Fine. I'll let you off with a warning about your expired license. And here's a fine for speeding. Take care of updating your license and repairing your headlight as quickly as possible. Please be careful while driving.

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The course program “Young traffic inspectors” is intended for students in grades 5-6 and is based on the additional education program for the prevention of children’s road traffic injuries “Road Rules”; as part of the implementation of the Federal Target Program “Improving Road Safety in 2013-2020” on the basis of a resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation. The program is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the new generation and is aimed at teaching traffic rules (traffic rules) and the basics of safe behavior on the roads and is developed in accordance with the requirements of the Laws of the Russian Federation “On Education”, “On Road Safety”, with the aim organizing work to prevent child road traffic injuries and improve the quality of teaching schoolchildren traffic rules.

The main idea of ​​the course is to develop ideas about traffic rules and safe behavior skills on the streets and roads.



Considered and recommended Agreed Approved for approval at a meeting for use in the educational process of class teachers of the Institution at a meeting of the MO Pedagogical Council Director of GBOU Secondary School No. 11 Head of MO ____________ Protocol No.__________ Kinel

From “____” _______________ 20 g ________________________

__________________________ ________________________

Full name Full name

Protocol No.__________ Order No.__________

From “____” _______________ 20 From “____” _______________ 20





(name of training course, subject)



for 201 -201 academic year

(___hour(s) per week, per year ____hour(s)




Explanatory note

Course program "Young traffic inspectors» intended for students in grades 5-6 and compiled on the basis of the additional education program for the prevention of children's road traffic injuries “Road Rules”; within the framework of the implementation of the Federal Target Program “Improving Road Safety in 2013-2020” on the basis of a resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation. The program has been compiledin accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the new generation and is aimed at teaching traffic rules (traffic rules) and the basics of safe behavior on the roads and is developed in accordance with the requirements of the Laws of the Russian Federation “On Education”, “On Road Safety”, in order to organize work to prevent children's road traffic injuries and improve the quality of teaching schoolchildren traffic rules.

The main idea of ​​the course is to develop ideas about traffic rules and safe behavior skills on the streets and roads.

The need to create conditions for continuous education of road users, starting from primary school age, is dictated by the conditions of rapid growth of modern road transport and an increase in traffic intensity on roads. The child’s environment is oversaturated with the risk and dangers of road accidents. Almost from the threshold of the house, he becomes a participant in traffic, as courtyards have become objects of traffic.

Everyone knows what a danger the road poses to children today. More than 30 thousand people get into trouble every year on Russian roads alone, and a significant number of them are children.One of the reasons for this phenomenon is the lack of development of an elementary culture of behavior in traffic conditions, the unpreparedness of children for independent safe movement along the streets and roads. It becomes obvious that the family alone cannot cope with these educational tasks. All this determines the need to introduce this course in primary schools.

Purpose The course is the formation of a mandatory minimum of knowledge and skills, which will ensure the development of new social roles of the student as a road user, a culture of behavior on the roads and streets. In the future, children will be able to behave consciously in traffic conditions, which will lead to a reduction in the number of road accidents in which schoolchildren become participants.

The program is aimed at implementing skills related to the culture of life safety within the framework of extracurricular educational activities.

The program solvesthe following tasks:

  • communicating knowledge about traffic rules on the roadway;
  • learning to understand traffic lights and traffic controller gestures;
  • instilling the ability to use public transport;
  • familiarization with the meanings of the most important road signs, signs, and roadway marking lines;
  • raising awareness of the dangers of uncontrolled behavior on the roadway and violating traffic rules;
  • fostering a caring attitude towards one’s life and health, as well as towards the life and health of all road users.

The “Young Traffic Inspectors” program is designed for 1 year, based on 1 hour per week.

Basic principles of program implementation:

1 . The principle of an individual and differentiated approachinvolves taking into account the personal, age characteristics of primary school students and the level of their mental and physical development.

2 . Principle of interaction “Children – road environment”.The younger the schoolchildren, the easier it is to develop social feelings and stable habits of safe behavior. Children's perception of the environment is largely determined by verbal information from adults who pay attention to traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, danger on the road, speed, etc.

3. The principle of the relationship between the causes of dangerous behavior and its consequences. Students should be aware of the dangers they may face on the road.

4. The principle of age safety.Younger schoolchildren have a desire to go to school and walk the streets on their own quite early. On the one hand, this must be approved so as not to inhibit the development of the child’s volitional qualities. On the other hand, it is necessary to cultivate an understanding of the dangers of the road environment and develop habits, skills and habits of safe behavior.

5. The principle of social security.Students must understand that they live in a society where certain norms and rules of behavior must be observed. Compliance with these rules on the roads is monitored by the State Road Safety Inspectorate. Traffic rules must be observed for general safety, since incorrect actions of a student on the street and road are dangerous both for himself and for others.

6. The principle of self-organization, self-regulation and self-education.This principle is implemented when children understand the rules of safe behavior. To reinforce self-education, we need a positive example from adults.

Conditions for the program

The program includes both group and individual lessons, as well as public events. Since the program pays most attention to the promotion of knowledge of traffic rules and the prevention of child road traffic injuries through the realization of the creative potential of children and adolescents, for this purpose it is recommended to use the following forms of training:

  • thematic classes
  • game trainings
  • analysis of traffic situations using board games
  • excursions
  • contests, competitions, KVN, quizzes
  • production of visual aids for classes on traffic rules;
  • release of wall newspapers
  • development of traffic regulations projects
  • meeting with traffic police officers
  • watching videos

Methods and means of teaching:

Verbal – story, explanation, conversation.

Visual – display of illustrative aids, posters, diagrams, sketches on the board, stands, videos, presentations.

Practical – performing practical tasks in notebooks, game situations with the help of which knowledge of traffic rules is tested, solving problems, crossword puzzles, testing, excursions around the city (village) in order to study program material.

Timing of the program

01.09.2017 – 31.05.2018

Conditions for the program

  1. Venue (classrooms, paved area, gym).
  2. Logistics (bicycles, board and floor games according to traffic rules, stationery, etc.).
  3. Personnel support (deputy director for VR, teacher-organizer, head of the legal department, traffic police inspector).
  4. Methodological support (Road rules, posters, videos on traffic rules, etc.).

Expected results of students mastering the extracurricular activities program

The personal results of studying the course are the formation of the following skills:

  • evaluate life situations (actions, phenomena, events) from the point of view of compliance with traffic rules;
  • explain your attitude to actions from the position of universal moral values;
  • in the proposed situations, relying on knowledge of traffic rules, make a choice on what to do;
  • be aware of a responsible attitude towards one’s own health, personal safety and the safety of others.

The meta-subject results of studying the course are the formation of the following universal learning actions:

Regulatory UUD:

  • determine the purpose of the activity;
  • learn to detect and formulate problems;
  • establish cause-and-effect relationships;
  • develop skills of control and self-assessment of the process and results of activities;
  • skills of conscious and arbitrary construction of a message orally, including a creative one;

Cognitive UUD:

  • gain new knowledge: find answers to questions using different sources of information, your life experience;
  • process the information received: draw conclusions as a result of joint activities;

Communicative UUD:

  • express your thoughts orally and in writing, taking into account the speech situation;
  • express and justify your point of view;
  • listen and hear others, trying to accept a different point of view, be ready to adjust your point of view;
  • negotiate and come to a common decision in joint activities;
  • to ask questions

Completing the tasks facing the program will allow:

  1. Reducing the number of road accidents involving students from Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 10.
  2. Increasing the number of students included in the JID squad
  3. Increasing the level of theoretical knowledge of traffic rules (100% compliance with program requirements).
  4. Coverage of activity results in school media (permanent road safety corner)
  5. Develop methodological recommendations for class teachers on the prevention of children's road traffic injuries;
  6. Introduce new innovative technologies for the prevention of child road traffic injuries;
  7. Expand students' knowledge about the history of traffic rules;
  8. Increase students' road literacy;
  9. To form the motivational and behavioral culture of the child in the conditions of communication with the road;
  10. Increase children's responsibility for their behavior on the road.



As a result of learning law-abiding and safe behavior on the streets, roads and in transport, students must know:

  • dangerous places around the school, at home, in the neighborhood, on the streets and roads;
  • safe sections of streets and roads in the neighborhood;
  • typical mistakes in behavior on the road leading to accidents and incidents;
  • dangers on streets and roads associated with weather conditions and lighting;
  • places where you can and cannot play, ride a bicycle, roller skates, scooters, sleds, etc.;
  • the name and purpose of road signs for pedestrians and some signs for drivers;


  • crossing streets and roads following traffic lights;
  • crossing streets and roads at pedestrian crossings;
  • crossing the roadway when there are no pedestrian crossings or traffic lights in sight;
  • refraining from crossing roads and streets when approaching vehicles with a blue flashing light and a special sound signal on;
  • movement on the sidewalk, pedestrian path (and in their absence - along the side of the road and the edge of the roadway with adults);
  • movement of a group of children accompanied by adults;
  • ethical, polite and safe behavior in transport when with adults;
  • safe behavior when riding a bicycle and the age at which you can ride on the streets and roads.

Students should be able to:

  • cross streets and roads following traffic lights and pedestrian crossings, as well as the carriageway of a small road (out of sight of pedestrian crossings);
  • behave correctly in courtyards, residential areas, on the sidewalk, when moving in a group, in transport, when riding a bicycle.

Students, in addition to the above,must know the Rules:

  • crossing controlled and unregulated intersections;
  • crossing roadways with one-way and two-way traffic and tram tracks.

Students should be able to:

  • seek help from adults in difficult road conditions;
    when boarding and disembarking from public transport;
  • navigate the road situation: do not get out of the way of obstacles and structures; do not stand close to the corners of the intersection and the edge of the roadway and with your back to it;
  • do not interfere with traffic;
  • identify dangerous and safe areas of roads and streets;
  • behave in a disciplined manner at boarding areas, at the entrance, exit and in the cabin of public transport.

Students, in addition to the above, must know:

  • what is stopping and braking distance, how does it change and what factors does it depend on;

And also the Rules:

  • crossing roads with two-way and one-way traffic;
  • crossing streets and roads when disembarking from public transport;
  • railroad crossing.

Students should be able to:

  • navigate the traffic situation when crossing streets and roads with two-way and one-way traffic, the presence of tram tracks;
  • cross railway tracks;
  • cross controlled and unregulated intersections;
  • board and disembark from public transport.

For adequate behavior in traffic conditions it is necessaryto form and develop in students:

  • stable habits of disciplined, careful and safe behavior on the streets, roads and in transport;
  • cognitive mental processes (perception, attention, imagination, thinking, memory, speech);
  • understanding, comprehension and awareness of dangerous and safe actions on the streets and roads, in transport; the ability to independently analyze and evaluate them;
  • self-control, self-regulation and self-organization of law-abiding and safe behavior on the streets, roads and in transport.

Forms and methods of control:

  • organization of testing and control surveys on traffic rules;
  • conducting quizzes and knowledge reviews on traffic rules;
  • organization of training games;
  • analysis of performance results.



  1. General provisions

The detachment of young traffic inspectors is a voluntary association of schoolchildren, which are created with the aim of instilling in them citizenship, a high general culture, professional guidance, and broad involvement in organizing the promotion of safe behavior on the roads among young children.

The main tasks of the detachment of young traffic inspectors are:

  1. active assistance to the school in educating students and developing an active life position among schoolchildren.
  2. studying the rules, safe behavior on the roads, mastering the skills of carrying out work to promote the Rules of the Road and organizing this work among children.
  3. mastering the skills of providing first aid to victims of road accidents.

A detachment of young traffic inspectors is created from among schoolchildren in a comprehensive school.

  1. The main areas of work of young traffic inspectors
  1. Instilling in members of the YID detachment devotion to their homeland based on the heroic, combat and labor traditions of the police, developing in them a sense of justice, a humane attitude towards people, and a sense of camaraderie.
  2. In-depth study of the Rules of the Road, mastery of methods for preventing children's road traffic injuries and skills in providing first aid to victims of road traffic accidents, familiarity with operational and technical means of traffic control.
  3. Conducting mass outreach to promote traffic rules at school.
  4. Participation in YID shows and rallies, competitions, organization of school traffic safety sites.
  5. Organization of work with young cyclists.
  1. Structure and organization of work of a detachment of young traffic inspectors.

Members of the teams of young traffic inspectors can be students aged 10 years and older who have expressed a desire to actively participate in the work of the JID team.

A detachment is being created - 15 people.

Admission to membership in the squad of young traffic inspectors is made on the basis of an oral application at the squad meeting.

  1. Responsibilities and rights of a young traffic inspector

The young traffic inspector is obliged to:

  1. To value the honor and title of young traffic inspector, to actively participate in the affairs of the detachment, to carry out the tasks of the detachment commander in a timely and accurate manner.
  2. Study the traffic rules and be examples in their implementation.
  3. Conduct explanatory work among peers and young children to promote the Rules of the Road.
  4. To protect and strengthen public order in every possible way, to participate in the prevention of violations of traffic rules by children.
  5. Strengthen your health, systematically engage in physical education and sports.

The young traffic inspector has the right:

  1. Participate in the discussion of all issues related to the activities of the detachment and make appropriate proposals.
  2. Seek help and advice on issues of road safety and public order from local police authorities and the State Inspectorate.
  3. Participate in patrolling the streets, in the school district to comply with traffic rules, and organize reasonable leisure time for children and adolescents.
  4. A young traffic inspector can be awarded certificates for active work in the detachment and be sent to city and regional gatherings of young traffic inspectors.

Image of Young Traffic Inspectors

A detachment of Young Traffic Inspectors may have a name, a motto, a song, an emblem, the text of an oath, laws for organizing life activities, and a daily routine.



Our motto.

To all the boys and girls

We will convey knowledge about traffic rules!

We are for safe traffic

And we will not let the school down!

Our chant.

One, two! - Three, four! - Three, four! - One, two! - Who walks together in a row? - This is us - the UID detachment! We study the traffic rules and explain to the children what a crossing is, what a pedestrian should know. We encourage everyone to learn, Never lose heart!

Our song.

I. Our school has a UID,

Our school has a UID,

We are proud of this.

We study traffic rules,
We study traffic rules,
Both in winter and in summer.

Ex: I saw a traffic light,
And I crossed the zebra crossing,
So I took the rules into account.
Don't play near the road
Don't run out on her
You know the traffic rules!

II. If you go on a journey with a friend,
If you go on a journey with a friend,
Merry way,
But be careful
But be careful
Observe everything strictly.


I, (last name, first name), joining the young traffic inspectors, swear:

  1. be a worthy member of the JID squad and an example for all the guys;
  2. have an uncompromising attitude towards violators of traffic rules;
  3. always come to the aid of those who are in difficulty;
  4. know and follow the traffic rules well, and promote them among the children.
  5. To fulfill my responsibilities, constantly improve:
  6. your knowledge, attend the school UID club;
  7. develop and strengthen will;
  8. actively participate in the work of the YID detachment;
  9. know about the glorious and heroic deeds of the State Automobile Inspectorate, State Road Safety Inspectorate.

To be a faithful assistant to traffic police officers, with honor and dignity to bear the title of a member of the Judicial Inspectorate squad.

Educational and thematic plan

Young Traffic Inspectors Program

The concept of road users

Elements of streets and roads

Road markings

Rules for safe behavior on the roads

Rules for pedestrians

Rules for drivers

Rules for passengers

Types of intersections

Responsibility for violating the rules

Mastering the skills of safe pedestrian movement

Analysis of specific situations

Analysis of pedestrian movements

Traffic rules for cyclists

The order of movement of a group of cyclists

Analysis of traffic conditions along the route

Identification of dangerous places

Preparing your bike for a hike


Studying traffic rules


Road signs

Composition and purpose of the first aid kit


Providing first aid to victims of road accidents


Treatment of wounds

Stop bleeding

Applying bandages

Rules for transporting victims

Bicycle safety training

Drawing on the topic: Safe road

Essay competition

Exhibition of works

Practical learning of a bicycle

Summing up the work

Total hours:

1. Acquaintance with the history of the movement of the YID detachments. Conversation about the importance of the YID detachments. Familiarization with the tasks of the detachment.

2. Traffic regulations.

2.1. Familiarity with the basic concepts and terms of traffic regulations: driver, pedestrian crossing, roadway, road user.

2.2. Rights, duties and responsibilities of road users. Responsibilities of the driver, pedestrian, passenger.

2. 3. Road signs and additional information. Groups of signs, their purpose, installation. The meaning and features of groups of signs: warning, priority, prohibitory, prescriptive, informational and indicative, service signs, additional information signs.

2.4. Pedestrian traffic rules. Pedestrian movement along the street (on sidewalks, pedestrian paths, along the side of the road), crossing the roadway at a regulated and unregulated pedestrian crossing and in the absence of a pedestrian crossing.

2.5. Where and how to cross the street. Crossing the road following traffic lights. In the absence of a traffic light.

2.6. Elements of streets and roads. Street concept. One-way and two-way streets; sidewalk, pedestrian paths. Road, main road, carriageway, shoulder, median, ditch.

2.7. Controlled intersection.

Expanding the concept of a controlled intersection. Regulation by traffic lights and traffic controllers. The main danger at a signalized intersection is the restriction of the view of moving vehicles at the beginning of the “green” cycle and the passing of other vehicles “on the move.”

2.8. Uncontrolled intersection.

The concept of an unregulated intersection. Rules for crossing in the area of ​​an unregulated intersection. Road “traps” that await a pedestrian at an intersection. “Moving limited visibility”: passing traffic, oncoming traffic. Limitation of view to stopped cars.

2.9. Rules for the movement of cyclists and mopedists. Getting to know the structure of a bicycle. Basic rules for cyclists. The procedure for riding a bicycle on the roadway.

2.10. Transporting people and cargo by bicycle and motor vehicle. Rules for the carriage of goods and maneuvering. Technical requirements for a bicycle.

2.11. Movement of a group of pedestrians and cyclists. Differences in the movement of columns of pedestrians and groups of children. Actions of the group leader. A column of pedestrians and a group of children crossing the road. Rules for the movement of cyclists in groups, actions of the leader of the group (column). A group of cyclists passing through an unregulated intersection.

2.12. Bicycle device. Main nodes; the significance of each piece of equipment. Pay attention to the action of the steering wheel and brakes. Bike care: cleaning, smooth ride, tire monitoring. Alignment of wheel alignment. Chain and spoke tension. Lubricating the bike, washing rotating parts. Eliminate gaps.

2.13. Figured bicycle driving. Rules for performing the exercises: “figure eight”, transporting an object, a corridor of short (long) boards; slalom with equally spaced pins, slalom between goals, “snake” (with pucks), jump and “swing”, stop on the control line.

2. 14. Road markings. The concept of vertical and horizontal markings. Its importance for regulating the movement of vehicles and pedestrians. Use of markings, orientation in motion.

2.15. Rules for using transport. Using public transport. Responsibilities of passengers in transport and in places where it is waiting. Use of your own car or taxi.

2.16. On the railway. Training in the use of railway crossings. Equipment for railway crossings. Rules for crossing and crossing railway tracks.

2.17. Driving on a country road. Provide important information about rural transport (tractors and trailers for them, self-propelled agricultural machines, horse-drawn vehicles); study additional requirements for the movement of horse-drawn carts and the driving of animals.

2. 18. Road “traps”. Knowledge of the rules for safe crossing of the road. The ability to see dangerous situations on the road - “traps”: closed view; distractions; "deserted street"; pedestrian on the roadway; bus, trolleybus, tram stop area; at a pedestrian crossing; pedestrian at a traffic light; at the corner of the intersection; near the house; pedestrian walking along the roadway.


3.1. Burns, frostbite. PMP for burns of 1,2,3, 4 degrees; for burns with acid, alkali. PMP for frostbite. Painkillers. Treatment of affected areas of the body.

3.2. Types of bleeding. Familiarization with the types of bleeding and their characteristics (capillary, venous, arterial). Signs of internal bleeding. PMP for capillary, venous, arterial, internal bleeding. Rules for applying a tourniquet (twisting).

3.3. Transportation of victims. Transportation concept. Features of transportation with a fracture of the spine, with a fracture of the pelvic bones. Transportation in the absence of vehicles (stretchers, shields, boards).

3.4. Fractures. Fracture concept. Open and closed fracture. PMP for fractures: clavicle, humerus, forearm bones, hand and finger bones, femur, lower leg bones. Dislocation of a limb, hip, bones of the upper limbs, lower jaw.

4. Preparation of a propaganda speech. Learning poems and songs. Preparation of paraphernalia, posters. Participation in district and regional traffic rules competitions.

Teacher's teaching materials

1. Traffic rules of the Russian Federation, M.: 2011.

2.L.P. Anastasova, N.V. Ivanova, P.V. Izhevsky, Life without dangers. First steps towards independence. Problem book, grade 1, part 1, M.: Ventana – Count.

3. A.M. Yakupov. ,A.I. Podolsky, B.A. Zagrebin Collection of materials for conducting lessons on traffic rules, grades 4-9, Chelyabinsk, 2007

4. A.M. Yakupov Safety on the streets and roads: an album for 1st grade students for lessons in the classroom and at home, AST LTD,

5. L.P. Anastasova, N.V. Ivanova, P.V. Izhevsky, Life without dangers. First steps towards independence. Problem book, grade 2,3, part 1, M.: Ventana - Count.

6 L.P. Anastasova, N.V. Ivanova, P.V. Izhevsky, Life without dangers. First steps towards independence. Problem book 2.3 grade 2 part, M.: Ventana – Count

7. L.P. Anastasova, N.V. Ivanova, P.V. Izhevsky, Life without dangers. First steps towards independence. Problem book, grade 1, part 2, M.: Ventana – Count

8. L.P. Anastasova, N.V. Ivanova, P.V. Izhevsky, Life without dangers. First steps towards independence. Problem book, grade 3,4, part 1, M.: Ventana – Count

9. L.P. Anastasova, N.V. Ivanova, P.V. Izhevsky, Life without dangers. First steps towards independence. Problem book, grade 1, part 2, M.: Ventana – Count

student's teaching materials

1.L.P. Anastasova, N.V. Ivanova, P.V. Izhevsky, Life without dangers. First steps towards independence. Problem book, grade 1, part 1, M.: Ventana – Count.

2. A.M. Yakupov. ,A.I. Podolsky, B.A. Zagrebin Collection of materials for conducting lessons on traffic rules, grades 4-9, Chelyabinsk, 2007

3. A.M. Yakupov Safety on the streets and roads: an album for 1st grade students for lessons in the classroom and at home, AST LTD,

4. L.P. Anastasova, N.V. Ivanova, P.V. Izhevsky, Life without dangers. First steps towards independence. Problem book, grade 2,3, part 1, M.: Ventana – Count.

5. L.P. Anastasova, N.V. Ivanova, P.V. Izhevsky, Life without dangers. First steps towards independence. Problem book 2.3 grade 2 part, M.: Ventana – Count

6. L.P. Anastasova, N.V. Ivanova, P.V. Izhevsky, Life without dangers. First steps towards independence. Problem book, grade 1, part 2, M.: Ventana – Count

7. L.P. Anastasova, N.V. Ivanova, P.V. Izhevsky, Life without dangers. First steps towards independence. Problem book, grade 3,4, part 1, M.: Ventana – Count

8. L.P. Anastasova, N.V. Ivanova, P.V. Izhevsky, Life without dangers. First steps towards independence. Problem book, grade 1, part 2, M.: Ventana – Count

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