Breast fibroadenoma: treatment without surgery. Features of breast fibroadenoma and removal methods Resorption of fibroadenoma

Any tumors in the breast cause concern for a woman, but they are not always of malignant origin. For example, breast fibroadenoma. What it is, how to treat it, patient reviews are important for understanding the essence of the pathology.

What is breast fibroadenoma

Fibroadenoma is a benign formation in the mammary gland. It has clear contours, a dense internal consistency, and moves easily in the breast tissue. There is no pain at the site of tumor formation.

The pathology is often observed in girls and women under 40 years of age. Typically, the neoplasm measures from 1 to 3 cm, but larger formations also occur. In most cases, breast fibroadenoma affects one breast, sometimes both. Multiple neoplasms may occur.

Fibroadenoma is not life-threatening, but increases the risk of developing cancer by 5 times. For this reason, you need to constantly undergo examinations and monitor your health.


Fibroadenoma of the mammary gland does not manifest itself with clear, pronounced signs. Pain or discomfort does not bother you for a long time. Pathology is discovered by chance during an examination for another reason or during a routine examination. The main symptom is the appearance of a lump in the mammary gland, so it is important to conduct regular self-examinations.

Small neoplasms at the initial stage of formation are difficult to palpate. Several indirect manifestations can indicate changes that are occurring in the body:

  • soreness of the mammary glands;
  • nipple discharge;
  • enlarged lymph nodes for no apparent reason.

If you suspect a lump, it is better to consult a doctor.


Examination is a necessary measure in identifying breast fibroadenoma. Every woman should be able to examine her breasts and check them for the appearance of suspicious nodules. It is also important to visit a gynecologist annually; the doctor will examine you more professionally and draw conclusions about your state of health.

For self-diagnosis, you need to take off your clothes and stand near a mirror. Raise one hand and with your free hand feel the breast under the raised hand. Attention should be paid to unusual depressions or bulges, changes in skin color, changes in the shape of the nipple, discharge from it, swelling of the skin that resembles an orange peel.

    Have you encountered this disease?

Feeling the surface of the breast should be done in a spiral from the nipple to the outer part. This will allow you to examine all parts of the gland. You have to go deep. To do this, you can lubricate your hands with cream, and it’s good to do self-diagnosis with soap in the shower.

It is important to carry out such activities regularly, preferably on the 7-10th day from the start of menstruation. At this time, the breasts will feel comfortable. All unpleasant symptoms should be reported to the gynecologist.

If a disease is suspected, he will prescribe examinations:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • cytological examination of nipple discharge;
  • biopsy;
  • radiothermy;
  • blood test for tumor markers;
  • chest tomography;
  • study of hormonal status;
  • genetic examination.

Only after receiving the examination results, the doctor makes a diagnosis of breast fibroadenoma, what it is, and how he will treat it. Women who have predisposing factors to the development of this pathology need to take their health especially seriously:

  • difficult childbirth;
  • diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, thyroid pathologies);
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • refusal of breastfeeding;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • late menopause;
  • prolonged stress;
  • miscarriages, abortions;
  • use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • injuries, chest overheating;
  • smoking, alcohol abuse.

A timely visit to a doctor will allow you to begin treatment of the tumor while it is at the stage of benign formation.

Treatment methods

The possibility of treating breast fibroadenoma will depend on its type and response to medications. It is often removed to reduce the risk of becoming malignant before an upcoming pregnancy.

For a small fibroadenoma of the mammary gland (this is a compaction like a grain), a size from 0.8 - 1.0 to 5.0 will be treated with the help of medications. The main goal of conservative treatment will be to curb the growth of the tumor.

The relationship between fibroadenoma and the level of female hormones has already been proven, so this is taken into account when prescribing medications.

For drug treatment the following is prescribed:

  • medicinal preparations with female hormones, for example Norkolut, Duphaston, Utrozhestan;
  • homeopathic remedies;
  • iodine preparations for iodine deficiency;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • preparations based on medicinal plants for a positive effect on hormonal balance, reducing negative disturbances in the mammary gland.

During treatment, regular examinations by a mammologist and ultrasounds are performed. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the tumor and adjust the course of treatment.

If several neoplasms are detected, drugs with antiestrogenic properties are added to treatment: vitamin A, choleretic agents. This allows you to increase the effectiveness of therapy and reduce the production of estrogen.

It is necessary to normalize hormonal balance and reduce weight. These indicators provoke the formation of fibroadenoma. It is strictly forbidden to take immunostimulants for this pathology; they lead to tumor growth.

When is surgery required?

Drug treatment rarely leads to recovery. If the neoplasm is not alarming, then it is monitored. The operation is performed in the following cases:

  • the size of the neoplasm is more than 20 mm;
  • the tumor increases in size;
  • there is evidence of the malignant nature of the tumor;
  • fibroadenoma belongs to a special leaf-shaped type, which necessarily degenerates into a malignant form;
  • the patient's wish.

The tumor must be removed if atypical stem cells are detected. A form of atypical fibroadenoma of the mammary gland is rare. What it is is not yet completely clear, how to treat it, except for the removal method, they have not yet come up with it.

Can fibroadenoma resolve?

The development of breast fibroadenoma is difficult to predict. Young girls in adolescence develop an immature form of pathology. The consistency of the neoplasm is soft, there are no clear contours.

In some cases, fibroadenoma resolves. This is facilitated by the absence of factors that provoke its growth, for example, difficult childbirth, long-term use of hormonal drugs, menopause. Perhaps a healthy body and strong immune system cope with disorders.

In older women, the growth of true fibroadenoma is observed. It has clear boundaries and an elastic internal structure. It is as if enclosed in a capsule. Such a tumor cannot resolve on its own. As a result of competent treatment, its growth will only be stopped.

There is a calcified fibroadenoma of the breast. What type of problem it is and how to treat it, the doctor tells you when a problem is discovered during diagnosis. Calcium is deposited in breast cells, including fibroadenoma. Such a tumor will also not be able to resolve; it must be removed.


There are many reviews about the treatment of pathology.

Tatyana, 42 years old

"A month ago, a fibroadenoma was excised on one breast. I was more afraid than they did it. Everyone was under anesthesia. I woke up in the ward. A week later, the stitches were removed. A small scar. Neat, it will get smaller over time, they said. The doctor advised what to treat to make the scar softer became. It’s good that the fear has disappeared. Everyone was afraid that I would degenerate into oncology. Now I will be constantly checked. I advise everyone - there is no need to delay. Medicine, of course, can do a lot now, but it’s better to play it safe and not bring yourself to surgery."

Olga, 36 years old

“I have a small fibroadenoma. They don’t undertake to remove it, they just observe it. It’s not growing yet, which is good. They say it’s all about nerves, but how not to be nervous? Now I go to sessions with a psychotherapist to recover from stress. Every month I examine my breasts, I’m afraid to find out "There is still compaction. If this fear continues, I will decide on voluntary removal. Doctors say that it is necessary to treat the nervous system; simple removal will not save if the nerves remain the same."

Anna, 51 years old

"Only two weeks ago I got rid of this fibroadenoma. It was large - 2 cm. Found by accident, during a routine examination before getting a job. I went through an examination, they said it was not cancer, but it had to be cut out. They did it under local anesthesia. It didn’t hurt, it was fast, it lasted longer cooked. Everything together took 20-30 minutes (that’s what my roommates said). The only unpleasant thing I remember is that my hand became numb, they told me to put it under my head. That same day I was sent home a few hours later. The seam looks like a big scratch. Our cat is like that "It's scratched, I apply Eplan. By the way, the operation was done for free, according to the policy."

Veronica, 38 years old

Maria, 19 years old

“I, too, have been diagnosed with this tumor. I’m currently undergoing treatment, taking handfuls of pills. I hope that the fibroadenoma will not grow or will resolve. I’m 19 years old, I really don’t want to go under the knife, although I’ve read and heard that everything is done carefully. All the same scary. The tumor is small, but located close to the surface of the skin, so it was easy to feel with your hands. I reassure myself that it can be worse, I wish everyone not to be nervous, learn to handle stress correctly, take care of yourself and your health. No one will take care of it except us. "

Zhanna, 28 years old

“Six months ago, I underwent removal of a benign tumor called fibroadenoma. This terrible condition ended. I constantly had to undergo examinations, take a lot of tests. All this is at the limit of my nerves, when you know that you need to calm down. Every minute I was afraid to hear about the degeneration of tissues, that "It's late today, we should have done it yesterday. But we made it! The operation itself was quick. The stitch was small, it hurt a little, but now it's overgrown. At first, we had to bandage it. The stitch is above the nipple. You can't see it in underwear or a swimsuit."

Valeria, 44 years old

“4 months ago I had an operation to remove a fibroadenoma. Today I went for a routine examination with a gynecologist, and at the office I overheard women talking about this sore - whether to remove it or not. I considered it indecent to get involved in the conversation, although I wanted to shout - cut it out faster. I used to not sleep "I could, all my thoughts were only about the illness, now everything has calmed down. Now I know that everything is fine."

A woman should take care of her health, take measures to prevent pathologies, know about women’s diseases, about breast fibroadenoma: what it is, how to treat it. If it hurts, consult a doctor. You cannot waste time on traditional methods, since it will not be possible to treat diseases associated with hormonal disorders with cabbage leaves and herbal decoctions.

Fibroadenoma is a benign breast tumor with clear contours, dense consistency, and is easily displaced relative to the breast tissue. As a rule, there is no sharp pain in the area of ​​education. The characteristic structure of fibroadenoma tissue is the predominance of connective tissue stroma over glandular parenchyma.

It occurs more often in girls and women under 40 years of age (20-60%). In adolescents, fibroadenomas are called juvenile fibroadenomas. As a rule, fibroadenoma has a diameter of 1-3 centimeters, but larger formations occur. Most often one breast is affected, less often both. Some patients have multiple nodes.

The presence of fibroadenoma in the mammary gland is not life-threatening, but the risk of developing cancer in such women is 3-5 times higher than in others. This is why it is important to have regular breast examinations.

Causes of fibroadenoma

Unambiguous reasons for the development of breast fibroadenoma have not been established, but there are main predisposing factors that increase the risk of this pathology:

Factor Action
Genetic Having tumors in blood relatives increases the risk
Neuroendocrine diseases Obesity, diabetes mellitus, thyroid formations, polycystic ovary syndrome, ovarian dysfunction, hyperprolactinemia
Critical periods of puberty Early onset of menstruation, menstrual irregularities, early or late labor, large births, refusal of breastfeeding or excessive duration, late menopause
Miscarriages and abortions The proliferation of glandular tissue of the mammary glands that has begun ends with its abrupt cessation
Combined oral contraceptives, hormonal drugs Contains female sex hormones of the first and second phases of the menstrual cycle. Uncontrolled use disrupts the body's hormonal levels and natural cycle.
Dissatisfaction with family relationships, sexual dissatisfaction, problems at work Release of large amounts of stress hormones
Smoking, alcohol and other bad habits Chronic toxicity

The causes of fibroadenomas usually consist of several factors; sometimes it is difficult to determine which of them is decisive.

Types or classification

A final diagnosis of the type of tumor is possible only after surgical treatment, when histological material is prepared from the removed tissue and carefully studied in the laboratory under a microscope.

The tissue of the milk duct and the supporting connective tissue surrounding it grow in different ways, and depending on their combinations in the tumor, experts distinguish the following types of disease:

Based on consistency and growth rate, there are 2 types:

  • immature, soft and elastic, continuing to grow;
  • mature, enclosed in a dense capsule, having completed growth.

Manifestations or symptoms of fibroadenoma

Often a woman herself finds a lump in her breast the size of a pea or larger, mobile and soft-elastic, sometimes painful. Most often this is a seal in the form of a single knot. There is usually no discharge from the nipple, and the axillary lymph nodes do not enlarge. Sometimes several nodes are detected at the same time. Such findings are not uncommon during preventive examinations by a mammologist or gynecologist.

For correct self-diagnosis, you need to stand in front of a mirror without clothes and raise one hand, and with the other carefully touch and examine the entire gland. You need to pay attention to symptoms such as bulges and depressions, asymmetry of the glands, nipple retraction, changes in skin color, orange peel swelling of the skin, and the presence of discharge from the nipple. All suspicious findings should be shown to a mammologist, who will accurately determine the nature of the formation.

The CELT clinic has a complete diagnostic base in order to find out the cause of what is happening. If necessary, the tumor will be quickly and painlessly removed, and the woman will return to her normal life.

Diagnosis of fibroadenoma

It all starts with a conversation, during which a woman needs to talk about all the details of her life: the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and childbirth, chronic and past diseases, heredity and bad habits. Next, a physical examination of the mammary glands and regional lymph nodes occurs.

Women under 40 years of age are prescribed an ultrasound of the mammary glands, and, if indicated, other clinical examinations, after which the nature of the tumor becomes clear. Women over 40 may be prescribed an X-ray examination (mammography) to determine the presence of calcifications or signs of malignancy.

To clarify the diagnosis, CELT doctors can use the following additional examination methods:

  • MRI of the mammary glands;
  • RTM study or radiothermy, in which the temperature in different quadrants is recorded with an accuracy of half a degree, the method allows you to identify areas of hyperthermia (increase in temperature);
  • Biopsy of the formation (if a malignant process is suspected) for histological verification of the diagnosis;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • study of hormonal status - the level of estradiol, prolactin, progesterone in the blood;
  • blood test for tumor markers;
  • genetic research;
  • cytological analysis of nipple discharge.

It is important not to miss the onset of a malignant process; to do this, you need to consult a doctor in time, and CELT doctors use all possible diagnostic methods, on the basis of which they can distinguish a benign tumor from a malignant one.

Treatment of breast fibroadenoma

Treatment for fibroadenoma depends on the size of the tumor, its location and the period of life of the woman. Tumors up to 1 cm in size - if they are soft, elastic and do not bother you - are observed for a long time and do not require surgical intervention, with the exception of a group of patients planning a pregnancy using in vitro fertilization (IVF).

In order not to miss changes in size and the beginning of growth, an observation plan is established by the doctor individually for each patient, but more often such women need to undergo an ultrasound examination 2 times a year and a mammogram once a year. At the slightest change, especially with an increase in size, a fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNA) and further tumor removal are required. It is not necessary to remove the tumor naturally during pregnancy planning.

In some cases, an increase in estrogen levels during pregnancy provokes uncontrolled growth of fibroadenomas; in this case, you should immediately consult a specialist, undergo the necessary diagnostic examination and remove the formation under local anesthesia without harm to the mother and the unborn baby.

In all cases, a benign leaf-shaped (phylloid) tumor, not to mention borderline and malignant, is subject to immediate surgical treatment, due to the rapid growth of the tumor and tendency to recur.

The operation to remove breast fibroadenoma can be of two types: sectoral resection (the affected ducts and overgrown connective tissue are removed) and enucleation or enucleation, when the formation is removed along with its dense capsule.

Depending on the size of the fibroadenoma, the number of nodes and general health, women use local anesthesia or intravenous anesthesia. In any case, the patient does not feel pain. The duration of the operation is from 15 minutes to 40 minutes. After removal, a cosmetic, inconspicuous suture is applied.

In a hospital setting, you will need to stay under the supervision of a doctor from 2 hours to 1 day. Postoperative pain syndrome is mild and does not require additional treatment. Sutures can be removed after 7-10 days, or not required at all (depending on the suture material). When making an incision, aesthetic requirements are taken into account; a thin postoperative scar is located as inconspicuously as possible.

In addition to surgery, there are other treatment methods:

  • cryotherapy;
  • radiofrequency ablation.
  • vacuum aspiration biopsy

In all cases, the tissue is not cut, but a puncture is made near the location of the tumor. The intervention is performed under ultrasound control; under local anesthesia, a probe or biopsy needle is applied to the tumor and manipulation is performed.

Breast fibroadenoma is a common pathology accompanied by the formation of a lump in the breast. If left untreated, the disease can lead to complications. Since many women face a similar diagnosis, it is natural that they are interested in any additional information. So what is breast fibroadenoma? Is treatment without surgery possible or is surgery necessary? What treatments can modern medicine offer?

Breast fibroadenomas: what is it?

Today, this disease is considered quite common. Many patients leave the doctor's office with a diagnosis of breast fibroadenoma. What it is? This is a benign tumor that is formed mainly from glandular tissue.

The tumor is most often single; less often, multiple small tumors are found in the breast. They can be located both inside the milk duct and outside it. Fibroadenoma can have a homogeneous, lobulated or mixed structure. Some patients have mature tumors that have a dense structure and a protective elastic capsule, and they grow slowly. The formation of so-called immature fibroadenoma without a capsule is also possible - their consistency is soft, so they are prone to rapid, uncontrolled growth.

There is another variety - a leaf tumor, which has a layered structure. Such a tumor can also grow quickly. Moreover, in the presence of this particular type of fibroadenoma, there is a risk of malignant cell degeneration.

Reasons for the development of the disease

Why does breast fibroadenoma develop? Treatment without surgery is only possible in some cases, so first you should understand the risk factors. There is an opinion that with such a disease there is a hereditary factor, although this statement does not yet have a scientific basis.

However, researchers were able to find out that the formation of fibroadenoma is often associated with the development of other diseases. Internal causes include serious hormonal imbalances, which are especially common in women during puberty and pregnancy. A tumor in the breast can often appear against the background of liver diseases, gynecological diseases, including ovarian lesions. The list of reasons includes dysfunction of the pituitary gland and adrenal glands, diabetes mellitus, obesity, and thyroid problems.

Risk factors include hormonal therapy, including improper use of oral contraceptives. Sometimes the disease develops in women who often undergo abortion procedures. Living in poor environmental conditions, constant stress, nervous exhaustion, breast injuries, abuse of solariums, frequent hot baths or showers - all this can trigger the formation of fibroadenoma.

What symptoms are accompanied by the disease?

What signs are accompanied by breast fibroadenoma? Symptoms, treatment and diagnosis are closely related. Unfortunately, this disease rarely causes any obvious external deterioration, so for a long time women do not even suspect that there is a problem.

In most cases, a tumor is discovered accidentally during an examination by a doctor. Sometimes women themselves discover an elastic seal in the nipple area. Occasionally, the pathology is accompanied by the appearance of transparent discharge from the nipples. Sometimes ulcers and cracks form on the nipple and areola. Occasionally, patients also complain of pain when pressed.

What does the diagnostic process look like?

Many women are interested in questions about what breast fibroadenoma is. Diagnosis, treatment, indications for surgery are important points that are worth paying attention to.

During visual inspection and palpation, the doctor may notice a compaction. The presence of a tumor is confirmed by mammography and ultrasound. These procedures make it possible to determine the exact location, size and contours of the tumor. Patients give blood samples for analysis, in particular, check their hormone levels. If a malignant tumor is suspected, a biopsy is performed followed by cytological analysis.

Breast fibroadenoma, treatment without surgery: reviews and treatment regimen

Are patients always recommended to undergo surgery? Are there other ways to get rid of such a pathology as breast fibroadenoma? Treatment without surgery is possible, but only in some cases. For example, conservative treatment is allowed if the patient is a teenage girl and the tumor does not have a dense capsule.

In some cases, doctors decide not to surgically remove a tumor in women during menopause, since hormonal changes at this time often slow down or even stop the growth of fibroadenoma. If the tumor is small and does not grow in size over time, surgery may not be necessary.

Naturally, a woman with such a diagnosis should be constantly monitored by a doctor, periodically undergo tests and examinations. Treatment without surgery is possible only if there is no suspicion of malignant tissue degeneration.

Patients with fibroadenoma are prescribed replacement therapy - they are prescribed hormonal medications based on progesterone. As a rule, this makes it possible to stop the growth of the tumor. There are other drugs to treat breast fibroadenoma. Women are often prescribed products containing iodine and vitamin E. If the tumor appears against the background of some other disease, then this is the first thing that is treated.

When is surgery necessary?

In some cases, surgery is simply necessary. Surgical intervention is prescribed when a large tumor forms, as well as when it grows rapidly. Fibroadenoma is also removed for women when planning pregnancy. The fact is that while carrying a child, the hormonal background of the expectant mother undergoes significant changes, which can lead to rapid growth of the tumor and blockage of the gland ducts. The indication for the procedure is the presence of malignant cells in cytological analysis of tissues.

The operation is quite simple - as a rule, the doctor carefully removes the tumor, but in some cases it is necessary to excise the surrounding tissues (for the leaf form of the tumor).

There are also so-called conditionally non-surgical methods for treating breast fibroadenoma. For example, a tumor is removed using freezing (cryodestruction), a laser beam, or high-frequency exposure.

Postoperative recovery

Not only the operation itself is important, but also the rehabilitation period. During this time, patients are advised to follow a proper diet, avoid stress, and follow a proper work and rest schedule. In addition, you also need to take medications. The range of drugs is determined individually for each patient.

If there is a hormonal imbalance, taking progesterone medications is indicated. To prevent complications, patients take antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs in the first few days after surgery. In some cases, immunomodulators are indicated, as well as vitamin complexes and drugs that improve liver function.

Traditional methods of treatment

Traditional treatment of breast fibroadenoma is possible only with the permission of a doctor. After all, first you need to carry out a diagnosis. For example, if there are malignant cells in the breast, self-medication can lead to serious complications.

However, herbal medicine is used, especially when it comes to the conservative treatment of fibroadenoma. Decoctions of licorice root, fennel, chamomile flowers, marshmallow, pomegranate peels and oak bark are considered effective - they are taken orally. These products help to gradually normalize hormonal levels.

For external use, you can prepare a decoction of verbena. A napkin or gauze bandage is then dipped in it and applied to the affected breast. For the same purpose, some traditional healers recommend making honey cakes (a tablespoon of melted honey is mixed with 1-2 tablespoons of flour), which can also be applied to the affected area.

Proper diet during and after therapy

A proper diet is very important, so patients are advised to visit a nutritionist to create an individual diet. However, several general recommendations can be identified. Patients are advised to avoid fatty foods, as they stimulate the production of steroid compounds in the body. It is worth limiting the amount of animal fats and, if possible, removing legumes, sunflower oil, baked goods and flour products from the diet.

The menu should include fish, cabbage, fresh juices and fruit drinks, seafood, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables - all this will help saturate the body with iodine and vitamin E. You need to give up cigarettes and alcohol. In addition, it is recommended to limit the amount of coffee and black tea you consume - it is better to give preference to green tea leaves.

Are there methods of prevention?

Is it likely that the patient will develop breast fibroadenoma again? Treatment without surgery does not provide a 100% guarantee that the tumor will completely disappear. But after surgical removal, relapse is very rare - the tumor can only appear in the other breast.

There are no specific methods of prevention. However, women are recommended to self-examine and palpate the mammary glands at least once a month. If during the procedure you find a nodule or lump under the skin, you should immediately consult a doctor. And you should not refuse routine medical examinations, during which the disease can be detected at an early stage.

Breast fibroadenoma is a benign tumor that most often develops in young girls who have barely entered puberty. The risk of developing a tumor increases as you get older. In most patients it is diagnosed between 30 and 40 years. Treatment and early prevention of the disease are hampered by the lack of an accurate understanding of its etiology. Despite the fairly high level of medical care, the reasons for the formation of a tumor-like process are unknown.

Basic treatment methods

Fibroadenoma can affect any part of the body, but tumors that form in the mammary glands are treated with surgery in most cases. Conservative therapy is also practiced, but cases of complete recovery (disappearance of the tumor) are extremely rare.

If the tumor size does not exceed 5 mm, then not only traditional therapy is practiced, but also:

  • folk remedies;
  • homeopathic medicines;
  • minimally invasive intervention (tumor removal without tissue damage);
  • Dietary supplements.

Despite the fact that surgery is considered the most acceptable and safe option, the above-mentioned treatment methods should not be abandoned. Naturally, under the influence of synthetic drugs, infusions, herbs and fortified complexes, the tumor may not completely resolve, but this will prepare the body for the necessary operation.

Can fibroadenoma resolve?

Fibroadenoma forms in the glandular layer of breast tissue. This process takes from several months to tens of years. Practice shows that the tumor process continues or, on the contrary, begins, even after menopause in the case when the patient uses hormonal drugs. Some patients claim that fibroadenoma can disappear on its own without outside intervention. In reality this is not the case. The only reason for this behavior of the tumor is an incorrect diagnosis. There are 2 types of fibroadenoma:

  1. True. The resulting capsule does not dissolve. It can decrease or increase, multiply, but it is not capable of disappearing without special treatment.
  2. False. If the tumor process is not completed and the tumor has not fully formed, then it may disappear even without drug treatment.

In other cases, there is no hope for spontaneous resorption of the tumor, which means that the patient must be under the constant supervision of a doctor and follow all his recommendations.

Conservative therapy

There is an opinion among experts that the cause of the formation of fibroadenoma is a hormonal imbalance. In order to normalize it, additional hormonal drugs are prescribed, and a thorough diagnosis is carried out to identify additional health problems at the gynecological level. It is necessary to exclude the risk of tumor development in other places. A woman will have to lose excess weight, if any, and take vitamin E complexes.

When to use

Conservative treatment is always used, regardless of the quality of the tumor. Sometimes it is prescribed to calm the patient, but the need for such therapy also arises when preparing her for surgery. It does not solve the problem, but additionally feeding the body with vitamins and stabilizing hormonal levels are useful. Most often, conservative methods are practiced when the size of the fibroadenoma does not exceed 5 mm.


The main means of conservative treatment of breast fibroadenoma are:

  1. . The drug is produced in the form of a gel for external use. It is based on micronized progesterone. It blocks estrogen receptors and promotes rapid absorption of fluids from tissues and reduces pressure on the milk ducts. Prolactin receptors in breast tissue are also compressed and this leads to a decrease in lactopoiesis. Gradually, the amount of progesterone in the mammary gland increases. Unfortunately, it is impossible to use the medicine constantly. In addition, there are a lot of contraindications that prevent its use even in a single case. For example, it is undesirable to be treated with Progestogel if the patient has a nodular form of fibroadenoma or mastopathy, with monotherapy of the mammary glands and genital organs, in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy and in the presence of allergies. There are no or minimal adverse reactions from the body after administration.
  2. Mastodinon. Herbal preparation. Used, among other things, for the treatment of infertility, menstrual disorders and mastopathy. Sold in the form of tablets and drops for oral administration. Contains components of Abraham tree, cohosh, iris, cyclamen, chilibuha and lily. It has a positive effect on individual brain receptors, which helps reduce the amount of prolactin and prevents tumor growth. Use Mastodinon for no more than 6 weeks. If this time is not enough to significantly reduce the tumor in size, move on to other more effective treatments.

There are very few drugs for the treatment of tumors of this type; they are selected individually. In some cases, surgical intervention is still the only way out of the situation.


It is the most acceptable treatment option. The medications used do not have the necessary effect on the tumor, and therefore surgery is recommended in 99% of cases where a benign tumor is detected.

Should I delete or not?

The patient is warned about the need for surgical removal of the tumor if the benign tumor has more than doubled in size 3-4 months after its discovery. It is always necessary to remove, even if there is hope of reducing the size of the formation. Modern methods of surgical intervention make it possible to do this quickly and painlessly, and sometimes without visible consequences.

Modern removal without surgery

If there is such a possibility, the tumor is removed without surgery using:

  1. Laser ablation. Removal occurs in the surgeon's office without the use of cutting instruments. The doctor's only tool is a laser. After removing the tumor, a barely noticeable scar remains on the skin, which quickly disappears. There is no need to go to the hospital; the patient is sent for outpatient treatment immediately after completion of the procedure.
  2. Cryoablation. Tumor cells are exposed to cold, causing them to quickly die, which leads to a reduction in the tumor, and then to its complete disappearance. The skin over the tumor is not damaged, so no additional cosmetic or corrective procedures are performed. The patient feels well just a few hours after completion of the procedure.
  3. Radio waves The patient is given a local anesthetic and the operation is performed under ultrasound guidance. An incision is made approximately 6-8 cm above the location of the tumor. Under the influence of radiofrequency waves, healthy tissues are separated from diseased ones and removed.
  4. Mammotomy biopsy. The patient is injected with a local anesthetic drug, the skin over the fibroadenoma is cut and a probe is inserted into the resulting hole. The further path of the probe is monitored using ultrasound. The tumor is removed using a vacuum. The resulting scar is almost invisible. The patient's health is quickly restored.

Modern methods of fibroadenoma removal are the safest and fastest, but surgical intervention is still not abandoned.

Surgical removal

Surgical intervention is indicated for sudden tumor growth. If the tumor has increased to 3-4 cm, then surgery cannot be avoided. The specialist’s main goal is to prevent such a sharp increase and promptly refer the patient to a surgeon. Otherwise, after the intervention, an ugly scar may remain or the tumor may turn from benign to malignant, which is extremely undesirable.

Depending on the condition of the tumor and the patient’s well-being, one of the following types of surgical intervention is practiced:

  1. Sectoral resection. Not only tissue affected by fibroadenoma is removed, but also part of completely healthy cells. This type of intervention is indicated when there is a suspicion of breast cancer or the tumor increases in size quickly and for no apparent reason.
  2. Enucleation of the tumor. The operation is performed without radical intervention, is safe and practically painless.

A pathologist must be present during the operation. He examines the extracted material and determines the presence or absence of cancer cells in it. The procedure itself is performed under local or general anesthesia. The patient's life is not in danger.

Treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies, such as herbal decoctions, infusions, tinctures and teas, are often used as aids in the treatment of a variety of diseases. In this regard, fibroadenoma is no exception.

When is it possible to use traditional recipes?

Traditional medicine can only be used as part of conservative treatment and only after obtaining a doctor’s permission. There is no point in trying to treat the tumor on your own. This can lead to its growth and transformation from a virtually harmless phenomenon to an extremely unpleasant and even fatal phenomenon.

Decoctions and infusions

Decoctions and infusions from:

  • licorice root;
  • frennel;
  • chamomile;
  • marshmallow;
  • pomegranate peels;
  • oak bark.

The listed medicinal herbs and their components used for oral administration help normalize hormonal levels and have a general strengthening effect, which is important in any pathological process.

If there is a need for external use of drugs, then prepare a decoction of verbena. Gauze is moistened in the healing liquid and applied to the site of tumor concentration in the form of a compress.


Conventional warming or cooling ointments will not work in the case of fibroadenoma. Traditional healers recommend making medicine from honey and flour. To prepare it, 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey mixed with 1-2 tbsp. l. flour, grind, apply to the affected area of ​​the chest in the form of a cream (ointment).

No less effective is an ointment based on vegetable oil, beeswax and chicken eggs. 1 tbsp. Heat the oil, dissolve a large piece of wax in it and add 1 boiled egg, previously crushed. The mixture is boiled for 30 minutes, rubbed into the affected area of ​​the chest for 2-3 weeks, after which they take a 7-day break and continue treatment.

Homeopathy and dietary supplements

Homeopathic medicines have a gentle effect on the body, providing a gradual, but less rapid recovery than that guaranteed by taking synthetic drugs. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of fibroadenoma include those already mentioned above. Often women are also prescribed Mamoclam. It contains brown algae and is an additional source of iodine, chlorophyll and fatty acids. Unfortunately, homeopathic remedies can only be considered as auxiliary in conservative treatment. Many experts do not recognize them at all.

Dietary supplements do not directly affect the tumor, but the high concentration of vitamins allows the body to independently begin producing the necessary antibodies to fight the disease. The most popular among dietary supplements is a drug called Indinol. The substances included in its composition suppress the further development of hormone-dependent tumors. Although not a hormonal agent, Indinol still has a positive effect on the speed of the tumor process, slowing it down.

Breast fibroadenoma is not a death sentence for a woman. A diagnosis just means that you will have to pay some attention to your own health. The benign nature of the tumor allows us to guarantee that with consistent conservative treatment (including synthetic, homeopathic drugs and dietary supplements) or surgical intervention, this unpleasant problem will soon be forgotten.

The treatment of which is especially relevant today due to the widespread prevalence of cancer in the same area, is. This is essentially the formation of benign cysts in the connective tissues of the breast, filled with fluid.

Some time ago, this pathology was considered a “precancerous” condition, but is now recognized as a separate pathological process. However, given the scientifically proven tendency of benign tumors to change their nature to malignant, this disease is subject to mandatory treatment.

The pathological process in question is most often detected in women over 30 years of age, but there are cases of the disease in men. The disease has a number of names: (which is translated from Latin as “pathology in the mammary gland”), fibromatosis, adenofibrosis, Reclus’ disease.

Attention! The appearance of breast fibroadenoma is not a death sentence, but a signal to reconsider your lifestyle and undergo appropriate treatment.

Reasons for the development of the pathological process

Medical observations come to the conclusion that the main reasons for the development of breast fibroadenoma, which is successfully treated today using various methods, are the same factors as for cancer.

The most important indicator is genetic predisposition: those women whose first-degree relatives suffered from this disease are at particular risk of the disease.

The second danger is called hormonal imbalance in the body. It is most often associated with age-related changes, for example, with the onset of menopause and, especially, with its late onset (when a woman is already over 50 years old). Failures often occur due to long-term use of contraceptive drugs made on the basis of hormones.

Dangerous factors that can provoke a pathological process include:

  • harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, radiation;
  • chronic liver diseases, diabetes, obesity;
  • inflammatory processes in the reproductive system (ovaries, appendages);
  • disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • accumulation of carcinogens in the body;
  • immunodeficiency in the body;
  • absence of childbirth and pregnancy;
  • first birth over the age of thirty (late);
  • too early onset of the first menstruation (at 10-11 years);
  • bruises, injuries;
  • frequent stress, negative emotions, mental instability.

How does the pathology proceed: forms, manifestations and symptoms

Neoplasms that appear in this pathology can be either single, separately formed, or multiple. Based on this criterion, the disease is divided into forms, and this also determines which method will be prescribed for the treatment of breast fibroadenoma.


There is a division according to structure: cystic, nodular, focal and fibrous fibroadenoma.

The main sign of fibroadenoma that requires treatment is pain in the mammary gland of varying intensity. It is also characterized by swelling (thickening, heaviness, swelling before menstruation).

The pathology is accompanied by irregular menstrual cycles, difficulty conceiving, and increased pain in the affected areas after stress. Discharge from the nipples, of different colors and consistency (bloody, purulent, serous), is somewhat less common.

Attention! Observations note that with this pathology, the condition of the skin, hair structure and nails worsens.

Diagnosis of pathology

Diagnostics for prescribing the correct course of treatment for breast fibroadenoma includes:

  • examination by a doctor (visual and palpation in a vertical position with raised arms and horizontal);
  • mammography;
  • Ultrasound of glands;
  • biopsy (tissue removal to determine malignancy);
  • ductography (study of ducts);
  • lab tests.

Additional tests that can be performed include: MRI, CT, thermography, and chest x-ray.

Therapy methods

Modern methods suggest treatment for breast fibroadenoma without surgery, based on a course of stabilization of hormonal levels and symptomatic therapy for tissue restoration. The prescription of drugs depends on the age and general condition of the patient, as well as on the form of spread of the pathology.

For example, if we are talking about the treatment of diffuse fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands, then the course consists of hormonal and homeopathic medications, supplemented by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antidepressants, antiprolactin drugs and progesterone drugs. Medications aimed at regulating the menstrual cycle must be prescribed.

If conservative methods of therapy do not give the expected result, surgical intervention may be used.

It represents a partial (sectoral) resection of the gland. The size of the removal area and the complexity of the operation depend on the type of pathology, size and neglect. Then, treatment is mandatory after removal of breast fibroadenoma, which includes: pain relief (analgesics, ketans), a course of vitamin preparations (to improve metabolic processes).

In addition to the main course of therapy, the causes of the development of a dangerous process are identified and measures are taken to eliminate them as much as possible.

Important! After therapy, you should review your lifestyle, eliminate smoking and alcohol, and minimize coffee consumption.

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