Is it possible to take a bath while coughing? Is it possible to take a bath with a runny nose and how to do it correctly. An aromatic bath is an effective remedy in the fight against colds.

What rules should be followed so that the procedure does not turn out to be useless, but brings tangible benefits?

As you know, baths have a beneficial effect on the body, especially if sea salt, herbs, essential oils and other medicinal ingredients are added to the water. The bath relieves fatigue, muscle pain, and also cleanses the skin pores of impurities. But is it possible to take a bath if you have a cold? Usually, during illness, we try to avoid water procedures until complete recovery, so as not to aggravate the cold or flu. Is this approach justified? Let's figure it all out in order.

Let's get rid of stereotypes!

Some doctors wonder: “Where did the myth come from that you can’t swim or take a bath during a cold?” Other experts have gone even further and argue that when you are sick, a bath is not only possible, but also necessary. True, there are a number of features here, which will be discussed further.

Sometimes colds last for weeks, and avoiding bathing in this case is simply unforgivable. Moreover, when you have a cold, a person usually sweats a lot (in particular, when taking diaphoretics). Sweat clogs the pores and prevents the skin from breathing normally. Therefore, bathing and bathing will benefit the patient. The only thing is that doctors do not recommend taking hot baths (they are not advisable for healthy people either), especially if you have a high temperature.

Follow the rules

As you already understand, doctors give the green light to take baths for colds. However, you need to understand that your body is fighting the disease, and therefore when taking baths you need to follow some rules so that the hygienic procedure does not cause harm.

Here are the rules to remember if you want to take a bath when you have a cold:

  • Do not combine a bath with alcohol. Many of us prefer to drink alcoholic drinks when we have a cold, such as mulled wine, grog and others. Firstly, let us immediately note that it is better to abandon the treatment of colds with alcohol in favor of proven folk remedies and pharmaceutical preparations for colds. Well, if you still decide to “skip” a glass of hot mulled wine, then under no circumstances do this in the bath, or immediately before taking a bath.
  • Don't bathe in hot water. This is especially important if you have a fever. Taking a hot bath can cause it to increase even more, which will aggravate the painful symptoms. The water temperature should be within degrees.
  • Limit the time you spend in the bathroom. This is primarily due to high humidity in the bathroom. Normally, indoor air humidity should be at the level of 40-65% (unfortunately, during the heating season it is much lower, which contributes to the development of colds). However, high humidity also negatively affects the patient’s condition. Due to high humidity in the throat and nasopharynx, mucus production increases, which can worsen a cough and runny nose. Therefore, limiting the time you spend in the bathroom and also keeping the door slightly open will help reduce humidity.
  • It is best to take a bath in the evening, and after it you need to go to bed, while putting warm socks on your feet. You can also drink a glass of warm milk with honey or herbal tea, such as chamomile, after your bath.

Medicinal herbs for baths

Social warmth is replaced by physical warmth, which is why in moments of loneliness a person tends to take a hot bath

Herbal baths for colds have a healing effect on the body. To do this, you need to add decoctions of medicinal herbs (mint, chamomile, sage, linden and others) to the bath. By taking such a bath, you are essentially performing inhalation, as you will inhale vapors of medicinal herbs, which will alleviate some of the symptoms of the disease.

Who are contraindicated for baths?

You should avoid taking baths if you have certain chronic diseases, such as hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, varicose veins, and poor circulation in the brain.

If you are allergic to certain medicinal herbs, then under no circumstances use them to prepare herbal baths.

Instructions for medications


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Should you take a hot bath if you have a cold?

Taking a hot bath for a cold is a procedure that causes a lot of controversy among doctors. Some strongly recommend using it for warming up, while others, on the contrary, ask the patient to refrain from water procedures during a progressive respiratory disease. A bath for colds, used in combination with other types of treatment, can have a powerful healing effect. First of all, the procedure has an antibacterial effect and reduces the activity of pathogens. The second important property is the removal from the body of substances that have a toxic effect.

There are many medicinal baths in which herbs, essential oils and minerals are added. A bath for colds can also be used to improve well-being if the patient does not have a severe fever. It is advisable that a hot bath for healing purposes be prescribed by a doctor. He should advise the patient about the time of admission and the means used in steam therapy.

Indications and contraindications for taking a bath for a cold

A bath for a cold, like any other medical procedure, has its own indications and contraindications. Main indications for the procedure:

A bath is contraindicated for colds if you have:

  • Pressure surges, severe hypotension or hypertension;
  • Severe diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Trophic and circulatory disorders;
  • Severe headache, regardless of whether it is associated with a cold;
  • Increased body temperature (38.5°C and above);
  • Phlebeurysm.

Recipes for taking medicinal baths

Ginger bath with garlic

At the first symptoms of a cold, a bath that has an emergency warming effect can save you. If the disease is diagnosed at an early stage, several such procedures can save the patient from the need to take antibiotics and other medications. To prepare it, you will need products that are available in almost every home, especially in winter:

Before filling the bath with hot water, you need to pour salt into it (about 2-3 heaped tablespoons). Grate the garlic and ginger in any convenient way until it becomes a paste. Pour a glass of boiling water over the ginger, cover with a dish and let it brew for minutes. Wrap the garlic in gauze and put it in the bath. After filling it with as hot water as possible, pour in the ginger infusion. If you have a cold, you should take this bath for minutes.

Mustard bath

The most relevant and easy to prepare. In addition, it has a visible healing effect for patients with damaged mucous membranes and respiratory tract diseases. Quickly eliminates rhinitis and cough, helps reduce sore throat, and normalizes body temperature. To prepare it, in 200 liters of water, you need to put pre-prepared mustard powder in a quantity wrapped in thick gauze or cloth. If you have a cold, take it within 10 minutes. Mustard vapors can cause tearing and burning in the mucous membranes. In this case, the bath can be covered with a sheet, avoiding the area where the patient's head is located.

Aromatic bath

For this procedure, a mixture of oils is used that are effective in combating colds and viruses. Among the essential oils that have this effect: eucalyptus, juniper, citrus, tea tree, thuja, cinnamon and sage oils. The oil mixture is prepared as follows. In 2 tablespoons of unrefined olive oil, add 6 drops of several types of selected essential oils, as well as 20 drops of cinnamon. The mixture should be mixed with coarse sea salt and poured into the bath when filling it with hot water. Reception time - no more than 20 minutes.

Herbal bath

To cure colds, various medicinal herbs are used. Like a bath using essential oils, phytotherapeutic has an additional inhalation effect, which has a beneficial effect on healing the respiratory tract and reducing unpleasant symptoms. You will need dried stems and flowers of the following plants:

Mix crushed dried plants; pour 10 tablespoons of dry herbal mixture with a liter of boiling water. You can additionally boil the infusion over low heat for 2-4 minutes. Let it sit under a thick cloth for a few minutes. If desired, you can add 2-3 drops of thuja or juniper essential oil to the herbal decoction. Strain and pour into a filled bath. Take minutes.

  • Take a bath in the evening, before bed or rest;
  • After taking a bath, you need to wash yourself with a warm shower and dry yourself thoroughly with a dry towel;
  • Be sure to dress warmly and wrap yourself in a blanket;
  • Drink tea with ginger and lemon, or milk with honey.

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Hot bath for colds - getting rid of stereotypes

General concepts about hot baths for colds

Bathrooms are classified according to temperature within the following framework:

  • Up to 20 degrees – cold.
  • 20 – 33 degrees – tonic.
  • 34 – 36 degrees – indifferent.
  • 37 – 39 degrees – warm.
  • 40 – 42 degrees – hot.
  • Antibacterial. Reduces the activity of microbes that contribute to the development of the disease.
  • Antioxidant. Removes toxins and waste from the body.
  • Biostimulating. Helps eliminate and prevent physical fatigue, the presence of which is typical for colds.
  • Antiviral. Helps destroy viruses in the body.
  • Increases immunity, saturating the body with a huge amount of vitamins and minerals.
  • Blood circulation through the circulatory system improves.

There are a large number of different baths that have a chemical effect on the body by adding medicinal herbs, essential oils, salt and minerals. But both the use of baths and the use of auxiliary drugs were prescribed by a doctor. Indeed, along with beneficial properties, there are contraindications and strict rules for taking water procedures during a cold.

  • The presence of severe hypotension or hypertension.
  • Pathology of the cardiovascular system.
  • Dysfunction of trophism and blood circulation in the body.
  • Body temperature exceeds 39 degrees.
  • With expansion of superficial veins.

Basic rules for taking a hot bath if you have ARVI

  • It is not recommended to swim immediately after eating or on an empty stomach.
  • The initial water temperature should not exceed degrees. If necessary, it is better to gradually add hot water to create the required temperature in the bathroom.
  • To enhance the effectiveness, it is recommended to rinse in the shower before taking a bath.
  • In order to give the water procedure auxiliary healing properties, it is worth adding essential oils or herbal infusions to the water.
  • The combination of a hot bath and alcohol is prohibited. If the patient has taken mulled wine or grog for medicinal purposes, hot water procedures are cancelled.
  • The optimal duration of the procedure is 7 – 15 minutes. This is due to the fact that if you have a cold, it is not recommended to stay for a long period of time in conditions of high humidity and over-steam.
  • The most suitable time for this type of hydrotherapy is in the evening before bed.
  • After taking a bath, you should rinse in the shower, dry yourself, put on pajamas with woolen socks, and go to bed under the covers.
  • A great way to finish your water treatments is to drink hot herbal tea with lemon or a glass of warm milk with honey.

Types of baths used in the treatment and prevention of colds

Alternative medicine identifies the following types of most effective baths:

  • Ginger with garlic. Possessing an emergency warming effect, it will allow you to get rid of a cold in the early stages of formation, without resorting to drug therapy, much less taking antibiotics.
  • Cooking technologies:
  • Take a hot bath (temperature degrees) and dissolve sea salt in water. Grind fresh ginger root, add 250 ml of boiled water, cover and leave for half an hour. After which the tincture should be filtered and poured into the most tolerable hot water in the bathroom. While the ginger is infusing, you need to chop 1 head of garlic, wrap it in a bandage and put it in water.
  • Mustard. It is as relevant and primitive as possible in the preparation process. Its advantage is that the therapeutic result in case of damaged mucous membranes and the presence of pathologies of the respiratory system is noticed instantly. This is based on the elimination of runny nose and cough, reduces pain in the throat and head, and helps normalize body temperature.
  • For 200 liters of hot water, take a gram of mustard powder, put in a thick fabric bag, and drop it directly into the bathtub.
  • The only inconvenience that taking such a bath can cause is the appearance of tearing and burning of the mucous membranes from the mustard fumes. To avoid discomfort, it is recommended to cover the bath sheet with room for your head.
  • Aromatic. This bath is based on the use of essential oils: cinnamon, eucalyptus, bergamot, juniper.
  • Preparation: 50 ml of unrefined olive oil, mixed with 6 drops of the selected oil (several types can be used). The oil mixture is poured into sea salt, which is dissolved in water.
  • Turpentine. Helps remove toxins from the body, cleanses lymphatic and blood capillaries, normalizes the functioning of all body systems.
  • Salicylic acid is mixed with ground baby soap with the addition of boiled water until a homogeneous emulsion is formed. After cooling, turpentine is added and everything is mixed.
  • When taking the first bath, 20 ml of emulsion is used. Next, 50 ml is added to each manipulation. The water in the bath should not exceed 37 degrees, and the duration of its use should not exceed 10 minutes. The course of treatment contains 12 baths.
  • User's blog - christina.sta

I’m not sure that the bathroom helps, for example it definitely doesn’t help me. On the contrary, after a bath it becomes cold and I freeze and often my throat immediately becomes blocked. But hot baths help, breathe twice and the cold never happened.

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Personally, when I'm sick, I love a hot bath. I feel good after it. I feel almost healthy for about an hour. Although I have a friend who takes a quick shower when she has a cold, because she believes that she shouldn’t take a bath.

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Taking a hot bath for a cold

According to many experts, taking a bath for a cold helps eliminate pathogenic agents inside the mucous membranes of the ENT organs. During the procedure, body temperature rises to 38 degrees. Artificially created low-grade fever imitates the natural increase in temperature that occurs during the development of inflammatory processes.

Hyperthermia activates the immune system, which is due to the intense production of interferon. Moreover, low-grade fever creates optimal conditions for reducing the number of bacteria and viruses inside the respiratory system.

In other words, bathing activates reserve forces in the body, due to which pathogenic flora is suppressed.

Indications for the use of water procedures

Taking baths is indicated exclusively in the initial stages of the development of a cold or flu. Direct indications for taking water procedures are the following symptoms of ARVI:

  • severe myalgia;
  • feeling overwhelmed;
  • severe rhinitis;
  • nonproductive cough;
  • sore throat;
  • headache.

The occurrence of the above symptoms in 85% of cases signals infection and the development of a cold. To prevent the onset of the acute phase of flu or colds, it is necessary to bathe in warm water.


Hot baths for colds can be used, but only if certain rules are followed:

  1. Do not swim in very hot water. If you have hyperthermia, it is strictly not recommended to use too hot water. This can provoke even greater disturbances in the body’s thermoregulation, which can lead to a deterioration in well-being. The water temperature should range from 34 to 37 degrees;
  2. limit your time in the water. The special microclimate in the bathroom, associated with high humidity, stimulates the production of mucus in the nasopharynx and bronchi. For this reason, it is not advisable to perform water procedures lasting more than a minute;
  3. do not combine a bath with alcohol. To eliminate the symptoms of ARVI, adherents of traditional medicine often use grotto, pepper tincture or mulled wine. However, it is impossible to combine hot baths with alcohol, since this helps to reduce the reactivity of the immune system;
  4. perform the procedure before going to bed. After swimming, experts advise wrapping yourself in a blanket to preserve the artificially created fever for some time. This will help weaken pathogenic flora, which is sensitive to high temperatures.

To achieve better results, you can add herbal infusions, essential oils and other beneficial ingredients to the water. They accelerate the process of cleaning tissues from toxins and metabolites of viral agents, which promotes recovery.

Herbal baths

Water procedures create an additional inhalation effect due to steam formation. For this reason, herbalists recommend adding decoctions of medicinal herbs to water. Inhaling medicinal steam helps reduce swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat, thereby eliminating sore throat and rhinitis. Some of the most effective anti-cold herbs include:

To prepare a medicinal decoction you should:

  1. 10 tbsp. l. herbs pour 1 liter of mineral water;
  2. boil over low heat for 2-3 minutes;
  3. let the broth brew for 40 minutes;
  4. strain the liquid and add to a bath filled with water.

Ginger-garlic bath

Emergency warming will help eliminate the first signs of a cold and prevent exacerbation of the disease. To create the desired effect, perform water procedures using ginger, sea salt and garlic. In the process of preparing a medicinal solution, you must:

  • grate the head of garlic and, wrapping it in gauze, place it on the bottom of the bath;
  • dissolve 4 tbsp in water. l. sea ​​salt;
  • two tbsp. l. crushed ginger root, pour 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes;
  • add the strained ginger infusion to the water.

Bathing daily for 15 minutes will help get rid of the symptoms characteristic of a cold and prevent complications.

Aromatic baths

Aroma baths are not the last place in the list of alternative methods of treating ARVI.

Essential oils used during the procedure have an antiviral effect by creating an inhalation effect in the bathroom.

An aromatic hot bath for colds helps:

  • liquefying mucus in the bronchi;
  • eliminating vascular spasms;
  • reducing swelling in the nasopharynx;
  • elimination of cough and rhinitis;
  • elimination of myalgia and headaches.

To relieve symptoms of flu and colds, it is recommended to use the following oils:

  • peppermint and lavender;
  • sage and eucalyptus;
  • tea tree and lemon;
  • birch and sandalwood;
  • juniper and myrrh.

The basic rules for taking aroma baths include:

  1. the essential oil must first be mixed with the base: cream, whey, kefir, etc.;
  2. to obtain the necessary therapeutic effect, add no more than 4-5 drops of essential oil to the bath (an excess of ether can cause a headache);
  3. in order to preserve the maximum amount of beneficial substances in the essential oil, the water in the bath should not exceed 37 degrees;
  4. It is not advisable to use shower gels, shampoos and other cosmetics during bathing.


Swimming during the development of flu or colds in some cases leads to a deterioration in well-being. For this reason, experts do not recommend resorting to water procedures when:

  • heart failure;
  • hypertension;
  • varicose veins;
  • hyperthermia (over 38 degrees);
  • abscesses in the ENT organs;
  • impaired blood circulation;
  • angina pectoris and aneurysm;
  • epilepsy and weeping dermatitis.

A hot bath is one of the safest ways to relieve the symptoms of a cold. If the procedure is carried out correctly, the development of the disease and complications can be prevented.

To increase the effectiveness of therapy during bathing, it is recommended to use essential oils, decoctions of medicinal herbs, ginger and other warming substances.

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A therapist with 20 years of experience, Sergei Aleksandrovich Ryzhikov, answers your questions.

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Is it possible to take a hot bath if you have a cold?

Take a hot bath in the evening, after which, putting on warm socks, go to bed. To enhance the effect, after taking water procedures, drink warm herbal tea (for example, chamomile) or milk with honey.

Garlic-ginger bath for colds

2-3 tbsp. with a heap of table salt;

The crushed ginger is poured into a glass of boiled water, after which the container is covered, the mixture is left to infuse for a minute, then it is filtered. Hot water is taken into the bath, ginger infusion and salt are added. Chopped garlic is placed in several layers of gauze and immersed in hot water. This bath should be taken for minutes.

An aromatic bath is an effective remedy in the fight against colds.

When treating colds, juniper, sage, eucalyptus and citrus essential oils, as well as thuja and tea tree aromatic oils, are especially effective. For 2 tbsp. olive oil, take 6 drops of 2-3 aromatic oils and 20 drops of cinnamon essential oil. The oil mixture is mixed with a small amount of sea salt and added to a bath of hot water. The recommended time for taking water procedures is minutes.

Treatment of colds with herbal bath

Like an aromatic bath, a herbal bath has a warming and inhalation effect. After this procedure, unpleasant symptoms decrease, which means recovery occurs faster. To prepare the bath, take the following components:

Crushed and dried leaves, stems and flowers of medicinal plants are mixed (in equal parts). Take 10 tbsp. herbal mixture, pour a liter of boiled water, after which the container with the composition is placed on low heat for 3-5 minutes. Then the broth is infused for half an hour, filtered and added to a bath of hot water. If desired, you can also add 3-4 drops of aromatic juniper or thuja oil to the bath. It is recommended to carry out the treatment procedure for minutes.

Is it possible to take a bath with a runny nose and how to do it correctly

Regardless of the reason for the runny nose - a cold or an allergy, the vessels of the mucous membrane dilate, and the membrane becomes inflamed. In this state, you want to lie in hot water, but is it possible to take a bath with a runny nose, won’t this aggravate the problem? Doctors are unanimous in their answers: it is possible if there is no elevated temperature and general contraindications for health reasons.

Important rules for taking a bath for rhinitis

To prevent a warm bath from doing any harm when you have a runny nose, follow five important rules:

  1. Do not draw too hot water, otherwise your body temperature may rise significantly. The optimal water temperature is from 34 to 37 degrees.
  2. When heading to the bathroom, take a thermometer and a watch with you - they will help you monitor your temperature and the time of the procedure.
  3. Do not prolong your stay in hot water. Spending a long time in conditions of high humidity will only increase the amount of mucus in the nose. To slightly reduce the humidity in the room, open the door slightly.
  4. The best time for treatment with water procedures is the evening, so you can immediately go to bed, drinking tea with herbs or warm milk with honey before bed.
  5. Remember - a bath, even without a runny nose, is incompatible with alcohol. So you should not take any strong drinks before or during the procedure.

Recipes with aromatic oils to quickly get rid of a runny nose

It is important to stop the disease in time so that it does not develop into something more serious. If you do not get rid of rhinitis at the very beginning, it will become chronic and lead to serious problems.

Pine bath with fir oil

When inhaling the aroma of fir oil, the vessels in the nose narrow, therefore, inflammation decreases. Add fir essential oil to the water when you decide to be treated with this method, breathing will immediately become easier. In doing so, follow a few rules:

  1. The norm for one procedure is 15 ml.
  2. Water temperature - 37 degrees. Maintain it throughout your stay in the bath.
  3. Duration of reception – no more than 20 minutes. The appearance of tingling in the groin area indicates that the treatment is working.
  4. After the procedure, put on something warm.

Eucalyptus essential oil in the fight against rhinitis

In places where there are eucalyptus groves, residents do not know what a runny nose is. All thanks to the phytoncides spread by these unique trees. Oil extracted from eucalyptus leaves contains more than forty components that help actively fight various ailments, including the runny nose.

A eucalyptus bath is especially beneficial for a child with a runny nose. It is difficult to treat young children with other methods - they do not tolerate inhalations and drops well. Prepare a fragrant bath for your baby:

  • take water;
  • add 6 to 8 drops of eucalyptus oil;
  • Place the baby in the bath for about five minutes;
  • Dry your baby's body well with a towel and cover him with a warm blanket.

Recipes and uses of herbal infusions

Decoctions of medicinal herbs are also very effective for a runny nose if you take a bath with them. To prepare a decoction, take about 0.6 kg of dry or fresh herbal raw materials, pour 2–3 liters of cold water over the herb, boil, strain and add to the water for the procedure.

Linden blossom for water treatments

Linden blossom is effective in combination with other herbs, such as wormwood and mint. Brew these components, taken in proportions 3:2:2, in boiling water, let it brew for 15 minutes and pour into the bath.

After the procedure, wrap yourself well in bed - you will fall asleep immediately due to the presence of mint, but you will sweat, since all components have diaphoretic properties. The next morning, the runny nose will most likely decrease noticeably. If one procedure is not enough, repeat the action the next day.

Chamomile bath for quick recovery

A chamomile bath with the addition of celandine has a beneficial effect on a runny nose. Take 6 large spoons of chamomile and 4 similar spoons of celandine. Fill with water, boil over low heat for 20 minutes, filter, pour into the bath. Sit in warm water for 15 minutes, it will reduce inflammation of the nasal mucosa, heal small wounds, and soothe.

You can also take a foot bath for a runny nose, for which use a third of the resulting solution. The procedure will prevent the appearance of mucus in the bronchi, and rhinitis will go away without any health consequences.

Contraindications: who should not take medicinal baths

You will have to refuse pleasant treatment if you have the following chronic diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • varicose veins;
  • allergies to certain aromatic oils and herbs;
  • circulatory disorders.

If a runny nose does not go away for several days, go to a therapist, let him determine what was the cause of the ailment and prescribe drug therapy.

Treatment of persistent runny nose

Good and informative information, for example, I didn’t even think that when you have a cold you can also take a bath. Now I know. In any case, an integrated approach works best: warm tea, gargling, and nasal rinsing. I take Morenasal Immuno, it is a wash based on calcined sea salt with peptides. And it not only improves immunity, but also fights flu and cold viruses. I won’t say that I stay in bed for a long time, and I don’t resort to antibiotics or other chemicals.

The bath is very good. I always take a bath if I'm sick. It's great for relaxation if you have some aromatic oils, good music and a barrier reef.

If there is no high temperature, then I safely take a bath. And morenasal spray with chamomile helps me recover from a cold faster. It perfectly clears a stuffy nose and relieves inflammation.

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People often ask why you can't wash yourself when you're sick. Let's figure out how water procedures affect our body, when you can and should wash yourself, and when you have to refuse to take a bath.

general information

There is an opinion that at the moment when the body is attacked by viruses, water procedures weaken the immune system. Is this true and why can’t you wash when you’re sick? There are some rules and contraindications for taking a bath during illness. Doctors recommend treating the procedure responsibly, then it will not only not cause harm, but will also improve your well-being.

The fact is that a warm bath usually has a beneficial effect on the body. Sea salt, various medicinal herbs and essential oils are added to such healing baths. Warm water can relieve fatigue and muscle pain. It cleanses pores and refreshes.

Then why can't you wash when you're sick? When dealing with colds and flu, many try to avoid water procedures until complete recovery, as they fear the condition will worsen. How justified is this? Let's sort things out in order.

Doctors' opinion

Many doctors are surprised when they hear this myth and cannot understand why you can’t wash yourself when you have a cold or flu. Moreover, modern experts say that washing during illness is simply necessary. However, water procedures have their own contraindications and recommendations, which we will discuss below.

A cold can last for weeks, and avoiding a bath in this case is simply unforgivable. The fact is that during illness a person sweats often and profusely and takes diaphoretics. Sweat can clog pores, which prevents your skin from breathing properly.

Therefore, taking a bath during illness is necessary, it is beneficial. However, doctors do not recommend taking baths. However, even healthy people are not advised to take too hot baths. If the patient feels sticky or dirty, you can take a shower. Bathing in hot water is prohibited only if the person has a high temperature.

Rules for taking water procedures during illness

As mentioned above, it is possible to take a shower or bath while sick. But do not forget that the body actively fights viruses and bacteria. But some patients still note a slight deterioration in their health after washing. To ensure that the hygiene procedure does not delay recovery, you need to follow some rules.

1. Under no circumstances should you take a bath if you have taken alcohol shortly before. People with colds often drink warm alcoholic drinks, such as grog or mulled wine. They really help you warm up and sweat, but alcohol is not the best solution when you are sick. Such “treatment” should be abandoned in favor of folk remedies and medicines from the pharmacy. The liver is heavily loaded during illness, and it does not need extra work. If you do decide to drink a glass of hot mulled wine, then do not drink it either before or during your bath.

2. Don’t forget that you can’t wash at high temperatures, especially in hot water. While taking a hot bath, the heat will increase even more, which will aggravate the disease. The water temperature during swimming should be between 34-37 degrees.

3. Many people are concerned about how long they should not wash during illness. However, people rarely think about the fact that the time for taking water procedures should be limited. This is due to high humidity in the bathroom. Normally, indoor humidity should be kept at 40-60%. Lower readings (and this often happens during the heating season) provoke the development of a cold.

High humidity also negatively affects the patient's condition. It increases the number of sore throats, which means that the patient’s cough and runny nose become worse. Therefore, the time spent in the bathroom should be limited. To reduce humidity, you can open the door slightly.

4. Take a bath during illness, preferably in the evening. After water procedures, you need to dry yourself thoroughly with a towel, put on warm pajamas, socks and go to bed. To prevent hypothermia, you can drink a hot drink, such as herbal tea with honey.

Baths with essential oils

A bath can have a healing effect on the body and fight colds. You can buy essential oils that have an antiviral effect. These are oils of bergamot, tea tree, manuka, Ravensara, eucalyptus, lavender. They boost immunity and help fight colds at an early stage.

Baths with medicinal herbs

A herbal bath with decoctions of chamomile, mint, sage, wormwood or birch leaves will help alleviate the patient’s condition. The steam emanating from the water will serve as inhalation. The steep broth is added to water at a temperature of 30 degrees. Gradually the temperature is raised to 37 degrees. Foot and steam baths bring relief.

Who are contraindicated for baths?

There are times when you should avoid taking a bath. You should not take it with oils or herbs that you are allergic to. An obstacle to taking baths is the presence of chronic diseases such as poor circulation in the brain, varicose veins, cardiovascular diseases, and hypertension. This procedure is prohibited if the patient has a high temperature or feels unwell.

Swimming with chickenpox

Some people find that taking a bath during chickenpox helps relieve the itching. At the same time, there is an opinion that if you have chickenpox, you should not wash. How much of this is true? Most people believe that you can wash yourself after chickenpox only when the last scabs have fallen off.

But you can hear a different opinion from doctors. Doctors are convinced that warm water relieves itching, which can be very painful for the patient. But just like with a cold, with chickenpox you can start washing only after the temperature subsides. You can take a bath or shower, at the patient's choice.

It is useful to add a decoction of string, chamomile or calendula to the water. They will disinfect the skin and promote rapid healing and drying of the crusts. But it is forbidden to use soap and a washcloth, since the skin is already irritated.

You don't need to take a bath for long, but you can do it several times a day. You can’t rub yourself with a towel, otherwise you can tear off the blisters. It is better to lightly blot the skin or let it dry naturally.

There is no need to beware of water procedures during colds, flu, and chickenpox. To prevent them from causing harm, you should follow some rules. A good bath will only ease the symptoms of the disease and promote a speedy recovery.

Taking a bath has a beneficial effect on the human body. Along with cleansing the skin, the bath perfectly relieves fatigue, muscle pain, cleanses pores, relaxes and soothes. Baths with the addition of a variety of essential oils, herbal infusions, sea salt and other medicinal ingredients are especially useful.

Is it possible to take a bath if you have a cold? Many people refuse to wash themselves during illness for fear of further complicating their condition. What effect do water thermal procedures have on a weakened body at the moment of its resistance to viruses?

Bath in the treatment of colds: are such procedures justified?

According to doctors, it is not only possible to bathe during respiratory diseases, but in the first days of illness, a bath for a cold is a real salvation for a person. Immersed in moderately hot water, it warms up perfectly and evenly, which helps speed up recovery.

Regardless of what factor causes a cold and how long a person has been sick, no one has yet canceled the rules of personal hygiene. During treatment, the patient sweats heavily and often, so why should he remain unwashed for a week or longer? Therefore, the answer to the question “is it possible to wash when you have a cold” is clear - it is possible and necessary.

But before you take water procedures, you should know whether they are allowed in your case. For example, at high temperatures, it would be more advisable to take a short hygienic shower instead of a bath. In any case, you must be guided by the state of your body, and to exclude possible complications, you should consult with your doctor.

Indications for taking a bath during a cold

Do you doubt whether you can take a hot bath if you have a cold? During respiratory diseases, taking baths is recommended not only to maintain good hygiene, but also to relieve a number of cold symptoms.

Indications for bathing in a bath for people with a cold are as follows:

  • body aches. In patients with ARVI, this symptom is quite common. A warm, but not too hot bath for a cold significantly reduces pain in the joints and muscles, eliminates aching back pain and improves the general condition of the patient;
  • labored breathing. In conditions of high humidity and under the influence of warm steam, a runny nose goes away much faster, breathing becomes noticeably easier, and a dry cough turns into a wet, more productive cough. The positive result of the water procedure will be significantly enhanced by the addition of medicinal herbs or essential oils to the water, but this is only relevant for people who are not prone to allergic reactions;
  • poisoning by toxins. Toxins released by bacteria and pathogens poison the human body. With excessive sweating, the pores become clogged, which significantly slows down the natural process of removing accumulated toxins. Therefore, cleansing the pores during illness is very important and to the question “is it possible to wash when you have a cold” the answer is clear - water procedures are useful for a speedy recovery;
  • depression. Many people, especially those accustomed to constant movement, must stay at home during treatment, and therefore experience sadness and melancholy, and feel increased fatigue. Warm baths significantly improve your psycho-emotional state and improve your mood, which is very important for quickly overcoming the disease.

You should not adhere to outdated beliefs and doubt whether you can swim when you have the flu. Bath procedures for respiratory diseases do not pose any danger if they are performed correctly, while following medical recommendations.

What should a patient with ARVI remember when taking a bath?

To the question “is it possible to take a bath without a fever if you have a cold,” the doctors’ answer is positive. But we must not forget that the body is fighting the disease that affects it. There are certain rules that must be followed when taking a bath for people with a cold:

  • You cannot combine a bath with alcohol. Some people prefer alcoholic drinks to warm them up when they have a cold. But, if you have a cold, it is better to give up alcohol altogether, and even if you drank a glass of mulled wine, you cannot take a bath after that;
  • at elevated body temperatures (39-40°C), the question of whether it is possible to wash with the flu will be superfluous. You should especially beware of hot water, as it can intensify the symptoms of the disease. Even if you decide to take a short shower, the water should not be hotter than 34-37°C;
  • Staying in the bathroom during illness should be limited. When you spend a long time in a room with high humidity, mucus production in the nasopharynx and throat increases, which can cause an exacerbation of a runny nose and cough. If there is no need to doubt whether it is possible to take a bath during a cold, then you should not delay this process for too long. The door to the room should be slightly open, which helps reduce humidity;
  • Having made sure whether you can wash yourself if you have a cold or flu, you should also take into account that it is better to take water procedures before going to bed at night, so that you can immediately go to bed and wrap yourself in a blanket. It is advisable to put socks on your feet and drink a glass of herbal tea or warm milk with honey.

If you adhere to the established rules, then why can’t you wash if you have a cold? It is possible and even necessary. Just remember the following: you need to monitor the temperature of the water and, accordingly, the temperature of your body, and do not use very hot water, since even completely healthy people it is not always useful.

When should you not take a bath if you have the flu?

Along with the fact that taking a bath is considered a very useful procedure, there are also certain restrictions that must be taken into account when deciding whether it is possible to take a bath with the flu:

  • Body temperature. Hot baths should be avoided in cases where the temperature is too high, and in general, to maintain personal hygiene in such situations, a short shower will be sufficient;
  • People with chronic vascular and heart diseases, as well as those with high blood pressure, should avoid taking a bath, especially a hot one, for respiratory diseases;
  • For those suffering from migraines, a hot bath will only worsen cold symptoms and provoke headache attacks. But is it possible to take a shower when you have a cold? People with frequent headaches should know that this is the safest way to maintain personal hygiene during treatment for ARVI;
  • allergy. Baths with the addition of medicinal herbs or aromatic oils are considered the most useful for colds. Such procedures are contraindicated for people prone to allergic reactions.

The most correct option to eliminate doubts about whether you can wash yourself with a cold without temperature in a hot bath is to consult with your doctor. If the doctor approves these procedures, then there is no reason to worry, but when you are advised to refrain from washing for a couple of days, then it is better not to risk it again and wait until your health improves.

Is it possible to take a shower if you have a cold?

A large number of people confidently claim that it is better to abstain from water procedures during respiratory diseases. But really, is it possible to take a shower when you have the flu or is it not worth it? What do medical professionals say about this?

It is no secret that with the flu, the patient uses diaphoretics and, if necessary, antipyretics, which increases sweating. The sweat produced clogs the pores, making it difficult to remove toxins and viral waste products from the body. This suggests that washing your body when you have a cold is mandatory.

Therefore, the question “is it possible to wash during a cold” should not arise. You just need to do this in such a way that the procedure is as useful and safe as possible:

  • The water should be warm; the optimal temperature is considered to be in the range of 35-37°C. Do not forget that hot water will only increase the fever and complicate the patient’s condition;
  • even a short shower can lower the temperature and alleviate a feverish state, if you do not abuse water procedures and immediately after taking them, put on warm socks, go to bed and cover yourself with a warm blanket;
  • Is it possible to wash your hair if you have a cold while taking a shower? Doctors advise putting a special shower cap on your head before entering the shower. The fact is that hair takes a long time to dry, especially long hair, and this can cause hypothermia in the body. If cleansing the body is necessary, then you can refuse to wash your hair for a few days in favor of your own health.

If, nevertheless, the patient, while taking a shower or bath, without taking into account whether it is possible to wash your hair with the flu, decides to wash your hair, then as soon as possible you need to dry it with a hairdryer or wrap it tightly with a bath towel.

The use of baths for patients with colds: therapeutic effect

Colds belong to the category of viral diseases, accompanied by a variety of symptoms. Provoking factors for the development of respiratory diseases are low immunity, hypothermia and progressive pathogenic viruses. Is it possible to swim if you have a cold and how safe is it? You can wash yourself when you have the flu, and standard water procedures can be made more effective if you use medicinal baths.

Therapeutic effects of baths on the body of a cold patient

Therapeutic effect Bath compositions Impact on the body
Antibacterial Tea tree oil (7 drops), sea salt (5 tbsp.) Inhibits the vital activity of microbes that provoke the progression of the disease
Emergency warming Pour 50-100 g of ginger into a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour; squeeze out a couple of cloves of garlic, wrap in gauze and put in a bath of water If you take such a bath at night when the first symptoms of a cold appear, you can wake up completely healthy in the morning.
Antioxidant Cinnamon oil (15 drops), orange, sage and tea tree oil (7 drops each), olive oil (2 tbsp.) Increases skin tone, cleanses pores, helps remove waste and toxins from the body

5 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt, tea tree and sage oils (7 drops each), olive oil (2 tablespoons) Has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microbes, facilitates breathing, increases resistance to viruses
Relaxing 5 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt, 5 drops each of marjoram and lavender oil Reduces headaches, relieves body aches, calms and relaxes

These are the most common and fairly simple medicinal formulations. In fact, there are a huge number of recipes. Why not use them to speed up recovery, when you can wash after the flu and during the course of the disease? Aromatic oils added to the bath can significantly alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

Important! Regular use of medicinal baths promotes rapid recovery from respiratory diseases, and also strengthens the body's immunity and its resistance to damage by viruses.


Margarita Demina

The first thing to remember.... treatment is effective if it is applied at the first sign of infection.... a moderately hot bath with a few drops of antiviral essential oil will usually cause profuse sweating, followed by deep, restful sleep... Therefore, I would like to remind you that after a bath you should immediately go to bed. Often this is enough to stop the development of the disease, but nevertheless it is worth taking baths for another two to three days! It is better to use Ravensara and tea tree oils... but if you do not have these oils, you can use lavender and eucalyptus oils (3 drops of each per bath). By the way, for a cold, a very effective recipe is baths with MUSTARD (as strange as it sounds... you can steam not only your feet). Pour a glass of dry mustard into a linen bag and place it in a bath with a water temperature of 36 degrees. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. And one more thing... brew 4 tablespoons of chamomile in 0.5 liters of water and drink at one time. The next day, in addition to procedures with essential oils, you need to take 1-3 drops of eucalyptus or fir essential oils with honey orally and drink lemon juice three to four times a day. Look like that's it. Good health to you!

Olya With an idiot argue...

possible and necessary

Alexander Shchukin

In no case.


not advisable.

Evgenia Kolesnikova


No, under no circumstances, only rubbing. Because of my work, I have to wash myself, and then the cough doesn’t go away for half a year.


I think it’s not possible - a hot bath will increase blood circulation, and this will contribute to the rapid spread of infection throughout the body. It is better to rinse your nose with salt water and gargle with Lugol's solution, and as a last resort take antibiotics :-)


If there is no temperature, there will be no harm.
Personally, I accept. only then I quickly dry myself off, dry myself, and dive into a warm bed so as not to catch an even worse cold.


No hot bath, no hot tea. Aspirin (first dose 1 gram, then according to the 1st table) with warm milk and gargle with warm water and baking soda. Don't go out into the street.

Al Pankoff

cold heals, heat cripples, heat is contraindicated for inflammatory conditions


No temperature? So it’s possible, but only in a warm place.


no, but you can go to the bathhouse!

Why can't you wash if you have a cold?



Washing during flu and other colds forces the body to warm up, causing a person’s temperature to rise. And at the same time, the virus spreads better. You can wash when you have a cold, you can’t take a steam bath, you can’t overcool after washing, i.e. the room should be at normal temperature, immediately dry off and get dressed.

Happy mommy

Because in the process of washing, the body takes on the temperature of the water in which you are, the body warms up, the blood begins to actively circulate, spreading the infection and aggravating the disease. And since at high temperatures you often feel cold and want to warm up, it’s better not to do this, because you will be even hotter than you were...


due to the possibility of hypothermia and worsening the disease

Maria Shenderovich

No, this is not a myth... You steam... and the process of catching a cold follows a chain reaction... I don’t recommend washing when you have a cold...


Simple prevention - frequent ventilation of the apartment, consumption of multivitamins, bee products (honey, propolis, beebread, pollen), garlic, onions, lemons for food, taking dietary supplements, frequent walks in the fresh air, general hardening - and you and your family will be safe protection, believe me - it has been tested on your family and all your relatives and friends.
It is possible, if you are careful, but it is not advisable....


You can and should wash yourself, following some rules. You need to wash quickly and the temperature of the water should be no more than 35-37`. because high humidity in the bathroom will worsen a runny nose and cough if you hang there for a long time; the water should not be hot, especially if the body temperature is elevated, because steaming will further increase the body temperature - two. with a high temperature, it is generally better to wash yourself with cool water and rub yourself well, the body will begin to give off heat intensively and the temperature will drop. After a bath/shower, dry yourself well and go straight to bed to avoid hypothermia. You need to wash yourself because at least to clean the pores of the skin, through which a lot of poop comes out, since the skin is another excretory organ of our body. do not use any deodorants, so as not to block sweating. but it’s better not to wash your hair if possible. tested many times, no matter how quickly I dried it with a hairdryer, there was always a deterioration and the disease almost began anew.

Bath for a cold - is it possible to take it?

It is useful if the procedure is carried out correctly. One of the most effective methods of treating the disease is a bath. How to take proper water procedures, read further in the article.

Can it also be taken as a bath for a cold?

Today you can buy essential oils that have a strong antiviral and anti-cold effect during a bath. Oils are intended for these purposes: Yandex.Direct

  • revensara,
  • bergamot,
  • manuka,
  • tea tree, etc.

They help increase immunity to viral diseases. Recipes for baths to take during a cold are presented below.

1. When a cold is in its early stages, it is recommended to take baths with tea tree essential oil.

2. Don’t forget about steam baths with inhalations; they are a very effective remedy for colds. Their operating principle is as follows: heated steam helps release congested mucous membranes and kills bacteria. In this situation, steam is very destructive for viruses. The oils used in this procedure further enhance the healing effects of steam.

3. Baths that use lavender oil are recommended to be used before bed. They help calm the nervous system and also help you fall asleep.

4. If you add marjoram oil to lavender oil, this will only enhance the healing effect. It is widely known that colds are characterized by headaches and fever. A bath with marjoram for colds soothes headaches and helps reduce fever. And lavender oil is a very effective cough remedy.

5. When you have a cold, it is also great to take baths with naioli and eucalyptus oils.

How to take a herbal bath for a cold?

  • valerian herb,
  • mint,
  • wormwood,
  • sage,
  • yarrow,
  • oak leaves,
  • birch,
  • pine shoots and pine needles,
  • chamomile flowers.

When treating illness with herbal baths, one or two components are quite suitable, but a decoction consisting of 4 to 5 herbs shows more effective results. Method for preparing a medicinal bath: pour 300-400 grams of herbs and plants with ten liters of boiling water. After this, the drug is infused for about one hour, then it must be filtered and poured into the bath.

After taking a bath, you need to dress warmly and exclude the possibility of drafts. It is advisable to go to bed and get a good sleep. Water procedures are very beneficial for humans. Water helps to get rid of dirt not only material, but also energetic. A bath for colds helps reduce stress and greatly improves your mood. Sometimes, if you are in a bad mood, it is enough to go wash your face and everything will fall into place, and taking a bath will even help improve your health.

People often ask why you can't wash yourself when you're sick. Let's figure out how water procedures affect our body, when you can and should wash yourself, and when you have to refuse to take a bath.

general information

There is an opinion that at the moment when the body is attacked by viruses, water procedures weaken the immune system. Is this true and why can’t you wash when you’re sick? There are some rules and contraindications for taking a bath during illness. Doctors recommend treating the procedure responsibly, then it will not only not cause harm, but will also improve your well-being.

The fact is that a warm bath usually has a beneficial effect on the body. Sea salt, various medicinal herbs and essential oils are added to such healing baths. Warm water can relieve fatigue and muscle pain. It cleanses pores and refreshes.

Then why can't you wash when you're sick? When dealing with colds and flu, many try to avoid water procedures until complete recovery, as they fear the condition will worsen. How justified is this? Let's sort things out in order.

Doctors' opinion

Many doctors are surprised when they hear this myth and cannot understand why you can’t wash yourself when you have a cold or flu. Moreover, modern experts say that washing during illness is simply necessary. However, water procedures have their own contraindications and recommendations, which we will discuss below.

A cold can last for weeks, and avoiding a bath in this case is simply unforgivable. The fact is that during illness a person sweats often and profusely and takes diaphoretics. Sweat can clog pores, which prevents your skin from breathing properly.

Therefore, taking a bath during illness is necessary, it is beneficial. However, doctors do not recommend washing in hot water. However, it is not recommended to take too hot baths even for healthy people. If the patient feels sticky or dirty, you can take a shower. Bathing in hot water is prohibited only if the person has a high temperature.

Rules for taking water procedures during illness

As mentioned above, it is possible to take a shower or bath while sick. But do not forget that the body actively fights viruses and bacteria. But some patients still note a slight deterioration in their health after washing. To ensure that the hygiene procedure does not delay recovery, you need to follow some rules.

1. Under no circumstances should you take a bath if you have taken alcohol shortly before. People with colds often drink warm alcoholic drinks, such as grog or mulled wine. They really help you warm up and sweat, but alcohol is not the best solution when you are sick. Such “treatment” should be abandoned in favor of folk remedies and medicines from the pharmacy. The liver is heavily loaded during illness, and it does not need extra work. If you do decide to drink a glass of hot mulled wine, then do not drink it either before or during your bath.

2. Don’t forget that you can’t wash at high temperatures, especially in hot water. While taking a hot bath, the heat will increase even more, which will aggravate the disease. The water temperature during swimming should be between 34-37 degrees.

3. Many people are concerned about how long they should not wash during illness. However, people rarely think about the fact that the time for taking water procedures should be limited. This is due to high humidity in the bathroom. Normally, indoor humidity should be kept at 40-60%. Lower readings (and this often happens during the heating season) provoke the development of a cold.

High humidity also negatively affects the patient's condition. It helps to increase the amount of mucus in the nasopharynx and throat, which means that cough and runny nose worsen and cause inconvenience to the patient. Therefore, the time spent in the bathroom should be limited. To reduce humidity, you can open the door slightly.

4. Take a bath during illness, preferably in the evening. After water procedures, you need to dry yourself thoroughly with a towel, put on warm pajamas, socks and go to bed. To prevent hypothermia, you can drink a hot drink, such as herbal tea with honey.

Baths with essential oils

A bath can have a healing effect on the body and fight colds. You can buy essential oils that have an antiviral effect. These are oils of bergamot, tea tree, manuka, Ravensara, eucalyptus, lavender. They boost immunity and help fight colds at an early stage.

Baths with medicinal herbs

A herbal bath with decoctions of chamomile, mint, sage, wormwood or birch leaves will help alleviate the patient’s condition. The steam emanating from the water will serve as inhalation. The steep broth is added to water at a temperature of 30 degrees. Gradually the temperature is raised to 37 degrees. Foot and steam baths bring relief.

Who are contraindicated for baths?

There are times when you should avoid taking a bath. You should not take it with oils or herbs that you are allergic to. An obstacle to taking baths is the presence of chronic diseases such as poor circulation in the brain, varicose veins, cardiovascular diseases, and hypertension. This procedure is prohibited if the patient has a high temperature or feels unwell.

Swimming with chickenpox

Some people find that taking a bath during chickenpox helps relieve the itching. At the same time, there is an opinion that if you have chickenpox, you should not wash. How much of this is true? Most people believe that you can wash yourself after chickenpox only when the last scabs have fallen off.

But you can hear a different opinion from doctors. Doctors are convinced that warm water relieves itching, which can be very painful for the patient. But just like with a cold, with chickenpox you can start washing only after the temperature subsides. You can take a bath or shower, at the patient's choice.

It is useful to add a decoction of string, chamomile or calendula to the water. They will disinfect the skin and promote rapid healing and drying of the crusts. But it is forbidden to use soap and a washcloth, since the skin is already irritated.

You don't need to take a bath for long, but you can do it several times a day. You can’t rub yourself with a towel, otherwise you can tear off the blisters. It is better to lightly blot the skin or let it dry naturally.

There is no need to beware of water procedures during colds, flu, and chickenpox. To prevent them from causing harm, you should follow some rules. A good bath will only ease the symptoms of the disease and promote a speedy recovery.

Is it possible to take a bath with a cold if there is no fever?


magic fairy

better shower

I am the ONE who comes to HELP.

It's not worth the risk.

mrs dina


Probably possible, if you don’t go outside afterwards


It is advised not to take water treatments if you have a cold.

Irina Yakubovskaya

maybe, but better yet a bath


It’s not worth it, otherwise I’ll come at night!


I authorize

Sanya Karpov


It is necessary, after the bath there will be improvement


Can. I don’t know if you have it, but in Germany they sell medicinal baths for colds - a concentrate of herbs that are added to the bath. Tested it myself - it helps very well. If you don’t find it, you can simply add eucalyptus - oil or decoction.

Many people have heard that baths are very beneficial for our body. If you add medicinal herbs, sea salt, natural essential oils and other ingredients to the water, you can get rid of not only many diseases, but also stress and negative emotions. In this regard, the question arises: is it possible to take a bath if you have a cold? Let's figure it out.

Many people during illness try to minimize water procedures so as not to make things worse. But this approach is not always justified. Even doctors sometimes prescribe hot baths for myalgia, cough, runny nose and other unpleasant symptoms that accompany acute respiratory infections. In order for the procedure to bring only benefits, we will consider the basic rules for its implementation and existing restrictions.

How to take a bath during colds

Speaking about whether it is possible to take a hot bath if you have a cold, it is worth noting that such procedures will be beneficial if you follow some recommendations:

  • Don't take too hot a bath. The optimal water temperature is up to 37 degrees;
  • Since the humidity level in the bathroom is high, water procedures should not be carried out for more than ten to fifteen minutes. Remember that increased humidity in the nasopharynx produces more mucus, which can worsen the symptoms of your illness. It is better to leave the bathroom door ajar while bathing.;
  • refrain from water procedures if you have consumed alcohol. It is known that some alcoholic drinks, such as grog or mulled wine, help cope with the symptoms of colds, but such drugs cannot be combined with taking a hot bath;
  • It is better to take a bath before bed, after which it is advisable to immediately go to bed, drinking hot tea with lemon and honey.

So, answering the question whether it is possible to take a bath during a cold, we say: “yes, you can.” Water procedures can be not only an effective therapeutic, but also a preventive remedy. For maximum effect, you can add decoctions of medicinal herbs and other ingredients to the water. Such procedures will help you quickly get rid of the symptoms of acute respiratory infections, strengthen the immune system, and relieve fatigue.

When not to take a bath

Taking a bath during colds is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • high body temperature (above 38 degrees);
  • high blood pressure, hypertension;
  • intense headaches of any etiology, including those not associated with a cold;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • varicose veins;
  • some chronic diseases of the body.

What to take a bath with when you have a cold

To increase the effectiveness of the bath in the fight against colds, you can add decoctions or infusions of medicinal herbs to the water. Herbal baths have a beneficial effect on our body; perhaps in the morning you won’t even remember about the cold. Decoctions of chamomile, linden, mint, sage, and eucalyptus are best suited for these purposes. By taking a herbal bath, you combine two beneficial procedures at once: the bath itself with healing water and inhalation.

Another effective method of fighting colds is adding essential oils to your bath. We recommend paying attention to natural essential oils of tea tree, sage, juniper, eucalyptus, and citrus. You can also prepare a healing mixture for a bath: take two tablespoons of olive oil, add a few drops of any of the essential oils listed above, as well as twenty drops of cinnamon oil. Add the mixture to the water along with sea salt and take a bath for a quarter of an hour.

If you are allergic to any of the ingredients, you should avoid using it. Plain water at a comfortable temperature will also be useful for colds, so there is no need to take risks.

How to Avoid Colds

We have already noted that a bath is a good preventive measure that will help you strengthen your immune system and increase your body's resistance to colds. In addition, Forcis, a natural preparation based on cistus sage, will come to the aid of your immune system.

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