Red gooseberry juice recipe. How to prepare delicious fruit juice. The best recipes. Recipe - “cranberry juice”

Morse is a wonderful, healthy, refreshing, non-carbonated drink, associated with original Russian traditions. Historical references to fruit drinks stretch back to pre-Petrine times, before the introduction of “Domostroy” in Rus'.

In the summer heat you are constantly thirsty. How and with what to quench your thirst? This question torments many in the summer heat. We can recommend tea, but you need to brew it and then wait until the tea cools down. We will not offer sparkling water, much less sweet water. There is no benefit in such a drink, if not to say more precisely, there is more harm from modern drinks. And you won’t quench your thirst with such drinks. And you want not only to quench your thirst, but also to enjoy the taste of the drink and benefit your health. There is such a drink. You probably already guessed what we'll be talking about? Of course, this is fruit juice, especially not bought in a store, but made in your own kitchen from familiar and proven products. Let's consider not only the beneficial qualities of fruit juice, but also several simple recipes for very tasty fruit juice that perfectly quenches thirst.

Story. How old is Morse?

The name of this wonderful drink is MORS, everyone has heard and knows it. And the question: “Where did this word come from, what is the origin of the name fruit drink”? This will baffle most people. It is believed that fruit drink as a drink was known to people back in the last millennium. Philologists claim that the word “mors” comes from the Romanian “murs”. Romanians prepared the drink by adding berry syrups and honey to water. Over time, the pronunciation changed, “u” was replaced with “o” and the name “mors” appeared. The recipe for fruit drinks has passed through the centuries, acquiring new ingredients in its composition. Despite its venerable age, fruit juice has always been popular for its taste, beneficial properties and ease of preparation. In the old days, fruit juice was considered a medicinal drink.

In Russia, as in the former USSR, the most famous and popular recipes for fruit drinks made from garden and wild berries. Berry juice is rich in mineral salts and organic acids and pectin. Pectin helps normal intestinal function and removes harmful substances and toxins from the body. Fruit drink contains vitamins A, B1, B2, C and PP, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium and phosphorus. All these components are necessary for the human body, especially in the heat. When enduring the summer heat, a person loses a lot of fluid, and with it substances necessary for life, the balance of which must be restored. In addition, fruit drinks are necessary for diets and fasting days, which are so fashionable nowadays.

Real fruit juice is not just a refreshing drink, but also a storehouse of substances beneficial to the body! From time immemorial, our ancestors enjoyed good health. And this is not a surprising fact, because people drank fruit drinks in large quantities. This is confirmed not only by chronicles, but also by a mention in Domostroy of a 16th-century edition: “About berry juice. It is possible to prepare fruit juice from any berries. To do this, you need to put the available berries in a cauldron, so that they penetrate, but do not burn them to the cauldron, and cook the berries in a cauldron with water for a long time, until the berries are boiled. And leave them overnight so that the juice settles cleanly from the grounds. Then drain the finished cooled berry juice from the grounds and pour into clean pots and jars that have not seen yeast.”

Fruit drinks can be prepared from any berries. Fruit drinks made from forest and wild berries, cranberries, lingonberries, and blueberries are considered especially useful. The mention of fruit juice was reflected in the novel “Eugene Onegin” by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin:

Let's go. —

Others galloped

Appeared; they are lavished

Sometimes difficult services

Hospitable old times.

Ritual of famous treats:

They carry jam on saucers,

They put a waxed one on the table

Jug with lingonberry water.

By the way: Larina is simple,

But a very sweet old lady;

Afraid: lingonberry water

It wouldn't harm me.

Such lingonberry and other waters were stored in cold cellars for quite a long time, several months.

In our time, the age of technology and a variety of food additives, natural and identical to natural ones, fermented, clarified juices, concentrates or dry bases for juices are used to prepare fruit drinks, adding water, sugar, acids and aromatic substances.

Mors is also used to prepare low-alcohol cocktails.

The benefits of natural fruit juice

In Russian feasts, fruit juice always took an honorable part as a drink. Typically, fruit juice was made from forest berries, which are healthy and popular even today - lingonberries, blueberries, cranberries. Pre-harvested berries were sorted, discarding unripe or spoiled ones. Wash thoroughly in running water and then wring out. The berry cake was simmered in ovens and then added to the squeezed juice. The stewed cake added sweetness to the taste and aroma. The finished fruit drink was poured into dishes and put away to be stored and infused in a cold cellar.

We will try to be adherents of old Russian traditions for preparing real homemade fruit juice.

According to the preparation technology, fruit juice is considered one of the simplest drinks. The most useful fruit drinks are those made from forest berries - raspberries, blueberries, wild strawberries, cranberries, lingonberries and blueberries. You can prepare fruit juice from garden berries - cherries, strawberries, any currants, sea buckthorn, and so on. The fruit drink of their garden berries is no less healthy and tasty. Despite the initial mention only of berry fruit drinks, the drink is also prepared from fruits or with the addition of them - apples, pears, citrus fruits. In winter, frozen berries and fruits, jam, or berries and fruits ground with sugar can be used to prepare fruit juice.

The most famous and used by modern housewives recipe for making fruit juice from any berries and fruits is this: wash the berries and fruits thoroughly, if there are seeds, remove them. Place the prepared berries and fruits in a saucepan and grind them or mash them thoroughly with a masher. Pour boiled warm or cool water into the resulting pulp. Stir. Place on the fire and, stirring, bring to a boil. No need to boil. As soon as the liquid has fully boiled, remove from the stove. Add sugar or honey to taste. Cool. Strain the cooled fruit drink into a jug. Squeeze the remaining cake into the already strained fruit drink. That's the whole recipe. You can serve fruit drink to the table by garnishing the glass with a slice of lemon.

If you want to quickly quench your thirst, simply mix the juice with boiled water and add sugar if necessary. Remember, fruit juice must be prepared and stored in containers that do not oxidize. To prepare the berry mass, you can use modern technology, grind the berries and fruits in a blender. The prepared mixture can only be diluted with boiled water, otherwise foam will appear when boiling.

The leaders among fruit drinks are cranberry juice and lingonberry juice. These are fruit drinks that contain the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients. Fruit drinks of these berries are great for treating vitamin deficiency, colds, sore throat and hypertension.

Fruit drink recipes

Recipe - “cranberry juice”


cranberries - 500 grams;

water - 400-500 ml;

sugar - 100 grams.


Sort the cranberries, remove crumpled and unripe berries, as well as any fallen leaves and sticks. Rinse in cold water. Dry the washed berries on a towel. When the berries are dry, place them in an enamel bowl and mash with a wooden spoon. Add boiled water and stir. Strain the resulting liquid through cheesecloth or a strainer. Squeeze the remaining pulp into the same container in which you will store the fruit drink. If you do not plan to drink all the prepared cranberry juice at once, then pour it into bottles, seal tightly and store in the refrigerator. Add sugar before use, otherwise the fruit drink will turn sour during long-term storage. It is better to drink cranberry juice cold.

Recipe - “lingonberry juice”


lingonberries - 1 cup;

water - 1 liter;

sugar - ½ cup.


As in the previous recipe, sort and wash the lingonberries. Mash the berries and squeeze out the juice. Pour the resulting juice into a glass or enamel container and put it in the refrigerator. Pour hot boiled water over the pulp that remains after squeezing and put on fire. Bring to a boil. Cool and strain the resulting broth. Mix with juice. Sugar can be added immediately. Your fruit drink is ready. Pour it into bottles, close tightly and store refrigerated.

Recipe - “cherry-raspberry juice”


cherry berries - 1 cup;

raspberries - 1 cup;

lemon juice - 1 lemon;

water - 2 liters.


Wash the cherries and raspberries separately and dry them. Remove pits from cherries. Mix the berries in an enamel bowl and cover them with sugar. Place the saucepan with berries in the refrigerator for a day. The next day, squeeze the juice from the berries into the resulting syrup. Pour water into the remaining mixture after squeezing and bring to a boil. Cool the resulting broth and strain. Mix the broth with juice and add lemon juice. Stir the resulting cherry-raspberry juice. Cool it in the refrigerator. Morse is ready.

Recipe - “cherry fruit drink”


cherry berries - 2 cups;

water - 2 liters;

sugar - 1 glass.


In the same way as indicated above, wash, dry the berries and remove the seeds. Mash the cherries and strain the juice. Pour hot water over the remaining berry juice and boil for 10 minutes. Cool the broth and strain. Add sugar and bring to a boil again. Let the resulting broth cool, and then add the previously obtained juice to it and stir.

Pour the resulting fruit drink into bottles and consume cold.

Recipe - “raspberry juice”


raspberries - 2 cups;

zest - 1 lemon;

mint - 50 g of fresh mint leaves;

sugar - ½ cup;

water - 1 liter.


Raspberries are a very delicate berry and require special treatment. Place the raspberries in cold water and keep it in the water for about 30 minutes. Dust and dirt will sink to the bottom, and worms and leaves will float to the surface. Then rinse the raspberries several times under cold running water. And dry on a towel. Rub the prepared raspberries through a sieve, strain the resulting juice, and store in a cool place. Pour water over the remaining mixture after straining, add lemon zest and mint. Place over low heat, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 7-10 minutes. Cool the broth and strain it. Pour half of the raspberry juice obtained earlier into a separate glass or enamel bowl and add sugar to it. Grind well and mix the sugar and juice. When the sugar stops crunching, pour the broth and the remaining raspberry juice into the resulting mass. Mix everything thoroughly. The healthiest, aromatic and delicious raspberry juice is ready. Cool it and serve.

Recipe - “blueberry juice”


blueberries - 1 cup;

cinnamon - 1 pinch;

sugar - ½ cup;

water - 1 liter.


Rinse the blueberries and dry on a towel. Squeeze the blueberries. Pour the blueberry juices with water, add sugar, cinnamon, bring to a boil over low heat and boil for 5-7 minutes. Cool the resulting broth and strain. Mix the resulting broth with blueberry juice. We won’t talk about the benefits of blueberries and their taste; this has already been known since time immemorial. But the fruit drink will be very tasty and perfectly quench your thirst.

Recipe - “blackcurrant juice”


black currant berries - 150 grams;

sugar - 120 grams;

water - 1 liter.


Wash the blackcurrant berries and tear off the stems. There is no need to dry the currants after washing. Squeeze the juice from the currants. If the berries splash and are difficult to squeeze out, add a little cold boiled water. Place the resulting juice in a cool place. Pour the remaining currant pulp with hot boiled water, place on low heat and bring to a boil. Cook over low heat for 5-7 minutes, stirring. Let the resulting broth cool and stand for 30-40 minutes. After this, strain and squeeze out the resulting broth and cake. Add sugar to the broth and stir until it is completely dissolved, then add the previously squeezed currant juice to the broth. Stir the fruit drink and cool. Blackcurrant juice is ready to eat.

In addition to forest and garden berries, which are common in the climatic central zone of Russia, fruit juice can be prepared from gooseberries or grapes. These berries are rich in vitamins, especially ascorbic acid and other organic acids. Gooseberry juice normalizes blood pressure.

Recipe: “Grape juice”


grape juice - 2 glasses;

lemon syrup - 40-50 grams;

water - 1 liter;

sugar - ½ cup.


Add sugar to the water prepared in advance, dissolve it and put on fire. Bring the sweet water to a boil and simmer over low heat for 2-3 minutes. Remove water from heat, cool and add grape juice and lemon syrup. Mix everything. Serve chilled.

Recipe - “gooseberry juice”


gooseberries - 2 cups;

lemon juice - 1 tablespoon;

sugar - ½ cup;

water - 1 liter;

cinnamon - to taste.


Sort the gooseberries, tear off the stems, wash and dry. It is better to squeeze gooseberries in a juicer. There is no need to squeeze the berries; you can throw them away immediately. Add sugar to the resulting gooseberry juice and mix until smooth. Add lemon juice, cinnamon and boiled cold water to the mixture. Mix thoroughly and put in the refrigerator. Delicious and healthy gooseberry juice is ready! Serve it cold.

Recipe - “cranberry-apple juice”


apples - 500 grams;

cranberries - 200 grams;

water - 0.2 liters;

sugar - 4 tablespoons;

vanillin - to taste (1 pinch).


Wash the apples and peel them. Cut into small slices or grate and squeeze out the apple juice. Add half the sugar to the apple juice and boil. Strain the apple juice and dissolved sugar through cheesecloth or a fine sieve. Let it sit and, without shaking, pour the apple juice into another bowl. Using the same principle, prepare cranberry juice with the remaining sugar. Combine apple and cranberry juices, add warm boiled water and vanillin. Mix everything and let it brew. Cool the fruit drink. If the fruit drink turns out to be sour, you can add sugar to taste.

Recipe - “Apple and Rosehip Fruit Drink”


apples, preferably sour ones - 500 grams;

rose hips - 80 grams;

honey - 80 grams (can be replaced with 100 grams of sugar);

water - 1 liter;

zest of 1 orange or lemon;

citric acid or lemon juice - to taste.


If you need a vitamin drink, prepare a fruit drink from apples with rose hips. Wash the apples and rose hips. Peel everything and chop finely. Fill with cold boiled water and put on fire. Bring to a boil and boil. Cool the resulting broth and strain. Add honey, sugar or all together, zest and lemon juice. Let the fruit drink cool. Can be consumed warm. Good health to you!

Recipe - “apple-plum fruit drink”


sweet and sour apples - 1 kilogram;

plums - 250 grams;

water - 250 ml;

sugar - to taste.


Fruit juice made from apples and plums is probably the easiest to prepare, at least according to the description of the preparation - for sure. Wash the apples and plums. Core the apples and pit the plums. Extract the juice in a juicer. Dilute the squeezed juice with warm boiled water, add sugar and stir it. Refrigerate the apple-plum juice.

Recipe - “orange or lemon juice”

It is best to prepare fruit drinks from forest or garden berries and consume them during their ripening period. What to do in winter if you want a tasty and healthy drink? You can make fruit juice from fruits that are on store shelves all year round. Let's prepare a fruit drink from oranges or lemons.


lemon or orange - 1 medium size;

sugar - 120-130 grams;

water - 1 liter.


Take a lemon or an orange, whatever you have or want more. Wash and squeeze. Finely chop the squeezed lemon or orange, add hot boiled water and bring to a boil. Boil over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Remove from heat, let sit and cool for 30 minutes. Strain the resulting broth, squeezing the remaining lemon or orange into it. Add sugar and, stirring, completely dissolve it in the broth. Add the previously squeezed juice and mix again. Chill in the refrigerator and add a couple of ice cubes before serving.

Recipe - “watermelon juice”

From the end of summer until October-November, watermelons are sold on the streets. Everyone loves this sweet and aromatic berry. In places where watermelon ripens, many dishes, jam, pickles, and compotes are prepared from it. Do you know that you can make a wonderful fruit drink from watermelon? If you don’t live near a watermelon melon plant, then during the watermelon season you can try to prepare and enjoy this divine drink, watermelon juice.


watermelon - 1 ripe, any size;


It will take a long time to tinker with the preparation of watermelon juice, but after trying the resulting fruit drink, which can be compared to divine nectar, you will not regret the time and effort spent.

Wash the watermelon and cut it into two parts. Scoop out all the pulp from the halves and remove all the seeds from the pulp. Squeeze the resulting pulp thoroughly. Place the resulting watermelon juice on low heat, preferably through a divider, so that the sweet juice does not burn to the pan. Bring to a boil and simmer, stirring constantly for at least one and a half hours. Remove the pan from the heat and strain the broth. Add watermelon pulp to the broth in small pieces, in a ratio of approximately 3:1. Place back on the heat and cook, stirring for two hours, until the juice begins to thicken. When you notice that the juice is thickening, remove from heat, cool and bottle. Cover tightly and store in the refrigerator.

Fruit drinks in the winter season

Unfortunately for lovers of the summer season, autumn comes, followed by winter. What can you use to make a healthy and tasty fruit drink when there are no forest or garden berries? You can make your favorite drink from frozen berries, berries mashed with sugar, or jam carefully made by your grandmother. In the summer, prepare yourself more of your favorite berries for the winter, and then winter will pass quickly.

After reading the article, you have become an expert in preparing a variety of fruit drinks. All that remains is to try all these simple recipes in practice.

We wish you always a summer mood, good health and delicious fruit juice!

Morse can rightfully be considered a traditional drink of Russian cuisine. It began to be prepared several centuries ago. It was then that it was customary to add honey to this soft drink. Over time, the recipe changed, and other ingredients were added to the fruit drink. Nowadays, fruit juice is made from currants, cranberries, lingonberries, cherries, raspberries and other berries and fruits; not only sugar, but also honey is added to it.

Morse is not only a very tasty, but also a healthy drink. It contains vitamin C, PP, B2, as well as mineral salts and pectin. This drink can help treat flu and various colds.

If you want to prepare a tasty and healthy fruit drink, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • If you want to get a healthier and healthier fruit drink, then replace sugar with honey.
  • Before preparing fruit juice, be sure to defrost berries or fruits.
  • Do not use damaged or rotten berries.
  • To make the taste of fruit juice more expressive, add cinnamon, cloves or mint to it.
  • To make the fruit drink more flavorful, pour boiling water over the berries right before preparing the drink.
  • Do not boil fruit juice beyond the specified time. This may ruin its taste.
  • Do not grind berries in metal dishes; it is better to use wooden dishes.

Fruit drink recipes

Cranberry juice

What you need to make cranberry juice:

  • Cranberries (frozen or fresh) 500 gr.
  • Water 1.5 l.
  • Lemon zest 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar to taste.
  • If the berries were frozen, then defrost them and fill them with water for 3 minutes. Fresh berries just need to be washed and doused with boiling water.
  • Boil water in a saucepan and cool it slightly.
  • Grind the berries to a paste. This can be done using a blender or a knife. Then rub the mixture through a sieve.
  • Place pureed cranberries, lemon zest and sugar into the water. Cover the pan with a lid and leave the fruit drink to steep for 30-40 minutes.
  • Add cranberry juice to the fruit drink, mix everything and leave the fruit drink to steep for another 10 minutes.

Blackcurrant juice with orange zest

What you need to prepare blackcurrant juice with orange zest:

  • Blackcurrant 400-500 gr.
  • Sugar 3-5 tbsp. l.
  • Orange zest 3 tsp.
  • Lemon juice 2 tsp.
  • Vanilla sugar 1 pack.
  • Water 700-800 ml.
  • Sort the berries, rinse under water and remove the stems.
  • Pour water over the orange zest and bring the mixture to a boil. Then add regular and vanilla sugar to it. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes.
  • Add blackcurrants to the water with zest and sugar and bring the mixture to a boil. Leave it for 10 minutes.
  • Add lemon juice to the fruit drink and cool it.

Refreshing fruit drink

What you need to prepare a refreshing fruit drink:

  • Gooseberries 100 gr.
  • Grapes 150 gr.
  • Currants 100 gr.
  • Mint to taste.
  • A sprig of tarragon.
  • Orange 1 pc.
  • Water 600 ml.
  • Sugar 3 tbsp. l.
  • Sort out the grapes, gooseberries and currants. Remove all stems and leaves.
  • Rinse the mint and tarragon sprig under cool water.
  • Peel the orange, remove the seeds and cut it into several medium-sized pieces.
  • Pour water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Then add sugar, mint and a sprig of tarragon to the pan. Boil the mixture for 5-7 minutes.
  • Place currants, grapes and gooseberries in water. Bring the mixture to a boil and remove from heat. Infuse the fruit drink for 10-15 minutes.
  • Add orange slices to the prepared fruit drink and leave for another 5 minutes.

The prepared fruit drink can be allowed to brew for another 2-3 hours. This will reveal the taste of berries or fruits and make the drink more aromatic and tasty. Fruit juice can be served cold or hot.

If we are talking about quenching thirst in the summer, in the oppressive heat, then you can’t find a better drink than fruit juice. No, no, fruit juices do not quench your thirst, not to mention sweet soda. You can, of course, just drink water from the tap, doctors recommend. But fruit juice will not only quench your thirst, but also supply the body with exactly those vitamins and microelements that are actively washed out of it in the summer. And how delicious it is!

The very concept of fruit drink, they say, arose in the last millennium, when people came up with the idea of ​​sweetening water with honey. And supposedly this honey water was called “murs”, and then this word was transformed into “mors”.

May be. Moreover, we know that in Rus' fruit juice was consumed in huge quantities. This is understandable, there were no refrigerators, but there were a lot of berries - so they cooked and drank.

Instructions for making fruit juice are available in Domostroy itself, which was in use in our country in the 16th century. Most often, fruit juice was made from berries such as cranberries, lingonberries, and blueberries. The boiled fruit juice was lowered into the cellar and the cool drink was drunk in large quantities. That is why there were many heroes in those days.

Current scientists tell us that drinking large quantities of berry and fruit juice is very useful, especially for strengthening the cardiovascular system.

Current nutritionists advise drinking up to 1½ - 2 liters of fruit drink on fasting days, which greatly helps you lose weight and actively removes toxins from the body.

As for the method of preparing fruit juice, it is very simple. Collect or buy berries, remove seeds from them, if any. Then the pulp is ground, or ground in a meat grinder, or pureed in a blender. Then they are diluted with boiled water, heated, bringing to a boil, in some cases they are boiled or even boiled.

The broth is filtered and sugar or honey is added to it. Note to yourself, this is important: the water must be boiled when pouring the berries, otherwise the fruit drink will become covered with foam.

Prepare fruit juice You can use both extracts and their frozen berries. But the best thing, of course, is fresh, and even better - from the forest.

In terms of benefits for the body, lingonberry and cranberry juices are considered the best. They are recommended to drink for sore throats, colds, and vitamin deficiency. It is also indicated for use for hypertension, and even for gynecological diagnoses.

Gooseberry juice can have a normalizing effect on blood pressure, that is, it helps to increase it in hypotensive patients and decrease it in hypertensive patients. In addition, gooseberry and grape juices can stimulate metabolism to some extent.

Gooseberry juice


Gooseberries, 2 tbsp

Lemon juice, 1 tbsp

Water, 1 l

Sugar, ½ tbsp

1. Wash the gooseberries and dry the berries. Squeeze the juice and mix it with sugar. And we don’t use wringer.

2. Add lemon juice, cinnamon to the gooseberry juice, fill it all with cold water (remember, boiled!).

3. Mix everything well and cool. That's it - the fruit drink is ready.

Lingonberry juice


Lingonberries, 2 tbsp

Sugar, ½ tbsp

Water, 1 l

1. After washing and sorting the lingonberries, knead them and express the juice. We collect it separately and put it in the cold.

2. Fill the berry juice with hot water and heat to a boil.

3. Remove from heat and strain.

4. Let it cool, mix with juice, add sugar and stir until it dissolves.

Blueberry juice


Blueberries, 1 tbsp

Sugar, ½ tbsp

Water, 1 l

Cinnamon, 1 pinch

1. Squeeze the juice from the blueberries and set aside.

2. Pour blueberry pomace into water with sugar and cinnamon, boil for 5-7 minutes, adjusting the heat to minimum.

3. Strain the broth and cool. Mix with juice.

Cranberry juice


Cranberries, ½ kg

Sugar, 100 g

Water, 2 tbsp

1. Wash the berries and grind them in an enamel bowl with a wooden spoon.

2. Pour water over the mashed berries, mix and place on a sieve.

3. Squeeze the pulp through the fabric.

4. Store the resulting drink in bottles and drink it cold. You can add sugar before drinking.

Cherry juice


Cherry, 2 tbsp

Sugar, 1 tbsp

Water, 2 l

1. Remove the pits from the cherries and mash the pulp.

2. Drain and squeeze out the juice and refrigerate.

3. Boil the squeezes for 10 minutes in the specified amount of water.

4. Strain the broth, add sugar and boil again.

5. Let it cool completely, mix with the juice squeezed out earlier.

Cherry-raspberry juice


Raspberries, 1 tbsp

Cherry, 1 tbsp

1 lemon, for juice

Water, 2 l

1. Remove pits from cherries and mix with raspberries.

2. Cover the berries with sugar, mix and put them in the cold for a day.

3. Drain and squeeze out the juice and set aside in a cool place.

4. Boil the pulp in the specified amount of water. Strain the broth and cool.

5. Mix the broth with lemon juice and juice drained from a mixture of berries. We drink it cold.

Currant juice


Black currant, 150 g

Sugar, 120 g

Water, 1 l

1. We sort the berries, chop them and squeeze out the juice. You can dilute it a little with boiled water to wash out the juice. Place the expressed juice in the refrigerator.

2. Fill the pulp with water and keep it on low heat for 5-7 minutes. Strain the broth and squeeze out the pulp.

3. Put sugar in the broth, pour in the first-press juice and cool the drink.

Watermelon juice


1. Take out all the pulp and throw out all the seeds - collect the juice.

2. Squeeze out the remaining juice and collect all the juice obtained from the watermelon into a saucepan.

3. Put it on the fire and cook for at least 1½ hours. Stir.

4. Remove the juice from the heat and strain it.

5. Put it on the fire again, immersing the watermelon pulp in it. Cook for another 2 hours.

6. The juice will begin to thicken noticeably - it’s time to remove from the heat.

7. Bottle it and store it. The taste and aroma of the resulting drink is worth the fuss it requires to prepare.

Grape juice


Grape juice, 2 tbsp

Lemon syrup, 40-50 g

Sugar, ½ tbsp

Water, 1 l

1. Boil water with sugar for 2-3 minutes. Cool the syrup.

2. Pour grape juice and lemon syrup into our syrup. Cool in the refrigerator and serve.

Raspberry juice


Raspberries, 2 tbsp

Sugar, ½ tbsp

1 lemon, for zest

Fresh mint leaves, 50 g

Water, 1 l

1. Rub the raspberries through a sieve and collect the juice in an enamel bowl. Place covered in the refrigerator.

2. Fill the squeeze with water, add the zest, removing it from the lemon, and mint leaves.

3. Boil slowly for 7-10 minutes. Strain and cool.

4. Take raspberry juice out of the refrigerator and pour half of it. Pour sugar into it and rub with a wooden masher until it dissolves.

5. When the sugar has completely melted, pour both halves of the raspberry juice into the broth and stir. Now the fruit drink is ready!

Cranberry-apple juice


Cranberry, 200 g

Apples, ½ kg

Sugar, 4 tbsp


Water, 200 ml

1. Three peeled apples and squeeze out the juice.

2. Pour half the sugar into the apple juice, boil, strain and let it settle.

3. Pour into another container without shaking, leaving sediment in the old one.

4. We will use the same method with cranberries and the second half of sugar.

5. Combine the resulting juices, apple and cranberry, add water (boiled) and add vanillin. If desired, you can add sugar.

Citrus fruit juice can be prepared at any time of the year, and it is very convenient - there is always something to pamper your family or surprise your guests.

Orange or lemon juice


Lemon or orange, 1 piece (medium size)

Sugar, 120-130 g

Water, 1 l

1. Wash the orange (or lemon) and squeeze the juice out of it.

2. Finely chop the skin, just like the films. Fill with hot water and cook slowly for 10-15 minutes.

3. Remove from heat and let sit for ½ hour.

4. Strain the broth and squeeze out the pomace as well.

5. Combine with juice and sugar, cool.

Rosehip and apple juice


Apples, sour, ½ kg

Rose hips, fruits, 80 g

Orange or lemon zest

Honey, 80g (if we replace it with sugar, then take 100 g)

Water, 1 l

Lemon juice or acid

1. Chop apples and rose hips, fill with cold water.

2. Boil, filter, season with sugar or honey. Add acid or lemon juice.

In this way, you and I received an excellent vitamin drink.

Apple-plum fruit drink


Sweet and sour apples, 1 kg

Ripe plums, 250 g

Water, 250 ml

1. Peel the fruit, remove the seeds and core, and pass the pulp through a juicer.

2. Dilute the resulting juice with boiled water and sweeten it.

3. Cool the fruit drink and treat yourself.

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