Dishes made from octopus tentacles. How to cook octopus at home, step-by-step recipe with photos. Octopus with tomatoes

Modern cuisine offers a lot of seafood dishes. Seafood means everything edible that is caught from the world's oceans: fish, squid, shrimp, all kinds of shellfish, cuttlefish, octopuses... That's what today's episode will be about octopuses.

Octopus in creamy sauce

In central Russia it is difficult to find a refrigerated product, since it has a long shelf life. But frozen octopuses can be found easily. I chose not large tentacles, but small peeled octopuses, which we are used to seeing in.

They say this is a special species that does not reach large sizes. However, on the packaging the manufacturer claims that these are young octopuses. We will not discuss it, but note that the cooking time for this seafood will depend on the size of the animal.

Please note that both peeled and uncleaned octopuses are available for sale. If you get one, you will need to remove the beak and eyes on the abdomen. Having defrosted them, I still recommend turning the bellies inside out and rinsing them under running water so that the sand in the finished dish does not squeak on your teeth.

In a step-by-step photo recipe I’ll tell you how to cook octopus in a slow cooker. However, this does not mean that if you do not have this magical multi-pot in your kitchen, you should refuse the dish. The process is the same, the cooking time is the same.


  • Frozen octopus – 500 g,
  • Onion – 1 root vegetable,
  • Garlic – 3 cloves,
  • Fresh tomatoes - 2 pieces,
  • Cream 100-150 ml,
  • Salt,
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Rice for risotto or sushi as a side dish.

Cooking process:

Prepare young octopus carcasses: defrost, rinse under running water, remove unnecessary fragments if necessary.

Prepare vegetables. Peel the onions, garlic, remove the skin from the tomatoes. Finely chop the onion and crush the garlic with the back of a knife, so it will release its aroma more strongly. Finely chop the tomatoes.

In a multicooker on the “baking” or “frying” program, sauté the onion until transparent or slightly golden. Place the garlic in a bowl along with the onion.

I prepared an octopus dish in a Redmond multicooker (power 900 W) on the frying program, selecting the “vegetables” product in the menu on the display. The time was set to 16 minutes. Then we load the seafood.

Mix everything. Octopus tentacles begin to shrink and curl under the influence of temperature.

Immediately add finely chopped tomato pulp. Mix again.

Season with cream. I used 45% fat heavy cream. I don't recommend adding sour cream. It will be tasty, but the appearance of the sauce will be spoiled by the curdled fermented milk product.

Close the multicooker lid and simmer for the remaining time (7 minutes). The sauce should become thicker during this time.

About a minute before the end of the program, add salt and spices. I really like the aromatic Adyghe salt with a bouquet of aromas.

This turns out to be such a beautiful seafood dish! At the same time prepare boiled rice as a side dish. I cook a glass of sushi rice in the second slow cooker, the ratio of cereals to water is 1:2.

Serve the octopus in a creamy sauce with a side dish of rice, pickled ginger and soy sauce. Very tasty, I recommend trying it!

Best regards, Anyuta.

Reading time: 4 min

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Today, dishes prepared from octopus are still considered a delicacy. Few people dare to cook them at home.

Firstly, because of fear, and, secondly, because they don’t know how to do it correctly. In this article we would like to tell you how to properly select, clean and cut octopus, as well as several simple and tasty recipes for octopus dishes.

How to cook young octopus

Octopus dishes came to us from Asian countries. Only then did the fashion for them penetrate into European countries and into our country. Usually, young octopuses of not very large size are taken for cooking, which have quite tender flesh and have a very unique sweet and sour taste.

They can be eaten raw, boiled or fried. Dishes made from them are served as appetizers, soups, salads and even the main dish. Don't know how to improve your relationship with your mother-in-law? Prepare an octopus bolet especially for her, and then her favor is simply guaranteed.

How to cook octopus? Just wash the octopus thoroughly, boil it in water, which must first be salted, for 10 minutes and cool in the same broth.

In general, experts from all over the planet strongly advise everyone to eat dishes made from seafood in their diet, some of which are the heroes of our article.

The usefulness of seafood lies in the fact that it contains a huge amount of protein and also has a small amount of calories.

Moreover, if you cook them correctly, the result will be an excellent dish with an unusual but interesting taste, which is light and sophisticated.

How to grill octopus so it's soft and juicy

Do you like barbecue? Then you can cook it, but instead of meat or chicken, take octopus, or rather octopuses. It will be especially appetizing if you cook it over a fire.

To do this you will need:

  • one piece of lemon,
  • one kilogram of small octopuses,
  • one tablespoon of vegetable oil,
  • a couple of cloves of garlic,
  • one bunch of dill and spices to taste.

How to cook octopus on the grill:

First you need to prepare the marinade. Chop the garlic and herbs, mixing it with the zest and juice obtained from half a lemon. Next, add oil and spices.

Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly and pour it over the prepared octopuses. We leave them to marinate for 30 minutes, and then we put the octopuses on skewers, which we place on the barbecue or grill.

Cook until done. The dish should turn out very tasty and aromatic.

Stewed octopus with vegetables recipe

How to cook octopus. Also, an excellent recipe for how to cook octopus is the one that came to us from Italy. We're talking about octopus with potatoes. Many who have tried it are of the opinion that this is a rather unusual and tasty seafood dish. How is this dish different from others? Because it has a rather delicate and memorable taste.

So, what ingredients do you need to cook octopus with potatoes? Write down:

  • Half a kilo of potatoes;
  • Onion in the amount of one piece;
  • Olives without pits (50 grams);
  • 60 ml olive oil;
  • Two pieces of bay leaf;
  • One bunch of parsley;
  • One kilogram of octopus;
  • A tablespoon of vinegar; Spices to taste;
  • One piece of celery.

How to cook octopus with vegetables so that it is soft and juicy:

Now let's begin the process of cooking octopus. Their carcasses should be washed very well and beaten a little so that they become soft.

Chop the celery and place it in a container with the bay leaf and chopped onion. Fill it all with water and bring to a boil.

Once the water boils, you can add the octopus to it. Turn the heat to medium and cook them for 45 minutes, not forgetting to add vinegar and a pinch of salt.

Once the octopuses are cooked, cool them and remove the skin. Next, chop the meat into pieces. Let's move on to cooking the potatoes. It is necessary to remove the peel and cut into slices.

Fry the onion, cut into half rings, in a frying pan where the oil has been preheated. As soon as the onion turns golden, add the potatoes, which need to be fried for 5 - 7 minutes. Moreover, the fire must be strong. Stir the potatoes if necessary.

After this time, add olives and octopus meat to the prepared mass and fry it for 10 minutes over low heat, covering with a lid.

As soon as you notice that the potatoes have become soft, add spices and chopped parsley. Mix the dish thoroughly and leave it covered in the pan with the heat off. The dish is ready!

How to choose the right octopuses in the store

Small and medium sized octopuses are usually sold whole and are easier to select. No matter how strange it may sound, an octopus is chosen by its eyes. They are, so to speak, a mirror of his quality. A good and edible mollusk should have transparent eyes.

The color of the octopus should be natural.

A large specimen is cut up and on the shelves you can only see tentacles, which, naturally, have no eyes. Here you should focus on skin color. It should be shiny and have a beautiful brown color. You can take this product without hesitation.

But it is better not to buy an octopus that has black spots at the ends of the tentacles and those whose skin is torn. They are either not fresh or were not stored correctly.

How to clean properly - step-by-step instructions

The octopus is one huge muscle. The larger the octopus, the tougher the meat. In order for the meat of this cephalopod to be soft, juicy and tender, it must be properly cleaned and prepared.

1. Fresh octopus should have firm flesh, have a sea fishy smell, skin color should be chestnut, and the whites of the eyes should be transparent and white. It is recommended to purchase octopuses weighing up to a kilogram; they have more tender and soft meat.

2. Rinse the octopus under running water, sort through every tentacle, remove every sand and remaining dirt.

3. Cut off the head a little below the eyes, remove the tentacles, and set them aside. Cut off the eyes and, using a knife, clean out the cavity of the carcass. Squeeze the beak with force, cut it out and throw it away. Rinse your head thoroughly, cleaned of entrails, inside and out.

4. The skin from a fresh octopus is very difficult to remove. Therefore, cooks often leave it until they heat it. If you still want to remove the skin, boil the octopus in water for 5-10 minutes, cool it, and then remove the skin from the cold carcass.

5. Now the octopus can be cooked or frozen for storage. Experienced chefs always recommend freezing the octopus carcass before cooking; this significantly softens the tough muscle meat. Place the cleaned octopus in the freezer and leave for at least a day, but preferably 2-3 days.

6. You can cook a large number of dishes from octopus. This meat is in delightful harmony with onions, garlic, tomatoes, lemon, olive oil, rice, wine and soy sauce.

Octopus is not only great in salads, it's amazing as a main dish. For example, try cooking octopus kebab or stewing it in red wine.

Video: how to cut an octopus

How to cook in a saucepan to make salad

  • The step-by-step process of an interesting and unique preparation of exotic octopus in a pan looks like this:
  • To begin, thoroughly rinse all purchased and previously processed blanks, remove the contents of each head and cut off the eye areas, as well as the “beak”.
  • If the seafood was sold with a small ink sac, it is also removed with the utmost care.

If the seafood is large, it is better to beat it a little before you start cooking. But do it carefully so as not to damage the meat.

  • You can only put carcasses into boiling water when the water is boiling well, so as not to get tough meat.
  • The product must be prepared in a minimal amount of liquid so that the octopus remains juicy and flavorful.
  • It is recommended to cook only under a tightly closed lid - this way the meat will not lose its natural exotic taste.
  • Cooking a large octopus takes from half an hour to an hour, and small ones – up to 10 minutes.
  • It is better to cool seafood in the water in which it was boiled so that the meat does not lose its pleasant taste.
  • You can cook meat without using water, when only 2 cm of liquid is poured into the pan, brought to a boil and the octopus is laid out there. During the cooking process, water is gradually added.
  • It is recommended to salt seafood directly at the end of the entire process, when the seafood is almost ready for consumption.

Ready meat can be served with various side dishes or on its own. The product is ideally combined with white or red wine, which has previously been chilled.

How to properly store octopus meat

There are no contraindications for octopus meat as such. However, you should understand that when purchasing it, it is important to follow the maintenance rules. Otherwise, you won’t even notice how it can spoil and consume it.

Therefore, for proper maintenance, it is enough to store the meat in the freezer of the refrigerator at a low temperature, about -19°C. The average long-term shelf life of the product under such conditions is about 2 months.

Small octopuses: how to cook Moscardini meat

Photo by Shutterstock

Cleaning little octopuses

In our country, it is quite difficult to find fresh octopus in stores; they are usually sold frozen, but experienced chefs say that excellent dishes can be prepared from them. Before you start cooking baby octopuses, defrost them at room temperature. Then clean, remove the eyes, and turn the carcass inside out (like a mitten or glove). Locate and remove the beak, cartilage and all entrails. Rinse the moscardini under running water.

Raw octopus has an unpleasant gray color, but when cooked it will take on a beautiful pink hue.

Small octopus salad

To prepare this dish you will need: - 800 g of small octopuses; - 0.3 cups olive oil; - 2–3 cloves of garlic; - 1 PC. sweet red pepper; - 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice; - greenery.

Chop the garlic. Boil the cleaned octopuses. To do this, boil water and carefully lower the carcasses into boiling water. Do this slowly so that the tentacles curl nicely. Cook for a few minutes until the octopuses change color. Remove from water and cool.

Mix boiled octopus with chopped garlic and olive oil. Leave to marinate for 1-2 hours in a cool place. Chop the bell pepper. Place it in a salad bowl, add herbs and freshly squeezed lemon juice. Place marinated octopuses on this mixture and mix everything.

Stuffed Moscardini

To prepare this delicacy you will need: - 800 g of small octopuses; - 100 g peeled shrimp; - 60 g butter; - greens (oregano, parsley, basil); - ground black pepper; - 1–2 cloves of garlic; - 50 ml table red wine; - 2 tomatoes; - 1 shallot; - 1 lemon.

Clean the octopuses and rinse thoroughly. Heat a frying pan and lightly fry them in butter. Sprinkle with fresh lemon juice and let marinate for about 15 minutes. While they are marinating, prepare the shrimp and vegetable mince.

Boil and peel the shrimp. Finely chop the herbs and vegetables, add spices and mix everything. Place the octopuses on a baking sheet with the tentacles facing up and carefully stuff them. Pour some water onto a baking sheet and place a small piece of butter on each octopus. Heat the oven to a temperature of 175–180°C and place the baking sheet with stuffed octopuses to bake for 15 minutes. Garnish the finished dish with lemon slices and herbs.

Hi all! In this article, as you already understand, we will talk about arthropod mollusks. I will tell, how to cook octopus. Perhaps in our northern latitudes this is a rare visitor, but the counters of shops and markets give us an abundance of products, almost like a self-assembled tablecloth. If only there was money. I would like to reveal a little information about this “beast”. For example, he has three hearts, one of which “drives” ink throughout the body. By the way, ink is highly prized by painters and artists for its persistent and rich color (sepia). The carcass contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals - selenium (important for men), phosphorus, potassium and group “B”. It is considered a common product in Japanese cuisine and is often eaten raw. Watch the video about this at the end! Octopuses and their cooking recipe are incredibly simple, we’ll see that now! Let's lay out our provisions for a beautiful photo.

The main task and first step will be to thoroughly wash the octopus to get rid of mucus, dirt and remaining “paint”. If you bought the frozen type, you need it to thaw completely.

Pour water into the saucepan and boil for about 10 minutes. You can’t overcook it, as it still has a little more to simmer. We take it out from the depths of the pan.

And cut into small pieces.

Grate the onion. Fill it with vegetable oil. Since the recipe is Greek, it should be 100% directly pressed olive oil. Well, were you able to get the octopus? And another small digression, if you want to have the most luxurious hairstyle, then this is a simple and affordable way.

At high temperature, fry the onion until golden brown. Approximately 5 minutes.

Pour red wine, add octopus and spices. Cook at low temperature for about 40 minutes until our liquid turns into a thick sauce. Can be cooked using water.

The dish is ready! Can be served as a mixture with rice. So to speak, pilaf from a young octopus.


  • 1 large octopus (about 1.5 kg)
  • ? tea cup olive oil
  • 2 onions
  • 2 cups sweet red wine
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 5 black pepper grains
  • 3 grains of fragrant

If you are going to eat live octopus in Japan or Korea, do not ask how to cook it, since there is only one recipe - you need to chew it thoroughly. Because suction cups can play a cruel joke! There are also deaths. And here is the video itself.

Probably many of you ask this question when you first buy this seafood product or even a seafood product.

There are many recipes for cooking octopus. Basically, most of them are quite complex and long. And besides the octopus, you need to add a lot of things :(.

But there are also simple recipes. One of them is simple fried octopus. I’ll say right away that we bought the octopuses frozen in the supermarket. They are not as expensive, about the same as pork, but more exotic :-). I didn’t really like the taste of fried octopus, but of course you can and should buy them and fry them for a change.

So, the ingredients for making fried octopus:

Frozen octopus (maybe live), any quantity
- sunflower or olive oil
- greens (parsley, dill, etc.)
- salt

Fried octopus recipe:

We go to the supermarket and buy frozen octopuses. They are not very big, so it is better to buy at least a couple of pieces per person. Next they need defrost. If time is short, then we throw them into hot water and wait until they thaw.

In addition to this it is necessary cut off his eyes and teeth. Usually frozen octopuses in the supermarket have their teeth already cut out.

Ideally you should be able to white octopus carcass. The tentacles do not need to be particularly cleaned. When they are fried they will crunch deliciously in your teeth.

Next, you need a frying pan into which you need to add sunflower or olive oil. We will fry octopus in it. You don’t need to fry it for long, literally 3-5 minutes.. In order for the octopus to be tastier, n Just salt it, pepper it, add herbs. You can add other seasonings, it’s up to your choice and taste.

As soon as the octopus is fried, you can take it out and eat it :-). I recommend wrapping the octopus in a pancake or pita bread. It will be tastier this way, because octopus meat itself is rather tasteless.

Recipe for fried octopus with photo:

Frozen octopus:

Defrosting the octopus:

Clean it, it should turn white:

We throw it into a frying pan, adding oil so that it does not burn. In addition, salt it and add spices:

After 5 minutes, remove from the pan. Here's the fried octopus:

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