There are different options for Napoleon cream. The most delicious custard for Napoleon - a classic recipe from my grandmother. "Napoleon" with classic custard

What do you think is the most popular dessert? Of course, Napoleon. No sweet tooth will refuse such a delicacy. To prepare it, housewives use puff pastries and all kinds of creamy fillings, which allow you to get a new taste every time. In our article we want to talk about what kind of cream for the Napoleon cake can be made from puff pastry. Do not limit yourself to the standard option if there is a large selection.

Confectioners' secrets

Most often, housewives prepare classic custard for Napoleon. But this is far from the only option. It's no secret that the taste of the cake largely depends on the cream filling. This means that you can safely experiment in search of something new.

To get a delicious filling you need to know some secrets. It is very important to mix all ingredients correctly to obtain a uniform consistency and avoid separation of the mass. Products such as flour, milk and butter must be introduced gradually, in separate portions.

If you use sour cream for cream, you must choose a fatty product. It is best to purchase a homemade fermented milk product. Excess liquid from sour cream can be removed using gauze. If this doesn't work, use a cream thickener.

A very simple cream for Napoleon can be prepared from sour cream and condensed milk. To obtain a variety of flavors, the creamy mass can be varied with lemon zest, fruits and nuts.

Sour cream

If you associate dessert with custard cream, then we invite you to expand your horizons. “Napoleon” with sour cream will not disappoint you either. There is not always condensed milk in the house. Therefore, the cream can be prepared from those products that are in the refrigerator. The advantage of the sour cream filling recipe is that it is incredibly simple. Even a beginner can prepare cream for Napoleon at home. The main condition for a good result is good fat sour cream. The thickness of the fermented milk product is very important. It's better to play it safe and keep the sour cream in cheesecloth over a saucepan for several hours. This will help get rid of the whey.


  1. A liter of sour cream.
  2. Nuts - 90 g.
  3. Powder or sugar - 240 g.

Place the sour cream in a mixer bowl and add powdered sugar, then beat the mixture until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. If you use high-fat homemade fermented milk product, do not overdo it. Otherwise, the cream can turn into oil. You can stop whipping once the mass has become thick and homogeneous. If you are unable to achieve the desired consistency, you can use a sour cream thickener.

This cream is delicious on its own. But you can use nuts to get new taste sensations. Before starting cooking, they must be calcined in the oven or fried in a frying pan. And then chop with a knife or rolling pin. Pour the nut crumbs into the cream and mix it. The mass is ready for use. For cooking, you can take any nuts, including walnuts. If you have almonds, hazelnuts or peanuts on hand, the cake will turn out even tastier. Sour cream is especially good when combined with almonds.

Fruit flavored filling

How to make cream for Napoleon cake from puff pastry? If you want to get something new and unusual, we bring to your attention another recipe. With its help you can prepare a delicious cream with a fruity taste.


  1. A few bananas.
  2. A jar of condensed milk.
  3. Sour cream - 0.5 l.

To prepare, you need to peel the bananas, cut them into pieces and grind them in a blender. The result should be banana puree. If you don't have a kitchen assistant, you can mash the pulp with a fork. But it will not be possible to make the mass homogeneous. Place the sour cream in a mixer bowl and add condensed milk, then beat the mixture until it becomes fluffy. At the end of cooking, add banana puree to the cream. The creamy mass should be soft and homogeneous. If it is too runny, use a thickener. As you can see, banana cream for Napoleon cake from puff pastry is very easy to prepare. At the same time, it has the most delicate taste and delicate aroma. In combination with cakes, it is unique.

Oil cream

You can use buttercream to make the cake. It goes well with puff pastry. Some housewives believe that only classic custard for Napoleon can soak the cakes well. Actually this is not true. The butter mass is no less tasty.

To prepare it you will need:

  1. Butter (at least 85.2% fat content) - 280 g.
  2. Vanilla.
  3. Condensed milk - can.

We bring to your attention a step-by-step recipe for cream for “Napoleon”:

  1. Take the butter out of the refrigerator and let it warm up to room temperature.
  2. Take a saucepan with a thick bottom and pour condensed milk into it. Bring it to a boil, then add vanilla or vanilla sugar.
  3. Remove the condensed milk from the heat, strain it using a strainer and cool.
  4. Beat the butter until fluffy, then slowly pour condensed milk into it (it should be cooled).

Apply the finished cream to the puff pastries. The finished cake must be pressed on top with something heavy, such as a board. Place the dessert in the refrigerator for 8-10 hours.

If you are busy looking for delicious cream for the Napoleon cake made from puff pastry, then you can find recipes for butter cream on websites or in cookbooks. It is prepared not from cream, but from butter, which is a cheaper, but at the same time natural product. You can also use cream. But it is necessary to understand that by butter cream we mean butter cream. You can add a spoonful of liqueur or cognac, chopped nuts, jam, preserves, lemon juice to it.

Creamy sour cream

Experienced chefs believe that you can safely experiment when preparing cream for the Napoleon cake from puff pastry. Don't limit yourself to the standard option. By the way, not all housewives love custard cream mass, considering that it is too simple for a holiday dessert. We suggest preparing a cream from sour cream, cream and condensed milk. If you love cakes, a new recipe won't hurt you. This cream gives any dessert a sophisticated and refined taste.


  1. Cream (at least 35% fat) - 210 ml.
  2. Sour cream - 430 ml.
  3. Powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  4. Vanilla.
  5. Condensed milk - 130 ml.

Cooking any dish has its own little tricks. And, of course, they exist in the creation of desserts. Experienced housewives recommend cooling the cream thoroughly before whipping. Only in this case will they beat well. Pour the cooled cream into a mixer bowl and beat until it forms peaks. Remember that you need to beat the product carefully so that it does not separate.

Pour the sour cream into a separate clean container and begin to beat it. Without stopping the process, gradually add powdered sugar. If you like aromatic cream, you can add a little vanilla. Please note that the sour cream should be whipped until the sugar is completely dissolved. It is for this reason that it is preferable to use powder rather than sand. The latter dissolves much more difficult. As a result, we should get a thick mass. If something doesn't work out, don't be upset. A thickener can solve the problem. At the end of whipping, add condensed milk to the sour cream, after which all ingredients are carefully mixed with a spatula.

And only at the final stage mix the sour cream with cream. Cooks recommend working with a silicone spatula. Afterwards, apply the cream to the prepared cakes.

Sour cream, condensed milk and nuts

Using tips for making cream for Napoleon cake from puff pastry, you can make a delicious dessert. Knowledgeable chefs recommend using all kinds of additives, including nuts. They can transform the taste of any dish. In addition, the taste of the dessert largely depends on the nuts used. In our area, walnuts are most often used, since we have a lot of them, and they are inexpensive. If you wish, you can pay attention to peanuts. But the taste is much more interesting with hazelnuts or almonds. This cake can be a real highlight of the holiday.


  1. Condensed milk - half a can.
  2. Sour cream - 230 g.
  3. Oil packaging.
  4. Nuts - 280 g.

Condensed milk is a treat for many of us. All those with a sweet tooth love it. If you want to make sweet cream, then you can’t do without condensed milk.

Cool homemade sour cream, then beat until fluffy. Mix the butter, heated to room temperature, with condensed milk in a separate container, then beat until the texture becomes homogeneous. After, without stopping the process, add sour cream.

We heat the nuts in advance in a frying pan or in the oven, after which we add them to the creamy mixture. Gently mix all ingredients with a silicone spatula. Please note that nuts must be added at the very end of cooking, otherwise the cream will not whip up.

Classic custard

There are many options for preparing delicious custard for Napoleon. Each of them has its own advantages. But among such a variety you can choose the best recipe. Puff Napoleon with custard is a classic.


  1. Milk - 230 g.
  2. Flour - 1 tbsp. l.
  3. One egg.
  4. Sugar - 5 tbsp. l.
  5. Vanilla.

Pour milk into a saucepan, add sugar, vanilla and bring the mixture to a boil. Mix the egg and flour until the lumps disappear. Pour the hot milk mixture in a thin stream into the egg-flour mixture, while stirring with a spatula. Place the cream on the stove and, stirring continuously, bring until thickened, but do not boil.

Custard cream

An equally delicious custard for Napoleon can be prepared with the addition of butter. Its delicate texture is perfect for puff pastries.


  1. Three yolks.
  2. Packaging of butter (250 g).
  3. Flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  4. Sugar - ½ cup.
  5. Milk - 290 g.

To prepare the cream, we only need egg yolks. They need to be ground with sugar, then add the sifted flour. Mix the mixture thoroughly again. Then add some of the cold milk into the egg mass and mix everything thoroughly until smooth. We put the remaining milk on the fire and begin to heat it. Then pour the egg-milk solution into the boiling mass. Bring the cream to a boil and keep stirring it so that it does not burn. Then turn off the stove. After the cream has cooled, add softened butter. Beat the mixture using a mixer.

Vanilla custard cream

We bring to your attention another recipe for cream for the Napoleon cake made from puff pastry.


  1. About a glass of sugar.
  2. Two eggs and three yolks.
  3. ½ liter of milk.
  4. ¼ stick of butter.
  5. Flour (you can also use starch) - 3 tbsp. l.
  6. Cream (at least 35% fat) - 140 ml.
  7. Vanilla.

Pour milk into a clean saucepan and add half the sugar, as well as vanilla. Over medium heat, bring the mixture to a boil.

Sift the flour into a separate bowl and add the second part of the sugar. Mix all components. Pour the dry mass into the cooled milk. Place the pan on the fire and start heating. The cream must be stirred until it thickens. Corn or potato starch is sometimes used to prepare it. The first option is more preferable.

Add butter to the creamy mixture and beat the ingredients with a mixer. Afterwards the cream should cool down. It should not be used immediately. It is better to put the mixture in the refrigerator. After five hours, whip the cream in a separate bowl and add it to the cooled cream.

Creamy mass with nuts

Custard can be varied with nuts. The taste of the dessert will only benefit from this.


  1. Egg.
  2. A glass of milk and sugar.
  3. Flour - 1-2 tbsp. l.
  4. Vanilla.
  5. Nuts - 2 tbsp. l.
  6. 1.5 packs of oil.

Beat the egg with sugar, then add milk and vanilla. Mix the mixture and put it on fire. While heating, stir the milk mixture constantly, otherwise it may burn. Bring it to a boil and remove from heat. The mass must cool down.

Before use, the nuts should be lightly fried, after which you can grind them in a blender. Add butter and chopped nuts to the cooled cream. Beat all the ingredients again. After this, the nut cream can be applied to the cakes.

Custard with condensed milk

You can use condensed milk to make delicious custard. This cake layer will appeal to all those with a sweet tooth.


  1. A glass of milk.
  2. 2 tsp. sugar and flour.
  3. Vanilla.
  4. ½ pack of butter.
  5. A can of condensed milk.

This cream is incredibly easy to prepare. In a clean saucepan, mix milk and flour, adding sugar. Afterwards we send the container to the fire. Without stopping stirring, bring the mixture to a boil, turn off the heat and leave it to cool. After the cream has cooled, add soft butter and condensed milk. Mix the ingredients and then beat thoroughly at high speed. If you like the scent of vanilla, you can add a drop of extract.

Instead of an afterword

As you can see, modern chefs have a huge number of recipes for preparing delicious “Napoleon”. Using a new cream each time, you can give the cake a completely new sound. The layer is a very important part of the dessert. The taste of the finished cake largely depends on it. It is difficult to say which of the proposed options is tastier. After all, it all depends on your taste and preferences. In any case, for a regular tea party you can prepare a simpler cream, but for a celebration it’s worth trying.

Napoleon cake

How to make delicious cream for Napoleon cake at home - step-by-step recipe with video. The cream can be different: custard, creamy, and also chocolate

15 minutes

210 kcal

5/5 (3)

Napoleon - this word brings to mind not the famous French commander, but a piece of a sweet, tender, aromatic dessert.

Who doesn’t know the famous homemade Napoleon cake with custard! There is probably not a single woman in our country who has not tried to bake this delicious dessert at least once. There are a great many recipes for this most delicious cake - everyone prepares it in their own way, adding their favorite ingredients to make the cake even tastier. And the main role here plays delicate soft and tasty layer between the cakes- this is a cream.

How to make custard for Napoleon cake at home? After all, cream can be different: custard, creamy, and also with fillers.

Today we will look at several recipes for cream for Napoleon cake that I like to prepare, they are also suitable for other cakes.

Custard for Napoleon cake

So, how to make cream that suits this cake? How long does it take to cook? A step-by-step photo recipe for cream for Napoleon cake will help you. To prepare it we need from 10 to 20 minutes time, depending on how much cream I'm preparing and how quickly the milk boils.

For the custard we need:

It is advisable to take dishes for this cream stainless steel, because when cooked in a simple aluminum saucepan, the cream acquires a slightly grayish tint. And under no circumstances should you beat an egg in such a container for the same reason.

Making custard

I also like to add to this cream 2-3 tablespoons cocoa powder. Then it acquires a light chocolate hue and taste. Add cocoa powder at the very beginning, rubbing the egg with sugar.

You can beat the cooled cream with a mixer to obtain a fluffy mass, but this will not change the taste. That's why I always skip this procedure.

Video recipe

In this video you can see how quickly and easily the custard for Napoleon cake is prepared. The only difference is the number of products and the way they are processed. But the technique remains the same:

The most interesting thing is that history has not saved data on where this cake came from and who made it. According to some rumors, Napoleon himself came up with the recipe for the cake at the moment when his wife found him with one of his maids of honor. According to the emperor’s justification, he shared the invented dessert with the maid of honor “in the ear.” And it turned out to be our famous, everyone’s favorite cake.

You can also do . The following recipe is for your attention.

Butter cream with condensed milk

This cream, which I like to prepare, is made with condensed milk.

For this cream you will need:

  • Condensed milk – 1 can.
  • Butter – 250 gr.
  • Vanilla sugar – ½ sachet.

It is advisable to beat this cream with a mixer or blender, then the cream becomes slightly fluffy. You can also beat it by hand, but it will take a little more time and effort.

To prepare such a cream takes 5-10 minutes.

Making condensed milk cream

You can add it to the cream 1-2 tablespoons cognac or liqueur to enhance the flavor.
This cream is suitable for the most delicate and very tasty.

Video recipe

Another version of the creation of the Napoleon cake says that it was invented by the French pastry chef Appert, who decided to flatter the emperor. He took the King's Galette pie, coated one part with custard, and the other part with cream and strawberry jam. Fold the cakes, alternating cream, and cut into triangles. According to this version, this is how the Napoleon cake turned out.

Butter custard

For this cream takes 5-10 minutes time.
This recipe replaces flour with potato starch, but it still remains a delicious cream for Napoleon cake.

For the cream we take:

  • Milk – 0.5 l.
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Sugar – 1 glass.
  • Potato starch – 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Butter – 100 gr.

Cooking method

Video recipe

I simplified the method of preparing the butter custard, but this did not affect the taste and texture. For those wishing to adhere to all the cooking rules, I offer a link to the video. Here we show in detail how to make buttercream for Napoleon cake:

A version widespread in Russia says that the Napoleon cake (more precisely, cake) was prepared in 1912 for the 100th anniversary of the victory over Emperor Napoleon. The layered dessert was cut into triangles, which seemed to hint at Bonaparte's triangular headdress. In fact, it doesn’t matter where or how this cake appeared - the main thing is that it took a strong place on our holiday table.

Most delicious custard for the Napoleon cake, in my opinion - it's chocolate custard. I love chocolate very much and whenever possible I always try to make chocolate cream for any cake.

Chocolate custard cream

Time for this cream it will take up to half an hour. If you don’t want to wait for the cream to cool down on its own, you can put it in a bowl of cold water and, stirring, bring it to the desired temperature. The time will be halved.

For chocolate custard you need:

  • Milk – 1 glass.
  • Potato starch or flour - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Chicken egg – 2 pcs.
  • Sugar or powdered sugar - 1/3 cup.
  • Butter – 50 gr.
  • Chocolate – 100 gr.
  • Vanillin – 2 gr.

Prepare the cream like this

The light aroma of chocolate fills the kitchen. You immediately imagine a picture with a slight note of romance and nostalgia: you are by a burning fireplace, in a cozy armchair. A cup of hot chocolate in your hands. Nearby on the table is a saucer with your favorite delicacy. Warm and calm.

Video recipe

You can put Napoleon in the cream for the cake walnut kernels, peanuts, hazelnuts, hazelnuts, after roasting and crushing them. Each type of nut gives Napoleon a light nutty flavor that will not spoil the taste of your favorite delicacy.

You can also add to the cream berry puree, jam, preserves. To do this, instead of the whole amount of milk, put half of the milk in the recipe, and supplement the other half with berry puree, jam or preserves, depending on your taste preferences. Each additional ingredient gives the cake its own special flavor.

How to determine which cream is tastier and better? I cannot recommend a specific recipe. This is impossible - after all, everyone has their own taste, their own preferences. And you can only determine which cream for the Napoleon cake is better by yourself by preparing the recipes that you like.

It would take a long time to describe cream recipes. Everyone has their own quantity of products, their own cooking methods. I described the basic recipes for cream for Napoleon cake. I use them all the time.

But you probably have tastier recipes, or ones that don’t require heat treatment.

I'd love to read your options. Write, complement, suggest, discuss. Let's share our recipes.

It was called, however, then a little differently - “a thousand layers.” It was only in the 19th century that it became widespread and received a new name - the French chef Marie-Antoine Carême modernized the recipe. However, why he began to bear the name of the famous commander and emperor is still not known for certain.

The Napoleon cake has long taken pride of place in the book of recipes for Russian housewives. After all, preparing it is quite simple, and its taste is not inferior to the most exquisite desserts. The most questions when preparing Napoleon arise when it comes to cream. Many housewives prefer custard. It is really lighter and healthier than oil. However, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances to ensure that the cream turns out perfect.


What do you need:
1 tbsp. cream 20% fat
4 tbsp. Sahara
1 tsp starch
3 eggs

How to prepare custard for Napoleon cake:
1. Take a saucepan. Better enameled. Put sugar, starch into it, add eggs and stir the mixture for 1-2 minutes. Then add the cream and place the saucepan on the stove.

2. Stir the mixture constantly with a wooden spatula. Your task is to prevent the cream from boiling. Otherwise it will curl up and fail. Heat the mixture until thickened. Then leave the cream to cool.

You can make chocolate custard for Napoleon cake.


What do you need:
1 tbsp. milk
2 tbsp. flour or potato starch
100 g chocolate
2 eggs
1/3 tbsp. sugar (ideally powdered sugar)
50 g butter
2 g vanillin

How to make chocolate custard for Napoleon cake:

1. First, heat the milk, add starch or flour and mix thoroughly.

2. In a separate bowl, beat eggs with sugar and add vanillin. Then combine both mixtures and beat well. Then break the chocolate bar into small pieces and add them to the cream mixture.

3. Place the saucepan with the cream on low heat and stir constantly. Cook until the cream has a consistency similar to thick sour cream. Next, leave the mixture to cool. After it has cooled to room temperature, add the whipped softened butter to it and beat everything together.

As an option, you can make custard sour cream for the Napoleon cake.


What do you need:
500 g sour cream 20% fat
600 ml milk
2 tbsp. starch
3 eggs
1 tbsp. sugar (ideally powdered sugar)
2 g vanillin

Do you want to cook your favoriteNapoleon cake in 10 minutes ? Then write it downfamous chef's signature recipe !..

How to prepare custard sour cream for Napoleon cake:

1. Pour 1 glass of cold milk into a bowl, dissolve the starch in it and add sugar and eggs. Mix everything thoroughly so that there are no lumps.

2. Pour the remaining milk into a saucepan and put on fire. Boil it and reduce the heat. Then carefully pour the egg-starch mixture into the boiling milk and mix everything. Bring the mixture to a boil, but do not boil, stirring constantly.

3. After removing the cream from the heat, add vanilla and cool to room temperature. All that remains is to add sour cream to the cream (it should be thick).

You can make the cream for the Napoleon cake more fragrant. To do this, you can pour 1 tbsp into the cream. cognac or liqueur. Alternatively, you can diversify the taste of the cream by adding 2 tbsp at the very beginning of cooking. roasted and finely chopped nuts.

Napoleon cake is a dessert that is familiar to many from childhood. In many families, it was a mandatory delicacy for the holiday, thanks to which its recipe was passed down from mother to daughter. But sometimes you want to deviate from the traditional performance and try something new. Knowing that the key to a good cake is the cake layers, you can leave the recipe you’ve tried for years and start experimenting with cream. By preparing cream for “Napoleon” according to different recipes, you can radically change the usual, familiar taste of this dessert. I offer several of the most popular cream options that do not require special ingredients or skills.

Classic Napoleon cake (custard cream)

Ingredients. For the dough: flour (5 cups), milk (1 cup), creamy margarine (250 g), one egg, salt. For the cream: milk (1.5 liters), flour (1.5 cups), sugar (2.5 cups), butter (150 g), eggs (2 pcs).

Preparation. Cakes. Sift the flour onto the table, cut the margarine into small pieces, rub everything thoroughly with your hands to make a homogeneous mass. We form a slide from the resulting mass with a depression in the middle, into this depression we gradually pour milk, previously mixed with the egg and salted. Knead everything very well, the dough should be homogeneous, smooth, without lumps. Divide the finished dough into portions. One serving is one cake. Roll the portioned pieces into balls and put them in the refrigerator for several hours. We take out, roll out the chilled dough balls into thin layers, which we place on a baking sheet, pierce them with a knife or fork in several places and bake each for 5 minutes at 200 degrees.

For "Napoleon"

We take milk and divide it equally. Beat one half with flour (add it in small portions, about a spoonful at a time). We put the second half on the fire and boil. As soon as the milk has boiled, pour it into the half that was whipped with flour, mix thoroughly and put the resulting mass on the fire. While the pan with the cream is on the fire, it must be stirred constantly. It is necessary to cook the cream for as long as possible - this will improve its taste. Before removing from heat, add the frothy eggs, butter and sugar. Don't forget to stir constantly.

When the cakes and cream have cooled, coat the cake, sprinkle crumbs from the cakes on top and leave to soak for several hours.

Cream for “Napoleon” - “Chantilly”

Ingredients: heavy cream (30%), sugar, vanillin.

Beat cream and sugar until smooth. At the end of whipping, add a little vanilla. If you want to get a less fatty cream, then you need to add a little to the 30% cream. It is not recommended to use cream with a lower fat content, as it will not whip well. Walnuts will go perfectly with this cream - after coating the crust, sprinkle ground walnuts on top.

Cream for “Napoleon” with condensed milk

Ingredients: condensed milk (300 g), butter (300 g), vanillin.

Soften the butter, add a little vanillin and a spoonful of condensed milk. Beat everything with a mixer, then add a few tablespoons of condensed milk and continue beating. Add a few spoons at a time until you have used all the condensed milk. The cream for Napoleon prepared according to this recipe should be fluffy and have a uniform consistency. If desired, you can add cognac, any fruit liqueur, lemon juice or nuts.

You can also deviate from the generally accepted recipe and, when preparing the Napoleon cake, replace the cream with applesauce and sugar. Or add coffee, cognac, whiskey, chocolate to your usual cream recipe. These minor additions can radically change the taste of such a familiar delicacy. Only through experimentation can you get an unsurpassed result that will delight you and your loved ones.

Hello my friends! I thought and thought about how best to design your modified custard for Napoleon, and decided not to worry, but to make a separate full-fledged post. Moreover, we already have not one, but two recipes, and both deserve the right to exist.

Which cream to choose for Napoleon

I, as a recognized conservative and adept of the classical style, did not go far from the classics - both cream recipes will be custard, but one is a classic classic, and the second is a more modern version, not quite familiar to Napoleon cake.

Although it is quite difficult to talk about classics in the context of such a giant of Soviet cuisine as Napoleon. My husband's family, for example, does not recognize Napoleon with classic custard. For them, the only possible cream for Napoleon is half butter. And this, if we speak in terms of world confectionery practice, is Muslin cream. But for me, such buttercream in a cake, where there is more cream than cake layers (which, by the way, are also half butter), is simply unacceptable. It's too greasy. It turns out to be some kind of oil. The same goes for Napoleon with condensed milk buttercream.

Therefore, we will immediately omit such options.

Classic custard

ABOUT classic custard There is no need to talk for a long time - everyone knows about it, loves it and knows how to cook with almost no problems. The only thing is that the proportions for Napoleon in the custard will be slightly different from the usual in order to obtain a less thick cream, capable of soaking cakes well.

If you belong to that category of citizens (of which there is an absolute minority) who prefer crispy napoleon, then I refer you to the link for, which turns out to be dense and stable.

Custard with added cream

The second cream with which I started making Napoleon not so long ago is a more modern custard with the addition of whipped cream, also known as Diplomat in the world, and some call it Sundae. This cream turns out to be fattier and richer in taste, but at the same time more delicate and airy than classic custard.

It’s hard for me to say which of these creams is the most delicious. Choose for yourself.

My Napoleon's original recipe carefully stored. It is also incredibly tasty and has earned many accolades over the course of its existence. But today’s two creams are quite a bit, one evolutionary step, higher than their venerable ancestor.

Classic custard recipe

For the cream we need:

Makes 10-12 cakes with a diameter of 24 cm. The crust recipe can be found.

  • milk - 1 l
  • sugar - 200 gr.
  • eggs - 100 gr. (2 pcs.)
  • egg yolks - 80 gr. (4 things.)
  • vanilla sugar with natural vanilla - 15 gr.
  • flour - 100 gr.

If you like it sweeter, use 25 grams of sugar. more.

Cooking method:

  1. In a saucepan, mix milk with half the sugar (100 g) and bring to a boil over moderate heat.
  2. While the milk is heating, in a deep bowl, whisk the eggs and yolks with the remaining sugar (100 g), vanilla sugar and flour until smooth.

    Do not leave the sugar in contact with the yolks without stirring them, otherwise they will burn and form lumps.

  3. As soon as the milk boils, pour about 1/3 of the milk into the egg mixture, while stirring with a whisk.
  4. Then return the egg-milk mixture back to the hot milk, stir and return to already low fire without ceasing to stir vigorously with a whisk.
  5. After a couple of minutes the cream will begin to thicken. DO NOT wait for the cream to thicken too much. Immediately remove the pan from the heat.
  6. Pour the custard into another container (if there are lumps, pass through a sieve), cover with cling film and leave at room temperature until completely cooled.

Whipped Cream Custard Recipe

Required Products:

Makes 10-12 cakes with a diameter of 24 cm.

  • heavy cream 33-35%, cold - 200 gr.
  • milk - 500 ml
  • sugar - 120 gr.
  • eggs - 50 gr. (1 PC.)
  • egg yolks - 40 gr. (2 pcs.)
  • vanilla sugar with natural vanilla - 15 gr.
  • flour - 60 gr.
  • butter, softened - 25 gr.


  1. First, let's whip the cold cream. to soft peaks and put it in the refrigerator.

    To whip the cream better, place the whisk, mixer bowl and cream in the freezer for 15 minutes before whipping.

  2. In a saucepan, mix milk and half the sugar (60 g), and bring to a boil over moderate heat, stirring occasionally with a whisk.
  3. While the milk is heating, in a deep bowl, grind the egg, yolks, remaining sugar (60 g) and vanilla sugar.
  4. Add flour and mix thoroughly with a whisk until smooth.

    You can add a couple of spoons of milk that has not yet warmed up to make stirring easier.

  5. As soon as the milk boils, remove the saucepan from the heat and pour 1/3 of the milk into the bowl with the egg mixture, stirring continuously with a whisk.
  6. Then we return this entire mixture to the saucepan with the milk, again stirring continuously.
  7. Reduce the fire, return the saucepan to the stove and, continuing to stir vigorously, bring the cream to a boil (until the first bursting bubbles appear).
  8. Immediately remove the cream from the heat, add the butter, cut into cubes, and stir until the butter is completely dissolved.
  9. Place the custard in a mixer bowl and beat on medium speed to cool the custard.

    If you have time, you can cool the cream at room temperature by covering it with cling film.

  10. After the temperature of the cream reaches approximately 35º, add the whipped cream and beat for a short time until a homogeneous smooth cream is obtained.

All. The cream for Napoleon is ready.

I use both of these creams not only in Napoleon, but also in sponge cakes (the second option with cream), in tarts, tartlets, eclairs, you can fill cupcakes with them, etc.

Do I want to experiment with chocolate Napoleon soon? Do you want results?

Ask your questions and share your feedback in the comments, subscribe on social networks and cook deliciously!

See you again!

Olya Athenskaya

Helping you bake better.

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Parents eagerly await their baby's first steps. This joyful event is sometimes overshadowed by the fact that the child begins to go to...

As soon as you feel discomfort in your throat, treatment should begin immediately. Firstly, any ailment is fraught with threats to...

A milk allergy in a child is a negative reaction of the immune system. The pathology occurs in infancy. The disease cannot be cured...

The younger the child, the higher the likelihood of an infectious agent entering the body. Manifestations of the disease are extremely variable - from...
Any deviation in the child’s health is perceived by responsible parents with great concern, which is quite natural and understandable...
Some parents are seriously concerned about a child's milk allergy, which most often manifests itself during the period of...
Heart problems in a child frighten most young mothers. Indeed, it is precisely congenital or acquired lesions of this...
Children's congenital heart defects Heart defect is a change in the functioning of the muscular and valvular apparatus of the heart and its partitions. IN...
The good health of the expectant mother is very important for the normal course of pregnancy and the proper development of the baby. But during the gestation period...