How to take vitamin E for children. Vitamin E, its features, benefits for children and rules of administration. Functions of vitamin E in the body

A fatty environment is required. Its storage place in the body is adipose tissue, liver and muscles. It has many beneficial qualities, the most significant of which is antioxidant. Thanks to tocopherol, cells are protected from the harmful effects of free radicals.

What else is vitamin useful for:

  • increases immunity;
  • improves blood circulation and normalizes blood clotting;
  • normalizes the endocrine and reproductive systems;
  • increases hemoglobin levels and vascular strength;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • helps in tissue restoration and healing;
  • improves the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • has a beneficial effect on the condition of muscle tissue and the retina of the eyes;
  • promotes a favorable course of pregnancy;
  • has a positive effect on the intrauterine development of the fetus.

Daily norms for children

With age, the need for vitamin E changes. In premature or low-weight newborns, as well as children with gastrointestinal pathologies, for example, cystic fibrosis, the need for tocopherol increases.

Daily intake of vitamin E for children by age:

What are the dangers of vitamin E deficiency?

Vitamin E is indirectly related to the immune system. Its deficiency leads to a decrease in the body's protective functions and susceptibility to viral, infectious and other diseases. A lack of vitamin E is dangerous for newly born babies. May cause the development of hemolytic anemia or retinal damage. Teenagers need tocopherol for the proper development of the reproductive system. Vitamin deficiency causes acne on the face.

External signs of vitamin E deficiency are difficult to recognize. To diagnose hypovitaminosis, it is necessary to take blood and urine tests.

Common symptoms of vitamin E deficiency in children:

  • dry skin, brittle nails;
  • the child often suffers from infectious diseases;
  • sleep problems;
  • increased excitability;
  • poor appetite;
  • decreased academic performance and mental abilities;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • weakness, malaise, increased fatigue;
  • vision problems.

Vitamin E in foods

You can compensate for the lack of vitamin E with the help of certain foods. Most tocopherol is found in plant foods, but it is better absorbed from animal products.

Product category Product Vitamin E content (mg, per 100 g)
Vegetable oil Soy 114
Corn 100
Cotton 90
Sunflower 67
Linen 27
Peanut 14
Olive 12
Cereals, legumes Wheat grains (sprouted) 25
Oats 19
Corn 10
Peas 9
Wheat 6,5
Buckwheat 6
Rye 5,3
Beans 3,8
Nuts Almond 24,6
Hazelnut 20,4
Peanut 10,1
Pistachios 6
Cashew 5,7
Walnuts 2,6
Berries, dried fruits, greens Dried apricots 5,5
Sea ​​buckthorn 5
Rose hip 3,8
Spinach 2,5
Kalina 2
Sorrel 2
Prunes 1,8
Parsley 1,8
Animal products Squid 2,2
Eggs 2
Salmon 1,8
Zander 1,8
Liver 1,3
Herring 1,2
Beef 0,57
Sour cream (30 percent) 0,55
Pork 0,54
Cottage cheese 0,38
Cheese 0,3-0,5
Milk 0,04-0,09

When should you take vitamin E supplements?

Taking medications with tocopherol is indicated for the following diseases:

  • hemolytic anemia;
  • increased bilirubin levels in premature infants;
  • eating disorders;
  • hypervitaminosis D;
  • diseases of blood vessels and connective tissues;
  • dermatoses;
  • muscular dystrophy;
  • disorders in the reproductive system in boys and girls;
  • diseases of the liver, cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Forms of release of drugs

Tocopherol can be taken orally or applied directly to problem areas of the body. It is perfectly absorbed through the skin. Vitamin deficiency or acute vitamin deficiency in the body is treated with injections.

Vitamin E can be found in the pharmacy under the name Tocopherol acetate in the form of an oil solution in various dosages. For those who cannot tolerate oil, vitamin tablets or chewable lozenges are suitable, while drops are prescribed for newborns and children under 3 years of age.

Tocopherol release forms:

  • oil solutions in capsule form with dosages of 100, 200, 400 mg;
  • tablets with a dosage of 100 mg;
  • solutions for injections 5 and 10%;
  • solution for external use 50%.

Vitamin E preparations for children

Vitamin E can be purchased as a stand-alone product or in combination with other beneficial substances. The most popular multivitamins containing tocopherol: Aevit, Pikovit, Alphabet, Sana-sol, Supradin, Vitrum, Vita Mishki, Multi-tabs. For infants, an oil solution of vitamin E in drops is more suitable, which is convenient to dose using a pipette.

To treat hypovitaminosis E, doctors often prescribe vitamin E in red capsules. They contain an oily liquid containing synthetic vitamin E. The substance is fully adapted to all the needs of the human body and is effective for diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, for various pathologies in the reproductive system of men and women, and during pregnancy.

Features of application

Detailed instructions for use are included with any drug containing vitamin E. Vitamins must be taken strictly according to the schedule to avoid overdose and side effects.

It is recommended that infants take vitamin E drops. Up to six months, the dose is 3 mg; from 6 months to 3 years, the dosage increases to 4 mg. The drug should be given before feeding in the morning, 1 time per day. The drops need to be dissolved in a teaspoon of warm boiled water.

10 drops from an eye dropper of 5, 10 and 30 percent oil solution contain vitamin E - 10, 20 and 65 mg, respectively

Taking vitamin E capsules is allowed for children over six years of age. Also, from this age, you can take the vitamin in tablets or in the form of chewable lozenges.


The risk of allergic reactions and side effects after taking vitamin preparations in a child is much higher than in an adult. Therefore, vitamins should be given with caution, carefully observing the body’s reaction.

Contraindications to taking tocopherol are intolerance to the components of the drug, iron deficiency anemia, diseases of the blood and cardiovascular systems, frequent bleeding (epistaxis or others).

Overdose, side effects and excess

Preparations with fat-soluble vitamins, which include tocopherol, should be given with caution, as they accumulate in the body and it is easy to get an excess.

A slight excess of the dose most often does not cause severe reactions. But long-term use of large dosages of vitamin E can lead to excess and increased blood pressure, bleeding, bleeding disorders, and convulsions. An overdose of vitamin E leads to gastrointestinal upset, diarrhea, abdominal pain and nausea.

Interaction with other substances

Tocopherol should not be taken together with iron-containing medications. They neutralize each other. If you have iron deficiency anemia, it is recommended to avoid taking vitamin E for at least two hours. Tocopherol also reduces the production and absorption of vitamin K.

The most successful combinations of tocopherol and other substances:

  • vitamin E and selenium (strengthen each other’s actions);
  • vitamins E and (improves the absorption of vitamin A);
  • vitamins E and (the protective properties of tocopherol increase).

The best combination for enhancing immunity is a complex of vitamins E, A and C. Therefore, if a child is often sick, it is necessary to select drugs containing these three substances

Vitamin E has many properties that benefit humans. But if you take vitamin preparations incorrectly, the beneficial qualities can turn harmful.

Tocopherol is recommended by doctors for runny noses in children. The substance does not dry out the mucous membrane, moisturizes, and the therapeutic effect occurs in 3-5 days. Instilling vitamin E into a child’s nose requires 2-3 drops in each nostril several times a day for five days.

A lack of vitamin E in childhood can lead to various troubles - decreased immunity, abnormal development, and the appearance of other pathologies and diseases. To avoid this, it is necessary to provide the baby with proper nutrition, and if you suspect a lack of vitamin in the body, consult a doctor.

In the video below you can find useful information about vitamin E.

Tocopherol (vitamin E) belongs to the group of components responsible for the proper absorption of proteins that a child needs for the normal development of the skeletal and muscular systems and the formation of immunity. Vitamin E in drops for newborns has an antioxidant function - it protects organ cells from toxins, regulates metabolism and maintains the level of red blood cells in the blood.

Specialists from the Daughters-Sons online market will talk about the role of vitamins in the development of children, and will also introduce them to the range of baby food enriched with healthy vitamin components.

For the expectant mother, tocopherol is indicated for taking in capsules containing 100, 200 or 400 mg of transparent yellowish oil. Newly born children are offered the component exclusively in drops. How many drops of vitamin E newborns need depends on the characteristics of the individual child’s body. On average, the daily requirement is 3-4 IU. The dosage is minimal, which gives reason to refuse daily use of the supplement.

How is vitamin E administered to newborns? The instructions for use look like this:

  • 1 mg of the drug per month is sufficient;
  • the drug is administered orally;
  • given to the baby in a teaspoon of boiled water;
  • taken in the morning.

Tocopherol stimulates the absorption of vitamin A and reduces the concentration of its toxicity. At the same time, vitamin E is suppressed by iron, so the drug should be taken at intervals of 2 hours from feeding with breast milk or an iron-fortified formula.

How necessary is vitamin E for newborns? Reviews

Parents in their reviews do not note the positive effects of tocopherol on the child’s body, since the benefits from it are the normal development of the child in the long term. An additional need for vitamin E appears only when symptoms of the disease are detected, for example, hemolytic anemia. The disease is caused by the breakdown of erythrocytes (red blood cells) as a result of a lack of tocopherol.

Vitamin E ensures the baby's normal growth and development; it protects the baby's cells from toxins. In addition, vitamin E prescribed by a pediatrician allows you to:

  • maintain the baby's tone;
  • avoid anemia;
  • develop vision;
  • strengthen the heart muscle and blood vessel walls;
  • support nerve cells;
  • improve the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates.
Body system Vitamin function Positive effects Table 1. The benefits of vitamin E for a newborn’s body
Circulatory organs Prevents the breakdown of red blood cells; saturates the blood with oxygen Prevention of anemia; strengthening blood vessels
Musculoskeletal Protects bone and muscle tissue cells from various types of influences Muscle tone support; normal bone formation
Endocrine Promotes the absorption of proteins and vitamin A; suppresses toxic effects on the body; speeds up metabolism Correct (fast) weight gain; regulation of hormone levels
Immune Provides an immune response Helps the child’s weakened body fight viruses and germs.

The baby receives a certain part of the required dose of tocopherol through the placenta during the mother’s pregnancy. Premature and underweight babies are deficient in this substance, so the doctor prescribes vitamin E for them.

After several doses of vitamin E, infants experience improved metabolism, weight gain, and a strengthened immune system.

Newborns need vitamin E for a more rational use of proteins by the body in building bone and muscle tissue. Regulation of metabolism and removal of toxins with the help of tocopherol has a beneficial effect on the baby’s tone and development.

The pediatrician should prescribe an additional dose of the drug after conducting appropriate tests. Reviews from pediatricians make it clear that vitamin E deficiency can lead to anemia, delayed physiological development, and a general disorder of the child’s tone.

The importance of vitamin E for children

Vitamin E refers to a whole group of fat-soluble substances. The main goal in the body is to neutralize free radicals. Compared to other beneficial substances, vitamin E is not a very powerful antioxidant, but it has other beneficial properties that are involved in the development of the child's body. Science has given several names to vitamin E. 8 natural forms of this substance have also been identified. The leading groups are tocopherols and tocotrienols. They can be isolated both from natural substances and obtained synthetically. Synthetically produced vitamins can be found on sale most often and at an affordable price, but the natural component is two to four times more expensive than the synthetic one. Tocopherol can be found as an additive to some other drugs, since research is currently underway on the use of tocopherol in its pure form. Both tocopherols and tocotrienols have different properties and have different effects on the body. This means that all types of vitamin E are the same in structure, but not the same in their effect. The most active form is alpha-tocopherol.

Beneficial features

Vitamin E for children is characterized by a number of beneficial properties. This substance acts in mitochondria, that is, deeper than at the cellular level. Vitamin E is a component of the cell membrane and protects it from oxidation. The substance also has a beneficial effect on red blood cells, ensuring their easy passage through blood vessels and capillaries. This allows red blood cells not to stick together and remain on the walls of blood vessels. Tocopherol is useful for relaxing vascular muscles and their expansion. It affects the proper development of the nervous system, muscular system, liver and other organs in a child up to one year old. In addition to the listed properties, we note that tocopherol strengthens the immune system, protects the body from infections, improves the regenerative ability of tissues, takes part in the production of hormones, reduces the body’s fatigue, ensures normal blood clotting, normalizes blood sugar levels. This is especially true for a child suffering from diabetes. back to contents

Sources of Vitamin E

Children under one year of age and older need vitamin E every day, since about 70% of this substance is eliminated from the body every day. You can get tocopherol in the form of capsules from the pharmacy, as well as by consuming certain foods. The sources are primarily vegetable oils. A significant portion is found in sunflower seeds and apples; this vitamin is also found in nuts. A small amount is found in milk and egg yolk, but the most vitamin-rich vegetables are spinach and broccoli. The invariable leader among products of animal origin is the liver and fillet of fish from the salmon family. to contents

Body need

Speaking about taking a fortified drug, it is worth noting that doctors give various advice on the use of tocopherol. Some doctors believe that children under 12 years old should not be given encapsulated vitamin E. They get this substance in sufficient quantities from food. However, there is a dosage and instructions for use that can be used to determine whether the child receives enough tocopherol, or whether there is a need to adjust his diet by adding the necessary products. So, for children under 1 year of age, the daily requirement of vitamin E is from 3 to 5 milligrams, children from 1 to 6 years old need 5–7 milligrams, and school-age children should receive 10–15 milligrams of this valuable substance. The child begins to receive tocopherol while still in the womb. About seventy percent of it is retained by the placenta, and the remaining thirty goes to the fetus. After birth, infants receive it through mother's milk, with the most tocopherol found in colostrum. If the baby was born full-term, up to 5 milligrams per day is enough for him, but if his weight is insufficient, then the dosage is increased to 9 milligrams. Breastfed babies receive the substance in sufficient quantities from the mother, and bottle-fed babies should receive it in fortified milk formulas. Young mothers should not independently administer medications to children under one year of age, even if there are instructions for use. The consequence of improper use can be a severe overdose. Only a pediatrician, when examining a child, can suspect a deficiency of a substance, followed by confirmation by laboratory tests.

Features of application

Vitamin E is prescribed to frequently ill children, since it is one of the components of the antioxidant group. The substance helps improve immunity and help the body cope with various stresses. Tocopherol also improves the effect of other vitamins in the body, in particular A and C. Before giving vitamin E to a child under one year old, you should consult a pediatrician. Doctors recommend it for increased fatigue, scleroderma, insufficient weight gain and other diseases. Typically, children under one year of age are rarely prescribed vitamins, because overdose is possible. The substance should not be taken together with iron supplements. The instructions for use indicate that tocopherol destroys iron, so more than eight hours should pass between taking these drugs. Note that tocopherol of natural origin is twice as active as the vitamin synthesized by the pharmaceutical industry. Therefore, it is better for children to provide their daily dose of vitamin with food rather than with drugs from the pharmacy. The drug should be stored in a place protected from sunlight. If vitamin E is obtained from natural products, you need to remember that 55% of the substance is destroyed during heat treatment.


The use of tocopherol in excess of the norm in most cases occurs without noticeable consequences. If the body is healthy, then the child does not feel negative sensations and the overdose goes away without a trace. The vitamin will be excreted from the body in feces and urine. If the overdose is prolonged, adverse reactions of the body to increased levels of the substance are possible. Such reactions include: increased blood pressure, frequent bleeding, impaired coagulation. If the dosage was exceeded once, then stomach pain, nausea, and diarrhea are possible. Due to such side effects, doctors do not recommend taking this vitamin to children who have increased sensitivity to tocopherol, heart disease, and pathologies of the coagulation system. There is no specific treatment for the diagnosis of tocopherol overdose. In order to alleviate the child’s condition, it is necessary to stop taking the drug and then relieve the unpleasant symptoms. The child may need to be hospitalized in the intensive care unit, where he will be given plasma-substituting solutions, lower blood pressure, and prescribe medications that protect liver cells.

It is important to remember that an overdose of any drug has a greater negative effect than its deficiency.

Vitamins D and E for infants: how to give them correctly?

Vitamin E for infants is prescribed if the child is born ahead of schedule. Tocopherol is additionally prescribed to weakened and underweight children.

Every mother who has given birth asks the question: is it necessary to give vitamins to infants? This is a very interesting matter. Vitamins are a useful thing, especially if they come into the human body from natural products. However, it is difficult to provide a newborn child with all the necessary vitamin complex. A breastfeeding mother must have a very balanced and good diet to provide her baby with everything he needs.

What about vitamin D? After all, the largest amount of it is produced in the body under the influence of the sun's rays. This vitamin is vital for a small organism that is actively forming and growing. Those who suffer from a lack of vitamin D are primarily small children who were born in the autumn or winter, when there is practically no sun in the sky.

But don’t be mistaken that summer children get enough of it. Vitamin D is produced when exposed to direct sunlight, and for very young children this is a contraindication. A walk taken before eleven o'clock in the morning or after four in the evening will be useful; in other cases, direct rays of the sun can have a detrimental effect on the child. Therefore, in the early stages of life, vitamin D is a necessity for infants.

A lack of vitamin D in infants can cause classic D-deficiency rickets. This pathology can provoke a disturbance in the metabolic processes of calcium and phosphorus. This problem can occur in children aged two to three months. It is also observed in premature infants and bottle-fed children. This vitamin will ensure easy absorption of calcium, which is responsible for the strengthening and growth of bone tissue. In case of deficiency of the calcium element, there is a disruption in the normal functioning of the nervous system, as well as thinning and softening of the bones.

If the signs described below are present, parents should understand that the child is beginning to actively develop rickets:

The baby suddenly changes his behavior. Begins to cry often and get scared;

When the child eats, there is increased sweating, which also occurs during sleep;

Rashes occur in the back of the head, hair begins to fall out, and due to severe itching, the child begins to constantly rub his head against the pillow.

Also, with a long-term lack of vitamin in a child in such a situation, muscle weakness is noted. Disruption of the musculoskeletal system is manifested in the fact that the child begins to perform actions with a delay, such as turning over on his stomach, walking, etc. The child experiences frequent constipation and diarrhea, and the abdomen becomes enlarged. Further changes are provoked by various pathologies in a small child, among which the following is noted: the head increases in size, the back of the head becomes flat, the forehead bulges, the ribs thicken, the legs become crooked, separate areas of softened bones are found, etc.

It is prohibited to give vitamins to infants on your own initiative. For this you definitely need a doctor's recommendation. Based on the tests received and after examining the child, the pediatrician draws conclusions and prescribes vitamin preparations.

For preventive use in order to avoid rickets, the pediatrician usually prescribes taking vitamin D. For a child’s body, the daily indicator that determines the norm is five hundred IU, this is quite enough for an organism that is growing. Vitamin for infants is available in two forms - a water-based solution and an oil solution.

It is believed that aqueous drops of vitamin D are absorbed much better by the body; such drugs include Aquadetrim. They are less toxic for such a small baby. They note the greater effectiveness of vitamin D3 preparations, which stimulates the body’s own production of vitamin D. In order to carry out prevention, the child can be given the vitamin throughout the cold months. If an increased dose, the so-called therapeutic dose, is prescribed, then after taking the vitamin for three weeks it is necessary to maintain a pause of six days. If the child is bottle-fed, which is not an exception for taking the drug, the pediatrician should set the dose after the next examination of the baby.

A pediatrician should also explain how to give vitamin D to an infant. If for some reason this moment was missed, you should adhere to the following regimen: the vitamin should be given in the afternoon, when the child eats. For babies, a drop is applied to the tongue, and for children who already eat from a spoon, you can dilute a drop of medicine in a spoon with water.

Parents should know that vitamins can also be dangerous if their normal dosage is not controlled. When there is an excess of much-needed vitamin D, calcium salts accumulate in the blood, and this leads to inevitable poisoning of the body. Some people develop sensitivity to this drug, so parents are advised to conduct a tolerance test for their child in advance. When intoxication occurs, the child experiences a loss of appetite, sleep disturbances, diarrhea, breathing becomes difficult, the skin becomes less elastic and the pulse becomes slower. If these symptoms are detected, you simply need to stop giving your child a vitamin D-based drug.

The child will be healthy if the parents carefully monitor this. While growing, the baby should receive everything necessary for its full development, including vitamin D.

Vitamin A and E for children: properties, features and instructions for use of drops and capsules

Vitamins A and E are necessary for our body, children especially need them. Retinol (the name of vitamin A) takes part in the development of the baby even before his birth - it promotes strong immunity, helps the placenta grow with the fetus and adjusts the proper functioning of the mother’s internal organs. It is produced from beta-carotene in the small intestine. Vitamin E (tocopherol) takes care of cell regeneration and helps relieve inflammation of tissues and organs. This antioxidant is good for the heart and essential for muscles. Tocopherol is fat-soluble, its main reserves are in the adipose tissue of our body.

Vitamins A and E are necessary for the child during pregnancy

To understand exactly why a child needs vitamins A and E, it is worth taking a closer look at their properties. In addition, we will find out which products contain enough of these substances and how to use them correctly to increase efficiency.

Benefits of Vitamin A

  • promotes good vision;
  • restores the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, stomach, and intestines;
  • takes part in activating bone growth;
  • normalizes digestion;
  • supports immunity, reduces the likelihood of viral diseases;
  • necessary as a stimulant and regulator of the body's hormonal activity.

You can maintain the desired balance of vitamin A in the body if you regularly eat foods in which it is present. The list is quite long:

  • vegetables: carrots, pumpkin, broccoli, sorrel, celery, tomatoes;
  • fruits: oranges, tangerines, mangoes, apricots;
  • dairy products: cream, milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese and butter;
  • liver - cod, beef, chicken, pork;
  • chum salmon caviar;
  • fish fat.

Vitamin A can be found in a wide variety of foods

Important: when heat treating products, almost 15% of this substance is removed from them. To enhance the digestibility of the remaining portion, it is advisable to add foods rich in vitamin E to your dishes.

Benefits of Vitamin E

Tocopherol in capsules is often prescribed to women, especially during pregnancy, but babies also need it. Along with ascorbic acid, this substance helps the body quickly cope with viral diseases and colds. The drug is prescribed as an immunomodulatory agent, and is also used as part of therapy aimed at increasing the body weight of infants whose weight is below standard indicators.

If you exceed the norm, side effects are possible:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • headache and loss of strength;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • loss of vision.

However, with the right approach, this substance will not cause health problems. To replenish vitamin E reserves in the body, without worrying about regularly taking a capsule or tablet, you can introduce the following products into your diet:

  • apricots - fresh and dried, sea buckthorn, rose hips;
  • fish: herring, salmon, pike perch;
  • beef and beef liver;
  • nuts and legumes;
  • eggs;
  • milk, sour cream;
  • unrefined vegetable oil;
  • sprouted grains of wheat or other cereals.

If you constantly consume recommended foods, you don’t need to take vitamin E in synthetic form.

Like retinol, this substance is only partially resistant to heat treatment, and there is much less of it in a finished dish than in a raw one. There is even less tocopherol in products that have been stored for a long time, since it disappears when exposed to light and air.

Rules of application

According to the latest research by scientists, it is very difficult to fully provide a modern child with vitamins if you rely only on a balanced diet. A menu that seems balanced at first glance can ultimately lead to a deficiency of nutrients of 20 or even 30%.

You can provide your child’s body with the necessary amount of vitamins A and E using pharmaceutical products. However, it is important to understand that children's medications differ from those for adults in dosage. The form of release does not matter - you can use vitamins in drops, tablets, or capsules. Typically, the manufacturer supplies children's medications with a special dispenser - a pipette, a measuring spoon, so measuring the required amount is not difficult.

When and how is it best to offer a child vitamins? What dose can be given to the baby depending on his age? Almost any vitamins are absorbed more effectively before 2 o'clock in the afternoon - after waking up, metabolism is most active. If we are talking about a baby, the drops can be given to the baby along with milk during morning or afternoon feeding.

Using a dispenser, measuring the required dose of vitamins is quite simple.

Vitamin A

Different manufacturers use different units of calculation - milligrams, micrograms or MO (international units). The table shows all options for the standard dose of the drug in relation to the baby’s age. However, the pediatrician may prescribe a different administration option and a different dosage - preventive or therapeutic. In this case, parents are required to study the instructions for use before starting therapy.

Vitamin E

Tocopherol can be given to newborns - it is sold not only in capsules, but also in an oil solution. Up to ½ year, the dose of this drug is 5 drops (3 milligrams) once a day. Older children should be given 4 milligrams. This portion remains relevant until the baby reaches 2-3 years. Pediatricians recommend taking this vitamin before meals.

Vitamin E oil solution can also be given to newborns

Vitamin E for children is sometimes available in chewable lozenges or capsules. The latter are suitable for preschoolers who can already easily swallow the capsule.

What are the consequences of a lack of vitamins?

Vitamin deficiency or hypovitaminosis is a dangerous condition for a child’s body. It occurs infrequently, but you need to be able to notice atypical manifestations of the baby’s behavior and contact a specialist in time. What is missing in a child’s body? What symptoms may indicate hypovitaminosis of vitamins A and E? Let's look at these signs and ways to determine them in more detail.

Vitamin A deficiency

Retinol can be stored in tissues - if it is not systematically consumed, the body will independently regulate its balance. Sometimes the lack of this substance is so significant that the body begins to signal a problem. Vitamin A is necessary for children; you can make sure that your child is not getting enough of it by looking at some signs:

  • The baby's height and weight are below normal.
  • The child often gets sick, and the upper respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract are at risk.
  • The skin is dry, flaky, and cracks in the heels are possible. Inflamed areas of skin appear on the stomach, knees, and buttocks, and the baby complains of itching.

Dry baby skin may be due to vitamin A deficiency
  • Hair becomes dry, lacks shine and falls out.
  • The mucous membranes (mouth, inner surfaces of the eyelids, nasal passages) look unhealthy - erosions and ulcers appear.
  • The proper functioning of the tear ducts is disrupted, “dry eye syndrome” appears - the shine disappears, the eyes itch and burn. Frequent eye infections, in particular conjunctivitis, are possible. In early infancy, vitamin A deficiency can cost the baby his vision - the cornea becomes thinner, which leads to perforation of the eyeball.

Typically, retinol is prescribed only to those children who are often sick and are developmentally delayed. In other cases, the doctor's recommendations may be different.

Vitamin E deficiency

Vitamin E is required for use by a child only if there are indications. Usually the pediatrician prescribes a series of examinations: blood tests, urine tests, which will most accurately highlight the problem. This is necessary, since external symptoms - dry skin, poor sleep and appetite, increased excitability - may indicate both a lack of this vitamin and hypovitaminosis in general.

Poor appetite in a child may be due to vitamin E deficiency

Before making recommendations, a good doctor will ask parents questions about the circumstances of the child’s birth - whether he was full-term, whether there were any birth complications. If there is a baby under one year old in front of him, the pediatrician will find out whether the baby is breast-fed or bottle-fed, and will also check the degree of maturity of the fontanel. Some drugs help quickly close the hole in the skull in children, which is not always desirable. In addition, important factors are:

  • child's body weight;
  • likelihood of anemia;
  • genetic blood diseases;
  • eye diseases;
  • other individual characteristics of a small patient.

Pediatricians say that an infant is fully provided with vitamin E from mother's milk. However, a nursing woman should pay special attention to her diet - make sure that her menu is varied and balanced. Artificial formulas are also enriched with vitamins necessary for the proper development of the baby. Usually, you only need to review the nutrition of the mother and child in order to protect the baby from possible hypovitaminosis.

If the doctor decides to prescribe vitamin E, he should warn about the peculiarities of taking this drug. In particular, the medication should not be taken together with iron-containing products, otherwise none of them will perform their function. You need to maintain a gap of 2 hours between taking both.

If the mother eats properly, breast milk covers the deficiency of all vitamins

Is there an oversupply?

In rare cases, hypervitaminosis may occur, especially if you take vitamins uncontrolled. How dangerous is this condition and what are its characteristic features? An excess of retinol (vitamin A) can manifest itself as quite dangerous symptoms:

  • hydrocephalus (increase in the size of the skull due to fluid accumulation);
  • swelling of the fontanelle, as well as its pulsation;
  • nausea, increased urination, rash and sweating.

Hypervitaminosis E is characterized by general weakness, dizziness and nausea. In addition, other symptoms are possible:

  • retinal hemorrhage;
  • diarrhea;
  • decreased immunity;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • disruption of the nervous system.

As you can see, a lack of vitamins A and E is just as dangerous as an excess of them. The issue of taking additional medications should only be discussed with a doctor. It is the specialist who will tell you whether the child needs to undergo a course of treatment and what is the optimal dosage of the vitamin. Remember that good parents have a responsibility to make informed decisions about their child's health.

Vitamin E refers to a whole group of fat-soluble substances. The main goal in the body is to neutralize free radicals. Compared to other beneficial substances, vitamin E is not a very powerful antioxidant, but it has other beneficial properties that are involved in the development of the child's body.
Science has given several names to vitamin E. 8 natural forms of this substance have also been identified. The leading groups are tocopherols and tocotrienols. They can be isolated both from natural substances and obtained synthetically. Synthetically produced vitamins can be found on sale most often and at an affordable price, but the natural component is two to four times more expensive than the synthetic one. Tocopherol can be found as an additive to some other drugs, since research is currently underway on the use of tocopherol in its pure form. Both tocopherols and tocotrienols have different properties and have different effects on the body. This means that all types of vitamin E are the same in structure, but not the same in their effect. The most active form is alpha-tocopherol.

Vitamin E for children is characterized by a number of beneficial properties. This substance acts in mitochondria, that is, deeper than at the cellular level. Vitamin E is a component of the cell membrane and protects it from oxidation. The substance also has a beneficial effect on red blood cells, ensuring their easy passage through blood vessels and capillaries. This allows red blood cells not to stick together and remain on the walls of blood vessels. Tocopherol is useful for relaxing vascular muscles and their expansion. It affects the proper development of the nervous system, muscular system, liver and other organs in a child up to one year old.
In addition to the listed properties, we note that tocopherol strengthens the immune system, protects the body from infections, improves the regenerative ability of tissues, takes part in the production of hormones, reduces the body's fatigue, ensures normal blood clotting, and normalizes blood sugar levels. This is especially true for a child suffering from diabetes.

Vitamin E, also known as tocopherol, is one of the most valuable for normal metabolism and energy distribution, healthy body weight and growth, and physical activity of a child. In general, only 20-40% of vitamin E is absorbed from foods. That is why, especially if indicated, vitamin E is necessary for children as a food supplement.

Fat-soluble vitamin E promotes cell renewal in the body and prevents various inflammatory processes. It is one of the powerful antioxidants that accumulates and is stored in adipose tissue, promoting normal cardiac function and muscle development.

What foods can you get vitamin E from?

Although the human body better absorbs tocopherol from food of animal origin, it is most abundant in plant foods (in the form of tocopheryl quinone it is found in leaves, stems, and fruits). Here are the products it is present in, in descending order of content:

It should be taken into account that during heat treatment some of the vitamin is lost. In addition, it is sensitive to light and oxygen. This means that it can be difficult to get the required amount from regular food, especially if you are not a follower of a balanced diet.

Who especially needs vitamin E

According to reviews from parents, pediatricians quite often prescribe tocopherol along with vitamins A and C for frequently ill children. This is an effective antioxidant group to enhance immunity. This combination is especially recommended for the treatment of body weight deficiency at an early age.

You can give your baby tocopherol preparations only after consultation with a pediatrician, since many pharmaceuticals in this category are recommended for children of school age. It is important to follow the dosage, especially for newborns. Among the side effects in case of overdose:

  • visual impairment;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • the appearance of migraines;
  • stomach upset;
  • nausea;
  • general weakness.

Obstetrician-gynecologist, researcher Elena Berezovskaya, head of the International Academy of Healthy Life, expresses her opinion on the lack of vitamin E, which is especially typical for the following categories of children.

  • Premature newborns(especially those weighing less than 1500 g), since they have not developed the process of digesting fats. In such babies, tocopherol deficiency manifests itself in damage to the retina or infectious diseases.
  • Children with congenital feeding disorders- some diseases associated with impaired absorption of fats (cystic fibrosis). These are also diseases of the nervous system, retina, muscle pathologies, immune system, and genetic abnormalities. For children, water-soluble (synthetic) forms of tocopherol can be prescribed as treatment.
  • Children with gastrointestinal diseases associated with malabsorption of nutrients (intestinal malabsorption).

According to Elena Berezovskaya, other categories of children under normal living conditions rarely become “victims” of a lack of vitamins - most often, a poor diet that contains critically few vegetables and vegetable fats is “to blame.”

Release forms

In any pharmacy you can find tocopherol in the form of capsules, chewable lozenges, and liquid form. Vitamin E for children in drops (oil solution) is suitable for infants from birth. Its daily value in milligrams is 3.0 at the age of up to 6 months, which is 5 drops per day. After 6 months and up to 3 years, the daily rate should be 4.0 mg. The drug must be given to the child before feeding.

Vitamin E for children in capsules or in the form of chewable lozenges can be used starting from the age of 6, but only under the supervision of a specialist! Please note that many pharmaceutical tocopherol preparations contain warnings in the annotations: “do not use without a doctor’s prescription” or “not recommended for children under 12 (14) years of age.”

The doctor can prescribe the drug after an examination. It may be necessary to take blood and urine tests, since external “signals” - poor appetite or sleep, dry skin, excitability, frequent infections - are indirect signs of hypovitaminosis and do not always indicate a lack of vitamin E.

The specialist must take into account a number of factors:

  • individual characteristics of the child;
  • full term;
  • body mass;
  • the presence of anemia or genetic blood diseases;
  • presence of eye pathologies;
  • features of feeding (natural, artificial);
  • indicators of phosphorus-calcium metabolism in the child’s body;
  • condition of the fontanelles on the baby's head - uncontrolled intake of vitamin E can lead to early closure of the fontanelles, which will have a negative impact on brain development.

Children certainly need vitamins for healthy development. Here are the instructions for daily consumption: vitamin E for children under one year of age is required in an amount of 0.5 mg per 1 kg of weight. For diseases - for example, hemolytic anemia, neonatal hyperbilirubinemia, malnutrition - the dosage can be increased, but, again, it can only be determined by a doctor.

Attention: you should not take iron-containing preparations together with vitamin E, as they neutralize each other. It is necessary to wait at least 2 hours between taking them.

Experts are confident that a baby’s daily requirement for vitamin E is fully met thanks to mother’s milk (it is called a “natural multivitamin”) - of course, provided that the mother has adequate nutrition. High-quality milk formulas for artificial feeding are also fortified. In most cases, if your baby is healthy, it is enough to review the diet and add more healthy foods to the menu.


Tocopherol, or vitamin E, plays a very important role in human life. It is the main antioxidant that enters the body through food and affects human immunity. Do children need vitamin E, and how can you tell if a child is deficient?

Functions of vitamin E in the body

Tocopherol belongs to the group of fat-soluble vitamins. It is not for nothing that it is called the most feminine vitamin - it prevents early aging of cells, which is so important for the fair sex. But this is far from his only role. In addition, vitamin E:

  • Extends the life of red blood cells;
  • Normalizes the function of the endocrine and reproductive systems;
  • Improves tissue regeneration;
  • Improves vascular permeability;
  • Increases endurance;
  • Participates in the regulation of blood clotting;
  • Eliminates cramps;
  • Helps reduce blood sugar levels;
  • Maintains the necessary level of vitamin A in the body;
  • Ensures normal functioning of muscles.

Vitamin E is important for the proper development of the fetus, so sometimes doctors recommend taking it during pregnancy.

How to increase the supply of vitamin E to the body?

If there is a deficiency of vitamin E, the diet must be adjusted, taking into account the following: the vitamin is fat-soluble, but at the same time, an excess amount of fat makes it difficult to absorb tocopherol. However, eating fatty foods is harmful for children in any case.

Another difficulty lies in the fact that when cooked, the vitamin E content in products is reduced by half, and a child is unlikely to eat, for example, wheat germ.

It is necessary to include liver and sea fish, sunflower and corn oil, nuts, spinach, whole grains, broccoli, and sea buckthorn in your baby’s menu.

If it is not possible to increase the intake of tocopherol from food, vitamin E for children in drops or capsules will come to the rescue.

In what cases is it necessary to take vitamin E for children?

The recommended intake of vitamin E for infants is 3-4 IU (0.5 mg/kg), which is usually completely covered in breast milk. For preschoolers, the norm is 6-7 IU, and for schoolchildren – 7-8 IU.

In babies born prematurely, vitamin E deficiency may cause muscle weakness and hemolytic anemia. There is an eye disease known as retinopathy of prematurity, in the development of which the lack of tocopherol plays an important role. With intestinal malabsorption, the deficiency can be so great that children experience various neurological symptoms: muscle weakness, impaired coordination of movements, double vision. All these problems disappear with the timely administration of vitamin E for children in capsules or drops.

Because vitamin E is fat-soluble, some breast milk substitutes that are high in polyunsaturated fatty acids make it difficult to absorb. In addition, tocopherol deficiency often occurs, as mentioned above, in premature babies and babies with low body weight. Some diseases that impair fat absorption, as well as taking iron-containing medications, also contribute to the development of vitamin E deficiency.

How to determine whether tocopherol enters the body in sufficient quantities? The research method in this case is a blood test. If the content of vitamin E in the blood plasma of children is less than 0.4 mg%, it is necessary to follow a diet enriched with this vitamin and take it additionally.

What to look for when giving vitamin E to children

When choosing vitamins E for children in capsules or drops, you need to remember that there are two forms of this drug: natural and synthetic. Preparations of natural origin are marked “d”, and those of artificial origin are marked “dl”. It is generally accepted that the effectiveness of natural vitamin E is 2 times higher than its synthetic counterpart.

Vitamin E drops are an oil solution of tocopherol. It can be used not only internally, but also externally.

Drops must be measured with a pipette. For children over one year old, vitamin E in capsules will be more convenient. There are different opinions regarding safe dosages of tocopherol for the human body: recent clinical studies have shown that correct and absolutely safe dosages are 100–400 IU for adults and 50–100 IU for children. However, in any case, precise prescriptions should only be made by a doctor, taking into account a blood test and the severity of symptoms. out of 5 (21 votes)

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