External and internal causes of papillomas during pregnancy. Causes of papillomas during pregnancy, treatment features and consequences Removal of papillomas during pregnancy

The good health of the expectant mother is very important for the normal course of pregnancy and the proper development of the baby. But during the period of bearing a child, a woman is more susceptible to various diseases than others. In addition, many diseases can develop even before conception. The appearance of papillomas during pregnancy is not uncommon; this is mainly due to a decrease in the expectant mother’s immunity and the presence of the human papillomavirus (HPV) in her body. It is also called human papillomavirus infection; it provokes the development of diseases such as papillomatosis and condylomatosis.

Let's look at how papillomas manifest themselves during pregnancy, how they affect the body of the mother and fetus, and what methods of treating papillomavirus infection exist.

Causes and symptoms of papillomas during pregnancy

The papilloma virus affects the mucous membranes of the genital organs and the upper layer of skin. Infection occurs through contact with the mucous membranes or skin of a sick person. After such contact, the pathogen remains at the site of introduction and develops there; it does not enter the blood or other organs.

The genital form of the disease is usually transmitted sexually. If a woman had papillomas during pregnancy, then there is a high risk of transmitting the virus to the child from the mother.

This infection is characterized by a latent (hidden) course and a fairly long incubation period (from 3 months to 2-3 years). In such cases, it can only be detected through a blood test. In some patients, the papilloma virus exists asymptomatically in the body from birth, and only when the immune system is weakened can it appear for the first time in adulthood. As a result of its activation, the virus begins to multiply rapidly and the patient develops symptoms of the disease.

Signs of the presence of papilloma virus during pregnancy depend on what type of pathogen infects the woman. There are more than 100 different strains of HPV. But the most common strains are those that provoke the appearance of genital warts, papillomas (warts) and flat condyloma of the cervix.

Genital warts are usually localized in those places that are injured during sexual intercourse. They can be single or multiple (focal). In women, condylomas most often form on the labia minora and labia majora. The size of the neoplasms is 1-30 mm, they are located on a narrow “leg” and are shaped like a cauliflower or a cockscomb. With a large size and/or number of condylomas, they are often injured and bleed. Such growths often interfere with normal sexual life and cause a feeling of discomfort.

Warts (viral papillomas) can appear and disappear on their own. The frequent appearance of viral papillomas during pregnancy is associated with a decrease in the protective forces of the female body during this period. Warts grow anywhere on the body and their color does not differ from the color of the skin.

Flat condyloma of the cervix is ​​a manifestation of a chronic viral infection that has caused changes in the cells of the mucous membrane of the uterine cervix. Quite often it is combined with genital warts on a woman’s labia.

How does the papilloma virus affect the course of pregnancy?

Papillomas during pregnancy tend to increase in size, which in rare cases causes complications during the birth process. Primary HPV infection during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage. It remains controversial whether such infection causes malformations in the fetus. Most experts believe that the pathogen enters the baby’s body through the cervical canal and fetal membranes in an ascending manner, or that infection occurs during the child’s passage through the birth canal.

Very rarely, children born from sick mothers develop papillomatosis of the bronchi, trachea and larynx, and warts form in the anus and external genitalia. The presence of papillomas during pregnancy is not a contraindication to natural childbirth. A cesarean section can be performed in the case of giant condyloma, which can impede the passage of the baby through the birth canal.

Diagnosis of papilloma virus during pregnancy

The main diagnostic method is a routine gynecological examination of a woman. To confirm the diagnosis, a cytological examination is used (a scraping is taken from the surface of the cervix and cervical canal) or colposcopy (examination of the vaginal mucosa and cervix using a colposcope).

In addition, a test for the papilloma virus during pregnancy is prescribed to all women during registration. If necessary, the expectant mother is given a test that can identify most strains of HPV.

Treatment of the disease

In the arsenal of modern medicine there are no therapeutic measures that could be used to completely get rid of papillomavirus infection. As a rule, doctors do not treat the virus itself, but its manifestations. The effectiveness of such therapy is 50-70%, while in 25% of cases it manifests itself again a few months after completion of treatment. Along with this, spontaneous healing is often observed.

The advisability of treating papillomas during pregnancy is decided individually for each patient. In any case, the doctor recommends that the expectant mother avoid those factors that can provoke an exacerbation of this disease, in particular hypothermia, chronic fatigue, severe psychological stress, and vitamin deficiency. When treating papillomas during pregnancy, trichloroacetic acid preparations and physical methods (cryodestruction, diathermocoagulation, laser therapy, electrosurgical excision) are usually used. Along with topical medications, immunological agents are often used - special proteins produced by the immune system in response to a viral infection. These medications include: Viferon, Reaferon, Kipferon, etc. Women are often prescribed vitamins A, C and beta-carotene.

During pregnancy, a number of problems and troubles arise that almost every expectant mother faces. The appearance of papillomas during pregnancy is one of these phenomena, which requires clarification of the causes of formation and mandatory treatment. Treatment of papilloma during pregnancy is mainly therapeutic in nature, unless the tumor is large in size.

Any problem during pregnancy related to the health of a pregnant woman and capable of harming the unborn baby must be properly eliminated. One of these problems may be papilloma in an intimate place during pregnancy, which forms for reasons of varying degrees of impact. Thus, the most common way of formation of papillomas is sexual, when the partner is infected or is a carrier of the virus. The human papillomavirus is considered today as one of the most dangerous, since in the absence of treatment or its active reproduction, serious consequences are possible. However, it is believed that while the fetus is in the womb, it is not at risk of infection, so it is advisable to treat papilloma with local medications.

If papillomas are not eliminated in time, the child may become infected with the virus at birth, through the birth canal directly. In the case of an exacerbation of the human papillomavirus or large formations in intimate places, doctors resort to the cesarean section method as one of the ways to prevent infection of the baby.

If papillomas in intimate places are minor or almost invisible, childbirth occurs naturally and does not require surgical intervention. However, before making one of the decisions, the doctor conducts a thorough examination, which allows him to assess the situation and make the right choice.

An appropriate test for the human papillomavirus, which all pregnant women undergo when registering, will allow detection of papilloma in intimate places. Additional methods for diagnosing and identifying papillomas are colposcopy and cytological examination.

In addition to the main reason for the formation of papillomas in intimate places, there are a number of others that are not associated with sexual transmission. These reasons are due to: vitamin deficiency (lack of certain vitamins in the body), hypothermia, psychological stress (the most common cause), chronic fatigue, hormonal imbalance. All these reasons contribute to the exacerbation of the disease and should be monitored not only by the pregnant woman herself, but also by a doctor. Therefore, regular examination of the pregnant patient is carried out.

Any expectant mother, if she is faced with the problem in question, should know how papilloma is treated during pregnancy. Treatment of this disease is carried out by a doctor, based on the size of the formations and the causes. Small papillomas are eliminated with trichloroacetic acid preparations. As for large papillomas, at the patient’s discretion, methods of electrocoagulation, laser treatment, cryodestruction, and surgical excision can be used.

Unfortunately, many medications intended to treat human papillomavirus are not used during pregnancy, as they can cause side effects and harm the unborn baby. Therefore, they often resort to folk remedies, such as liquid vitamin A, apple cider vinegar and others. But it is still better not to self-medicate with the help of folk remedies, but to trust the experience and practice of the attending physician.

Papilloma during pregnancy can form not only in intimate places, but also on the chest. If these papillomas are not large in size and do not cause discomfort to the pregnant woman, they are not touched. The only thing that can bother a woman is the purely aesthetic appearance of her breasts.

So, such an unpleasant phenomenon as papilloma in intimate places during pregnancy can affect any expectant mother. The phenomenon, although unpleasant, can be eliminated using one of the currently available methods - medication or surgery.

A woman’s body becomes the most defenseless during pregnancy. The immune system weakens, and less aesthetic changes appear on the body of the expectant mother. If papillomas appear during pregnancy, the main thing is not to panic, but to find out the reasons for their occurrence and methods of treatment.

What causes papillomas in expectant mothers?

Unfortunately, there is no exact answer to this question. There is an opinion that this is the body’s response to all the changes that occur while expecting a child.

Supposed reasons:

  • hormonal changes;
  • weight gain;
  • skin injury;
  • decreased immunity;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • diabetes.

Against the background of these primary indications, favorable conditions for infection can be created.

What to do when warts appear on the body? Observe. Basically, such formations do not pose any threat to either the mother or the baby. If there are no visible reasons for concern, then there is no point in trying to get rid of the ugly decoration. But any damage, inflammation, discharge, pain is a direct path to the doctor. According to statistics, such growths disappear without a trace immediately after childbirth.

Know! After childbirth, the body is renewed and has the ability to heal itself.

Papillomas appear in the form of flat or elongated growths, can be single or group, from flesh to brown in color. Affected areas:

  • on the neck, face;
  • in the armpits;
  • in the groin, on the chest;
  • on the genitals;
  • in the oral cavity.

If neoplasms were already present on the body before pregnancy, then there is a risk that they will increase in size and number.


Photo of papillomas on the abdomen during pregnancy
Papillomas on the chest during pregnancy photo

Papilloma virus and pregnancy

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is an infectious disease transmitted through lesions on the skin or mucous membranes during contact with an infected person. Through household items and places with high humidity, sexual intercourse, through the birth canal.

The most dangerous are growths in intimate places, as they are caused by a virus such as HPV 16, 18. They can lead to cell division and changes in tissue structure, especially on the mucous membrane, and, as a rule, malignant tumors form as a result. Genital warts can cause vaginal discharge, thereby creating a moist environment for the virus.

During pregnancy, papillomas appear in the intimate area or on the genitals; you should consult a doctor for advice and determine the type of HPV.

Important! When registering, each woman is tested for the human papillomavirus. This gives confidence that papillomas are not dangerous, and the right treatment will strengthen the body to fight this virus.

The most common types of HPV encountered by gynecologists provoke the appearance of genital warts and flat papillomas on the cervix, ranging in size from 1 to 30 mm. The hidden course of the disease and a long incubation period from 1 month to 2-3 years pose a huge threat of infection.

Papillomas in pregnant women cause fear for their baby, and this is understandable. If, after initial tests during pregnancy, neoplasms appear on the genital organs, you can undergo a cytological examination (samples are taken from the cervix and cervical canal) or colposcopy (the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix is ​​examined with a colposcope).

Infection of the fetus in utero is unlikely, but is possible with placental defects. Clinical experiments have shown the possibility of the virus passing to the fetus against the background of toxicosis. A high risk of transmitting the HPV pathogen to a child comes from passing through the birth canal. But here, too, nature has provided the baby with the opportunity to cope with the infection on his own. Unless the virus enters the respiratory tract, the vocal cords may be affected and suffocation may be caused. The bronchi suffer, neoplasms appear in the genital area and anus.

This spread of infection is associated with cesarean section, so HPV is not an indication for induced childbirth. Surgical intervention is advisable only if a large wart has formed in the birth canal or if its number makes natural childbirth difficult.

Know! Primary infection with papillomavirus during pregnancy increases the possibility of miscarriage.

Photos of large papillomas during pregnancy

How does it affect conception?

You can get pregnant with HPV and doctors advise not to give up conception, the main thing is to approach this issue correctly. However, you need to know that an infection in a woman’s body can make it difficult to conceive and interfere with the normal process of pregnancy and natural childbirth. If the pathogen carries a risk of cancer, it is worth taking a smear for cytology before planning a child. If the outcome is good, there are no contraindications to pregnancy. If changes in the cervix occur, treatment is prescribed.

Attention! It is very important to treat HPV before conception so as not to infect the child during childbirth and to avoid other diseases.

Is it possible to delete

Doctors do not advise unnecessarily removing warts while pregnant. Even if the formation on the skin is benign, when removed there is a chance of causing cell division, which will lead to multiple spread or degeneration into a malignant tumor. Treatment is left until the baby is born.

Removal methods

If neoplasms are damaged, bleed, cause pain, interfere with living a full life, it is proposed to remove the papilloma during pregnancy in a gentle way, without anesthesia, by freezing.

This method is well suited for removing formations on the nipples and breasts, which will not only relieve them from permanent injuries, but also allow the mammary glands to perform their direct function (breastfeeding), and protect the baby from contracting the virus.

Important! Freezing occurs with cooling agents through a special nozzle for the safety of healthy skin.

If it is necessary to get rid of numerous warts, for example on the neck, laser coagulation is very convenient. The safe procedure acts specifically on the growth, does not cause bleeding, and immediately seals the vessels. The absence of direct contact with skin and blood eliminates the risk of infection. A big plus is that the resection is carried out to a precisely specified depth, a large area is processed in a short time.

Removal in an intimate area can be offered using the radio wave method. Non-contact procedure using a special electrode. It takes little time, but pain relief is necessary.

How to treat - traditional medicine

There are also traditional methods for removing warts. Doctors do not encourage self-medication, but we list the safest methods:

  1. Liquid vitamin A. Apply daily until disappears.
  2. Raw potatoes. Rub and apply several times a day.
  3. Banana peel. Apply daily for 5-7 weeks.
  4. Garlic paste. Mix with flour and vinegar essence. The skin around the wart is protected from burns (you can lubricate it with a rich cream) and a compress from the resulting mass is applied for 3 days, securing it with an adhesive plaster.
  5. Apple vinegar. Cauterize for 20 minutes, twice a day. By protecting healthy skin from damage in advance.

Know! There is no cure for HPV. This is a chronic disease. The effectiveness of existing drug treatments is from 50 to 70%.

Trichloroacetic acid preparations are used. Strengthen the immune system with such medications as: Reaferon, Viferon, Kipferon, vitamin A, C, beta-carotene.

They treat diseases such as:

  • lack of vitamins;
  • hypothermia;
  • psychological breakdowns;
  • chronic lack of strength.

Expectant mothers turn to dermatologists with complaints about the appearance of papillomas in different areas of the skin. This is how the human papillomavirus manifests itself, which was in a woman’s body before pregnancy. Some of the neoplasms may not cause discomfort, but if the growths prevent the expectant mother from living normally, then it is worth removing the papillomas that arose during pregnancy.

HPV during pregnancy: features of the course of the disease

HPV is transmitted through household contact, through sexual contact. It is impossible to identify a carrier of infection that does not have visual signs on the body.

The occurrence of papillomas on the skin during pregnancy is far from nonsense. The period of bearing a child is stressful for the female body. Hormonal changes occur in it, which helps the body prepare ligaments and bones for future childbirth. It is this condition that is the catalyst for the awakening of a harmful virus, which begins to manifest itself by the growth of growths on the skin.

The neoplasms are small in size - 1-5 mm, and their color can vary from light to brown. Skin formations can be solitary or collected in colonies. Such neoplasms are not malignant, they are simply aesthetically unpleasant, since they settle on the neck, face and can extend beyond clothing, so they are difficult to hide. Doctors still cannot establish the reasons for their occurrence, but one thing is certain - pregnancy is the impetus for their reproduction.

Particular activity is observed in the third and second trimester.

Cosmetic defects are a temporary phenomenon, but concern for the health of the unborn child causes many concerns. Therefore, it is important to know how HPV and pregnancy are combined? In most cases, there is no threat to the development of the fetus and its gestation. There is no chance of infection through intrauterine contact, but there is a risk of infection during childbirth. In the body of a healthy newborn, virus cells are quickly suppressed by the immune system and do not manifest themselves in any way.

Why did papillomas begin to grow?

During pregnancy, a woman's body experiences hormonal changes that significantly reduce the protective functions of the immune system. The body does not have the ability to resist the harmful pathogen and the virus begins to act actively. Women suffering from excess weight and diabetes mellitus are most susceptible to the disease.

There is an opinion that in recent months papillomatosis is most active due to excessive friction of the skin on clothing in some places, especially in the folds.

To identify the disease, women undergo an HPV test when registering. But it is better to do this at the pregnancy planning stage in order to assess the risks and undergo timely treatment to prevent relapse.

Where do papillomas like to settle?

The localization of the disease is quite extensive, but there are areas that growths love most. This is the groin area, armpits, around the neck and on the face.

If neoplasms appear on the neck, they cannot in any way affect the baby’s health. And if they were present even before the woman managed to become pregnant, their active reproduction may be observed, but this does not pose a threat.

Is it possible to remove such tumors before childbirth? The doctor has the right to give permission for this procedure and treatment, but only as a last resort and in the last months of pregnancy, when all the vital organs of the child have already formed and this little person is ready to be born. If there is no urgent need, then it is better to carry out destruction after lactation.

If papillomas appear on the chest, then you should know that this is a normal manifestation of the papillomavirus. Is it possible for pregnant women to remove papillomas in this area? Not worth it. Wait until the birth and completion of feeding.

Growths on the nipples or areolas are classified as ductal neoplasms, so if they begin to appear, you should consult a dermatovenerologist. Over time, bloody or clear discharge may begin. This indicates the cells are degenerating into malignant ones.

Skin growths can be found not only on the surface of the dermis, but also grow inside the chest cavity. They can be identified by physical examination - painful round nodules are felt. Papillomas appear during pregnancy mainly in the central part of the nipple, along the large ducts and areolas.

Don't ignore these HPV symptoms! If the disease is not treated, infected tissue will enter the baby's mouth during feeding. If it is injured, the baby will become infected.

Treatment and removal methods

Cosmetic defects cause a lot of inconvenience and psychological discomfort to a woman, especially when there are many growths and they are located in open areas. Treatment of papillomavirus is harmless, but do not rush, because:

  • tumors often go away on their own;
  • taking medications is always stressful;
  • removal of papillomas during pregnancy is carried out under anesthesia, which is not welcomed by doctors.

Treatment of HPV allows you to remove symptoms, transfer the infection to an inactive state, but not completely get rid of it. Medication methods are 50-70% effective.

Only the attending physician can assess the patient’s condition and prescribe therapy. The decision of expediency is made on an individual basis.

One papilloma or several tumors can be removed in one procedure. You cannot use the nitrogen cryodestruction method and laser technology, as they can cause premature birth, which is why they are prohibited by gynecologists and dermatologists.

Allowed ways to get rid of growths:

  • electrocoagulation - the resulting growth is burned out with electric current. Painful but effective method. A burn remains on the skin, which takes a long time to heal and causes discomfort;
  • surgical - warts are cut off with a scalpel;
  • radio knife – tissue is cut off with a medical knife emitting high energy waves. Painless. Prevents relapses.

If you suffer from HPV, then before dealing with a cosmetic defect, you need to determine why the disease appeared and became more active. Be sure to consult a specialist for a thorough diagnosis of neoplasms. Only a doctor can reliably determine the strain of the virus and tell you what to do to suppress its activity.

To bear and give birth to a child, the female body is reconstructed and changed, which is why malfunctions periodically occur, pathologies and defects appear. A common problem during this period is the occurrence of papillomas - small formations on the skin. In most cases, they do not pose a threat or cause concern, but sometimes raised bumps can indicate a more serious disease - human papillomavirus.

What is papilloma?

It is a small skin growth of a flesh-colored or dark (brown, burgundy) shade. People often confuse papilloma with or. But they have only one thing in common - these formations are benign.

In pregnant women, they appear on any part of the skin, often on the arms, face and neck, as well as in the chest, armpits and pubic area. In this case, the state of the skin and health before pregnancy does not play a role. If the patient has had papillomas before, then most likely, after hormonal changes, there will be more of them and new areas of spread will appear.

Information As a rule, growths appear in the 2nd and 3rd trimester. The appearance of these formations affects 25% of people, especially elderly patients (over 50), diabetics and overweight women.

According to some reports, bumps appear in areas where the skin is most often rubbed by clothing.

The appearance of papillomas in pregnant women

Initially, everyone has the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), but it is in a dormant state. Its activation is facilitated by strong shocks, stress, and changes in the body.

The main reason for the appearance of such neoplasms is considered to be a change in the functioning of the endocrine system, the restructuring of hormonal levels for the formation and development of the baby. The more hormones are produced, the more intensively the epidermal cells grow and multiply, and the virus awakens.

Regular rubbing of the skin also contributes to the appearance of papillomas. After an increase in the abdomen in the second and third trimester, new folds are observed in which sweat accumulates. The area is regularly irritated and red, so various rashes and defects are not surprising.

At the same time, in the last months of pregnancy, a woman actively gains weight, which also provokes an increase in skin tubercles.

The influence of pathology on the course of pregnancy

If the patient’s papillomas appear in the form of genital warts, their growth intensifies, and natural discharge from the vagina may increase. Thus, the virus creates a suitable moist environment for reproduction.

The appearance of the virus is accompanied by hormonal imbalances and a weakened immune system.

A recurrence of old papillomas is possible, which can sharply increase in volume and even interfere with full childbirth. Interestingly, according to statistics, after childbirth the growth of warts stops and the symptoms go away.

Is it possible to remove papillomas during pregnancy?

Information Removing papillomas is a quick and safe procedure.

Small flat warts that are outside the friction zone and do not cause discomfort to the patient are removed after childbirth. In most cases, they even go away on their own.

If the papillomas have an awkward shape (hanging, large, pedunculated, etc.) and are located in an area regularly rubbed by clothing or folds of skin, then the dermatologist will prescribe an removal procedure. There are several modern methods: laser removal, electrocoagulation, surgical excision and cryotherapy. Most do not require local anesthesia, and some do not even leave a scar after the procedure.

Unfortunately, a complete cure for HPV is impossible, since the virus is in the human body in a dormant state from birth. Therefore, even removal of the formation will not prevent a possible relapse of the disease and the appearance of new protrusions.

That is why pregnant women can undergo an effective course of drug therapy, which guarantees successful treatment in 50-70% of cases. Unfortunately, in 25% of cases the disease recurs within 2-3 months, and warts can appear on new areas of the skin and mucous membranes.

Before starting drug treatment, the patient must ensure adequate living conditions. First of all, avoid stress, physical and mental tension. It is also necessary to protect the body from temperature changes, especially from hypothermia. Hypo- or vitamin deficiency can weaken the result of treatment. A pregnant woman's diet should contain vitamins (especially groups C and A), as well as beta-carotenes.

Symptoms and prevention of HPV

There are hundreds of strains of HPV, some of which cause warts, while others are asymptomatic.

First of all, the patient notices skin projections of a dark or light shade with a texture different from a mole. Some may be flat or convex, others “pedunculated” or hanging. As a rule, formations appear in the chest, neck, face, and groin area.

The appearance of protrusions is not accompanied by pain, itching, burning or redness. However, if you regularly rub it with clothing, the wart can become inflamed and even bleed.

If you are at risk or have a history of cases of HPV, you should follow preventive measures to prevent relapse.

  1. Choose the right clothes for pregnant women: only from natural materials, loose and light, which does not constrict the body, especially the armpits, the area under the breasts and the pelvic area.
  2. Control your weight and prevent excess weight gain.
  3. Have a regular sexual partner or use a condom if necessary (reduces the chance of HPV transmission by 70%).

The appearance of various formations is a natural process for the body, which goes through serious changes and restructuring. But it is important to be on alert and monitor the condition of these formations in order to prevent their degeneration into cancer.

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