Celandine lethal dose. Poisoning and overdose of celandine. Clinical picture of poisoning

Its other names: Golden grass, Yellow grass, Cleansing grass, Devil's milk, Chistukha, Swallow grass, Witch's grass, Warthog, Wart grass, Bloodworm, Yellow spurge, Cow's grass, Chistoplod, Dog soap, Gladishnik, Chistoplod.

The Latin name of the genus comes from the Greek word “swallow”. From early times it was noticed that the plant blooms with the first arrival of swallows and withers when they fly away.

The juice of this plant is used to treat skin lesions, as well as remove warts.

Celandine is a perennial herbaceous plant of the poppy family.

The root is branched, taprooted, with a multi-headed short rhizome. The root is yellow inside, brownish-red outside.

The stem is hollow, erect, branched, ribbed, covered with inconspicuous hairs, up to 100 cm high.

The leaves below are bluish, green, pinnately divided, with distinct pairs of leaflets. Leaves are dissected into lobed-crenate lobes. The length of the leaves is up to 20 cm, the width reaches 9 cm. The upper leaves are sessile, but the lower ones are on long petioles.

The flowers are yellow and bright on long stalks, collected in umbels at the ends of the stem, almost 20 mm in diameter. The calyx consists of a pair of sepals that fall off when the flower opens. The corolla is regular, the petals are rounded. Pistil with a thin short style and a two-lobed small stigma.

The fruit is a pod-shaped, single-locular, bivalve capsule 5 cm long and 3 mm wide. The seeds are dark brown, ovoid, shiny, with a comb-like pale appendage, arranged in two rows in a capsule.

Celandine blooms all summer, four months, May - August, the fruits ripen in July-September, it all depends on the zone where they grow.

Distribution and habitats of celandine

Celandine is widespread throughout the countries of the former Soviet Union, and is less common in Central Asia.

In the south of Ukraine it can be found in small groups or sparse thickets. Distributed along the banks of the Dnieper in the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, as well as in the south of the Donetsk region. Often found in Crimea. A small amount of celandine grows in the foothills and steppe zone.

Celandine grows in soils rich in humus. Lives in coniferous, larch-birch, broad-leaved and fir-spruce forests; found near rivers in the steppe region. In the mountains it grows almost to the upper limit of forest growth. Grows on shady rocky rocks, screes, slopes and along the banks of streams in river valleys, in bushes in sparse forests, along roads, often colonizes burnt areas and clearings, settles near housing, in gardens, wastelands, vegetable gardens, pastures and as a weed plant .

Propagated exclusively by seeds. Celandine juice has an unpleasant odor, usually pungent and bitter.

Active substances that celandine contains: protopine, berberine, chelidonine, coptisine, homochelidonine, stylopine, sanguinarine, chelerythrine, sparteine, saponins, ascorbic acid, flavonoids, vitamin A, citric acid, malic acid, succinic acid, coumarin-chelidonic acid.

The plant is harvested during its flowering period, dried in the shade, in attics, under a canopy or in dryers.

Growing celandine

Due to the fact that water infusion can combat diseases and pests of the orchard, it is grown in gardens and vegetable gardens, at dachas. Having such a plant on hand is very useful both for the body and for the garden. Before planting, prepare the soil in the same way as for other medicinal crops. The area should be protected from direct sunlight and slightly damp. Seeds are sown superficially in early spring or before winter. Seeds lose their life at temperatures below 30 °C. The width between the rows should be about 50 cm. Lightly sprinkle the sown seeds with soil. With the first shoots, you need to carefully weed, water and loosen the soil.

Collect celandine carefully. Cut the plant down to the very root and spread it out in a fine layer. Dry, stirring constantly.

This herb is also found in various folk proverbs: “Golden grass is the head of all herbs,” “Poison can become nectar, and nectar can become poison.”

Useful properties of celandine

The root, stem and herb of celandine are used for medicinal purposes. But for further propagation, flowers with seeds are also collected.

The plant is poisonous and contains alkaloids: chelerythrine, homochelidonine, sanguinarine and protopine (about 20 species in total).

Chelidonine is an alkaloid, similar in structure to morphine and papaverine. Particles of essential oil, bitterness, ascorbic acid, flavonoids, carotene, saponins, organic acids: chelidonic, succinic, citric and malic, and resinous substances were found in celandine. Protopin reduces the reaction rate of the autonomic nervous system and tones the muscles of the uterus.

It is not eaten by livestock on pastures, as it causes inflammation and poisoning of the intestines and stomach.

Baths from a decoction of celandine are used for diathesis, metabolic disorders, itching, scrofula, rash, psoriasis, scabies, purulent skin lesions in young men, etc.

For psoriasis, skin tuberculosis, scabies, warts, use crushed leaves mixed with pork lard in a ratio of 1:5.

In folk medicine, lupus erythematosus is treated with herbal infusions.

Helps in the treatment of diseases such as: gout, skin tuberculosis, difficult-to-heal wounds, rheumatism, lupus, scrofula, nasal polyps, warts, lichen, callus, eczema, psoriasis, skin cancer, alveolar pyorrhea, trichomonas colpitis, stomatitis, cervical erosion , cholelithiasis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, colon polyposis, gastritis, toothache.

To prevent cancer in folk medicine, the following recipes are used:

Half a tablespoon of crushed plant herbs is placed in an enamel bowl and poured with one glass of boiled water, the temperature of which is from 18 to 25 ° C. Then infuse in a water bath for about 15 minutes, cool for at least 45 minutes, and filter. Drink one tablespoon of infusion three times a day for three days.

Baths and decoctions are used to strengthen hair by rubbing an infusion of celandine and water into the hair.

Dangerous properties of celandine and contraindications

Homochelidonin, contained in celandine, is a local anesthetic that is a strong convulsive poison.

Ingestion of a decoction or infusion of celandine only as prescribed by doctors and under the strictest supervision and control.

For persons suffering from bronchial asthma, epilepsy, angina pectoris, celandine is contraindicated.

In case of an overdose of the drug from celandine, poisoning with vomiting and nausea is observed, and paralysis of the upper respiratory tract is observed.

If you have an individual intolerance to celandine, never take any medications containing more than 15% celandine.

In different countries, celandine has its own name: warthog, golden grass, yellow milkweed, “devil's milk”. But everyone who has encountered this herb knows that celandine is a poisonous and dangerous plant, so treatment with it should only be done under the supervision of a doctor.

Composition of celandine

This plant is a low-growing herb with small carved leaves and yellow flowers. The composition of celandine is striking not only in its richness - it contains many complex chemical substances of plant origin that are practically not found in nature.

Celandine contains the following substances:

  • More than 20 different alkaloids;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Coumarins;
  • Carotene, saponins;
  • Useful essential oils;
  • Vitamins C, A;
  • Sanguinarine (natural anesthetic);
  • Organic acids (succinic, chelidonic, ascorbic, malic, citric);
  • Tannins.

It is the unique concentration of organic substances that can explain the special beneficial properties of celandine. All parts of this plant are medicinal, but the real value is celandine milk - bright orange juice, the lion's share of which is concentrated in the root system. The leaves are also rich in healing milk, but most often it is the root of the plant that is used in medicine and in the production of medicinal preparations.


Contraindications for celandine

Celandine juice is very poisonous and dangerous. It is not for nothing that no herbivore will ever eat the attractive green leaves of this grass. Accidental entry of even a dry plant into the stomach of an animal can cause severe inflammation of the digestive system, paralysis, and deafness.

For humans, celandine also poses a danger, since a small drop of pure plant juice can cause inflammation and burn the skin. Contraindications for celandine apply to children and pregnant women, as well as in case of allergic manifestations to any substance in its composition.

Treatment with celandine is contraindicated:

  • For heart ailments, angina pectoris;
  • For dysbacteriosis, constipation;
  • Children under 12 years of age;
  • Pregnant women;
  • Young mothers during lactation;
  • For mental disorders, epilepsy.

With improper treatment and overdose of drugs based on celandine, the following dangerous symptoms can occur:

  • Severe sudden thirst;
  • Cramps and heaviness in the stomach;
  • Headache;
  • Slow heart rate and sudden drop in blood pressure;
  • Vomiting, diarrhea (or constipation);
  • Convulsions, hallucinations;
  • Loss of consciousness.

With uncontrolled, regular ingestion of celandine, atrophy of the membranes of some vital organs and an imbalance of intestinal microflora can occur. In case of overdose, immediate gastric lavage and seeking medical help are required.

Before treatment with a plant-based drug, you must read the instructions, carefully study the contraindications of celandine, and if suspicious symptoms occur, stop taking it.


Celandine: beneficial properties

Healing solutions, tinctures and oil of the plant are widely used in folk and official medicine. The beneficial properties of celandine allow it to fight not only skin problems, but also successfully cope with many dangerous diseases.

With the correct dosage and use, celandine exhibits the following medicinal properties:

  • Bactericidal;
  • Anticonvulsant;
  • Diuretic;
  • Pain reliever;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Wound healing;
  • Antitumor;
  • Choleretic;
  • Calming.

A rare combination of beneficial substances allows celandine to be a universal medicinal herb and used to treat a wide variety of ailments. For example, a unique alkaloid in celandine called homochelidonine has a local irritating effect and anesthetic activity on the body. And the substance chelidonine calms the nervous system and reduces pain.

The beneficial properties of celandine help the body recover after surgery; the plant is successfully used in the treatment of gynecological diseases.

Treatment with celandine

Since childhood, we remember that the juice of this wild herb helps get rid of warts. And today, based on this plant, special lotions and creams are produced for the treatment of papillomas, eczema, acne, and psoriasis. Celandine is successfully used both as an independent medicine and in combination with medications to get rid of a number of ailments:

  • For various lesions of the epidermis (lichen, herpes, warts);
  • For the treatment of chronic kidney, liver and digestive problems;
  • For cardiac arrhythmia, hypertension, atherosclerosis;
  • To get rid of bacterial and viral infections;
  • For infectious diseases of the respiratory system (bronchitis, cough, asthma);
  • As a remedy for gout, diabetes, thyroid diseases;
  • For the treatment of malignant tumors in the initial stages of the disease;
  • For the prevention and treatment of rheumatism, lupus erythematosus;
  • For various allergic manifestations;
  • In the gynecological environment for candidiasis, uterine erosion, colpitis, ovarian cysts;
  • In case of intoxication and poisoning of the body.

The beneficial properties of celandine contribute to a favorable prognosis for recovery in the treatment of mastitis, polyps in the bladder and sinusitis. This versatile herb works especially well in combination with other medicinal herbs.

To treat ailments of the digestive system, it is recommended to combine celandine with mint, wormwood and cumin. To treat stomach ulcers, it is better to prepare alcoholic infusions and use them internally in combination with olive oil. A mixture of celandine juice, ripe nightshade berries and egg whites is good for getting rid of eczema. For boils, an ointment based on celandine, honey and vegetable oil will help.

Celandine oil

The healing oil of the plant is used to cleanse the skin, for fungal infections, as well as in the field of gynecology, dentistry and cosmetology. Due to its versatility and safety, celandine oil is even used to treat rashes in children, as well as to prevent diaper rash.

This product is great for getting rid of pigmentation. To get an amazing result, a few drops of healing oil will be enough to add to your cream. Within a few weeks, the skin will noticeably brighten and rejuvenate, and deep wrinkles will smooth out.

The beneficial properties of celandine are well known in the treatment of skin rashes caused by streptococcus and staphylococcus. The plant oil dries out inflammation, prevents the reproduction and spread of bacteria and fights acne even after unsuccessful treatment with antibiotic ointments.

The beneficial properties of celandine do not end there. This unique oil helps fight nail fungus on the hands and feet. For treatment, it is necessary to apply a few drops of the drug to the affected area until the fungus disappears and the skin and nails acquire a pink, healthy appearance.

Celandine oil tampons are recommended for the treatment of female genital diseases. They help get rid of thrush, fibroids, leucorrhoea, inflammation, and bacterial vaginosis. In these cases, a course of treatment lasting about two weeks is used, and the duration of one procedure is within 1 hour.

In dentistry, celandine oil is used for rinsing and treating compresses for gingivitis, periodontal disease, and stomatitis.

Celandine juice

All the power of this healing plant is concentrated in its unique juice. Fresh celandine milk appears immediately after cutting it, so you can begin treatment immediately by smearing the juice on the affected area.

However, remember about the contraindications of celandine and try to apply the healing milk pointwise, avoiding its contact with healthy skin.

You can easily make celandine juice yourself or purchase a ready-made concentrate at a pharmacy. The unique milk of the plant helps with the following diseases:

  • Psoriasis, eczema.

The affected areas must be treated with fresh juice until completely absorbed; the procedure can be repeated several times. You can practice up to four procedures per day, during which minor itching may be felt. The full course of treatment is 20 days.

  • Warts, papillomas.

The growths must be steamed and the top hardened layer must be slightly removed. It is recommended to apply celandine juice with a cotton swab to the top of the formation several times, repeating the procedure up to 3 times a day. The growths will turn black, change shape, and after a week they will fall off on their own.

  • Colds.

From the first days of illness it is necessary to take celandine juice (20-30 drops). Despite the toxicity and contraindications of celandine, it has unique antiviral properties and will quickly help cope with the disease. Concentrated juice can be diluted in clean water in proportions of 1:10 and taken one spoonful, increasing the dose daily.

  • Oncology.

In the treatment of cancer, alcoholic infusions and decoctions of celandine are recommended. Alcohol preparations should be taken in the amount of 40-50 drops (per 50 g of water) before meals. External malignant formations can be treated with fresh juice or celandine ointment.

Medicinal baths with celandine, which are recommended for skin lesions and cancer, have proven themselves well. To prepare them, add hot water (about 80-90 degrees) to fresh or dry herbs and let it brew. Add the infusion to the bath, and after taking it, do not wipe yourself dry. This procedure will heal the body, boost immunity and improve overall well-being.

Cleanser for face

This healing plant can cleanse the skin of rashes and inflammations, heal it, nourish it with useful substances and relieve the first signs of aging. The organic acids that make up celandine perfectly tone the skin, and vitamins activate the functioning of epidermal cells. The juice of the plant in its pure form is very poisonous, so masks and lotions based on celandine are most often used in cosmetology.

Purifying mask:

Chopped cucumber and fresh celandine are poured into a glass of vodka and infused for 14 days. The resulting infusion is applied to a gauze bandage and used as a mask (for 5 minutes). After the procedure, you should wash your face and lubricate your face with moisturizer.

Rejuvenating mask:

Beat the white of one egg, add 15g of starch, 10g of honey, 200g of celandine infusion. Bring until smooth, apply to the face and décolleté and leave for about 20 minutes. After just two or three procedures, fine wrinkles will disappear, and the skin will glow with freshness and health.

Celandine for hair

To nourish hair follicles and enhance hair growth, you must use an alcohol solution of celandine. It is enough to add a few drops of infusion to your usual care products to make your hair smooth, silky, and stop hair loss. Decoctions of celandine will help as a strengthening agent and in the fight against dandruff, which should be used to rinse the hair after each wash.

To get rid of oily scalp, you need to use celandine in combination with herbs. To do this, you need to mix sage, celandine, nettle, oregano, chamomile, plantain in equal proportions, pour boiling water over it and leave for about an hour.

Masks based on celandine with burdock or castor oil will help get rid of hair fragility, prevent hair loss, and eliminate itching and burning of the scalp. Healing masks made from celandine juice fight baldness, are used to treat seborrheic dermatitis, fill hair with strength, give it elasticity and health.

It is impossible to describe all the healing qualities that this unique plant has. Celandine will help cope with dangerous diseases, improve the condition of hair and skin, fill the body with vigor and enrich it with valuable substances. However, despite the beneficial properties of celandine, it is contraindicated in large quantities. Any drug based on it should be used with great caution and only after consultation with your doctor!

Celandine is a herbaceous plant that can be found almost everywhere - in meadows, near roads, in front gardens and vegetable gardens. It can be recognized by its small yellow flowers with four petals.

Celandine is used to treat various skin diseases. However, if safety precautions are not followed, the plant can cause harm in the form of burns to the surface of the skin, mucous membranes, or poisoning if ingested.

Celandine belongs to the poppy genus. Therefore, among its properties there are both useful and harmful, even dangerous, characteristic of all representatives of this genus. The herb is also called pure grass, yellow spurge, warthog, etc. By the names you can get an idea of ​​​​the properties of this plant. With its help, they cleanse the body and skin, eliminating harmful deposits and pathological growths.

All parts of the plant - inflorescences, leaves, stems, roots - contain high concentrations of alkaloids and other potent substances. Similar components in the composition make celandine poisonous.

When the stem is damaged, a milky liquid is released, which after a short time, oxidizes, becomes yellow-orange.

Useful action

Celandine is widely used as a medicine for the following diseases:

  • inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract;
  • allergic cough;
  • disorders of the liver, gall bladder;
  • externally – for dermatological pathologies (chronic dermatitis, eczema, warts, condylomas), diseases of the external part of the auditory canal.

The plant has beneficial properties due to its content:

  • flavonoids;
  • organic acids;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • essential oils;
  • carotene.

Medicinal infusions and decoctions of celandine have a therapeutic effect:

  • deep cleansing, removal of toxins;
  • calming effect on the nervous system;
  • blocking the growth of cancer cells;
  • reduction of inflammatory processes in the urinary organs;
  • reduction of skin allergic manifestations.

Celandine has an antispasmodic effect, so it is often prescribed to women to relieve menstrual pain and hormonal hot flashes during menopause. The plant helps stimulate lactation.

Toxic substances in celandine

The greatest danger to human health and life are alkaloids. These substances are potent poisons, the use of which in large quantities can lead to serious consequences.

Among the poisonous components:

  • chelerythrine - has an intense local irritant effect;
  • homochelidonin - can cause convulsions, helps reduce the pain threshold;
  • protopin - increases the tone of the smooth muscles of the uterus, has an inhibitory effect on the autonomic system;
  • sanguinarine - activates intestinal motility, increases salivary secretion, relieves pain, irritates the skin, acts as a narcotic;
  • Chelidonine - has a similar effect to morphine, depresses the nervous system, consciousness, reduces pain, causes intense convulsions in case of overdose.
  • sparteine ​​- lowers blood pressure, high concentrations provoke agitation, after some time depression sets in, inhibition of reflex activity, loss of coordination, in especially severe cases - respiratory distress (to the point of stopping), decreased heart rate.

The presence of these substances with toxic properties causes celandine poisoning

Methods of poisoning with celandine

The juice or extract of the plant is most often used externally to cauterize warts, papillomas and other skin growths. If safety precautions are not followed when applying the product to the skin, you can get burned. Storing the drug in an accessible place often leads to accidental consumption of the contents by children, resulting in poisoning.

Traditional medicine offers many recipes for preparing medicines based on celandine. Exceeding the permissible dosage also provokes intoxication.

Symptoms of poisoning

When it comes into contact with the skin, celandine juice causes irritation; with prolonged contact, a burn with a blister forms. Contact dermatitis often develops, manifested by:

  • the appearance of superficial ulcers;
  • itching;
  • burning;
  • redness, hyperemia.

Characteristic symptoms of celandine poisoning after ingestion are:

  • burning in the mouth, esophagus;
  • painful sensations in the abdomen;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea, often mixed with blood.

Lack of timely assistance is fraught with the development of pathological conditions:

  • general weakness;
  • impaired coordination of movements and consciousness;
  • inadequacy of perception of reality, behavior;
  • convulsive muscle contractions;
  • dizziness.

In especially severe cases, respiratory and acute heart failure develop. Due to dehydration and a sharp drop in blood pressure, the victim may fall into a coma.

First aid for celandine poisoning

Which method will be most effective in case of celandine poisoning depends on whether the medicine was taken orally or used externally. When the extract comes into contact with the skin, tissue burns occur. In this case, it is necessary to rinse the damaged area with running water. After this, apply Panthenol or another wound-healing agent without aggressive antiseptic components to the skin surface.

Celandine poisoning resulting from ingestion of the drug requires:

  • immediate gastric lavage - dissolve st. l. salt in 1 liter of water, drink in small sips, induce vomiting;
  • the use of sorbents, for example, Enterosgel, Polysorb and other drugs that prevent the absorption of harmful substances through the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • organizing access to fresh air for the victim (the room should be ventilated, the chest and neck area should be freed from tight clothing).

After providing first aid, the victim should be given plenty of fluids to drink. Water promotes the natural removal of poisons and toxins from the body.

Rescue actions in case of loss of consciousness:

  1. Measure your pulse. Check breathing activity. If the victim is not breathing, perform chest compressions and artificial respiration.
  2. If the heartbeat is normal and breathing is present, place the victim on his side to prevent vomit from entering the respiratory tract.

Before the ambulance arrives, constantly check for a pulse.

Specialized treatment

Effective detoxification of the body can only be carried out in a hospital. Therefore, after the initial examination, the patient is sent to the nearest toxicology department. The method of treatment is determined:

  • the current condition of the victim;
  • intensity of damage;
  • the amount of the drug taken.

The following rehabilitation measures are carried out depending on the symptoms:

  • lack of breathing activity - connection to a ventilator;
  • lowering blood pressure - injection of hypertensive drugs;
  • convulsions - use of anticonvulsants.

The patient is also prescribed:

  • drinking plenty of water;
  • repeated gastric lavage, cleansing enemas;
  • diuretics to increase diuresis.

Possible consequences

Lack of timely medical care is fraught with the development of severe intoxication of the body, which can lead to the development of:

  • seizures;
  • severe cardiac disorders, including cardiac arrest;
  • comatose state.

Stopping breathing for more than 3 to 5 minutes is fraught with irreversible degenerative processes in the brain tissue. The most severe cases are fatal.

Prevention of celandine poisoning

To avoid unauthorized use of medicines based on a poisonous plant, these products should be stored in a tightly sealed bottle, out of the reach of children. The use of celandine preparations is allowed only as prescribed by a doctor, strictly following the recommended dosage regimen and dosage.


Celandine is a plant that has both beneficial and harmful properties. You can benefit from using a natural medicine by using it as prescribed by a doctor. If you consume juice or extract orally, you should immediately call an ambulance, rinse your stomach and take the sorbent. To avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to follow the rules for storing medicines. Severe cases require immediate hospitalization.

Celandine is a common herbaceous plant that has both medicinal and poisonous properties. Let's consider how celandine poisoning can occur, its symptoms, treatment, and methods of providing first aid for intoxication.

Features of treatment

Celandine is used in official and folk medicine to treat a number of dermatological pathologies. Celandine preparations are also used for the prevention and treatment of liver pathologies. The plant has wound-healing, antimicrobial, antifungal effects.

Some representatives of traditional medicine recommend that patients drink celandine preparations orally to treat gastric and intestinal pathologies, diseases of the ear, nose or throat, female genital organs and nervous disorders. Official medicine does not advise doing this, as celandine poisoning may occur.

Due to its toxicity, the drug has anti-cancer properties. But due to the fact that patients in most cases do not know how to drink celandine preparations to cleanse the body, signs of poisoning by this plant may appear.

Poisonous properties of the plant

The composition of celandine is varied. It contains alkaloids in large quantities. The entry of even a small amount of alkaloids into the blood can cause a variety of disruptions in the functioning of various organs and systems.

  1. The alkaloid sparteine ​​leads to respiratory depression not only in humans, but also in rabbits. Promotes a life-threatening drop in blood pressure.
  2. Chelidonine lowers blood pressure and “turns off” tactile reflexes.
  3. Chelerythrine causes severe burns to the skin and mucous membranes. Leads to the formation of large and very painful blisters.
  4. Sanguinarine causes short-term euphoria and stimulates the production of large amounts of saliva.
  5. Protopin inhibits the central nervous system of humans and rabbits.
  6. Homochelylidonine has anticonvulsant properties.

You can be poisoned by any of the listed alkaloids that make up celandine.

How can poisoning occur?

This plant contains a significant amount of active and very poisonous alkaloids. When they penetrate inside, a person’s central nervous system is affected, causing respiratory and heart problems.

All parts of this plant are toxic. Celandine poisoning can occur when a dangerous dose of the drug enters the body. Those people who drink decoctions and infusions of celandine, including to cleanse the body, are at risk.

We must remember that celandine is a poison, and calculating the toxic dose can sometimes be very difficult. There is a danger when treating with this poisonous plant for every person, even if you drink the amount of celandine recommended by traditional medicine.

It is dangerous for humans to chew the leaves of the plant to treat toothache. Even when you do not swallow saliva, symptoms of celandine poisoning may appear in people who drank decoctions or infusions of the plant.

Celandine is especially dangerous when ingested from the roots of the plant. They contain a lot of toxic alkaloids. Signs of celandine poisoning also occur when used externally in the treatment of warts. However, in this case they may be local in nature.

Intoxication can occur not only after abusing the plant juice, but also when ingesting an alcohol tincture. This can happen in people who are addicted to alcohol.


Symptoms of celandine poisoning in humans are as follows.

  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Diarrhea (it is accompanied by severe intestinal cramps and bloating).
  • Severe pupil dilation (mydriasis).
  • Increased heart rate (arrhythmia and tachycardia).
  • The appearance of a large amount of cold sweat.
  • Severe breathing difficulties in the form of shortness of breath and painful cough.
  • Pallor of the skin.
  • Involuntary muscle twitching - fasciculations.
  • Cramps.
  • Loss of consciousness, coma.

In severe cases, death occurs due to developing acute cardiovascular failure.

If applied incorrectly locally, a celandine burn may occur. It has the following signs:

  1. Development of contact type dermatitis at the site of application of the celandine drug.
  2. The appearance of a rash and large blisters.
  3. Severe redness of the skin.

If symptoms of celandine poisoning appear, you should immediately contact your doctor. This must be done even if the manifestations of intoxication seem unexpressed. Celandine is an insidious poison, and sometimes a person may have a latent period of poisoning. This can happen if you drink a small amount of the plant preparation.

Emergency assistance for intoxication

If celandine preparations get inside or are used incorrectly externally, first aid is required. You must immediately call emergency assistance or try to transport the patient to a medical facility on your own. Emergency measures will depend on how conscious the person is.

If the patient is conscious, then he needs to be given a tablet (one tablet per 5 kg of weight). If there is no activated carbon, then any other one should be given. The patient must be constantly monitored and not left on his own, because his health condition may deteriorate sharply.

If the poisoned person is unconscious, then the procedure for providing first aid will be slightly different.

  • Pulse and breathing rate should be checked. If they are not determined, then resuscitation measures (indirect cardiac massage and mechanical ventilation) must be carried out until the ambulance arrives.
  • If the pulse and breathing are preserved, then the patient should be placed on his side, providing him with a fresh portion of air. To do this, loosen tight clothes and shoes.
  • Before the doctors arrive, you must constantly monitor the doctor’s arrival.

In case of poisoning, it is strictly forbidden to artificially induce vomiting in the patient. The alkaloids of this plant are already in the blood, and under their influence there is a pronounced disruption of the liver, heart, and nervous system. Vigorous gastric lavage in such a serious condition can further worsen the patient's condition. Taking laxatives and other drugs is prohibited.

There is no specific treatment for celandine poisoning. The patient is hospitalized to carry out measures to remove the poison from the body. Symptoms of poisoning are eliminated by intravenous infusions of solutions of electrolytes, glucose, and diuretics. A person’s recovery depends on how to treat this serious condition.

It should be remembered that self-medication of celandine intoxication is strictly prohibited.


If a person does not have severe disorders of the heart, kidneys, or breathing, then he is usually discharged after 12 hours. Recovery will occur much faster if you give the victim plenty of fluids. Meals should be light and dietary.

In case of severe renal dysfunction, the patient’s heart is transferred to the artificial therapy department. Eating celandine is especially dangerous for the liver. The dangerous consequences of intoxication with this plant are the development of cholestatic hepatitis.

In rare cases, a person cannot be saved.

Video: celandine.

Prevention of poisoning

To prevent poisoning, you need to know how to drink celandine correctly. To treat diseases of the stomach and liver, it is enough to take 2-3 drops of tincture before meals. Using the juice of the plant, you can treat headaches, colds, flu, and inflammatory pathologies. But to provide a therapeutic effect, it is enough to consume half a teaspoon of the plant once a day before meals.

Celandine also has an antitumor effect. It is used in the form of decoctions at the initial stage of development of cancer. It is necessary to consume one teaspoon of decoction before meals three times a day.

To prevent poisoning, it is prohibited to use any celandine preparations in the following cases:

  1. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  2. Cardiological pathologies.
  3. Psychoses.
  4. Epilepsy.
  5. Reduced blood pressure.
  6. Tendency to allergic reactions.

Celandine is an effective medicinal plant used for many diseases. The instructions for using this product must be carefully followed. Neglecting the recommendations of the attending physician can cause severe poisoning. They must be treated in a hospital or intensive care unit. Providing first aid in case of poisoning is mandatory.

The plant contains a large number of substances useful to humans, but along with them it also contains very dangerous alkaloids:

  • homochelidonin, which can cause seizures;
  • chelerythrine, which causes irritation to the body;
  • sanguinarine, similar in its actions to drugs;
  • protopine, acting on the nervous system;
  • chelidonine, its actions resemble morphine.

All these alkaloids cause symptoms that indicate poisoning by this plant.

Cause of poisoning

Celandine is filled with beneficial properties for humans, but contains a lot of toxic substances in its composition. Penetrating into the blood, toxins inhibit liver cells, respiratory and nervous systems, and cardiovascular activity is disrupted. The flower is extremely poisonous.

Pure celandine juice is considered a strong poison. An excessive dose of celandine in an infusion or ointment provokes severe intoxication. The remedies used in traditional medicine are prepared according to a general recipe. Each person's body has individual characteristics. No one keeps separate calculations and recipes in folk medicine. The poison affects everyone individually.

You can be poisoned by tincture, a collection of celandine. The ingredients affect people differently. Therefore, for one, the infusion will be useful, while another may be poisoned by such a volume. Some people prefer to use tinctures with milk - adding a few drops. A toxic plant in combination with a milk substance provokes damage to the body.

In alternative medicine, there is a method of treating toothache - chewing the root of the flower. Contact of the oral mucosa with the alkaloid results in a burn. The poison can enter the bloodstream through the lining of the mouth and cause severe poisoning!

The toxin causes intoxication by penetrating the blood through the skin. External contact can result in simple irritation in a separate area of ​​the body or provoke a serious illness.

Clinical picture

If help is not provided, the signs of celandine poisoning will increase. The victim begins to feel weak and has some mild narcotic effects. Possible dizziness, loss of coordination, weakness. The patient complains of headaches and drooling. The skin is pale and moist. Subsequently, convulsive muscle twitching begins. The patient's consciousness becomes confused.

In severe cases of intoxication, acute cardiac and respiratory failure develops. This is expressed in heart rhythm disturbances and difficulty breathing. Respiratory depression, dehydration, and low blood pressure can be fatal.

If the juice gets on the skin, toxic dermatitis develops.

In case of oral poisoning with a part of the plant or its juice, a burning sensation occurs in the mouth along the esophagus, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and frequent loose stools, sometimes mixed with blood. A short-term narcotic effect is also characteristic. General weakness increases, convulsive muscle twitching is noted, consciousness gradually becomes confused.

Signs of celandine poisoning

The toxic substances contained in celandine cause quite serious poisoning. In this case, certain symptoms characteristic of intoxication arise.


  • painful sensations in the abdomen,
  • nausea, gag reflex,
  • loose stools, often involuntary,
  • my head is spinning
  • pain in the head
  • the skin becomes pale and damp,
  • problems in the functioning of the cardiac system,
  • decrease in pressure,
  • fatigue, weakness, apathy,
  • breathing problems,
  • disturbance of consciousness,
  • increased sweating,
  • allergic reactions on the skin,
  • the appearance of a severe cough,
  • convulsions,
  • coma.

If a person experiences such symptoms of poisoning, then first aid should be provided to him as quickly as possible. Otherwise, cardiac dysfunction may occur, which can lead to death.

The first dose of celandine infusion can provoke acute poisoning in humans. Signs appear immediately and are pronounced.

Symptoms of celandine poisoning:

  • There is an intense gag reflex, accompanied by nausea;
  • Profuse watery diarrhea;
  • Cutting pain in the intestinal area;
  • Bloating and flatulence;
  • The pupils of the eyes are dilated - mydriasis;
  • Serious disturbances are recorded in the functioning of the cardiac system - tachycardia or arrhythmia;
  • There is profuse sweating – cold;
  • The organs of the respiratory system suffer - breathing problems, shortness of breath;
  • Continuous cough;
  • The skin becomes pale;
  • Uncontrollable muscle spasms – fasciculation;
  • The victim has a convulsive state;
  • The person may lose consciousness or fall into a coma.

Celandine juice can cause progressive heart failure, followed by death.

An overdose of celandine ointment causes skin irritation - the affected area of ​​the epidermis becomes a site for the development of dermatitis. The skin becomes covered with a rash, which after a while turns into large painful blisters. Pronounced redness is observed at the affected area.

The herbal mixture, used for a long time in small doses orally, accumulates in the body and causes chronic poisoning in humans. Symptoms of such intoxication appear calmer than with acute damage to the body. Blood continues to spread poison in the body in small volumes, so the organs react less violently.

The use of a high dose depends on age, the state of the immune system and the presence of chronic diseases. It is important what toxins caused the intoxication. In children and women during pregnancy, poisoning is more severe and is accompanied by complications.

Symptoms and signs of intoxication

All of the above alkaloids can cause symptoms such as:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • pain in the form of abdominal cramps;
  • involuntary diarrhea;
  • very dizzy;
  • general weakness of the whole body;
  • very headache;
  • sweating, increased skin moisture and severe pallor;
  • heartbeat disturbance;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • breathing is very difficult;
  • state of oppression;
  • the appearance of a cramp.

When these symptoms appear, all possible first aid and emergency assistance from specialists are required. If there is a severe overdose, then the symptoms appear very quickly, in addition, consciousness can completely “turn off” and even death is possible, since the heart can stop. All these signs indicate that this plant paralyzes motor endings and sensory nerves, which leads a person to a convulsive state.

First aid and treatment of poisoning

First of all, you need to call doctors. Then independently provide first aid to the victim in order to remove as many toxic substances as possible from the body.

First aid:

  • In case of oral poisoning, gastric lavage is performed; it is advisable to use a tube for this. But if it is not there, then washing is carried out in the usual way.
  • Then you can give the victim laxatives to drink, they will help quickly free the stomach and intestines of toxins.
  • If celandine juice gets on the skin, wash the area with plenty of warm water.
  • A person is given various sorbents to drink, as well as a large amount of clean water.
  • If the victim is unconscious, then it is necessary to check his condition. If there is a pulse and breathing, the person is placed on his side. If there are no signs of vital activity, then resuscitation measures must be carried out.

Full treatment of poisoning is carried out in a hospital. The victim is placed in the toxicology department of the institution, where doctors carry out a number of specific actions.

Celandine poisoning - actions:

  • If necessary, artificial ventilation and forced diuresis are performed.
  • Medicines are prescribed that have restorative effects on the affected systems in case of celandine poisoning.
  • Anticonvulsants are used.
  • Therapy is carried out until complete recovery.

Despite the fact that celandine is quite toxic, the prognosis for poisoning is mostly favorable. Death is possible with severe intoxication and lack of necessary help, but it is not caused by liver problems, but by disruption of other systems and organs. In the absence of further effects of celandine on the body, the liver recovers quite quickly.

During the rehabilitation period after poisoning, vitamin therapy is prescribed.

Qualified specialist assistance is indicated even in mild cases of poisoning. The consequences may appear later. There is no antidote to relieve symptoms of intoxication.

Treatment consists of the following measures:

  • Gastric lavage with a medical probe.
  • Medicines are prescribed to restore the functioning of the heart muscle.
  • Respiratory system stimulants.
  • If required, the patient is connected to artificial ventilation.
  • A course of sedatives.
  • Glucose droppers.
  • A course of diuretics.
  • Vitamin complex.

Upon arrival of medical workers, if severe poisoning is detected, immediate hospitalization is required, where emergency care will be provided. Inpatient treatment for severe poisoning is based on restoring the functioning of the cardiovascular system and eliminating heart failure, completely ridding the body of toxins.

If the poisoned person is unconscious, he is brought back to his senses by all possible means, and the following actions are also carried out:

  • if there is no breathing, a ventilator (artificial ventilation lungs) is installed on the person;
  • drugs are also used to increase blood pressure and restore heart rhythm;
  • if there is a convulsive syndrome, then doctors are obliged to give the victim anticonvulsants;
  • forced diuresis is also performed to remove toxic substances from the body, this process is carried out by introducing a large amount of water and a diuretic into the body.

During the entire period of treatment, the poisoned person needs intensive care until complete recovery.

If the intoxication is severe enough, then treatment is carried out in a hospital. Specialists use medications to eliminate insufficiency of the heart muscle and blood vessels, restore the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and cleanse the body of poison. If the person still does not regain consciousness, then further actions are performed.

If symptoms of celandine poisoning appear, treatment begins immediately. At home, induce vomiting, wash the stomach (see Gastric lavage) and call a doctor at home. If the victim experiences respiratory and cardiac arrest, resuscitation measures are carried out: artificial respiration and chest compressions.

Medical assistance consists of rinsing the stomach through a tube to clean rinsing water. The patient is given a saline laxative (magnesium sulfate or sodium sulfate) and absorbents (activated carbon, Sorbex, Enterosgel).

In severe cases of intoxication with respiratory and cardiac dysfunction, assistance is provided in the toxicology department or intensive care unit. The patient is connected to a ventilator. If cardiovascular activity is depressed, patients are advised to administer a 10% caffeine solution subcutaneously. Loss of fluid due to diarrhea and vomiting is replenished by intravenous administration of solutions of sodium chloride and glucose. Sorbilact, Refortan, Hemodez are shown.

To remove plant poisons from the body, patients are prescribed forced diuresis: intravenous administration of solutions and administration of diuretics. To monitor water balance, patients are given a urinary catheter. For intestinal colic, Atropine is prescribed subcutaneously. For seizures, patients are given anticonvulsants. In case of mental impairment, patients are administered Naloxone.

Patients who have been poisoned by celandine are under the supervision of doctors in the department until complete recovery. Indicators for discharge of patients from the department are restoration of respiratory and cardiac activity, absence of signs of intoxication, and normalization of the nervous system.

For treatment, dried or fresh celandine herb is used. In folk medicine, there are many recipes, including ointments, compresses, decoctions, baths, infusions, and powders.

Celandine is used to treat the initial stages of skin tuberculosis, colon polyps, papillomatosis of the larynx and intestines, cervical erosion, eczema, and lichen. In these cases, a decoction of “swallow grass” is prepared.

The plant helps cure liver diseases that are difficult to recognize and diagnose.

To remove warts, polyps or calluses, use fresh milky juice and extract, which is diluted in glycerin.

Ear diseases are healed by ointments based on celandine. They are prepared from crushed leaves of the plant mixed with lanolin and petroleum jelly. It is enough to lubricate the ear canal a couple of times a day.

Warts are reduced with fresh celandine juice. The juice extracted from the cut of the root is perfect.

Toothache is eliminated with a mixture of celandine and Kalanchoe. Both components are crushed and mixed. Dip a cotton wool into the resulting mixture and apply it to the diseased tooth.

By drinking warthog juice, you can get rid of stomach diseases. Take 1 tablespoon a few minutes before meals.

Diseases of the nasopharynx, maxillary and frontal sinuses are treated with celandine juice. To do this, juice is dripped into each nostril. Drops help relieve unpleasant symptoms of nasal congestion: headache, difficulty breathing.

Psoriasis is treated with tincture of swallow grass and tricolor violet. Take the infusion internally and externally.

An amazing plant that can save a person from the initial stages of cancer. For therapy, an infusion is prepared from crushed warthog raw materials. Take folk medicine internally and externally in the form of lotions and baths.

Gastric lavage through a tube, administration of activated charcoal and saline laxative. To restore cardiovascular activity, solutions of hemodynamic action are used, caffeine 10% 1 ml subcutaneously. B vitamins. Correction of water-electrolyte balance and CBS. To relieve intestinal colic, 1-2 ml of a 0.1% atropine solution is administered. When hemodynamic parameters stabilize, forced diuresis is performed.

First aid for celandine poisoning

If a symptom of poisoning appears when consuming an infusion of celandine or a mixture, you must immediately call an ambulance. If the victim feels well, it is permissible to independently get to the clinic and see a doctor. Before visiting a specialist, you need to provide first aid to the victim.

The process of helping a patient remain conscious:

  • It is required to give a sorbent - activated carbon (calculated as follows: per 5 kg of a person’s weight, 1 tablet, or another drug according to the instructions).
  • Give the victim intensive water with warm liquid – mineral water or plain water.
  • The patient should not be left alone.

If the person is unconscious:

  • It will be necessary to detect the presence of a pulse and breathing.
  • If there is no pulse or breathing, carry out resuscitation measures (indirect cardiac massage and artificial respiration).
  • Turn the patient to his side.
  • Let in fresh air - open the window and unfasten your belt and tight clothing.
  • Before doctors arrive, monitor your pulse and breathing.
  • The patient should not be alone in the room.

In case of skin infection with celandine, you should thoroughly wash the heavily affected area with warm water. Then consult a doctor to prescribe further treatment.

It is not advisable to rinse the stomach at home - it can easily cause more harm to a weakened body. This procedure is best done in a hospital setting with a special probe. The poison quickly penetrates the blood, affecting the central nervous system. At the same time, the functioning of the heart muscle is disrupted. The patient's mental state suffers. Therefore, doctors do not recommend artificially inducing vomiting. At home, it is better to limit yourself to sorbents and a laxative, if required.

If symptoms of poisoning by this plant are detected, then emergency assistance is required, which consists of the following actions: the very first thing is to call an ambulance. Until medical workers arrive, emergency assistance is provided in independent actions.

  • First self-help is to determine a person’s condition – whether he is unconscious or conscious.
  • If there is no consciousness, you should check for breathing and pulse; when there are no signs of life, then emergency resuscitation is performed (artificial respiration and cardiac massage).
  • When the poisoned person is unconscious, but there is a pulse, he should be turned to his side, this must be done carefully.
  • After the person has been placed on his side, he must be absolutely at rest and remove or unbutton all clothing that may impede breathing;
  • Emergency help also involves getting rid of toxins; to do this, you need to cleanse the stomach (if the toxin was taken internally) or the skin (if the poisoning was external) from the remaining toxic substance that has not yet been absorbed. If the person is conscious, induce vomiting, but flushing with a tube is best. If the poison enters the body through the skin, then the area where the celandine was applied should be washed with plenty of warm water.
  • After the stomach has been washed, you need to drink a laxative. In this case, magnesium sulfate, diluted as follows, may be suitable: a 20-milligram sachet is dissolved in a glass of warm water. Carlsbad salt may also be suitable, one tablespoon diluted with water (half a glass). Thirty grams of sodium sulfate can also be diluted in warm water and drunk completely;
  • Before the ambulance arrives, you need to take sorbents. Activated carbon, which is taken depending on the person’s weight, is very suitable as a sorbent. This can be from 8 or more tablets. If there is no activated carbon, then you can drink very strong tea, as it contains tannin, which helps bind all toxic substances.
  • Medical professionals expect that drinking plenty of fluids will help flush toxins out of the body faster.

In case of intoxication, first aid should be provided to the victim.

Consequences for the body

Poisoning with celandine can cause quite serious consequences if the necessary help is not provided in time. In the future, there may be an exacerbation of various diseases and disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.

To avoid such poisoning, you must adhere to some rules for using this plant and medicines containing it.


  • Do not exceed the dosage of the drug prescribed by your doctor.
  • You should not self-medicate or prescribe medications containing this plant.
  • All preparations containing celandine should be stored out of the reach of children.
  • The plant must be grown in specially designated areas, to which access to animals and children is limited.

By following these rules, poisoning can be avoided.

Celandine poisoning is quite dangerous to human life. Improper use of this plant can cause negative consequences.

In case of mild poisoning in the absence of significant damage to the respiratory organs and heart, the victim will be allowed to go home after 12 hours. After intoxication, the body requires a recovery period. At this time, you need to drink more fluids, and a diet of light, low-fat dishes is recommended.

Severe damage to the body requires long-term treatment in the intensive care unit. The patient should remain in the hospital until signs of intoxication are completely eliminated.

After poisoning with celandine, a serious illness is subsequently diagnosed - cholestatic hepatitis, occurring against the background of jaundice.

In medical statistics, there are cases of death due to high concentrations of the toxin.

Poisoning with celandine, as a rule, carries with it a number of unpleasant consequences. Basically, this is an exacerbation of various diseases and disruption of the nervous system. In order to avoid negative results for your health, you just need to follow simple rules:

  • do not exceed dosage;
  • do not self-medicate;
  • store the drug out of the reach of children and at the optimal temperature.

Benefits and harms

Celandine (warthog, celandine) is a perennial plant. This herb received this name for its excellent effect on the skin. However, celandine has a beneficial effect on the entire body. It contains many useful substances.


  • Organic acids,
  • Various vitamins,
  • Essential oils,
  • Minerals,
  • Flavonoids,
  • Alkaloids,
  • Ascorbic acid.

The rich composition of the herb allows it to be used for various diseases. What are the benefits of warthog? Where is it used?


  • Products containing celandine are used for diseases of the digestive system (pancreatitis, cholecystitis, peptic ulcers), liver (hepatitis), and kidneys. This plant has anti-inflammatory, diuretic, choleretic, analgesic effects.
  • Warthog is an excellent antibacterial agent and quickly heals various wounds. The ability to kill harmful microorganisms allows the use of medicines containing this herb for skin tuberculosis and diseases of the respiratory system.
  • Celandine is often used for viral illnesses; it can be used to treat influenza and other colds.
  • It has a spasmodic effect, so it can be used for headaches and stomach pain.
  • Chistolot is used for severe cold coughs and promotes quick and easy expectoration.
  • The most common use of this plant is to cleanse the skin of various growths, warts, and fungal diseases.
  • Celandine can have an antitumor effect, so it is often used in the initial stages of cancer.

This plant can cope with many ailments, but it can also harm the body and even cause severe poisoning. Why is celandine dangerous? When should it not be used for therapy?


  • pregnancy, lactation,
  • hypotension (celandine has a lowering effect on blood pressure),
  • serious heart disease,
  • childhood,
  • dysfunction of the nervous system, psychosis,
  • epilepsy,
  • in undiluted form should not come into contact with clean skin, it can cause burns,
  • dysbiosis, constipation,
  • do not use simultaneously with medications that have a negative effect on the liver,
  • intolerance.

The use of celandine should be done with caution. Failure to comply with the dosage may lead to poisoning.

By the way, animals avoid celandine and do not eat it. They are repulsed by its smell and taste.


Preventive measures to prevent celandine poisoning include refraining from using the substance yourself. You cannot calculate the required dose on your own.

Only a doctor can make an exact prescription! The recommendations of the treating doctor must be followed strictly. Children should not be given infusions of celandine.

To avoid poisoning from celandine, you must follow the safety rules:

  1. Do not use celandine preparations (tinctures, decoctions) without medical prescription.
  2. Use strictly in the prescribed dosage.
  3. Since the medicinal plant contains toxic substances, medicines should be stored out of the reach of children.
  4. In order to prevent burns in young children, it is not recommended to grow celandine in the garden.

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