When douching, white flakes come out. Why does a woman have a white, cheesy discharge? Drugs used for treatment - photo gallery

If the underwear is stained from the vagina, resembling cottage cheese in appearance, we are talking about vaginal candidiasis. This disease most often affects the genitals, and its development is caused by the pathogenic fungus Candida.

The body of a healthy person can contain various fungi and bacteria, but they become more active as the immune system weakens.

The presence of discharge in the vagina is normal, but only if it is transparent, does not have a dense consistency, strange color and unpleasant odor.

Pathogens accumulate on the vaginal mucosa in so-called colonies and, in addition to producing new spores, release toxic substances.

These dangerous products of fungal activity do not just irritate the delicate mucous membrane of the vagina. They are capable of completely disrupting its integrity, just like the skin of the external genitalia. Thus, every day they are expressed more and more clearly.

Main signs of thrush

In addition to vaginal ones in the form of white lumps and flakes, women may also notice such abnormalities as:
pain when urinating;
burning and itching of the labia;
painful sensations during sexual intercourse.

How to solve the problem of white lumps and flakes coming out of the vagina?

Treatment for thrush is short-term. The doctor may prescribe tablets for one or two doses, or suppositories for insertion into the vagina.

In most cases, thrush goes away quickly, and only 5% of women experienced a recurrent or chronic form of the disease. Therapy in this case becomes more difficult, but over time the disease still recedes.

The sour smell of discharge is not always a sign of any disease. For some women, it is a harbinger of menstruation.

In order not to provoke the development of the disease or its repeated episodes, women must adhere to certain rules:
maintain personal hygiene, especially during menstruation;
combine antibiotics with drugs that prevent the development of dysbacteriosis;
wear comfortable underwear made of breathable fabrics.

Women who like to eat a lot of sweets should give up this habit, otherwise thrush will become, although unwanted, a permanent guest for them. Cases of frequent recurrence of the disease require a visit to an endocrinologist to rule out diabetes mellitus.

As for the nature of thrush, it is not an infectious or venereal disease. Its development is caused only by a violation of the vaginal microflora. It is better to refuse sexual activity during treatment, but if you cannot follow this recommendation, you must use a condom.

What is candidiasis, features of the disease

Genital candidiasis is considered one of the most common gynecological ailments: according to medical statistics, about 75% of the fairer sex have experienced its manifestations during the reproductive period at least once in their lives.

The causative agent of genital candidiasis or thrush is fungi of the genus Candida - yeast-like microorganisms that are normally part of the natural microflora of the epithelial tissues of the female genital organs. The development of the disease occurs as a result of the accelerated reproduction of these fungi and their disruption of the normal, natural balance of the environment of the reproductive tract.

White curdled discharge and itching

Abundant curdled discharge caused by fungal microflora is often white. Sometimes they are the only symptom of the disease, but more often they are accompanied by other unpleasant subjective symptoms.

Why does the small fungal microflora that lives on the mucous membranes suddenly begin to multiply intensively and provoke an inflammatory process?

If candidal inflammation occurs against the background of significant depletion of immune defense mechanisms, the mucous membranes are not able to retain the pathogen on the surface for a long time, and after a period of acute inflammation, Candida “hides” in the deeper layers of the vaginal epithelium.

Usually, it takes no more than two months for the formation of a full-fledged chronic process. Vivid symptoms of the acute stage give way to mild chronic inflammation, which is characterized by long remissions and asymptomatic periods of exacerbation.

A chronic inflammatory process caused by a fungal infection can last for years, and it is extremely difficult to cure such inflammation.

During an exacerbation of candidal inflammation, patients often experience a cheesy discharge without any subjective sensations - itching, pain, discomfort and burning. Sometimes leucorrhoea does not have a cheesy structure, it is simply white or similar to “normal”, mucous.

Chronic inflammation is characterized by mild hyperemia of the vaginal mucosa, the absence or a small amount of grayish deposits, and local atrophic changes. Upon examination, changes are visualized not only in the vagina; the infection often affects the vulva and urethra.

The presence of a chronic fungal infection in the vaginal mucosa aggravates the local dysbiotic process and creates conditions for excessive proliferation of secondary pathogenic microflora. As a result, a sluggish fungal infection can transform into a purulent inflammation of the vaginal mucosa caused by a microbial association.

Therefore, candidal infection can be confused with another pathology, and sometimes it masks it.

White cheesy discharge, odorless or with a weak sour odor, the smell of dairy products with itching and redness of the genitals may indicate candidiasis. Thrush is a fungal disease that affects the epithelial tissue of the genital organs. According to statistics, 75% of women have experienced this disease.

Acute inflammatory processes caused by the development of a fungal infection are not always accompanied by a persistent unpleasant odor. Rejected curd-like mucous inclusions, which begin to smell sharply when they come into contact with underwear, are a symptom of an already intensively developing pathological process.

The disease at an early stage is not burdened by the presence of an unpleasant odor. In secret, only sour notes can be “heard”. Experts advise starting treatment at this stage, but strongly discourage the use of folk remedies.


The main reasons that influence the development of this disease are:

  • Excessive and prolonged use of antibiotics
  • Reduced immunity
  • Hormonal disorders
  • Use of birth control pills, especially for women
  • Constant douching
  • Excess weight
  • Poor quality linen.

Most often, itching and curdled discharge (to be precise - curdled, since in appearance they resemble cottage cheese) are associated with vaginal candidiasis (thrush). In addition to the characteristic leucorrhoea and itching, which intensifies in the evening, after physical exertion or during menstruation, redness and swelling of the genital organs and discomfort during sexual intercourse are also observed.

But even if you find all these signs in yourself, do not rush to make a diagnosis yourself, because other diseases can exhibit similar symptoms, for example:

Only a doctor can reliably determine the presence of thrush or one of the listed diseases based on the patient’s complaints and using a microscopic examination or cultural diagnosis of a smear.

Diseases accompanied by curdled discharge and itching often occur during promiscuous sexual intercourse; frequent changes of partners greatly increase the risk of infection of the genitourinary system in women.

In addition to genital candidiasis, gynecological diseases such as ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis and chlamydia can cause the appearance of cloudy-white, cheesy vaginal discharge in women. The causative agents of these diseases are the smallest pathogenic organisms - mycoplasma and chlamydia.

As a rule, vaginal discharge in women suffering from these diseases has a dark-gray tint and a strong, foul odor.

Regardless of what was the main reason for the appearance of unnatural vaginal discharge in a woman, her discovery of white vaginal discharge with a cheesy consistency is an absolute reason to immediately seek professional medical help from a gynecologist.

Waiting tactics and all attempts to get rid of gynecological diseases on your own often only aggravate the course of the disease and significantly complicate the process of subsequent treatment.

The causes of leucorrhoea are different. But mostly women worry about odorless leucorrhoea: curdled discharge and itching, what does this mean? This is candidiasis or thrush, a very common disease among women. This disease is dangerous for a sexual partner.

Symptoms of candidiasis are: irritation, burning, severe itching. In small quantities, the Candida fungus is necessary for the body for the mucous membrane of the gender organs. However, there are factors that provoke increased development of the fungus.

Reasons that increase the growth of fungus include:

  • hypothermia;
  • blood sugar;
  • stress and nervous tension;
  • wearing underwear made of poor quality material;
  • use of antibiotics and hormone-containing drugs.

There is a white, curd-like discharge with itching and no odor. The color may be yellow or green and depends on the bacteria that caused the inflammation.

Other reasons

Curdled leucorrhoea can accompany not only candidiasis. Other causes of discharge: chlamydia bacteria, mycoplasma infections, sexually transmitted diseases. These diseases are associated with curdled gray leucorrhoea, itching and pain.

All symptoms may appear suddenly or have a gradual development, but indicate an infectious disease of a certain etiology. In any case, you need to see a doctor. Only he will be able to carry out, prescribe the correct treatment and exclude the presence of a dangerous sexually transmitted pathogen, and not a malfunction of the body.

The vagina and cervix are a microecosystem with a “population” of about 40 different types of microorganisms that are able to survive in specific environmental conditions without causing disease.

All microorganisms are constantly in the process of growth, suppression of each other or peaceful coexistence. It is the abundance of types and quantities of various colonies of microbes that prevent the colonization of the vagina by truly pathogenic strains and the growth of opportunistic colonies present in small quantities.

In healthy women of childbearing age, lactobacilli (lactic acid bacteria) predominate in the vagina. The products of their vital activity are lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide, lysozyme and other enzymes, which directly inhibit the growth of pathogenic microbes and create the cervical canal. The rest of the microflora consists of bifidobacteria, and opportunistic species - clostridia, mycoplasmas, corynebacteria and even (Candida).

A cultural study of healthy women and those with pronounced clinical manifestations of the infectious process reveals the same microflora. This confirms that the disease develops only with a quantitative shift in strains of certain microorganisms in the vagina. The exception is dangerous pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases, which normally should not be in the body.

Thus, the growth of fungi, under the influence of some unfavorable factors, often causes cheesy discharge and vaginal itching.

The following factors provoke a decrease in the number of lactobacilli:

  • pregnancy, or other;
  • mechanical influences – , ;
  • tight synthetic clothing;
  • first sexual intercourse;
  • spermicides;
  • frequent or vaginal douches;
  • diabetes;
  • taking corticosteroids, oral contraceptives;
  • decreased immune defense reactions;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • oral or anal sex also contributes to the colonization of the vagina with unusual microflora.


The time for a visit to the doctor has been determined, what can a woman do to reduce symptoms, improve well-being, and what should she remember when visiting a pharmacy?

  1. The use of systemic antifungal drugs should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. You cannot independently select and take oral tablets (Diflucan (Fluconazole), Econazole, Clotrimazole and their analogs) until the extent and cause of the disease are diagnosed. Thrush may be a marker of the presence of a more serious infection. The sexual partner is also subject to treatment. Candidiasis is not considered a sexually transmitted infection, but men who are carriers of fungi often have inflammation of the glans penis, which provokes relapses of the disease in women.
  2. Usage , , with antimycotic effect gives a good result in the acute form of candidiasis only, without co-infections. Carriage and chronic forms of thrush cannot be treated with topical agents only.
  3. Curdled discharge in women and itching can be relieved with topical solutions. The drug Tantum Rose has proven itself to be excellent. The effect and noticeable relief of inflammation symptoms occurs 20 minutes after introducing the solution into the vagina.
  4. Combined drugs (Poliginax, Neo-Penotran, Klion-D, Terzhinan, Livarol) are effective when cheesy discharge in women is accompanied by a fishy odor and a yellowish color, which indicates a concomitant bacterial infection. But at the same time, the clinical picture of the disease is disrupted, and in the case of a dangerous pathogen, its diagnosis can be difficult or give a false negative result.
  5. Suppressing the growth of microorganisms using broad-spectrum antibacterial agents also affects colonies of beneficial lactobacilli. It is important not to create sterility, but to promote the normalization of microflora. containing dried cultures of lacto and bifidobacteria are produced from strains taken from their intestines. They take root in the vagina reluctantly. Therefore, it is much more effective to create favorable conditions for the growth of your own species of lactobacilli. For this purpose, an effective drug Vaginorm-S with ascorbic acid has been created.


Only a doctor can accurately determine the cause of the ailment and prescribe the correct treatment regimen. Self-medication and self-diagnosis are often erroneous, which leads to relapses, complications and serious consequences for the body.

Video: What discharge should women be wary of? Gynecology


  1. V.N. Prilepskaya, G.R. Bayramova. Vulvovaginal candidiasis: clinical and therapeutic aspects. Gynecology. 2011; 04: 47-49 Consilium Medicum portal:

When cheesy discharge appears in women, this is a reason to consult a doctor. The manifestation can act as an independent symptom or be a sign of a serious illness. At the same time, discharge of this quality is more common in pregnant women. In healthy patients, curd discharge has a transparent whitish tint and a uniform structure, while not emitting an odor. Pathological discharge, reminiscent of cottage cheese in structure, may be accompanied by an unpleasant odor and itching, burning, and sometimes the lower abdomen hurts. Discharge can appear both a week before and after menstruation. Therefore, you need to seek help from a doctor who can find out the cause of this phenomenon and prescribe treatment.

Causes of curdled discharge in women

White manifestations in women

If girls and women experience white, cheesy discharge that is odorless or has a faint sour aroma, this means that the patient is developing thrush. When candidiasis appears, the patient's intimate area itches and the genitals turn red. According to statistics, the disease is diagnosed in approximately 75% of patients, and it often appears before menstruation. White discharge in lumps indicates a decrease in immunity. When the immune system does not produce normally, harmful microorganisms in the form of fungi and bacteria develop in the body.

The reasons for the appearance of discharge are:

  • following a strict diet;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • long-term use of hormonal drugs;
  • being overweight.

If discharge appears after taking the drug, you should consult a doctor.

White, curd-like vaginal discharge is observed when using contraceptive medications. In such cases, with the help of a doctor, you need to choose another remedy. White granular discharge is observed in women who are pregnant. Such curd discharge during pregnancy is associated with hormonal imbalances, with a decrease in protective forces and an increase in the production of progesterone, which has a detrimental effect on the vaginal microflora.

If a woman experiences beige discharge in the middle of the cycle, with a slightly pink tint, this indicates the development of cervical erosion in parallel with candidiasis. Mucus mixes with blood, which is released in clots due to bleeding erosion. When light brown discharge appears during candidiasis, this means that the body has a malfunction of the endocrine system. The symptom may be a signal of the development of hyperprolactinemia.

Yellow manifestations

Strong yellow, odorless, curd-like discharge indicates an infection of the uterus, appendages and fallopian tubes. Associated symptoms:

  • pain occurs in the lower abdomen and lumbar area;
  • body temperature rises;
  • a feeling of weakness appears.

Discomfort during sex can be caused by an infection.

Symptoms become more pronounced after sex. The development of yellowish, odorless and itchy discharge is associated with chronic infectious diseases, but in this case there are no other symptoms. Such discharge from the genitals can be a sign of sexually transmitted infections, as well as sexually transmitted diseases. The clinical picture expands:

  • there is severe itching in the vagina and pain during sex;
  • there are rashes on the skin around the genitals and a strong unpleasant odor.

Green manifestations

Thick green mucous discharge with an odor indicates the development of purulent infectious diseases, dysbiosis or sexually transmitted diseases. Such manifestations are associated with the development of trichomoniasis and gonorrhea. Also, greenish discharge indicates the possibility of several infectious diseases occurring simultaneously. In this case, the patient experiences itching and burning, and an unpleasant odor is felt.

Symptoms of thrush in patients

Irritation of the mucous membrane causes pain when passing urine.

With the development of thrush, abundant curdled discharge is observed. Outwardly, they look like large white grains of cottage cheese. At the same time, itching and burning are felt. In this case, it is forbidden to scratch the itchy areas so that the infection does not penetrate into the deeper layers of epithelial tissue. Candidiasis is accompanied by pain during urination because the protective function of the vaginal mucosa is reduced. Painful manifestations are also observed during sexual intercourse, as a result of which sex should be avoided during treatment. With candidiasis, the smell is not so pronounced, but has a sour note. Only the patient feels it, but those around her do not feel it at all.

Features during pregnancy

Abundant curdled discharge during pregnancy often appears in the early stages or at the end of the period. Symptoms manifest in different ways. In some patients, only discharge is observed, while in the second group, candidiasis develops asymptomatically or the only symptom observed is dryness in the intimate area. Inflammatory processes are typical when immunity decreases, because the immune system in pregnant women is overloaded and it is more difficult for it to fight negative effects. During pregnancy, candidiasis does not pose a danger to the mother and fetus. But if the protective function is disrupted, a fungal infection affects the fetus. To prevent this, a woman must treat candidiasis in time.

Diagnostic measures

Laboratory tests will determine the cause of the lesion.

To understand what is the reason for the appearance of curdled mucus from the vagina and what treatment should be, the doctor conducts a comprehensive examination of the patient. If a woman develops curd-like masses, she should immediately consult a doctor, then the treatment will be more effective. To establish an accurate diagnosis, the doctor interviews the woman, finding out whether she performs hygiene procedures (how often she washes herself, uses pads, tampons, medicinal suppositories, or douches).

The survey determines how often a woman changes sexual partners, engages in dangerous sex, and whether she has systemic disorders in the body associated with the development of chronic or acute illnesses, or hypothermia. If the patient is pregnant, the cause of the changes may be a hormonal imbalance, then the doctor selects a more gentle treatment complex. Next, the doctor sends the woman for a laboratory examination, which includes:

  • taking smears to study vaginal microflora;
  • sowing of vaginal microflora, which studies sensitivity to the effects of drugs;
  • performing a blood test to determine the presence of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • using a microscope or lighting device to examine a woman’s reproductive system;
  • taking a smear from the cervix to determine the presence of malignant neoplasms;
  • conducting a biochemical analysis to determine hormonal levels;
  • taking a PCR swab;
  • performing an ultrasound of the reproductive system.

The female reproductive system is a clear and well-coordinated mechanism aimed at the main goal - bearing and giving birth to a child. It is not surprising that on different days of the cycle, representatives of the fair half of humanity notice different amounts and nature of vaginal discharge. Every woman knows about the structural features of her body and can distinguish physiological, “healthy” leucorrhoea from pathological ones. What should you do if you notice the appearance of a cheesy discharge that is odorless and itchy or, on the contrary, accompanied by discomfort? In our review we will analyze the causes, mechanism of development and consequences of this condition. What diseases are manifested by cheesy discharge, and do they always need to be treated?

What is normal and what is pathology?

There are several criteria by which discharge from a woman’s vagina can be considered physiological. These include:

  • liquid or slightly viscous (jelly-like) consistency;
  • transparency;
  • a small amount - up to one or two tsp. per day;
  • absence of a pungent odor (a subtle aroma of a clean body is possible);
  • absence of discomfort, pain, burning, itching and other signs of damage to the mucous layer of the vaginal wall.

The nature, shade and volume of vaginal discharge varies depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. For example, by the middle of the 28-32 day cycle - ovulation - there are much more of them. In addition, heavy discharge in a healthy woman can occur when:

  • excitement;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • severe stress;
  • sudden climate change.

Even with an increase in volume, physiological secretions do not cause discomfort to the woman and leave almost no marks on the gusset of the panties.

Possible reasons

According to statistics, the appearance of white cheesy discharge in women is perhaps the most common reason for contacting an obstetrician-gynecologist. Up to 70% of the fair sex, including absolutely healthy ones, have encountered this symptom. Often, patients automatically mistake it for a manifestation of thrush (scientifically speaking, candidal vaginitis), and use the entire arsenal of remedies at hand, ranging from antifungal suppositories to traditional medicine recipes.

But curdled discharge in women is not always a sign of the proliferation of Candida fungi in the vagina. There is an extensive list of problems accompanied by this symptom, as well as discomfort, irritation of the integumentary tissue, itching, burning sensation in the area of ​​the lower back, and problems with sexual intercourse.


White, cheesy discharge, odorless or with a slight sour odor, is a classic manifestation of the familiar thrush, or candidiasis. The main cause of the disease is conditional pathogens of the human body, fungi of the genus Candida, which normally populate the genital tract, oral cavity and skin in small quantities. In case of any violations of the immune system, they are able to actively multiply, damaging the skin, mucous epithelium and being the main pathogenetic factor in the development of inflammation.

Thrush often develops in women:

  • doing heavy physical labor;
  • exposed to severe stress;
  • those who have severe chronic pathologies or frequently suffer from acute respiratory viral infections;
  • have undergone a course of intensive antibiotic therapy;
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • those who exhaust themselves with diets or, on the contrary, indulge in sweets and fresh baked goods;
  • during pregnancy.

The clinical picture of the disease largely depends on the severity and duration of the damaging effect of yeast fungi on the mucous membrane. The pathology is characterized by abundant white (milky) curdled discharge and itching in the vagina, discomfort and pain during hygiene procedures, urination, and sexual intercourse. Less often, patients complain of a typical “sour” odor from the genital tract, a white coating on the mucous membrane of the vulva and vagina.

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Leucorrhoea (white) discharge from the vagina in girls and women

This is interesting. Candidiasis can affect not only the genital tract, but also the skin and mucous membranes throughout the body.

Less commonly, white discharge with candidiasis acquires a pinkish tint. This is usually associated with concomitant erosion and fresh (contact) bleeding. Some hormonal changes against the background of thrush can cause a curdled, brown, almost black discharge.

Yellow color

Yellow discharge in the form of cottage cheese may have causes other than thrush. Sometimes they are a consequence of infection by pathogenic microorganisms of the internal organs of the reproductive system - the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes.

An acute infectious process is distinguished by vivid clinical symptoms: copious yellow discharge is accompanied by body fever up to 38.5-40 ° C, pain in the lower abdomen, severe weakness, and malaise. Menstrual irregularities and other manifestations of hormonal imbalance are possible. After sexual intercourse, unpleasant sensations and cheesy, yellowish leucorrhoea may become more abundant.

When the process becomes chronic, the main symptoms of inflammation of the uterus or appendages subside, and the woman complains only of discharge: curdled yellow discharge or mucopurulent discharge of a greenish color.

An unpleasant-smelling yellow, cheesy discharge, which is combined with a strong burning and itching sensation in the vagina, are likely symptoms of gonorrhea and other STDs. Gonorrhea is a common sexually transmitted infection that can affect the reproductive system.

The main cause of the disease is bacterial. The causative agent of the pathology is the pathogenic bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae, a diplococcus with low resistance in the external environment, but highly contagious (infectiousness) when transmitted from person to person.

The main route of infection is sexual (genital), but infection is also possible through non-traditional types of sex (oral-genital, anal-genital contact). Damage to the genitourinary system by gonococci (genital gonorrhea) is considered typical. Cases of gonorrheal lesions of other internal organs are less commonly diagnosed:

  • rectum;
  • pharynx;
  • mucous membrane of the eye;
  • joints.

The first signs of gonorrhea can be noticed 2-14 days after infection. The disease has the following clinical manifestations:

  • symptoms of vaginitis - inflammation of the vaginal wall:

curdled vaginal discharge (with a strong unpleasant odor);

burning sensation, itching;

discomfort, pain during sexual intercourse.

  • symptoms of urethritis - damage to the urethra:

pale yellow mucopurulent discharge from the urethra;

the appearance of burning, itchy pain along the urethra;

painful urination.

  • vulvitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vulva - is accompanied by burning, itching in the perineum, swelling and inflammation of the vulva.

Green or green-yellow

Abundant cheesy discharge of a greenish tint is one of the signs of purulent inflammation of the genital tract. Often this symptom accompanies STIs, including trichomoniasis.

Trichomoniasis (trichomoniasis) is an infectious lesion of the genitourinary tract caused by a single-celled protozoan - Trichomonas vaginalis.

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