What to do if your back hurts after childbirth. What to do if your back hurts after childbirth Far cry 3 where to find

Finally, the head of the rakyat is ready to help us become stronger warriors. But for this you will have to pass a test, which, according to her, can kill the weak, but will only make the strong stronger. To start the test, we get some new tincture that provokes terrible glitches. Wow, the glitches are dangerous - all sorts of evil spirits begin to appear, which must be shot with a bow and explosive arrows. Just in case, a bow shoots effectively only if the string is pulled well. This is done by holding down the left mouse button and holding it down until the shot is fired. My advice to simplify your Far Cry 3 passage is to not shoot without taking good aim. This is still a bow, not a machine gun; before the next shot you will have to wait until our hero loads a new arrow.

The main enemy is the Ink Monster, who needs to regularly shoot accurately at the mask. Brave warriors will run out with cutlasses - if possible, shoot them from a distance; if that doesn’t work, cut them with a knife. After destroying these brave ghostly warriors, the monster will become more aggressive and begin to throw an incomprehensible substance at us, not only damaging our health, but also knocking us down. Therefore, we simply spend the remaining stage of the battle in motion - we aim on the move, shoot from a bow on the move. This is the case when movement is life.

True, while moving, it is more difficult to hit the target, but nothing is impossible. After a number of hits (about a dozen are required, or even a little more), the monster will fall. All that remains is to finish him off with that same knife. Climb his hand and actively press the spacebar at the game command. This is a fatality, we have passed the test. The reward is that a whole range of previously inaccessible skills has been unlocked, so level up your character, there is no point in postponing this matter, all abilities can significantly make it easier for you to complete Far Cry 3. Also, when you wake up from the glitches, you will see Citra jumping on Jason’s body. Such a pleasant sight, yes!

Mission 25 - Reckoning

Vaas, your time has come! There is something to take revenge for - he repeatedly made us look like a fool, tried to execute us, and finally successfully executed his brother with a shot in the neck, so it’s time to pay off the debts. We need to get to his island, where a whole fortress is organized. It is not necessary to arrive on the island strictly at the place marked on the map - pirates are walking there, and it is not a fact that you will be riding on a boat equipped with a machine gun. Otherwise, shooting enemies from a distance will not work. I landed about three hundred meters from them, killed them at range and moved on.

At the entrance to the Vaasa base you will be met by several more enemies, it is worth noting the sniper on the tower, whom I pelted to death with Molotov cocktails - the poor fellow has nowhere to go, he will not get off the tower, so he burns alive. It's time to continue the Far Cry 3 walkthrough, go visit Vaas - pull yourself up in a place where the fence is relatively low, open the door, go inside. Again Vaas showed his cunning - he prepared a trap here too, everything is on fire... Climb up the stairs to the roof, jump from there, after which you will catch the eye of a whole crowd of opponents.

The firefight will be intense - the passage of the game Far Cry 3 can be facilitated by a grenade launcher, grenades, as well as a stationary machine gun mounted on a nearby jeep. We need to push straight through. There is some kind of warehouse on the left - you can go behind enemy lines by going through it. When you pass the courtyard, you will see the door to the hangar, you will not be greeted very cordially there - a machine gunner in armor and ordinary soldiers. Going a little further, you will fall into another Vaas trap. He stabs a knife moistened with something, which will provide a solid narcotic effect...

The glitches begin: first we just walk through some TVs, see slightly distorted memories, and then we see Vaas standing in front. We obediently press the mouse button, seeing the enemy holding a pistol to his own head, but this is a mirage... Meanwhile, Jason is attacked by ghost clones of Vaas, who, nevertheless, successfully cause damage, and also an infinite number of rods. Therefore, do not try to kill them all while standing still - go forward and shoot on the move from the provided machine gun. At the end of the journey there will be a long-awaited meeting with Vaas face to face. Just press the "F" key to destroy the enemy.

Mission 26 - Zither's Grace

You will wake up in the temple of Citra - the sister of Vaas, whom we defeated. They are different, these relatives... Citra gives us some kind of tincture, this time, fortunately, without narcotic effects. We leave the temple, you will see Dennis, who has already celebrated his victory over Vaas. The closest goal is a cave under Dr. Earnhardt's house, go into it. Say goodbye to your friends, and you can say goodbye to Keith and Oliver separately if you wish. But the Far Cry 3 walkthrough is just beginning.

Mission 27 - Meeting Club (Cave Memories)

This is not even a mission, but a wave of memories that are not mandatory - you can simply leave the cave. If you want to go back in time and find out how our company ended up on an island that killed a couple of people and simply seriously harmed the rest, go to the corner of the cave. There, next to the boat, you will find a plate. Follow the recommendation “Eat me” and with the help of tablets visions will be launched - three of them.

Mission 28 - Flight South

Now our main target is Hoyt. But who knows where to look for him... And only one person can know - Willis, whom we have already helped a couple of times. He, it turns out, has set his sights on Russia with his spy missions. Moreover, you were about to take off in five minutes - that’s exactly how much time you have to get to your destination.

If you have covered at least ten kilometers in total around the island by car, it will not be difficult to make it in time; the accumulated experience will be enough. True, if you plan the route incorrectly, you may not make it in time. So, as soon as you receive the task to go to Willis, immediately press “M” to study the map and plot the optimal route. The shortest is not always the fastest, make sure there are fewer sharp turns and difficult places where you might not be able to control the car.

When approaching Willis, the passage of the game Far Cry 3 will continue with the task of helping him repel the pirate attack. The latter attack in large numbers and it will be difficult to fight off even on the easy difficulty level. At first, this task is not particularly difficult - the agent helps us and actively fires at our adversaries. But the latter damaged the plane with which we were going to fly to Hoyt Island, so Willis will have to urgently repair it, and we will have to protect it from the enemies who continue to press.

I would advise you to get either a machine gun or a grenade launcher, and also actively throw grenades at clusters of enemies. There are a lot of them, and at the end there will also be machine gunners in armor. There is a stationary machine gun that Willis used, but it does not have a 360-degree viewing angle, and there are many enemies coming from the flanks... So you will have to work hard to repel such a massive and aggressive attack. There is also a box of ammunition next to the plane - it can be useful. And don’t forget to keep an eye on the map, enemies are marked with red drop-shaped dots. Task number one is to prevent Willis from being killed, everything else is secondary. We'll treat ourselves, if anything...

Having fought off the attack, we board the plane and fly away.

Mission 29 - Three blind mice

We are quickly approaching Hoyt Island. In order not to crash, we have a “Wing Suit”, which operates on the principle of the body structure of a flying squirrel. We open our arms and soften the fall, like on a hang glider. We also have a parachute at our disposal so as not to crash if something happens. Control of the suit and parachute will be displayed on the monitor, I will not repeat it. In order not to further complicate your passage of Far Cry 3, I advise you to land away from nearby enemies. We need to get to the Big Horseradish bar. I laughed for a long time at the name, but it turned out that in the original it was called even funnier - “Crazy cock”.

The bar is not very close to the drop-off point; it would be nice to have a car, but you can get there without one. Please note that the island is completely in the hands of Hoyt's mercenaries - you have already encountered them once (during an ambush), and you should remember that these are opponents of a completely different level compared to the comparatively harmless pirates. I repeat - powerful weapons, good armor, excellent organization and excellent combat skills. All this makes mercenaries serious opponents.

When you get to the bar, talk to the bartender. We need to find an old friend of Willis named Sam. The bartender says that he only knows one Sam and he is now in the basement playing cards with other mercenaries. We communicate with the bouncer at the entrance and go down to the basement. Personally, I was afraid that I had to win to continue the game. I was afraid because I didn’t know at all how to play poker and its rules. But the game carefully left hints on what and how to press, I don’t even know if I won or lost. The fact is obvious - it’s enough just to play one game to successfully continue the passage of the game Far Cry 3, Sam will get up and go home, we will also get up and follow him. You won’t have to search for a long time around the village - there is a mark on the map.

Mission 30 - Werewolf

Having reached Sam's house, go up the stairs to the second floor, enter, look at the dialogue. What does our ally offer us? So, the southern island is reliably controlled by Hoyt’s mercenaries - without serious reasons, getting involved in a firefight with them is not very advisable. Therefore, there is an interesting option - to get the uniform of one of Hoyt’s people, so as not to be conspicuous and so that you can move freely throughout the entire territory. This can significantly simplify our passage of Far Cry 3. It is suggested that you get the uniform at the mercenary base - go there, the place is marked on the map. Now you have to put into practice all your stealth skills accumulated during the passage.

It is necessary to act extremely carefully - no killings and no noise, raising the alarm is strictly prohibited. We need to penetrate quite deep into the camp, and there are so many enemies... Fortunately, they are quite scattered, and there are enough dark areas where it is almost impossible to notice us. In addition, do not forget that you have stones at your disposal that can be thrown in one direction or another, diverting the attention of the guards.

Now let's take a closer look at the route around the base, because many may have difficulties. In principle, there is nothing complicated - the direction of movement will be gradually highlighted with a yellow marker, and the tasks will change so that you do not get confused. But it is still advisable to act without forgetting some principles. To make the passage of Far Cry 3 easier for you, I will tell you about them in some detail.

First, you need to move while crouching. This way you reduce noise and become less noticeable visually. Secondly, don't rush. If you doubt that you can slip through unnoticed, find a shadow or shelter, study the area from there, you can take out a camera and mark your opponents with it. Thirdly, do not forget that if you move in a crouched position, due to the peculiarities of the game engine you are unlikely to be instantly noticed, the stealth band will expand, even if in open areas for a second or two, but this is also the time during which you can manage to hide.

So, first, make your way to the mercenary who is sitting. You need to throw a stone behind his back - it, of course, will force the enemy to pay attention to himself, while the opponent is trying to understand what happened, jump down into the cave. Don’t rush to get into the water - you’ll still have time, now you need to go down the stairs, literally following on the heels of the patrolman walking ahead. When he sits down, another patrolman will come out to meet him; the latter must be distracted by throwing a stone in the direction opposite to our path. Next, the enemy stands with his back to us, aim the stone to the right of him, then go forward. In the same way you will make your way to the entrance to the port.

There are two enemies there at once. It seems difficult to penetrate, but they can be distracted by one single throw of a stone, the main thing is to correctly calculate the point at which the stone will hit. Having slipped past them, go around from the back of the flamethrower, dive into the water there, and swim to the point marked on the map. This is a ship, there is a lone recruit, whose uniform we need. Suddenly attack him from behind to continue the passage of Far Cry 3. Sam will call, after the conversation, go to the briefing, which Hoyt will conduct personally and clearly demonstrate what he does with his disobedient charges.

After the briefing, you will feel like you belong here, you can safely walk around the entire base, collect useful junk and money in chests. To complete the task, you need to get into the marked boat and ride it through the cave into the bay.

Mission 31 - Three-decker

As soon as you get out of the mercenaries’ lair, Sam will get in touch and tell you that you need to destroy three conspirators in a camp nearby. It should be borne in mind that these three are only the authorities, and there are still a large number of ordinary fighters around, so it is advisable to kill quietly and unnoticed. In the meantime, I’ll note that we are now free to move around the entire island - as long as you don’t show aggression, no one will touch you. Also, having completed the previous mission, you will open a number of fast travel points, which will greatly simplify the passage of the game Far Cry 3.

So, you have reached the mercenary camp, where you need to destroy three conspirators and search their bodies. The first thing to do is to slowly walk around the entire camp with a camera, marking all the enemies you encounter. The usual ones will be marked with orange marks, our three targets will be yellow with stars. As I noted above, targets must be killed quietly and without witnesses. No matter in what order you cut them out, you will find evidence on the body of the last killed conspirator.

As it turned out, nothing bad will happen if you simply cut down the entire camp in an aggressive manner - after the second murder I had an unwanted witness, I immediately removed him. And although no one else saw it, the rest of the camp was very eager to get even for their killed comrades. We had to carry out a total cleanup. In principle, nothing complicated, it’s even easier somewhere than hiding and waiting for the moment until the target remains out of reach of the views of your colleagues. So choose for yourself how it is more convenient for you to complete the game Far Cry 3 at this stage.

If you act quietly, keep in mind that the last conspirator is located above in the mine, and an ordinary mercenary is constantly on guard next to him. So if you don’t want to make a fuss, quietly eliminate him first. You don’t even have to try to throw stones - everyone here is their own, no one is going to pay attention to the noise. One way or another, having killed all three conspirators, search their bodies, finding evidence on the body of the last one, leave this place and drive to a safe distance.

Far Cry 3 game navigation

Walkthroughs Cheat codes

Tropical paradise Rook Island. The “golden youth” does not deny themselves anything during their holidays and leads a luxurious life. However, this does not last long. One fine day, the company is captured by pirates led by Vaas Montenegro.

The main character, Jason Brody, and his older brother named Grant are in the same cage. After Vaas finishes the conversation and goes to count the money, Grant will untie his hands and free Jason. However, this is just the beginning. Call the pirate and kill him to get out of the cage without any problems.

Once you get out of captivity, follow your brother. However, do not stand up to your full height, be quieter than water, lower than the grass. Get to the nearest shack. There you will find a lighter, a camera, a map, a tablet and a cell phone on the table. Go outside, hide behind the well and distract the pirate with a stone. You need to get to the next building, after which Grant will kill the sleepy bandit with a flick of his hand.

Get outside and climb to the next hut. Exit through the passage on the right and hide in the foliage. Use the stone again to distract the enemy and run further. After you crawl under the bridge, Vaas will discover the fugitives. The first person he kills will be Grant. He releases Jason Brody, but only to continue the hunt himself.

Jason has few options: you have to rush headlong through the jungle until you find a cave. Crouch down and move forward. There's a thug with a knife waiting for you on the other side, but don't worry. You'll make short work of him.

Amanaki Village

You wake up in Dennis Rogers' shack. He found you on the shore and was leaving in his hut. As soon as you come to your senses, get out and witness a real party taking place in the village of Amanaki. Get sixty dollars from Dennis and enter the gun shop to buy a 1911 pistol. In the shop, the gun saleswoman will give you a simple task - activate the radio towers.

!Note: Activating radio towers will allow you to unlock new guns, some of which you will receive for free. In addition, part of the territory on the map will be revealed to you.

So, follow Dennis to the radio tower. However, take your time - in front of the stairs you will find a snake that will not let you just climb up, so you will have to make some noise. After you destroy the encryption device, part of the territory on the map will open to you. Slide down the rope, Dennis will be waiting for you below. His new task is to go hunting. Open the map, point to the wild boar's habitat and place a mark.

Free weapons for activating radio towers in Far Cry 3:

  1. Compound bow and SVD.

    PKM machine gun and shotgun 1887.

    Flamethrower, A2000 submachine gun, M133 shotgun.

    RPG-7, M700 sniper rifle.

    U-100 machine gun, Rocket launcher.

    F1 assault rifle, GM-94 grenade launcher.

    MP5 submachine gun.

    MS16 assault rifle.

    44 Magnum.

    Pistol D50, submachine gun Vector.45.

    SPAS-12 shotgun, ACE assault rifle.

    MKG machine gun, BZ19 submachine gun.

    P416 assault rifle, Z93 sniper rifle.

  2. Bushman assault rifle.


Since the mark tells you which direction to go, you will quickly reach the desired wild boar habitat. All you have to do is collect a whole herbarium, as well as kill two wild boars, and then skin them. Red, blue and green herbs are marked on the mini-map. It won't be difficult for you to find and pick them. The most important thing is not to leave the yellow area. Otherwise, the mission will fail. When you're done collecting herbs and boar skins, open the global map and instantly travel to Amanaki Village.

!Note: In the future, your skills in collecting herbs and skinning animal carcasses will come in handy. Collecting new skins will allow you to create new backpacks in which you can carry more items. In addition, animal skins will help you improve your bandoleer and other items of equipment. In order to upgrade your equipment to the maximum, you will need the skins of rare animals, which you will find in special “Path of the Hunter” quests. Herbs will also be useful to you for creating various potions, whether they enhance the hero’s abilities or restore health.

Once you leave the hut, go meet Dennis. Before talking to him, open the game menu, select the “Create Items” line, then make the necessary medicines from herbs and modify the backpack using the found skins. With the points you receive, create two tattoos that will not only decorate your body, but also add certain abilities to the main character.

Recipes for creating improved equipment:

Weapon cases:

  • Simple case (2 weapons) - 1 goat skin (after mission 3).
  • Durable case (3 weapons) - 2 deer skins.
  • Reinforced case (4 weapons) - 2 shark skins.


  • Simple wallet (up to $2000) - 1 pig skin.
  • Durable wallet (up to $4000) - 2 cassowary skins.
  • Reinforced wallet (up to $6000) - 2 shark skins.
  • Large wallet (up to $10,000) - 1 One-horned buffalo skin (from the quest “The Hunter’s Path” of the “Assassins’ Rest” outpost).


  • Simple backpack (32 places) - 2 boar skins (2 during the mission).
  • Durable backpack (48 places) - 2 tapir skins (after mission 3).
  • Reinforced backpack (64 places) - 4 dingo skins.
  • Large backpack (96 places) - 1 skin of the Immortal Bear (from the quest “The Hunter’s Path” of the Gasoline Cradle outpost).

Medical bag:

  • Simple medical bag (5 potions) - 1 pig skin (after mission 3).
  • Durable medical bag (7 potions) - 3 dog skins.
  • Reinforced medical bag (9 potions) - 2 leopard skins.
  • Large medical bag (12 potions) - 1 Black Panther skin (from the mission “The Hunter’s Path” of the “Orphanage” outpost).


  • Simple bandoleer (for spare cartridges of any weapon) - 2 boar skins (after mission 3).
  • Durable bandolier - 2 buffalo skins.
  • Reinforced bandolier - 2 tiger skins.
  • Large bandolier - 1 Golden Tiger skin (from the mission “The Hunter’s Path” of the “Mosquito Corner” outpost).

Grenade bags:

  • Simple grenade bag (4 grenades + 4 cocktails) - 2 goat skins (after mission 3).
  • Durable grenade bag (6 grenades + 6 cocktails) - 2 deer skins.
  • Reinforced grenade bag (8 grenades + 8 cocktails) - 3 Komodo dragon skins.
  • Large grenade bag (12 grenades + 12 cocktails) - 1 Bloody Komodo skin (from the quest “The Hunter’s Path” of the Lookout outpost).

Mine pouch:

  • Simple mine pouch (3 mines and 3 C4) - 2 goat skins (after mission 3).
  • Durable mine pouch (4 mines and 4 C4) - 2 leopard skins.
  • Reinforced mine pouch (5 mines and 5 C4) - 2 bear skins.
  • Large pouch for mines (6 mines and 6 C4) - 1 White-bellied Tapir skin (from the quest “The Hunter’s Path” of the “Rusty Yard” outpost).

Fuel slings:

  • Simple sling (balloon) - 2 dog skins (after mission 3).
  • Strong sling (2 cylinders) - 2 boar skins.
  • Reinforced sling (3 bottles) - 2 Komodo dragon skins.
  • Large belt (4 cylinders) - 1 Yellow-throated Cassowary skin (from the quest “The Hunter’s Path” of the “After 12” outpost).

Rocket packs:

  • A simple backpack for rockets (4 charges for RPGs and 8 for GM) - 1 deer skin.
  • Durable backpack for rockets (5 charges for RPGs and 10 for GM) - 4 dingo skins.
  • Reinforced backpack for rockets (6 charges for RPGs and 12 for GM) - 3 tiger skins.

Arrow Quivers:

  • Simple quiver (10 regular arrows and 10 special) - 1 goat skin.
  • Durable quiver (15 regular arrows and 10 special) - 2 tapir skins.
  • Reinforced quiver (20 regular and 10 special) - 2 bear skins.
  • Large quiver (30 regular and 10 special) - 1 skin of the Man-Eating Shark (from the quest “The Hunter’s Path” of the Kell Shipyard outpost).

Special arrows:

  • Fire Arrow - 1 Molotov Cocktail (after mission 10).
  • Explosive Arrow - 1 Grenade (after mission 13).

Outpost capture

Receive an incoming call. The pirates ask to meet at the outpost. Get into the truck and go to the meeting point with Dennis. Once you reach the outpost, you can act as you please. The main thing is don't let Dennis die. His death means mission failure.

Once you've finished clearing the outpost of pirates, don't forget to raise the friendly flag and then run into the central building. You won't find anyone inside - your girlfriend named Lisa has run away. From the radio conversations you learn that she headed west.

!Note: Capturing outposts is another key element of the game. You need to capture enemy bases so that you can move from one part of the map to another at any time. Well, if you want to walk on foot and admire the scenery, then you certainly won’t have to hide from pirates, since guys from the allied tribe will be nearby.

It is also worth remembering that each capture of an outpost is a special operation for which you need to thoroughly prepare. You always have two options: rush forward with your saber drawn or act secretly, so choose for yourself. However, it is worth noting that the game encourages more silent capture of an outpost - for a successful operation you will receive three times more points than if you shoot with all guns and scare the local animals.

Weapon Upgrade:

  • Improved shotgun M133 "Bull" - $3010 (for 10 found Relics).
  • Improved (without silencer) AMR sniper rifle - $4800 (for 20 Relics found).
  • Improved PP Vector.45 Disintegrator - $3275 (for 10 found Memory Cards).
  • Improved 1911 “Shadow” - $2600 (for capturing 17 outposts).
  • Improved R-416 "Bushman" - $3800 (for capturing 18 radio towers).
  • Improved MKG “Ripper” - $4200 (after passing 6th Rakyat Trials).

Steel arms:

  • Machete - Given by Dennis.
  • Japanese tanto - for 6 Letters of the Missing.


Now you have to head towards Dr. Earnhardt's mansion. After talking with him, go into the house and go up to the second floor. Here you will meet the third character from your company - Daisy, Grant's girlfriend, lying on the bed and unconscious. To prevent her from dying, an antidote must be administered every hour. The reserves are depleted, so it’s up to you to collect special mushrooms from which the doctor will make a medicine.

So, head towards the mark on the mini-map and enter the cave. Your path will be thorny. To avoid drowning or falling from a great height, you will have to act quickly. However, at the very last moment, when the mushrooms are just around the corner, you will be seized by hallucinations. We advise you to be patient and survive a few minutes of hell. In the end, the glitches will go away, you can take the mushrooms and go out.

Return to Earnhardt and give him the mushrooms. Then go upstairs and talk to the awakened Daisy. You will have to tell her the unpleasant news about Grant's death, and then go in search of the others.

Call of Medusa

Answer Dennis's call. He will ask you to find a ship called the Medusa, which ran aground near the doctor's house. Act silently so that the pirates do not notice you. Use the found camera to mark enemies and subsequently monitor their movements. During this mission, act with lightning speed and extreme caution.

As soon as you go up to the control room, put on a bulletproof vest, and then listen to the negotiations of the bandits. It turns out that the pirates plan to sell their children into slavery after receiving a ransom from rich parents. In general, the situation is becoming even worse than it was. You will have to hurry to find the remaining friends. Meanwhile, while you were listening to the chatter, they had already left for you. Get ready to fight a large group of pirates. Believe me, it will be as easy as shelling pears. After you deal with the bandits, Dennis will call you and inform you that the villains are planning to carry out a clean-up. Return to the village immediately before it’s too late.

Playing the Robber

Once you arrive at the village, meet with Dennis. He will inform you that the people of Vaas are going to attack the Rakyat settlement. To contain them, it is necessary to destroy the enemy's weapons stockpiles.

You can get to the pirates' warehouses in different ways - by car or by boat. However, the safest option is to use a boat. This way you can sneak into warehouses unnoticed, mark all enemies with a camera, turn off the alarm, get inside the premises and plant explosives. Then you can either clear the area or quietly retire into the jungle.

Prison Raid

Jason Brody learns that Lisa is being held by bandits in a local prison called Pirate's Cove. Before setting off on this mission, we recommend that you stock up on ammunition and buy body armor. It is also recommended to have a bow and a weapon with a silencer in your arsenal. These two things will seriously make your life easier.

So, as soon as all the preparations are completed, it’s time to make some noise in Pirate’s Bay. Get to the camp and quietly turn off the alarm. Then take out your camera and mark your targets. You need the head of the camp (he will be marked in yellow), or rather the keys, which you will take after his death.

Once you clear the area, go to the bunker. Go further and further, move until you are stunned.

Girlfriend Rescue

Vaas and his men managed to catch you. Moreover, he has prepared a real trap from which it will not be so easy to get out.

Listen to his speech and get ready to fall from a great height. When Vaas finishes chatting, he will set the wooden floor on fire. You, as we have already said, fall down, Lisa remains at the top. The task is very clear - you need to climb up at any cost and save your beloved girl.

Go up the stairs and wait until the fire goes out. Continue into the room on your right. Next you have to climb up the stairs. Fire will block your path. Shoot the valve first to put out the fire, then shoot the pipe located directly above the fire. Move on. At the end of the path you will find Lisa.

Untie her, run to the truck and help start it. After the car starts moving, pirates will chase you. Take the grenade launcher out of the trunk and show them where the crayfish spend the winter. At some point, you will be able to break away from your pursuers and get to Dr. Earnhardt's hut.


Go down into the cave to Daisy. You will find a girl repairing a boat on which you can leave the island. However, it lacks one element - the power head. Dive into the water and move to the place indicated on the map. You won't have to search for the item you need for long. Once you have the power head, return to Daisy. She will try to launch the boat, but, alas, nothing will work. Before leaving, talk to Lisa.

Meeting with Citra

Get out of the cave and dial Dennis's phone. He will tell you that it is time to meet with the leader of the rakyat named Citra. According to him, it will help you gain powerful power. Well, that's exactly what we're missing. You can get to it using a glider.

Get to the meeting point. You will be met at the entrance by Dennis, who will take you to the Zither.
The woman will not receive you very warmly. However, in the end she will give you some kind of potion to drink, which will make you hallucinate.

First, follow the man in white clothes from the shore, look into the house, after which you will find yourself at the bottom of the ocean. As soon as you take the dagger in your hands, you will return to reality. When you wake up, talk to Dennis and leave the temple. Your new task is to find the real artifact that Zither demands from you in exchange for the strength of the best warriors of her tribe.

The wrong side of the city

Head to Badtown. The locals are extremely friendly. Proceed to the bar and sit at the table. A local company is missing one person to play cards. Once the game is over, follow the gentleman in the white suit. Just don't catch his eye. It is also not recommended to let the object out of sight for more than twenty seconds.


Enter the hut. You will find yourself in a room filled with explosives. The stranger begins to ask you questions that must be answered quickly, otherwise the house will blow up. After you say your name, a door will open in front of you. Go downstairs, the same gentleman in a white suit named Willis, a special agent in the US service, will be waiting for you there. His target is Hoyt Walker, the leader of the pirates. He will invite you to set fire to the drug plantation, thereby causing serious damage to Hoyt's business.

Go to a drug plantation and start setting fire to everything that comes your way. In addition to the flamethrower, you can use Molotov cocktails or fuel barrels. Please note that after setting the fire, armed pirates will run out to meet you. So get ready for some serious shooting. In small buildings you can find ammunition and first aid kits. Once you're done burning the drugs, head towards the pier. You will see the boat begin to sail away in an unknown direction. Quickly grab the grenade launcher and fire at it. After the boat is blown up, return to Willis.

A Man Named Hoyt

During a conversation with a special agent, he will give you one interesting recording to listen to. It turns out that Hoyt has announced a hunt for you and you are his number one target. It's time to pay another visit and ruin the mood of the malicious bandit.

Go to the rice fields and watch the actions of Hoyt and his charges. The pirate leader decided to entertain his charges: he forced the prisoners to escape through a minefield. Two are blown up right there. The third man somehow manages to survive and hide in a small building. The guy's name is Rongo, and we just need to save him, as he may have valuable information.

You can follow Rango's path or choose your own. Just remember to watch your step. If you doubt whether to go forward or not, throw a grenade. Once you manage to get to Rongo, he will ask for help to get to the hut. Inside he will look for the invoice, and in the meantime you must protect him from pirates who will appear from everywhere.

As soon as you deal with all the bandits, Rongo will give you the invoice. Now you know where to look for Oliver.

Save Oliver

Take a photo of the invoice for Willis and get information from him about the convoy in which Oliver is being transported. Find yourself a car quickly and don’t forget to fill your pockets with cartridges.

At the first stop of the column, you will find out that Oliver is not there. So move to the next mark on the mini-map. Clear the area, go to the edge of the cliff and wait for the convoy to arrive. The first thing you should do is take out your camera and take a few pictures. After this you must shoot all the pirates. When Oliver reaches the boat, jump into the water and swim towards him.

After the two friends meet, stand behind the stationary machine gun, from which you shoot everyone who chases you. The final boss is a helicopter. When the bandits are finished, go to the cave to the rest of the survivors.

A fragment of the past

Leave the cave and head back to Badtown. Go to the bar where you need to chat with Buck. It was to him that Hoyt sold our friend, Keith. Buck will be willing to negotiate and offer a deal. You have to get onto the ship Nostalgia and find data that will help you find the dagger that Citra told you about.

Since the ship is located in the ocean, it is best to take care of how you will get there. We recommend that you get hold of a boat, speedboat, jet ski or something similar. After all, do you really want to feed the sharks?

Get to the ship and clear its deck from pirates. Since there are no alarms on deck, you can do as you please. However, you will have to moderate your ardor inside. If you make a noise, the bandits may call for help. The number of enemies in the holds will constantly increase, but due to the fact that the rooms and corridors are small, you will not have problems destroying them.

In the very last room, an armored enemy awaits you, whom you have probably already met. Kill him and calmly download the data from the laptop, and then watch as the ship begins to hopelessly sink. To get out alive and not drown, follow the checkpoints. Buck will meet you on the shore.

Down into the darkness

Be patient, you will have to listen to a long story from Buck, after which you go into the bunker. Climb onto the box, and from it onto the wall along the rope. Jump over the gap and go down. There you will find the people of Vaas. Please note that Molotov cocktail throwers are located in the center and at the top. We recommend that you kill them first.

Next, you need to go up the steps and turn left to get into the next opening, where the pirates are already waiting for you. Despite the fact that the passage was closed, the bandits decided to pass through in this particular place: the room was simply filled with explosives. Destroy the enemies, then find the fuse and activate it.

Get up and move on. You will see a door on the right - open it. Get ready for the fact that you will have to swim along a narrow corridor again. Get to the surface and continue moving. Ahead of you lies an abyss that you won’t be able to jump over at first. You will fall down, but you will not break. You need to climb up. To do this, you need to fill the rooms with water: to the left and right of the entrance there are small rooms in which wooden structures support the dam. The task is simple - destroy the structure and climb up.

After getting out of the water, you will enter the treasury, there you will find a compass element. When you take it, everything around will begin to collapse, so you need to quickly leave this place.

Treasure in the mine

Buck is once again one step ahead of you. Listen to his next boring story and go into the mine. Use the lift to go down, then push the cart to clear the passage. Pirates who come across your way must be shot, but it is best to act quietly. Get to the pirate camp. You will see two carts in front of you, push them forward and at the same time take cover behind them so that the snipers cannot reach you. When you get to the next camp, clear the area and gather supplies.

After this, go into the round room. In the center of it you will find a ring, which, of course, needs to be pulled. Once you do this, a passage will open. This way you will reach a path with cliffs. At the end of the path you will find an elevator, which, of course, will collapse under your weight. However, don't despair. Climb up and move forward - another stone path with several cliffs awaits you there.

Jump over the cliffs until you reach the third part of the compass. Take him and get him away. At the exit, Buck will be waiting for you again.

Lin Kong, I guess?

You will have to meet with Buck again. Listen to the third cautionary tale and jump into the water. You again need to find the entrance to the cave - inside it lies a dagger.

As soon as you get inside, climb up and shoot from a secluded place at the impudent pirates. After this, you need to go down using the cables. You will have to act quickly and firmly. There will be a lot of opponents, and the sooner you kill them, the better.

Find the body armor and continue through the scaffolding. Jump on the rocks to avoid falling into the boiling water. Also beware of geysers. As you move, you need to shoot with opponents. We recommend that you kill the pirate with the grenade launcher first. This will seriously make your life easier. Keep moving and don't forget to look around. Although there are few pirates, they are everywhere.

When you reach the wall with vines, you know that the dagger is just a stone's throw away. Climb up and open the door using the compass. Several monitor lizards are waiting for you behind the door, kill them, and the path to the tomb will be clear. Take the dagger and leave this dense place.

Sad reunion

Meet Buck at his house. Give him the dagger, then calmly go down to the basement, where you will meet with Keith. Before leaving, you will be attacked by Buck. Kill him and take the dagger.

This knife is for you

After you get to the cave where your friends are waiting for you, Keith will inform you that your younger brother, Riley, was killed. Leave the cave and go to Citra. You will have to return the knife to this treacherous woman. She will also ask you to rescue hostages from the pirates' lair. Well, there’s nothing to do, we’ll have to help out the natives. At the exit you will meet Dennis, who has already started preparing for the operation.


At the exit, Dennis will report that his people are going to attack the convoy carrying Vaasa prisoners. Our friends must be among them. Get to the leader of the rakyat, get C4 explosives from his hands, which you need to attach to the tanker. Then climb the water tower and wait.

It turns out that the aborigines were kidnapped not by Vaas's people, but by Hoyt's. In general, kill the mercenaries until the convoy moves. This will give you the opportunity to catch up with his remnants and save the hostages. When the last truck is destroyed, approach the car with the natives and open the hatch. Vaas will be waiting inside and will stun Jason.

Warrior Rescue Service

Listen to Vaas's eloquent monologue, and then get ready to quickly press certain buttons that will appear on the screen. So, Vaas tied a concrete block to Jason's feet and threw him down. So if you don't free yourself from the ropes quickly enough, you risk drowning.

Swim out of the hole and kill the enemies you meet. But be quiet. Why complicate your life in an already difficult situation? You don't have to clear the pirate camp of its inhabitants. You can still get to the helipad. However, at some point you will really have to make some noise, since the helicopter is guarded by an armored machine gunner.

Get into the helicopter. Unfortunately, the grenade launcher appeared right there. The helicopter is blown up and you're flying headfirst. Vaas is waiting for you on the ground. Only this time he decides to shoot straight in the heart, but a metal lighter will save Jason Brody from death.

And yet you will wake up to a mountain of corpses. Get out of there and go to the nearest pirate camp. In the last hut you will find the things that Vaas took from you, and then do what you want.

New challenge

Go to meet Citra. She will offer you to drink an unknown elixir that will act instantly. You will find yourself in a different reality. Step back and wait for the ink monster to appear. Run from side to side and try not to get caught in the enemy's eruption. At this point, shoot the bow at the upper part of the face (preferably the eyes). After several successful attempts, small opponents will appear on the ground. Destroy them and continue the fight with the monster. Once you defeat him, you will have to cut the enemy's throat. After this you will wake up.


Jump into the water and swim to the island of Vaasa. Kill everyone who gets in your way. Enter the town through the hole in the wall. Vaas knows that you are coming for him, which is why the pirates are so coordinated and organized. As soon as you finish with the bandits, get out onto the roof of the burning building. You need to get to the large gate, while shooting the enemies that you meet along the way. If you feel that things have become really hard, free the tigers from their cages. They will make your life easier. As soon as you approach the gate, an armored enemy will come out of the building. Kill him and go inside.

Vaas was once again one step ahead of you. The door has just opened, and he is already rushing at you with a dagger. Move forward in your hallucinations. Move to the mark on the mini-map, shooting the ghosts of Vaas along the way. When reloading a weapon, it is best to step back, it is safer. Once you kill Vaas, you will return to reality again. Your next target is Hoyt.

Zither's Grace

You will wake up in the Temple of Citra. It's time to tell her what you did. After talking with her enough, leave the temple. At the exit, don't forget to talk to Dennis, who suddenly decided to pour out his soul to you. After this, go to the cave to your friends and tell them about your decision to stay on the island.

Flying south

Leave the cave and contact US Special Agent. Willis has sharpened his skis for Russia - a new task awaits him there. Moreover, it flies away in exactly five minutes. However, before leaving paradise, he will help you with Hoyt. In general, choose the optimal route without sharp turns, start the car and press the gas pedal. Remember that time is limited.

You will find Willis with a company of pirates. The latter do not really want the agent to fly off the island alive. So you will have to help him get rid of the annoying bandits. After one of the pirate attacks, the plane is damaged. While Willis is repairing it, protect it from enemies who will attack from all sides. So be prepared for it to be very hot. Use the stationary machine gun on the box and clear the open area. The most dangerous are the machine gunners, kill them first. When you're done with the pirates, board the plane.

Three blind mice

Jump down, open your wing suit and fly towards the shore. The game itself will tell you when it is best to open the parachute. Get to the location of the mercenary base. There you can get supplies and equipment. To make clearing the camp easier, free the tiger. After destroying everyone, take the truck to the Healthy Horseradish bar, where you should find Sam.

Chat with the bartender, who will tell you that the guys are playing poker in the basement. That's where you'll find Sam. Then ask the mercenary to let you through. Go downstairs and sit down at the table. Remember, it doesn’t matter at all how you play your cards. After the first game, Sam will leave the building through the back door, follow him to his house. Go up to the second floor and say that you are from Willis.


When you get to the port, jump into the water and swim to the ship. You will meet a new recruit at the side. Kill him, put on his uniform and take his ID. From now on, your name is Foster. Head towards the group. When meeting with an officer, do not panic. All he needs to do is scan you. He will just offer a job that, of course, no one should know about. Continue on to listen to Hoyt's fiery speech to new recruits. After a convincing demonstration of what will happen to newcomers if they do not follow the rules, leave the area by boat.


As soon as you get out of the mercenaries’ lair, Sam will get in touch and tell you that you need to destroy three conspirators in a camp nearby. Keep in mind, these three are just bosses. The camp is full of ordinary soldiers. So eliminate the generals without dust and noise. After the murder, search their bodies. The last person has a note. That's what you need. After successful completion of the operation, leave the area.


Meet Sam at the plantation. You must help him complete one of Hoyt's orders. The fact is that after the murder of Vaas, the pirates completely lost their fear. So they decided to attack Hoyt's plantation. The mission is very simple, you should not have any difficulties completing it. While Sam is defusing the bombs, you will shoot the pirates with a machine gun. There is also a machine gun on the territory, so don't forget to try it out.

Into the enemy's mouth

Sam will put in a good word for you with Hoyt, but it won't be enough. As you know, actions speak more about people than words. You still need a list of conspirators. Head to the gorge. There you should use a camera and watch how the meeting takes place on the bridge. Take a photo and climb down the rope. Find RPG crates. You'll need it very soon. Walk along the bridge on the left and turn off the alarm. Then uncover the RPG and destroy the two SUVs on the bridge. Get ready for mercenaries to immediately attack you. Continue from one side to the other until you reach the bridge. Search the commander's body, take the list and jump into the water.

All in

Go to a meeting with Hoyt at his headquarters and tell him what happened. After the conversation, he will send you to the basement so that we can interrogate the prisoner. Hoyt himself will watch the process through a video camera. Go downstairs and talk to Sam, he will help you turn off the camera so that you can calmly talk with Riley. During this time, you must discuss the most important thing, and then beat up your brother to please Hoyt.

Paint it black

Get to enemy territory. Disguise will not help you this time; the mercenaries will open fire as soon as they see us. Crouching down, go through the center, this is the safest place. Don't forget to turn off the alarm, it will make your life much easier. Having reached the machine gunners who sat down near the iron door, distract them by throwing a stone. Plant explosives. After the explosion, go inside.

Move along narrow corridors. Beware of flamethrowers, these are the most unpleasant opponents you will ever meet on your way. Go up to the satellite dish and place C4 on it. Hold the defense until Sam arrives. Jump into the helicopter and press the detonator button.

Black gold

Jump down and open the wing suit. Tell Dennis that your brother is alive and that you are going to save him. Dennis will subtly hint that it’s time to forget about the past, about the family.

Meet with Sam and go with him to the territory of Hoyt's mercenaries. You need to destroy four fuel depots. The procedure is standard: get inside, clear the room, or immediately go outside to lure out opponents. Install explosives and leave the danger zone in a short time. After this, get to the fuel supply control center. Once it's over, watch the powerful explosion.

Playing in the dark

Meet with Sam, then go with him to a poker game with Hoyt. Place bets, look at the cards. At some point, Hoyt will take out a knife and plunge it into Sam's neck. However, it won't kill you. We'll have to continue playing poker with him. In the next game you will definitely lose, for which your finger will be cut off. After this, you will begin a knife fight with Hoyt. The outcome, of course, depends on your efficiency. So kill the bastard and go in search of your brother.

Playing against the bank

Go outside and get into the first car you come across. You need to arrive at the airport promptly. You will find Riley in one of the hangars. If anything, he is in the hangar, inside of which the flamethrower is located. As soon as you free your brother, run to the helicopter. Stand behind the stationary machine gun and destroy everything that moves while Riley tries to figure out the controls. When you take off, you need to shoot the mercenaries pursuing you.

Death of a Doc

After landing, run to the gazebo next to the house - there you will find a barely alive doctor. At the last minute of his life, he will report that the Rakyat warriors dragged your friends to the temple. Return to the helicopter and fly towards the temple.

Difficult choice

We get to the temple. Riley was taken to an unknown location, and you were drugged with some powder and tied up. Citra confesses her feelings for Jason and, naturally, she doesn't want to let you go. Take the dagger from Citra's hands, and then think for yourself what is best for you to do: save your friends or take Citra's side. Watch the final video. However, the game won't end there. You can continue exploring Rook Island.

Buck is once again one step ahead of you. Listen to his next story, and go into the mine. Go down using the lift. Push the cart so that the passage is clear. Destroy the enemies that come your way. Get to the pirate camp. Push the carts while taking cover behind them. This will help against snipers. If you have ammo for long-range weapons, it is better to start by dealing with those who are at the far end on the hill. There are snipers and Molotov cocktail throwers. Get to the next camp and clear it as well.

Open the door, use the compass. At the center area, pull the floor lever. Walk further, carefully look at your feet. Varanov is betrayed by their hissing. However, they are not so easy to spot. Run to the old elevator and take it down. Get to the treasure, take the third part from the compass. Quickly leave the temple, which is falling apart.

Lin Kong, I guess?

As you continue through Far Cry 3, you will meet Buck at the designated location. You need to listen to the story, jump into the water. Then climb up the vines to the cave. Get inside, climb up and attack the enemy from above. Go down even lower, cling to the cables. After this, continue through the scaffolding. Jump on the stones, otherwise you will fall into boiling water. Then climb up the wall along the vines.

Open the door using the compass, go further. Go down on the right side. The water comes and goes. When it decreases, you need to quickly move from one hill to another. This will take you to the center. Climb along the vines and go to the tomb. Open the passage down, go down into the sarcophagus. Along the way, destroy the monitor lizards. Finally, take the dagger from the tomb and quickly leave there. Crawl by quickly pressing the necessary buttons.

Sad reunion

The meeting with Buck will be at his home. In order to get to it, you need to go around the rocks, go on the opposite side of the village. Give him the dagger, go down to Keith's basement. You were about to leave when Buck stopped you. Fight him by quickly pressing the right buttons. When you kill him, you can leave from there.

This knife is for you

The walkthrough of Far Cry 3 continues. Keith will tell you that your younger brother Riley has been killed. Leave the cave, go to Zither. She also needs a knife. Now there will be no contradictions about who to give it to. Give her the dagger, tell her your request, listen to the story. Leave the Temple of Zithra.


When leaving, Dennis will say that his people are going to attack the convoy. It is in it that Vaas will transport prisoners. Your comrades may also be among the prisoners. Get to the leader of the rakyat, get C-4 Explosives. It must be mounted on a tanker truck. Climb the water tower and wait. Don't forget about the sniper rifle, which will help you shoot at the arriving mercenaries. Do this until the convoy moves. Then you will have a time limit to catch up and kill the remaining enemies. Open the hatch and there will be a surprise! It turns out that Vaas was in the convoy. He will stun you.

Warrior Rescue Service

During your next playthrough of Far Cry 3, Vaas will throw you into the water. You need to quickly press the desired button and free yourself from the ropes that are on your legs and arms. Swim out of the hole, kill your enemies, follow the truck. After this you need to get to the turntable. It's best to do everything quietly. The point is that the alarm may be activated. Use your camera to mark your enemies, then you can keep track of them. A machine gunner dressed in armor walks near the helicopter.

You won't be able to control the helicopter for so long. After the accident, Vaas will decide to finish you off. The main thing is that you survive. Hold, and then quickly press the necessary buttons, climb out of the mass grave. Then you need to go to the nearest enemy camp. Make your way to the last hut. There you will find your belongings.

New challenge

You meet Citra. Drink some elixir, find yourself in another reality. Step back and wait for the ink monster to appear. Run in different directions to avoid getting hit by the monster's eruption. At the right moment, shoot from a bow and be sure to shoot at the top of the face. It's best to aim for the eyes. After a number of successful attempts, small opponents will appear on the ground. They must be destroyed and the battle with the monster must continue. Dodge the clots that fly at you. Also attack your enemy in the head until he finally falls. Afterwards, climb up the fallen hand and perform a finishing move. To do this, press the buttons indicated on the screen. That's it, continue playing Far Cry 3.


Jump into the water and swim to the island of Vaasa. Kill the enemies you meet along the way. Enter the town through the wall. By the way, Vaasa knew that you were coming. So I was well prepared. Get out onto the roof of the building that is on fire. You need to get to the large gate, killing enemies along the way. You can also shoot at the cages in which the tigers are sitting. When you are at the gate, an armored enemy will appear from the building. Kill him, go inside.

Vaas will stab you with a dagger. Go further with your hallucinations. Move to the mark, shooting at his ghosts along the way. When you reload, it's better to step back. Kill Vaas and wake up. Vaas is the brother of Zithra. Once upon a time, Hoyt arrived on the island and lured him to his side.

Zither's Grace

As you continue through the game Far Cry 3, you will communicate with Citra, after which you will leave the temple. At the exit, talk to Dennis. Go to the cave to your friends, tell them that you want to stay on the island.

Flying south

Leave the cave and contact Willis. He is going to leave the island, as he has a new assignment in Russia. But still, he will be able to help you in the end. Get to the runway, destroy the pirates, wait for the plane to be repaired. At this very time, it is necessary to protect Willis from enemy attacks. In the last wave, enemies will attack from all sides at once. Use the stationary machine gun on the box to clear the open area. The most dangerous are machine gunners. They must be killed first. Get on the plane.

Three blind mice

Jump down and open your wing suit. Fly to the shore, open your parachute. Get to the pirates' location. Shoot the cage on the left, free the tiger. When you destroy everyone, take the truck to the Healthy Horseradish. You'll meet Sam there. He works for Hoyt, but is not averse to helping. To do this, say that you are from Willis.

As you continue through Far Cry 3, talk to the bartender. He will say that a poker game is being played in the basement. There you can find Sam. Talk to the mercenary to let him through. Go downstairs and sit at the table. It doesn't matter how well you play. After the first game, Sam will leave the building through the back door. We must follow him and tell him that you are from Willis.

Even when the first part of Far Cry was released, it became clear to gamers that the gaming industry would never be the same. It was enough to turn on the game to understand how great it is in every way. The graphics were especially different - earlier in shooters there was no emphasis on them, but in Far Cry you could not play through the game, but simply admire the landscapes that were simply breathtaking. Then the second part came out, further consolidating the success of the series. Well, as for the third episode, which was released in 2012, there is simply no doubt about it - this is one of the best first-person shooters of all time. This game has received many awards. Including for the best graphics. It was also named the best shooter of the year. Now you will read the walkthrough of the game Far Cry 3, since not all gamers cope with the tasks that confront them in the process. It is worth noting that only the storyline will be discussed here, and in the Far Cry game itself you can still be distracted by side quests, as well as simple exploration of the open world.

Chapters 1-4

The passage of the game Far Cry 3 begins on a Caribbean island, where your character came to relax with friends and his brother. However, something terrible happened, and the whole group was taken hostage by local bandits. The game starts with you sitting in cages. However, your brother manages to get out and free everyone - follow him in an attempt to escape, but nothing will come of it - the bandit leader Vass will attack you and kill your brother Grant, and you need to run as quickly as possible towards the jungle to hide. After this, you will find yourself in the village of Amanaki, where you will come to your senses in the hut of some stranger who will heal your wounds and even give you some money so that you can survive in such a dangerous place. With this money you need to purchase your first pistol, and then talk to Dennis again - that’s the name of your savior. He will give you a task - to activate the radio tower. Go to it, it is marked on the map. The task is extremely simple, among your opponents there is only a poisonous snake, which you will find on the tower. Once activated, return to Dennis to begin a new chapter. In it you have to learn hunting and gathering - these are also necessary skills without which you cannot survive. You need to go in search of boars, kill two and butcher them, and then find the plants that Dennis told you about. Collect them and return to the camp, where you can make yourself a bag from boar skins to carry more items, and healing potions from herbs. In the fourth chapter, serious action finally begins - together with Dennis you need to go to capture an outpost controlled by bandits. You can do everything quietly, or you can go head-on - it doesn’t change anything. The only important thing is that, according to a tip, one of the girls from your group should have been at the outpost, but she was not there. Well, you'll have to continue playing Far Cry 3 to find her and the others.

Chapters 5-8

The passage of the game Far Cry 3 continues with you looking for Dr. Earnhardt, who must have the same girl who was not at the outpost. When you find the doctor, you find out that this is true, but she is in critical condition and you need a special mushroom so that the doctor can save her. Go to the grotto, where you will accidentally step on some kind of hallucinogenic mushroom, which will give you visions. Having overcome them, find the desired mushroom and return to the doctor. Leave the specialist to work on your friend's health - you have more important matters to solve. Go to Operation Medusa, which will begin with you searching for the desired liner, which is guarded by quite a lot of bandits. This is a problem, since here you cannot make noise - first of all, eliminate the three signalmen, and if you can do this silently, you can sneak onto the liner unnoticed. There you need to eavesdrop on the conversation in the control room and pick up important information. At the exit, you will need to deal with the support units, after which another mission awaits you - now you need to blow up the bandit camp. Another operation during which you should not make a fuss. Make your way into the camp, plant explosives and get to freedom as quickly as possible so as not to explode along with the camp. The next task is even more serious, now you need to raid the island prison in order to free good people from the clutches of bandits. Everything is simple here - a regular assault with a lot of shooting - again, pay attention to the signalmen first, as they can call for reinforcements. After clearing the coast, go into the cave and kill all the enemies there. However, when you try to go outside, you will be stunned - this is where the passage takes a rather sharp turn in Far Cry 3.

Chapters 9-12

In the game "Far Cry 3" the passage will give you surprises more than once. At the moment, Vass has caught up with you and grabbed you, but you will have a chance to escape. Everything around is on fire, so you will have to move very carefully. Your goal is to reach your friend and save her, after which you need to jump into the car that will save you. But the tail is behind you - grab the grenade launcher and start shooting enemies. Next, you have to return to the cave - now there are already two saved friends, but you need to solve more serious problems, because Vass is actually becoming a huge danger for absolutely everyone. For now, you need to get the transmitter left in the cave and activate it. After this, it will be time to meet with Citra, the local leader of the indigenous population. Naturally, you will first have to prove that she really needs you. To do this, drink the drink that will be prepared for you and go on a journey through hallucinations. There you will need to follow a man in a white suit. As soon as you wake up, go in search of this person. You will need to get into the city, and then go into a bar and join three gamblers who are missing a fourth participant. Soon the same man in white will appear - go after him. The passage of Far Cry 3 is gaining momentum - really crazy events will begin soon.

Chapters 13-16

The man in white turned out to be an American CIA agent working undercover. His goal is to deprive the real leader of the bandits of power, because Vass is just one of his assistants. Now the passage of Far Cry 3 changes its direction - you have to complete the tasks of this agent. And first of all, it will be necessary to burn the marijuana fields, which are supposedly rice fields. Arm yourself with a flamethrower and go to work - hurry up, because a huge number of bandits will try to interfere with you. After this, a very important moment will come - you will have to save your friend Oliver, who also survived, although no one believed in it. You will need to shoot enemies with a sniper rifle while Oliver makes his way to the water in his car. As soon as he dives, follow him, get on the boat and sail away, while simultaneously shooting back from his pursuers. Oliver gives you important information about former gangster Buck, who can help you. Go to the city and talk to him - he will give you a task to find a piece of the compass, which may be the key to the treasure. In this chapter you will have to swim among the compartments of a sinking ship, so be prepared to be extremely focused. Returning to Baku, you will find out where the second part of the compass is - it is in a bunker that is filled with enemies. Get ready for a serious fight, and when you win it, blow up the passage into the cave, swim in it until you find the second part of the compass. What else will the passage of Far Cry 3 have in store for you? "Werewolf" Buck is a pretty slippery guy, so you'll have to be careful with him.

Chapters 17-20

The complete passage of Far Cry 3 will take you a lot of time - so far you have only reached the middle of it. So, talk to Buck again - he will tell you the location of the last part of the compass. Go to the desired mine, where again you will need to fight very strong opponents. For example, snipers will be waiting for you, from whom you can only hide behind carts, which you yourself will need to push in front of you. Using a compass, determine the exact location where the last element lies. Now you need to team up with Buck and go to the very statue that houses the dagger that the former bandit was so interested in. Having obtained the dagger, you can return with Buck to his home. As Buck said, he's holding another of your friends, Keith, captive in the basement. And he is ready to exchange the dagger for Keith. When you find yourself in the basement, Buck suddenly changes his mind and decides to capture you as well, but you, of course, can defeat him in hand-to-hand combat. Well, it's for the best - now you have both Keith and the dagger. Now all you have to do is come to Zither and give her this dagger, which is an ancient treasure. This rarity will have a serious impact on the passage of Far Cry 3. The final will be determined by him. But you still need to get to the final.

Chapters 21-24

This is how the passage of Far Cry 3 turned out in such an unexpected way. The werewolf Buck was punished, the dagger ended up in Citra's possession, but Dennis's settlement was under attack by bandits. Hurry to the aid of your new friend - you will first need to blow up the truck, and then climb onto the tower and from there destroy all opponents. After this, you will need to get into the car and catch up with the convoy of trucks containing the prisoners. However, another surprise awaits you - there are no prisoners, but Vass is there - you find yourself in captivity again. This time the bandit takes you to the ocean and throws you into the water, after tying your hands and feet. However, of course, you manage to extricate yourself, after which you will need to swim ashore and clear the coast from opponents. Face Vass again in battle and here he will shoot you right in the heart - however, you won't be that easy to kill. It turns out that the lighter in your breast pocket saved your life, but you are in the pile of corpses that the bandits collected. Get out of it and silently look for your equipment that was removed from you. Return to Citra, who will again give you a drug that will make you hallucinate. Only this time you will have to act more actively - first shoot at the monster with a bow, then shoot opponents in complete darkness, and then finish off the monster itself. Well, now your goal is clear - you need to kill Vass. Go to his island, but know that there will be an ambush waiting for you there. Deal with the bandits. At a certain point, you suddenly realize that the hallucinogen is still working. Shoot off the copies of Vass, and then grapple with the bandit himself and kill him. Now you know how to beat Far Cry 3, but only until Vass dies. As you already know, he was not in charge, which means you still have quite a lot of work to do.

Chapters 25-28

The passage of the game "Far Cry 3" is gradually approaching completion - Vass has been eliminated, but the main bandit Hoyt remains, with whom you will need to deal with the help of Agent Willis, the man in white. Now you need to say goodbye to your friends, and also go to the cave to learn the backstory from flashbacks - how exactly you got to the island. After this, go to a meeting with Willis, who agrees to fly you to Hoyt Island by helicopter. Only for this you will need to shoot opponents while Willis deals with the helicopter. Next, you must jump using the wing suit, and upon landing, deal with the coast guard. Get into the car and go to the city - there you need to go to the bar, where you have an appointment with Sam, Willis's colleague. After playing a game of poker, you can leave with Sam, who has prepared for you a recruit disguise at the Hoyt military base so that you can get as close to the leader as possible. Now you need to get past the guards, distracting them with stones, and make your way to the place where the recruits of Hoyt's army are gathering. Register there under a false name and listen to Hoyt's speech to his recruits. At this stage, the passage of Far Cry 3 becomes increasingly difficult. Codes may be useful to you, but it is better to do without them - throughout the game you may have already learned how to handle your character.

Chapters 29-32

In Far Cry 3, co-op is available for everyone - this greatly simplifies the situation, but this guide describes the walkthrough for a single player. Therefore, you can only rely on yourself. So, you need to win Hoyt’s trust, so on Sam’s tip, go to the camp and eliminate three conspirators quietly and without witnesses - on the body of the third you will find evidence that you can provide to Hoyt. Next, you will need to meet with Sam and go through the minefield, where he will provide defence, and you will provide fire support. Your next task is to take photographs of three more conspirators who are at the head of all this action. You will need to climb onto the tower and take photos while moving on a cable. After this, blow up two ships and quickly leave the place, because very strong enemy units will be hunting for you. Well, now you've caught Hoyt's attention and he wants to meet you in person. After the conversation, he decides to take you to the room where your brother ends up - you thought he was dead, but in fact he was only wounded and captured. You need to beat him up so as not to arouse Hoyt's suspicion. This is the sudden turn that Far Cry 3 offers you. The ending is already close, so get ready.

Chapters 33-35

Well, the complete completion of Far Cry 3 has already taken you quite a long time - there are only a few missions left. The next two are the systematic destruction of two strategic objects of Hoyt, to which he gave you access. But the third mission is a meeting with Hoyt, who is clearly unhappy with what is happening to his important points. Go with Sam to Hoyt's lair and sit down to play cards with him. As it turns out, Hoyt has already realized who is behind his troubles - a brawl breaks out in which Sam dies, but you can defeat Hoyt in a knife fight. That's it, the bandit leader is finished. However, this is not the end of the game. In Far Cry 3, the co-op mode, by the way, is slightly different from the single-player mode, so this guide is only suitable for those who do not play multiplayer. They will be interested in reading the final part of our guide.

Chapters 36-38

That's all, the ending of the game is literally three steps away - you just need to get to it. First you have to get out of the island of Hroyta - on the way you will meet a large number of mercenaries and bandits who will need to be shot. Don't forget to pick up your newfound brother, then board the helicopter with him and fly away. First of all, head to the doctor's mansion, which is all on fire. The work of mercenaries or Citra? Talk to the doctor and find out the truth. Head to the Temple of Citra, leave your weakened brother at the entrance and go inside. A new hallucination will immediately begin, in which you will have to follow the path of the Warrior. When the vision ends, you will find yourself outside, in your hands you will have the same dagger that you yourself gave to Citra. She will stand next to you, and all your friends will be suspended by their hands. Zither will tell you that you now need to make a sacrifice. Closest to you is your girlfriend, whom Citra proposes to kill first, and then finish off all the other friends - then you can stay on the island and rule with her. You now face the most serious choice in the game, which will determine the ending. If you choose your friends and kill Citra, you can safely get off the island. If your choice falls on Citra, then in the final video you will kill all your friends, make love, and in the process Citra will take a dagger and stick it in your chest. But don't worry - you'll wake up on the shore of the island, and you'll have to wonder if it was all a dream or if you actually went through it all.

In any case, a free mode opens up for you, and you can explore the island, swim in the ocean, fight with the remaining mercenaries and bandits, complete those side quests that have not yet been completed, and most importantly, enjoy the gameplay that truly deserves the most high praise. And if you liked this game, and you have already played the first two, then you should pay attention first of all to the independent add-on Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, in which the action is transferred to the future, as well as to the fourth part of the game, which was released completely recently and offers you even more features, as well as various graphic beauties.

Hormonal changes. During pregnancy, the level of progesterone in the blood of the expectant mother increases. Namely, it helps bones, cartilage and joints become much softer to make it easier for the baby to pass through the birth canal. There is a large amount of progesterone in the blood and it is the first to weaken the lower back, so after childbirth the lower back hurts.

Changes in posture. When carrying a baby, changes in posture are noticeable, as the center of gravity moves to the stomach. To make it more comfortable to carry a heavy tummy, mom often bends back. At this time, special stress falls on the muscles of the chest, neck and lower back.

The woman begins to feel pain in her back. When the muscles in your abdomen stretch, the muscles in your lower back and pelvis contract. Contractions cause severe muscle spasms. After childbirth, it is the back that remains the weakest point. The woman feels pain after every bending down and lifting weights. When a small child is in the mother's tummy, he changes his location from time to time, and the spine suffers from this. It happens that pinched nerve endings also occur, and then the pain becomes unbearable.

The fetus in the mother's womb increases in size every month. Muscles and bone tissue separate and stretch. The mother’s internal organs move back a little, and the ligaments to which they are attached are stretched. When they return to their original place, women feel back pain after childbirth.

The extra pounds that expectant mothers often gain during pregnancy can also cause pain in the back and lower back.

It happens that organs are positioned incorrectly during pregnancy. This can happen to the kidneys. They are attached to the lumbar-vertebral muscle. It is the kidneys that can unfold or descend. When the baby is born and there is a lot of space in the mother’s womb, they return to their original place. Then the woman feels a dull pain in the lumbar region, which can radiate to her legs.

If a woman had a vertebral hernia before giving birth, after the birth of the baby, it may worsen.

Childbirth and contractions. During childbirth, the bones move apart and severe back pain is felt. The hips and pubic bones move apart, the tailbone moves back so as not to injure the baby at birth.

Because of all these processes, the mother will feel back pain for a long time after childbirth.

Sometimes, during the birth of a baby, the mother receives a birth injury, which also entails consequences.

In the first months after childbirth, the spine receives heavy loads. This is associated with feeding, changing clothes, bathing, carrying a child, a stroller, or a bag. Mom also has to iron and clean, which also affects her well-being.

When aching or severe pain occurs in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, we can talk about problems such as:

  • Spasms of the spinal muscles that have not gone away even after childbirth.
  • Scoliosis, osteochondrosis.
  • Heart disease, lung disease, stomach disease, cold or mother is not eating properly.
  • Inflammation of nerve endings. It is often confused with heart disease.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude: under no circumstances should you self-medicate. It is important to make the correct diagnosis as quickly as possible and select the treatment that is right for you. What it will be like is decided only by a specialist.

In order to avoid problems with her health, a woman should visit a doctor on time after the birth of her child. If you have severe back pain, it is important to immediately reduce the load.

If, however, after light physical activity, “your back hurts a lot, what should you do?” We are accustomed to the fact that there is a pill for any pain. Since women, after birth, breastfeed their children, there can be no talk of any pills. You can't use ointments either. What remains to be done?

  • When it is determined that back pain is felt due to bone discrepancy, it is necessary to use qualified manual therapy. A regular massage can only do harm.
  • Physiotherapy is prescribed when no serious birth injuries are detected.
  • For pain in the lower back or other parts of the back, a special exercise therapy complex can help.
  • Massages are used when there are spasms of inflamed muscles. If the spasm is relieved, the woman gets rid of swelling and restores muscle tone.
  • Ointments. After childbirth, it is allowed to use Ibuprofen and Finice ointment.

Any physical activity should be discussed with a doctor if there is back pain after childbirth.

Every woman should know that for the first six months after the birth of a baby, she cannot, in any way, overload her body. After all, her muscles are still weakened and can be easily injured. If you do not avoid physical activity, you can injure your spine for life.

  1. With your doctor's permission, you can do gymnastic exercises.
  2. When a mother is caring for a baby, it is important not to overload the areas where pain is felt. Therefore, all the necessary items should be at such a level that the mother does not have to bend over too much, for example, when swaddling the baby. In the first months, relatives should help carry the stroller, water and the child himself. If there is no one to help, the mother should use a sling.
  3. Bends should be replaced with squats.
  4. It is very important to choose the right position for feeding your baby. It is impossible for your back to tense up at such a moment. Doctors recommend feeding the baby lying on its side.
  5. Mom needs to use a mop to clean.
  6. A couple of tips on how to quickly recover after childbirth
  7. Bandage. Simply necessary for those women who had problems with the spine before the birth of their child.
  8. Sling. Use a sling to carry your baby. With its help, the load on the back is distributed symmetrically. If you often experience pain in the lumbar region, use a scarf sling, a May sling, or a fast sling.
  9. A pillow helps relieve stress on your back during feeding.
  10. Orthopedic mattresses allow the spine to properly rest and recover faster.
  11. It is necessary to avoid heavy physical exertion while carrying a child.
  12. Watch your weight. Extra pounds will increase the load on the spine.
  13. Colds and infections should be avoided.

Therapeutic exercises

If your back hurts after childbirth, what should you do? You can try doing therapeutic exercises regularly. Let's give an example of a few of them.

When back pain occurs unexpectedly, you need to approach any horizontal surface slowly. It could be a table. With your hands resting, you need to lie with your upper body on the surface. It is important that the pelvic bones rest against the edge of the table.

After this, relax the gluteal muscles and half-bend your legs. Slowly inhale, round your stomach, count to four and hold your breath. Exhale smoothly. Repeat 8 times. After that we slowly rise. The lower back muscles should relax and the spasm will go away along with the pain.

If you experience unexpected pain, slowly lower yourself to all fours. The knees should be wide apart. Keep your arms perpendicular to your torso. Keep your back straight. Lower your head down. Using your belly, inhale and exhale. Tighten your gluteal muscles. Hold this position for 4 seconds. Repeat 8 times.

Fitball. This set of exercises should be done one and a half to two months after giving birth. It helps strengthen the back muscles. You cannot do the exercises while sitting or standing, as this places the maximum load on your back. With the help of a ball, you can work not only the back muscles, but also others responsible for balance.

Pilates. This method can not only relieve back pain, but also lose weight. There are some conditions for these classes:

  • Recommendation from a neurologist if your spine hurts.
  • It is contraindicated for women with acute pain syndrome.
  • You cannot start training without the supervision of a specialist.
  • Classes should be held regularly - 2-4 times a week.

On the third day after birth, you should begin restorative physical training.

  • Pelvic lifts. Take a lying position and raise your pelvis a little.
  • We lower our knees to the right and left, from a lying position.
  • Rest on your stomach should be done every day for a few minutes to restore your posture.

Why does my back hurt after childbirth? - this question concerns every second woman who has given birth. But this problem should not come as a surprise after the baby is born. Young mothers, feeling back pain for the first time, are looking for advice on how to get rid of it. It is important to know what factors can provoke a problem, how to prevent them or deal with them in a timely manner.

In this article, we got acquainted with the causes of back pain, discussed precautions, methods of treatment and elimination of the problem. Whatever pain you experience after the birth of your baby, you should definitely contact specialized institutions for consultation, establishing the correct diagnosis and prescribing treatment accordingly.

  • Spinal curvatures that a woman had before pregnancy.
  • Cutting weight gain during pregnancy. The center of gravity changes sharply, movements occur in the joints and vertebrae. The back muscles are in constant tension, which can develop into a painful spasm.

Try to eat healthy and small meals so as not to gain weight. In Mom's Store you can choose and buy healthy food products for expectant mothers and those who have already given birth to a baby. We offer only high-quality products that contain all the necessary microelements for proper nutrition and weight loss without dieting.

Note. Returns of food and cosmetic products are only possible if the packaging is undamaged.

  • Postpartum stress from carrying a baby in your arms.
  • Muscle condition. During pregnancy, the abdominal muscles lengthen, and the lumbar muscles contract and shorten. It turns out that a group of back muscles is in constant tension, and this can provoke pain in the lower back, especially when bending over or lifting something heavy.
  • Stretching and overstretching of the pelvic muscles during childbirth.
  • Hormonal changes in joint and cartilage tissue during pregnancy. The tissues soften (so that the pelvic bones can move apart), and injuries are more likely.
  • Displacement of the hip joints or vertebrae of the sacrum and lower back (during childbirth). As a rule, the risk of such injuries is increased in women giving birth with greater weight. There is also an opinion that such injuries occur more often when anesthesia is used during childbirth, since the woman does not feel her own sensations and can harm herself.
  • Sometimes back pain can be a consequence of poorly performed epidural anesthesia.
  • Sudden excessive stress on the back can cause pain, such as an acute attack of sciatica.
  • One of the causes of pain may be the fact that during pregnancy, all internal organs (stomach, liver, intestines) shift, giving way to the growing uterus. This creates excess pressure on the diaphragm. After childbirth, the organs return to their normal position. But, sometimes, tension in the diaphragm can persist, and this leads to attacks of pain.
  • In addition to the fact that the internal organs of the abdominal cavity change their location, they themselves can cause back pain. The pain is simply felt not in the organ itself, but in the back area. For example, the lower back may hurt due to problems with the kidneys, pain in the pelvic area may indicate problems with the genitourinary system.
  • The cause of back pain can be, oddly enough, a condition postpartum depression. At the same time, there are complaints of pain, but studies show no changes in the joints and muscles, or other manifestations. That is, pain is purely psychological in nature, and can be treated in the same way as depression in principle: with help, positive emotions, etc.
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