Castration of domestic animals. Castration of pets: pros and cons - veterinarian's opinion. Use of hormonal drugs

Sterilization of animals is a topic that causes a lot of controversy. Despite the educational work of veterinarians, shelters and volunteers, many today believe that this step is inhumane and cruel. However, the arguments of supporters of “humanity” often represent a discordant series of statements devoid of logic. How does everything really happen? Let's look at the issue one by one.

Society's attitude

As a rule, opponents of animal sterilization are those who do not have pets at all. These same people also like to be indignant about the irresponsibility of municipal authorities regarding packs of stray dogs. On the one hand, they condemn castration, but on the other hand, they are not averse to resorting to the services of dog hunters themselves.

The problem lies in the low level of awareness. Most opponents simply do not think about reasonable alternatives to trapping and shooting. Fortunately, confident arguments and well-reasoned statements from experts can work wonders. Nowadays, more and more skeptics are thinking about the rationality of this approach.

Nature will sort it out...

Perhaps this statement is the favorite and most common among those who oppose the sterilization of stray animals. Of course, we will not doubt the wisdom of Mother Nature. But let's honestly admit that man interfered with the course of natural evolutionary processes several thousand years ago. Having domesticated the steppe cat and the wolf, we took responsibility for these animals and their descendants.

The relatives of domestic cats and dogs living on free bread feel great without human help. A wild animal knows how to hunt, hide, take care of its cubs, protecting them from harsh conditions and natural enemies. Population sizes are influenced by natural selection. Moreover, many species need protection rather than control of reproduction.

What happens to those whose ancestors were domesticated? The habitat and diet have changed, hunting skills have become dull, immunity has weakened, but there are also many fewer predators ready to attack.

Since the wild beast was invited into the cave as an assistant and guard, 9-15 centuries have passed. During this time, a huge number of breeds were obtained, each of which has its own qualities. Can you imagine a baby Pekingese hunting in the wild? Is the beautiful British woman capable of feeding herself and her cubs in the steppe? Many purebred animals are not able to digest even ordinary human food and need special balanced food. What can we say about raw meat? How can nature figure this out if its creation was pulled out of natural conditions, thrown into a modern metropolis, accustomed to an atypical lifestyle and diet? Let's be completely honest: for those whom a person has made as a companion, he must be responsible himself, and not rely on natural mechanisms.

Impressive numbers

Experts have calculated that one pair of cats can give birth to an average of 12 kittens per year. During this time the dog will give birth to 18 puppies. Can you believe that during the same period 30 people will come from somewhere and want to get a pet? Of course, demand is many times less than the rapidly growing supply.

And if you build a geometric progression, it is easy to calculate that in 10 years 80 thousand “heirs” will appear from one pair of cats. After all, their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren will multiply at the same speed. A couple of dogs will “give the world” 60 thousand useless descendants in a decade.

The path of a street child

What awaits those who are unlucky enough to find their person? After all, there are not so many cases when someone takes a pet into their home from the street. Moreover, the older the animal becomes, the less chance it has of becoming a pet.

The fate of a street tramp is unenviable. Hunger, disease, the struggle for a warm corner under the heating pipes, attacks from larger and stronger comrades in misfortune...

It is worth noting that an animal born and surviving in such conditions acquires certain skills. Growing up, he will learn to be afraid of cars, stop letting aggressive people in, and explore all the secluded corners of his territory. Sterilization of homeless animals could stop this endless chain of bleak fates.

Street animals as a threat

Many people have heard about attacks on people by dogs mad with hunger. Such an emergency can happen not only in a remote village, but also in a large city. In addition, stray animals often become carriers of many diseases, including those dangerous to humans.

Catching flocks with subsequent euthanasia or even placing them in shelters does not bring the desired effect. The vacated territory is immediately occupied by new hordes.

Why is pet sterilization necessary?

It would seem that the horrors of street life do not threaten those who grew up in a warm apartment among loving people. But the offspring of domestic cats and dogs often become strays. If the owner is sure that sterilization of animals is inhumane and harmful, and at the same time his pet periodically walks uncontrollably on the street, the problem of population growth only gets worse.

Some owners believe that by castrating a cat, they deprive him of happiness. But when an animal demands love and affection, while emitting heart-rending screams and leaving stinking marks everywhere, it is simply released into the street.

The fate of kittens born in an apartment and then carefully taken out into the yard in a box in the hope that “kind hands” will be found is even more unenviable. After all, unlike those who were born homeless, these kids simply do not know how to survive on the street. Most of them die.

The fact is that an unsterilized pet that does not have regular matings suffers from unrealized opportunities. Hormone levels go through the roof and this can lead to a number of diseases. A pet may die at a young age. And the behavior of a sexually mature, excited cat or dog cannot be called good. Scolding a pet is pointless and even cruel - it is not his fault that natural instinct attracts him to his own kind.

Therefore, if you do not plan to breed offspring, you should not torture the animal. Sterilization will make his life easier, and the life of his owners too.

How does this happen?

Sterilization of pets can be done both in a veterinary clinic and at home. In each specific case, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is advisable. Males tolerate the procedure more easily, but females undergo abdominal surgery, during which the ovaries are removed, sometimes along with the uterus. This takes no more than half an hour.

Caring for the animal after surgery

The cat will forget about what he experienced the very next day. In rare cases, drowsiness may occur. The cat needs a supportive bandage and rest for a week. The seams must be washed and treated daily. In addition, veterinarians advise putting a protective collar on the animal’s neck so that it cannot reach the wounds and lick them.

When it comes to dogs, a lot depends on the breed. Most four-legged animals tolerate surgery calmly and recover quickly.

Scars from animal sterilization heal well. Within a month you will hardly be able to find traces among the overgrown fur.

Diet and vitamins for sterilized animals

If your pet is accustomed to dry food, canned food or pouches, most likely you can easily find a special food among the products of the same manufacturer. Many brands produce food designed specifically for those who have undergone the sterilization procedure. Vet pharmacies also offer tableted vitamins.

A special diet is desirable, but not required. By the way, it is worth mentioning another common misconception. There is an opinion that after sterilization the pet will inevitably become overweight. In fact, problems can be associated solely with overfeeding, an incorrectly selected diet and low mobility. Then watch what your animal eats, encourage active games.

Features of behavior

The next myth is more relevant for dog owners. Some of them are convinced that sterilization and castration of animals leads to the loss of guarding, herding, fighting or watchdog skills. However, such procedures only reduce sexual activity, without in any way affecting character, temperament and skills.

The only thing that can change in behavior is the level of aggression. An animal that does not have to fight for a partner with rivals becomes calmer and kinder.

Personal contribution: how can you help?

State programs for sterilization of stray animals, unfortunately, are not large enough. They have results, but still the streets are crowded with animals that no one wants. Therefore, many activists of volunteer organizations often organize targeted collections to help the maximum number of homeless people.

Even those who do not have pets at all can provide considerable help. Follow the information on the websites of city shelters, provide all possible assistance to volunteers. It may consist of voluntary contributions, keeping animals in the postoperative period and caring for them, and disseminating information. Remember: the more people know the truth about sterilization, the fewer unfortunate four-legged babies will be born. The faster society changes its view of the problem, the more effective the measures taken will be.

Almost every pet owner has doubts about the need to spay or neuter their pet. How can you put a healthy animal under a scalpel, and even subject it to general anesthesia? These are features of our mentality.

In developed foreign countries, pet owners do not face such a dilemma: animals that are not planned to be used for breeding are required to be castrated. But there the culture of keeping animals is completely different, each owner is responsible for the acquired friend, hence many of “our” problems are unfamiliar to them (for example, a huge number of stray animals, or waste products on the roads and in parks).

Let's still try to figure out whether sterilization is necessary, and what risks we face when resorting to it.

First, let's understand the terminology.

Castration(Latin castratio - emasculation, from castro - cut, clean, castrate) - castration, artificial removal of the gonads in animals.

Sterilization(from Latin sterilis - sterile) - deprivation of an individual’s ability to reproduce through surgery, while maintaining the hormonal regulation of sexual function (which fundamentally distinguishes it from castration).

Thus, both of these concepts are in no way related to the sex of the animal (to the general misconception), but rather related to the surgical technique and the result.

I saw information on the Internet that during sterilization the uterus is removed and the ovaries are left behind. In practice, during sterilization, ligatures are applied(bandaged) on the genitals(fallopian tubes or spermatic cords). All genital organs remain in place, only the passage of germ cells (egg or sperm) from the secretory glands (the place where they are produced) into the uterus or penis is disrupted. (Blood flow and innervation, of course, are also disrupted and organs may undergo partial involution, but this is a rather lengthy process). Thus, animals cannot procreate, but sexual activity persists for a long time, as hormones continue to be produced and released into the blood.

Therefore, practicing veterinarians recommend ovariohysterectomy (complete removal of the uterus and ovaries) in females (which is equivalent to castration) and orchiectomy (removal of the testes) in males. This type of operation excludes not only the possibility of reproduction and the state of sexual heat, but also pathologies of the reproductive system (inflammatory diseases: or hydrometra, orchitis; oncological diseases and degenerative changes). A early castration in animals is also prevention of breast cancer in females. Most literature sources claim that when animals are sterilized before the first heat, the risk of occurrence is minimal (according to some data, up to 0.5%), when sterilized after the first heat, the risk increases (up to 8%) (in dogs). In my practice, only females that were not castrated or castrated in old age encountered breast cancer.

There is a widespread belief that if the female is allowed to give birth at least once, then there will be no further problems with the reproductive system. This is a theory completely unsupported by either science or practice. As a rule, the basis of all diseases of the reproductive system is a hormonal imbalance and/or an inflammatory process. And if the hormonal balance can still improve after childbirth (although it is often the other way around), then inflammation very often begins just after childbirth and in animals that have given birth (the genital tract is open, particles of placenta remain, etc.). So pregnancy and childbirth provide absolutely no guarantee that problems with the reproductive system will not arise in the future. Such a guarantee can only be provided by competently performed castration of the animal.

This operation is performed only under general anesthesia, which is associated with a certain risk. Veterinarians recommend that animals after five years undergo general clinical and biochemical blood tests in order to objectively assess the functioning of vital organs, the immune system and hematopoiesis. In younger individuals, the risks are minimized, but at the owner’s request, the above tests can be taken first. The greatest risk concerns breeds that have a genetic predisposition to cardiorespiratory diseases (in cats: Scottish, British, Maine Coon; in dogs: Doberman, Boxer, Poodle) and their mixed breeds. For this category, regardless of age, a preliminary ultrasound examination of the heart (Echo-CG) is recommended. The ECG in this case is much less informative. With proper preparation for anesthesia during castration and proper recovery from it, the risk the development of any post-anesthesia complications is minimal.

Many owners are afraid of their animals' tendency to become overweight. Of course, in the absence of gonads, metabolism slows down and obesity becomes more likely. According to foreign researchers, castrated animals require approximately 30% less calories. But everything is in your hands! The doctor who performs the operation on your animal must recommend. And, subject to the daily norm, the animal will remain in shape.

Previously, it was believed that castration is a factor predisposing to the occurrence of urolithiasis. Experience and statistics in recent years show that uncastrated cats suffer from this disease as often as castrated cats.

At what age is it better to castrate? Since early castration affects mineral metabolism and inhibits the closure of bone growth zones, the optimal age for surgery is from 8 months to a year. At a later age, castration is also possible, but post-anesthesia risks increase every year, and the healing rate of a young animal is much better.

So, If you purchased an animal not for breeding, decide on castration. And may your animal be healthy and you live in peace!

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Let's consider which arguments of opponents of castration of our pets have a certain basis, and which of them are in the area of ​​our prejudices.

Almost every owner of his pet (cat, cat, dog), making the difficult decision for himself to castrate his pet, often doubts whether he will cripple his pet. At the same time, passions on this topic are often fueled by opponents of castration. Let's consider which arguments of opponents of castration have a certain basis, and which of them are in the area of ​​prejudice.

Myth No. 1.

Castration (sterilization) is a very complex abdominal operation, many pets may not tolerate it, while others take a long time to recover and get sick.

From the technical point of view of a veterinarian, the operation of castration (sterilization) both in females and even more so in males is one of the most simple and well-practised for an experienced veterinarian; as they say, the veterinarian’s hand is “full,” he has a lot of experience. Unfortunately, there is always a risk of any complications during anesthesia, both in animals and in people. But at the same time, in young healthy dogs and cats (and as a rule, these are the ones that are castrated (sterilized)) it is minimal and is calculated in fractions of a percent.

Myth No. 2.

Castrated animals become lazy, sedentary and fat.

There is a small amount of truth in this statement because After castration (sterilization), due to the cessation of the release of certain hormones in the body of castrated animals, their metabolism changes slightly and the animal needs a little less food. After castration, the owners of their pet should be more attentive to its diet - without overfeeding it.

But the mobility of castrated animals most depends on personal characteristics and living conditions. As a rule, those dogs and cats that have the opportunity to walk a lot outside maintain their shape without much difficulty. In addition, if you have more than one animal in your home, this will also have a beneficial effect on their level of physical activity.

And neutered animals love to run and play just as much! So don't forget to pay attention to them.

Myth No. 3.

Neutered dogs will not be able to protect themselves on the street from other cats and dogs.

How can they, because they keep their claws and teeth to themselves! Another thing is that they often simply have no desire to start a fight with their relatives. They do not defend their territory so zealously, there is no need to fight off a friend from a competitor, and this issue is resolved peacefully. But if anything happens, they can stand up for themselves no worse than non-castrated animals. In the end, even among neutered cats and dogs there are notorious bullies!

Myth No. 4.

And they don’t catch mice!

They catch you, and how they catch you. The hunting success of cats does not depend on castration, but again on the personal characteristics of the animal.

For example, whether the mother cat caught mice, what she managed to teach her kittens, whether the kitten had the opportunity to learn its mother’s lessons.

Myth No. 5.

After castration, cats develop urolithiasis.

The question of why and how urolithiasis develops has been studied a lot by specialists in recent years and continues to be studied now, but, unfortunately, has not yet been fully clarified.

However, statistics show that both castrated and non-castrated animals suffer from urolithiasis.

The greatest role in this issue is played by congenital predisposition - some metabolic features that lead to disruption of mineral metabolism. In addition, one of the most important factors leading to urolithiasis is a violation of the drinking regime. With a lack of water in the diet, urine becomes more concentrated, and dissolved salts may precipitate.

A balanced diet is of great importance, preventing obesity - this is true for both unspayed and neutered animals. True, the latter should pay more attention to this issue.

Myth No. 6.

The animal must be allowed to give birth once, and then it can be castrated. This is good for health, and one should not deprive the animal of the joy of motherhood.

As for the impact of childbirth on health, pregnancy and childbirth, unfortunately, do not have any positive effect. On the contrary, in animals the risk of developing mammary tumors, as well as inflammatory diseases of the uterus, increases. Therefore, if the owner has decided to castrate the animal, then it is better not to put it on the back burner. And from a moral point of view, we cannot completely transfer human feelings and desires to our pets. Our pets are very smart and understanding, but still animals: a cat gives birth to kittens not because she wants to babysit them - this is a direct consequence of the cat realizing her sexual instinct.

Myth No. 7.

Yes, after castration they are simply inferior!

What is a full life for a dog or cat? No one can answer this question unequivocally. In my opinion, the main thing is health, a cheerful dog or cat living a long life next to its loving owner in comfort and care. And it is in our power to help them with this.

Veterinarian advice.

To minimize the risk of complications during castration, animals are recommended to undergo a preoperative medical examination. And of course, it is better to carry out the operation not at home on the kitchen table with the hands of yesterday’s student, but in a veterinary clinic, where there are much more opportunities to cope with an emergency situation if it suddenly arises during the operation.

After the operation, the most critical period is the first day: during this time the animal must fully recover from anesthesia. After this, you need to wait about 10 days for the postoperative stitches to heal and for the veterinarian to remove them.

After castration, cats do not need stitches, and the postoperative wound heals even faster - in 5-7 days. In addition, recently the endoscopic method of performing various operations, including sterilization of females.

In this case, postoperative wounds are very small, and most often there is no need to remove sutures at all.

As a rule, 2 weeks after surgery your pet will be completely healthy.

Dr. Elvira Goertzen (Cologne)

Is it possible to control the sexual function of an animal or how can it be inhibited? - questions that occupy many pet owners.

Chemical castration

It is used to control the sexual function of an animal. In this case, hormonal drugs (tablets, injections, implants) are administered, leading to the suppression of the natural sexual cycle. Thus, pregnancy becomes impossible. To ensure the desired effect for a long time, repeated administration of the medication is necessary. The first use of the drug should be carried out during sexual rest. There are large differences in the passage of the reproductive cycle, in particular in dogs, so the intervals between injections should be individual. But long-term use of such drugs leads to an increased risk of developing diabetes, obesity, inflammation of the uterus, and breast tumors.

Surgical castration

Currently, surgical castration is the most frequently performed operation in veterinary praxis. These operations are performed under full anesthesia. During the operation, the ovaries of females are removed, and the testes of males are removed. As a result, the sexual cycle and the resulting sexual behavior of the animal are switched off. Unlike cats, which are neutered for birth control, there is an ongoing debate about the advisability of neutering dogs. In Germany, castration of dogs is carried out, first of all, to prevent possible diseases, eliminate unwanted behavior of animals, and also to facilitate their maintenance.

When sterilization the gonads are not removed, but the oviducts in females and the spermatic cords in males are ligated. The difference from castration is that during sterilization, further production of sex hormones and the behavior caused by them occurs (producing offspring is impossible). In Germany, sterilization of animals is rare.

Medical indications for castration of females

Pyometra- inflammation of the uterus, which usually develops 4 to 10 weeks after the period of sexual heat. Infected animals experience increased thirst (2 to 3 times more than normal) and increased urine output. If the general condition is slightly disturbed and symptoms of an open form of inflammation are observed, drug treatment is possible. If the condition is severe, surgical removal of the uterus and ovaries must be performed.

False pregnancy observed most often in dogs and manifests itself in altered behavior, similar to that in the case of pregnancy and the birth of puppies. The dog sets up a “nest” and protects toys. At the same time, the mammary glands are filled with milk, a change in behavior is possible: from apathy to aggression. Typically, this condition occurs 3 to 12 weeks after sexual activity. Mild forms of this disorder do not require treatment, but the correct behavior of the owners: walk more, put away soft toys, do not console. In severe cases, hormonal treatment is necessary. If such conditions recur, castration is recommended.

Breast tumors develop, as a rule, in older females. They are manifested by the appearance of dense, painful neoplasms in the area of ​​the animal’s nipples. Drug suppression of an animal’s reproductive cycle contributes to the appearance of mammary gland tumors. The risk of tumors is significantly reduced as a result of timely castration. Indications for castration of females also include: diabetes mellitus, dysfunction of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands.

Medical indications for castration of males

Cryptorchidism- unilateral or bilateral failure of the testes to descend into the scrotal cavity. These “undescended” testes are prone to transformation into tumor tissue.

Tumor enlargement of the prostate gland It is observed more often in older dogs, which manifests itself in the form of pain and difficulty in excreting feces, and possibly impaired urine output. After castration, the prostate rapidly shrinks.

Tumor changes in the anal glands occurs primarily in uncastrated or late castrated males. 80% of these tumors are benign, 20% are malignant. In the case of benign ones, their surgical removal and simultaneous castration can provide a good prognosis.

The effect of castration on animal behavior

Castration is often considered as a necessary means to combat unwanted animal behavior in cases of aggression towards other animals or people. Castration does not replace the proper upbringing of an animal, but often helps ensure a happy coexistence between humans and animals.

Every year with the arrival of spring, the number of phone calls in our practice increases asking for help in finding a “bride” or “groom” for pets. Several times we were asked about possible “help” for a cat if she were temporarily taken to a neutered neighbor’s cat... To avoid curious ideas about the animal’s physiology, contact your veterinarian with questions.

Most people, having taken a small puppy or kitten into their home, do not even think that in a very short time, the baby will grow up, and after reaching puberty, its character will change dramatically.

If an animal is purchased in order to later be used in breeding or for exhibitions, then the owners will only be happy about the pet’s sexual activity. But if the animal is purchased as a simple pet, then its behavior during the heat period will cause unnecessary concern.

It’s simply unbearable to be in the same apartment with a cat who is going into heat. The cat begins to meow loudly and intrusively, strives to break free, behaves very restlessly, takes indecent poses, convulses, and rolls on the floor. Even if the owners decide to wait out this period steadfastly, a “surprise” will soon await them - after three to four weeks, the hormonal madness will repeat. Some especially active ladies begin, like cats, to mark their territory, leaving odorous puddles of urine everywhere.

Which of these methods to choose is up to the owner of the animal to decide. We will help you consider their advantages and disadvantages.

Contraceptives for animals are divided into two groups:

  1. Preparations made on a natural basis (most often they consist of several plant components that mutually enhance each other’s effects)
  2. Hormonal contraceptives.

Natural preparations much weaker than chemical hormonal ones, but at the same time they have minimal harmful effects on the animal’s body. One of the most popular preparations in this group is “Cat Bayun” herbal tea, which is used to calm dogs and cats. Herbal teas are designed to eliminate a whole complex of symptoms that manifest themselves in animals during the period of sexual heat: barking dogs and screaming cats, imitation of covering, aggression towards the owner, marking in the apartment, hyperactivity. But the main disadvantage of these products is the low degree of reliability as a contraceptive; owners still have to keep their pets under vigilant control to avoid unwanted mating.

To chemical hormonal drugs, which are produced in the form of tablets or drops, include “Contrasex”, “Ex-5”, “Sex Barrier”, “Pilkan”, “Nonoestron” and similar drugs. With their help, you can completely suppress sexual desire. But it is worth noting that contraceptives for animals are not analogous to contraceptives for humans, and are not able to prevent pregnancy, but only “shift” the sexual cycle. The main advantage of such drugs is their reversible effect. As soon as the effect of the drug wears off, the cat will begin its loud concerts again. A significant disadvantage is that Such drugs can be used once (maximum twice) during the year, otherwise these tablets and drops can completely destroy the animal’s hormonal levels and irreversibly undermine its health. The fact is that receptors for progestogens (steroidal sex hormones) are scattered throughout the body and generally affect all organs. Hormonal drugs in both males and females lead to such serious consequences as stimulation of tumor growth.

Purulent inflammation of the uterus, tumors of the testes and ovaries, diabetes mellitus - this is just the beginning of a long list of possible consequences of taking hormonal drugs. Now almost all veterinarians agree on inadmissibility of uncontrolled use of contraceptives for animals.

New generation imported drugs cause much fewer complications, but there are no officially registered such drugs in Russia. And all those tablets and drops that are on sale are old-generation drugs and have a whole bunch of side effects, although advertising claims the opposite. But the manufacturers of these drugs often mislead gullible owners by printing deliberately false information in the annotations that their drug has no side effects. For comparison, imported drugs with similar composition must have a list of contraindications for use and possible side effects in the annotation.

Injectable contraceptives (Covinan) are gaining popularity. The first injection lasts for three months, the second for five, and then two injections per year will be sufficient. This method is indispensable for cats that categorically refuse to take pills. But the drug used for injection is also hormonal. Therefore, it has the same disadvantages as other drugs in this group (pyometra, diabetes, tumors), only much less frequently. In addition, injections are not given to males and female cats.

How to give hormonal pills correctly

If the cat has already begun to meow and arch invitingly, you should not give hormonal drugs; in such cases, very high doses are needed. This will certainly lead to a malfunction of the hormonal system, which is fraught with complications (inflammation, cysts). It is necessary to start taking the tablets in advance, when the animal is in a state of sexual rest, then preventive, minimal doses will be sufficient.

If the owners of the animal do not plan to get offspring from it and do not want to burden themselves with the worries of caring for it during estrus, possible pregnancy and childbirth, then the opinion of veterinarians is almost unanimous - the animal is better castrate. In everyday life, the term sterilization is more often used, although it is not entirely accurate. Removal of the gonads with subsequent inability to reproduce is called castration (in both males and females). This is the most common operation performed by veterinarians and can be easily performed in any veterinary clinic. Some clinics provide a service such as castration at home, when a doctor comes to you and performs the operation at home.

Males and cats have their testes removed through an incision in the scrotum, and cats and females have their ovaries removed through a small incision (most doctors recommend removal of the ovaries along with the uterus). Small dogs and cats do not need stitches, since they have a small post-operative wound. In bitches and cats, sutures are removed on the 10th day.

Territory . Cats are neutered at 6-9 months, preferably before their first heat. Among dog and cat owners There is a common misconception that you need to let an animal give birth at least once. This is absolutely not true. When castration is performed before the first heat, the probability of developing a mammary tumor is less than 0.5%. After the first heat it’s already 8%, and after the second – over 25%. Castration after 2.5 years can no longer prevent the development of malignant tumors of the mammary glands. Preventing a disease is easier and tens of times cheaper than preventing it later. treat.

Castration in dogs is less common and is performed at an older age. Experts recommend castrating male dogs when they reach the age of two and complete a general training course, since after the operation they partially lose the ability to learn.

Castration of males and female cats is carried out at any time of the year, regardless of the seasonality of sexual cycles. But it is not recommended to perform surgery on cats and female dogs during the period of estrus (sexual activity), since the surgical risk increases due to the blood supply to the genitals. You need to wait two weeks after screaming and arching your back, after which you can operate.

Do not think that such an operation has the same meaning for animals as for people. The animal will not suffer from castration, but from

There will definitely be a constant obsessive sexual desire, and the owners along with it.

Let's summarize by comparing everything we now know pros and cons of castration :

+ The life expectancy of castrated animals is almost twice as long as that of animals that have not been operated on (15-18 years versus 7-10, respectively).

The problem of distributing possible offspring disappears.

Animals become calmer and more manageable, the desire to run away or jump from the balcony disappears. The period of time an animal spends outside its home is significantly reduced, therefore reducing the risk of getting hit by a vehicle or getting into a fight with street cats.

Animals lose hormonal problems and aggression, and owners lose meowing at night, “fragrant” marks, and fights between males.

The pet will be spared from such frequent serious diseases as prostatitis, ovarian cysts, pyometra, neoplasms of the testes and uterus.

Animals cannot feel remorse or regret about their inability to reproduce.

In castrated young animals, the likelihood of developing malignant tumors of the mammary glands practically disappears.

In old age, many animals need castration for medical reasons, but the anesthetic risk increases sharply.

Disadvantages of castration:

— Castration is performed under general anesthesia, which is accompanied by a certain risk. Some animals may have a reaction to the administration of the anesthetic drug.

— Any surgical intervention can be accompanied by complications, even with a perfectly performed operation.
— In some cases (in obese bitches), urinary incontinence develops after castration, which can subsequently be easily treated with special medications.

- Animals after castration are prone to obesity as they tend to eat more while their energy requirements are reduced by more than 30%. The most critical period is the first two months after surgery. But by making adjustments, the owner can avoid problems with pet obesity.

— Neutered cats and female cats are more susceptible to the occurrence. If an animal is overweight, it approaches the water bowl less often, and therefore produces less urine. As a result, urine in the bladder is concentrated, creating conditions for the formation of uroliths. But a properly formulated diet and modern preventive food completely eliminate this problem.

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