From alpha to omega phraseology. The meaning is "alpha and omega." Alpha and Omega

Phraseologism “Alpha and Omega”- we often hear and meet in books.

“Alpha and Omega” meaning of phraseology

The meaning of phraseology “alpha and omega” - “the beginning and end of something.”

The expression comes from the New Testament, where God says: “I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.” The phraseological unit is built on the collision of antonymous components: alpha and omega - the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet...

"Alpha and Omega" examples

Such expressions exist in all languages ​​of the world. For example, we say: “Learn everything from A to Z,” but in tsarist times they said, “From aza to Izhitsa.” Az is the first letter of the Old Church Slavonic alphabet, Izhitsa is the last letter. The phraseological unit “from alpha to omega” means “everything is complete,” “from beginning to end.”

This is the beginning. Wisdom and sadness...
The wise alpha sisters of omega...
We are still on the shores.
Let's become boundless.
(G. Turelik, That rose, we planted...)

A. Burgardt could not imagine himself without Kyiv - the alpha and omega of his life, the loss of which could not be compensated by anything, not even the prosperous German environment that sped off during the years of re-emigration. (Yu. Kuznetsov, Oswald Burgardt)

N e o f i t - r a b. What a word?
There is p and s k about p. That word is god. He's the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end
(Lesya Ukrainka, Works, vol. II, 1951, p. 233);

(Shukhnovsky) People here (in Kovalivka) are unconscious, the attitude towards school on the part of some is simply savage. Cows and calves for them are the alpha and omega of all wisdom (Zbanatsky, Raspberry Ring, 1958, p. 20).

It is necessary to increase the number of thinking people in those classes of society called educated. This is the task. This is the alpha and omega of social progress (Pisarev. Realists).

“Energy,” said the builder, “is the basis of the foundations, the alpha and omega of people’s life (Paustovsky. The Birth of the Sea).

Scythians. Byzantium. Black Sea region. Dictionary of historical terms and names

Alpha and Omega

first and last letters of the Greek alphabet (ai-O)). They symbolized the beginning and end of a phenomenon.

Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms

Alpha and Omega

♦ (ENG Alpha and Omega)

the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet (A and Ω), used in the Bible to emphasize the eternal nature of God (Rev. 1:8; 21:6).

Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

Alpha and Omega

Names of the first and last letters in the Greek alphabet. As a symbol of eternity, A. and Omega are found both in the Apocalypse and in ancient Christian writers (Prudentius, Tertullian). The first Christians put the letters Α and Ω on their coffins and churches, with a cross in the middle, and engraved them on rings and rings, seals, mosaics and paintings. One of the oldest images of this symbol was found in the catacombs on the island of Melos and dates back to the end of the 1st or beginning of the 2nd century. It is also found on coins, but not before the reigns of Constans and Constantius.

Catholic Encyclopedia

Alpha and Omega

first and last letters Greek alphabet, symbol of beginning and end. It first appears as a symbol of Jesus Christ in the Revelation of John the Theologian (1, 8; 21, 6; 22, 13). The appearance of the symbol A and n may have been influenced by Judas. and Hellenistic literature, but its most likely source was the text of the Book of the Prophet Isaiah (44, 6), where God is called “The First and the Last.” The symbolism of A and N appears already in the early Middle Ages. authors: Prudentius (Cathemerinon, IX, 2), Tertullian (De monogamia, 5) and Isidore of Seville (Etymologiae, I, 3) - and runs through the entire Middle Ages. It was also used by Dante in the Divine Comedy (Paradise XXVI, 17).

Starting from the 4th century. AD, the symbolism of A and N is becoming widespread; it is used in epitaphs on tombs and in inscriptions on liturgical texts. vessels, as well as in church mosaics, on medals, coins and papal seals. In Romanesque and Gothic art, the symbolism of A and N disappears, but is revived again in the 19th - early 19th century. XX century (it can be seen on the altar, tabernacle, liturgical vestments, etc.).

Liter: DACL 1, 1–25; Dornseiff F. Das Alphabet in Mystik und Magie. Lpz., 1925; Hello E.B. Saint Jean. L'Apocalypse. P., 1933; Hartig M. Cristliche Symbole. Fr., 1940; Unnik W.C. van. Het godspredikaat "Het begin en het einde" bij Flavius ​​Josephus en in de Openbaring van Johannes. Amsterdam-Ox., 1976; EK 1, 1–2.

Everyone knows that a tattoo lasts a lifetime, so choosing one must be taken extremely seriously. First you need to find out the meaning of a tattoo, because it’s not for nothing that they say that the symbolism of any picture can influence a person’s destiny and change it. So, let's figure out what the alpha and omega tattoo means and who would suit such a body image?

In fact, the alpha and omega symbols are letters of the Greek alphabet, which is becoming increasingly popular for modern people. Alpha has the meaning of beginning, since it is the first letter, and omega, as the last, is the end. That is why such an image will symbolize the passed stages of life, in which a person managed to overcome difficult trials and overcome his fears.

As is known from the history of Ancient Greece, the Greeks considered the drawings of the letter alpha a symbol of spirituality, and omega – the material world. That is why today the meaning of a cross tattoo of Greek letters symbolizes the unity of mind and faith in the Almighty.

Also have alpha and omega meaning goodwill and sincerity of feelings, expulsion of bad thoughts and craving for beauty. The person who made such a body drawing will definitely be inclined towards philosophy and psychology, will be calm and inspired.

Meaning for men

Both women and men can get Alpha and Omega tattoos, regardless of age category. For men, the meaning of a tattoo of intertwined Greek letters denotes wisdom, the passage of all difficulties from beginning to end, regardless of the weight of the losses, and knowledge of the problems of existence.

This image is perfect for those representatives of the stronger sex who take on great responsibility in life, especially for their family. For those who honor and respect divine laws and do not sin or use foul language. For those who are fair and merciful.

Meaning for women

Despite the fact that tattoos with the alpha and omega signs are tattooed by men and women, they are much less suitable for the weaker sex. Usually, it is applied to the body of women who are strong in spirit, warlike, not timid . It is perfect for the noble and sincere, for the decisive and serious.

For women, leaders can also draw alpha and omega, since such a tattoo symbolizes a successful new business started, advancement in the knowledge of philosophy, in thinking about large-scale problems of the human mind. Also, the meaning of the tattoo of the first and last letters denotes the beginning of a new life and the rebirth of an old one.

What does a tattoo look like and where is the best place to get it?

Tattoos of the alpha symbol and the omega symbol can look different. But, be that as it may, these two letters are not separated, since separately they do not carry any meaning. Usually the tattoo itself is done with black paint without additional colors or shades. The letters are intertwined crosswise. In some cases, masters use shadows.

A tattoo is often drawn on the lower leg or on the arms (one letter on each). The alpha is usually depicted on the right side, and the omega on the left. Sometimes representatives of the stronger sex get such a tattoo on their back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, as if depicting a cross of letters, and women - on one of the wrists, often on the left hand (crosswise).

How to care for a tattoo

As soon as the artist has filled the tattoo, he is obliged to apply a bandage to that area of ​​skin or wrap it in cling film. It is recommended to open the tattoo no later than 24 hours, depending on the complexity and size of the design, as well as on the type of dressing material. If it is cling film, it is worth dressing after 3-4 hours, allowing the skin to “breathe”. The bandage can be kept for up to a day.

During dressing, be sure to wash the tattoo. This can be done either with plain water and soap without fragrance, or with special means (according to the advice of the specialist). Do not use washcloths or turn on very hot or cold water. This will make the tattoo take even longer to heal. It is recommended to make the water at room temperature.

The tattoo needs to be blotted dry., preferably with regular paper towels. Next, you should apply a special healing agent to the skin, which you can also learn about from the specialist. You need to wash your tattoo every day for 3-4 weeks using lotions and creams, because proper care also affects the quality of the finished images.

You can always go to any tattoo parlor, and they will draw you the tattoo you like quickly and efficiently. If you provide a photo with a tattoo, choosing and drawing the desired design will be much faster.

Summing up, I would like to say that the alpha and omega tattoo, made in a cross pattern, is an excellent choice for a wise, religious, but at the same time militant person who is ready to make serious decisions, taking responsibility. Good luck with your choice!

Photos of alpha and omega tattoos

« Alpha" is the first letter of the Greek alphabet, meaning the sound "a", "omega" (the sound "o") - the last one: "I- alpha And omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last,” God says about himself in the Bible.
Such expressions exist in all languages ​​of the world. For example, we say: “Learn everything from A to Z,” but in tsarist times they said “From aza before Izhitsy" Az is the first letter of the Old Church Slavonic alphabet, Izhitsa is the last letter. Phraseologism« from alpha to omega" means "the whole thing", "from beginning to end."

Phraseologism “Spreading cranberry” meaning

This expression came into our language not so long ago. In 1910, a play parodying foreigners’ ideas about Russia was staged in one of the theaters in St. Petersburg. In one of the scenes, the heroine of the play sat “under the spreading branches of a hundred-year-old cranberry.” Since then, all implausible, fantastic descriptions of Russian life have been called « spreading cranberries».

Phraseologism “Crocodile tears” meaning

The expression "to shed" crocodile tears“we use in relation to an insincere person who hypocritically laments and sympathizes with us for some reason, the cause of which is often himself. They say that a person sheds crocodile tears when he falsely empathizes with us, grinning in his soul and rejoicing at the failures that have befallen us. This phraseological unit very accurately and succinctly characterizes an insincere and deceitful person, perfectly conveying the essence of his soul. But where did this popular expression come from in the Russian language, since our land is not famous for crocodiles?

This phraseology came to us from time immemorial, and it was based on the belief that crocodiles, when eating their prey, cry, feigning regret for the victim. This catchphrase was used in ancient Rome - references to it were found in the Constantinople library of Patriarch Photius (810-895). In Russian, phraseological units crocodile tears appeared as a result of a literal translation of the German word Krokodilstränen. In Weismann's book “German-Latin and Russian Lexicon” of 1731, this phraseological unit was first published and its characteristics were given. In the ancient Russian “Azbukovniki” there is an interpretation of this expression, which directly refers to the feigned tears of a crocodile and its habits.

But is this true, is the crocodile really so sensitive and sentimental that it sheds burning tears over its victim? For a very long time people thought this way. Of course, the fact remains: many studies have confirmed that the crocodile actually sheds a liquid similar to tears when eating food. However, this liquid has nothing to do with tears, especially tears of regret. There was even a version that these were not tears, but drool of lust for delicious food, manifested at the time of the meal. But all these versions are not true, but crocodile tears have a more down-to-earth explanation. The thing is that crocodiles have an imperfect system for removing excess salts from the body. And special glands that help the kidneys remove excess salts are located just near the eyes. This is why, during the operation of these glands, a liquid appears that is mistaken for tears. This theory explains why crocodiles do not always “cry” while eating.

That's the story phraseological unit crocodile tears. However, because we have finally learned the truth about the habits of crocodiles, this phraseological unit will not lose its meaning. It’s too precise, imaginative and convenient.

Phraseologism “Dance to someone else’s tune” meaning

The expression is used in the meaning: to act not by one’s own will, but by the will of another. It goes back to the Greek historian Herodotus (5th century BC), who told us the following fable (the fable itself is attributed to the legendary Greek fabulist Aesop (VI century BC): “One flute player, who saw fish in the sea, became play the flute, expecting that they would come to him on land. Deceived in his hope, he took a net, threw it and pulled out many fish. Seeing how the fish were fighting in the nets, he said to them: “Stop dancing; when I played the flute , you didn't want to go out and dance».
A similar expression is found in the Gospel (from Matthew): “We played the flute for you, and you did not danced", that is, they did not want to fulfill our will.

Snoring V. From Adam's apple to the apple of discord. Origin of words and expressions

Alpha and Omega

The meaning of the phrase is not entirely clear to me from alpha to omega. It is clear that something needs to be completed from start to finish. But what does the Greek alphabet have to do with it? Maybe this is some kind of Greek proverb?
Expression from alpha to omega- not Greek, but rather international. Its primary source (like many others) is the Bible, the text of which came to Christian culture in an ancient Greek translation from the Hebrew language. Hence the references to the letters of the Greek alphabet, where alpha- first letter, omega- the last one. Similar expressions exist in all languages. We are now saying: Learn everything from A to Z; and before the revolution they said: from aza to izhitsa (az And Izhitsa- names of letters of the Old Church Slavonic alphabet). Expression from alpha to omega means “the whole thing,” “everything from beginning to end.”

It is worth noting that in the “Apocalypse” of John the Theologian, the last book of the Bible, these words carry a different meaning. It says, “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, says the Lord.” It is clear that we are talking about things much more serious than small human affairs that only need to be carried out in detail.

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