What is the difference between lend and borrow? Reinforcement task

We continue to introduce you to words from the same synonymous series, the use of which causes difficulties for many students. It's time to sort out the words borrow And lend, united by the common meaning " lend, borrow/borrow ».

To figure out which of the two verbs to use in a given situation, you first need to decide who borrows money and who lends money - this is the difference: one verb is for the borrower (to borrow), and the other is for the lender, lender (to lend). Here are two examples that clearly show the difference between verbs:

  • I borrowed some money from my colleague - I borrowed some money from an employee
  • My colleague lent me some money - an employee lent me some money

Everything is extremely simple - one gives lend, another takes - borrow.


  • If we borrow from friends and relatives ( borrowfromfriends ), of course, they give us a loan without interest, otherwise we will have to borrow money at interest ( borrow at interest ).
  • Speaking of borrowers, some borrow in an unscrupulous manner ( to borrow shamelessly ), they take constantly ( borrow frequently ), often ( borrow often ), take for a long time ( borrow for long ), or for a short time ( borrow for short ).
  • If a person is deeply in debt, one can say about him - he borrowed heavily .
  • By the way, the verb borrow can be used not only when it comes to money. You can borrow a car ( toborrowacar ), borrow a book from the library ( toborrowabook ), borrow tradition ( toborrowacustom ), steal/borrow theory ( toborrowatheory ), you might be asking for trouble ( toborrowtrouble ).


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Regarding the verb lendlend , it can also be safely used not only when it comes to money, but also about books, things, music, ideas, etc. For example, “to provide assistance” would sound like “ lendaid/ assistance " You can also say " to lendahand " - i.e. lend a helping hand.

  • From the verbs borrow and lend you can form nouns:
    borrow + er = borrower - borrower(one who borrows money)
    lend + er = lender - lender, creditor(one who gives a loan)

The verbs lend and borrow have completely opposite meanings, but both are translated as “to borrow.” This is why many people are confused about when to consume them. After reading the article, you will understand when to use these words.


Transcription and translation:
Lend / [land] - lend, borrow

Meaning of the word:
Allowing someone to take money or something that belongs to you for a while.

We use lend when we give anything to anyone. It could be anything. It's not just about money here. Someone might borrow your car, pen, or dress for the evening. You are borrowing something, that is allowing someone to use it your property/money for some time.


I could lend you 100$ if you need it.
I can loan you $100 if you need it.

I wish I'd never tape him my car.
I wish I had never loaned him my car.

Did you lend that book to Mike?
Did you loan that book to Mike?


Transcription and translation:
Borrow [ˈbɒrəʊ]/[bo’row] - borrow, lend

Meaning of the word:
To use something that belongs to someone and that you must return after some time.

We use the verb borrow when we want take someone has something. For example, borrow money from a friend before payday, a player to listen to music on the road, or even a book from the library. We take something, that is someone lets us use his property, which does not belong to us, taking into account that after some time we will return this thing.


Can I borrow your calculator?
Can I borrow your calculator?

I borrowed his bike.
I borrowed his bike.

You are allowed to borrow three books from the library.
You have the right to borrow (and then return) three books from the library.

What is the difference?

I think you already understand the difference between these two verbs. In case of using " lend"we give money/things, and in case of use" borrow", vice versa, take money/things.

My friend tape me some money.
My friend gaveto meon loan money.

My friend borrowed some money from me.
My friend tookon loan I have the money.

I hope that now you will not confuse these verbs, which are completely different in meaning.

Reinforcement task

Insert the correct word in the following sentences. Leave your comments below the article.

1. I ___ his phone number.
2. We ___ her car.
3. I can ___ you this computer.
4. He ___ her 20 dollars.
5. She ___ money from her friend.
6. She ___ me a suitcase.

The main difficulty in using lend and borrow is that they are translated the same way - “to borrow” - but are used in different directions, so to speak. In Russian, as you can see, we use one word in both directions.

Let's try to figure it out on our fingers.

If David borrows or lends money to Julia, then we use the verb lend - “to lend.” Julia, in turn, borrows money. In this case, we need the verb borrow.

Can I borrow your car? Yes I will lend you my car.

She borrowed $150 from her mother. Her mother tape her $150. She owes here mother $150.

He borrowed a book from me. I tape him my book.

I'm always lending my sister money.My sister is always borrowing money from me. My sister constantly owes me money.

David borrowed Kirsten's iPod. Kirsten lent David her iPod.

Many of her ideas are borrowed from other sources.

Remember: Lend shows that something is given to someone for a while. Borrow shows that something has been borrowed from someone.

We are speaking lend to And borrow from .

Table. Basic forms of the English verbs lend and borrow


Present participle

As a preface - a statement with the construction of double negation “neither... nor” in the meaning “neither one nor the other.”

Neither a borrower nor a lender be.

Borrow (to occupy)

“To borrow sth from sb” means to borrow, to borrow for free for temporary (home) use. Who can I borrow from for a while? Of course, with family and friends. When we need something, we ask a loved one for it:

Mom, can I please borrow your car?

Lend (borrow)

“To lend sb sth” means the opposite - to lend someone something they need for a while. Therefore, the question can be rephrased as follows:

— Mom, can you please lend me your car?

- OK, you can borrow.


“To rent sth from sb / at somewhere” means to rent for money and for time. Usually they rent DVDs and cars. You can borrow films (and books) ... in the library and perhaps a few other places.

I’d like to rent these 3 disks for a week.


When we borrow, we also borrow, but we do not yet promise to return it. For example, when borrowing a pen from a classmate for an exam, they often forget to not only thank them, but also give them back. That’s why they don’t just ask friends to use their cars, but borrow them. They use someone else’s toilet, rather than occupy it, because “borrow” implies taking out an object:

Can I use your toilet?

This makes clear the moral of the statement at the beginning: do not borrow or lend anything, especially money.

English Joke

A rabbi, a priest and a minister are discussing when life begins.
The priest says: "In our religion, life begins at conception."
The minister says: “We disagree. We believe that life begins when the fetus is viable away from the mother’s womb.”
The rabbi responds: “You both are wrong. In our religion, life begins when the kids graduate college and the dog dies.”

There are many words in English that have the same translation or similar meanings. There are, of course, many such words. Therefore, we organize them by topic and tell you about the intricacies of use.

Today's article is devoted to the topic "Money". Money, as you know, loves precision. Just like English. Let's figure it out.

Сash/ note/ coin/ change/ currency

Cash - cash: bills and coins. If you want to pay in cash, use the expression: pay in cash, if there is no cash, you can pay with a credit card: by credit card.

Note - bill, banknote, sometimes they say bank note. You can find two spellings: bank note And banknote. If you want to indicate which banknotes the client paid with, use the preposition in:

She paid us in $10 notes. “She paid us with ten dollar bills.”

Coin - coin. Under the word coin usually refers to any coin without indicating its denomination.

Change - change, but in addition, it can mean “small money, change.” The expression small change also means small money:

Shop assistant counted the coins and gave me $5 in small change. - The seller counted the coins and gave me five dollars in change.

Currency - currency. Currency exchange - currency exchange office. Exchange rate - currency exchange rate.

ATM/ cash machine/ cash point/ cash dispenser

All of the above words mean an ATM - a machine for dispensing cash. The abbreviation ATM (automated teller machine) has become widespread in American English, and cash dispenser is used primarily in British English.

Withdraw or take out - withdraw money from an ATM account.

Borrow/ lend/ owe/ in debt/ pay back

These verbs are among those that are constantly confused. Let's imagine a situation: you have no money. You urgently need to get money somewhere. You go to your friend and say:

As a result, you borrow money (borrow), and your friend lends you money (lend).

After you have borrowed money, you must (owe):

I owe him $100. - I owe him $100.

Please do not confuse it with, which is also translated as “should,” but has a completely different meaning.

In English there is also a word for debt - debt. With the word debt there are many expressions. For example:

be deep in debt- have debts

be up to eyes in debt- be deeply in debt

As soon as the opportunity arises, you pay off the debt (pay back):

I will pay you back next week. - I'll pay you back next week.

You can use the phrasal verb give back, but in this case it is important to clarify that you are giving money:

Tomorrow I will give back the money I owe. - Tomorrow I will pay you back the money I owe you.


Since we are talking about debts, it would be appropriate to consider the difference between these words. Loan - loan, loan; the amount of money you borrow. Mortgage - loan, mortgage; the amount of money you borrow from a bank to buy or build a house. Most banks give loans at interest; in English, interest is denoted by the word interest (not per cent!).

It's no secret that in the West people constantly pay with credit cards. If the credit is exceeded and more money is withdrawn than is in the account, this is called overdraft.

Receipt/ bill/ check/ check

All these words have a similar translation into Russian, but there is a fundamental difference between them. Let's dive in. When we pay somewhere, buy something, we receive a check, a receipt: this is a receipt. In American English, another word is used to refer to a sales slip: sales slip. If you want to return your purchase to the store, you will need to present your sales receipt.

Bill is the bill that is given to you at the restaurant (in American English, check). Bill are required to pay for the services of specialists: doctor, hairdresser, lawyer. Bill also denotes various utility bills: gas bill, electricity bill, telephone bill.

Check (BrE) or check (AmE) - a bank check that is issued for a certain amount.

Economic/economical/economize/save up

Find the extra word in this row! Found it? That's right, that's the word economic. Unlike all other words, it does not refer to economy, but to economics. The first meaning of the adjective economic is economic, economic, and only sometimes it can mean “economical”. Economical - economical, thrifty, economical.

The economic situation in the country is improving. - The economic situation in the country is improving.

My wife is very economical. She finds everything at reduced prices. - My wife is very thrifty. She finds everything at discounted prices.

Economize - save, do not spend extra money, reduce expenses. If you are saving for something, putting money aside, then this is indicated by the phrasal verb save up.

Till/ checkout counter/ counter

Till - cash drawer, cash register (in a store or bank). Also in a word till indicate the amount of money that is kept in the cash register. Many stores use cash registers: cash register. Checkout counter is a cash register in a self-service store, a checkout point where you pay for all purchases at once. Counter - a counter behind which a salesperson stands in a store.

Price/ cost/ value/ be worth/ charge/ fee/ fare

Here are the record-breaking words for misuse. Let's figure out what the differences are and how to use them correctly.

Price - price. This noun, to find out the prices of something, ask the question:

What is the price of this dress? - What is the price of this dress?

By the way, on our website you can find a description of prices. From this article you will learn many colloquial expressions related to shopping, prices, purchases. We recommend everyone to read it.

Value - value. Price ( price) may differ from the value ( value), price is how much you pay for something, and value is how much this product might cost:

I bought a mirror at a cheap price, but I think that real value is much higher. - I bought this mirror at a cheap price, but I think its real value is much higher.

The word cost can be both a noun (price, cost) and a verb (cost, cost a certain amount):

Be worth - have value, cost. Please note that the adjective worth used in most cases with the verb to be, and after it the price should be indicated or there should be another addition:

This furniture must be worth a fortune. - This furniture must cost a fortune.

Your project was worth $1,000,000. - Your project cost a million dollars.

The verb charge (to set, ask for a price) is used quite often, especially when it comes to negotiated prices and services:

Fee - remuneration, fee, payment for something, especially for services:

Tuition fee in my university increases every year. - Tuition at my university increases every year.

Fare - cost of travel or baggage, tariff, fare:

Do you know that students pay half bus fare? - Do you know that students pay half of the bus fare?

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