Dream Interpretation get what. The magic of numbers. Shoes are not just for travel

Receive some kind of testimony in a dream- in reality, a certain secret will be revealed to you, which is carefully hidden from you. Receiving a salary portends significant profits, debt- to deception and losses, bribe- commit an immoral act and you will be severely judged by others.

Receive a certificate in a dream for some successes- a happy future awaits you. If in a dream you are presented with a bouquet of flowers- this is a sign of revenge on enemies. Get good advice- means turn to friends for help who will rush to console you in trouble.

Receive income by taking possession of property- means that you can deceive someone and cause trouble for family and friends.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

For those who receive gifts in a dream, the dream book foretells extraordinary happiness and luck. Usually what this action means in a dream depends on the object that was presented to you.

What does Miller's dream book say?

For business people, receiving a gift in a dream promises a psychologist successful financial transactions, especially if it was money or watches. For a woman, a dream about a picture heralds a possible marriage with a wealthy person who is similar in spirit and worldview. Presented balloons promise a surprise in reality.

A surprise in the form of a bicycle predicts receiving practical advice. Did you dream that you were given a car for free? This means that in reality, a request will be received that cannot be ignored, especially if it was an expensive car.

A gift from a deceased person - for better or for worse?

Despite the apparent alarming sign, receiving a gift from a deceased person in a dream is a positive sign. For a girl to see such an action, the general dream interpreter promises a fateful acquaintance with an interesting young man, especially if the character in the dream presents the dreamer with a ring.

Accepting money from a deceased person means restoring financial well-being. The dream interpreter prophesies help and protection of an influential person, explaining why one dreams of accepting a gift from a deceased grandmother.

Is a living present a symbol of hassle?

Did you dream that you were presented with a puppy? This means that someone is deliberately adding trouble to you. But if it was a mature purebred dog, you will be able to easily make a fortune for yourself.

The horse, as a surprise, symbolizes a faithful and devoted ally. Adopt a kitten - expect a trick from your loved ones.

Cosmetics promise a new relationship

If girls who are about to give birth dreamed that they received cosmetics as a gift, the dream book predicts the birth of a girl. A new whirlwind romance is predicted by the dream book, explaining why the gift of lipstick is dreamed of.

Donated jewelry - success or shackles?

Pearl jewelry or beads accepted as a gift mean contentment and happiness in the home. For a young lady, receiving diamonds as a gift means a luxurious and beautiful wedding.

If a pregnant woman dreamed that she was presented with silver earrings, get ready for the appearance of a girl. For some people, gifted earrings prophesy deception and unpleasant news. For a girl, earrings from a guy tell her about her lover’s ignoble intentions.

The dream book advises showing support and mercy, interpreting why you dream of receiving a chain with a cross as a gift. Seeing a bracelet in a gift box means taking on additional shackles. A ring with a stone heralds an increase in the dreamer's authority.

Reciprocity awaits you!

Since earrings in a dream are a paired symbol, such a gift means a faithful and lasting union, especially if it is from a beloved man. The dream book gives a similar interpretation of a dream in which a guy handed two gold rings. The dream heralds the character’s genuine feelings and sincerity.

A perfume with a pleasant aroma given by the husband predetermines the sincere feelings of the spouse. But if you had to take coins as a gift, the dream book warns against an alliance with a rich miser.

Clothing - for change

The general dream book warns against stupid chatter, interpreting why you dream of receiving gloves as a gift. Seeing underwear taken from someone else's hands heralds the emergence of a delicate situation.

A dress given in a dream promises happiness in love. If the dress turns out to be of a rough cut or material, it means that the dreamer will face troubles and monotonous homework. The long-awaited fur coat, according to the sorceress Medea, symbolizes surprise and surprise.

Flowers predict sincerity of feelings

Flowers handed to a young lady foretell the appearance of admirers. If they were red roses, faithful and passionate love awaits you. Did you recognize the man who organized the surprise? His feelings for you are real. White roses from a friend speak of a friend's devotion.

Real estate - to achieve what you want

The newest dream interpreter predetermines the fulfillment of your cherished desires, interpreting why you dream about the house given to you. An apartment given free of charge foreshadows the fulfillment of plans without much effort or financial investment.

Sweets in a dream or pleasant moments in reality

The sweets handed to the girl symbolize the persistent and sometimes unpleasant demands of her admirers. Dreaming of gift chocolate prophesies a grand celebration or event.

Shoes are not just for travel

A young lady who received new shoes as a gift in a dream is about to have a romantic trip. Taking boots from the enemy’s hands means open confrontation with him. Those who happen to take shoes as a gift will have to render a huge service to the dreamed character in reality.

You can handle everything!

A gifted wristwatch in a dream symbolizes in the dream book the receipt of income under the condition of supervising the lion's share in the business process. A phone given free of charge in a dream speaks of the dreamer’s high communication skills. Receiving a book as a gift suggests your wisdom and insight.

Don't give up!

A dream in which you happen to receive a doll as a gift symbolizes the dreamer’s fatigue, his desire to fold his arms and stop fighting. The dream book is sure that the difficulties will soon end.

Seraphim's dream book predicts gossip and slander, interpreting why one dreams of accepting a watch as a souvenir. A kitchen knife in the form of a gift from his brother warns of the character’s cruel deception.

Any surprise from a woman in a dream symbolizes anger and rejection. Vanga's dream book compares a similar picture with a rival, a lying traitor, a slanderer and an insidious enemy.

Details: items and accessories

Dream Book from A to Z believes that a dream in which you were lucky enough to receive a gift should be interpreted based on the object under the wrapper. So, to see what is there in a dream:

  • wallet - you will soon receive an inheritance;
  • bag - personifies successful work activity;
  • dishes - do not refuse to help your comrades;
  • picture - you will receive the long-awaited news;
  • towel - meet with an old friend;
  • icon - symbolizes the protection and patronage of influential persons;
  • mirror - get a tempting offer.

The article on the topic: “dream book to receive as a gift” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

From this article you can find out why you dream about a Gift from dream books of different authors. An analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you what what you see means. And the lunar calendar will help you understand your dream even more accurately.

Why do you dream about a Gift: interpretation of a dream

Why does a woman dream about a Gift, what is this dream about?

Gift – Receiving gifts in a dream is a sign that you will be unusually happy. For business people, such a gift promises successful financial transactions. Receiving birthday gifts in a dream means extraordinary luck in everything. If a young woman receives a wonderful gift, in reality she will be married to a wealthy and congenial person. Sending someone a gift means losing an opportunity to solve your problems. If you give a birthday gift, it means that in reality you do not have any respect for this person.

Russian folk dream book

In a dream, why do you dream about a Gift:

Interpretation of the dream by the dream book: Gift - A symbol of sympathy and friendly disposition; judging by the nature of the gift, it can mean both favor and contempt.

Dream book of the writer Aesop

Why do you dream about a Gift in an everyday sense?

Gift – A gift is a symbol of sympathy, friendship, and the desire to win the trust of another person. A gift can symbolize love, respect, contempt. It was believed that it was not customary to visit without a gift, but at the same time, any gift, even the most insignificant, should be accepted with gratitude. On this occasion, proverbs have appeared: “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth”, “It’s not a gift that’s valuable, but attention.” To dream that the person you love brings you a box with a gift, and you, out of happiness, forget to look at what is inside the box - the dream foreshadows a love meeting, a secret date; someone to whom you have long sympathized, but did not dare to take the first step, confesses their love to you; you will be surprised with pleasant news, a surprise. You are asked to bring a scarlet flower as a gift - to meet an unusual person; for the birth of a girl; to pleasant worries and an interesting journey.

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova

Why do you dream about a Gift in dreams?

Gift - News, in the next interpreter you can read a different interpretation of what you dream about.

Why do you dream and how to interpret a Gift according to the dream book?

Gift - Receiving a gift from someone in a dream means punishment for an imprudent act.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

Why do you dream about a Gift according to the dream book:

Gift – Receiving gifts in a dream is a sign that you will be unusually happy. The gift promises business people successful financial transactions. Sending someone a gift means losing an opportunity to solve your problems. It is also possible that you will receive reproach from someone, which will annoy you. If a young woman receives a wonderful gift in a dream, in reality she will be married to a wealthy and congenial person. Receiving birthday gifts in a dream promises you rare luck in everything. If you yourself give a gift in a festive setting, this means that in reality you do not have due respect for this person.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

Dreaming of a Gift, why?

Gift - Receive - your affairs will improve.

Why dream about a gift, interpretation:

Gift - If the giver is known to you, expect trouble or hassle through him; if unknown, then someone wishes you harm and with their energy strikes you with what is called the “evil eye.” If you choose someone on the verge of financial loss, do not commit rash acts. By making a gift with your own hands, your material well-being is in your hands.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Why do you dream about a Gift according to the dream book?

Gift – Receive – Your business will improve – receive – profit – give – trouble

Dreaming of a Gift, what does it symbolize?

Gift (to give, to present) – “Give yourself, your love” (sacrifice), “to present gifts”, “to give people joy”, “gifts of nature (for example, the sea)”, “for free”, “to bestow a son”, “ Christmas gifts, for the birthday”, “gift of fate”.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Gift, souvenir – Overall, a convenient, happy occasion. A more specific interpretation depends on the dreamed object and can be a memory of a certain person, a feeling of love, a successful marriage. See Add. Prize, reward (r. Classes).

Meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If you dream about a Gift in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • Why dream about a Gift according to the dream book from Monday to Tuesday
  • If you dream of a Gift from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If you dream about a Gift according to the dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • Why do you dream about a Gift from Thursday to Friday?
  • If you dream about a Gift in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why do you dream about a gift in a dream from Saturday to Sunday

Wed December 27, 2017, 13:33:04

Sat November 18, 2017, 20:38:28

Tue April 25, 2017, 02:25:17

Tue April 25, 2017, 02:23:20

Thu November 10, 2016, 08:17:16

Gift in the dream book. Tell me your dream:

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Receive a gift according to the dream book

For those who receive gifts in a dream, the dream book foretells extraordinary happiness and luck. Usually what this action means in a dream depends on the object that was presented to you.

What does Miller's dream book say?

For business people, receiving a gift in a dream promises a psychologist successful financial transactions, especially if it was money or watches. For a woman, a dream about a picture heralds a possible marriage with a wealthy person who is similar in spirit and worldview. Presented balloons promise a surprise in reality.

A surprise in the form of a bicycle predicts receiving practical advice. Did you dream that you were given a car for free? This means that in reality, a request will be received that cannot be ignored, especially if it was an expensive car.

A gift from a deceased person - for better or for worse?

Despite the apparent alarming sign, receiving a gift from a deceased person in a dream is a positive sign. For a girl to see such an action, the general dream interpreter promises a fateful acquaintance with an interesting young man, especially if the character in the dream presents the dreamer with a ring.

Accepting money from a deceased person means restoring financial well-being. The dream interpreter prophesies help and protection of an influential person, explaining why one dreams of accepting a gift from a deceased grandmother.

Is a living present a symbol of hassle?

Did you dream that you were presented with a puppy? This means that someone is deliberately adding trouble to you. But if it was a mature purebred dog, you will be able to easily make a fortune for yourself.

The horse, as a surprise, symbolizes a faithful and devoted ally. Adopt a kitten - expect a trick from your loved ones.

Cosmetics promise a new relationship

If girls who are about to give birth dreamed that they received cosmetics as a gift, the dream book predicts the birth of a girl. A new whirlwind romance is predicted by the dream book, explaining why the gift of lipstick is dreamed of.

Gifted jewelry - success or shackles?

Pearl jewelry or beads accepted as a gift mean contentment and happiness in the home. For a young lady, receiving diamonds as a gift means a luxurious and beautiful wedding.

If a pregnant woman dreamed that she was presented with silver earrings, get ready for the appearance of a girl. For some people, gifted earrings prophesy deception and unpleasant news. For a girl, earrings from a guy tell her about her lover’s ignoble intentions.

The dream book advises showing support and mercy, interpreting why you dream of receiving a chain with a cross as a gift. Seeing a bracelet in a gift box means taking on additional shackles. A ring with a stone heralds an increase in the dreamer's authority.

Reciprocity awaits you!

Since earrings in a dream are a paired symbol, such a gift means a faithful and lasting union, especially if it is from a beloved man. The dream book gives a similar interpretation of a dream in which a guy handed two gold rings. The dream heralds the character’s genuine feelings and sincerity.

A perfume with a pleasant aroma given by the husband predetermines the sincere feelings of the spouse. But if you had to take coins as a gift, the dream book warns against an alliance with a rich miser.

Clothing - for change

The general dream book warns against stupid chatter, interpreting why you dream of receiving gloves as a gift. Seeing underwear taken from someone else's hands heralds the emergence of a delicate situation.

A dress given in a dream promises happiness in love. If the dress turns out to be of a rough cut or material, it means that the dreamer will face troubles and monotonous homework. The long-awaited fur coat, according to the sorceress Medea, symbolizes surprise and surprise.

Flowers predict sincerity of feelings

Flowers handed to a young lady foretell the appearance of admirers. If they were red roses, faithful and passionate love awaits you. Did you recognize the man who organized the surprise? His feelings for you are real. White roses from a friend speak of a friend's devotion.

Real estate - to achieve what you want

The newest dream interpreter predetermines the fulfillment of your cherished desires, interpreting why you dream about the house given to you. An apartment given free of charge foreshadows the fulfillment of plans without much effort or financial investment.

Sweets in a dream or pleasant moments in reality

The sweets handed to the girl symbolize the persistent and sometimes unpleasant demands of her admirers. Dreaming of gift chocolate prophesies a grand celebration or event.

Shoes are not just for travel

A young lady who received new shoes as a gift in a dream is about to have a romantic trip. Taking boots from the enemy’s hands means open confrontation with him. Those who happen to take shoes as a gift will have to render a huge service to the dreamed character in reality.

You can handle everything!

A gifted wristwatch in a dream symbolizes in the dream book the receipt of income under the condition of supervising the lion's share in the business process. A phone given free of charge in a dream speaks of the dreamer’s high communication skills. Receiving a book as a gift suggests your wisdom and insight.

Don't give up!

A dream in which you happen to receive a doll as a gift symbolizes the dreamer’s fatigue, his desire to fold his arms and stop fighting. The dream book is sure that the difficulties will soon end.

Seraphim's dream book predicts gossip and slander, interpreting why one dreams of accepting a watch as a souvenir. A kitchen knife in the form of a gift from his brother warns of the character’s cruel deception.

Any surprise from a woman in a dream symbolizes anger and rejection. Vanga's dream book compares a similar picture with a rival, a lying traitor, a slanderer and an insidious enemy.

Details: items and accessories

Dream Book from A to Z believes that a dream in which you were lucky enough to receive a gift should be interpreted based on the object under the wrapper. So, to see what is there in a dream:

  • wallet - you will soon receive an inheritance;
  • bag - personifies successful work activity;
  • dishes - do not refuse to help your comrades;
  • picture - you will receive the long-awaited news;
  • towel - meet with an old friend;
  • icon - symbolizes the protection and patronage of influential persons;
  • mirror - get a tempting offer.

Why do you dream about a gift?

Receiving a gift from a well-known person in a dream foretells that changes for the better will occur in your life.

If you dreamed that you received a gift from a woman, pleasant acquaintances with business people and sincere affection from your colleagues await you.

If a young girl gives you a gift, it means that you will be betrayed by your loved one.

A gift from an unfamiliar boy portends the illness of a loved one.

To dream that you received something as a gift for your birthday means that your dreams will come true in the near future.

A dream in which you are presented with something very valuable means that you are very picky in your preferences. If this continues, you will be left alone with nothing.

If you dreamed that your loved one was showering you with expensive and pleasant gifts, you will not be left alone; soon expect a marriage proposal from a wealthy and decent person.

Gifts are given as a sign of recognition of your growth and your deeds.

By accepting gifts, you can show the same generosity as by giving them. After all, accepting gifts with an open heart, you bring great joy to the giver.

Receiving a gift from someone in a dream means that in reality you will very rarely receive gifts.

Seeing holy gifts in a church means some kind of miracle or donations to the church on your part.

To receive a gift from another - listen to your inner voice or the advice of a friend.

Giving something yourself - change your image and show your hidden strengths

Receiving something “for free” in a dream means worries and evil tricks against you. Remember, the only thing free is cheese in a mousetrap.

Receiving a gift from someone in a dream means getting closer to your loved one after a quarrel.

Seeing holy gifts in the church means repentance.

Receiving a gift means news, good news.

Seeing the holy gifts in the church is a good jackpot.

Accepting gifts is a symbol of recognition of your growth and your deeds.

To receive something for free in a dream, for free - as a gift.

To receive something for free - in reality you have never been able to do this.

You give - to loss; they give it to you - good news.

Giving is for good.

Dreams come true by day:

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“Why do you see a gift in a dream? If you see a Gift in a dream, what does it mean?

Why do you dream about Gift:

interpretation of dreams according to 90 dream books

American dream book

Accepting gifts is a symbol of recognition of your growth and your deeds.

Modern dream book

Receiving a gift from a well-known person in a dream foretells that changes for the better will occur in your life.

If you dreamed that you received a gift from a woman, pleasant acquaintances with business people and sincere affection from your colleagues await you.

If a young girl gives you a gift, it means that you will be betrayed by your loved one.

A gift from an unfamiliar boy portends the illness of a loved one.

To dream that you received something as a gift for your birthday means that your dreams will come true in the near future.

Dream Interpretation 2012

A gift is a reflection of the attitude towards the Law of Giving.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

If you dreamed that you received gold as a gift, beware of false friends.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Gifts are given as a sign of recognition of your growth and your deeds.

By accepting gifts, you can show the same generosity as by giving them. After all, accepting gifts with an open heart, you bring great joy to the giver.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Receiving a gift from someone in a dream means getting closer to your loved one after a quarrel.

Seeing holy gifts in the church is a sign of repentance.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Receiving a gift means news, good news.

Seeing the holy gifts in the church is a good jackpot.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Receiving a gift from someone in a dream means that in reality you will very rarely receive gifts.

Seeing holy gifts in a church means some kind of miracle or donations to the church on your part.

Did you dream about the Gift, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what the Gift means in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Good afternoon Last night in the morning I had a dream that it was as if my old friend, he used to look after me, gives me a will or a deed of gift, says that he wants to leave me a house as an inheritance and that this is a deed of gift, and I sign my name below and put my signature and take . He said that he would be gone soon, so he left it to me. I went to see where this house was, it turns out it was on a high mountain. But there was a plot there, and his relatives began to build a house for me there, saying that since he wanted, we would do his job to the end. And I saw what they were building

I dreamed that I had the power of clairvoyance. I began to see and hear the souls of dead people.

I had a dream from Thursday to Friday, what could this mean?

black space in it is a certain cloud of smoke with sharp moving ends. and no one. and a man’s voice - you have the gift of healing people.

I dreamed of the death of a witch's grandmother who was dying hard and I was asked to accept a gift in the form of 3 dolls, I agreed, but said that I would only deal with white

magic and helping people.

Read all dreams

  • Tsvetkova


  • Dream Interpretation

    Receive earrings as a gift

    Dream Interpretation Receive earrings as a gift dreamed of why you dream about receiving earrings as a gift? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

    Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Receive earrings as a gift by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

    Why do you dream of receiving gifts - will you receive a gift in reality? Basic interpretations: why do you dream of receiving gifts?

    Since ancient times, dreams have been considered messages from the Gods.

    In many ancient religions, the ability to plunge into a state of meditative sleep was regarded as a certain gift.

    It was people with this ability who were considered especially gifted, endowed with higher power.

    The interpretation of dreams was also treated with great care, especially the interpretation of dreams about gifts. Why do you dream of receiving gifts? It’s worth figuring out.

    Why do you dream about receiving gifts - general interpretations

    Since ancient times, gifts, or gifts, were considered a manifestation of the highest respect for man, for the family, for the Divine. By giving gifts, laying gifts, a person showed his respect and bowed before the Gods. This attitude towards the process of giving determines the current interpretation of dreams about them.

    The fact is that when presenting gifts, gifts, the person asked to be given a blessing, grace. When she condescended to him, he received everything he dreamed of. And today, dreams about gifts are interpreted as harbingers of positive, joyful events. They foreshadow the receipt of gifts from above. It could be like:

    Development of existing relationships;

    Recovery after a long illness.

    Of course, it’s nice to see gifts being presented to you in a dream, but you should be attentive to all the little details of the dream. Perhaps its plot itself is negative. For example, if the dream is joyful and suddenly, a gift is broken or lost, such a dream promises troubles and troubles.

    If in a dream you receive a crumpled and torn gift, someone is closely watching you and spreading gossip behind your back. What to do in this case is to reconsider your attitude towards the people around you. There was a traitor, a rogue among them.

    Often, a dream in which a person receives a gift promises joy and happiness. It's really nice to have dreams like this. They set a person up to hope and wait for enlightenment in life, to wait for a new joyful period to come.

    Why do you dream of receiving gifts according to Miller’s dream book?

    Why do you dream of receiving gifts? Miller's dream book indicates that such a dream promises happiness and joy. If a person who has such a dream is engaged in business, he will have the opportunity to conclude new contracts and find new markets for selling his products.

    If you receive a gift in a formal setting with many people around- you should expect recognition of your merits soon. Don't put off joy and happiness for later. Let them be. This advice is given by the dream book.

    Receive a gift in honor of the birth of a child- such a dream promises a move, a change of residence, a change of job. If the gift is wrapped in a huge amount of paper or hidden in several boxes, a secret admirer is breathing unevenly towards you.

    If a man dreams that he receives a crumpled and broken gift- in reality, his hopes for a relationship with a girl will not be crowned with success. The dream book advises not to be discouraged, but to analyze all your actions. Perhaps somewhere you made a fundamental mistake.

    Why do you dream of receiving gifts according to Freud’s dream book?

    Freud's dream book states that dreams about gifts occur at the beginning of a new sexual life. If a lonely guy or girl had such a dream, it’s worth taking a closer look. People around you have been idolizing you for a long time. Someone really likes you.

    If a girl is thinking about divorce, about breaking up a relationship, then a dream in which she joyfully receives gifts- promises her new opportunities in her personal life. Old relationships will easily fall away and new ones will come into life quickly.

    If a girl dreams of having children and can’t get pregnant- such a dream promises her the imminent appearance of children, she suddenly finds out that she is pregnant. If a pregnant girl dreams that she receives a broken, unwrapped gift, she should be especially careful with her health and the health of her child.

    If a young married couple dreams of exchanging gifts– soon a sweet life filled with love and passion awaits them. Such relationships really have a future.

    Why do you dream of receiving gifts according to other dream books?

    If we talk about the women's dream book, then in its interpretation, receiving gifts is a sign of great happiness and joy. Opportunities to find harmony with yourself. If you are doing business, you should expect good luck in trading operations. It is also worth familiarizing yourself with other interpretations of why you dream of receiving gifts:

    If the gift is dedicated to a birthday, good luck will manifest itself in all areas of life;

    For a girl to see such a dream, it means a quick marriage with a worthy young man;

    If a gift was delivered to you by mail, in reality expect news from long-forgotten friends.

    Receiving a huge box with gifts, which later turns out to be empty- to empty hopes and promises. You should not trust people so resignedly; they often use such trust for selfish purposes.

    According to the Russian folk dream book receiving a gift in a dream means making a new friendship, gaining favor. If the gift seems inappropriate, or your old enemy gives it to you, in reality they will feel contempt and indignation towards you for your actions.

    In Aesop's dream book it is indicated that the gift symbolizes disposition towards the person, the desire to trust, sympathy. Previously, it was believed that coming to visit without a gift was an indicator of bad taste, so they always tried to give gifts even on the most insignificant occasions. Gifts, like dreams about them, should be accepted with gratitude - they carry a piece of the soul of the one who gives them.

    If in a dream you saw a stranger who gives you a gift, and you are overjoyed and don’t even look at what’s inside – such a dream promises a love meeting. Also, such a dream could mean an imminent secret date, a declaration of love. There may be good news that you have long dreamed of.

    If the gift is flowers or a flower– for a girl, such a dream can mean that she will soon become a mother. For a married woman, such a dream promises a revival of relationships - their new round.

    According to Tsvetkov’s dream book the gift promises good and long-awaited news. The French dream book indicates that a gift is a dream of punishment for imprudent actions. You should be attentive to every little detail and every word spoken.

    Hasse's dream book states that receiving a gift promises improvement in business. It is possible to open new opportunities and conclude business contracts. The esoteric dream book states that a dream in which you receive a gift from a person you know promises you troubles and empty worries. If a gift was brought to your doorstep and left without a note, look for other people’s things in your home that clearly carry negativity. If an unknown person gave you a gift on the street, you have been jinxed.

    Seeing a stranger give a gift to your child- one should expect a serious illness. Accepting gifts at work for no reason means getting ready to be fired. Accepting gifts from friends on the eve of your anniversary means long-awaited profits.

    According to the idiomatic dream book receiving a gift means things will improve. You should expect profits from hidden sources. For a young girl, a dream in which she receives a lot of gifts promises her attention from the stronger sex. Joyful events are also possible, which will arise spontaneously and bring many pleasant meetings.

    According to the wanderer's dream book, receiving gifts- to a happy coincidence. If you dreamed that a deceased person was giving you his favorite thing, such a dream suggests that you are under the protection of your ancestors.

    The dream of the cross predicts fate and warns of trials, while demanding tolerance and determination. Praying to a cross in a dream is a sign of joy and receiving a gift from a loved one. Kissing a cross in a dream is a sign of approaching trouble, which will be a real test for you. Seeing an iron cross in a dream is a sign of protection; Seeing a fenced grave cross in a dream is a harbinger of joy and peace; cross by the road - receiving good news; seeing a cross across the road in a dream foreshadows failure in business; flowers next to a cross in a dream mean joy, a pleasant meeting, peace of mind. Seeing a golden cross in a dream foretells receiving good news. Seeing a cross on yourself is a sign of fate: it all depends on how it looks. Seeing a cross on others in a dream is a sign of trials. Putting a cross on others (or passing it on to others) in a dream means that you are entrusting certain responsibilities to that person.

    Removing the cross from yourself in a dream means that you will want to change your life, despite the remorse that you will then experience. Finding a cross in a dream is a harbinger that your life may soon change. Kneeling in front of a cross in a dream means that you will experience repentance for your sins, humiliation, and emotional distress. A broken cross in a dream foretells that your real life will collapse like a house of cards. Seeing a pectoral cross in a dream is a sign of happiness and good luck. Holding a cross in your hands means sadness, grief.

    To see a golden cross in the hands of an angel in a dream is a sign of God’s will, God’s blessing.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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