In a dream I dreamed of a dove in the apartment. Why do you dream about a dove? Why do you dream about pigeons?

A person spends approximately a third of his life sleeping. Plunging into night dreams, we see various images, each of which has a special meaning in life. The image of a dove is no exception. But why do these birds dream? Let's talk about this in the article.

The meaning of the image of a dove in a dream

In modern culture, the dove is a symbol of purity and innocence, the so-called “bird of peace.” This image represents holiness and spiritual knowledge. However, not every dream in which pigeons appear has a positive interpretation. Some dreams, according to psychoanalysts, may be reflections of emotions experienced by a person the day before. However, according to parapsychologists and psychics, the image of a bird in a dream can be a warning about what is to come.

In any case, it is impossible to give an accurate description of a dream with pigeons without studying the features of its plot. It is especially recommended to pay attention to the following details:

  • Pigeon size;
  • Number of birds in a dream;
  • Dove color;
  • Human actions in a dream.

Let's consider each of these points separately.

Depending on the size of the pigeon

The size of a dove in a dream is of great importance when interpreting this symbol. Depending on this parameter, it depends on how exactly what is seen in night dreams will be interpreted. Thus:

  • Little dove in a dream symbolizes the aspect of a person’s life that worries him most at the moment. Chick knocking on the windowmeans that forgotten love will return to a man or woman soon. A little dove flying into the apartment symbolizes expectation of happiness and harmony with oneself. If youtake the chick out of the nest, reconsider your outlook on life;
  • Medium sized bird symbolizes the spiritual beginning in your life. Depending on the nuances of the plot, you are either in complete harmony with yourself, or you should pay attention to mental disharmony;
  • Large or fat pigeon- a symbol of financial wealth. However, if you see the bird dead, the dream will take on a negative meaning. A wounded large dove signifies vain hopes.

If you dreamed of a bird of gigantic size, you are taking on too many responsibilities in life. Allow yourself to rest and relax.

Interpretations by number of birds

The number of birds in a dream is also of great importance when interpreting the symbol. If you dream:

  • One bird the dream concerns only you. This dream will not tell you anything about people dear to you;
  • Two doves this image symbolizes love and unity of souls. The dream speaks of a future or current relationship with a like-minded person;
  • Three birds a dream can predict enmity or rivalry in both love and corporate matters;
  • A flock of pigeons in the house or in the dreamer’s arms, the dream foreshadows a new addition to the family. In this case there will be more than two children.

If you dreamed of a large number beautiful doves in the sky, a dream can mean home-feasts in a narrow circle of relatives. According to another interpretation, birds circling in the sky can be a symbol of change in the near future.

Interpretation by color

The color of the dreamed bird is also important for the interpretation of the dream:

  • White dove symbolizes a bright event that is about to happen in life. For a lonely girl, such a dream means a quick marriage;
  • Blue or gray dove, flying into the hands, portends good luck. However, if she dies in the arms of a person, luck will be deceptive and fleeting;
  • Gray dove warns of a serious illness that will unsettle the dreamer for a long time. However, if his feathers are more of a smoky hue, the dream foreshadows an interesting acquaintance;
  • Pied bird symbolizes bright events that can significantly change your life;
  • Black dove dreamed in a dream means that in reality a person will do a good deed, which will be interpreted incorrectly.

You should also pay attention to the color of the environment surrounding the dreamed bird:

  • Dove on a white background symbolizes the emergence of sublime feelings, sincere and pure love;
  • Bird against blue sky means freedom of choice and life path;
  • Dove in a nest among green foliage symbolizes the birth of a new life and the triumph of birth over death;
  • Dove on a transparent background speaks of the absence of obstacles in achieving the goal.

A negative dream is one in which you had a dream black birds on a dark background. Such a dream can be a sign of an impending depressive state.

By actions related to the pigeon

The key criterion for deciphering a dream about pigeons is human actions associated with the bird. Thus:

  • Release wounded pigeons to freedom means that the dreamer is a kind and sympathetic person, but for some reason he is trying to hide it;
  • Let a pigeon that was thirsty into the house means that a person will soon be able to easily solve problems that currently seem unsolvable;
  • Catching doves in a dream symbolizes success in any endeavor. If a single guy or young girl had such a dream, the dreamer will soon meet his soulmate;
  • Eating pigeons means disappointment in real life and insurmountable boredom;
  • Feed a wounded pigeon flying into the house portends a new addition to the family. However, if the bird is black, there are unkind people in your environment. Beware of the evil eye;
  • Seeing a dove flying in the distance in a dream means it's time for you to reconsider your outlook on life. If at the same time a dove flies towards you, expect quick changes;
  • If a bird knocks on a window in a house, the dream symbolizes the news of an imminent wedding and a successful happy marriage;
  • See a drowning pigeon in a dream means that in reality you will take on a hopeless task that you cannot cope with;
  • Band a bird in a dream, to send a letter by pigeon mail, anticipates amazing news that will both amaze and delight the dreamer;
  • Examine the inhabitants of the dovecote- to an unexpected win of a large sum. This could be winning the lottery or receiving a large inheritance;
  • Kill a pigeon- to exhaustion of imagination and lack of ideas.

Pregnant girl you may have a dream in which she will be feed the birds in the house on the window. This is a fairly good sign that promises good health and harmony in the family, as well as the birth of a healthy baby.

Interpretation according to different dream books

When deciphering a dream in which pigeons are dreamed, it is important to study several dream books at once. The fact is that interpretations in different publications may differ due to the different attitudes of their authors towards psychoanalysis and esotericism. In case of deciphering the image of a dove in a dream, we recommend turning to the following interpretation dictionaries.

Probability of dreams coming true

Since some people are more susceptible to the influence of the Moon, and others to the influence of the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 10th day of the month. Dreams that occurred last night come true, but lead to trouble.

Today is the 7th lunar day. Dreams that occurred last night do not come true soon.

Today is Wednesday. Wednesday is the middle of the week and is ruled by the mediating planet Mercury. Airy Mercury often brings light, varied, unmemorable dreams. But if you remember the dream, then by deciphering it, you will receive information about friends and acquaintances, brothers and sisters and everyone with whom you often communicate. Wednesday dreams announce upcoming minor changes in life. About sources of information that are important to you now, about studies, about upcoming nearby trips and conversations.

If Wednesday's dream is intense, moving, with frequently changing scenes, it means you are a sociable person. It is easy and pleasant to communicate with you and soon you will have many new acquaintances with whom it will be easy and fun, who will teach you a lot in an unobtrusive manner. If the dream is stingy, calm or simply uninteresting, with primitive, everyday situations, then in the near future you will experience a lack of information, there will be no one to help you. It’s good when there is movement in a “Mercurian” dream, moving from city to city, for example. Movement means variety, richness of life, changes for the better, recovery, and establishing relationships with interesting people. If Wednesday night was spent flying, it means that a lot of information will soon be available. You will become more independent of circumstances.

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DOVE – Miller's Dream Book

If you saw pigeons in a dream and heard their cooing, it means that peace will reign in your family, and it is possible that new members will soon appear in it. For a girl, such a dream promises a quick and joyful marriage.

A dream in which pigeons become someone else's prey, or you hunt them yourself, indicates that you are being excessively cruel in your business relationships. You should be more attentive to others. Perhaps such a dream will warn you against some unseemly actions and base pleasures.

Seeing flying pigeons in a dream means that you do not have to worry about misunderstandings, or you will soon receive news from a distant friend.

You shouldn’t expect anything good from life even after you saw a dead dove in a dream.

DOVE – Modern Dream Interpretation

A dove in a dream symbolizes receiving good news, peace, bliss, pleasure, wealth and success in business.

For lovers, such a dream predicts fidelity. If your lover is going on a long trip, then after such a dream you must believe that he will return to you, and his trip will be profitable. For married people, a dream about doves predicts the devotion of the spouses. For businessmen, a dream about doves promises an increase in wealth.

Seeing him flying in a dream is a sign of receiving good news about success.

Seeing a dove in the sky is a sign of consolation in love.

Cooing doves in a dream promise happiness for lovers and a happy marriage for married people.

Feeding pigeons from your hands in a dream is a sign of big changes in life, recognition and honor. Sometimes such a dream indicates a person’s great affection for you.

If in a dream you try to lock a dove in a closet or cupboard, and it breaks out, then your hopes for a happy marriage with your lover will not come true.

For a mother, a dream about a dove predicts receiving news from her beloved child.

Catching pigeons in a dream means losses.

Pigeons flying over your house, sitting by the window or on the roof, portend receiving news from loved ones.

To see two kissing doves in a dream is a sign of your lover’s devotion, reciprocity, and affection.

Seeing a turtledove in a dream is a sign of tender affection for men and receiving good news for women.

You are trying to kill a pigeon in a dream - the dream suggests that you are a cruel person. You often seek pleasure in the forbidden. The dream warns: lighting a fire sometimes burns very painfully.

You dream of a dead dove - an unfortunate dream, most likely a sign of injury.

DOVE – Slavic Dream Book

Seeing houses is a family pleasure; letting go of your hands - separation; to see a dove with a dove - a wedding; eating pigeon meat is boring.

DOVE – Indian Dream Book

If you dream of pigeons, this is a good sign. This dream predicts joy, fun and success in business for the home.

DOVE – Persian Dream Book

Innocence, chastity, love.

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A dove in a dream is considered a good sign. Owners of such dreams can soon expect positive changes in life. But this is far from the only explanation for the appearance of a noble bird in night visions. The dream book will tell you more precisely what pigeons mean in dreams.

A dove in a dream is considered a good sign

The meaning of the dream in which the dove was dreamed is quite ambiguous. Depending on many details, it may be as follows:

  • white - there will be good news soon;
  • a couple in love feeds birds on the street - love will be mutual, mutual understanding reigns between lovers;
  • in a cage - someone close to you needs help;
  • feed - you can expect a wedding in the very near future;
  • dead - a difficult period in life, many problems;
  • to hunt them - the dreamer is capable of committing a very cruel, unworthy act;
  • entangled in a network - gossip is being spread behind the dreamer’s back;
  • a flock flies into the distance - parting and long separation from a loved one;
  • hearing cooing is a fateful acquaintance;
  • hover above your head - all problems will soon be solved;
  • they fly from afar - you can expect news from distant relatives;
  • wounded - making a profit;
  • a pair of pigeons knocks on the window - guests will soon appear on the threshold;
  • chicks in the nest - there will soon be a new addition to the family;
  • a dove with chicks - a happy, prosperous family life.

In Miller's dream book It is said that seeing pigeons in a dream and hearing them coo is a good sign. Such a vision promises a happy family life, peace and harmony will reign.

Dove in the dream book (video)

Seeing a dove on your arms or shoulder in a dream

A dream in which you were lucky enough to hold a dove in your hands indicates that everything will be fine in your personal life, she will be happy. The bird in this case is a symbol of care and tenderness, indicating a person’s desire to keep his beloved close to him.

A feathered friend lying calmly in your arms indicates that your personal life and work life will be successful. Whatever the dreamer undertakes, everything will work out immediately. If the bird tries to take off from your hands, then you should prepare for changes in life. It is quite possible that it is worth changing jobs.

A dream in which you were lucky enough to hold a dove in your hands indicates that everything will be fine in your personal life

If a dove sits on your shoulder, then you can soon expect to meet someone. This person will become a devoted friend, whom you can initiate into even the most intimate secrets.

Why do you dream of a dove flying into an apartment, house, room, window?

Of particular significance are dreams in which a dove flies into a room. The most common are the following:

  • flew into an open window - a visit from loved ones;
  • experience a feeling of anxiety at the sight of a bird flying into the window - alarming news about loved ones will soon be received;
  • flew into the house - changes are coming in life;
  • flew into the apartment and then flew out - the changes will not affect the dreamer’s family and himself;
  • to be glad that he flew in - you can expect a pleasant gift;
  • flies through the door - receiving news;
  • circles above the ceiling in the room - an influential person will come to visit;
  • several flew into the apartment at once - many events will happen that will change life for the better;
  • sitting on the windowsill - a new relationship, but it will be fleeting.

Of particular significance are dreams in which a dove flies into a room.

Seeing a wounded dove in a dream

A wounded bird seen in a dream is a harbinger of a break in relationships. At the same time, only one of the partners will perceive this painfully. In addition, such a dream may indicate that the dreamer is too careless about life.

Seeing the suffering experienced by a sick pigeon in a dream is a sign for those who are expected to be disappointed in real life. Perhaps the sleeper feels guilty for some actions committed towards loved ones. There comes a time in life when you should rethink your attitude towards everything that happens around you, and reconsider all your priorities.

Why do you dream about a flock of pigeons?

Such a dream most often foreshadows prosperity and well-being.. If we take into account all the details of what we saw, the meaning may be slightly different:

  • being in the dovecote with them means your financial situation will soon improve significantly;
  • release - remind close people and friends of yourself;
  • lure them - you can soon expect very good news;
  • flying - all wishes will soon come true, and hopes will be justified, you just have to be patient;
  • flying over the roof of the house - well-being and prosperity in the family. It is quite possible that a replenishment is expected soon;
  • walking on earth - a significant joyful event and troubles in connection with this. Perhaps a move to a new place or a wedding is expected.

Such a dream most often foreshadows prosperity and well-being.

Why do you dream of a dove knocking on the window?

Not a single dream book gives the exact meaning of this dream. Some say that a bird knocking on a window is a harbinger of news from loved ones. Other sources claim that such a dream promises a quick wedding and a long, happy family life.

It is important to remember what color the bird knocking on the window was. If the plumage was white, you can safely expect the arrival of guests. Black is considered a harbinger of illness and bad news. Health problems can arise both for the dreamer himself and for his family members.

The dream in which you had to feed the birds sitting on the window has a favorable meaning. Life will be prosperous, the family will be happy, material problems simply will not arise. During this period, you can safely start a new business; it will certainly be successful.

Not a single dream book gives the exact meaning of this dream

Catch a pigeon in a dream

Dreams in which you have to catch pigeons symbolize the path to achieving your goal. If such an attempt is not successful, then many obstacles will arise in life. But you shouldn’t despair; you need to look for all the loopholes so that the matter is crowned with success. If you managed to catch the dove, then true love will soon appear in your life.

If you are lucky enough to not only catch, but also keep a pigeon, then in real life you can expect some important acquisition. These can be both valuable things and necessary knowledge. Also, such a dream foreshadows career growth and maximum success in work.

Holding a dove in your hands is a good sign. Owners of such dreams can expect not only promotion, but also family happiness. It is possible that a wedding will soon take place, a large profit will be made and life will change dramatically.

Why do you dream about pigeons (video)

The dove is a positive symbol. Not many people are lucky enough to see him in a dream. Such a dream promises only positive changes in life. This could be pleasant news from afar, the creation of a strong family, or success in work. Only in rare cases is the interpretation negative, but even in this case a person can take the situation into his own hands and change his life for the better.

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If a woman sees a dove in her dream, then this is, without a doubt, a good sign. Why does a woman dream of pigeons in a dream?- joyful, favorable news, goodness and peace into your life. If a woman is not married, then this will be a harbinger of a happy marriage. And it doesn’t matter how you feel about these birds in real life. You may feel hostility or even fear. But seeing pigeons in a dream promises only good things.

A woman sees pigeons in a dream

This bird has long been considered a symbol of love, peace and trust. Therefore, when it appears in your dream, it does not bring anything negative with it. But you should still pay attention to this dream and reproduce the smallest details in your memory in order to correctly interpret what you saw.


When a woman dreams of a white dove, it brings peace and tranquility to her family life. Those who saw a white bird in a dream wake up with a smile on their face and in a good mood.


If there was a black dove in your dream, then you should be careful. This is a sign of impending disappointment or worry.

A black dove is a negative sign.


Blue doves represent devoted love, no bad news. But still, you should not blindly believe all interpretations; dreams are extremely individual.


The dreamer should be careful. Dreaming of dead pigeons becomes a symbol of approaching failures, troubles, illness, and misfortune.

A lot of

When a woman dreams of many doves, it means a loss of sincerity and fidelity in the relationship. Most likely, the relationship or friendship is on the verge of breaking and there are bitter moments ahead. If no action is taken, the friendship or alliance will be destroyed.

With chicks

To see a dove with chicks in a dream means that long-awaited peace will reign in the house. A white streak will come in the family, spouses will come to mutual understanding, and children will become obedient.


Birds seen in a dream will be news of a happy marriage or the emergence of a new love.

8 out of 10 married women who dreamed about doves received news of pregnancy

A white dove can also mean the imminent arrival of a child.

To the girl

If a lonely girl sees a white dove in the window in her dream, then a quick marriage is not far off. According to Miller's dream book, these birds bring wealth and well-being to the dreamer's house.


While pregnant, seeing a chick in a dream means the birth will be easy and the postpartum period too. Sometimes pregnant women can see several chicks in their hands. Then you can expect good news from a close friend.

A woman dreamed of pigeons

Birds seen in a dream are a symbol of spiritual purity and agreement with oneself and others. To understand in more detail what such a dream could mean, you should refer to the dream book. You need to remember what the mood was in the dream, what the meaning was, what the plot was and how it all ended. It would be good to remember the dream in detail.

Watch the video. Why do you dream of a dove according to the Islamic dream book?

In the house

If a dove flies into the house, then you need to prepare for the upcoming danger, betrayal and slander. This will leave an unpleasant mark, but it is also quite difficult to prevent such a situation. Therefore, you need to maintain calm and peace of mind. Then both betrayal and slander will not be able to cause much harm.

In the dovecote

If a woman discovered a dovecote in a dream, this is not a very good sign.

80% of dreams about a dovecote indicate the presence of a rival

Such a plot may mean that there is a rival in love, and perhaps more than one.

Pay attention to the behavior of your lover or husband, maybe you will reveal his secret.

In the apartment

When in a dream a dove flies into an apartment, flies a little indoors and flies out on its own, this promises changes in the near future. But they will not affect you or your family. And they will not in any way affect the comfort and well-being of the dreamer’s family.

In the window

Seeing pigeons flying into a window in a dream foretells good news for a woman. In most cases, such a dream warns that some fateful acquaintance will soon occur. Perhaps the bird will become a predictor of long-awaited guests. And if a dove hits the window, then you miss your chance, and the bird is literally trying to reach you or warn you about something.

In the sky

If birds circle and fly over a woman’s head, it means that the solution to an exciting problem will come from the outside.

When birds land on the roof of a house, favorable news will apply directly to you.

On a branch

A dove seen on a branch in a dream speaks of timely prevention of conflict and solution to the problem. But if the bird moves slowly on the ground, then a lot of effort will have to be made to get the result. The result itself will justify all the effort expended.

On the shoulder

If in a dream a dove sits on your arm or shoulder, it means you need support, you need help. You can turn to your loved ones or friends - they will help. True friends will not leave you in trouble.


If a woman feeds or waters a dove in her dream, it means she is doing a good deed that will not be ignored. Watching a pigeon drink means the solution to complex problems is just around the corner.


When you catch pigeons in a dream, you should prepare for troubles that are very close. If in a dream you only watch someone catch a bird, then your loved ones will have problems. You will have unpleasant troubles that will be associated with the problems of a stranger.


All dream books say that if you catch a dove, it means you will have luck in love. That is, you and your husband or lover have a happy life ahead of you.


For a woman, stroking a dove in a dream is the highest praise and favor of fate. Holding a bird in your hand means self-realization. Every dream book says that pigeons dream of prosperity in all areas of life. But in order to understand the full picture of the dream, you need to remember everything that happens in the smallest detail and know the day of the week when the dove came in the dream. In some cases, even the number of the month can play a role.


Killing a dove in a dream is interpreted as betrayal in a relationship with a loved one. Here you need to try to avoid such a situation.

You should take the dream as a sign, a warning and give up harsh actions and suspicions.

Just try to become attentive to others and yourself. After all, killing a dove in a dream is not a 100% guarantee of a quarrel.

They bring

If in a dream a dove brought you a twig or plant, you will soon hear from distant friends. When a dove brings a mouse or a beetle, your enemy will be overthrown even without your participation. If the bird is carrying a piece of paper or tape, you should take care of the house. There may be a special event ahead and you will be decorating the house. If a pigeon brought you a kitten, chick or child, expect a new addition to the family of your friends.


Hearing birds cooing means being in a happy relationship. Perhaps the birth of a baby is coming soon. And for single ladies who see a cooing bird in a dream, it means good luck getting married. Some say that such a dream could mean a fun holiday in the company of old friends.

Here we will not discuss why ducklings, goslings, chickens or penguins dream. Let's talk about the pigeons that we see in our dreams.

Why do you dream about pigeons according to Miller’s big dream book?

When a dove appears in your dream, it means that everything will be fine in your life. Peace and harmony will reign in the family, and perhaps you will have a brother or sister, or your own children. In general, as you already understand, the dove represents only good things. If you dream of a cooing dove, then the meaning of the dream is almost the same. But for young and unmarried girls, such a dream promises a quick, magnificent wedding. Your family life will not be overshadowed by everyday life, you will love each other very much. The hunt for a beautiful dove does not bode well for joy. This is a hint that deep down you are a cruel person. This will definitely have a negative impact on business relations. The second meaning is a warning against rash actions. Flying birds are news that is about to arrive at your doorstep. And what they will be depends on the current situation. A dead or lonely dove will bring trouble.

Why do you dream of pigeons according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

What else can this bird promise other than family well-being? If you feed a pigeon from your hands, then all troubles will disappear in the near future. When strangers enthusiastically feed birds, pay attention to your attitude towards your household. How much time do you spend with them? Try to devote every free minute to them. If in a dream you witnessed a hunt for white doves, think about your behavior. You can destroy your family yourself and not even notice it. A cat that tracks the bird of peace speaks of hidden intrigues behind your back. Someone is eager to trap you.

Why do you dream of pigeons according to the gypsy dream book?

The wild dove symbolizes immeasurable love and loyalty. But a flock of birds, on the contrary, speaks of the loss of former love. A pair of doves is a symbol of concord and harmony. A beautiful, well-groomed domestic bird indicates the same great news. If in a dream you cannot see the earth, and all your attention is focused on the sky, then the news will not be very good. However, try to find the positives in this too.

Why do you dream of pigeons according to Grishina’s noble dream book?

For men, these birds symbolize the presence of a faithful and loving woman in life. Snow-white doves are the virtues of your soul. But if you dream of pigeons being black (or gray), then you are close to despair. Did a nimble bird fly into your house? Expect happiness! Feeding pigeons foreshadows an imminent separation from a loved one. Did you disturb the pigeon's nest? Well, there will be profit for you! When the pigeons in your dream are abnormally large in size, this is a sign of the arrival of guests whom you are not expecting. Do birds soar through the air easily and carefree? This means that even in the most hopeless case, hope will not leave you. A pair of doves cooing, of course, promises a wedding. If in your vision you tried to catch a bird, but in vain, expect trouble. Killing a bird will even bring a serious illness. And when pigeons are not afraid to land on your palms, you don’t have to be afraid of earthly problems.

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