Fire rat. Water Rat Year of the Blue Water Rat

People born in 1972 according to the Eastern calendar, illuminated by the sign of the Water Rat, are the best diplomats.

1972 according to the eastern calendar: the year of the Water Rat

In this article you will learn:

What year is 1972 according to the Eastern calendar?

The year in which people were born who can convince anyone of anything, using such convincing arguments that even an inveterate skeptic will have no doubts.

Water rats are distinguished by their charm and charisma; they also have a broad outlook and can process a huge amount of information. These are people who are quite thrifty and sometimes even petty, but can be generous to those they love.

In fact, there can be 5 rat signs in the eastern horoscope, each element has its own sign: these are the Earth, Fire, Wood, Water and Metal rats. The symbol of 1972 according to the eastern calendar is the Black Water Rat.

This sign is ambiguous; on the one hand, they express an active life position and flexibility of mind, have enviable practicality and determination, and on the other hand, they are greedy, cunning, nervous, critical and envious.

Rats are usually honest and open in communication, straightforward and uncompromising, which makes them good and loyal friends, but also dangerous for enemies. They try to benefit from everything that surrounds them and even from their own attractiveness and charm, often going beyond the bounds of reason.

The sociability of rats attracts many people to them; there are never voids or gaps in their environment, since they treat people with understanding and know how to avoid sharp corners in communication. It’s always a pleasure to spend time with them and talk on any topic, as they know and can do a lot.

Features of the Water Rat sign according to the Chinese calendar

To others, the rat easily appears calm and balanced; it is cheerful and carefree. But this is only its external manifestation. That is, those who communicate with a rat deeper and longer immediately see in it all the choleric nature, its nervousness and constant anxiety. This is not easy, because the eastern horoscope Rat is a sign of aggression mixed with charm.

Those born under this sign are often gossips and brawlers, they love to gloat and criticize other people, so they have few real friends, but they have more than enough acquaintances and comrades.

Rats do not like people who are not obligatory and not reliable, although she often achieves everything by cunning, but cannot stand it when the plans she has built collapse due to the actions of someone else, she has more than enough sense of purpose and she demands the same from others.

When it comes to the rat itself, it is very reserved in emotions and their expressions, trusts very few people and prefers to keep everything to itself, revealing its soul only to a select few.

Advantages and disadvantages of people born in the year of the Water Rat

  • Representatives of this sign are wise, far-sighted and insightful, their flexible mind allows them to develop abilities in almost all areas of life, and they also easily become popular personalities.
  • According to the Chinese horoscope, those born in the years of the Rat prefer stability in everything, especially in material terms, therefore, when changes flash on the horizon, the rats panic and retreat even deeper into themselves.
  • They are very thrifty and economical natures, and this is no longer due to greed, which, by the way, is inherent in them, but from their love for stability.
  • The disadvantage of the rat, which often prevents them from building harmonious relationships with people, is anger and lack of self-control. But when a rat loves, she gives herself completely to the feeling and she needs it to be appreciated, she needs a partner who can give her stability and reciprocal feelings, otherwise she will be deeply disappointed and depressed.

Summarizing all that has been said, it can be noted that, although the sign of the rat is difficult to communicate, with the proper approach to it it can give you a lot that no other sign is capable of.

  • From 02/05/1924 to 01/24/1925 - the year of the Wooden (Blue) Rat;
  • From 01/24/1936 to 02/10/1937 - the year of the Fire (Red) Rat;
  • From 02/10/1948 to 01/28/1949 - the year of the Earth (Yellow) Rat;
  • From 01/28/1960 to 02/14/1961 - the year of the Metal (White) Rat;
  • From 02/15/1972 to 02/02/1973 - the year of the Water (Black) Rat;
  • From 02/02/1984 to 02/19/1985 - the year of the Wooden (Blue) Rat;
  • From 02/19/1996 to 02/06/1997 - the year of the Fire (Red) Rat;
  • From 02/07/2008 to 01/25/2009 - the year of the Earth (Yellow) Rat;
  • From 01/25/2020 to 02/11/2021 - the year of the Metal (White) Rat.

The corresponding zodiac sign is ♈ Aries.

Character Strengths 🐀

A person born in the year of the Rat (Mouse) according to the Chinese calendar finds a way out of any situation. He does not get lost even during public panic, and instead of giving in to emotions, he thinks. A representative of this sign often solves the most difficult problems in unusual ways that other people have not considered at all as a method of action. The result of his resourcefulness is not only pleasing, but also surprising.

The rat is practical. All her actions have a certain meaning that few people see except herself. This person looks forward, and may well give up immediate comfort for the sake of what will bear fruit in a few years.

The Rat, or Mouse, is a good friend. There will always be a certain distance between her and another person, but that is not the main thing. The representative of this sign knows how to keep secrets. He does not tend to laugh at other people's failures or gossip. If someone has opened their soul to him, he can be sure that everything said will remain between him and the interlocutor born in the year of the Rat.

Character Weaknesses 🐀

To achieve comfort or a certain position in society, the Rat tends to take advantage of other people’s favor. At the same time, she does not deceive or abuse the trust of others. Surprisingly, those on whom the Rat’s well-being depends themselves go to meet her halfway, but the fact is that they usually count on something. If for some reason they do not fit into the Rat’s future plans, their expectations will be in vain. The representative of this sign himself, in response to claims, may well say that he did not ask anyone for anything. If at the same time the disappointed have the opportunity to communicate with each other, the Rat’s reputation in certain circles may suffer greatly.

A representative of this sign acts based on his own benefit, often hurting the interests of others. If, as a result, the injured party actively defends its rights, perhaps the Rat will give in to it, but not out of pity. This person just doesn't need the extra noise. The Rat has a lot of ill-wishers, but this does not bother her.

🐀 In love

A person born in the year of the Rat (Mouse) is charming and knows how to find a common language with almost everyone. Representatives of the opposite sex like him, but you should not try to charm him with beauty or brightness. These qualities will certainly be appreciated by the Rat, but only if something else is attached to them. What exactly depends on the lifestyle and interests of the Rat. In any case, her love union is more reminiscent of a mutually beneficial relationship, where each party follows certain rules and fulfills its responsibilities.

The Rat does not like to live alone, she needs a family, or a strong relationship if marriage is impossible for some reason. This person tends to live by habit. Even if the relationship with a partner has long since exhausted itself, the Rat will not deliberately look for a replacement for him. She will decide to break off her previous relationship only for the sake of another option in which she feels there is a future. The representative of this sign keeps emotions under control and does not give in to outbursts of passion.

🐀 In career

It is unlikely that among people born in the year of the Rat there will be a person who dreamed of becoming an astronaut as a child. Most of them are practical from a very early age. The Rat views work only as a source of income, so it deals exclusively with what brings real benefits.

In appearance, the Rat may seem like an ambitious and ambitious person, but in reality this is not the case. She will strive for a promotion only if this is reflected in her salary. A representative of this sign will not work as a boss for free just for the sake of status, and he has no need for extra responsibilities.

The Rat is a responsible worker, but not a workaholic. She really doesn’t like being bothered about work issues in her personal time, and at such times she doesn’t try to be polite. This person maintains only business relations with his superiors and work colleagues, but does not do it demonstratively.

👨 Man 🐀 Rat

A guy born in the year of the Rat becomes independent early, but is in no hurry to leave his parents' home. He doesn’t like to live alone, and most often moves out when he decides to start his own family with a specific girl. He knows how to make money, and most importantly, he knows how to manage it. At a time when all his peers are still being helped with all their might by their parents, he himself is already fully caring for them.

The Rat man is sociable, but tries to extract some benefit from every acquaintance. The benefit is not necessarily material in nature - it could be an opportunity to learn something, or to acquire the necessary connections through a new friend. At the same time, it can hardly be said that this person takes advantage of people. He also tries to be useful to those in whom he is interested.

In relationships with women, he is also practical, although he tends to pay attention to external shine. If, apart from his bright appearance, his chosen one has nothing else to boast about, he will very quickly disappear from her life. A Rat man can get married very early, but even in this case, his decision is made with his mind, not his heart. He needs his beloved woman nearby, home comfort and children, whom he loves very much. Among all the representatives of the eastern horoscope, Rats have the most stable marriages.

👩 Woman 🐀 Rat

The Rat woman is a loving wife, a caring mother and a wonderful housewife. More than anything else, she loves her family and home, so she provides comfort and maintains an atmosphere of kindness and mutual understanding in the house. She enjoys cooking, doing crafts, and decorating her home to the best of her ability.

The representative of this sign is friendly and kind to people. She has a large circle of friends, but she doesn’t let anyone get too close to her. She treats other women with some distrust, especially after marriage. Like a man born this year, every acquaintance she meets carries some meaning. She is not interested in communication for the sake of communication.

In relationships with the opposite sex, the Rat woman does not seek adventure. She needs a life partner who is willing to become a responsible husband and father to her children. In general, she has a very positive character, and rare conflicts in her family occur only because of her habit of finding fault with her husband over trifles. With age, she will be able to take control of this too.

The Wood or Wood Rat gives people born this year a special sense of balance. The year in which beautiful people are born, both externally and internally. The beauty and elegance of Wood Rats are the stuff of legends. People of this sign are often called seducers and heartthrobs. Wood gives Rats a special charm, a love of comfort and extraordinary luck in life.

1984 according to the Eastern calendar: Year of the Wood Rat

In this article you will learn:

What year is 1984 according to the Eastern calendar?

The Year of the Wood Rat, which opens the 60-year cycle of the eastern calendar - twelve animals, five elements each. Each animal gives people its own characteristics, and one or another element gives them qualities unique to this year. Representatives of the Wood Rat are born successful and pragmatic. Rats have a heightened sense of self-esteem; they react excessively sharply to lies and betrayals. However, this does not prevent them from betraying people themselves, completely losing at this moment the required moral qualities, easily finding the excuses they need for their actions.

Wood Rats have a hard time coping with jobs they don't like. They absolutely need to enjoy their chosen activity. Most often these are people of creative professions or professions associated with freedom of thought and movement.

They hate closed spaces; their home must have large windows and lots of air.

Features of the Wood Rat sign according to the Chinese calendar

A feature of the Wood Rat sign is considered to be an irresistible thirst for travel, new and unknown discoveries. They are easy to climb. Rats are not attached to material goods. Wood Rats do not consider their family to be any kind of obligation. For them, family is, first of all, like-minded people who value the free character of Rats.

The Wood Rat is quite selfish; it seeks its own benefit in everything. If she needs something, she will go ahead, but will get what she wants. She needs personal space, but demands full attention from her partner.

The eastern horoscope Rat describes people of this sign as skillful adapters to any situation. If there is a desire, they will find a common topic for conversation with any person, regardless of his social status. They are well versed in psychology and in a conversation they adopt the gestures and facial expressions of their interlocutor, thereby completely intuitively adapting it to their needs.

Advantages and disadvantages of people born in the year of the Wood Rat

  • People born in the years of the Rat according to the Chinese horoscope are lucky in money matters. They always have a lot of ideas, especially when it comes to renovating or upcycling furniture or clothing. These people find a solution to even the most difficult problem.
  • The disadvantage of Rats can be considered distrust. They don’t let people get close to them, and then they suffer from loneliness. They are lazy and poorly organized. At times they can be apathetic. But the great advantage of Rats is that no matter how severely depressed they fall, natural optimism is always stronger. Thanks to him, Rats find a way out of any troubles.
  • These are people of mood, which sometimes is difficult for their families to accept. In a difficult period of life, they can change the city to the village and abandon society, but this state quickly passes and they change everything again.
Published: 2016-08-10, Modified: 2016-11-23,

For Europeans accustomed to Western astrology, the Chinese horoscope looks quite interesting. In it there are not only twelve different signs corresponding to the whole year, but also five elements that replace each other from year to year. This article is dedicated to people born in the year of the Fire Rat. We will talk about their characters, features and compatibility with other signs.

Signs in the Chinese horoscope

Before we begin the story of the Fire Rat, we will remind you of the structure of the Chinese calendar. The combination of signs and elements is displayed in sixty-year cycles. Each such cycle begins with the year of the Wood Rat and ends with the year of the Water Pig. We live during a cycle that began in 1984 and will end in 2044. From the Year of the Rat to the Year of the Pig, the following signs successively replace each other:

  • Rat.
  • Tiger.
  • Rabbit.
  • The Dragon.
  • Snake.
  • Horse.
  • Goat.
  • Monkey.
  • Rooster.
  • Dog.
  • Pig.

Elements in the Chinese horoscope

The five elements are Wood, Fire, Metal, Earth, Water. Each of the elements has its own color and qualities:

  • The tree - green or blue, represents conservatism, but at the same time the desire for justice and high intelligence.
  • Fire - red, corresponds to the European understanding of the element of fire - bright, active and hot-tempered individuals with leadership inclinations.
  • Metal is white and is responsible for willpower, determination and, in some ways, even harshness, but at the same time for the diplomatic qualities of communication.
  • Earth - yellow, corresponds to the quality of practicality, the ability to enjoy material goods and use them wisely.
  • Water is black and is responsible for the emotional sphere, sensuality and creativity.

Rat in the eastern horoscope

The cycle of the Chinese horoscope begins with the sign of the Rat. In Western culture, this animal has a dubious reputation, but in the legend about the creation of the eastern horoscope, it is the Rat that plays the leading role. According to the story, Buddha called all the animals to him, but only twelve animals were able to overcome the last obstacle on the way to him - a cold and wide river, and the first of them was the Rat.

It’s not for nothing that they say about rats that they can survive in any conditions. A person born in the year of the Rat has a flexible nature, capable of adapting to any situation. They have a shrewd mind and are even prone to cunning for their own benefit. They always have a bright and noticeable appearance. Sometimes their appearance can hardly be called attractive - but they are always charismatic. The charm of Rats covers all the flaws in their appearance and makes any flaw an attractive highlight.

In life, Rats strive to achieve material well-being and establish themselves in society as an authority. They are not indifferent to money, and this can be expressed in different ways: some squander money left and right, others, on the contrary, have difficulty parting with what they have earned and are prone to miserliness. In relationships, they are incorrigible romantics, ready to do eccentric things for the sake of their partner. They highly value loyalty and mutual understanding in their chosen one.

Negative qualities of the Rat

In our culture, it is customary to call a “rat” someone who starts gossip, snitches and informs. These qualities characterize the negative inclinations of those born in the year of the Rat - they easily get involved in intrigues and enthusiastically weave them on their own. Rats are often cynics and are very skeptical about life. Thanks to their innate cunning, they are able to dexterously manipulate more simple-minded people. They easily succumb to addiction and bad habits, and are frivolous and irresponsible.

What is the Red Rat like?

The element of Fire always endows its wards with an uncontrollable and hot-tempered disposition. Well, in the year of the Fire Rat, even more so, bright and extraordinary personalities are born who perceive life as an endless adventurous adventure. Most often, the main motive that forces Rats to get involved in the next adventure is the thirst for material gain, but the immediate love of adventure cannot be taken away from Rats born in Fire.

The rat's charisma is further enhanced by the power of the fire element. People fall under the spell of Fire Rats unnoticed, without realizing it when they were so charmed.

Year of the Red Fire Rat

Rats, like no other, love everything new and unknown, and Fire Rats especially. Therefore, during the period of the Fire Rat, the horoscope says that any major changes in your life will only be beneficial. This year it is easier to adapt to moving, to a new life status or a new place of work. The Rat is also partial to money, so this year it will be good to pay special attention to it - both to start saving and to make a large purchase that will improve the quality of life.

Possible negatives this year include relationship problems. After all, the Fire Rat is not devoid of diplomacy, and is inclined to immediately say what he thinks, and is also a fan of getting involved in a variety of intrigues. However, the year of the Red Rat occurs only once every 60 years, so there is no need to worry too much about possible problems: the last period of the Fire Rat was in 1996, and the next one will be in 2056.

Red Rat and astrological signs

An entire generation always has common characteristics, but in general, people born within the same year are quite different. After all, the general characteristics of the Fire Rat are superimposed on the traditional zodiac sign by month. From this, amazing combinations of internal qualities are born.

  • The Fire Rat-Aries has a swift character and a somewhat eccentric nature.
  • The Rat-Taurus values ​​comfort and earns good money, although he may be considered a pragmatic materialist in the eyes of others.
  • The Gemini Rat is a real heartthrob, constantly getting involved in short relationships and holiday romances.
  • Cancer, born in the year of the Fire Rat, has an attractive appearance and is easy-going.
  • Leo, born in the year of the Red Rat, makes 100% use of his charm and ability to influence people.
  • The Virgo-Rat is more prone to painstaking work and constancy, although from time to time the fiery nature takes over in the form of unpredictable and eccentric actions.
  • Libra-Rat are refined and elegant natures with a harmonious character, but a slight penchant for intrigue.
  • Scorpio, born in the year of the Fire Rat, is a rather vindictive type who can very famously get even for an insult.
  • Sagittarius-Rat is a charming adventurer who loves adventure and real risk.
  • Capricorn-Rat is a persistent and sensible workaholic and careerist, striving for public recognition.
  • Aquarius-Rat cannot live in an atmosphere of routine, and therefore is influenced by some new hobby.
  • Pisces-Rat have developed intuition, so they get used to acting based only on their desires.

Man born in the year of the Red Rat

The Rat in the eastern horoscope is considered a sign of active Yang energy, which favors the Fire Rat man. His type may be somewhat reminiscent of Jack Sparrow from “Pirates of the Caribbean” - he is a dexterous, nimble and inventive character, able to get out of any trouble, and also never misses his own benefit. He knows how to manipulate people, easily gains the trust of women, but does not strive for a serious relationship, which does not characterize him from the best side. He himself believes that he shows himself sincerely in relationships and does not consider it worthwhile to continue them when his interest in his chosen one weakens.

He loves material success, but is not ready to achieve it while sitting in the office. The opportunity to act without obeying anyone is more important to him than extra money (especially since Rats are always confident in their ability to make money out of thin air at the right time). Capable of violent expression of emotions (but can make an effort over himself and restrain himself if he understands that this could lead to the collapse of his plans). Thanks to such emotionality and innate artistry, he can achieve success on stage.

Woman - Fire Rat

To understand this type, let us turn to the archetypes of Western culture. If there was a Fox in the Chinese horoscope, then its description would completely coincide with the characteristics of the Fire Rat woman. This is a cunning and intelligent lady, guided primarily by her own interests. She is easily able to charm any man, but he must be a truly outstanding personality so as not to quickly get bored with her. Such a woman does not even see herself in family life, preferring to pursue her own career. She considers her partner as her equal, and the traditional position of a woman in marriage rather burdens her. She can successfully implement her own business, which can provide her with both material income and complete freedom of action.

It is also worth noting that the Rat woman always strives to look attractive and bright, especially if she was born in the element of Fire. She often has red hair, which she is not averse to complementing with outfits that are no less noticeable in the crowd. Her spectacular appearance can even affect her career growth.

Compatibility with other Chinese horoscope signs

In search of a permanent life partner, you should pay attention to the compatibility of characters according to the eastern horoscope.

The Fire Rat and any other Rat make an interesting union. A pair of two Rats is always a pair of friends who understand each other in absolutely everything and have the same interests. True, the willfulness of the fiery nature can lead to the fact that the negative rat nature will take over in both partners, and constant squabbles will begin in the couple. To prevent this from happening, the Fire Rat should rely more on the tender and sensual side of her character, remembering what made her choose this particular partner.

Rat and Ox can turn into permanent partners only if both make compromises. The conservative and authoritarian Ox should give the Rat (especially the Fire Rat) a little more personal space and not encroach on its independence. After all, the Rat, sensing a state of security next to the Ox, will itself take a step towards the meeting and pacify its character a little if there is no pressure on it.

It is important that the Rat stops being cunning and dodging, since the Ox values ​​honesty and directness.

Tiger and Rat are a union of two bright personalities, which can result in both strong friendship and constant rivalry. After all, the Tiger, compared to the Rat, is too proud and more aloof from society. The Tiger does not understand rat hedonism, and Rats consider Tigers to be insufficiently pragmatic.

The Rat and Rabbit will get along together only as a result of working together on the relationship. The rabbit is a very peaceful and quiet creature that strives to increase personal comfort and success in society. The Rat, although it actually strives for the same thing, tries to avoid a state of rest: it needs constant trials and adventures like air - especially the Red Fire Rat.

The Rat and the Dragon are similar in many ways. Both equally love risk, strive to overcome difficulties and express themselves creatively. The dragon has even greater charisma than the Red Fire Rat, which unspeakably exalts him in her eyes. This couple will make a long-lasting union based on a common perception of the world.

The Fire Rat and the Snake may sometimes not trust each other. The snake itself is very mysterious and secretive. And this will simply infuriate the Fire Rat. Both signs are quite calculating and are used to relying on their intellect, but Snakes are much more inclined to use cold logic, while Fire Rats can be influenced by emotions. Long-term relationships are possible if both signs decide to seek a compromise and focus on what they have in common.

The Fire Rat and the Horse are usually strongly attracted to each other - both signs are quite noticeable and active in society, and also have an attractive appearance. But subsequently the difference in character becomes noticeable - Rats are much more reasonable than Horses (although Fire Rats are the least guided by logic and cold reason of all their brothers). On the other hand, the noble Horse will disdain the constant intrigues and squabbles of the Rat.

The union of the Fire Rat and the creative Goat can become very productive: the Goat will be able to maintain inspiration in the Rat, and the Rat will provide the Goat with the opportunity to do what she loves without thinking about financial problems. But if the Goat constantly shows the frivolity characteristic of its sign, this can become an irritating factor for the sensible Rat. And the Goat, in turn, will begin to get annoyed by the Rat’s constant preoccupation with material problems.

The Fire Rat and the Monkey are a union of two facets of intelligence: rat logic and prudence and monkey ingenuity. This couple makes a long and very productive union: they tend to notice all the facets of any situation and come to a common compromise on any problem. Both signs are rather flighty and do not particularly strive for family comfort, so taking care of home well-being can become a sagging side of the relationship.

The union of the Rat and the Rooster is full of passions, but often short-lived. Both signs are not averse to quarreling, and if we are talking about the Fire Rat, then the quarrels in this couple can be truly enchanting. The Rooster is also somewhat more conservative than the experiment-loving Rat. Otherwise, their views on life are similar: if they learn to solve their problems peacefully, then their life path together can turn out quite successfully.

The Rat and the Dog form a rather harmonious union, complementing each other in different areas of life. The Fire Rat will shine even brighter knowing that it has a reliable and loyal ally in the form of the Dog. The Dog will be able to recharge itself from the Rat with its active energy and enthusiastic attitude towards life.

The Rat and the Pig can achieve true family well-being. The Pig has a cheerful disposition, which completely suits the Fire Rat. Both signs strive for comfort, although they do not like routine too much, and achieve good material success. They are never bored with each other - both the Rat and the Pig are interesting conversationalists.

1972 is the year of which animal? Before answering the question, it should be noted that modern people are increasingly turning to astrologers. After all, compiled according to the East, it helps to find the ideal approach to a particular person, as well as answer complex life questions and identify your weaknesses.

1972 is the year of which animal? Let's find out together

According to the Chinese calendar, 1972 was the year of the Rat. As you know, for astrologers, not only the image of the animal ruling in that period matters, but also the element to which a given sign is subordinate. Thus, to the question of what year 1972 is according to the horoscope, we can safely answer that it was the year of the water black Rat.

One cannot ignore the fact that the beginning of this period did not take place on January 1, but a little later - on February 15.

Character of the Water Rat

People born under this sign are more susceptible to feelings and emotions than to rational thinking. They have quite highly developed intuition. That is why they perform all their actions and actions under the influence of their own internal feelings.

1972 - the year of whom? Black Such people are able to face all obstacles in their path with dignity and overcome them with ease. Rats are strong-willed and can do anything.

Features of the Black Rat

Outwardly, the Rat seems cheerful, balanced and calm. But she was born under the sign of aggressiveness and charm. Therefore, you should not trust her calmness. After all, it is enough to communicate with such people a little more, and you will immediately discover her nervousness and choleric temperament.

1972 is the year of which animal? We gave a comprehensive answer to this question just above. It should be especially noted that representatives of this sign are big brawlers and willing gossips. They never miss an opportunity to gloat. In this regard, Rats have more acquaintances than true and loyal friends. Partly, they have such a narrow circle of close people because they can rarely trust anyone. After all, Rats are reserved and always keep their worries to themselves.

By the way, those who were born under this strive to benefit for themselves from everything: friends, their own charm, acquaintances, loved ones, etc.

Professional inclinations of Rats

The security and laziness that is inherent in such representatives can contribute to their becoming administrative workers or even succeeding in politics. By the way, there are also many Rats among successful artists.

By accumulating money, such people spend it instantly. They never deny themselves anything. The rat may be addicted to gambling. She is a great gourmet, sensitive and sentimental.

The most suitable occupations for Rats are financial activities, as well as the professions of a money lender, broker, detective, lawyer and writer.

Rats in communication

According to the horoscope, 1972 is the year of the water black Rat. The behavior of such representatives is ambiguous. After all, they have to cope with a huge information flow. At the same time, they keep all their secrets and thoughts within themselves.

In order to facilitate communication with other people, Rats should stop withdrawing and hiding their true feelings. Only in this case will representatives of this sign make real and loyal friends.

Men's horoscope

1972 is the year many men were born. Life gives such representatives wealth and satiety. If they were born in the spring or summer months, then they are straightforward people and true righteous people. “Autumn” Rat men will be especially rich and will not lose their good nature and sincerity. At 15 and 20 years old they should beware of trouble. Such people may have an unsuccessful marriage with a Horse. Such people often get sick. Their weak points can be called the stomach and legs. If Rat men cope with their ill health at the age of 70, then they will live to be 90-100.

Women's horoscope

Now you know 1972 is the year of which animal according to the horoscope. Representatives of the fairer sex born under this sign are cautious and vulnerable people. They are generous, capable of tenderly caring for loved ones and loving even those who do not reciprocate their feelings.

Rat women love handicrafts. They are quite quick-tempered, but not vindictive and quickly move away. Special success awaits such people in life, but they may be hindered by a sudden and severe illness. The most vulnerable places in female Rats are the neck and throat.

It should be especially noted that people born in summer or spring are more fortunate than those born in winter or autumn.

An unfavorable marriage alliance for female Rats can develop with a Horse and an Ox. As for successful relationships, they arise with the Tiger and the Mouse.

General information about the Water Rat (born 1912 and 1972)

Such representatives are energetic, wise, far-sighted and insightful. They are broad-minded and have a unique gift of persuasion. The abilities of Rats - both men and women - can develop in a variety of industries. As a rule, such people easily achieve popularity. They literally bask in the attention of others and cannot imagine their lives without fame. However, due to the fear of losing fame, representatives of this eastern sign can take the path of vice, take unpredictable actions, and also make unfriendly and dubious friends.

Positive Traits of Water Rats

1972 is the year of whom according to the horoscope? This period was dominated by the black water Rat. Representatives of the sign can be compassionate, charming, thrifty, sociable, talented and sensual. They know how to adapt to any conditions. Many of these people become quite successful entrepreneurs and businessmen.

Negative Traits of Black Rats

Rats born in 1972 are overly picky about the people around them, fickle in their desires and actions, prone to arguments and conflicts, self-confident and very domineering.

Love horoscope

Rats in love are very passionate and extremely attentive partners. They are never afraid to show their love to their significant other. At the very beginning of a relationship, Rats are literally overwhelmed with emotions. If a partner treats such a representative coldly, then they may also become cold towards him.

For this type of person, it is extremely important to be fully involved in a love relationship and to be some part of the life of your significant other. Most of all, the Rat needs safety and security from a loved one. If she receives this, she becomes the most attentive and gentle partner.

Compatibility with other signs

The Rat will make the best choice if it creates an alliance with the Dragon. After all, the latter will give her all his strength and balance. As for the Ox, he will calm the Mouse, and she will feel safe and protected. The Monkey will literally bewitch her, and the Rat will be madly in love.

Such a sign should avoid the Horse in a love relationship. After all, the selfish and independent temperament of this sign will not be able to tolerate the possessive nature of the Rat. It will be simply a disaster if a Mouse (water) man marries a Horse woman. By the way, you need to be careful in relationships with the Cat, since representatives of this sign can quite strongly suppress and manipulate their partners.

Life of a Water Rat

Rats born in 1972 will have the best childhood and an easy, carefree youth. As for the second part of life, it can be quite stormy. It is likely that Rats will lose their material wealth in some unsuccessful business. The third part of the life of such representatives, including old age, will be calm and measured.

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