Does a tattoo on the inside of the shoulder hurt? Does it hurt to get a tattoo (on arms, wrists, neck, back, fingers, shoulders, legs, ribs)? How long will you have to endure pain during a tattoo session?

People have been decorating their bodies since ancient times. For these purposes, not just man-made trinkets were used - tattoos carried a hidden meaning, belonging to a particular tribe, as well as a certain symbolism that was understandable only to a select few.

Tattoos were placed on the leg, abdomen, back, collarbones, etc. Girls and women preferred tattoos on the thigh, and some preferred to get tattoos on the collarbone. All this has a completely logical explanation - this is how people have long learned to attract attention to themselves, to stand out from everyone around them.

Modern tattoos are not much different from ancient designs on the body. She can tell you something about her owner. It doesn’t matter where the design is located - a tattoo on the hand or on the chest, a tattoo on the shoulder or on the shoulder blade - the sketch can tell others about the preferences, tastes, goals and even worldview of its owner.

For example, a flock of birds on the hips or collarbones eloquently indicates that a person always follows his heart. But a lonely bird sitting on a flower is a symbol of uniqueness and originality, which looks very impressive in the area of ​​the ribs or back.

Current application techniques and the use of high-quality pigments make it possible to create unique designs, and even three-dimensional images. But before going to a tattoo parlor, every person must not only choose a design for a future tattoo on the ribs or leg, but also prepare themselves for pain.

What is the pain like when getting a tattoo?

Everyone has their own pain threshold. Someone will writhe from hitting their little finger on the corner of the bed, and someone will calmly crack seeds while the artist makes a tattoo on their stomach or shin. There are areas on the human body in which the concentration of nerve endings is much higher than in other areas.

So, there is an opinion that getting a tattoo on the ribs, on the finger or in the décolleté area is much more painful, since these areas are distinguished by a thin layer of skin and an almost complete absence of fatty tissue and muscles. Actually, all areas of the body where there are protruding bones will be painful during the tattooing process.

Does it hurt to get a tattoo? This question is asked by almost everyone who has finally decided to get a tattoo on their arm or shoulder area. Each person has his own, especially painful place.

Those who have already repeatedly visited tattoo parlors and experienced several sessions will unanimously say that the stomach is the leader among the “hottest” spots on the human body. It is also painful to get a tattoo in some areas of the neck (back, for example), between the fingers and collarbones, in the area of ​​the shoulder blade and on the lower back.

This does not mean that you should refuse the services of a tattoo artist. It should be reminded once again that everyone goes there with their own pain threshold. If one girl found it painful to get a tattoo on her calf, the second did not allow the artist to work in peace because she was ticklish.

Common points on the pain map

Before getting a tattoo on your arms or legs, you should become familiar with the most common points that increase pain.

So, the stomach, ribs, knees, neck and head areas, fingers and hands, inner thighs - These are all places where getting a tattoo would not be very pleasant.

It is better to use local anesthesia right away in order to keep up with the time. Padding on the legs or feet also causes a pain impulse. It is important to remember that women have a slightly higher pain threshold than men.

Places where getting a tattoo is not very painful:

  • Forearm tattoo;
  • Tattoo in the calf area;
  • Biceps area;
  • Butt;
  • Shoulder blade and almost the entire back;
  • Soft tissues of the lower leg.

Male Body Tattoo Pain Map

Map of pain when applying a tattoo to a woman's body

Tattoos are done on almost any part of the body using anesthesia. If we are talking about a large-scale drawing, you can use the very first session to study the pain map. Now many people are probably thinking about whether to get a tattoo or not. Of course, do it! Just before that, you should learn about how to reduce pain and make the stuffing process an enjoyable session.

The most popular places for tattooing

Collarbone. This place for a tattoo characterizes the girl as a sophisticated nature, prone to dreams and solitude. There are images of birds, insects or flowers here. It is also a great place for tattoo artists to apply all sorts of symbols and inscriptions. The design in this place looks very advantageous, since the clothes practically do not cover the tattoo.

How painful is it to get a tattoo on the collarbone? In fact, all painful sensations can be minimized using local anesthesia. You can show off your finished tattoo in the summer by covering a small area of ​​it with a nice T-shirt.

Wrist. This is a confident second place, which can be compared to the collarbone. This place is often chosen by both women and men to get some kind of minimalist design. By the way, the name of the other half, filled with calligraphic font, looks very original.

How sick is this place? How painful is it to get a tattoo on your wrist? In fact, getting a tattoo on your hands is not very pleasant without anesthesia. Before applying a design to the wrist, it is better for women to use an anesthetic. However, many say that the pain when getting a tattoo is very insignificant.

Biceps and shoulders. This is an ideal place for those who want to get a tattoo but are afraid of pain. Tattoo parlor artists create tattoos and a wide variety of designs without painkillers or local anesthesia.

Although some did the simplest drawing, and the entire session was accompanied by extremely unpleasant pain. However, this particular area is considered to have minimal pain. Another good thing about getting a tattoo in this area is that you can create a fairly large image.

Neck. Representatives of both sexes love to use it as a canvas. Getting a tattoo on the side or back of your neck is not very painful. And if a real professional hits, then you can just relax and enjoy the process. However, especially sensitive individuals should numb the injection site at the beginning of the session. By the way, the drawing made from the neck to the forearm looks very original.

A tattoo on the neck is not that painful if you get it in a good salon, where the artist uses painkillers when creating the tattoo. In addition, the neck is distinguished by a slight accumulation of nerve endings, so this area is characterized by minor painful sensations. At least, that’s what those who got tattoos in this zone say.

Back. This is a real springboard for the master's machine. There is simply an incredible number of sketches, large-scale and voluminous, which are simply created to show off on the back of a charming girl or a brutal man.

Entire galleries are dedicated to back tattoos, and the people who made the original drawing can easily be classified as daredevils. The back is far from the most painful area. The scale eloquently demonstrates that this particular area is best suited for creating large-scale projects.

Angel wings in a wide variety of designs, hieroglyphs and dragons, trees and angels - all this is embodied on the backs of an increasing number of men and women. Yes, it is possible that the process of creating a drawing will be much longer than the time spent on the collarbone or lower leg. But what is the result!

Forearm. If a girl has a tattoo on her forearm, she has practically no chance of remaining unnoticed. The drawing is usually done without anesthesia. After this, a local anesthetic can be used to reduce itching.

Flowers, hieroglyphs, inscriptions and symbols - all this is often stuffed by salon professionals. The most successful option is to create an individual sketch on both hands, which, when connected, will create a single composition. Is it painful to get a tattoo on the forearm? Hardly. Most likely it will just be ticklish.

Rib cage. Another large-scale canvas that often becomes a place for creating amazing sketches. If you look at the diagram of sick tattoos, you will notice that this area is not so pronounced in color. This means that an anesthetic procedure may not be necessary.

The most painful places

Does it hurt to get a tattoo? Yes, if you do not use an anesthetic and specifically choose the places that are indicated in red in the diagram.

If you look at the pain map, you can see the so-called “X” zones, indicated in red. These are the most painful points where anesthesia should definitely be used. Tattooing the chest, neck, temples, feet, inner thighs, ribs, the area of ​​skin between the fingers - all these are places of the most painful sensations that are often decorated with tattoos.

However, there are not fewer people doing it. A tattoo pain map will help you identify the “hottest” areas of the body that are characterized by painful sensations.

Feel free to tattoo after the artist has numbed the area of ​​skin. There are a few more tips to help you prepare for the tattoo procedure:

  • Feel free to get a tattoo in a place where there are no bones, and a large amount of muscle tissue is present.
  • Decide on the size. The larger the drawing, the longer you will have to endure.
  • There will be blood. Just a little, but it will happen. This is just in case for particularly sensitive young ladies.

Before going to a tattoo parlor, you should prepare not only mentally, but also physically. First, you need to calm down. Stress will only increase pain. Secondly, you need to eliminate alcohol from your diet the day before going to the salon.

You simply won't get a tattoo if you smell like booze. Thirdly, contact only trusted salons. In second-rate establishments there is a risk of contracting an unpleasant disease, which is extremely undesirable.

Tattooing is comparable to tickling if the process occurs on soft tissue. This is quite painful if you choose places with protruding bones (for example, between the breasts). Everyone has their own story and their own pain in the process of drawing.


It is important to remember only what will happen after all this - a beautiful, incomparable design that symbolizes the individuality and uniqueness of its owner.

And finally: getting a tattoo hurts, but this pain is so insignificant compared to the period of loving it.

The involuntary question “Does it hurt to get a tattoo on the wrist?” occurs in almost 90% of cases. This problem is especially relevant for beginners who are preparing for the very first tattoo on their body. But you shouldn’t think that people who already have drawings on their bodies don’t think about this. This is wrong. Similar thoughts come to them too - this is a special place!
To begin with, you should understand that getting a tattoo is in any case a painful process. Of course, a lot will depend on the exact location of the tattoo on the wrist, the density of the image, its size and design. But the pain thresholds of each individual person also play a significant role.
As you know, some tattoos are more painful than others. There is even a so-called pain scale, which indicates the location of tattoos on the body and the level of pain when applying them to a given place. So, having analyzed this scale, to the question “does it hurt to get a tattoo on the wrist?” You can answer with a clear “Yes.” This type of tattoo occupies a fairly high place on the scale.
The pain of getting a tattoo on the wrist is explained by the fact that the skin around the entire wrist is very thin, and the bones are located very close to the skin. The needle only needs a little force to reach the bone. When the needles get close to bone, you may feel quite uncomfortable due to the vibrating sensation. Also, when tattoo machine needles pierce very thin areas of the skin, the pain can feel quite sharp and intense, comparable to burning and scratching.
In general, tattooing on different areas of the wrist is accompanied by various pain sensations. Below are the common areas of wrist tattoos along with the accompanying pain of the procedure.
Does it hurt to get a tattoo on the inside of your wrist?

Tattoos on the inside of the wrist can be quite painful due to the soft and sensitive nature of the skin around the area. But this is not the most important factor influencing the increased sensitivity of this area. The inner part of the wrist has a large number of nerve endings, the impact of which significantly increases the pain of the tattoo procedure.
The pain when getting a tattoo in this area is quite intense and “deep”. But it's worth remembering that the total area of ​​the inner wrist is relatively small, and your artist shouldn't have too much work to do. This means that the procedure itself will be quite short-term. If you want a tattoo in this exact place, you will have to be patient a little.
Is it painful to get a tattoo on the outside of the wrist?

Getting a tattoo on the outside of the wrist is less painful than on the inside. But this is only until the needles of the tattoo machine begin to hit the bone bumps of the wrist. With such exposure, the pain sensations will increase significantly and in some cases may be difficult to bear. Again, you just have to endure it for the sake of the treasured drawing.
Does it hurt to get a tattoo on the sides of the wrist?

In this case, everything proceeds similarly to the outer area of ​​the wrist. Increased pain will only occur when the needle hits the bone.
Does it hurt to get a tattoo on a girl's wrist?

The wrist is a very attractive place for a tattoo. And many girls would like to receive the coveted drawing in this area. But banal fear, which is argued by the fact that only guys can endure getting a tattoo on the wrist, is deterred from turning the thought into reality. This is a very stupid conclusion. Yes, for the most part, the pain threshold among the male population is higher. But not by much. In addition, there are girls whose pain threshold will be higher than that of the average man. Well, the most important thing is attitude. A lot depends on him. If you want to see a tattoo in this exact place, then be mentally prepared for the procedure. This will undoubtedly help you get through it easier.

It seems like everyone has a tattoo these days. What was the hallmark of sailors, criminals and bikers is today body adornment for ordinary people. From school emblems and Celtic designs to personalized symbols, people have found many ways to express themselves through tattoos.

And it doesn’t matter whether you’re getting a tattoo for the first time or the fifth time, you always want to know: will it hurt? It is true that people have different pain thresholds. What is simply unpleasant for some, can be disastrous for others. Some compare the sensations to burns or scratches, while others have experienced only mild irritation from the whirring machine. But most people are still unanimous in the opinion that it is not painful and scary, as one might assume.

You may have heard horrifying details of people fainting or crying in extreme pain. Don't rely on these horror stories! People pass out due to a spike in blood sugar because they are hungry or simply let their fear take over.

If you are terrified of injections or afraid of blood, deciding to get a tattoo will not be easy. However, the needles do not penetrate too deep into the skin, as many fear. We are talking about only 1.5 mm. Take a look at the ruler and you will find that this is a short distance. The needle moves quickly up and down, carefully pushing the ink under the surface of the skin.

However, the damage is so minor that many experience no or minimal bleeding. Excessive bleeding occurs if you drank alcohol the night before or took aspirin, a blood thinner. You can also get a tattoo on an area of ​​the body that is hidden from your eyes. You don't see the needle, and therefore don't feel afraid.

To minimize pain, choose less sensitive parts of your body. Typically these are areas covered by muscles, such as the arms or outer thighs. The most painful areas are the periosteal areas (clavicles, elbows) and erogenous zones, with a high concentration of nerve endings. Lidocaine-based sprays can relieve pain in the injured areas, but should not be applied before the first needle penetration.

Tattoo size has a direct relationship to pain. The greater the scale of skin damage and the time the pattern is applied, the more likely it is that the body will react more painfully. If you feel that you have exhausted your reserves of tolerance, tell the master. Sometimes a break is just necessary to catch your breath and recuperate.

Of course, all people are nervous before getting a tattoo, but the body has a natural defense - endorphins. They will help relieve pain or discomfort. The first 60 seconds are the hardest, after you calm down the process proceeds smoothly.

Absolute knowledge of information will also help to cope with the situation. If you know what to expect and are careful when choosing an artist, you will save yourself a lot of anxiety. Remember that the right mental attitude will reduce the amount of pain.

To ensure that it is not excruciatingly painful, but even very beautiful, contact only professionals. For example, to Andrei Eliseev, who

The desire to have a cherished design on your body can be overshadowed by the fear of the procedure for applying it. A tattoo pain map will help you understand the degree of discomfort in a particular place and make the right choice.

The idea of ​​self-expression through tattoos is quite strong for many people, so they are willing to go through some tests to make their dreams come true. The degree of pain is a relative concept, so you shouldn’t give up your desire because of childhood fear: just study the pain map.

To ensure that getting a tattoo does not turn into torture, and the result does not lead to disappointment, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of experienced artists, medical consultants and advice from psychologists.

  • Emotional mood

    Experienced psychologists recommend that everyone who wants to get a tattoo that will please them throughout their lives treat it as thoughtfully as possible. To do this, you need to decide on a sketch that will most accurately reflect your aspirations.

    After studying the selected drawing, fill it with your positive desires. This will help the tattoo gain strength and fulfill all its functions. It is believed that the hope of improving future life, focused on the sketch, will help to significantly reduce the pain during tattooing.

  • Psychological and physical preparation

    For complete confidence in the ideal result, carefully approach the issue of choosing a specialist. In the modern world, there is enough information about all kinds of salons, working conditions, prices and the personality of the person you can trust to perform this procedure.

    If everything suits you, you need to organize yourself a few days of absolutely healthy life without bad habits and stress before the procedure. An indispensable condition is also the absence of even minor illnesses. Taking these preventive measures will not only reduce pain, but will also lead to faster healing of the tattoo.

  • Anesthesia

    Before going to the tattoo parlor for the first time, you need to decide on the use of anesthesia. If the fear is too great and the pain threshold is low, and also if, according to the pain map, you have chosen the wrong place for a tattoo, discuss this issue with the artist in advance. Common treatments for pain relief include injections, ointments, and sprays.

    Studying the instructions will allow you to understand what side effects are possible after anesthesia and how this will be reflected in the drawing. Sometimes it’s easier to be patient for a while so that you can then enjoy a beautiful image without harmful consequences to your health.

    This advice especially applies to women who are getting tattooed for the first time. It should be remembered that even harmless anesthesia can affect the quality of the result, since swelling resulting from cooling the skin area can lead to deformation of eyebrow lines, lip contour, etc. Therefore, pleasant music, watching a video, an audiobook and the caring hands of a master can completely replace any pain relief.

    The most sensitive areas of the body

    For beginners who are just going to the salon to apply their cherished tattoo, there is an unshakable rule: you need to start with a small sketch. And not only: study the pain map and the list of anesthetics.

    Printing a large pattern takes a long time. In addition, the risk of affecting those areas of the body that are indicated on the pain map as very painful increases.

    Therefore, the client must objectively assess what period he can endure, and what period he no longer has the strength (and possibly the means) to endure. If you dream of a whole panorama with many details, you should start with a small independent fragment that can be continued if necessary.

    • Least painful
      The areas that will cause the least pain are those that have a hard epidermis, sufficient fat layer, muscle area and distant nerve endings. These places include the shoulders, forearms, inner elbow, buttocks, lower back, legs in the calves, etc. The sensations during the procedure can be described as minor tingling and mild discomfort.
    • Moderate
      Such areas include the back, abdomen, thigh, collarbone, scapula, etc. It is worth noting that the collarbone area consists of a section of skin that covers the bone without a fat layer. Dull pain is due to the absence of a large number of nerve endings, so the design here is more painful than tattoos on the thigh or the outside of the forearm.
    • Most painful
      These places include hands, feet, knees, elbows, ribs, nipples, neck, head, etc. The skin here practically covers the bones, there is no or very little fat layer, and the nerve endings come close to the epidermis. That is why beginners are advised to be very careful when choosing these places on the skin for tattoos. Attention should be paid to the place in the center of the contour of the upper lip, in the corners of the lips and eyes when performing tattooing. These areas are considered the most sensitive.

    The degree of pain in each individual case is individual. It’s not even a matter of gender, although in the case of tattoos, men’s pain threshold is considered much higher than women’s.

    Pain Map for Guys

    Each person perceives external influences based on the characteristic characteristics of his body. The decisive factors are the location of the nerve endings, the amount of fat, the degree of skin density and its resistance to temperature changes. All this has serious physiological implications.

    Yet the most important factor is fear. If you defeat him with the help of self-hypnosis and tune in to fulfilling your cherished desires, then you will leave the tattoo parlor truly happy. As practice shows, a very small percentage of people are limited to one tattoo, so the pursuit of happiness is a contagious process.

    Video about the most painful places for tattoos

The question of whether it hurts to get a tattoo plagues not only those who are just about to decorate their body with a tattoo, but also those who have already gone through one procedure and are determined to get another part of the body.

Yes, if this is not your first time on our website, then you know that the section describes in detail where it is most painful to get a tattoo. However, the body part is not the only criterion for how strong the sensations you will receive during the procedure. When answering the question of whether it hurts to get a tattoo, you need to pay attention to the following factors.

I Experience and qualifications of the master

This is perhaps the main and most obvious factor that can affect the pain of the process. The artist must not only be able to transfer the sketch onto the body well, but also be able to use pain-relieving ointments and pause if necessary. Suitable for different types of patterns, and all this affects the sensations.

II Place for tattoo

As we have said before, a lot depends on the part of the body on which the tattoo is tattooed. If the sensations on the chest or arms are quite moderate, then during the procedure on the eyelids, feet, armpits, or even it may seem that you are in hell. The degree of sensation in a particular area of ​​the body depends on two main aspects:

  • the number of nerve endings located in a given area;
  • the amount of meat or fat between the skin and the bone (the closer the skin is to the bone, the more painful it is to get a tattoo)

Of course, any pain can be endured, and a little later we will give some tips on how best to do this. But, if you are too sensitive, think twice before scoring ultra-sensitive areas of the skin.

III Pain threshold

It is no secret that all people have their own degree of sensitivity to pain. It is believed that men endure any discomfort more steadfastly, which is logical. Therefore, representatives of the fair sex are mainly interested in the question of whether it hurts to get a tattoo. In any case, pain tolerance develops over time and can be trained, so if the first tattoo was difficult for you, then the third one will not bring much discomfort.

Pain map tattoo

IV Duration of the procedure

The more complex the tattoo, the more time it will take to implement it. To draw all the small details or paint over a solid surface, the master will have to work on the same area for some time. This involuntarily leads to the fact that this zone irritated by the needle, which certainly increases pain. That is why large works are distributed over several visits to the tattoo artist. You can always take a break and finish the work while the skin heals.
These are the main factors that influence how painful it is to get a tattoo. If you're still afraid and unsure whether to subject your body to such stress, here are some tips on how to ease the sensation.

Internal mood

Don't burden yourself with pain. A tattoo is far from the most severe thing that we have to endure every day. Muscle pain after sports training, sensations during hair removal, childbirth, in the end - in comparison, the sensations during tattooing are more like tickling.

Music, cinema, TV series, books

Usually one session takes several hours, and when we are not busy with anything, we involuntarily begin to concentrate on our sensations. Therefore, the most logical thing in this situation is to simply distract yourself. Believe me, the master will only be happy if you occupy yourself with books or music. I don't think there are artists who like to chat while working. Therefore, do not hesitate to use any methods that will entertain you, but will not distract the tattoo artist.

Pain relief methods

Some salons offer clients general anesthesia during the session. This procedure is associated with some risk, so it is best to avoid it if possible, and there is no great need for it. Today, every professional tattoo artist uses special tattoo ointments, gels and sprays based on benzocaline and lidocaine during work, which not only reduce pain, but also reduce skin irritation.

Stay on your toes

Before visiting a tattoo parlor, you need to sleep, have lunch, and take a shower. You should not come to the master tired, sweaty and hungry. Under no circumstances should you drink alcohol or drugs before a session (and never, ever). All this is not only unpleasant for the artist, but also directly affects the sensations during the procedure and, most importantly, the healing process after it.

Do you know other ways to deal with pain? Share in the comments. Finally, I will say that the best way to combat discomfort is endorphin - the hormone of happiness secreted by our body. The joy that a well-made tattoo brings us is enough to endure any torment!

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