Onr 2 3 level of speech development. General speech underdevelopment (GSD) in children. ONR: what is it?

With normal speech development, children by the age of 5 freely use expanded phrasal speech and various constructions of complex sentences. They have a sufficient vocabulary and master the skills of word formation and inflection. By this time, correct sound pronunciation and readiness for sound analysis and synthesis are finally formed.

However, not in all cases these processes proceed well: in some children, even with normal hearing and intelligence, the formation of each of the components of the language is sharply delayed: phonetics, vocabulary, grammar. This violation was first established by R.E. Levina and is defined as a general underdevelopment of speech.

All children with general speech underdevelopment always have a violation of sound pronunciation, underdevelopment of phonemic hearing, and a pronounced lag in the formation of vocabulary and grammatical structure.

General speech underdevelopment can manifest itself to varying degrees. Therefore, there are three levels of speech development.

Ilevel of speech development characterized by the absence of speech (the so-called “speechless children”).

Children at this level use mainly babbling words, onomatopoeia, individual nouns and verbs of everyday content, and fragments of babbling sentences, the sound design of which is blurry, unclear and extremely unstable, to communicate. Often the child reinforces his “statements” with facial expressions and gestures. A similar state of speech can be observed in mentally retarded children. However, children with primary speech underdevelopment have a number of features that allow them to be distinguished from oligophrenic children (mentally retarded children). This primarily refers to the volume of the so-called passive vocabulary, which significantly exceeds the active one. In mentally retarded children, such a difference is not observed. Further, in contrast to mental retardation children, children with general speech underdevelopment use differentiated gestures and expressive facial expressions to express their thoughts. They are characterized, on the one hand, by great initiative in speech search in the process of communication, and on the other hand, by sufficient criticism of their speech.

Thus, despite the similarity of the speech state, the prognosis for speech compensation and intellectual development in these children is ambiguous.

A significant limitation of the active vocabulary is manifested in the fact that the child uses the same babbling word or sound combination to designate several different concepts (“bibi” - plane, dump truck, steamship; “bobo” - hurts, lubricate, give an injection ). There is also a replacement of the names of actions with the names of objects and vice versa (“adas” - pencil, draw, write;"tui" - sit, chair).

The use of one-word sentences is characteristic. As N.S. Zhukova notes, the period of a one-word sentence, a sentence made from amorphous root words, can also be observed during normal speech development of the child. However, it is dominant only for 5-6 months and includes a small number of words. In case of severe underdevelopment of speech, this period is delayed for a long time. Children with normal speech development begin early to use grammatical connections between words (“give a heba” - give me some bread) which can coexist with shapeless structures, gradually displacing them. In children with general underdevelopment of speech, there is an expansion of the sentence volume to 2-4 words, but at the same time the syntactic structures remain completely incorrectly formed (“Matik tide thuya” - The boy is sitting on a chair). These phenomena are never observed during normal speech development.

Low speech abilities of children are accompanied by poor life experience and insufficiently differentiated ideas about the surrounding life (especially in the field of natural phenomena).

There is instability in the pronunciation of sounds and their diffuseness. In children's speech, 1-2 syllable words predominate. When trying to reproduce a more complex syllable structure, the number of syllables is reduced to 2 - 3 (“avat” - crib,"amida" - pyramid,"tika" - train). Phonemic perception is grossly impaired, difficulties arise even when selecting words that are similar in name but different in meaning (hammer - milk, digs - rolls - bathes). Tasks on the sound analysis of words are incomprehensible to children of this level.

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Transition to IIlevel of speech development(the beginnings of common speech) is marked by the fact that, in addition to gestures and babbling words, although distorted, but quite constant common words appear ("Alyazai. The children of Alyazai kill. Kaputn, lidome, lyabaka. Litya give the earth" - Harvest. Children are harvesting. Cabbages, tomatoes, apples. Leaves fall to the ground).

At the same time, a distinction is made between some grammatical forms. However, this only happens in relation to words with stressed endings. (table - tables; whinessing) and relating only to some grammatical categories. This process is still quite unstable, and gross underdevelopment of speech in these children is quite pronounced.

Children's statements are usually poor; the child is limited to listing directly perceived objects and actions.

The story based on the picture and the questions is built primitively, on short, although grammatically more correct, phrases than for children of the first level. At the same time, insufficient formation of the grammatical structure of speech is easily detected when the speech material becomes more complex or when the need arises to use words and phrases that the child rarely uses in everyday life.

The forms of number, gender and case for such children essentially do not have a meaningful function. The word change is random in nature, and therefore many different errors are made when using it (“I’m playing mint” - I play with a ball).

Words are often used in a narrow sense, the level of verbal generalization is very low. The same word can be used to name many objects that are similar in shape, purpose or other characteristics (ant, fly, spider, beetle - in one situation - with one of these words, in another - with another; cup, glass denoted by any of these words). The limited vocabulary is confirmed by ignorance of many words denoting parts of the subject (branches, trunk, tree roots), dishes (dish, tray, mug), means of transport (helicopter, motor boat), baby animals (squirrel, hedgehog, fox) and etc.

There is a lag in the use of words-signs of objects denoting shape, color, material. Substitutions of word names often appear due to the commonality of situations (cuts - tears, sharpens - cuts). During a special examination, gross errors in the use of grammatical forms are noted:

1) replacement of case endings (“rolled-gokam” - rides on a slide);

2) errors in the use of number forms and gender of verbs (“Kolya pityala” - Kolya wrote); when changing nouns according to numbers (“yes pamidka” - two pyramids,"dv cafe" - two cabinets);

3) lack of agreement of adjectives with nouns, numerals with nouns (“asin adas” - Red pencil,"asin eta" - Red ribbon,"asin aso" - red wheel,"pat kuka" - five dolls,"tinya pato" - blue coat,"tiny cube" - blue cube,"Tinya cat" - blue jacket).

Children make many mistakes when using prepositional constructions: often prepositions are omitted altogether, while the noun is used in its original form (“Kadas ledit aepka” - The pencil is in the box) It is also possible to replace prepositions (“Tetatka is falling and melting” - The notebook fell from the table).

Conjunctions and particles are rarely used in speech.

The pronunciation capabilities of children lag significantly behind the age norm: there is a violation in the pronunciation of soft and hard sounds, hissing, whistling, sonorant, voiced and voiceless ("tupans" - tulips,"Sina" - Zina,"Tyava" - owl, etc.); gross violations in the transmission of words of different syllabic composition. The most typical reduction in the number of syllables ("teviki" - snowmen).

When reproducing words, the sound content is grossly disrupted: rearrangements of syllables, sounds, replacement and assimilation of syllables, abbreviations of sounds when consonants coincide ("rovotnik" - collar,"tena" - wall,"have" -bear).

An in-depth examination of children makes it possible to easily identify a lack of phonemic hearing, their unpreparedness to master the skills of sound analysis and synthesis (it is difficult for a child to correctly select a picture with a given sound, determine the position of a sound in a word, etc.). Under the influence of special correctional training, children move to a new - III level of speech development, which allows them to expand their verbal communication with others.

IIIlevel of speech development characterized by the presence of extensive phrasal speech with elements of lexico-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment.

Children of this level come into contact with others, but only in the presence of parents (educators), who make appropriate explanations (“Mom went aspak. And then the child went there, she was called there. Then they didn’t hit the aspalki. Then they sent a pack” - I went to the zoo with my mother. And then she walked around, where there is a cage, there is a monkey. Then we didn’t go to the zoo. Then we went to the park).

Free communication is extremely difficult. Even those sounds that children can pronounce correctly do not sound clearly enough in their independent speech.

Characteristic is the undifferentiated pronunciation of sounds (mainly whistling, hissing, affricates and sonors), when one sound simultaneously replaces two or more sounds of a given phonetic group. For example, a child replaces with the sound s", which is not yet clearly pronounced, the sounds s ("boots" instead of boots), sh ("syuba" instead of fur coat), ts (“saplya” instead of heron).

At the same time, at this stage, children are already using all parts of speech, correctly using simple grammatical forms, trying to build complex and complex sentences (“Kola sent a messenger to the forest, rubbed a little squirrel, and Kolya has a cat in the rear” - Kolya went into the forest, caught a small squirrel, and Kolya lived in a cage).

The child’s pronunciation abilities improve (it is possible to identify correctly and incorrectly pronounced sounds, the nature of their violation), and the reproduction of words of different syllable structure and sound content. Children usually no longer find it difficult to name objects, actions, signs, qualities and states that are well known to them from life experience. They can freely talk about their family, themselves and comrades, the events of the surrounding life, write a short story (“The cat poshya kueuke. And now she wants to eat sypyatka. They run away. The cat is filthy kuitsa. Sypyatkah mogo. Shama shtoit. Kuitsa khoesha, she trash the cat" - The cat went to the chicken. And now she wants to eat chicken. They run. The cat was chased away by the chicken. There are a lot of chickens. It stands on its own. The chicken is good, she drove the cat away).

However, a careful study of the state of all aspects of speech allows us to identify a clear picture of the underdevelopment of each of the components of the language system: vocabulary, grammar, phonetics.

In oral communication, children try to “bypass” words and expressions that are difficult for them. But if you put such children in conditions where it turns out to be necessary to use certain words and grammatical categories, gaps in speech development appear quite clearly.

Although children use extensive phrasal speech, they experience greater difficulties in independently composing sentences than their normally speaking peers.

Against the background of correct sentences, one can also find ungrammatical ones, which arise, as a rule, due to errors in coordination and management. These errors are not constant: the same grammatical form or category can be used both correctly and incorrectly in different situations.

Errors are also observed when constructing complex sentences with conjunctions and allied words (“Misha zyapyakal, atom-mu fell” - Misha cried because he fell). When making sentences based on a picture, children, often correctly naming the character and the action itself, do not include in the sentence the names of the objects used by the character.

Despite the significant quantitative growth of vocabulary, a special examination of lexical meanings allows us to identify a number of specific shortcomings: complete ignorance of the meanings of a number of words (swamp, lake, stream, loop, straps, elbow, foot, gazebo, veranda, porch etc.), inaccurate understanding and use of a number of words (hem - sew - cut, trim - cut). Among the lexical errors the following stand out:

a) replacing the name of a part of an object with the name of the whole object (clock face -"watch", bottom -"kettle");

b) replacing the names of professions with the names of actions (ballerina- "Auntie is dancing" singer -“uncle sings”, etc.);

c) replacing specific concepts with generic ones and vice versa, (sparrow -"bird"; trees- "Christmas trees");

d) interchange of characteristics (tall, wide, long-"big", short- "small").

In free expressions, children make little use of adjectives and adverbs denoting the characteristics and state of objects and methods of action.

Insufficient practical skill in using word formation methods impoverishes the ways of vocabulary accumulation and does not give the child the opportunity to distinguish the morphological elements of a word.

Many children often make mistakes in word formation. Thus, along with correctly formed words, non-standard ones appear (“stolenok” - table,"water lily" - jug,"vase" - vase). Such errors, as isolated ones, can normally occur in children at earlier stages of speech development and quickly disappear.

A large number of errors occur in the formation of relative adjectives with the meaning of correlation with food products, materials, plants, etc. ("fluffy", "puffy", "downy" - scarf; "klyukin", "klyukny", "klyukonny" - jelly; "steklyashkin", "glass" - glass, etc.).

Among the errors in grammatical formatting of speech, the most specific are the following:

a) incorrect agreement of adjectives with nouns in gender, number, case (“The books lie on large (large) tables” - Books are on large tables);

b) incorrect agreement of numerals with nouns (“three bears” - three Bears,"five fingers" - five fingers;"two pencils" - two pencils and so on.);

c) errors in the use of prepositions - omissions, substitutions, omissions (“We went to the store with my mother and brother” - We went to the store with my mother and brother;"The ball fell from the shelf" - The ball fell from the shelf);

d) errors in the use of plural case forms (“In the summer I was in the village with my grandmother. There is a river, a lot of trees, gu-si”).

The phonetic design of speech in children with level III speech development lags significantly behind the age norm: they continue to exhibit all types of sound pronunciation disorders (sigmatism, rhotacism, lambdacism, voicing and mitigation defects).

There are persistent errors in the sound filling of words, violations of the syllabic structure in the most difficult words (“Ginasts perform in the circus” - Gymnasts perform in the circus;"Topovotik is repairing the water drain" - The plumber repairs the plumbing;"Takikha tet tan" - The weaver weaves fabric.

Insufficient development of phonemic hearing and perception leads to the fact that children do not independently develop readiness for sound analysis and synthesis of words, which subsequently does not allow them to successfully master literacy at school without the help of a speech therapist.

So, the totality of the listed gaps in the phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical structure of a child’s speech serves as a serious obstacle to his mastering the general kindergarten curriculum, and subsequently the general education school curriculum.

Filicheva T.B., Cheveleva N.A.
Speech disorders in children. – M., 1993.

Speech underdevelopment is a group of speech disorders in which the formation of everyone speech components (sound aspects of speech, vocabulary, grammar, phonemics) with healthy hearing and intact intelligence. Besides, speech underdevelopment may act as one of the components of a more complex systemic disorder, for example, in the case of mental retardation (MDD).

Speech underdevelopment is observed in complex forms of speech pathology: sensory and motor alalia, aphasia, rhinolalia, and sometimes with stuttering and dysarthria. Specialists in different fields (teachers, psychologists, doctors) may formulate the diagnosis differently. For example, specialists in the pedagogical sphere may call underdevelopment of speech of various origins ZRRspeech delay" As a rule, this diagnosis is used for a child under 5 years old) or ONRgeneral speech underdevelopment", usually the term is used in relation to a child over 5 years old).

Depending on the severity of the disorder - from complete absence of speech to minor developmental deviations - we can distinguish four levels of speech underdevelopment:

  • Level I. The so-called “speechless”. Speech uses babbling words, onomatopoeia, gestures, and facial expressions.
  • Level II. The beginnings of common speech. Speech is primitive, words are often distorted, and elementary grammatical forms and constructions appear.
  • Level III. Characterized by extensive phrasal speech with elements of lexico-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment.
  • Level IV. Minor changes in all components of speech. Disadvantages of differentiation of sounds, originality of syllabic structure.

Underdevelopment of speech at any level is a serious obstacle to mastering new knowledge, limits thinking, leads to inevitable errors in writing, and also deprives the possibility of full communication. At the same time, subject to timely assistance from a pediatric speech therapist speech underdevelopment can be successfully corrected. It is important to remember that in the development of a child there is a period of special sensitivity of the speech function, when any violations can be easily corrected. If this time is missed, the speech defect may become entrenched and further hinder the full development of other cognitive functions.

Causes of speech underdevelopment

The causes of speech disorders are understood as the impact of internal and external harmful factors or their complex on the body, which determines the specificity of the speech disorder.

Internal factors. Harmful effects during fetal development:

  • maternal health(diseases suffered during pregnancy, allergies, blood transfusions, toxicosis, incompatibility of the fetus and mother by blood, smoking and drinking alcohol during pregnancy, mother’s age - both very young and mature, infertility treatment, abortion, complicated childbirth, stress in family and at work, etc.) and others family members(complicated heredity: diabetes, developmental defects, genetic and mental diseases, etc.);
  • hypoxia– insufficient oxygen supply (with placental insufficiency and during childbirth, the maturation of brain structures in the fetus is disrupted);
  • birth injury(direct mechanical effects on the fetus during childbirth, causing local damage to the fetus and impaired brain function).

External factors. The immediate conditions in which a child grows and develops.

  • general physical weakness of the body (asthenia, rickets, metabolic disorders, diseases of internal organs, diseases of the central nervous system (CNS), as well as severe course of any diseases, including colds, and complications after them);
  • unfavorable upbringing conditions (lack of an emotionally positive environment, fear, a traumatic situation in the family, long-term separation from loved ones, any neuropsychiatric diseases and injuries);
  • disturbances in the speech of surrounding adults (the speech of children develops by imitation: stuttering, impaired speech rate, unclear pronunciation, including exaggerated childish speech - “lisping” can be absorbed by the child);
  • lack of verbal communication with a child under one year old (when they do not talk to the child, explaining this by, for example, that he does not understand).

Symptoms of speech underdevelopment in children

Despite the different nature of the disorder, speech underdevelopment is characterized by typical manifestations:

  • late appearance of the first words (at 3-4 years, and sometimes by 5 years);
  • the phonetic (sound) and grammatical aspects of speech are impaired;
  • the child understands a lot, but finds it difficult to voice his thoughts;
  • Speech is slurred and difficult to understand (after reaching 3 years of age).

It is necessary to take into account the age limits of the formation and development of speech.

Norms of child speech development

  • Booming and babbling (1-8 months)

Booming - the child begins to make soft, drawn-out sounds or syllables: “a-gu-u”, “ga-a-a”, “gu-u-u”, “a-a-a”, “oo-oo-u” and so on. Vowel sounds predominate.

Closer to 6 months. The child begins to babble. He makes repeated syllables “ta-ta”, “ba-ba”, “ma-ma”, etc. The child seems to be playing with vocal sounds. During this period, the child begins to “name” objects and people with whom he communicates. Articulation begins. In babbling, almost all the sounds of the native language that he heard from adults are “worked out.” An intonation component also arises: joy, demands.

  • First words and phrases (1-2 years).

The child’s first words are not words that define an object or subject, but verbs containing a request (demand): “give,” “na,” etc. The number of first words depends on the state of mental development, so their number can vary greatly among different children. Often, only people from his immediate environment can understand the meaning of what a child said.

By the age of 1.5 years, the first words begin to be combined into two-word sentences and phrases. They cannot yet be called a proposal in the full sense of the word. It is quite difficult to even understand them if you are not aware of the situation. By the age of 2, the number of words in sentences increases. And the child’s vocabulary itself is actively increasing. Words in phrases begin to be divided into a reference word and a variable.

  • Mastering the grammar of the language (2-3 years).

The number of words in the child’s phrases has increased and continues to increase. The sentence is built according to a linear principle: a key word and non-main words. Words in a sentence acquire a grammatical connection.

During this period, the child begins to master changing words by numbers, genders, and cases. But some grammatical categories are difficult for him. Such “difficulties” include the declension of nouns by case, and sometimes the use of the correct gender. For example, a 2.5 year old boy can say “I went”, “I did”, and this is the age norm. The most important thing is that during this period the child’s speech becomes understandable regardless of the situation in which it is spoken.

The child begins to think verbally, that is, not only in images, but also in words. Inner speech appears. At the age of 3, the child begins to master the system of his native language.

  • Contextual speech (3-5 years).

The child begins to pronounce complete phrases and entire passages of oral speech that have a general meaning. This is a necessary step to start communicating with your interlocutor.

And at this time the vocabulary of his language is formed. The child learns to change familiar words with the help of suffixes and prefixes, i.e. “word creation” begins. This indicates that the baby is mastering and assimilating the elements of language. This “type” of creativity appears in all children.

  • Mastering speech norms of the language (5-7 years).

During this period, the child masters coherent speech. He expresses some idea not in one, but in several sentences. True, these sentences are still imperfect, but speech improvement occurs throughout one’s life.

An important distinguishing feature of speech of this period is that the child begins to present events in a logical sequence, i.e. The child begins to develop conversational logical thinking.

So, the norms for speech development in a child are:

  • by 1 year a child normally speaks from 2 words (a word is a certain sound complex “denotes” a certain object/action/person).
  • by 2 years a simple phrase appears (“Dad, give me”, “I want to play!”); hard consonant sounds [t], [d], [p] appear; increasingly, a combination of consonants is replaced by one sound; In complex words, a syllable may be skipped.
  • at 2.5 - 3 years the child moves from “amorphous words” (onomatopoeic, understandable only to those close to him) to commonly used words; hard consonant sounds appear: [v], [s], [z], [l], [h], [sch], [zh], [ts]; mixing of articulatory-close sounds is allowed; the syllable structure is rarely violated, mainly in unfamiliar words.
  • by 5 years sound pronunciation is fully formed; the child is able to evaluate his own and others’ pronunciation; there should be no violations in the syllabic structure.
  • by school age the child masters almost the entire complex system of practical grammar.

It is important to remember that the division of speech development into periods is quite arbitrary, because The timing of speech acquisition is individual and depends on the characteristics of the child’s nervous system, general health and conditions of his upbringing. Often, passive speech (understanding) is ahead of active speech (pronounced words may appear closer to 2-2.5 years).

If you notice symptoms of speech underdevelopment in your child or he has already been given one of the diagnoses discussed above, sign up for a consultation with our specialists. The initial consultation can be one of the specialists or: a children's speech therapist, speech pathologist and psychologist of our Center will determine the individual causes of delayed speech development, give recommendations for correction, and also draw up a plan for classes in the Center and at home. This system of work will make the correctional route the most effective and will successfully harmonize the baby’s development process.

Especially recommended for speech delays in children. This is neurosensory auditory stimulation, which allows you to influence speech, communication, cognitive processes, and emotional regulation using specially processed sound. Often, after the first course of Tomatis, children begin to speak. Tomatis therapy at the Ember center is conducted by the director of the center, a clinical psychologist. Licensed Tomatis Practitioner. Our center uses only original equipment.

Who provides appointments at the Ember Center for children with speech delays?

- Leading speech therapist-defectologist of the center, experience more than 10 years. Receives receptions in the office on Novocherkassky Prospekt. She has been working in our center since 2013. A huge number. She uses Denas therapy and specialized Forbrain headphones in her work.
— leading teacher-defectologist, experience more than 8 years. Travels to homes within St. Petersburg and conducts classes in the office. Uses Denas therapy.

There are a number of speech disorders (ONR, dysarthria, some types of dyslalia, alalia) in children that cannot be solved without professional certified speech therapy massage. The work of the speech therapist in these cases will be unjustifiably prolonged and ineffective, and the child will lose time, which will subsequently be very difficult to make up.

The center's specialists provide a special speech therapy massage of the articulatory muscles involved in the formation of speech and the pronunciation of sounds. The neurospeech therapy center “ABOVE THE RAINBOW” provides probe, manual, mixed and massage with probe substitutes.

Speech therapy massage is indicated for children with alalia, dysarthria, rhinolalia, delayed speech development, stuttering, OHP, and mental retardation.

The difficulties that a child experiences when reproducing certain sounds can be caused by a violation of the tone of the articulatory muscles - the muscles of the tongue, lips, and soft palate. If these muscles are undeveloped or insufficiently innervated, the child will pronounce sounds incorrectly and experience discomfort from this, which will subsequently lead to to gross errors in writing and reading, because phonemic awareness the child is also impaired. Problems with insufficient tone or development of the muscles of the speech apparatus can be caused by various circulatory disorders that are congenital or acquired and of a neurological nature.

During the massage, the child’s nervous system is also stimulated; the massage causes appropriate reflex reactions that mobilize the body’s resources.

But we must remember that speech therapy massage only in integration with competent speech therapy work of a specialist, a thoughtful and specially selected program gives a high-quality and sustainable result.

At the Neurospeech Therapy Center “Above the Rainbow”, specialists, in addition to traditional staging, massage and universal probes, use vibration massagers Z-Vibe®, DnZ-Vibe®, Z-Grabber™, ARK Animal Menagerie in their work.

The principle of operation of Z-Vibe is to influence (the tongue, the inner and outer surfaces of the cheeks, forehead, cheeks, chin) a person with high-frequency vibrations.
Allows you to very effectively stretch the “frenulum”.
And also support the tongue, massage the hollow of the tongue to help make the C sound and much more.
This massager allows you to “set” the sound R to a person during 1 session.
The Z-Vibe speech therapy electric massager is recognized by many speech therapists as the best equipment in the world for conducting speech therapy massage and preparing a person’s articulatory muscles for special classes.

This electric massager, with proper and constant speech therapy massage, can reduce the time spent on correcting a child’s speech by at least 3-5 times compared to traditional massage probes.

An experienced diagnostician thinks through a correction and massage program for each child.

Speech therapy work carried out according to a single algorithm for all children can lead to a serious loss of time, to the consolidation of incorrect stereotypes, which will be very difficult to correct, this will require a lot of effort and time and will delay the correction time.

The Tomatis method is another important method for correcting general speech underdevelopment (GSD).

The Tomatis Method is a system of auditory training that uses high frequencies to influence the brain. The goal of the method is to improve the brain's ability to perceive and process auditory information.

The scope of application of the A. Tomatis method in children is very extensive and includes therapeutic programs for children aged 24 months to 12 years.

High-frequency auditory training using the Tomatis method is aimed at training the brain to perceive auditory information in a more efficient and organized manner.

If classes with a speech therapist do not bring noticeable results, it is necessary to undergo neuroacoustic stimulation using the Tomatis Method. Auditory stimulation improves the perception of sounds and accelerates the process of mastering correct sound pronunciation. With the help of training according to the Tomatis method, the listening process is reprogrammed.

These workouts are prescribed for children with disorders of oral and written speech, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, speech and psychomotor development delays, and balance disorders.

Many children have impaired perception of sounds; due to the fact that the child does not clearly hear consonant sounds, the formation of his own speech is significantly impaired. Often a child does not learn information because his brain cannot separate important auditory information from unimportant information. And the problem is that the child’s brain does not perceive the speech (of an adult) against the background of surrounding noise (in the classroom, in everyday life).

There are also children who are able to perceive information mainly with their right ear, and there are those who listen mainly with their left. The right ear is connected to the left hemisphere of the brain, in which speech zones are located. If a child listens with his left ear, then the information first enters the right hemisphere, and only then to the left. This takes longer. In addition, sounds are distorted along the way, especially high-frequency sounds. THIS MAKES IT VERY DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU HEARD.

With the help of audiovocal training, which affects the brain through air (ear) and bone (skeleton) conduction, you can influence the auditory system of the brain. This leads to an improvement in the ability to perceive information, and therefore to learning, the development of attention, communication abilities, the ability to read, understand what is heard, and helps the brain better process information received from all senses.

Children with normal intellectual abilities and full-fledged auditory activity often suffer from dysfunction in the formation of various (sound, semantic and lexico-grammatical) aspects of speech. The reason for the formation of the disorder is speech disorders, which causes general speech underdevelopment (GSD). One of the most complex pathologies is grade 1 OHP.

The presence of a disorder can be detected during a speech therapy examination, after which the correction stage begins, which results in not only the formation of speech understanding and a full-fledged vocabulary, but also the establishment of correct sound pronunciation and grammatical structure of the language.
If not treated promptly, the child may suffer from dysgraphia or dyslexia in the future.

Paying attention to the clinical composition of the category of children with OHP, three groups can be distinguished:

  • ODD is an uncomplicated form, which is characterized by the presence of minimal brain dysfunction, manifested in incomplete control of muscle tone, motor transformations, as well as the manifestation of immature behavior in the emotional-volitional sphere.
  • A complicated form of OHP is observed in children suffering from neurological or psychological syndromes, for example, cerebrasthenic, convulsive or hyperdynamic.
  • Children who have organic defects in the speech areas of the brain are susceptible to developing severe speech underdevelopment.

Based on the degree of OHP, four levels are distinguished:

  • Level 1 of speech development is characterized by the absolute absence of commonly used speech - “speechless children.”
  • At the 2nd level of speech development, the use of initial elements of speech, a poor vocabulary, and also the manifestation of agrammatism are noted.
  • If a child has developed phrasal speech, but the sound and semantic aspects are not fully developed, then we are talking about the 3rd level of speech development.
  • At the 4th level of speech development, minor shortcomings are observed in the phonetic-phonemic, as well as lexical-grammatical aspects of speech

Detailed characteristics of OHP 1st degree

A child with this diagnosis is extremely limited in his means of communication. In the active vocabulary, one can identify only a small number of words that are used in everyday life, and the pronunciation of each is unclear. Various onomatopoeias or ordinary sounds can also be added to such phrases.

In most cases, children use their facial expressions and gestures in communication, without separating complexes to describe qualities, actions or objects. Most often, baby babble is regarded as a one-word sentence that is repeated many times.

The child does not differentiate the designations of an object and an action. That is, he can characterize any action with an object, for example, the verb open is replaced by the word door, which is most often pronounced unclearly. The same effect is observed in the opposite way, that is, the object is replaced by an action. The most common example is the replacement of the word “bed” with the verb “pat” (to sleep). Due to a limited vocabulary, one word can have multiple meanings.

The speech of such children is completely devoid of inflections, as a result of which all words are used only in their root form. Each babbling element is accompanied by active gesticulation as additional support for explanation.

In the absence of orienting signs, the child will not be able to distinguish between the plural and singular forms of a noun, as well as the past tense of a verb or masculine and feminine. Most children have a complete lack of understanding of prepositions.

The characteristic of the auditory-speech side with OHP level 1 is phonetic uncertainty. When reproducing sounds, a diffuse character is observed, which is explained by insufficiently developed articulation, as well as a low ability for sound recognition. Most often, defective sounds dominate over correct pronunciation.
With level 1 OHP, children cannot distinguish and perceive syllable structure.

General characteristics of OHP levels 2,3 and 4

Level 2 OHP is characterized by an increase in speech activity. In communication, the child uses a constant, but still distorted and narrow stock of words. At this level, the child is able to differentiate objects, actions, use pronouns, some conjunctions and prepositions. The child actively reacts to pictures that are familiar in nature, that is, for example, to objects that surround him in everyday life.

Speech is built from elementary sentences (2-3, in rare cases 4 words are used). The child cannot name the color or shape of an object, so he tries to replace unfamiliar words with a phrase that is close in meaning.

The third level of OHP is characterized by the development of detailed everyday speech. In this case, incomplete knowledge of some words is noted, as well as incorrect composition of certain grammatical forms. Most often, children in this group suffer from impaired auditory differentiation of sounds. The main distinguishing feature of this degree is considered to be the inability to form words, confusion in cases and verbal forms.

The fourth level of OHP is detected during a detailed diagnosis, because in life many parents do not pay attention to minor speech defects. The main problem of these children is the inability to retain the phonemic image of a word, as well as a violation of sound differentiation.

Examination technique

Any speech defects are diagnosed at an appointment with a speech therapist, as a result of which the child’s speech skills are identified and the level of mental development is determined.

An important stage is the analysis to establish mutual assistance between the sound side of speech, vocabulary and grammatical structure. As a result, three stages of the study can be distinguished:

  • the indicative, or first stage, as a result of which the child’s card is filled out from the parents’ words, the documentation is studied and a conversation is held with the baby;
  • at the second stage of the examination, a diagnosis of the language system and its components is carried out, as a result of which a conclusion is drawn up from a speech therapist;
  • at the third stage, the speech therapist makes observations in dynamics, for example, during the learning process.

When talking with parents, it is most often possible to collect information about the child’s pre-speech reactions, for example, humming and babbling. It becomes possible to find out the exact age at which the first words were formed. If you suspect the development of first-level OHP, it is important to find out whether the child is developing two-word or multi-word sentences, how developed is his sociability and desire for contact.

But the most important thing is a direct conversation with the child, as a result of which contact, mood and communication are established. During the conversation, various questions are asked that help to better understand his horizons, favorite activities, and determine how well he navigates space and time.

When determining the cause of the development of a defect in the sound side of speech, it is important to conduct an examination of the articulatory apparatus, as well as its motor skills.

Equally important is the examination of general and fine motor skills, which is based on the baby’s general appearance, posture, and ability to self-care (for example, a speech therapist may ask him to fasten his own buttons or lace his shoes). Attention is also paid to walking, running, jumping and other types of physical activity.

It is very important to determine whether the baby can maintain balance.

Ultimately, the speech therapist conducts a complete and comprehensive study of behavior, which is subsequently summarized into a speech therapy conclusion, on the basis of which correctional work is supported and a therapy route is drawn up.

Education of children 1st degree OHP

It is important to remember that the correction process is a long and difficult path that will help children with special needs develop speech skills, completely eliminating shyness.

For children who suffer from the first level of OHP, it is necessary to develop an understanding of speech and formulate an independent vocabulary with which they can compose simple sentences.

It is best if classes with such children are practiced in small groups, using a game form of learning. After this comes the process where the speech therapist needs to help children expand their understanding of speech. Give a correct understanding of various objects, actions and phenomena that surround them. Each phrase must be supported with a clear example. Phrases should consist of two to four words, inflected along the way and used with prepositions, thereby allowing children to feel the difference in sound.

You can use toys, clothes, various utensils or food as materials for work.

The next stage of correction of grade 1 OHP will be the development of independent speech. The speech therapist needs to create situations that will arouse not only interest, but also the communicative and cognitive need for the use of speech. First of all, you can try to teach the kids to name all family members correctly, then switch to simple names (for example, Masha, Sasha, Olya).

Next comes a more difficult period when the child needs to express his request, while attaching the word with a gesture (for example, the word “give” can be accompanied by a hand gesture).
As soon as the baby has the ability to imitate an adult, it is necessary to switch to the correct reproduction of the stressed syllable, after which they switch to more complex words (car, hand, pen).
After correctly involving the child in the correction process, the specialist introduces a game with a short answer to the question posed, which contributes to the formation of a simple form of dialogue.
After the child overcomes the first stage of speech development, the following stages of adjustment begin, which are based on:

  • introducing intensive work on understanding speech, with the help of which the ability to understand various forms of words is developed;
  • expanding vocabulary;
  • correction of the correct pronunciation of each word, correct understanding of all sounds.

Subsequently, the speech therapist teaches children to understand the difference when applying prefixes to words, determine the difference in gender, and combine objects that have something in common.

Correcting speech defects can take more than one year, because with each step the child will move to a new level of development, thanks to which he will ultimately fully formulate the correct form of the word and increase his vocabulary.

After visiting a speech therapist, the child begins to feel comfortable with the environment, conscientiously treats the process of learning the world, thereby undergoing complete social adaptation.

In this article:

It would seem that in the modern world there are so many sources of information, high-tech means of communication, such wide availability of books, television children's educational and entertainment channels, various specialized centers for children of all levels and ages, that general underdevelopment of speech in children should become a diagnosis long gone . It would be so if it were not for the deterioration of the environment, the cultural degradation of society, and the decrease in the degree of psychological security.

Whether the family will be able to withstand unfavorable external factors in order to give the child everything necessary for his full development depends directly on the parents. But even the most caring mothers and fathers are not immune from the child’s possible lag in the formation of the most important skill on which the scenario of the child’s entire life depends - correct, free, rich speech.

Lag or temporary decline?

A temporary slowdown in speech development in young children is indeed possible. But it is only visible, apparent. If a child develops harmoniously, exhibits skills characteristic of his age, continues to interact lively, adequately, and respond to communication, but the verbal expression of his reactions suddenly stops, this may mean that he is going through another period of passive language acquisition.

Passive perception in all people lags slightly behind the active manifestation of accumulated knowledge. In the same way, a child first absorbs everything new and only then begins to apply it in everyday life.

Mastering new skills is not uniform and progressive; it is wave-like. The conversion of quantity into quality is carried out differently at different age periods. Sometimes children immediately begin to express what they heard, and sometimes they become quiet. At this time, internal adaptation to fresh impressions occurs, the transition of understanding into the skill of application, which is then accompanied by a sharp leap forward.

Such periods of attenuation and
There may be several jumps from birth to 3 years, but by the age of 3, in proportionately developed children, basic speech skills should be formed.

The alarm should be sounded if the child shows clear signs of disharmony or systemic speech impairment.

General speech underdevelopment: characteristic signs

OHP is a speech disorder in children of a normal level of intellectual development (according to age) who do not have physiological problems with hearing. Experts say about such children that they lack phonemic hearing, that is, the ability to distinguish individual sounds, as a result - a distorted understanding of the meaning: the child hears the spoken word differently from how it was pronounced.

With OHP, all speech skills suffer: sound formation, word formation, grammatical structure, semantic load. In conversational speech, children make mistakes typical of younger children.

The dynamics of speech development of such children does not correspond to the pace of development of their psyche. While there is a delay in the development of conversational skills, children with ODD do not differ much from their peers in general development: they show an active interest in the world around them, react emotionally to situations, play with pleasure, and understand everyday speech.

Typical manifestations

  • unintelligible, incomprehensible conversation;
  • grammatically incorrect construction of phrases;
  • low activity of speech interaction, lag in understanding words from their independent use;
  • late age of pronouncing the first words and simple phrases (from 3 to 5 years, instead of 1.5-2).

In general psychological development:

In the development of gross and fine motor skills:

  • inaccuracy in performing small movements;
  • slowness of action, tendency to freeze in one position;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • undeveloped rhythm;
  • disorientation in space and time when performing movement tasks.

General speech underdevelopment: classification

Speech therapists divide OHP into 4 groups.

Level 1

Possession of skills characteristic of infants: onomatopoeia, babbling, babbling words, parts of everyday words, pieces of babbling phrases. Children pronounce sounds unclearly and actively help themselves with gestures and facial expressions.

In children with ODD of group 1, there is a gap between passive and active vocabulary
significantly more than normal, while they show a keen interest in communication.

Characteristics of speech:

  • blurred pronunciation of sounds;
  • predominance of one-syllable or two-syllable words;
  • reducing long words to two or three syllables;
  • replacing action words with object words;
  • denoting different objects or different actions in one word;
  • confusion in words that are consonant but have different meanings;
  • in some cases - lack of speech.

Level 2

Improving speech development: mastering more commonly used words
words, the use of simple phrases, replenishing the active dictionary with distorted but constantly used names.

Children of the 2nd group of OHP are able to master some grammatical forms in simple words, as a rule, with stressed endings (singular - plural).


Level 3

Constructing phrases
extensive speech with a general lag in all speech skills.

Children with group 3 OHP have access to the basics of grammatical structure: the correct use of simple forms, the use of almost all parts of speech, and the complication of sentences. They already have enough life experiences to increase their vocabulary, the correct names of actions, objects, and their properties. Children are able to compose a simple story, but freedom of communication is still difficult.

Speech characteristics:

Level 4

An increase in vocabulary in the presence of individual gaps in grammar and lexical diversity, low assimilation of new material, inhibition in learning to read and write.

With OHP group 4, children are able to correctly use simple prepositions, they are less likely to shorten long words, but their speech is is still distorted: there is a “loss” of some sounds from the words.

Difficulties in speech behavior:

  • unclear speech even with correct pronunciation of sounds due to sluggish articulation;
  • dull, unimaginative narration in simple, inexpressive sentences;
  • violation of logic in an independent story;
  • difficulties in choosing expressions;
  • distortion of possessive, diminutive and affectionate words;
  • replacing a specific property of an object with an approximate one;
  • substitution of names of objects with similar properties.

General speech underdevelopment: causes

As a rule, gross pathologies of the brain and nervous system are not found in children with OHP.

Doctors consider physiological and social reasons to be the sources of speech delay:

ONR is not a death sentence

Speech development disorders are not irreversible. However, without intervention
parents, in close collaboration with professionals, the beginnings of speaking skills will fade away.

It’s never too late to catch on, but the best option would be to turn to specialists at the age of 3, when, according to accepted standards, the child should already be able to speak coherently. There will be enough time ahead to have time to correct the child’s speech and general physical and mental development before entering school.

Perhaps you need to start worrying sooner. They may still be careful not to make an accurate diagnosis, but doctors will examine the child’s physiology, in case of violations they will prescribe appropriate treatment, and the speech therapist will recommend a home study program for the development of fine motor skills and the formation of the foundations of correct pronunciation.

It is best to send your child to a speech therapy kindergarten. It’s good if a children’s institution practices an integrated approach to
correctional work with children, where speech therapists work together with defectologists, psychologists and specialists in child neuroses.

An alternative to a correctional kindergarten is child development centers with a medical focus. No matter what specialists the parents entrust to their child, the treatment will be delayed and will not be effective enough if all responsibility is placed on the shoulders of educators, speech therapists and doctors.

It is necessary to be patient in order to, together with specialists, overcome the difficulties of painstaking correctional work: follow the recommendations of the speech therapist, continue classes at home according to the program prescribed by him, do not ignore taking medications prescribed by the doctor, engage in physical education with the child, games that develop mental abilities, fine motor skills, and take a lot of walks , play, talk.

In a word, love.

And, of course, do everything to minimize unfavorable factors in the family, and if necessary, isolate the child from people who negatively affect his psyche.

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