Sentence in English (Syntax). Syntax. Sentence in English Analysis of a sentence in English

  • It– subject;
  • was a house– compound nominal predicate, where was– linking verb;
  • a house– predicative member;
  • gentle old-fashioned– homogeneous members – definitions to the predicative member;
  • quiet and orderly– isolated homogeneous members – definitions to the predicative member;
  • very– a circumstance of degree to these homogeneous members – definitions.

Exercise. Determine which parts of the sentence are introduced by the prepositions with, by and to. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1)Mr. Peggotty ruffled his hair again with both hands. 2) The ship sank with all her passengers and cargo. 3) The mountains with all their beauty did not appeal to them. 4) Anyone will improve his spelling with patience. 5) A large dog rushed past the house, with its tail down and the tongue out. 6) Do you see the tall young woman with blue eyes and with a basket on her arm? 7) Let us then step into the coach with the Russell Square family. 8) Do you like to play with children? 9) Go into the house at once, you are blue with cold.

1) Sit by me.
2) This carpet is sold by the square yard.
3) Trams are driven by electricity.
4) Who is standing by the window?
5) Many people travel by air.

1) I could not sleep for the flies. 2) As it was very dark, we were taken for somebody else.

1) “O heavenly, heavenly flowers,” exclaimed Miss Sharp and smelled them delicately and held them to her bosom, and cast up her eyes to the ceiling in an ecstasy of admiration. 2) I handed the letter to the secretary. 3) We opened the door to the office. 4) I hope you will find it to your own advantage.

Parsing by sentence members, like any other type of grammatical parsing, requires a conscious attitude of students towards it; therefore, analysis by members of a sentence cannot be done mechanically, from the first word in the sentence, without taking into account what member it is, what its relationship to other members of the sentence is.

  1. Name the main members of the sentence (subject and predicate);
  2. In relation to each member of the sentence being analyzed, whether expressed in one word or a combination of words, it is necessary to indicate: a) which word or member of the sentence does it refer to? b) what question does it answer?

In addition, before starting to analyze the members of the sentence, it is advisable to give a general description of the proposal, indicating which of the types and types of simple sentence it is:

  1. declarative, interrogative, imperative or exclamatory;
  2. two-part or one-part;
  3. common or uncommon;
  4. complete or incomplete;
  5. definitely personal, indefinitely personal or impersonal.

It is possible to distinguish groups of subject and predicate.

Sometimes the prepositional phrase of a noun appears in a sentence or definition, or circumstance.

The definition in English is characterized by its place immediately after the defined, therefore, although the prepositional phrase of a noun gives an adverbial characteristic, it performs the function of a definition, but an adverbial definition.

Examples: The trees in the park were tall and stately. The brazen plate upon the door bore this description.

In the sentence As we passed, I remarked a beautiful church-spire rising above some old elms in the park – prepositional phrase of a noun– in the park- can also be understood as a circumstance to the participle rising and as a modifier (adverbial modifier) ​​to a noun elms.

Distinguishing definition from addition

Definition and indirect addition should be distinguished from circumstance:

The man with a gray beard. A man with a pink carnation. It was an evening dress, with a lace mantilla over it.

In all these sentences, the prepositional phrase of the noun is a modifier.

Other examples:

Olives from France, with Russian caviare, were placed on the little plates.

The cozy drawing-room, with its balcony facing the square, was flooded with light.

In these cases, the prepositional phrase is a separate object.

The girl with pretty black eyes (what girl?) reminded me of her mother. - definition

The girl looked at me with her black eyes. (How did she look at me?) - circumstance

Compare: The girl danced with infinite grace (in a graceful manner). - circumstance

When analyzing the sentence members, it turns out that in a number of cases the boundary between them turns out to be unclear: one or another sentence member may occupy an intermediate position between two syntactic categories. The difficulty that a student may experience during analysis is further aggravated by the fact that different members of a sentence are sometimes formed in the same way - for example, by combining a noun with the same preposition, i.e., the prepositional phrase of the noun.

Often there may be difficulties when distinguishing the following members of a sentence, expressed by the prepositional group of a noun:

  1. indirect addition from circumstance;
  2. definitions from circumstances;

Sometimes the prepositional group of a noun allows for a double interpretation: it is either an indirect addition or a circumstance in a sentence, depending on what content is seen in this prepositional group by the speaker or reader.

Both interpretations are correct. In Russian grammar it is proposed to introduce the term “adverbial addition” in this case.

Examples of distinguishing an indirect object from a circumstance

1. A little girl, playing one day in her fathers’s grounds, fell into a stream that flowed through the estate.

To prepositional phrases of a noun – into a stream, through the estate- There are two types of questions you can ask:

a) What did she fall into? What did the stream flow through? – i.e. these prepositional phrases are perceived by the speaker as indirect objects.

b) Where did she fall? Where did the stream flow? – i.e. the above prepositional groups of words are perceived by the speaker as adverbs of place.

To the prepositional group of words: in her father's grounds– it seems logical to pose the question: Where was she playing? – and not What was she playing in?

2. A small pony happened to be grazing on the rich grass that grew on the bank.

To the prepositional group of words - on the rich grass– it’s logical to ask the question: Where was the pony grazing? – since the question is: What was the pony grazing on? could be understood as: What was the pony feeding on?

To the prepositional group of words - on the bank– you can ask two questions: Where did the grass grow? What did the grass grow on?

3. The cries of his little mistress fell on his ears.

To the prepositional group of words - on its ears– you can only ask one question: What did they fall on?

4. Plunging into the stream (where?) it seized her frock between her teeth (between what?) and drew her ashore with such gentleness (how?) that she was not hurt by anything worse (by what?) than the fright.

By a stroke of good fortune, the man from Goldman Sachs knows a way to turn oil slicks into ready cash – ByhappyaccidentsHumanfrom"GoldmanSaxon"knowsHowtransformoilfilmsVavailability

First, we define the subject-predicate group. The main English verb here is knows. Who knows? The man from Goldman Sachs is the subject. We isolate the main subclause - this is everything after the comma.

4 prepositional phrases

Next, we will find prepositional phrases in an English sentence. The first is by a stroke of good fortune, where the preposition by is defined by the addition a stroke. Like most clauses outside the main subclause, this is an adverbial subclause. It describes the mode of action of the main verb knows.

Inside the prepositional phrase, the prepositional sub-phrase of good fortune stands out. This is an adjective prepositional subphrase as a description of a stroke.

The next prepositional phrase is from Goldman Sachs (preposition from + object Goldman Sachs). She acts as an adjective to the man.

The last prepositional phrase is into ready cash. But this is not an adjective to the previous oil slicks, as you might think, but an adverbial prepositional phrase to the infinitive to turn. Not what kind of oil films, but how to convert them?

7 personalphrases

a stroke of good fortune

This is the complement of the preposition by with the main word stroke.

As a noun phrase, it is the complement of the preposition of with the main word fortune.

the man from Goldman Sachs

Same as the subject of the sentence. The main word is man.

The name of a New York corporation. As a noun phrase it is the complement of the preposition from.

a way to turn oil slicks into ready cash

Direct object of the verb knows with the main word way. Knows what? Way…

As a noun phrase, it is the direct object of the infinitive phrase to turn. Convert what? Oil films. The main word here is slicks, and although both components are nouns, oil is subordinate to slicks as an adjective.

As a nominal subphrase, it is the complement of the preposition into with the main word cash.

Verb phrase

to turn oil slicks into ready cash

An infinitive phrase as an adjective of way.

Fun Facts

Diamonds mined in Brazil are harder than those found in Africa.

Parsing a sentence is the most frequently asked task from school, which some people fail to do. Today I will tell you how to outwit your teacher and do everything right.

Today I will give you the TOP 5 services that will help you analyze a sentence into parts of speech.

All of them can perform some kind of parsing of sentences or words. Each of them has some pros and cons.

These services will be specialized for both Russian and .

And let me tell you, they don't work great per se, but they will help you get most of your job done.


In the tables above, I have listed the best of the best services that can help you with your sentence parsing assignments.

If you have read the table, I propose to start analyzing each of the services and we will start from the very last line of our list and gradually reach the leader of our TOP.

№5 Lexis Res

Using this link you can get to this service and evaluate its work yourself:

What kind of site is this? For people who study English, this is just a treasure. This page allows you to analyze English text. It can be used by a person with any level of knowledge.

This is a service that allows you to parse a sentence entirely in English. Sentences can be simple, complex, compound or complex.

In addition to the fact that the site does this analysis of any type of sentence, it also explains each word by meaning. That is, if you do not know the exact meaning of a word, then this resource is perfect for you.

You just need to write the text you need in the field or click the “Random sentences” button, and then click the “Analyze” button, and then you will receive a detailed analysis of each word in the sentence: an explanation of the meaning of the word, Part of speech.

What advantages does this site have over others? First of all, the service is very easy to use; you won’t need to spend a lot of time to understand what’s what.

Secondly, the site has a huge database that allows you to parse text of any complexity and topic.

In addition, the site has enormous functionality; it will be useful in many other ways for people who are studying English.

  • easy to use website;
  • There are practically no advertisements that would distract;
  • simple site interface;
  • huge functionality;
  • very good parsing.
  • If you do not have a satisfactory level of knowledge of the English language, it will be a little difficult to read all the explanations on the site;
  • words during parsing are not underlined by parts of speech lines;
  • there is no adaptation of the site to the Russian language.

As you can see, the ratio of pros and cons allows us to call this site good, but not great, which is why it is in fifth place.

№4 Delph-in

In fourth place is a service called “Delph-in".

You can try it out using this link: This site is a real monster for people who are learning English. This service allows you to have online access to LinGO English Resource Grammar (ERG).

The grammar development platform Linguistic Knowledge Builder is used here.

This interface allows you to enter a single sentence using the ERG system and visualize the results of the analysis in various forms.

I will say right away that the site is suitable for those who are quite experienced in the English language, but this site is simply magnificent and necessary for such people.

What advantages does this service have? First of all, this site has a better degree of analysis of the proposal according to the method that is used at the University of Oslo, and to be precise, the Language Technology Group.

Now we will look at both the pros and cons of this service.

  • very flexible sentence parsing system;
  • you can write proposals on a variety of topics;
  • an unlimited number of characters can be used in a sentence.
  • the first of them is that the service is quite complex for people with low and intermediate levels of English to use;
  • To understand how the service works and disassemble it in order to understand what’s what, you need to devote several hours to the site.

We have familiarized ourselves with the fourth position and now we will move on to the third place of our TOP.

№3 MorphologyOnline

This site is ideal for those who need to qualitatively parse a sentence step by step, word by word, so as not to make mistakes and correctly select each part of speech for each word in the sentence being analyzed.

The service is also useful because it has a very broad description of each searched word.

What advantages does this service have? Let's look at them.

The first thing is that it is very easy to use. Its interface does not have any distracting elements, which will allow you to fully concentrate on the written information.

In addition to the fact that the service indicates the part of speech of a word, it also describes a morphological analysis, which makes the analysis of the word deeper and more thorough.

This will help you never make a mistake in parsing your sentence. Also, if you want to familiarize yourself with the parts of speech in detail, you can find information on this site, which is very conveniently and clearly explained.

Now let’s look at the service from both sides and see both the pros and cons. Let's start with the positive side.

  • very simple - even the youngest user can handle it;
  • there are no annoying advertisements, which makes using the service comfortable;
  • deep Scan;
  • a huge amount of information for independent syntactic parsing of a sentence.

It is because of these pros and cons that the service takes only third place. Now it's time for second place.

No. 2 ""

Why is this service in 4th place? This site allows you to analyze one word at a time across all Russian dictionaries, which not only indicate the part of speech, but also explain the meaning of the searched word, synonyms, antonyms, and various forms.

Here you can even find the correct stress for any Russian word.

Therefore, if you want to fully analyze a word or increase your level of knowledge of the Russian language, you can safely use this resource.

Let's take a closer look at the advantages of the site. First of all, there is a very nice interface, everything is clear, you don’t need to search for anything. Everything you need can be immediately seen on the monitor display. The site itself has no advertising.

The entire design of the site is made in simple colors, that is, your eyes will not get so tired from reading this site for a long time.

Absolutely anyone can use this service: from first class to the elderly.

Since I have described all the possible advantages in great detail, you can now make a whole short list and also add the negative aspects to see the full picture.

  • an easy-to-use site that won’t take up much of your time;
  • nice interface;
  • absence of annoying advertising;
  • all kinds of materials for learning the Russian language.
  • you can only analyze one word at a time;
  • the site is more geared towards general word analysis than syntactic analysis.

We have reviewed and examined in detail the second place and now we will move on to the leader of our TOP.

No. 1 "Goldlit"

Why did this service take first place in our TOP? First of all, the site can parse a sentence, regardless of the number of characters and words.

The analysis on the site is very convenient. The service was created specifically for parsing sentences.

This site has a number of advantages. As mentioned, the site can analyze entire sentences, and not just words.

Syntactic analysis is carried out very conveniently: first, the initial forms of the word are written, then the parts of speech, then comes the grammatical analysis, and then the declension by case.

Of all the TOP, this service has the most convenient and eye-pleasing interface.

In addition to these advantages, the site also has sections with various literature from different periods, various poetry, both Russian and foreign. The site has information about many poets, many conveniently written biographies. All this will also help you study various literature if you need it.

But despite all these advantages, the site also has some disadvantages. We will talk about them after we have identified all the advantages.

  • performs a complete analysis of the sentence, regardless of the topic, number of words and characters;
  • a minimal amount of advertising, but even this does not interfere with the use of the site;
  • very easy to learn;
  • a lot of information on the literature;
  • great interface and good colors.
  • absolute lack of materials on the Russian language;
  • the site is geared more towards literature, but still has a tool for parsing sentences.

Bottom line

Let's summarize the results. After analyzing the entire TOP, you can understand that if you need a site for parsing sentences in Russian, I recommend you use the “Goldlit” resource.

The simplicity of the site, excellent analysis of the offer, a lot of interesting materials - these are the key factors that influenced the site’s placement in our top.

It is the absolute leader in our TOP and the best online service for parsing sentences in Russian on Russian Internet networks.

This is a resource that will help you not only complete your homework, but also familiarize yourself with various literature. Use the Goldlit service.

This article provides basic information about sentence structure (syntax) and its types. You will also find examples of some problematic questions in written English.

Many linguists cannot come to a common opinion: what is a sentence? We will give the following definition: a sentence is a sequence of words related in meaning and grammatically, the first of which begins with a capital letter, and after the last there is a punctuation mark (period, question mark or exclamation mark).

Subjects and predicate

All sentences contain information about someone or something. This someone or something is called the subject of the sentence. In English, the subject usually comes at the beginning of the sentence:

· She is always complaining about her boss!(She always complains about her boss!)

· The dress is very beautiful(The dress is very beautiful).

· This tree is cut down because someone wants to build on these place a new supermarket(This tree is being cut down because someone wants to build a new supermarket on this site).

The predicate tells what this or that object does, what it is like. Usually the predicate comes immediately after the subject:

· She wants to move to a new flat(She wants to move to a new apartment).

· We have no time for this nonsense(We don't have time for this nonsense).

· My friend is interested in creative story writing(A friend of mine is interested in writing interesting stories).

A simple subject is the main subject of a sentence, a simple predicate is the main predicate.

· John waited until midnight(John waited until it was midnight.)

In the above example John– subject, waited-predicate. A simple subject is always expressed by a noun or pronoun, and a simple predicate is always expressed by a verb.

Here are a few more examples of sentences containing simple subjects and predicates:

· My English teacher also speaks French and Latin(My English teacher also speaks French and Latin).

· At the entrance a large dog with sad eyes is waiting for his master(Near the entrance, a large dog with sad eyes is waiting for its owner.)

· The young girl wants a Teddy Bear as her Birthday present(The little girl wants a teddy bear as a birthday present).

· My friend and I are going to the cinema tonight(My friend and I are going to the cinema tonight).

· At the wedding ceremony the groom suddenly said “No”.(At the wedding ceremony, the groom unexpectedly answered “No”)

Note that simple subjects and predicates can consist of two or more words.

Helpful Tip: To learn how to write strong, clear sentences, you need to be clear about what or who you are writing about and what that someone/something does. Your writing style will become more readable if the subject does not come first in every sentence.

Types of offers

Each complex sentence consists of several simple ones, which allow us to characterize it. So, simple sentence– this is the one that contains a single grammatical basis (subject and predicate). For example:

· I am afraid of snakes(I scared of snakes).

· She has a cat(She has a cat).

· We are going to Italy this summer(This summer we are going to Italy).

· He passed all his exams(He passed all his exams).

The next type is a complex sentence, consisting of at least two simple ones, which are connected by coordinating conjunctions and(and, a), but(But), so(hence), or(or). For example:

· I hate cooking, but my best friend is talented in this field(I hate cooking, but my best friend is talented in this area).

· She was at the library yesterday, and tomorrow she is going at the Art museum(Yesterday she was in the library, and today she is going to the art museum).

The next type is a complex sentence. It consists of a main clause and a dependent clause, which are connected by complex conjunctions because(because), while(while), if(If), although(Although), where(Where).

· Although I hate cooking, I have to do it(Even though I hate cooking, I have to do it).

· She was crying all night, because her boyfriend had said that she was fat(She cried all night because her boyfriend said she was fat).

· In spite of showing his feelings directly, he never tells us about his life.(Even though he shows his emotions openly, he never tells us about his life).

In English the subordinate clause is called " fragmentsentence"and cannot be without the main thing.

There are also sentences that contain both a coordinating connection and a subordinating connection. For example:

· My brother loves cooking, and I hate to do it, although my Mom has tried to teach me.(My brother loves to cook, but I hate doing it, although my mother tried to teach me)

· She was at the library yesterday, and tomorrow she is going at the Art museum, because she wants to see what she was reading about(She was in the library yesterday, and today she is going to the art museum because she wants to see what she read about).

Helpful advice: do not give preference only to simple, short sentences or too long ones with a large number of subordinate clauses. Many simple sentences that follow each other can bore the reader, and extremely complex ones can bore him. Therefore, use variety: alternate short sentences with long ones in your writing.

"Problematic Proposals"

To write sentences correctly, you need to clearly know what a sentence is. If a person does not understand the definition, or does not want to delve into it, then there will be many errors in his sentences. Moreover, not only English learners, but also native speakers are susceptible to this.

One of the most common mistakes is the “merger” of two or more sentences due to the fact that the author forgot to put a comma or conjunction in the right place. This forgetfulness can lead to the following sentences:

· All your life you should learn the demands of modern reality(You must study all your life, this is the requirement of modern reality).

· You should learn your whole life, because of the demands of modern reality(You have to study all your life because this is the requirement of modern reality).

Helpful tip: Read what you wrote out loud and with expression. When you pronounce words, you make natural pauses that indicate the end of a sentence or clause. By reading aloud, you can easily find the place where you forgot to put the necessary punctuation mark or conjunction.

Let's talk about subordinate clauses. As mentioned above, a subordinate clause cannot stand without a main clause, since only in pairs they express the author’s complete thought. Among the most common mistakes are those that occur when a person forms a subordinate clause as an independent sentence. The result is something like this:

· I couldn’t go for a walk with you last week because I was busy with my exams(I couldn't go out with you last week. Because I was busy studying for exams).

He spoke to the teacher in a very offensive tone. Which wasn’t a good idea at all.(He spoke to the teacher in a rude tone. Which was not a good idea at all)

Helpful advice: if you find a sentence that “sounds” like a subordinate clause or does not contain a normal grammatical basis (subject + predicate), it means you made a mistake somewhere. Complex sentences are easy to identify if you read them backwards, i.e. from the last sentence to the first. To correct an error, it is enough to attach a subordinate clause before or after the sentence.

Writers who have a thorough understanding of sentence structure sometimes deliberately frame the subordinate clause as a separate clause to produce a certain effect. Therefore, when reading good fiction, do not be surprised if you come across a sentence that we have identified above as an error. You can use this same technique if you are writing stories, but it will be considered a blunder when taking the exam.

Another type of “problem sentence” is an incoherent sentence, which consists of many simple ones interconnected by the coordinating conjunctions and (and, a), or (or), so (therefore).

· I usually get up at 6.30, even on weekends, but this morning my alarm clock, for some unknown reason, didn't ring so I was asleep when my boss called me at 11.00 to ask why I was not on my worksite, and I said that it was because of my alarm clock. I have to get ready quickly…(I usually get up at 6:30, even on weekends, but this morning my alarm didn't go off for some strange reason, so I was sleeping and my boss called me at 11 to ask why I wasn't at my desk, and I replied that it was because of my alarm clock, and I had to quickly get ready...).

· Although people from all over the world are forming different organizations to protect the environment from pollution, especially in big cities, it is still a problem, as scientists warn, because of the huge amount of factories…(Although people around the world are forming various organizations to protect the environment from pollution, especially in big cities, it is still a big problem, as scientists warn, due to the huge number of factories...)

Helpful Hint: A rambling sentence is very easy to spot - it contains 3 or 4 conjunctions. If you start to choke while reading it out loud, you have written an incoherent sentence. Also, in the case when your sentence extends over several lines, you most likely wrote an incoherent sentence, which may also be “merged” - where you forgot to put the necessary punctuation mark.

You need to understand that an incoherent sentence, unlike “merged” and subordinate clauses (which you formulate like an independent one), is correct from a grammatical and punctuation point of view. Simply understanding its meaning is extremely difficult. Moreover, such a sentence eloquently demonstrates weak writing skills. You should try to avoid it.

And finally, one last useful tip: if you are not sure whether you wrote your proposal well enough, ask your teacher for help. And remember that the more books you read in English, the better you will be able to write. The point is that reading good literature will provide you with examples of English sentence structure, and this will have a beneficial effect on your overall writing style.

Remember that good writing contains more than just grammatically and punctuationally correct sentences that range from short to long. Sentences should also flow well from one to the other so that the written text creates the impression of “connectedness” or “cohesion”. In this case, readers will easily understand what you wanted to tell them.

In English, as well as in Russian, speech consists of words that form phrases and sentences. Syntax studies the structure of sentences, i.e., the rules for combining words and constructing sentences from these combinations. A combination of words that expresses a complete thought is called a sentence.
Each member of a sentence can be expressed in one word, phrase, group of words or clause (subordinate clause).

Main and minor members of the sentence

The offer varies main And minor members of the proposal.

The main members of the proposal include:

  • subject
  • predicate

The secondary members of the sentence include:

  • addition (object)
  • definition (attribute)
  • adverbial modifiers

English is a very formal and structured language, so the relationships between the members of a sentence are virtually entirely determined by word order. Word order in English is the main means of distinguishing the members of a sentence, due to the almost complete absence of endings and cases.

The word order of an English narrative sentence is built in strict sequence.
The main members of a sentence, subject and predicate, form the basis of a complete thought and are inextricably linked. The subject always comes before the predicate. Complements come immediately after the predicate. If the predicate is expressed by an intransitive verb, that is, it does not have an addition, then the adverbial adverbial place is placed after it.

Usually a sentence includes adverbial words. In this case, the circumstances of the place come first, then the circumstances of the time.
In some cases, the time adverbial may precede the subject. If there is no time adverbial, then the place adverbial may appear before the subject.

All sentences are divided into affirmative and negative.

Types of sentences in English

Semantically, English sentences are of 4 types:

  • narrative (declarative)
  • exclamatory
  • interrogative
  • imperative (imperative)

Types of offers

Syntactically, English sentences are divided into:

  • simple
  • compound
  • complex

When two or more sentences are combined through intonation and special function words (conjunctions or allied words) into one complete statement, we are dealing with a complex sentence.

If two or more simple sentences are combined into one complex sentence as equivalent, it will be an essay ( Coordination), and such a complex sentence is called compound ( Compound Sentence).

If two or more sentences are joined together and one of them is the main one, and the others determine it and are subordinate clauses, then this will be a subordination ( Subordination), and such a complex sentence is called compound ( Complex Sentence).

Compound Sentence:

I wrote a letter, and he took it to the post office.
I wrote a letter and he took it to the post office.

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