Why does white discharge come out? Leucorrhoea in women: types, causes, possible treatment. Leucorrhoea with age-related changes

Discharge in women can be physiological or pathological. The first type is transparent, consists of mucus and lactic acid bacteria. The liquid is watery, viscous, with particles of dead uterine and vaginal epithelium. Pathological discharge indicates inflammation. They have a brown, green or yellow tint. White discharge can be both physiological and pathological. The consistency and smell will help determine what type they are.

Common reasons

Transparent mucus turns white before ovulation. This happens on days 12–14 of the menstrual cycle. The discharge develops a sour smell and becomes thick and profuse. The genitals of a healthy woman produce up to 4 ml of secretion per day. A spot with a diameter of 4.5–5 cm forms on a panty liner or underwear. Small soft lumps of a white or yellowish tint are found in the mucus. These are physiological discharges that occur in every healthy girl and woman.

The mucus turns white due to stress and frequent douching. A milky discharge is produced if a woman:

  • regularly uses lubricants or lubricants;
  • takes hormonal contraceptives;
  • does not comply with the rules of intimate hygiene;
  • changes underwear every 2–3 days or less;
  • leads a sedentary lifestyle, due to which blood stagnates in the pelvic organs;
  • treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics;
  • protected by vaginal suppositories;
  • buys only synthetic underwear.

White discharge occurs due to stress, chronic fatigue syndrome and depression. They appear if an inflammatory process has begun in the vagina or uterus. Only a gynecologist will determine the exact cause of the secretion after examination and tests.

White discharge without odor

In the first half of the menstrual cycle, the physiological secretion is transparent and viscous, like raw chicken protein. On days 12–14, the uterus begins to prepare for ovulation. The mucus secreted by the cervix becomes liquid so that sperm can penetrate the fallopian tube and fertilize the egg. In the second half of the menstrual cycle, the female body produces a watery, whitish secretion. This is normal if the girl is not bothered by unpleasant symptoms such as itching or burning after urination.

5–7 days before the start of menstruation, the discharge, called leucorrhoea, becomes abundant and thick. Sometimes lumps come out along with mucus. The uterus prepares for the detachment of the epithelium and is cleansed of infections and microbes, which is why a sour smell appears. There is no reason to worry if no more than a teaspoon of secretion is produced per day.

The mucus turns white after defloration. The girl’s body gets used to her partner and his microflora, tries to protect herself from infections and bacteria that can enter the vagina during sexual intercourse.

White mucus appears in women who have had an intrauterine device installed. Patients who notice strange discharge are advised to consult a gynecologist. Perhaps the uterus does not accept contraception, and you will have to choose another option for protection against unwanted pregnancy.

White discharge without odor and unpleasant symptoms does not need to be treated. A woman should wash herself regularly, use panty liners and wear only breathable underwear made from natural fabrics.

Discharge and itching

The mucus becomes white and has a sour smell due to inflammation in the appendages or vagina. Infected tissues secrete lymphocytes and leukocytes, which destroy microbes and fungi, turning the secretion milky. Heavy discharge and itching may indicate various gynecological diseases:


Every second patient encounters candidiasis. it occurs due to the Candida fungus. It affects the vaginal mucosa. The discharge from thrush is thick, similar in consistency to thick sour cream, and has a sour smell. The mucus contains lumps and flakes. Itching appears after urination, and pain occurs during sexual intercourse.

Bacterial vaginosis

Refers to non-communicable diseases. Develops with long-term use of antibiotics or antibacterial drugs. Appears due to spermicides, oral contraceptives and hormonal disorders.

Trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis or ureaplasmosis

Sexually transmitted diseases are transmitted to a woman from her partner during unprotected sexual intercourse. Symptoms resemble candidiasis. Patients who do not receive timely medical care develop infertility.


Refers to sexually transmitted diseases. Accompanied by copious discharge and itching in men and women. Transmitted only through sexual contact. Causes inflammation of the cervix, leading to the development of erosion and malignant formations.

White discharge and itching may indicate thyroid disease and diabetes. Due to hormonal imbalance, a woman produces thick mucus with a sour odor. Sometimes curdled or watery milky discharge and itching indicate cancer. Patients who suspect they have thrush or a malignant tumor are advised to contact a gynecologist and get tested.

Discharge with odor

The physiological secretion of a healthy woman is odorless. White thick discharge, reminiscent of sour milk, indicates thrush. The Candida fungus begins to actively multiply when immunity decreases due to stress, colds or taking broad-spectrum antibiotics.
Whitish translucent mucus that foams and smells unpleasant indicates chlamydia or trichomonas. Milky discharge with a grayish tint indicates vaginosis. If they smell like rotten fish, the girl should immediately make an appointment with a gynecologist and get tested for gardnerellosis.

White secretions with a sour odor may indicate HIV. Some patients become infected with the virus from a regular sexual partner during unprotected sexual intercourse.

Discharge after sex

An excited woman's body produces watery, clear or white mucus. This is a lubricant that is needed for the male genital organ to slide into the vagina. A thick milky secretion appears in a girl after unprotected intercourse, even interrupted. This way the vagina is cleansed of the partner’s microbes and his sperm.

The uterus produces white secretion if:

  • the patient had sexual intercourse with a new man;
  • a woman inserted suppositories, gels or spermicides into the vagina to prevent an unwanted pregnancy;
  • the partners used lubricant.

Glands located in the uterus and vagina produce milky mucus when you are allergic to condoms. If a girl is intolerant to latex products, the labia minora and majora swell, the skin turns red, and itching appears.

Discharge after menstruation

Over the course of 2–5 days after menstruation, the vaginal mucosa is restored and populated with beneficial bacteria. During this period, a woman may notice white spots on her underwear or sanitary pad. If the discharge is watery, not thick and loose, and does not smell of sour milk, there is no reason to worry. This is a physiological secretion called leucorrhoea. They take on a milky hue due to bacteria living in the vagina. You need to worry if the discharge is accompanied by itching or burning, or if it has streaks of brownish or pink color.

White discharge during early pregnancy

Leucorrhoea in expectant mothers is a normal and natural phenomenon. You can say what it is. A plug is formed that closes the cervix and protects the embryo from infections and bacteria, so the discharge becomes abundant.
White or milky mucus is one of the early signs of pregnancy. The discharge should be copious and painless. Not accompanied by itching, discomfort, redness of the genitals or irritation. After week 12, the mucus becomes watery and translucent.
Thick, cheesy discharge is a symptom of thrush, which appears due to hormonal imbalances and decreased immunity. Candidiasis is accompanied by burning, itching and pain when urinating. A pregnant woman should not treat the disease on her own. Only a gynecologist can choose the right medications that will not harm the child.


A patient who suspects she has inflammation or thrush is advised to undergo examination:

  • do an extensive blood and urine test;
  • take a smear;
  • undergo colposcopy to exclude erosion and dysplasia;
  • do an ultrasound of the appendages and uterus;
  • donate blood for hormones.

The gynecologist may order a bacterial culture from the vagina to rule out infection. The woman is checked for STIs, and if the leucorrhoea does not disappear, she is advised to take an HIV and oncology test.

Often, white discharge in girls is a sign of diseases of the genital tract. White cheesy discharge in women. With candidiasis (thrush), the discharge acquires a cheesy structure. At the same time, abundant white discharge with foam and odor in women indicates a fungal disease; an admixture of pus usually indicates an inflammatory process.

White discharge or leucorrhoea is also observed with congestion in the pelvis, which can occur with displacement of the uterus, with circulatory disorders caused by heart and lung disease.

Physiological leucorrhoea- this is the so-called “normal” discharge. They are usually sparse and fairly light in color and odorless. White physiological discharge in women should not cause irritation to the skin or mucous membrane. The abundance of physiological leucorrhoea in women increases slightly before menstruation.

Young girls most often experience increased secretion - this is also considered normal. The amount of leucorrhoea decreases as the hormonal system stabilizes.

If we talk about pregnancy, the amount of physiological discharge from the vagina also increases during sexual intercourse (during pregnancy) and in the period after childbirth. Also, white discharge can be observed in girls at the time of puberty.

Pathological leucorrhoea- extremely abundant. By nature they can be: watery, greenish, have an unpleasant odor. White pathological discharge is a symptom of infectious diseases, resulting in itching, burning, and increased humidity in the genital area.

There are a number of classifications, among which the most acceptable seems to be the division into six groups, once proposed by three Czech specialists:

  • The usual leucorrhoea that we have described is white, mushy, and lacks germs and leukocytes. Mainly observed in virgins and women who are not sexually active (9%);
  • leucorrhoea, differing from the previous ones only by a small content of non-pathogenic bacteria and leukocytes. Observed in most healthy women (48%);
  • thick or watery discharge of a yellowish color with an unpleasant odor, containing a large number of microbes - causative agents of inflammatory diseases - and many leukocytes. Always accompanied by an inflammatory process (21%);
  • thick purulent discharge of intense yellow color, containing the causative agent of a sexually transmitted disease - gonorrhea - and many leukocytes; there are few other microbes. Recently, cases have become more frequent;
  • liquid foamy discharge of a whitish-yellowish or yellowish-greenish color, containing a common pathogen of the protozoan order, is caused by Trichomonas vaginalis.
  • thick white curdled discharge containing thrush fungus
    (soor, candi-da albicans).

What amount of discharge is considered normal?

It has been established that the vagina of a healthy woman contains about 335 mg of leucorrhoea. The increased amount of leucorrhoea can reach 2270 mg.

Slightly more discharge is observed in young girls, in women the day before
menstruation and immediately after it, as well as during pregnancy and after childbirth.

There is very little or no discharge in women with ovaries removed and in older women in late menopause (dry vagina).

White curdled discharge in women

With candidiasis (thrush), the discharge acquires a cheesy structure. Their color can be either white or gray (or greenish), and the smell usually has a pronounced sour tint. The problem affects the vulva area and the vaginal opening. Women with this unpleasant disease experience serious discomfort - burning and itching in the perineum, swelling of the labia.

Symptoms of leucorrhoea in women

White discharge or leucorrhoea is characterized by such a sign as white discharge from the vagina.

But in most cases, white discharge or leucorrhoea is a symptom of an inflammatory gynecological disease. At the same time, the color, consistency of the discharge, the smell changes, and transparency disappears.

Yellowish and greenish discharge/leucorrhoea indicates purulent inflammation, for example with gonorrhea. With a yeast infection, the discharge is curdled, with strepto- and staphylococcal infections it is liquid and sticky.

Leucorrhoea is caused by malignant ulceration of the tissues of the genital organs, which occurs with sarcoma, fibroma, cancer and other diseases.

Excessive or unusual discharge causes itching, burning and a constant feeling of wetness.

White discharge or leucorrhoea can occur with prolapse of the vaginal walls, ruptures of the perineum, douching with a concentrated disinfectant solution, wearing a cap on the cervix for a long time, prolonged use of chemicals to prevent pregnancy, and constipation.

When more or less profuse leucorrhoea appears, the disease whose symptom is white discharge or leucorrhoea should be determined; This can only be done by a specialist.

Treatment of white discharge in women

If leucorrhoea is detected, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. The doctor will conduct laboratory diagnostics and prescribe a treatment regimen. Do not forget that gynecology implies an individual approach. Therefore, only a gynecologist can prescribe the correct treatment that can help you.

Depending on the reasons for the appearance of white discharge in women, your doctor may prescribe you:

  • antibacterial drugs;
  • baths;
  • vaginal suppositories;
  • physiotherapy.

If the cause of the discharge is bacterial vaginosis, doctors recommend, in addition to medications, products that normalize the composition of the vaginal microflora. For example, Multi-Gyn ActiGel: its active part is a complex of bioactive polysaccharides obtained from a gel-like extract of aloe leaves. It blocks the attachment of pathogenic microorganisms to the vaginal mucosa and, thus, neutralizes them, helping to restore the healthy microflora of the woman’s reproductive system.

White discharge in women- a very common phenomenon. In most cases, this is not a cause for concern, but sometimes it is simply necessary to consult a specialist. But if there is any discomfort, pain in the vaginal and abdominal area, pus or blood in the discharge Immediately contact a antenatal clinic or gynecologist.

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White discharge in women is most often a sign of thrush. Infections cause burning and itching of intimate parts. In addition, vaginal discharge becomes grayish in color and clots can be seen in it.

Correct vaginal discharge is light, transparent, whitish or white, odorless, and its structure is uniform, without lumps. Vaginal infections cause the discharge to change color and structure and acquire an unpleasant odor.

Microflora in the vagina

Vaginal discharge is normal and normal. They appear during puberty. The normal pH of secretions ranges between 3.5 and 4.5. Such conditions perform a protective function against pathogens, since the acidic environment does not promote their reproduction.

The amount of discharge depends on many factors and varies depending on the phase of the cycle. The same goes for their consistency.

Normal white discharge may increase in quantity during sexual intercourse and before menstruation. Discharge is formed in the mucous membrane of the genital tract, mainly in the vagina, and is the result of their exfoliation and natural cleansing. Along with the discharge, dead cells are removed and replaced with new ones, as well as numerous bacteria found in the vagina.

It is important to monitor vaginal discharge, as changes in color, odor, or consistency may indicate an infection. You can prevent inflammation before symptoms appear. Physiological changes in discharge help determine fertile days; this method is used when couples are planning a child.

Correct vaginal discharge

Vaginal discharge should not be profuse; it is clear and odorless. White transparent discharge in women is a physiological norm if its structure is uniform, without lumps. In the first half of the monthly cycle, that is, from the end of menstruation to ovulation, their number is slightly greater than in the second half. The discharge is white, odorless, and has a sticky consistency. Their appearance is influenced by estrogens, the concentration of which is very high these days, especially before ovulation. This consistency and amount of discharge promotes conception - abundant mucus facilitates the movement of the egg released during ovulation.

In the second phase of the cycle, the amount of vaginal discharge decreases, they become denser and thicker. This is due to the low concentration of estrogen compared to the amount of progesterone. If fertilization does not occur, the woman’s body begins to prepare for the upcoming menstruation.

Vaginal infections

The normal balance of the vaginal environment is very easy to disrupt, and then infections develop, which can also lead to inflammation of the internal organs. This is a dangerous phenomenon that cannot be allowed, since recurrent inflammation of the appendages can be fatal. Abscesses or adhesions that occur during inflammatory processes significantly reduce the chances of getting pregnant.

Vaginal infections are usually treatable if appropriate therapy is promptly initiated and implemented. The mistake many women make is marginalizing them or treating bacterial infections on their own. It is always worth seeking help from a gynecologist.

The vaginal mucosa always secretes a small amount of mucus associated with hormonal levels, which change gradually in a woman’s body: first menstruation, puberty, monthly cycle, pregnancy, feeding, menopause.

Normally, this fluid is secreted by the walls of the vagina, ovaries and gonads, and contains traces of blood cells and dead cells of the mucous membrane of the uterus and vagina.

In bloody discharge there are more blood cells, in purulent discharge - leukocytes.

Also, disruption of the microflora and the activity of pathogenic bacteria affects the nature, smell and color of the discharge.

Each woman’s body is to some extent individual, however, the indicators should still be within normal limits. If you have any doubts about what is considered normal for a healthy woman, then you need to take into account several factors responsible for hormonal processes in the body.

Normal white discharge: functions and signs

Normally, white discharge in women has a slightly acidic environment due to lactobacilli that are constantly present in the vagina. This helps inhibit the growth of pathogens and creates a favorable environment for conception.

In addition, the secretions lubricate the mucous membrane, protecting it from friction, and also help clear away dead epithelial cells.

Copious white discharge in girls is accompanied by the establishment of the menstrual cycle and stabilization of hormonal levels. The functions of the sex glands work intensively, which increases the number and causes slight discomfort from wet underwear. During this period, it is very important to regularly carry out hygienic cleansing of the external genitalia, but not more than twice a day.

Signs of the absence of pathologies are as follows:

  1. color varies from white to cream and light yellow in the first half of the cycle; after ovulation almost transparent;
  2. do not have a pronounced odor;
  3. the consistency is liquid, slightly watery, during ovulation - viscous, similar to egg white;
  4. the amount during the day may vary, but not more than the volume of one teaspoon;
  5. Normally, they intensify before menstruation, after sexual intercourse and during sexual arousal.

Cause of white discharge with a sour odor

A whitish, transparent, odorless discharge is considered normal. In this case, the woman should not have itching, pain or burning of the genitals.

White discharge with an unpleasant odor (sour) is accompanied by candidiasis (thrush). Symptoms may be vague, that is, unpleasant sensations appear periodically, but this still indicates the presence of pathogenic microflora of the vagina.

Thrush can have several causes:

Thrush can be treated exclusively by a gynecologist; douching in this case is undesirable, as it can cause harm (especially a solution of potassium permanganate or soda, chamomile decoction, etc.).

Discharge as a symptom of the disease

If mucosal immunity is reduced, bacteria that are normally found in small quantities in the vagina can multiply and cause inflammation.

Alarm signals, or what discharge should not be:

  • white with a cheesy consistency;
  • copious amounts (more than 1 teaspoon per day);
  • foamy consistency;
  • color change to brown, yellow, green and other suspicious shades;
  • with a putrid or sour odor, reminiscent of fish or onions;
  • dryness of the external genitalia;
  • redness of the labia;
  • burning and itching in the genital area, pain in the lower abdomen;
  • pain when urinating.

Characteristic discomfort during the inflammatory process in the vagina will be pain and burning while sitting, when walking, during and after sex.

How to determine the disease by the color of the discharge

Confirming the presence of the infectious agent and prescribing the correct treatment is possible only from a doctor: a vaginal smear is sent for analysis, which will determine the type of bacteria and its sensitivity to a specific antibiotic.

Observing signs of the disease, such as color, will help you make a decision to see a gynecologist.

  1. Thus, chlamydia causes clear discharge, very foamy and profuse. Gray ones with the smell of rotting fish may indicate gardnerellosis and bacterial vaginosis.
  2. A large number of leukocytes makes them look like pus - greenish in color, very thick. This indicates an acute inflammatory process that requires immediate treatment by a gynecologist.
  3. Trichomoniasis produces a yellow discharge that is thinner because it forms directly in the vagina, where inflammation produces fewer white blood cells.
  4. White discharge in girls who are not sexually active indicates candidiasis. Any suspicions can only be confirmed by a gynecologist, based strictly on a bacterial analysis.

When not to worry, and when to see a doctor

Normal white, odorless discharge should not be alarming, as it indicates healthy function of the glands and mucous membrane of the internal genital organs. Paying close attention to your own body will help you understand whether the discharge is associated with other manifestations that may be symptoms of the disease.

It is important to note whether there was a change in temperature, abdominal pain, or disruption of the monthly cycle. If there were no health problems before or during heavy discharge, then there is most likely no reason to worry. It happens that two symptoms coincide at once: a delay in menstruation and white discharge. A delay of more than 10 days is a sufficient basis for suspicion of pregnancy, which can be confirmed by a doctor.

Regular delays in menstruation for 5 or more days with white discharge indicate a hormonal imbalance, the cause of which may be simple stress, or perhaps a dysfunction of the reproductive system, which should be consulted in the gynecologist's office. White discharge during pregnancy may indicate the onset of the disease if it is accompanied by the symptoms described above - an unpleasant odor and discomfort in the pelvic area. Pregnancy is a serious reason to consult a gynecologist for an explanation of the cause of too strong white discharge.

White discharge does not always mean pathology. While observing yourself, it is important not to miss other accompanying symptoms.

Every woman has experienced white discharge, also known as leucorrhoea, at least once in her life. Depending on the accompanying symptoms, white discharge can be either normal or a signal of a serious illness! This article will tell you in detail whether you should be concerned about white discharge and when you should see a doctor.

Causes of white discharge

May appear in different situations. The reason may lie in both illness and natural conditions for the body: in a certain phase of the cycle, in the onset of ovulation or pregnancy, before menstruation and after sexual intercourse.

Normal discharge

The normal state of discharge in girls and women is as follows: it is white or transparent, does not have an unpleasant odor and is not accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, such as itching and burning in the vagina. White discharge of this type does not affect health in any way. Depending on the cause of their occurrence, they can be thick or thin, as well as scanty or abundant - both options can be considered the norm.


When white discharge appears with accompanying symptoms, you should be wary: as usual, they are not accompanied by any other signs. White discharge in women and the reasons for their occurrence are considered normal if there are no other warning signs: burning, itching, pain in the genitals, discomfort after sex and pain during urination. If the above symptoms appear, you should contact the clinic: with normal discharge, all this does not occur.

First discharge

White discharge in girls appears for the first time in infancy: profuse mucous discharge in the first and second week of a girl’s life is a completely natural phenomenon. They stop by the third week and do not appear until the age of seven, when most girls begin pre-puberty. Up to the age of 13-14, they appear rarely and intermittently, but after reaching this age, the menstrual cycle is finally established, and leucorrhoea becomes a familiar part of a girl’s life.

With smell

- This is always a symptom of one disease or another. In its normal state, leucorrhoea usually does not smell of anything, so the appearance of a sour, rotten or any other unpleasant odor indicates a pathological process in the body. The only exception will be a light, almost imperceptible sour milk smell - if it is almost unnoticeable and does not cause rejection, such discharge is also considered normal.

Without smell

White, odorless discharge is normal and can occur for various reasons. Leucorrhoea of ​​this type occurs before and after menstruation, during ovulation, and with a delay in the menstrual cycle. Also, an odorless secretion may appear after sexual intercourse or during pregnancy - both in the early stages and after the first trimester. Odorless discharge is not accompanied by unpleasant symptoms and can have different consistencies: thick, liquid, creamy, mucous and foamy. They can also be of different colors - in addition to white, yellowish, beige and transparent discharge are considered normal.


Women often observe that when menstruation is delayed, leucorrhoea also occurs, but pregnancy does not occur. Delayed menstruation and white discharge can indicate different conditions: most often the cause is stress and previous colds, and a little less often – hormonal imbalance and inflammation of the genitourinary system. If the delay lasts no more than five days, and the discharge is not too heavy, then there is no need to worry, but in all other cases you should consult a doctor.


During certain periods of menstruation, there is a little more leucorrhoea than usual - and one of these periods is ovulation. During changes in the body upon the onset of ovulation, the vaginal secretion thins out and becomes more abundant: the consistency of this whitish mucus can resemble egg white. This type of leucorrhoea can persist for several hours or two or three days after the egg is released. But the white discharge after ovulation looks completely different: under the influence of progesterone, which protects the fertilized egg, it becomes scarcer and thicker.


When the menstrual cycle comes to an end, the discharge becomes thicker and quite abundant. White discharge before menstruation has a mucous consistency, similar to clots, and a faint sourish odor that is not noticeable or unpleasant. The color of such leucorrhoea can also be different: the most common is a cloudy white tint; yellowish and creamy discharge is also found. This depends on the characteristics of a woman’s body and does not affect her well-being in any way.

The main component of such secretions is mucus, which protects the vagina from injury, infection and sperm penetration. Before menstruation, dying particles of the uterine mucosa are also mixed in with it. As usual, such leucorrhoea is present in most women, but the absence of this discharge can also be a variant of the norm: depending on age, hormonal levels and the use of contraceptives, there may be either very little discharge or no discharge at all.

After PA

The appearance of secretions after sex is normal for both women and men. When aroused, natural lubrication is produced in large quantities, the amount of which increases after orgasm, so that at the end of sexual intercourse there can really be a lot of leucorrhoea. You should not be afraid of this - this is a natural reaction of the female body.

Depending on whether a condom was used during sexual intercourse, white discharge after sex may vary. So, during unprotected sexual intercourse, the secretion is mixed with male sperm, so it may have a yellowish tint and an unusual odor. And when using a condom, the artificial lubricant present on it comes into contact with female secretions, ultimately forming opaque and thick leucorrhoea.

Discharge in diseases

In addition to the normal causes of leucorrhoea, there are also pathological variants of its appearance. White discharge and itching in women are an unpleasant symptom that indicates the occurrence of a particular disease. The reasons for their appearance may be different: these include candidiasis, vaginosis, erosion, hormonal disorders, STDs and infections. Thus, the most common disease with white discharge and itching is considered to be thrush.

Also a sign of the disease will be a burning sensation in the vagina, pain when urinating, dryness and discomfort after sex.

When to see a doctor for vaginal discharge

Seeing a doctor becomes necessary as soon as the appearance of leucorrhoea begins to be accompanied by other symptoms. White discharge and itching are not dangerous in themselves, but this condition causes discomfort and does not go away over time, but only gets worse. If you observe conditions that do not occur normally in the body, such as burning, pain and dryness, you should see a doctor immediately.

Hormonal disorders

Abundant and prolonged leucorrhoea sometimes occurs due to hormonal imbalance. It can be quite difficult to distinguish them from normal white discharge: they do not have a characteristic odor, do not provoke burning and itching, and are not accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen or genitals. The only sign by which hormonal changes can be detected is the constant consistency and amount of leucorrhoea throughout the entire menstrual cycle, regardless of the onset of ovulation or menstruation. Moreover, the amount can be either large or rather meager: both options signal a pathological process.

Thrush (candidiasis)

Vaginal or urogenital candidiasis, also known as one of the most common diseases of the female genitourinary system. When thrush occurs in women, white discharge with a sour odor and a cheesy consistency appears. The shade of the leucorrhoea in this case can also be slightly yellowish or beige: this depends on the body of a particular woman and does not affect the course of the disease. This secretion is often combined with burning, dryness in the vagina, painful urination and unbearable itching.

The occurrence of candidiasis (thrush) can be influenced by several factors: stress, incorrectly selected underwear, hormonal imbalance, taking antibiotics or oral contraceptives, as well as poor hygiene of intimate places. To get rid of this problem, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause, which can only be done by a specialist.

Bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is an unpleasant disease that occurs due to vaginal dysbiosis. For various reasons, the number of lactobacilli that protect the female reproductive system decreases, and the microflora in the vagina is disrupted: the place of “good” bacteria is taken by pathogenic microorganisms, which cause disease.

A burning sensation and white discharge with the smell of rotten fish are the main symptoms accompanying bacterial vaginosis. Other signs of the disease are usually absent: there is no itching or pain in the genitals, the discharge itself is quite scanty, translucent and of a uniform consistency. The occurrence of vaginosis is influenced by factors such as taking antibiotics, douching, and topical use of 9-nonoxynol. It may be present in topical products such as suppositories and ointments, or in lubricants. It is also sometimes used on condoms used during sexual intercourse.


Endometritis is a severe inflammatory disease that occurs in the genitourinary system and has a serious impact on women's health. It develops against the background of bacterial vaginitis, sexually transmitted diseases, viral infections, or with a general decrease in immunity. Endometritis can also occur due to an abortion performed two to three months ago.

White discharge with endometritis is viscous and very abundant, lasts throughout the entire cycle and does not weaken, regardless of the phase. This type of discharge has no odor or other symptoms, but it can interfere with the onset of menstruation, causing a long delay. If endometritis is not cured in time, bloody streaks will begin to mix with the leucorrhoea, and then severe uterine bleeding may begin.

Cervical erosion

Erosion of the cervix or malignant neoplasms on it can be accompanied by various symptoms: these include after menstruation, spotting bleeding after intercourse, nagging pain in the lower abdomen and white-yellow discharge throughout the entire cycle.

Such leucorrhoea is usually watery, does not smell at all and is not accompanied by other symptoms that appear with gynecological diseases. The only unpleasant feeling that patients report is a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen and mild pain, which intensifies over time. It is precisely because of such meager symptoms that it is quite difficult to detect erosion: it is diagnosed either by chance or in the later stages, when the pain becomes unbearable.

Pathological discharge

All those mentioned above will be considered pathological white discharge: with a pungent odor of rotten milk, fish or eggs, accompanied by itching or burning in the genitals, too abundant, curdled or too thick consistency, provoking pain. The types of pathological leucorrhoea can be different, but they all equally bring discomfort to a woman.

Which doctor should I contact for pathological vaginal discharge?

If you experience leucorrhoea that differs from the described normal variants and is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, you need to consult a gynecologist who will diagnose the cause of your discharge and help cure the disease that provokes it.

Types of leucorrhoea

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White transparent discharge

With a slight white tint they are considered natural for the female body. The presence of such leucorrhoea without other warning symptoms should not cause concern: in small quantities they are observed throughout the entire cycle, and their presence is completely normal. This secretion is most often quite scanty, but depending on the body of a particular woman, it can be released in large quantities.

Transparent leucorrhoea can only cause concern if its appearance is accompanied by other symptoms: pain in the lower abdomen or vagina, itching, burning and any other manifestation unnatural for the body.

White curdled discharge

White, cheesy discharge is always a symptom of a disease: normally, women do not have this consistency of leucorrhoea, so when it appears, we can confidently speak about pathology. A curd-like secretion and the itching that accompanies it may indicate thrush, gonorrhea, or a bacterial infection of the vagina. A green tint of curdled discharge indicates trichomoniasis.

Liquid discharge

- a normal occurrence throughout a woman’s menstrual cycle, with the exception of a few days after ovulation. They are almost always present in small quantities, and become abundant before and during sexual intercourse, before and during ovulation, as well as during the first trimester of pregnancy. Normal liquid leucorrhoea has no odor, and if it does smell, it is very faint and not strong. In a situation where liquid discharge acquires a sharp sourish odor, we are talking about the occurrence of pathology: most often the problem is thrush.


White, thick, odorless discharge occurs in a woman at certain points in the cycle: their appearance is normal after ovulation and at the end of the menstrual cycle. Leucorrhoea of ​​this type lasts two to three days, and then changes to thinner discharge or menstrual blood. Also, thick white discharge appears during pregnancy: after the completion of the first trimester, it replaces thin and profuse leucorrhoea.

The appearance of thick leucorrhoea throughout the entire cycle is abnormal and unnatural for the female body. The absence of other symptoms does not guarantee your safety: such discharge may be uterine or tubal leucorrhoea, which signals serious diseases such as endometritis or cervicitis. If you observe continuous thick discharge for a week or more, you should consult a doctor.


White creamy discharge can be normal or pathological: these two options differ from each other only in the absence or presence of an unpleasant odor. The smell can be different and depends on the specific disease: it could be the smell of rotten fish, eggs or sour milk.

Creamy leucorrhoea is produced in small quantities after ovulation, and can also be observed after the end of menstruation. Normally, these discharges are somewhat cloudy, have a barely noticeable yellowish tint, and if they are present, there are no other unpleasant symptoms in the genitals.


Leucorrhoea with a mucous consistency that looks like snot is a natural state of discharge in the female body. Most often they have a transparent or light white tint; they can also be light yellow. They are usually quite scanty, but their number increases during ovulation, as well as during sexual intercourse and before menstruation. During pregnancy, such mucous discharge becomes very abundant and thin.

During pregnancy

White discharge during pregnancy appears both in the first trimester and in later stages. Depending on the period, they can be liquid or thick, and also change in quantity, but in general their structure does not change: it is always a mucous, snot-like discharge with a pronounced white tint.

In the early stages

White discharge in the early stages resembles mucous clots with a barely visible white tint, and can also be colorless. This secretion appears due to an increase in the amount of progesterone in the blood: leucorrhoea forms a mucus plug to protect the uterine cavity, so physiologically this discharge is completely normal.

After the second trimester of pregnancy, the amount of progesterone decreases, so the amount of leucorrhoea increases and it becomes liquid. They can also change shade: a slightly whitish color or a completely transparent color is normal.


Seeing a doctor if white discharge begins to cause problems is inevitable. Only a specialist will be able to diagnose the cause of the secretion and understand what disease is bothering you.

What tests can doctors prescribe for vaginal discharge?

To make a diagnosis, a gynecologist will need to interview you, examine you in a gynecological chair and take a smear for possible infections: the results of this study will help tell you exactly what kind of disease you have and how to cope with it.

Flora smear tests, or bacterioscopy, are performed within 24 hours. Before taking such a smear, you must not urinate for two to three hours, and also refrain from sexual intercourse and the use of vaginal medications for two days before the test. If these precautions are not followed, the results may be inaccurate.

After receiving the bacterioscopy result, other tests may be required: blood donation for hormones, culture and PCR diagnostics. However, these research methods are used less frequently, and in most cases there is no need for them.


Pathological white discharge can appear for various reasons, so preventive measures to eliminate it are quite extensive.

Preventive actions

​The prevention of leucorrhoea usually includes the following:

  • Using condoms the first time you have sexual intercourse with a new partner;
  • Wearing comfortable, appropriately sized underwear made from natural fabrics;
  • Careful intimate hygiene;
  • Monitoring hormonal levels, taking tests once a year;
  • Timely treatment of infectious and viral diseases;
  • Taking probiotics after a course of antibiotic treatment: this restores the vaginal microflora, reducing the risk of candidiasis;
  • Avoidance of stress in any form;
  • Preventive examinations with a gynecologist.

The above measures will help reduce the risk of pathological leucorrhoea and bring it to almost zero. We can’t talk about a 100% probability, but applying these prescriptions will help your body in any case.


Treatment methods depend solely on what kind of disease is bothering you. Depending on what symptoms were observed in each specific case, treatment will be selected: all of the diseases listed above are treated completely differently, so there is no general treatment regimen for leucorrhoea.

Treatment methods

Thrush, or candidiasis, is treated with antifungal therapy and restoration of the vaginal microflora: in order to suppress the spread of candida fungus and restore women's health, the number of “good” bacteria must be returned to normal.

Vaginal dysbiosis, also known as bacterial vaginosis, is treated with antibiotics from the nitroimidazoles group, which help destroy pathogenic microorganisms. As in the case of candidiasis, after completion of treatment, the woman undergoes probiotic therapy, which brings the microflora back to normal.

A woman’s hormonal balance is restored with the help of hormonal drugs, which are selected individually in each specific case. Treatment for hormonal imbalances can be quite lengthy: women often complain about the lack of effect of treatment started two to three months ago. For some, recovery may even take several years.

Cervical erosion, unfortunately, cannot be treated with drug therapy. Depending on the specific situation, this may be surgical, laser or radio wave surgery, as well as cryodestruction and diathermocoagulation.

Treatment regimens and medications are selected for the body and characteristics of a particular woman, therefore, without examination and testing, it is impossible to say which medications can be used for your illness and which should not. Self-medication for gynecological diseases is unacceptable: only a specialist can truly help you, so in no case should you avoid taking it if you discover unpleasant symptoms.

In men

Normally, white discharge in men has a viscous, mucous consistency and appears only under certain circumstances. The presence of leucorrhoea is normal during sexual arousal, during ejaculation, as well as during defecation or urination: prostate secretions can be released this way, although this does not always happen. Normal discharge in men should be almost transparent, not too abundant and not appear without reason. They should also not have a strong odor.

The appearance of foreign impurities, bloody streaks in the discharge, and the acquisition of a grayish or yellowish tint by leucorrhoea indicates pathology. In addition, signs of the disease may include painful and uncomfortable sensations during urination and arousal, as well as an unpleasant odor emanating from the penis. If there are no such symptoms, but discharge appears frequently and for no reason, the man should also consult a urologist: some dangerous diseases can be practically asymptomatic, and reinsurance will never be superfluous.

The white discharge itself is not dangerous: it is only important to pay attention to the symptoms that accompany it. If you suspect a pathology, consult a doctor as soon as possible - the sooner you start treatment, the less likely there are serious complications after the disease.

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