Food poisoning during early and late pregnancy. What should pregnant women take in case of poisoning? Got poisoned by mushrooms in the first trimester

The time of bearing a child is quite an exciting process that requires special attention. During pregnancy, a woman should carefully choose foods for her diet. Some products can cause poisoning, which can cause problems not only for the mother, but also for her child. You should be careful with fermented milk products, sausages, meat, perishable sweets, canned food and mushrooms. Products in these categories can be dangerous not only for a pregnant woman, but also for an ordinary person.

Urgent Care

Poisoning during pregnancy is a rather unpleasant process.

If a pregnant woman’s body gives signals indicating poisoning, then first you need to wait until the stomach is completely empty. At the same time, you should refrain from inducing vomiting to cleanse it.

Boiled water will help cleanse the stomach during pregnancy. It should be consumed in large quantities. After this, you need to take activated carbon. To avoid dehydration, you need to drink half a glass of water every 20 minutes. It is not recommended to consume larger quantities. Taking water inside should be repeated until thirst and dry mouth disappear.

If symptoms during pregnancy are severe enough, then it is necessary to call an ambulance.

Causes of poisoning

A pregnant woman's immune system is much weaker than that of an ordinary person. The most common causes of poisoning during pregnancy are:

  • The products are not the freshest. Most often, intoxication occurs either from meat;
  • Presence of bacteria in food;
  • Failure to maintain a woman’s personal hygiene;
  • . More often it occurs due to the consumption of poisonous mushrooms or improper preparation.

Symptoms of poisoning during pregnancy

Symptoms during pregnancy can appear within a couple of hours after eating. Exactly how intoxication manifests itself in pregnant women depends on the type of food eaten and its quantity. The main clinical manifestations include:

  • Loss of appetite;
  • Nausea followed by vomiting. At first, the vomit consists of leftover food, but when the stomach empties, it may consist of gastric juice and bile. After vomiting, relief comes for a while, but then the nausea returns again. Frequent vomiting may cause dehydration;
  • Increase in body temperature to 37–38 degrees;
  • Abdominal pain. Can be localized in different parts of the stomach and intestines;
  • Flatulence. For pregnant women, this symptom is not a leading one, since they normally have increased gas production and often experience bloating;
  • Weakness and malaise with headache;
  • If pregnant women are poisoned by poisonous mushrooms, they may experience hallucinations and impaired consciousness.

Poisoning during early pregnancy

Poisoning during early pregnancy can easily be confused with ordinary toxicosis. However, toxicosis is not associated with food and does not cause worsening of the condition. It is by these signs that one can determine that a pregnant woman has been poisoned. In early pregnancy, you may suffer a loss of minerals and vitamins in the body, which is not particularly dangerous for the fetus. Rarely, but there are situations when early poisoning can cause a miscarriage. Therefore, in the first trimester you need to check.

Poisoning during late pregnancy

Poisoning during late pregnancy is rarely confused with pregnancy itself. Usually it's the other way around. Sometimes abnormal bowel movements, malaise and other signs before childbirth are mistaken for intoxication. However, if this is the beginning of the birth process, then contractions will soon begin and the woman will understand that this is not poisoning.

However, if poisoning occurs, then at the end of pregnancy this does not bode well. When dehydrated, blood viscosity increases and blood clots can form. Because of this, a large amount of the hormone oxytocin is released, which increases the tone of the uterus. In the worst case, this process can lead to a miscarriage.

How does food poisoning affect the body of mother and child?

Poisoning during pregnancy can harm not only the mother, but also the fetus. Mushroom poisoning is especially dangerous for a child, since their toxins can penetrate the child’s body through the placenta. The child is protected from other toxic substances and therefore they cannot penetrate into the blood. Despite this, the woman’s condition carries a high risk of impaired fetal development. If during the process of poisoning during pregnancy, disturbances in the functioning of her body are formed, then this can have a bad effect on the fetus.

In case of severe poisoning during pregnancy, severe intoxication before the 14th week of pregnancy, spontaneous abortion may occur.

In late pregnancy, contraction of the diaphragm during vomiting may pose a risk of premature birth.

If a woman is diagnosed with placenta previa in late pregnancy, bleeding may begin.

With severe intoxication, dehydration, the fetus does not receive enough nutrients and oxygen. This leads to the development of fetal hypoxia, which can threaten its development or even death.

If symptoms during pregnancy are quite severe, you should consult a doctor. Hospitalization may be required. In such a situation, it is worth thinking about the condition of the child, since there is a risk of losing him.

What can you eat and drink if pregnant women are poisoned?

Every expectant mother, just in case, should know what pregnant women can do if they are poisoned. At the moment of intoxication, a pregnant woman needs to drink sweet strong tea, eat pureed vegetable soup, low-fat broth or porridge cooked in water. At this point, food should be boiled and served in small portions. Despite your serious condition, you should never go hungry. It is necessary to replenish the body with nutrients so that dehydration does not occur and the child does not suffer. This diet should be followed for several days. Meat, fish, fruits and other “heavy” foods should be postponed until the body is completely restored. Even if the body has recovered after a few days, such foods should be eaten no earlier than 10 days later. For each woman, the diet is prescribed individually by a doctor. However, after complete recovery, you should consult with a specialist about the possibility of consuming certain products.

Treatment of poisoning during pregnancy

If the symptoms are mild, then there is no particular need to see a doctor. In a few hours everything will go away on its own. At home, to avoid dehydration, you must drink boiled water, saline solution or rice water. For symptomatic treatment, pregnant women can use many drugs that are safe for the child. They are absorbed into the gastric mucosa, but do not enter the blood.

A faithful assistant in the treatment of poisoning is. It is completely safe. You need to take it 2-3 times a day, but no more than 6 tablets at a time. There are also other sorbents: smecta, polysorb, sorbex. Before buying drugs at the pharmacy, you should make sure that the contraindications in the instructions do not include pregnancy.

If so, then you can’t do without an ambulance. In some cases, inpatient treatment is prescribed. In the hospital, rehydration in most cases is carried out using infusion therapy. This is convenient, especially when a pregnant woman has uncontrollable vomiting and drinking plain water will not allow her to restore the water balance in the body.

Antibiotics are rarely prescribed for poisoning, and in particular during pregnancy. They have an adverse effect on the fetus, so pregnant women with any disease try not to prescribe antibacterial drugs. Doctors also prescribe probiotics. Treatment with enzymes is carried out in extreme cases, if laboratory tests reveal a major deficiency in the blood test.

Prevention of poisoning during pregnancy

In order not to put the fetus at risk, you need to follow some rules that will help prevent poisoning:

  • It is necessary to maintain personal hygiene; before eating, after visiting the toilet, etc., you must wash your hands with soap;
  • Vegetables and fruits should also be thoroughly washed;
  • Pregnant women should eat only fresh foods. If there is any doubt about the expiration date, it is better to refrain from consuming such products;
  • You should not leave food on the table, which provokes the rapid proliferation of bacteria that can cause poisoning;
  • You should not eat canned food, meat, pates and other products;
  • Pregnant women should refrain from visiting cafes and other establishments where they are unsure of the quality of the products.

Despite the fact that poisoning may not be dangerous, when you go to the doctor, you should tell him about what happened. If at the time of poisoning there was a loss of nutrients, the doctor may prescribe vitamin complexes for recovery.

The expectant mother really wants to treat herself to something tasty and unusual. Against the background of hormonal changes in the body, she begins to try foreign products and pay more attention to sweets and dairy. Unfortunately, food experiments quite often end with the body rejecting unknown foods. Poisoning during early pregnancy often occurs due to expired products, which are abundant from unscrupulous suppliers. What to do in this case? How to understand that this is poisoning and not toxicosis?

The symptoms of poisoning during pregnancy are similar to toxicosis, so mothers do not immediately understand what is happening to them. You should sound the alarm if you observe:

  • vomit;
  • , often accompanied by abdominal pain;
  • in case of poisoning over 38°C;
  • increased gas formation;
  • reduced;
  • convulsions;
  • dry mouth
  • chills;

Each organism is individual, so some may show all the signs of intoxication, while others will show them partially.

What is the danger of poisoning

Yes, sometimes it really seems like nothing bad will happen, the body will simply return “someone else’s” - and that’s all. There is some truth in this, because the stomach gets rid of poisonous foods through vomiting and diarrhea. It’s only at this moment that dehydration occurs, which results in a decrease in blood volume and an increase in blood viscosity, and the possible formation of blood clots.

But these are not the worst consequences. An increase in blood viscosity provokes the release of the hormone oxytocin, which increases blood pressure. As a result, everything can end either in the threat of pregnancy failure. A milder consequence can be considered the loss of minerals, which are so important at this stage.

Often, when a pregnant woman is poisoned, E. coli enters the stomach, which also becomes a “trigger” for poor health. Signs of poisoning that quickly pass classify it as mild. They do not threaten the baby, since intoxication products do not enter the bloodstream. But even with severe cases, the likelihood of harmful substances reaching the child through the blood is minimal. However, any poisoning can lead to fetal hypoxia.

Foods that can cause poisoning during pregnancy

The list of foods that can cause food poisoning in the early stages of pregnancy is simply huge. Moreover, it includes both exotic delicacies and even familiar bread with almost imperceptible traces of mold.
In general, this list poses the greatest danger:

  • confectionery with creams;
  • sausages, sausages;
  • dairy products;
  • fish, seafood;
  • mushrooms;
  • eggs;
  • fast food menu, semi-finished products;
  • canned food from the store, last year’s canning;
  • dishes that contain mayonnaise;
  • fresh meat.

Of course, it is almost impossible to completely eliminate all these foods. Therefore, it is necessary to follow a number of rules to minimize the chances of being among the victims.

Sources of food intoxication in the body

Microbes enter the human body along with low-quality products. In a favorable environment, they begin to multiply very quickly, creating copies of themselves.

Microbes that can cause poisoning

How do they enter the body?


One of the most common types of microbes that loves dairy products. Enters the body with improperly stored food, food prepared in violation of hygiene and sanitary standards. As for milk, you can get staphylococcus by consuming a product from a cow with mastitis. Food from a store becomes a source of spread of the microbe if it was stored incorrectly, did not undergo appropriate heat treatment, or the company does not have proper quality control. Workers who have direct contact with food can also become a source. If they do not follow the rules of hygiene, suffer from pustular infections or diseases of the upper respiratory tract, then the risk of transmitting microbes is significantly increased.


Their favorite medium of promise is eggs. They are distributed with both fresh and prepared products (undercooked scrambled eggs, soft-boiled eggs). It has a strong toxic effect on the body, affecting all parts of the digestive tract.

Proteus and clostridia

Easily takes root in canned food, fish and seafood, milk, meat and meat products, and sausage.

It is worth noting that in 90% of cases the human body will react to the ingestion of these microbes by vomiting and gastrointestinal disorders. Pregnant women are almost 100% susceptible to them.

How to treat poisoning during pregnancy

It’s worth mentioning right away: self-medication for severe vomiting, diarrhea and high fever is prohibited! Contact your doctor immediately as soon as you feel things are getting worse. This will save not only your life, but also your child’s. In this case, self-medication is inappropriate.

If all signs of poisoning are mild and there is no fever, then first aid for poisoning is the usual, familiar and safe activated carbon. An analogue to it, but with a more expanded spectrum of action, is the drug “Enterosgel”. With their help, microbes will leave the body more quickly. To replenish the balance of lost fluid, the expectant mother needs to drink Regidron saline solution, a large amount of purified water, and dried fruit compotes. Drinking a lot can be stopped when dry mouth disappears.

If the poisoning is moderate or severe, the doctor will probably suggest going to the ward and rinsing the stomach. At the same time, blood pressure will be measured and the condition of the mother and fetus will be constantly monitored. To prevent the possibility of miscarriage, the doctor will prescribe the drugs “Magnesia” and “Papaverine”. But! It is forbidden to rinse the stomach if there is a risk of failure!

If the expectant mother suffers from low blood pressure, she will be given caffeine. In this way, blood circulation in the placenta is normalized. In case of severe dehydration, which can be observed after a day of diarrhea and vomiting (although it may be earlier depending on the intensity of emptying), a saline solution is administered intravenously.

Help for poisoning will be prescribed only in the most extreme cases.

What to do when the condition returns to normal

Since any intoxication and its consequences will greatly affect the healthy intestinal microflora, you will have to go on a diet for some time to restore it. After severe poisoning, the expectant mother will be allowed to drink weak and almost sugar-free tea, black currants, and dried fruits for a couple of days. You can eat all this with breadcrumbs.

On the third day, her diet will expand with white bread, mashed potatoes with water, steamed cutlets, fish or meat balls, porridge with broth or water, cottage cheese in the form of a soufflé or fresh. The easiest way to eat hospital food during the recovery period.

If the poisoning was mild, then the pregnant woman is recommended to stick to a diet and drink plenty of fluids for just one day. On average, the volume of water per day should be in the range of 2.5 - 3 liters.

The last step for recovery will be taking a complex of vitamins and minerals.

How to reduce the likelihood of poisoning during pregnancy

No one is safe from poisoning, and this is a fact. Nevertheless, it is worth following a certain set of preventive actions in order to reduce the chance of experiencing all the delights of this condition:

  • Before purchasing products, it is very important to pay attention to the expiration date and the integrity of the packaging.
  • It is not recommended to enjoy sweets in places with questionable sanitary conditions.
  • Be sure to wash your hands before eating.
  • Wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly, ideally pour boiling water over them.
  • Refuse for a while from unfamiliar foods, from fruits that are unfamiliar to our body.
  • You should not leave food on the table, as room temperature provokes the spread of infection.
  • If you like to drink fresh cow's milk, then pay attention to the seller. It should at least be neat. It is best to buy dairy products from friends.
  • Heat treatment helps kill most germs. Avoid eating undercooked meat or undercooked fish, at least during pregnancy.
  • Avoid eating fresh eggs, as well as soft-boiled eggs, canned food, ham, soft cheeses such as Feto, and canned food.
  • Be careful when visiting newly opened food establishments.
  • When traveling abroad, drink either well-boiled water or specially purified water.
  • Try to avoid swimming in bodies of standing water. If you can’t wait to splash around, then choose a river.
  • Admire the leaves and flowers of unfamiliar plants with caution. It’s better not to touch them with your hands at all!
  • Do not self-medicate. Take only those medications prescribed by your doctor, and do not exceed the prescribed dose. Just in case, read the instructions. Doctors are people too; they can accidentally prescribe the wrong drug. Or the pharmacist will not fully understand the handwriting on the prescription, which will lead to confusion.

Poisoning, the symptoms of which do not bother the pregnant woman too much and pass quickly, does not require serious intervention. But even in severe cases, the expectant mother will not be kept in the department for more than 2 - 3 days. Since you understand what to do in case of poisoning, all that remains is to follow the rules of caution. Nine months will fly by very quickly, leave all the culinary delights for later.

Useful video

Watch this video about what to do if poisoning is detected in the early stages of pregnancy:

No one is immune from food intoxication, including pregnant women. Moreover, their body is more sensitive to toxic effects.

Therefore, let's find out how to treat poisoning during pregnancy, what consequences can a woman expect? Is there a threat to the child in the early and late stages of development if the mother is poisoned and what is it? Let's talk about the causes and features of treatment of food poisoning during pregnancy, find out what you can do and what you can't do.

Sources of food poisoning

It turns out that not only people love food, but also microbes. When pathogenic organisms enter food, they feed, give birth to their own kind, and produce toxins. What are these infectious agents?

Susceptibility to foodborne infection is very high and amounts to more than 90%. It is even higher during pregnancy.

Treatment of staphylococcal poisoning during early pregnancy

It is also important to immediately distinguish between the concepts of “toxicosis of pregnancy” and “poisoning”. It is important not to confuse one with the other.

How to treat poisoning during pregnancy?

The first thing to do is take activated charcoal; it can be used at any stage of pregnancy.

Gastric lavage is done only if the pregnant woman’s condition is moderate or severe poisoning. The need for gastric lavage should only be determined by a doctor. The procedure is carried out under the control of the blood pressure of the expectant mother and the condition of the child. To prevent miscarriage, a woman is given Magnesia and Papaverine.

It is imperative to replenish lost fluid. Tea, dried fruit compote, as well as saline solutions like Regidron are used as drinks.

For low blood pressure, caffeine is administered to maintain normal blood circulation in the placenta.

If vomiting recurs and there is a threat of dehydration, saline solutions are administered intravenously in the required quantity. The ionic composition of the blood must be monitored.

Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics, but they are usually not necessary.

In case of poisoning during pregnancy, you must adhere to a therapeutic diet. In the first 2 days of illness, not very sweet tea with crackers is allowed, you can drink diluted black currant juice, blueberry juice, or rosehip decoction.

In the future, the diet is expanded. During the recovery period, white bread, slimy soups, steamed dumplings, meatballs from low-fat meat and fish, porridge with water or low-fat meat broth, fresh cottage cheese or in the form of a soufflé are allowed. Limited quantities of sweets, fruits, berries.

  • spices;
  • snacks;
  • alcohol.

If the poisoning is mild, which happens most often, gentle nutrition, sorbents, and plenty of drinking are prescribed. After 2–3 days, you feel better and treatment is no longer required.

Consequences for the child

What can be the prognosis after and during poisoning during early pregnancy?

There is a possibility of developing a threat of termination of pregnancy or spontaneous miscarriage. A sharp decrease in blood pressure, dehydration, and a violation of the ionic composition of the blood can lead to delayed fetal development and missed abortion.

But in general, the prognosis for mother and baby is generally favorable and the disease passes without consequences.

Treatment of staphylococcal poisoning during late pregnancy

The treatment approaches are the same. They also prescribe a diet, activated charcoal, and plenty of fluids. Only after 36 weeks Magnesia is no longer used. If necessary, drugs are administered to improve blood circulation in the placenta.

Consequences for the child

Poisoning during late pregnancy can cause the following complications:

Consequences develop in cases of severe poisoning or a combination of intoxication with pregnancy pathology. In general, after poisoning, the consequences for the mother are minimal. Placental abruption and bleeding create more serious situations. It’s difficult to say anything definite here.

Treatment of salmonellosis poisoning during pregnancy

What can pregnant women do if they are poisoned by food contaminated with salmonella?

There are several forms of salmonellosis, depending on the affected parts of the digestive tract, so the treatment of such poisoning can vary greatly. Hospitalization is necessary for moderate and severe cases. But an examination by a therapist or infectious disease specialist is required in all even mild cases of poisoning.

The consequences for the child and mother are similar to those mentioned above.

Treatment of botulism poisoning during pregnancy

Botulism is very life-threatening. If you suspect this type of intoxication during pregnancy, emergency hospitalization in a hospital is required. Gastric lavage is mandatory. Cleansing enemas are performed. In the first three days of the disease, antibotulinum serum is administered. In this case, it is vital, so it is used despite pregnancy.

Penicillin antibiotics are prescribed for infectious complications (for example, in the case of pneumonia due to reflux of stomach contents into the trachea). Such complications accompany the severe course of the disease. Copious administration of solutions and drugs that stimulate urination is carried out.

Cardiac medications are administered according to indications. Vitamin therapy is carried out.

Breathing problems are treated with high-pressure oxygen. If necessary, a hole is made in the trachea and a tube communicating with the environment is inserted (tracheostomy) or artificial ventilation is performed.

The consequences for the child in early development are the same, but the frequency of intrauterine fetal death is much higher. In the later stages of pregnancy, there is also a high risk of death for the unborn baby and the mother herself.

Thus, food poisoning during pregnancy has similar general treatment approaches. For each woman, the duration of treatment, types of drugs, and a set of methods to influence the disease are determined depending on the type of infection, the severity of the process, and the course of pregnancy. Knowing the threat to the baby in case of poisoning, in order not to put yourself and the child at risk, you need to consult a doctor. Because the number of “dos” and “nots” in relation to treatment is determined by the situation.

Food poisoning is not uncommon during pregnancy. Eating low-quality food or food that has expired can lead to vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms of foodborne illness. How does this condition threaten the expectant mother and how to cope with the problem without harm to the child?


Foodborne illness is a group of acute intestinal infections that occur after eating contaminated foods. Another name for this pathology is food poisoning. The disease affects the stomach and small intestine with the development of gastritis and gastroenteritis. Foodborne toxic infection is characterized by a rapid disruption of water-salt metabolism, which leads to dehydration and other serious complications.

The source of pathogenic microorganisms can be sick people or animals. Dangerous bacteria enter food through dirty hands and household items. The main route of infection is fecal-oral.

Food poisoning is reported at any time of the year. The peak incidence occurs in the warm seasons of the year: late spring, summer and early autumn. At this time, optimal conditions are created for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms and their entry into the human body.

Food poisoning occurs in response to the consumption of any low-quality products, during the preparation of which sanitary standards were violated. The disease can also occur after eating high-quality foods that have expired. The most common sources of the problem are fermented milk products, vegetables, fruits and canned food.

Typical pathogens of foodborne diseases:

  • staphylococci;
  • streptococci;
  • Proteus;
  • Klebsiella;
  • coli;
  • clostridia.

Poisoning with mushrooms, berries and poisonous plants deserves special attention. This problem occurs mainly in late summer and early autumn. Mushroom poisoning is especially dangerous for a pregnant woman. Toxins contained in mushrooms can pass through the bloodstream to the fetus and lead to disruption of its development and even miscarriage.

Pregnant women are at risk for developing foodborne illnesses.

This is facilitated by a physiological decrease in immunity in anticipation of a child, as well as an addiction to unusual types of food. The desire of the expectant mother to try this or that product without regard to its quality can lead to very undesirable consequences, including termination of pregnancy.


The incubation period lasts from 30 minutes to 24 hours. The onset of the disease is acute, sudden, against the background of complete well-being. Some time after eating low-quality food, the following symptoms occur:

  • nausea;
  • repeated vomiting;
  • loose stools;
  • pain in the umbilical and epigastric region;
  • bloating;
  • flatulence;
  • increase in body temperature.

In some women, food poisoning occurs without fever. The general condition always suffers. There is weakness, pallor of the skin, and increased heart rate. High body temperature lasts no more than a day and rarely reaches above 39 degrees.

Symptoms of poisoning may vary depending on the causative agent of the disease. Staphylococcal infection is characterized by repeated exhausting vomiting and severe pain in the projection of the stomach. There may be no diarrhea. Characterized by a rapid deterioration of the condition, up to loss of consciousness and the development of convulsions.

Clostridia poisoning is accompanied by the appearance of loose stools mixed with blood. The woman's condition is serious; damage to the heart, lungs, liver, and spleen is possible. There is a high body temperature, severe weakness and dizziness.

Infection with Klebsiella leads to the development of diarrhea with a strong foul odor. This condition lasts up to 3 days and occurs against a background of severe weakness. Fever persists for 2-3 days.


Dehydration is the most dangerous consequence of food poisoning. This complication develops in the first day from the onset of the disease and is characterized by the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • dry skin and mucous membranes;
  • increased heart rate;
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • dyspnea;
  • decreased amount of urine;
  • confusion, delirium;
  • convulsions;
  • weight loss.

Dehydration can result in coma and death of the patient. When the first signs of dehydration appear in a pregnant woman, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance. Treatment for dehydration is carried out in a hospital.

Doctor's help may be required in other situations:

  • lack of effect from treatment at home (continuous vomiting and diarrhea);
  • deterioration of the pregnant woman's condition (severe weakness, confusion);
  • severe abdominal pain;
  • the appearance of blood in the stool or vomit;
  • decreased fetal activity;
  • bloody discharge from the genital tract (a sign of miscarriage).

If any of these symptoms appear, help should be provided to the expectant mother immediately.

Consequences for the fetus

Food poisoning can negatively affect pregnancy. The rapid loss of fluid and salts leads to increased production of oxytocin, which provokes active contractions of the uterus and can lead to early miscarriage. In the second half of pregnancy, severe poisoning can result in the birth of a child ahead of schedule.

Leaching vitamins and mineral salts from the body is also dangerous for a pregnant woman. In case of banal poisoning, vomiting and diarrhea last no more than 3 days, and in such a short period of time the baby will not have time to suffer. A pronounced lack of nutrients can occur with a prolonged illness and the development of complications.

Another danger that awaits a pregnant woman is the penetration of toxins through the placental barrier to the fetus. Poisoning of a baby most often occurs when eating poisonous mushrooms. With bacterial toxicoinfection, intrauterine infection is quite rare.

First aid

The first thing a person tries to do when suffering from food poisoning is to rinse the stomach. During pregnancy, you cannot carry out this procedure yourself. Gastric lavage can cause an increase in uterine tone and lead to miscarriage. The procedure is performed at home or in a hospital only under the supervision of a doctor.

When the first signs of poisoning appear, you should call a doctor or an ambulance to your home. Before the specialist arrives, you can start taking sorbents (Polysorb, Smecta, Filtrum, activated carbon, etc.). Sorbents work only in the lumen of the digestive tract, therefore they are considered safe for the fetus. The drug gently cleanses the intestines of toxins, taking on all dangerous substances and removing them from the body naturally. Taking sorbents is allowed at any stage of pregnancy.

Eating is prohibited until vomiting and diarrhea subside. You can drink sweet or salted water, weak tea. To prevent dehydration, it is recommended to take glucose-salt solutions (Regidron, Hydrovit, etc.). You can purchase a special balanced solution at any pharmacy without a prescription.

Rehydration medications are taken orally according to the instructions. The powder should be diluted in water and drunk in small portions until the general condition improves and signs of dehydration disappear. In case of vomiting, the drug must be taken again.


Further therapy will depend on the severity of the pregnant woman's condition. According to indications, careful gastric lavage is performed under the supervision of a doctor. For mild poisoning, treatment continues at home. Deterioration of the expectant mother's condition and the appearance of signs of dehydration are reasons for hospitalization in a hospital.

In the first hours of illness, it is recommended to take a fasting break. When you feel better, you are allowed to drink water, weak tea, berry jelly and fruit drinks. The diet is gradually expanding to include broths, pureed soups, and cereals. Until complete recovery, the consumption of spicy, salty, fried foods, marinades and smoked foods is prohibited. You should also avoid baking, sweets and coffee.

The intake of sorbents and solutions for oral rehydration continues until vomiting and diarrhea stop. After you feel better, enzyme preparations and probiotics are prescribed to restore the functionality of the digestive tract.

Antibiotics are prescribed for moderate to severe food poisoning. The drug is selected taking into account the duration of pregnancy and the possible effect on fetal development. The course of therapy is 5-7 days. After taking antibiotics, medications are prescribed that restore the normal biocenosis of the intestines and vagina. It is recommended to take medications containing beneficial lactobacilli for at least 2 weeks after recovery.


Nonspecific prevention of food poisoning includes:

  1. Compliance with personal hygiene rules.
  2. Careful food selection.
  3. Check the expiration dates of all products before consuming them.
  4. Storing prepared foods in suitable conditions.
  5. Control of flies and other insects in areas where food is prepared and stored.
  6. Increasing the body's overall resistance to infections (rational nutrition, physical activity, hardening).

Before consuming any products, you should ensure that they are edible. The appearance of an unpleasant foreign odor, changes in appearance and taste - all this should alert the expectant mother. It is better to get rid of a suspicious product than to risk your own health and the condition of your baby. If the first signs of food poisoning occur, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

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During pregnancy, a woman tries to eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle in order to bear the fruit and give birth to a healthy child. But even an expectant mother is not immune from food poisoning during pregnancy, which can be caused by expired or contaminated foods. Moreover, the body of pregnant women is more sensitive to various toxins.

Intoxication not only worsens the well-being of the expectant mother, but also during pregnancy, poisoning negatively affects the development of the fetus. Poisoning is especially dangerous in the first trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, women need to know what foods can cause poisoning and how to treat.

Symptoms of intoxication and first aid

Food poisoning during early and late pregnancy can occur after consuming sausages, perishable confectionery, fermented milk, and canned products. It is better for the expectant mother to refuse salads dressed with mayonnaise, meat, poorly prepared fish, and mushrooms.

Poisoning is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Lack of appetite;
  • Weakness;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Flatulence, diarrhea;
  • Sometimes body temperature rises.

Severe intoxication is accompanied by chills, weakness, and headache.

Some women experience decreased blood pressure, dizziness, and lightheadedness.

If such symptoms of poisoning occur in pregnant women, treatment must be started. In case of mild poisoning, you can help the victim at home. But severe intoxication requires immediate hospitalization.

If a pregnant woman is poisoned, first aid must be provided:

  • First of all If you are intoxicated, you need to drink more fluids. The best option is boiled water. During vomiting and diarrhea, the risk of dehydration increases. This condition is dangerous, since the volume of blood that flows to the fetus and delivers nutrients to it is reduced. To replenish the amount of fluid, you can prepare rice water or add a little salt to boiled water, as it retains fluid in the body. Due to fluid loss, oxytocin (a hormone) begins to be produced, which provokes premature birth;
  • On one's own It is not recommended to induce vomiting, since spasms increase the tone of the uterus, and this threatens bleeding or even miscarriage. In addition, the stomach is able to cleanse itself naturally. Ordinary boiled water will help speed up the cleansing of the body from toxins;
  • After cleansing the stomach and intestines, it is recommended to take sorbents that bind remaining toxins and accelerate their removal to the outside. For this purpose, you can take Activated Carbon, Enterosgel, Polysorb, etc.;
  • The victim should drink water at intervals of 15–20 minutes, but in a minimal volume, until the feeling of dry mouth completely disappears. A pregnant woman can also drink pharmaceutical solutions of minerals.

Expectant mothers should also not take antibacterial agents, since the body can easily cleanse itself. In case of severe poisoning, which is accompanied by fever and severe vomiting, you cannot do without medical help!

What can pregnant women eat if they are poisoned?

A few hours after the end of vomiting, the pregnant woman should eat a little. First, in case of poisoning, pregnant women can drink strong tea with sugar, and then vegetable broth with crackers.

It is dangerous for expectant mothers to go hungry, since the fetus must receive useful substances from food. The diet should include foods rich in carbohydrates and proteins.

During the first 2–3 days it is better to consume vegetable soups, crackers, low-fat broths. A little later, in case of poisoning, pregnant women can eat stewed or boiled vegetables, porridge with water. It is better to exclude fish, meat, raw vegetables and fruits from the menu. It is better to avoid animal products for 10 days after intoxication.

After complete recovery, the pregnant woman can visit a doctor who will conduct an examination and advise on nutrition. To restore the body after poisoning, pregnant women are recommended to take a vitamin-mineral complex, also only for medical reasons.

To avoid food poisoning in the future, you must follow these rules:

  • Wash your hands before eating, after going outside, using the toilet;
  • Before consumption, thoroughly wash vegetables and fruits;
  • Buy only natural, high-quality products, check expiration dates;
  • It is better to avoid perishable foods (eggs, milk and fermented milk products, canned goods, confectionery, sausages).

If these rules are followed, the likelihood of intoxication is reduced.


Features of treatment for botulism, staphylococcus and salmonellosis

Staphylococcal infection most often provokes poisoning. Microbes multiply when food storage rules are violated. If a pregnant woman is poisoned in the early stages, first of all they give activated carbon. In severe cases, gastric lavage may be prescribed. However, the procedure must be supervised by a doctor who constantly measures the woman’s blood pressure and checks the activity of the fetus. To prevent spontaneous abortion, the victim is administered Magnesia or Papaverine.

To avoid dehydration, you need to drink tea, compotes, saline solutions (Regidron).

For hypotension, caffeine is administered, which normalizes placental blood circulation. In case of repeated vomiting, the patient is prescribed drips with saline solutions. In this case, the doctor must monitor the ionic composition of the blood.

If poisoning occurs in late pregnancy, then treatment is carried out according to the same principle: diet, sorbents, drinking plenty of fluids. After 36 weeks, Magnesia is contraindicated for the patient. If there is such a need, the pregnant woman is prescribed medications that improve placental blood flow.

If intoxication is caused by food contaminated salmonella, then you need to follow the same plan: sorbents, saline solutions and plenty of fluids, diet, and antibiotics if necessary. The symptoms and severity of the disease depend on the part of the gastrointestinal tract that is affected. A pregnant woman needs to be hospitalized if the disease is moderate or severe. For mild salmonellosis, you need to visit a therapist or infectious disease specialist.

In case of botulism, the pregnant woman is urgently hospitalized. The victim must have her stomach washed and cleansing enemas performed. For 3 days after poisoning, the patient must be administered anti-botulinum serum.

In case of complications (pneumonia as a result of reflux of stomach contents into the trachea), antibacterial drugs from the penicillin group are used. In addition, the patient is administered solutions and prescribed medications that accelerate urination.

If necessary, cardiac medications are administered. Vitamin therapy is also indicated. If breathing is impaired, treatment is carried out under pressure using oxygen. If necessary, tracheostemia (cutting the trachea to reduce airway obstruction) or mechanical ventilation (artificial ventilation) is prescribed.

Consequences of intoxication for the pregnant woman and fetus

Complications of intoxication may occur during pregnancy, but this risk also exists in the future. Mushroom poisoning is considered the most dangerous, then the child’s development is disrupted, and the mother herself may die.

Doctors highlight the following consequences of intoxication:

  • Spontaneous abortion;
  • Digestive disorders, slowing down the supply of nutrients to the fetus;
  • Premature birth, which occurs due to contractions of the uterus;
  • Intense hemorrhage;
  • Mental and physical delayed fetal development;
  • Disturbance in blood composition;
  • Deterioration of heart function;
  • Oxygen starvation of the fetus.

In addition, after food poisoning of the body, there is a risk of fetal death. Severe intoxication threatens premature birth, placental insufficiency, and congenital malformations of the child.

If the height and weight of the fetus do not correspond to the term, then it is possible that poisoning has affected it.

Botulism is especially dangerous for the life of an expectant mother. With this pathology, the likelihood of paralysis of the respiratory organs and necrosis of the jejunal mucosa increases. In the absence of proper therapy, death is possible.

At dehydration poses a risk of blood clots. Along with the fluid, minerals and salts are washed out of the body, which causes an imbalance in the water-salt balance. This condition threatens to slow down the development of the fetus.

Intoxication during pregnancy is a very dangerous condition.

When the first symptoms of poisoning appear, you must consult a doctor or provide assistance to the victim. It is important not to allow toxins to enter the blood, then dangerous complications can be avoided.

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