What you need to do to avoid flat feet. How to prevent the development of flat feet. General principles for the prevention of flat feet

refers to diseases that, precisely because they seem unserious to us, have every chance of progressing unhindered, provoking not only further deformation of the foot, but also serious problems of the entire skeleton. All this is accompanied by pain, interferes with movement, and interferes with living, in the end!

Structure and functions of the foot

The human foot is designed with an elastic, movable arch, or rather, a combination of longitudinal and transverse arches. This is vital for homo sapiens precisely because homo (man) is not only sapiens (reasonable), but also erectus, that is, upright. After all, no animal’s limbs bear such a load as the two human feet, which should provide us with both balance and shock absorption from shaking when walking. Bones, muscles, ligaments and tendons hold the arches of the feet in their correct position, helping them to spring when walking. Why do we need this springiness? The fact is that with each impact of the foot on the ground, a shock wave spreads upward through the body, which is dampened by the springy arch of the feet. If this function is absent, then each impact of the heel on the ground spreads to the entire body, causing microtrauma and displacement, and is transmitted no less to the brain. If the foot does not spring, the axis of our upright posture changes slightly. And this is quite enough for the spine, as well as the ankle, knee and hip joints of the legs to compensate for the shaking when walking. Such an aggressive vibration effect quickly disables them, and serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system soon join flat feet.

as such

With flat feet, due to weakening of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the foot, its arches become flattened, the foot sag (becomes literally “flat”), and shock-absorbing spring functions are lost. Moreover, flattening can occur with the longitudinal arch of the foot - “longitudinal”, and with the transverse arch - respectively, “transverse”. The combination of transverse and longitudinal flatfoot is called “combined flatfoot.”

Types of flat feet

Congenital or caused by some disease, occurs in only 18% of cases, and 82% is an acquired change in the shape of the foot (the so-called. static). It arises as a result of weakness of the muscles and ligaments of the leg and foot and develops with our direct help or, in the case of childhood flat feet, with the connivance of the parents.

Static can develop if:

  • a person has a hereditary weakness of the ligamentous-muscular system of the foot
  • moves little, does not train feet
  • has a sedentary profession
  • weighs much more than normal
  • puts excessive strain on his legs (standing profession, constant wearing of high heels)
  • wears uncomfortable shoes that don’t fit your feet
  • in some cases, pregnancy, especially with significant weight gain, contributes to flat feet
  • Children's footwear develops most often when wearing bad shoes - without a hard heel, arch support, or already worn, and therefore deformed.

Other types of flat feet are associated, as already mentioned, mainly with diseases and injuries:

  • congenital- a consequence of intrauterine malformations of the fetus
  • paralytic- after suffering from polio
  • rachitic e - after suffering from rickets
  • traumatic- after fractures of the bones of the foot or damage to muscles and ligaments

Symptoms of flat feet

Of course, the best results of treatment will be if you do not miss the first symptoms of the disease. Although a complete cure for flat feet is possible only in childhood, the doctor can still ensure that the disease spreads to other joints and relieves pain. In any case, you should consult a surgeon if:

  • After a long walk or simply at the end of the day, the feet hurt - this is the first and earliest stage of the disease, which occurs when the ligamentous apparatus of the foot is weakened.
  • The feeling of fatigue, “buzzing” in the legs is accompanied by pain when pressing on the foot, in the evening the leg may swell, and the shoes are slightly worn inward - all this is inherent in the foot with stage I flatfoot, which is still either transverse or longitudinal.
  • Stage II is already combined, when the foot is completely flattened, and therefore pain in the foot becomes severe and constant, and the pain radiates higher - up to the knee joint, gait becomes difficult and heavy, you are forced to buy shoes a size larger and heels you can't wear it at all.
  • Sharp pain in the foot, constant swelling of the foot and lower leg, aches, hip joints and lower back, frequent headaches - all these are manifestations of stage III flat feet, when the foot is already severely deformed. You practically cannot walk quickly, much less play sports, and even normal walking is difficult for you. At this stage, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, curvature of the toes, and postural disorders are added to flat feet, which greatly complicates treatment.


Treatment depends on the stage of the disease. It is always comprehensive, aimed at relieving pain and strengthening the ligaments and muscles of the foot, which will stop the upward spread of pathology. The patient takes painkillers and physiotherapeutic procedures, and at the same time performs special therapeutic exercises, which are prescribed to him taking into account his age, stage of the disease, and individual characteristics of the foot. Massage of the legs and feet, foot baths, and sanatorium treatment are also useful. In the early stages of the disease, part of the problem when walking can be solved by special orthopedic insoles, which make up for the missing shock-absorbing function of the foot. At an advanced stage, alas, orthopedic shoes are prescribed. Surgical treatment methods are used infrequently - only when the foot is so severely deformed (when all the toes are already bent), unbearable pain and the inability to choose shoes.

flat feet

  • Choose the right shoes for your children. Children's shoes should be new, leather, with arch support and a supported heel.
  • Choose the right shoes for yourself, taking into account the architecture of the foot, which is individual for each person. There are conventionally Roman, Greek and Egyptian feet. In the Greek foot, the second toe (and sometimes the third) is longer than the first; in the Roman foot, the first and second toes are identical; in the Egyptian foot, the second toe is shorter than the first. If a person with Greek feet chooses narrow-toed high-heeled shoes, the second and third toes inside such shoes will be forced to bend and bend, which quickly leads to persistent contracture, calluses on the back of the toes, which will follow. Only people with Egyptian feet are suitable for narrow-toed shoes, and even then conditionally; for all other types of feet they are categorically contraindicated! You should not wear too wide loose shoes (ugg boots, ballet flats, flip flops) for a long time.
  • We especially highlight wearing high heels. If we take deformities and diseases of the feet in men and women, the correspondence will not be in favor of women in a proportion of almost 1 to 20. Why? It's because of the high heels. When wearing heels, prolonged unbearable load is placed on the heads of the metatarsal bones, which leads to deformation of the foot. The optimal heel height should be 2-4 cm. If you like high heels, then at least alternate them with regular shoes.
  • People in “standing” professions should wear

High-quality prevention of flat feet includes many methods. They must be performed daily and not individually, but in combination. This is the only way to guarantee the prevention of the development of this disease. In adults and children, the methods are somewhat different due to different mechanisms of pathology development.

General principles for the prevention of flat feet

Prevention of flat feet begins with diagnosing the condition of the foot. It allows you to identify the reason why the disease develops in adults and children. After birth, the foot is flat due to underdevelopment of the musculo-ligamentous aponeurosis. The baby spends 9 months in the stomach with his legs bent, so it is difficult to expect that after birth he will have developed muscles and ligaments.

Flat feet in children are formed by a layer of fat, which dissolves over time. In adults, the cause of flattening of the arch is excessive load on the plantar fascia, its constant trauma and inflammatory changes. In this case, competent prevention of flat feet will require the use of orthopedic insoles to correct the difference in the size of the lower extremities, and gymnastic exercises to strengthen the muscles.

Obesity in adults creates increased stress on the soles of the feet. In this case, the lower limbs cannot fully support excess weight. No amount of flatfoot prevention will help eliminate the disease if a person does not get rid of obesity.

However, it is not only the plantar fascia that is responsible for the development of a flat foot. About 26 bones in the body are responsible for the formation of the arch. They are fixed in the desired position by ligaments. As a flattened foot develops, the bones become displaced and deformed, which increases the severity of the pathology.

Design to prevent flat feet

How to prevent flat feet should be determined individually, depending on the severity of the pathology and the reasons that led to its formation. The classic way to prevent flat feet has long been known. Our ancestors tried to walk barefoot on sandy beaches paved with small stones as often as possible. At home, they performed specific gymnastics (curling their toes, walking on their toes and the outer part of their soles).

The main task in preventing arch flattening in adults is to prevent the impact of the body on the vessels of the sole. When the foot is flat, pain occurs due to the pressure of the body weight on the anatomical structures (muscles and ligaments). Normally, when the foot rests on the ground, the main load falls on the forefoot and heel. At the same time, the arch lowers slightly, and its muscles contract. After a few seconds, it returns to the desired position again, forming a shock-absorbing function.

With a flat foot, the arch does not rise, so shock absorption is impaired. In order to avoid the progression of flat feet, a person should use arch supports, heel pads and insoles. These orthopedic products raise the heel and front area, which returns shock-absorbing properties to the sole.

It is very important to detect the problem with arch flattening in a timely manner in order to effectively eliminate it. Warning signs include pain and swelling that an adult experiences after walking. You should also pay attention to the wear of your shoes. With flat feet, it is flattened on the outside, and a notch often forms in the heel area.

At home, flattening of the foot can be detected using a clean sheet and a rich cream that is applied to the sole of the foot. After the feet are coated, they are placed on a clean sheet of paper. Based on the resulting imprint, one can judge the degree of flattening. Prevention of flat feet will be necessary when there is no empty space along the inner contour of the print. Normally it should be about ¾ of the entire width of the sole.

A person will not be able to avoid the development of flat feet in its initial stages without qualified help. The set of procedures includes a generalized approach taking into account all changes in the foot.

In a hospital setting, specialists can perform pedobarography, which allows them to identify the severity of the pathology and evaluate changes in the musculo-ligamentous apparatus.

Therapeutic gymnastics is a special set of exercises to perform at home. It is enough to spend about 30 minutes a day strengthening muscles to prevent pathology. Gymnastics also allows you to correct your gait. To enhance the effect at home, you can place uneven rugs in places where people are most often present.

Good prevention is homemade anti-inflammatory baths(chamomile, sage, St. John's wort). They help relieve fatigue from the legs after walking, as well as eliminate inflammation and swelling. Such baths before a massage help prepare the skin for relaxation.

Women know how to prevent flat feet - avoid high heels. Nevertheless, in the pursuit of beauty, representatives of the fair sex often sacrifice health. Just imagine what happens to your feet when an overweight woman wears high heels. We do not recommend purchasing products with heels larger than 3 cm, because not everything beautiful is good for health. Pay attention to hard stiletto shoes. It should have a wide base and fit perfectly on the leg.

Foot massage improves blood supply to the foot. At the same time, reflex points are stimulated, of which there are about 90 on the sole. General massage for the prevention of flat feet is also prescribed for children to strengthen the body’s defenses.

Barefoot useful for adults and children. Even at home, it is better for the child to step on the floor with his bare foot. Wearing socks does not help prevent flat feet. If you buy shoes for your baby, you need to choose them from soft materials with a hard back, as well as a hard sole. The heel should be no more than 5 mm. When wearing such shoes, the load should be evenly distributed across all parts of the foot.

Professional prevention of arch flattening

In a professional clinic, insoles for prevention are made using the method computer pedobarography. The equipment allows you to calculate the structure of the sole and create a three-dimensional image of it. Such products work more efficiently than analogues purchased at a pharmacy or salon.

When the doctor recommended orthopedic insoles, such prevention of flat feet should be carried out for the period of time recommended by a specialist. Insoles will help relieve the load on the foot and relieve muscle tension.

The right step to prevent pathology with the help of orthopedic products would be to manufacture them based on full compliance with the entire surface of the sole (full contact models). To make them, you should contact an orthopedist who can correctly take the print. He will make separate prints for the two legs. In this case, the specialist will also be able to take into account the person’s weight.

Please note that ready-made insoles should be purchased at a specialized salon or pharmacy. They must take into account the shape of the feet, which is unique to each person. Products are adjusted to the foot using the thermoforming method. To use it, heat the insole with a hairdryer and press it onto your foot. However, it is quite difficult to take into account all the nuances of the sole when making an orthopedic product.

Adults and children benefit from walking on pebbles, sand, grass and inclined planes. To prevent flat feet, you can prepare a special box at home on which your baby will constantly stomp. To improve the properties of the product, you need to add small pebbles to it.

In answer to the question of how to avoid flat feet, it should be noted that prevention of the disease should begin at an early age. Up to 6 years of age, the bones of the foot in children have a cartilaginous structure and are therefore prone to change. Once they begin to ossify, it will be impossible to completely cure the disease. In adults, you can only strengthen the ligaments and muscles, and also prevent the progression of the disease.

Do gymnastic procedures every day, wear orthopedic shoes, preventative insoles, massage the soles, and also follow the recommendations of orthopedists. This is the only way your foot will not hurt and swell after walking.

Prevention is carried out throughout life. All children have flat feet at birth, since the legs do not yet experience stress. The baby must be constantly monitored so that the correct arch of the foot is formed. Orthopedists prescribe physical exercises, massage and advise walking barefoot on uneven surfaces.

If flat feet are not treated, many disorders and disorders will occur. A person experiences joint pain and increased fatigue when moving. The development of flat feet can be prevented at any age. Light stroking and massaging of the heels is suitable for infants. Next comes the selection of orthopedic shoes. Lack of timely correction of the arch of the foot can lead to a number of diseases:

  • posture disorders;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • development of heel spurs;
  • problems with leg joints;
  • the presence of an ingrown nail, soft tissues are injured, creating the preconditions for infection of the body; if the infection is not treated, death is possible;
  • dysfunction of internal organs. There are various points on the human body that are responsible for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, vision, hearing, and in case of untimely treatment, disruption of the functioning of the body systems is possible;
  • A specific bone is formed on the big toe. This disease is a common consequence of flat feet.

Professional orthopedists agree that the patient’s weight should be within normal limits. The value of optimal body weight is derived by performing a simple calculation (height – 100). By controlling your weight, you can avoid dangerous consequences.

Warning flat feet

Prevention involves using a number of important measures. After activity, doctors recommend placing your feet parallel and resting for a certain time. Massage and rubbing of the feet minimizes pain. A great option is walking on grass, forest, gravel. At home, special rugs are actively used.

The choice of orthopedic shoes should be done with the help of a specialist. Avoid models that rub, press and create discomfort on your feet. Gymnastic exercises are highly effective if combined with water procedures.

A set of general developmental exercises

The basic reason for the formation of flat feet is weakened muscle fibers and ligamentous structures of the lower leg. To prevent disease, training this part of the limb is necessary. The arch of the foot is fixed in the correct position using orthopedic shoes. Gymnastics along with a combination of strength and stretching approaches will help. If you do not adhere to therapy, diseases of the joints and various organs develop (hypertension, arthrosis, gout, spurs).

An effective set of exercises for foot disease:

  • alternate leg bending;
  • moving the fingers of the lower extremities;
  • circular movements of the foot;
  • raising the patient on his toes;
  • walking alternately on the inside and outside of the foot (short in duration);
  • the heels are spread apart without tearing off the toes;
  • rolls on the foot with emphasis on the floor.

Popular exercises using additional devices:

  • catching the ball with your feet. Sit on a chair, place a round object in front of you, raise and lower it alternately;
  • working with big toes. Fix pencils and sticks with your toes for a few seconds;
  • roll a flat stick with a diameter of 5 cm with your sole;
  • climb onto the gymnastics wall and slowly lower yourself down, placing your middle part of your foot on the bars;
  • walk on a board with ribs or a special massage mat. Avoidance of disorder will be guaranteed;
  • walk on a gymnastic stick, placing your legs across the apparatus. To record the dynamics, use a special device - x-ray.

The above-mentioned massage options are effective for longitudinal and transverse flat feet. Charging is performed in specialized exercise therapy rooms or at home. The optimal frequency for physical education is 2-3 approaches per week. One lesson should consist of at least 5-6 exercises. Physiotherapy is designed to alleviate the patient's condition. A set of effective exercises for the prevention of flat feet is selected by the attending physician, and the patient is prescribed clear instructions.

Shoes and insoles

A qualified orthopedic doctor is a reliable assistant when choosing insoles for adults and children. Products with several support points will be optimal. The 3-point model is suitable for correction and support of the arch of the foot. As a result, the load on the legs is reduced. Insoles are used to fix the heels in the direction of the axis. Thus, the curvature of the foot in the vargus direction will be minimized.

Orthopedic products for adults are as follows:

  • longitudinal and transverse type;
  • for the treatment of heel spurs;
  • instep support - half-insole - used for preventive purposes;
  • frame insole for closed shoes;
  • insoles for women who wear high-heeled products.

When purchasing insoles, special attention should be paid to the insoles. A high-quality arch should have a hollow spring and dense filling. Which option should I choose? A person makes a decision on his own. The quality of the coating, pads, and metatarsal ridge should be checked.

Criteria for choosing shoes for people with flat feet, the main indicators according to Dr. Komarovsky:

  • It is useful for a baby to walk without shoes when taking his first steps. The model you choose should be one with laces or Velcro. The leg should not dangle;
  • The optimal finishing material for the upper is leather. This creates a certain microclimate, the limb “breathes”;
  • the sole should be purchased from natural materials so that the disease does not have to be corrected;
  • the heel should not be higher than 5 cm; classic ballet shoes are harmful to the foot. It is important to follow the rules for wearing shoes;
  • the wide toe fits the foot perfectly, in the preschool educational institution they focus on this;
  • shoes should not have seams on the inside that injure the skin;
  • Sneakers for children and young men with flat feet should be equipped with elastic laces, removable insoles, and arch supports. Sports models do not need to be worn every day.

Compliance with these rules will protect a person from the development of pathology.

Other methods

Traditional methods are replete with a large number of recipes for the treatment of flat feet. Common options:

  • medicinal decoction of oak bark (100 g) + 0.5 liters of water, the mixture is boiled for 30 minutes and filtered after cooling. Added to the bathroom;
  • infusion of immortelle, the inflorescences are dried and infused in alcohol for several days;
  • healing liquid from peppermint, 100 g of the plant is poured with boiling water, the infusion is kept for half an hour in a closed container. It is important to avoid souring the liquid;
  • a mixture of mint + linden blossom (100 g each), baths from the infusion relieve inflammation and fatigue on the legs, the treatment will be gradual.

No less important methods for the prevention and elimination of flat feet are an even distribution of rest and activity time. Physical activity for children should be balanced. Foot hygiene is a prerequisite for maintaining human health. Particular attention should be paid to sweating feet and growing toenails. Focus on healthy eating. Products should be rich in vitamins, minerals, and microelements. Develop a meal routine.

It is easier to treat flat feet in children than in adults. The baby has not yet fully formed bones and muscle structures. It is easier to influence them from the outside. If the disease progresses to a chronic form, the risk of surgical intervention increases. You shouldn't let it get to this point.

Possible complications of flat feet

Flat feet should be prevented in the early stages of development. Otherwise, a person risks encountering a number of complications and additional pathologies. In medical practice there are ailments:

  • increased pain in muscles and joints (a common symptom);
  • foot diseases (valgus deformity, crooked toes, spur, callus);
  • diagnosis of coxarthrosis;
  • formation of intervertebral hernia of varying degrees;
  • development of clubfoot when walking + pain in the feet;
  • the appearance of curvatures in the spine.

The list of concomitant diseases with flat feet is impressive. The chronic form of the disease is difficult to treat. It is better to carry out therapeutic measures in the early stages of development. For treatment to be effective, strictly adhere to the rules approved by the therapist. A heavy gait creates additional stress on a person’s musculoskeletal system. The joints in the knees and pelvis wear out quickly.

We should not forget about the psychological discomfort of a person suffering from pathology. First of all, this applies to children who have increased demands on society. Correction of deformation must be systematic.

On a note!

An important point in prevention is the selection of s. There is a large number of studies showing that it is uncomfortable shoes that most often lead to disruption of the formation of the foot with the subsequent development of flat feet. Therefore, when buying sneakers, shoes or any other footwear, you should not save money - it is this that determines the future health of the child’s musculoskeletal system.

Children should also perform all the exercises described, but the overall level of load must be reduced. In the first years of life, any physical activity can be carried out with the help of parents who support the baby and help him make the necessary movements. Also, mom or dad can do regular exercises to ensure the formation of the arches of the feet.

Prevention of flat feet should begin from a very early age, since the developed disease is very difficult to treat. You can prevent the disease in various ways: wear comfortable shoes, engage in physical activity and special exercises, and regularly visit a doctor if any symptoms of foot disease appear. You can get additional recommendations on preventing flat feet from your doctor at your healthcare facility.

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