Reproductive health. Human and social health. Obzhd. Sexually transmitted infections

Reproductive health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being in the absence of diseases of the reproductive system at all stages of a person’s life.

Reproductive system- this is a set of organs and systems of the body that provide the function of reproduction (childbirth).

The foundations of reproductive health are laid in childhood and adolescence. In order for healthy children to be born, every modern person must sew to maintain their reproductive health.

The sex of a person is determined already in the first weeks of intrauterine development of the fetus. In the eighth week, when the fetus weighs about four grams, the genitals begin to form. The obvious external differences between boys and girls are the result of the work of sex hormones synthesized by the gonads. Male sex hormones are called androgens , and women's - estrogens . Androgens and estrogens are initially present in the body of the opposite sexes, but the ability to reproduce is achieved only after the completion of puberty.

The predominance of estrogens in the female body causes cyclic processes that occur with the participation of the central nervous system. Even during puberty, girls' body contours are rounded due to hormones, their breasts are enlarged, and the pelvic bones become wider - thus their body is gradually preparing to perform the future function of reproduction.

The male body, due to androgens, is stronger than the female, although not always more resilient. It is no coincidence that nature entrusted the most important mission of bearing a child to the woman.

If you try to draw psychological portrait of both sexes , then, apparently, they will look like this.

· Woman: gentleness, tolerance, need for protection, emotionality, dreaminess, humility. Unlike a man, a woman does not have to constantly prove her importance to others, but she always expects recognition of her attractiveness.

· Man: efficiency, rationality, assertiveness, authoritarianism, desire for self-affirmation. He is ready for constant struggle, seeking recognition of his strength and exceptional capabilities.

Gender largely affects a person’s lifestyle. And yet, in this matter one cannot be absolutely categorical, contrasting the female and male organisms, since in each of them both principles are present to one degree or another. It is about taking into account specific features in the search for harmony in the social roles that men and women play in the family and society. It is unlikely that in the foreseeable future the development of civilization and changes in social conditions will be able to level out the biological differences between the sexes, which predetermine individual characteristics of behavior, reactions, etc. The state of reproductive health largely depends on human lifestyle, and also from responsible attitude towards sexual life. Both influence the stability of family relationships and the general well-being of a person.

A negative factor affecting the state of reproductive function is unwanted pregnancy . Often a woman is faced with a difficult choice: to give birth to a child or have an abortion. This problem is especially difficult to solve in adolescence. An abortion, especially during the first pregnancy, can cause serious mental trauma and in many cases even lead to irreversible disorders in the reproductive sphere. At the same time, the decision to give birth often jeopardizes further studies and other life plans, so each situation must be considered individually and carefully. In order for such situations to occur less frequently, adolescents must have mature ideas about the meaning of reproductive health and such concepts as family planning.

Family planning is necessary to achieve the following tasks:

· birth of desired healthy children;

· maintaining women's health;

· achieving harmony in psychosexual relationships in the family;

· implementation of life plans.

For many years, family planning was limited to birth control. However, first of all, this is to ensure the health of a woman who is able to give birth to children exactly when she herself wants it. In other words, family planning means the birth of children by choice, not by chance. The right to family planning is an internationally recognized right of every person.

Family planning helps spouses consciously choose the number of children in the family, the approximate dates of their birth, and plan their lives, avoiding unnecessary worries and worries.

The optimal age for having children is 20 - 35 years. If pregnancy occurs earlier or later, it usually occurs with complications, and the likelihood of health problems for mother and child is higher. The intervals between births should be at least 2 - 2.5 years; this allows a woman to regain strength, maintain her health and the health of her future children. In this regard, it should also be emphasized: abortion is by no means the best method of birth control; it can be avoided by using modern methods of contraception (prevention of unwanted pregnancy).

According to WHO definition, reproductive

most important
person, every family and society in
in general. It implies a state
complete physical, mental and
characterizing people's ability
to the birth of children, the opportunity
sexual relations without threat
sexually transmitted diseases
pregnancy, childbirth, survival and
mothers, the possibility of planning
future pregnancies, including
including unwanted warning.

state of human health, smoking,
a crushing blow to the reproductive system
functions. Having these bad habits
incompatible with normal course
formation of severe developmental defects,
presence of drug addiction
newborn, mental retardation,
physical development in a child. Treat
any of the generated dependencies
(from nicotine, alcohol, drugs
funds) is extremely difficult.
Chronic diseases.

Unfortunately, the health of modern man
undergoes serious strength tests:
spread of bad habits, chronic
stress and depression often lead to the development
caused by chronic pathology, at work
main regulatory systems of the body - nervous,
- of course,
reproductive function. Therefore, if there is
chronic diseases require constant
observation by a specialist, implementation of it
recommendations, regular courses
treatment or prevention of exacerbations, compensation
underlying disease.

Surgical operations. Availability in
past surgical interventions,
especially on the abdominal organs and
pelvis, can also have
common at a young age

the most
consequences of inflammatory processes
adhesions are formed, which are one
of the causes of infertility.

Unsatisfactory general condition
infertility. Currently in the world
about 30% of married couples suffer
infertility (not getting pregnant
within 1 year of regular sexual intercourse
Moreover, the “guilt” of both sexes is equal – 50%
male and 50% female infertility.
In connection with the development of medical science, in
particularly in reproductive medicine, most
couples suffering from infertility, after all
give birth to the desired child. For help
modern methods of high
medical technologies

Manifestation of heredity before
age of self-awareness
it happens automatically,
provided by parents. Since
acquires the ability to provide
influence on the course of one's own
physical essence, undoubtedly
influences the maintenance
human reproductive function:
hygiene, hardening procedures
and exercise.


It must be remembered that hygiene is
not only a guarantee of health and vigor,
and also a necessary condition
injury prevention. Personal and
public hygiene is necessary
observe always and everywhere: in everyday life, in
college, on vacation. Neatness and
cleanliness is necessary for man, as well as
high moral qualities. Personal
hygiene is skin care, hygiene
components of everyday life.
Skin care is important
importance for maintaining health

Skin is not only an organ of touch, it
protects the body from external harmful
impacts and plays an important role in
thermoregulation of the body, in the process
breathing. For efficient execution
skin of the above functions
must be kept clean and
take good care of her: regularly
wash your body with hot water and soap,
wipe it with cool water daily
water followed by rubbing the skin
with a towel. Face, neck, hands should
wash at least twice a day - in the morning and
In the evening.
Wash your face
in the morning
cold water, it gives vigor,
promotes hardening.

The most precious gift that man
receives from nature - health. No wonder in
People say: “Everything is healthy for a healthy person”! About
this simple truth should always be remembered, and
not only in those moments when the body
contact doctors, sometimes demanding from them
No matter how perfect medicine is,
she can't rid everyone of everyone
diseases. Man is the creator of his own health!
It has long been known that human health depends 10-20% on heredity, 10-20% - on
environmental conditions, 8-12% - from
level of health care and 50-70% - from the image
life. A healthy lifestyle is
balanced diet, exercise,
giving up alcohol and smoking and much more.
Hardening also plays an important role.

Hardening is a powerful healing tool. With its help you can
avoid many diseases, prolong life and preserve for many years
ability to work, ability to enjoy life. The role is especially great
hardening in the prevention of colds. 2-4 times
their number is reduced by hardening procedures, and in some cases
They help get rid of colds altogether.
on the body,
improves tone


To the main means and methods
hardening (increasing
degree of impact on
organism) include:
Air hardening;
· Sunbathing;
Water procedures (rubbing,
dousing, showering, bathing
natural reservoirs,
swimming pools or in sea water);
· Wiping with snow;
· Walking barefoot;
Bathhouse or sauna with swimming in
cold water; winter swimming

justified systematic
body to unfavorable
environmental agents.
over the centuries
diseases, while relying
for natural hardening.
A simple recipe for this “elixir”
health: sun, air and

Professor V.V. Gorinevsky
In modern conditions, the importance of hardening
of people
welcome that in our country there is more and more
hardening schools appear, where, along with
are used
for health purposes a variety of means
So, hardening is one of the most important
components of a healthy lifestyle. What
is meant by the concept of hardening and
hardening? In Russian speech, wrote Professor V.V.
Gorinevsky, - these concepts arose in
based on the analogy that exists between
transformation of iron and steel from one
states to another and by those techniques that

Only if the mode is incorrect and
violations of the regime (combinations of large
physical and mental stress,
alcohol and drug use,
disturbances in sleep, diet, etc.)
various disorders may occur,
performance, deterioration
health, which negatively affects
on human reproductive function.

Summarizing scientific data about
use of natural factors
nature, physiologist A.P. Parfenov
noted that it is possible... to determine
hardening of a person as a private
case of training aimed at
improving ability
body to perform work related
with increasing the durability of its fabrics
in relation to the effects of harmful


1. Abstract “Methods of hardening”
2. Reports:
- "Walking"
- "Sunbathing"
- "Russian bath"
- “Finnish sauna”
- “Gymnastics and exercises”
3. Posters “Walrus”, “Sun’s best friend”,
“Health is good - thanks to exercise”

The concept of reproductive health comes from the word reproduction. Reproduction biologically is the reproduction by organisms of their own kind, the same as reproduction.

The existence of any type of living being is possible only through a change of generations. Man is no exception. The history of mankind represents a continuous change of generations.

However, if in all living species reproduction and change of generations occurs on the basis of biological programs and depends on external conditions, then a person endowed with reason can control the reproduction system, ensuring not only the birth, but also the necessary upbringing of offspring, taking into account the social needs of society. Population reproduction includes not only the birth of a child, but also his upbringing, training a full-fledged member of society capable of performing the necessary functions. Based on this, reproductive health can be defined as the main component of the health of an individual and society, characterizing their ability to create and implement the necessary conditions for the birth of a child and raising a healthy generation.

    The best social structure that meets the interests of the individual and society and ensures continuous change of generations is the family.

The family performs functions that largely determine the preservation and strengthening of the health of an individual and society. Only in the family does a person receive sustainable opportunities to meet his daily needs. Family contributes to personal development. The leisure function is decided in the family. The degree to which these functions are performed characterizes the level of reproductive health of the family as the primary unit of society and society as a whole.

Therefore, one of the criteria for reproductive health can be considered a person’s sustainable motivation to create a strong family and develop the qualities of a good family man.

The level of reproductive health of the family and society characterizes the responsibility of parents and the state for the upbringing and development of children, directly affects the demographic situation in the country, ensuring reproduction and demographic security of the state and represents a general criterion, the result of the whole complex of factors characterizing the state of reproductive health of a person and the Russian society.

The demographic situation in Russia, which developed in the last decade of the last century, was characterized by low birth rates, high mortality rates and a population decline (on average by 800 thousand people per year) and was considered a demographic crisis.

To correct the demographic situation in the country, the Concept of the demographic policy of the Russian Federation for the period until 2025 was adopted (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 9, 2007 No. 1351).

The demographic policy of the Russian Federation is based on a number of principles:

  • maintaining and strengthening the health of the population, increasing the duration of active life, creating conditions and creating motivation for leading a healthy lifestyle, significantly reducing the incidence of socially significant diseases that pose a danger to others, improving the quality of life of patients suffering from chronic diseases and people with disabilities;
  • increasing the birth rate (increasing the total birth rate by 1.5 times) due to the birth of a second child and subsequent children in families;
  • strengthening the institution of family, reviving and preserving the spiritual and moral traditions of family relationships.

Thus, a healthy lifestyle and a strong family are inseparable concepts that a person should become familiar with from early childhood. The family is the source of life; everything that contributes to the spiritual, physical and social development of a person is rooted in it. Every prosperous family arises on the basis of love and is an inexhaustible source of human happiness. It serves as a school for developing spiritual, physical and social well-being. Family is the first home on Earth for any person.


  1. What should be understood by reproductive health?
  2. Name the main criteria that determine the reproductive health of an individual and society.
  3. Give a general description of the reproductive health of Russian society.
  4. What is the role of the family in shaping reproductive health?
  5. What role does individual human health play in shaping the reproductive health of society?


Briefly formulate from personal experience what the most significant qualities for your future adult life you acquired in your family.


To avoid abortions, it is necessary to promptly explain to the younger generation what is meant by the term sexual life and how to lead it correctly. Such education helps to avoid rash actions on the part of young people, protect the sexual sphere from pathologies, and eliminate fatal events for one’s future.

What is reproduction

The Ministry of Health, in order to reduce the number of abortions performed and the risk of early, unwanted pregnancy, has introduced certain standards that have been spreading among the masses for decades. Reproduction is the ability to reproduce, to continue the human race. To maintain the health of the reproductive system, every person must know the existing methods of contraception and take a responsible approach to the issue of family planning and procreation.

Human reproductive health

The biggest threat to a person is diagnosed infertility. This disease develops equally in female and male bodies and prevents procreation. More often it is an acquired condition and is considered a consequence of previous abortions, pathologies and immoral sexual life. Everyone perceives human reproductive health in their own way, however, according to WHO standards, this is the mental, physiological, social readiness of an individual to begin sexual activity for the purpose of procreation.

Women's reproductive health

The upbringing of girls influences their worldview even as adults. If parents instill modesty, decency and selective attitude towards members of the opposite sex from early childhood, a woman’s reproductive health is not a concern. If children are not aware, then unplanned pregnancy is not the only difficulty that comes their way. Infections and sexually transmitted diseases that are diagnosed in modern youth cannot be ruled out. Statistics show that the consequences can be the most tragic for a woman and her family.

Reproductive health of men

Male factor infertility is no less common in modern medicine. If a woman does not become pregnant within six months after stopping all methods of contraception, there is a serious health problem. A man’s reproductive health is determined by two factors – spermatogenesis and potency. The cause of the pathological process is stress, chronic fatigue, deficiency of vitamins in the body, poor lifestyle, bad habits, and internal diseases.

Adolescent reproductive health

During adolescence, it is important to ensure the reproductive health of adolescents in order to protect them from reckless actions in the future. This important period begins with the advent of menstruation in girls and wet dreams in boys, but these are not the only changes in the reproductive system of the younger generation. Since teenagers do not adhere to body hygiene, enter into early marriages, and choose drug addiction, smoking, and alcohol in their lives, their reproductive function decreases. The problem in modern society is acquiring global proportions.

Reproductive health of the population

In conditions of insufficient ecology, the reproductive health of the population noticeably suffers. This worldwide problem is being addressed at the state level to protect today's youth. A number of social programs have been developed, the main goal of which is to explain to the population and all its social classes what health is at the reproductive level. In addition, tell about preventive measures aimed at ensuring the impeccable condition of the human genital area. The organization of such a process guarantees physical and moral well-being among the population.

Factors influencing reproductive health

This concept arises even during the pregnancy of a woman, who, even while bearing the fetus, must ensure its health at the level of reproduction. For this purpose, modern gynecology has such a definition as pregnancy planning. It is necessary to examine the future parents - a woman and a man, to exclude congenital diseases and genetic pathologies. If diseases are identified, they need to be treated in a timely manner to prevent complications for the intrauterine development of the fetus. Factors influencing reproductive health are separately studied by modern medicine.

Factors that destroy reproductive health

The first sign that something is not right in a woman’s condition is an irregular menstrual cycle. As a consequence, the absence of stable ovulation and the inability to successfully conceive a child. Sexual activity decreases, and the problem needs to be solved at the gynecological level. Other factors that destroy reproductive health can be divided into several categories:

  1. External causes: stress and chronic fatigue, bad habits and harmful production, poor diet and sedentary lifestyle, medication and psychosexual factors.
  2. Internal causes: infections, iodine deficiency and endocrine system dysfunction, hormonal imbalance and androgen deficiency, exhaustion of the body and immune imbalance, androgen deficiency and testosterone deficiency, folic acid deficiency.

Prevention of reproductive health disorders

To avoid an extremely undesirable deterioration in sexual function at any age of the patient, it is necessary to approach publicly available preventive measures with special responsibility. You need to know about them from the beginning of puberty, adhere to them for the rest of your life, and convey them to the consciousness of your own offspring. So, effective and reliable prevention of reproductive health focuses on the following social and psychological complexes for each person:

  • development of measures for productive treatment of the genital area from viral and infectious diseases;
  • treatment of psychological diseases, sexual dysfunction;
  • planning pregnancy, beginning of first sexual relations;
  • prevention of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • development of measures aimed at combating infant and maternal mortality;
  • treatment of androgen deficiency, hormonal imbalance;
  • conducting lectures and seminars on the topic of early sexual life;
  • explaining to the population the rights to receive assistance to young families;
  • conducting lectures on the topic of early pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and their symptoms.

Reproductive health

To exclude androgen deficiency and other problems of the sexual sphere, it is necessary to take care of the reproductive system and more. The first step is to avoid a large number of sexual partners, eliminate unprotected sex with strangers from your daily life, promptly treat diseases of the reproductive system, and eliminate the risk of unplanned pregnancy. Other reproductive health interventions that apply equally to women and men include:

  • maintaining the reproductive health of both sexual partners with the help of vitamin therapy;
  • consumption of folic acid during pregnancy;
  • providing favorable environmental factors for planning and nursing a pregnancy;
  • Article updated: 05/13/2019

Reproductive health as an integral part of human and social health

Reproductive health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being in the absence of diseases of the reproductive system at all stages of a person’s life.

Reproductive system – is a set of organs and systems of the body that provide the function of reproduction (childbirth).

The foundations of reproductive health are laid in childhood and adolescence. In order for healthy children to be born, every modern person must know how to maintain their reproductive health.

The sex of a person is determined already in the first weeks of intrauterine development of the fetus. In the eighth week, when the fetus weighs about four grams, the genitals begin to form. The obvious external differences between boys and girls are the result of the work of sex hormones synthesized by the gonads. Male sex hormones are called androgens, and female sex hormones are called estrogens. Androgens and estrogens are initially present in the body of the opposite sexes, but the ability to reproduce is achieved only after the completion of puberty.

The predominance of estrogens in the female body causes cyclic processes that occur with the participation of the central nervous system. Even during puberty, girls, due to hormones, round out the contours of their bodies, their breasts become larger, and their pelvic bones become wider - thus their body gradually prepares to perform the future function of reproduction.

Due to androgens, the male body is stronger than the female, although not always more resilient. It is no coincidence that nature entrusted the most important mission of bearing a child to the woman.

The state of reproductive health largely depends on a person’s lifestyle, as well as on a responsible attitude towards sexual life. Both affect the stability of family relationships and the overall well-being of a person.

A negative factor affecting the state of reproductive function is unwanted pregnancy. Often a woman is faced with a difficult choice: to give birth to a child or to have an abortion. This problem is especially difficult to solve in adolescence. An abortion, especially during the first pregnancy, can cause serious mental trauma and in many cases even lead to irreversible disorders in the reproductive sphere. At the same time, the decision to give birth often jeopardizes further studies and other life plans, so each situation must be considered individually and carefully. In order for such situations to occur less frequently, adolescents must have mature understanding of the meaning of reproductive health and the concept of family planning.

Family planning is necessary to achieve the following tasks˸

The birth of desired healthy children;

Preserving women's health;

Achieving harmony in psychosexual relationships in the family;

Implementation of life plans.

For many years, family planning was limited to birth control. However, first of all, this is to ensure the health of a woman who is able to give birth to children exactly when she herself wants it. In other words, family planning - this is the birth of children by choice, and not by chance. The right to family planning is an internationally recognized right of every person.

Reproductive health, as an integral part of human and social health - concept and types. Classification and features of the category “Reproductive health as an integral part of human and social health” 2015, 2017-2018.

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